IAIH :: Volume #9

#838: Overseas Box Office eruption

Strict, «Forbes» magazine makes 98 700 million USD estimate values to the Eric net worth this year is quite accurate. 严格来说,《福布斯杂志今年对艾瑞克的身家做出987亿美元的估值还是比较准确的。 Eric currently the property under name mainly includes Firefly Group and Firefly invests two aspects. 艾瑞克目前名下的资产主要包括萤火虫集团萤火虫投资两方面。 Is controlling surpassed Firefly Group of Ershijiazi Corporation related to movie, television, paradise, cartoon, music and special effect and other domains, the fixed asset scale, has only achieved 50 billion USD. 1996, the Firefly whole year actual earning data was 3 1.3 billion USD, was almost Time Warner and 1.5 times of Viacom two company earning sum totals, Time Warner and Viacom market value respectively is 24 300 million USD and 28 800 million USD, then, the estimate value of «Forbes» 85 billion USD to Firefly Group, which aspect regardless of looked, was not the exaggeration. 控制着涉及电影、电视、乐园、漫画、音乐和特效等领域超过二十家子公司的萤火虫集团,仅固定资产规模,就已经达到500亿美元。1996年度,萤火虫全年实际营收数据为313亿美元,几乎是时代华纳维亚康姆两家公司营收总和的1.5倍,时代华纳维亚康姆的市值分别为243亿美元和288亿美元,那么,《福布斯》对萤火虫集团的850亿美元的估值,无论从哪方面看,都不算夸张。 Eric to the Firefly Group ownership percentage is 73.7%, the values of some stocks achieve 6 2.7 billion USD. 艾瑞克萤火虫集团持股比例为73.7%,这部分股票的价值就达到627亿美元 On the other hand, Firefly invests Cisco, Nokia, AOL that and other companies the heavy warehouse owns stocks, because the majority is at the listing condition, the asset value is easier to estimate, according to various public data, Eric some asset values probably in 36 billion USD. 另一方面,萤火虫投资重仓持股的思科诺基亚美国在线等公司,因为大部分都处于上市状态,资产价值就更加容易估算,根据各种公开数据,艾瑞克的这部分资产价值大概在360亿美元 Both add together, exactly is 98 700 million USD that «Forbes» magazine gives. 两者相加,恰好是《福布斯杂志给出的987亿美元 The westerners generally advocate the miracle, advocates the individualistic heroism. But when certain miracles go far beyond their cognition, often will have the question. 西方人普遍崇尚奇迹,崇尚个人英雄主义。但当某些奇迹远远超过他们认知的时候,往往就会产生质疑。 The Eric individual 98 700 million USD net worth, compares in second Bill Gates 36 400 million USD, have been higher than 6 2.3 billion USD fully, in this data disparate has created the intense not third dimension to too many people, therefore, the question is almost inevitable. 艾瑞克个人987亿美元的身家,相比于第二名比尔盖茨的364亿美元,整整高出了623亿美元,这种数据上的悬殊给太多人造成了强烈的不真实感,于是,质疑几乎是不可避免的。 The anti- monopoly investigation risk that in order to melt «Forbes» magazine possibly brings for media oligarch the Firefly Group exaggeration, Eric has then used this question, several days of media topics will transfer themselves on afterward ingeniously. 为了化解《福布斯杂志萤火虫集团渲染为‘传媒寡头’可能带来的反垄断调查风险,艾瑞克便利用了这种质疑,将随后几天的媒体话题巧妙地调转到了自己身上。 Most after newly together «Forbes» magazine publishes, these can only publish to attack the financial reporter and critic who Eric individual net worth was overestimated the article on the quantity issued low professional journals or 23 newspaper, received the North America mainstream daily paper and magazine treaty draft article, hopes that they can elaborate to the view of latest issue «Forbes» magazine rich and powerful people list. 最新一起《福布斯杂志发表之后,那些原本只能在发行量较低的专业期刊或者23线报纸上发表抨击艾瑞克个人身家被高估文章的财经记者和评论家,纷纷接到了北美主流日报和杂志的约稿文章,希望他们能够论述一下对最新一期《福布斯杂志富豪榜的看法。 This group of media are certainly impossible to know that promotes the book of this matter secretly is Eric I, publishes the article in «The Washington Post» and «New York Post» and «Wall Street Daily» and «Yahoo Finance and economics» these influence giant media platforms, similarly is the optimal path of expanded personal clout strength, therefore is ready to fight to rack brains in abundance, elaboration exhaustive articles draw a charge quickly. 这批媒体人当然不可能知道幕后推动这件事的本就是艾瑞克本人,在《华盛顿邮报》、《纽约邮报》、《华尔街日报》、《雅虎财经》这些影响力巨大的媒体平台发表文章,同样是扩大个人影响力的最佳途径,于是纷纷摩拳擦掌绞尽脑汁,一篇篇论述详尽的文章很快出炉。 These are also many some people to realize to these media platforms and Firefly Group or Eric their treaty draft my close relation, on the surface media but who as at least must pursue the freedom of speech, they definitely not for an opportunity easily will change oneself viewpoint. When many people think that possibly after these media platforms hopes the view review article toward left submits, even has decided with the opposite party disputes one to show the character, has not thought that these articles were published without any hindrances. 这其中也不乏有人意识到向他们约稿的这些媒体平台与萤火虫集团或者艾瑞克本人的密切关系,但作为至少要在表面上追求言論自由的媒体人,他们肯定是不会为了一次机会就轻易改变自己观点。当不少人将自认为可能与这些媒体平台希望论调向左的评论文章提交之后,甚至已经打定主意与对方争执一番以示风骨,没想到,这些文章毫无阻碍地被发表了出来。 Suddenly, the North America majority of media appeared questioned that the «Forbes» magazine data accuracy, attacked Eric article that Williams individual net worth serious overestimated. 一时间,北美大部分媒体都出现了质疑《福布斯杂志数据准确性、抨击艾瑞克威廉姆斯个人身家被严重高估的文章。 98 700 million USD, a winning favor by ostentation -type numbers game.” “987亿美元,一次哗众取宠式的数字游戏。” Yahoo Internet company that serious overestimated.” “被严重高估的雅虎网络公司。” IT industry profit margin is common, the Firefly investment company 36 billion USD estimate values have the serious bubble.” “IT产业利润率普遍偏低,萤火虫投资公司360亿美元估值存在严重泡沫。” Net profit 17. 600 million USD, Firefly Group net profit lead serious shrinkage.” “净利17.6亿美元,萤火虫集团净利率严重缩水。” „......” “……” Under the sudden formidable sedan chair offensive, to maintain own credibility, the Forbes group naturally rises spiritedly to counter-attack, suddenly, both sides quarrelled in the paper intermediary and television even web platform are heavily engaged, the key concern of majority of news topic, has placed in some Eric how much money. 在突如其来的强大舆伦攻势下,为了维持自身的公信力,福布斯集团自然奋起反击,一时间,双方在纸媒、电视甚至网络平台吵得不可开交,大部分新闻话题的关注焦点,都放在了艾瑞克到底有多少钱上。 Because opposed that the «Forbes» magazine data a side appears mammoth, to finally, the majority of general publics in unknowingly accepted the viewpoint of opposition faction, has regarded a joke of winning favor by ostentation the «Forbes» magazine data. Under repeated information bombing, in the universal cognition of majority of people, Eric reality individual net worth was also locked in six seven 10 billion USD scales, although is higher than list second to be too many as before, but compares to close 100 billion USD digit, is quite easy to accept. 因为反对《福布斯杂志数据的一方显得过于声势浩大,到了最后,大部分普通民众都在不知不觉中接受了反对派的观点,将《福布斯杂志的数据当成了一个哗众取宠的笑话。反复的信息轰炸下,大部分民众的普遍认知中,艾瑞克的实际个人身家也被锁定在了六七百亿美元的规模上,虽然依旧高出榜单第二名太多,但比起接近1000亿美元的数字,还是比较容易接受的。 This exactly is the Eric desired result. 这恰恰是艾瑞克希望看到的结果。 Noisy one week, topic start cooling naturally, but little had the media to pay attention to media oligarch who’ «Forbes» magazine ejects again view. 吵吵闹闹了一周,话题自然而然的开始冷却,但已经很少有媒体再关注《福布斯杂志抛出的‘传媒寡头’的论调。 Even if some media sense of touch sensitive people had realized trace that operates artificially, but they were also doomed to be very difficult to find any positive evidence. 即使一些媒体触觉敏感的人意识到了其中人为操纵的痕迹,但他们也注定很难找到什么直接证据。 After all, the Eric this operation sedan chair technique is ingenious, but lets have the people of certain viewpoints to make many sounds on the media, then causes the following hype of entire media circle. This world always has too many people, does not know the viewpoint that one express, can serve any purpose. 毕竟,艾瑞克这次操纵舆伦的手法非常巧妙,只是让本就持有某些观点的人在媒体上发出更多的声音,然后引起整个媒体圈子的跟风炒作。这世界总有太多人,并不知道自己发表的观点,到底能够达到什么目的。 In an instant, new week of weekend arrived. 转眼之间,新的一周周末已经到来。 A brand-new explosive news, to «Forbes» magazine rich and powerful people list sweeps into the corner the last interest of media, focused at this matter rapidly. 一条全新的爆炸性消息,将媒体对《福布斯杂志富豪榜的最后一丝兴趣扫入角落,迅速聚焦到了这件事上。 This is the «RMS Titanic» new week of Box Office data. 这便是《泰坦尼克号》的新一周票房数据。 «RMS Titanic» screens today, marvelously is renovating many people's cognition to the traditional movie Box Office data along with a series of Box Office data, the news about this movie has gone beyond the film and television entertainment category, becomes a social topic. 泰坦尼克号》上映到今天,随着一连串奇迹般的票房数据刷新着很多人对传统电影票房数据的认知,关于这部影片的新闻已经超越了影视娱乐范畴,成为一个社会性的话题。 After experiencing one week of reflection once more, because the Oscar presentation ceremony soon will be held next Monday, the North America «RMS Titanic» bean noodles were anticipating movie native place Box Office breaks through the 500 million USD time, therefore, compares in the last week, «RMS Titanic» North America screens 13 th week Box Office to appear again counter falls, achieves 2 3 million USD, Box Office achieves 4.9 200 million USD, has the one pace from 500 million. 再次经历一周反映之后,因为奥斯卡颁奖典礼即将在下周一举行,北美泰坦尼克号》粉丝们都期待着影片本土票房突破5亿美元的时刻,因此,相比于上一周,《泰坦尼克号北美上映第13周票房再次出现逆跌,达到2300万美元,累计票房达到4.92亿美元,距离5亿只有一步之遥。 But lets all media attention, is not surprisingly to feeling the numb North America Box Office data, but is the overseas Box Office data. 但让所有媒体关注的,并不是已经让人惊讶到感到麻木的北美票房数据,而是海外票房数据。 The last week, experienced several months of force propaganda, the «RMS Titanic» overseas screens the countries and regions increased 17 at one fell swoop, the overseas complete ticket warehouse achieves 46, these also include French, German and Japan these three most important overseas ticket warehouse countries. 上一周,经历了几个月时间的强力宣传,《泰坦尼克号》海外上映国家和地区一举增加了17个,海外全部票仓累计达到46个,这其中还包括法国、德国和日本这三个最重要的海外票仓国家。 Very obviously, in «RMS Titanic» North America Box Office or the award nomination has created in the situations of a series of miracle, overseas country audience anticipation that these screen brand-new has achieved high. 很显然,在《泰坦尼克号北美无论是票房还是奖项提名都创造了一连串奇迹的情况下,这些全新上映的海外国家观众期待度已经达到了最高。 Therefore, after brand-new one week, «RMS Titanic» achieves 1.7 900 million USD that has been dumbfounded stunning in the Box Office digit of overseas 46 countries and regions at one fell swoop. 于是,全新一周过后,《泰坦尼克号》在海外46个国家和地区的票房数字一举达到了让人瞠目结舌的1.79亿美元 Must know, before then, the «RMS Titanic» overseas have screened the countries and regions, although the release date is not determined, but screens same time a starting from 12 weeks of time from North America, Box Office also achieves 400 million USD. Is only one week, boosted by newly-opened picture 17 Box Office countries, was only one week of time, «RMS Titanic» overseas single week Box Office approached before this 12 weeks of Box Office half, this absolutely was a miracle. 要知道,在此之前,《泰坦尼克号》海外已上映国家和地区,虽然上映日期不确定,但从北美上映同期开始的12周时间,累计票房也才达到4亿美元。仅仅只是一周,在新开画17个票房国家的助力下,只是一周时间,《泰坦尼克号》的海外单周票房就接近了此前12周累计票房的一半,这绝对是一种奇迹。 These screen in the country newly, is not accidental, French, German and Box Office performance of Japan three ticket warehouse countries are especially outstanding. 这些新上映国家中,毫不意外,法国、德国和日本三个票仓国家的票房表现尤为抢眼。 French first week Box Office converts into USD to achieve 2 8 million, the German first week is 2 6 million USD, but Japan, has achieved astonishing 4 more than 9 million USD, merely is only these three big ticket warehouses, one week of time was the «RMS Titanic» total Box Office digit has contributed 100 million zero 3 million USD. Although the surplus 43 national areas, each ticket warehouse only has provided on average 170 ten thousand USD Box Office, but overall 76 million USD Box Office, as before the averaged data of far ultra before this 12 weeks of time. 法国首周票房折合美元达到2800万,德国首周为2600万美元,而日本,更是达到了惊人的4900多万美元,仅仅只是这三大票仓,一周时间就为《泰坦尼克号》总票房数字贡献了1亿300万美元。虽然剩余43个国家地区,平均每个票仓只提供了170多万美元票房,但整体7600万美元票房,依旧远超此前12周时间的平均数据。 Considered that French, German and Japan these overseas Box Office strategic places possibly go out with the North America similar Box Office curve, as well as the following some time screens 22 national areas as before one after another, many Box Office organizations boldly predict that «RMS Titanic» following one week, in the Oscar presentation ceremony as well as opens under the boost of picture ticket warehouse brand-new, overseas single week Box Office will possibly break through 200 million USD marvelously. 考虑到法国、德国、日本这些海外票房重镇可能走出与北美类似的票房曲线,以及接下来一段时间依旧将有22个国家地区陆续上映,很多票房机构都大胆预测,《泰坦尼克号》接下来一周,在奥斯卡颁奖典礼以及全新开画票仓的助力下,海外单周票房很可能会突破奇迹般的2亿美元 In this age, the Hollywood 99% movies, the overseas total Box Office digit may not achieve 200 million, «RMS Titanic» actually possibly in one week of time, realizes this magnificent feat. 在这个年代,好莱坞99%的影片,海外总票房数字都不一定能够达到2亿,《泰坦尼克号》却可能在一周时间,就实现这一壮举。 But at this time, under the Box Office eruption stimulation of overseas 1.7 900 million USD, «RMS Titanic» global Box Office broke through 1 billion 7 1 million USD. If the following several weeks, «RMS Titanic» overseas Box Office can maintain at the single week 200 million USD high and low scale, «RMS Titanic» global total Box Office achieves 2 billion USD, no longer is a digit of unattainable. 而此时,在海外1.79亿美元票房爆发刺激下,《泰坦尼克号全球票房已经累计突破10亿7100万美元。如果接下来几周,《泰坦尼克号》的海外票房能够维持在单周2亿美元上下的规模,《泰坦尼克号全球票房达到20亿美元,已经不再是一个遥不可及的数字。 global Box Office 2 billion USD, merely are only the Box Office data, will be Firefly Group will bring the 500 million USD net profit, the Hollywood seven big Film Industry service, do not say that a movie, the majority of times, the net profit sum total of annual release movie, may not achieve 500 million USD. 全球票房20亿美元,仅仅只是票房数据,就将为萤火虫集团带来5亿美元的净利润,好莱坞七大的电影业务,不要说一部电影,大部分时候,全年发行电影的净利润总和,都不一定能够达到5亿美元 Moreover, the Box Office income also merely is only a start. Because the Box Office data extremely goes against heaven's will, although the late recording tape, original tape and other peripheral income, definitely are unable to calculate according to the traditional income proportion, but can want to see, some income as before will be terrifying astronomical figures. In the «RMS Titanic» entire profit cycle, after the operation of entire industry chain, Firefly Group, even if takes back with the Box Office digit suitable 2 billion USD profit, is not the impossible matter. 而且,票房收入也仅仅只是一个开始。因为票房数据太过逆天,虽然后期的录像带、原声带等周边收入,肯定无法按照传统的收入比例进行计算,但可以想见,这部分收入依旧将是一个恐怖的天文数字。在《泰坦尼克号》的整个利润周期中,经过全产业链的运营,萤火虫集团哪怕收回与票房数字相当的20亿美元利润,都不是不可能的事情。 Originally most people's global Box Office to «RMS Titanic» anticipated, only then 1 billion USD are more, at this time, jumped in 2 billion USD magnitude suddenly, received the stimulation of this terrifying profit, Hollywood Film Studio became regarding the big manufacture project is more earnest. 原本大部分人对《泰坦尼克号》的全球票房预期只有10亿美元多一些,此时,突然跳到了20亿美元的量级上,受到这种恐怖利润的刺激,好莱坞电影公司对于大制作项目变得更加热切起来。 This weekend, Eric can rest finally slightly. 这个周末,艾瑞克总算可以稍微休息一下。 However, impossible thorough leisure to get down, after all, next Monday will be the Oscar presentation ceremony, this time, because has attained the Oscar best original song nomination by «My Heart Will Go On», Eric must certainly attend. 不过,也不可能彻底闲暇下来,毕竟,下周一就是奥斯卡颁奖典礼,这一次,因为凭借《我心永恒》拿到了奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲提名,艾瑞克肯定还是要出席。 Said that is also interesting, from 1988 to the present, Eric has produced many movies, but so far, he has not attained the best Director award item, actually the best original song was nominated in best screenwriter and on, moreover former's young metal statue has succeeded in obtaining, this time is not accidental, definitely can also attain a young metal statue again. 说起来也算有趣,从1988年到现在,艾瑞克已经制作了很多部电影,但到目前为止,他还没有拿到过最佳导演奖项,倒是在最佳编剧和最佳原创歌曲上获得了提名,而且前者的小金人已经到手,这次毫不意外,肯定还能再拿到一个小金人。 In a Cliff Peak Manor villa living room, Eric is extending the arm, whatever appearance twin helps him wear the formal clothes exactly the same, asking and Ji Fanxi of exclusive agency customer Manager having a relish stands shoulder to shoulder nearby girl: Treasure, you looked that I have won the best Original Script prize, this time attains a best original song young metal statue again, should not have the too major problem. That following, can I take these peripheral award items, the best special effect, the best editing, best dubbing in music and so on, took previous all award items, Oh, how those words said that all-inclusive?” 尖角庄园别墅一间起居室里,艾瑞克伸着手臂,任由身旁长相一模一样地双胞胎帮他穿着礼服,饶有兴致的问和纪梵希专卖店一位客户经理并肩而站旁边的丫头:“宝贝,你看,我已经拿到了最佳原创剧本奖,这次再拿到一个最佳原创歌曲小金人,应该没有太大问题。那接下来,我会不会一直拿这些周边奖项,最佳特效啊、最佳剪辑啊、最佳配乐啊之类,一个一个将所有奖项都拿上一遍,,那句话怎么说的,大满贯?” The girls hehe smile, said: You definitely possibly have not attained all -inclusive, because you is a man.” 丫头呵呵笑着,道:“你肯定是没可能拿到大满贯的,因为你是男人。” Good, I meant that Eric also thinks, the best female Lord female matches anything, this whole life is definitely impossible , to continue saying: These I can attain.” “好吧,我是说,”艾瑞克也想起来,最佳女主女配什么的,他这辈子肯定都不可能了,继续道:“那些我可以拿到的。” You cannot attain the best male to advocate peace the best male supporting actor,” girl is curling upwards the corners of the mouth, she knows certainly that Eric thinks anything again , to continue attack to say. “你也拿不到最佳男主和最佳男配角,”丫头翘着嘴角,她当然知道艾瑞克再想什么,继续‘打击’道。 Everybody has smiled gently. 大家都轻轻笑了起来。 The knot of Natasha sisters' on this black formal clothes Eric fasten, stands peacefully side. 娜塔莎姐妹将艾瑞克身上这套黑色礼服的扣子扣上,安静地站到旁边。 Eric regarding trying clothes matter, the inborn any interest, he has not been familiar with various types of exactly the same clothes to buy one pack, has put on. However, this girl must walk red carpet with Eric, must make him try one set with the formal clothes necessary western-style clothes. 艾瑞克对于试衣服这种事情,天生没有任何兴趣,他更习惯各种一模一样的衣服买上一叠,一直穿下去。不过,这次丫头要和艾瑞克一起走红毯,非要让他试出一套和自己礼服配套的西服来。 Eric does not make clear in any case, these look like the similar black western-style clothes, has something to try on the necessity that repeatedly. 艾瑞克反正是搞不清楚,这些看起来都差不多的黑色西服,有什么可反复试穿的必要。 Drew also saw obviously Eric is impatient, walks to size up up and down, with Ji Fanxi that stature good female customer Manager whisper several, said in a low voice: Was good, this set, Natasha, takes off the clothes, the sleeve also needs to change again slightly.” 德鲁显然也看出了艾瑞克的不耐烦,走过来上下打量一番,与纪梵希那位身材不错的女性客户经理低声耳语了几句,就说道:“好了,就这套吧,娜塔莎,把衣服脱下来,袖子还需要再稍微改一下。” Reorganizes the good formal clothes, personally the customer service personnel who Drew delivers Ji Fanxi to leave, the Eric whole body relaxed departure living room, arrives at the glass curtain wall couch to lie down, is extending the body comfortably, fishes side magazine to read conveniently. 整理好礼服,德鲁亲自送纪梵希的客服人员离开,艾瑞克满身轻松的离开起居室,走到玻璃幕墙边的长沙发是躺下,舒服地伸展着身体,随手捞起旁边一本杂志翻看起来。 Drew comes back quickly, sees Eric to lie down on the sofa, collects grinningly, bends down to lie to Eric on, said: Good, Eric, has tried.” 德鲁很快回来,看到艾瑞克躺在沙发上,笑嘻嘻地凑过来,俯身趴到艾瑞克身上,说道:“好啦,艾瑞克,已经试好了呢。” Uh-huh,” Eric puts aside magazine in hand, holds in the arms the girl soft small waist conveniently, narrows the eye sluggishly. “嗯哼,”艾瑞克丢开手中的杂志,随手搂住丫头软软的小腰,懒散地眯起眼睛。 The girls in the Eric ear bank several steam, this said: But, the shoes, they deliver immediately.” 丫头在艾瑞克耳畔呵了几下热气,这才道:“不过,还有鞋子呢,他们马上送过来。” In the air resounds a resounding. 空气中响起一声脆响。 Hehe, is quite sore,” Drew has turned the small body, then said with a smile: This time is the custom make, you, so long as tried to fit well on the line.” “呵呵,好疼,”德鲁扭了扭小身子,然后才笑道:“这次是定做的呢,你只要试试合不合脚就行了呢。” Eric then satisfied um. 艾瑞克这才满意地嗯了一声。
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