IAIH :: Volume #9

#837: Counter- its say|way

Besides detailed correlation Firefly, Time Warner and various Viacom three financial data, «Forbes» also uses the examples of telecommunication industry three giants to carry on the analogy, proves viewpoint that oneself proposed. 除了详细对比萤火虫时代华纳维亚康姆三家的各项财务数据,《福布斯》还使用电信产业三巨头的例子进行类比,论证自身提出的观点。 1996, the United States telecom industry first overlord AT-T whole year earning data was 740 hundred million USD, ranked second, third Verizon and Sprint two companies, the year earning equals actually only then 30 billion USD, did not arrive at AT-T half, although the Firefly disparity between earning data and Time Warner and Viacom did not have between AT-T and Verizon and Sprint is so disparate, but it actually obviously presented this trend. 1996年度,美国电信行业第一霸主AT-T全年营收数据为740多亿美元,排名第二、第三的Verizon和Sprint两家公司,年度营收合计却只有300亿美元,不到AT-T的一半,虽然萤火虫的营收数据与时代华纳维亚康姆之间的差距还没有AT-T与Verizon和Sprint之间那么悬殊,但它却明显呈现出这种趋势。 Meanwhile, Firefly in industrial distribution, with some AT-T also similarities. 同时,萤火虫在产业布局方面,与AT-T也有很多类似之处。 AT-T is in itself a multiplex telecom industry giant, contained the fixed telephone and mobile communication, the cable TV, the communications software as well as the electronic products related to the industry wait/etc., if analogies some service alone, even if AT-T maintains is in the lead, is unable to fling the competitor by far after behind, but all industries synthesize, the AT-T strength goes far beyond Verizon and Sprint these same profession competitor. The Firefly Group current condition similarly so, at the television service, the film and television entertainment and other plates, Firefly compared with the same profession competitor, the leading scope of maintaining is not too big, but works as these service integrations is a whole, then shows to dominate the media domain oligarch imposing manner. AT-T本身是一个多元化的电信行业巨头,涉及产业包含了固定电话、移动通信、有线电视、通讯软件以及电子产品等等,如果单独类比某项业务,AT-T即使保持领先,也无法将竞争对手远远甩在身后,但所有产业综合起来,AT-T的实力就远远超过Verizon和Sprint这些同行业竞争者。萤火虫集团目前的状况也同样如此,在旗下电视业务、影视娱乐等各个板块,萤火虫与同行业竞争者相比,保持的领先幅度并不算太大,但当这些业务综合为一个整体,便展现出称霸传媒领域的寡头气势。 Eric sits in the dining room, patiently this issue of «Forbes» magazine all as well as Firefly the article about oneself read, recovers, a half hour passed by. 艾瑞克坐在餐厅里,耐心地将这一期《福布斯杂志中所有关于自己以及萤火虫的文章读了一遍,回过神来,半个多小时已经过去。 Christina sits in as before peacefully opposite, she finished eating the breakfast, but is taking a look at him curiously. 克里斯蒂娜依旧安静地坐在对面,她已经吃完早餐,只是好奇地打量着他。 Looked at the watch, Eric said to Christina with a smile: You also train today right, I make the driver send you to Burbank.” 看了看手表,艾瑞克笑着对克里斯蒂娜道:“你今天还有一个培训对吧,我让司机送你去伯班克。” Although the Eric expression appears very relaxed, Christina had not actually forgotten when he just read «Forbes» magazine appearance that frowns repeatedly, she is one the girl who is good at watching a person's every mood, why although not too clear Eric will have this response, but also knows that he surely did not have too many thoughts to deal with itself at this time, nods very much cleverly, tidies up front tableware, leaves the dining room with Eric. 虽然艾瑞克表情显得很轻松,克里斯蒂娜却没有忘记他刚刚阅读《福布斯杂志时频频蹙眉的模样,她是一个很善于察言观色的女孩,虽然不太明白艾瑞克为什么会有这种反应,但也知道他这个时候肯定没有太多心思应付自己,很乖巧地点点头,将面前的餐具收拾好,和艾瑞克一起离开餐厅。 They arrive at outside the villa together, vehicle stopped in the entrance, told driver several, Eric kisses on the Christina cheek, delivers her to board. 两人一起来到别墅外,车子已经停在门口,吩咐了司机几句,艾瑞克克里斯蒂娜脸蛋上吻了吻,送她上车。 Returned to the dining room, Eric to finish eating the breakfast once more in a hurry, rushed to Burbank Firefly Headquarters while another car(riage), but also has then dialed the female assistant Kelly telephone on the road, making her pay attention to this issue of «Forbes» magazine. 再次回到餐厅,艾瑞克匆匆吃完早餐,乘另外一辆车赶往伯班克萤火虫总部,还在路上便拨通了女助理凯莉的电话,让她注意一下这一期的《福布斯杂志 The thread of «Forbes» magazine publication in the future will definitely evoke the warm discussion of media, these many years in this circle, Eric also fully realized that media sedan chair to the substantive effect that the enterprise has serious, therefore, he must prepare to deal ahead of time likely has the plan of event. 福布斯杂志发表的相关文章肯定会在未来一段时间引起媒体的热烈讨论,在这个圈子里这么多年,艾瑞克也深知媒体舆伦对一些企业产生的实质性影响有多严重,所以,他必须要提前准备一些应对可能发生事件的方案。 Because is on Monday, since Eric rushes to Headquarters, then personally attended per week the high-level regular meeting of group, before then, the majority of times, are Kelly replace Eric to participate, then reorganize to give him to scrutinize the conference summary. 因为是周一,艾瑞克既然赶到总部,便亲自参加了集团的每周高层例会,在此之前,大部分时候,都是凯莉代替艾瑞克参加,然后将会议纪要整理出来交给他审阅。 At last, the work of company places «RMS Titanic» global with emphasis as before distributes. 最近这段时间,公司的工作重点依旧放在《泰坦尼克号》的全球发行上。 However, spring the TV series collection of files so far all landed major TV Station, is in New York television service total head Robert told you through the video phone the ABC TV Network, AE TV Network, Disney Channel and other television platform beginning broadcasting anthology of the viewing ratio situations, ABC TV Network and Disney Channel reception condition rises steadily, in the fall of last year after files ABC TV Station reception dark horse «Everybody Loves Raymond» experience winter break, returns once more, watches television the population to be highest broke through the 22 million people. 不过,春季档的电视剧集到目前为止已经全部登陆旗下各大电视台,身在纽约的电视业务总负责人罗伯特・艾格通过视频电话向大家介绍了ABC电视网、AE电视网迪斯尼频道等电视平台开播剧集的收视率情况,ABC电视网迪斯尼频道的收视状况稳重有升,去年秋季档ABC电视台收视黑马《人人都爱雷蒙德》经历冬歇期之后,再次回归,收视人数最高已经突破2200万人次。 AE TV Network Lifetime TV Station in «Sex and the City» and «Project Runway» and «America's Next Top Model» and other leads of symbolic under anthology , to promote the brand-new high-quality anthology unceasingly , to continue to nibble the female audience market, to initially the prime time on average was less than the 1 million people reception data, Lifetime TV Station in Annie the 12 hours of prime time reception population average of under Swiney's splendid operation, every week promoting has achieved 3 500,000, « Sex and the City " and other core anthology of the reception data has touched the 8 million people of wired stage breaking the record, this result made Lifetime TV Station in entire US wired TV Station recent crest of wave most vigor. A nova. AE电视网旗下Lifetime电视台在《欲旺都市》、《天桥骄子》、《全美超模大赛》等标志性剧集的带动下,不断推出全新的精品剧集,继续蚕食女性观众市场,相对于当初黄金时段平均不到100万人次的收视数据,Lifetime电视台安妮・斯威尼的出色运营下,每周推出的12个小时黄金时段收视人数平均已经达到350万,《欲旺都市》等核心剧集的收视数据更是触及了有线台破纪录的800万人次,这份成绩使得Lifetime电视台成为全美有线电视台中最近几年风头最劲的。一颗新星。 Because the final subject also involved the release and propaganda work of this summer files Firefly movie, the regular meeting has convened 11 o'clock. 由于最后议题还涉及到了今年暑期档萤火虫影片的发行和宣传工作,例会一直召开到了11点钟。 Can participate in the group every week the high-level news channel of regular meeting absolutely not to stop up, breaking up time, everybody must mention «Forbes» magazine that today just distributed unavoidably, or earnest or teased congratulates to Eric, naturally, these were also many some people to see that the «Forbes» magazine thread possibly Firefly Group to the influence that had, made the reminder to Eric very much seriously. 能够参加集团每周例会的高层消息渠道绝对不会闭塞,散会的时候,大家都免不了要提及今天刚刚发行的《福布斯杂志,或认真或调侃地向艾瑞克恭贺一番,当然,这其中也不乏有人看出《福布斯杂志的相关文章可能对萤火虫集团造成的影响,很郑重地向艾瑞克做出提醒。 Everybody successively leaves, Katzenberg and Wells they had the tacit understanding to remain very much, came to a nearby small conference room with Eric together. 大家陆续离开,卡森伯格威尔斯两人很有默契地留了下来,与艾瑞克一起来到附近的一间小会议室里。 When the secretary carries the coffee, Katzenberg sends the opposite party, said: Eric, I have called Steve in the morning Forbes, they should not use oligarch this word, what a pity we cannot expect this situation ahead of time.” 等秘书端上咖啡,卡森伯格将对方打发走,说道:“艾瑞克,我早上就已经打电话给史提夫・福布斯,他们不该用‘寡头’这个词的,可惜我们没能提前预料到这种情况。” In Katzenberg obviously also very clear «Forbes» magazine exaggerates Firefly Group media oligarch rises the article to the company possible influence. 卡森伯格显然也非常清楚《福布斯杂志中渲染萤火虫集团‘传媒寡头崛起’的文章对公司可能造成的影响。 Is having in the anger expression from Katzenberg obviously, Eric even can guess that irritable Katzenberg and Forbes group leader Steve the Forbes telephone conversation process definitely is not that happy, both sides have the dispute directly are not impossible. 卡森伯格明显带着怒意的表情中,艾瑞克甚至能够猜测,性格火爆的卡森伯格福布斯集团掌门人史提夫・福布斯的通话过程肯定不是那么愉快,双方直接发生争执都不是不可能。 In this country, President will be carried to scold by the media every other day, Firefly Group, although had formidable influence in the media profession, but is eventually impossible to control the sedan chair calibers of all people. 在这个国家,总统都会被媒体三天两头拎出来骂一顿,萤火虫集团虽然在传媒行业已经拥有非常强大的影响力,但终究不可能控制所有人的舆伦口径。 Drank coffee, Katzenberg did not wait for Eric and Frank the Wells start to talk, continued saying: I can greet with Robert in the afternoon, reduces this summer the advertizing budgets of files to Forbes all media platforms. They cannot to seek the eyeball does this type to attack suddenly.” 喝了一口咖啡,卡森伯格不等艾瑞克弗兰克威尔斯开口,就继续道:“我下午会和罗伯特打招呼,砍掉今年暑期档对福布斯旗下所有媒体平台的广告预算。他们不能为了博取眼球就搞这种突然袭击。” It seems like Katzenberg in the morning really and Steve Forbes has quarrelled, and is very intense. 看来卡森伯格早上真的和史提夫・福布斯争吵过了,而且还挺激烈。 Eric is smiling shaking the head, will say anything, Frank Wells urged: Jeffrey, if you such do, we may really become the media oligarchs in «Forbes» magazine mouth, I thought that the situation so is not serious, therefore not tear to pieces the facial skin to well.” 艾瑞克微笑着摇头,正要说什么,弗兰克威尔斯却已经劝道:“杰弗瑞,如果你这么做,我们可就真的成为《福布斯杂志口中的传媒寡头了,我觉得情况没有这么严重,所以还是不要撕破脸皮为好。” Frank is always the group ‚the good police, Katzenberg also quite to respect to him, hear Frank saying that Katzenberg also calmed down, knows that own idea was somewhat radical, but also was having too many individual sentiments, therefore the slight bow, then looked to Eric. 弗兰克从来都是集团内部的‘好警察’,卡森伯格对他也颇为尊重,听到弗兰克这么说,卡森伯格也冷静下来,知道自己的想法有些激进,还带着太多个人情绪,于是微微点头,转而看向艾瑞克 Although does not need to cut off cooperation completely, but we must show the manner, this point you make Robert look at processing,” Eric said to Katzenberg, asked that Wells said: Frank, you thought that we will probably encounter the substantive legal risk?” “虽然不需要完全断绝合作,但我们还是要将态度表现出来的,这一点你让罗伯特看着处理吧,”艾瑞克卡森伯格说完,又问威尔斯道:“弗兰克,你觉得我们可能会遇到实质性的法律风险吗?” Frank Wells is attorney came, thinks that said: Group's service continues in the expansion short-term not to have what risk, after all, we are away from Exxon Mobil, General Electric and AT-T these true profession oligarchs also to have very far distance. However, if the company will continue to develop other domains services in the next few years, for example you had mentioned, expands to cable television operator, at that time, we will receive very strict anti- monopoly examination . Moreover, the possibility of bitter experience failure is also big.” 弗兰克威尔斯原本就是律师出身,想了想,道:“集团本身的业务继续扩张短期内并没有什么风险,毕竟,我们距离埃克森美孚、通用电气、AT-T这些真正的行业寡头还有很远的距离。不过,如果未来几年公司继续发展其他领域的业务,比如你曾经提到过的,向有线电视运营商方面扩展,那时候,我们将受到非常严格的反垄断审查,而且,遭遇失败的可能性也非常大。” The Eric first two years have discussed this issue with the management. 艾瑞克前两年就和管理层讨论过这个问题。 The rising of decline as well as wired stage of North America public TV Station, is the inevitable trend of future television profession. To maintain the leading position in this general trend, besides continue manufacture the massive high-quality contents, the channel resources are similarly important, if absolutely does not have own cable TV broadcast platform, in the future the Firefly television service will be very easy to have a stranglehold. Although the federal law does not forbid the media group to have the cable TV broadcast platform, but, the Firefly Group status is extremely strong, can definitely encounter the anti- monopoly issue. 北美公共电视台的衰落以及有线台的崛起,是未来电视行业的必然趋势。想要在这种大趋势中保持领先地位,除了继续制作大量精品内容外,渠道资源同样非常重要,如果完全没有自身的有线电视播放平台,未来萤火虫的电视业务将很容易被人卡脖子。虽然联邦法律并不禁止传媒集团拥有有线电视播放平台,不过,萤火虫集团的地位太过强势,肯定会遭遇反垄断问题。 In any event, this definitely was the several years later matters,” Eric has managed under the train of thought that said: We pay attention to the present issue.” “不论如何,这肯定是几年后的事情了,”艾瑞克理了下思绪,道:“我们还是关注眼前的问题吧。” Frank Wells nods, said: Our movie televisions and other services will not encounter to legal aspect blaming, but, the digital domain somewhat will be troublesome, several months ago, we announced when the figure domain will stop the external cooperation, some people instigate Ministry of Justice to investigate, at present, the topic that if «Forbes» magazine provokes was fried too hotly, some people will possibly bring up an old matter again.” 弗兰克威尔斯点头,道:“我们的电影电视等业务并不会遭遇到法律方面的诘难,不过,数字领域可能会有些麻烦,几个月前,我们宣布数字领域将停止对外合作时,就有一些人怂恿司法部对此进行调查,眼下,如果《福布斯杂志挑起的话题被炒得太热,有些人很可能会旧事重提。” Therefore, we must do now, is avoids oligarch this topic being used, had better be able shift from the company the attention of media,” Katzenberg looked at Eric , to continue saying: Eric, I have a suggestion, could consider.” “所以,我们现在要做的,就是避免‘寡头’这个话题被人利用起来,最好能够将媒体的注意力从公司身上转移开,”卡森伯格看了看艾瑞克,继续道:“艾瑞克,我有个建议,或许可以考虑一下。” Eric nods, hints Katzenberg to continue. 艾瑞克点头,示意卡森伯格继续。 My meaning is, making the media the attention more place on you.” “我的意思是,让媒体将注意力更多地放在你身上。” Eric lets go, said: If such does usefully, I did not certainly mind, but, you thought that related to my topic, the company will possibly be neglected?” 艾瑞克摊手,道:“如果这么做有用的话,我当然不介意,不过,你觉得涉及到我的话题,公司可能会被忽略吗?” Therefore, we must artificially make a topic focal point,” Katzenberg was saying, on the tabletop on «Forbes» magazine has knocked knocking, said: Bill that 98 700 million USD, to being listed second Gates, has been higher than 60 billion fully, this regarding most people, is very difficult to accept. Before «Forbes» distributes, I see on many media had questioned that your net worth so many article, then, we exactly can cook up now this dispute focal point, shifts the line of sight of media and public.” “所以,我们就要人为地制造一个话题焦点,”卡森伯格说着,在桌面上一本《福布斯杂志上敲了敲,道:“987亿美元,相对于排名第二的比尔盖茨,整整高出了600亿,这对于大部分人来说,是很难接受的。在《福布斯》发行之前,我就在很多媒体上看到过质疑你的身家到底有没有这么多的文章,那么,现在我们恰好可以将这个争议焦点炒起来,转移媒体和公众的视线。” Frank Wells patted under the tabletop in side gently, the nod has echoed saying: Eric, this is a very good method.” 弗兰克威尔斯在旁边轻轻拍了下桌面,点头附和道:“艾瑞克,这是一个非常不错的方法。” Eric has considered the moment, thought that this plan is feasible. The statistics of «Forbes» to his net worth achieves 98 700 million USD, no doubt can seek the massive eyeballs, but will cause also many questions, after all, the people are too not always willing to believe the miracle. 艾瑞克考虑了片刻,也觉得这份方案非常可行。《福布斯》对他个人身家的统计达到987亿美元,固然能够博取大量眼球,但同时也会引起很多质疑,毕竟,人们总是不太愿意相信奇迹的。 Three people discussed a detailed plan, the Eric end also shouted Kelly, at noon has had the lunch, Katzenberg and Frank following going back to continue own work, Eric personally directs the implementation of existing plan. 三个人讨论了一番详细方案,艾瑞克末了又将凯莉喊了过来,中午吃过午餐,卡森伯格弗兰克继回去继续自己的工作,艾瑞克则亲自指挥既定方案的实施。 When this age, wanted to make sedan chair be unlikely to find the large-scale sailors, but, Katzenberg, in the discussion dealt with plan a few words actually also to give Eric to remind, before this issue of «Forbes» magazine published, many people questioned that Eric individual net worth, then, after «Forbes» magazine surpassed the major financial media the data drew a charge, the question sound of this group of people will be definitely more intense. 在这个年代,想要引到舆伦是不太可能找到大规模水军的,不过,卡森伯格在讨论应对方案时的一句话却也给艾瑞克提了个醒,这期《福布斯杂志发表之前,就有很多人质疑艾瑞克的个人身家,那么,《福布斯杂志远超各大财经媒体的数据出炉后,这批人的质疑声肯定会更加强烈。 Eric must do, is makes these people make own sound on the media as far as possible. 艾瑞克要做的,就是让这些人尽可能地在媒体上发出自己的声音。 The efficiency of assistant office is very high, 2 : 00 pm just passed, Kelly acquired 45 people of lists will have handed over in the Eric hand, these completely are some well-known financial media reporters or the commentators, they recently, publish have questioned the thread of Eric net worth. 助理办公室的效率还是非常高的,下午两点刚过,凯莉就将收集到的一份45人的名单交到了艾瑞克手中,这些全部都是一些知名的财经媒体记者或者评论员,并且,他们都在最近一段时间,发表过质疑艾瑞克身家的相关文章。 Looks is reading Eric of folder, sits introduces in a soft voice in opposite Kelly: We have consulted 300 different newspaper and magazine probably, the influence of this group of people are is biggest. If they can again weilaiyiduanshijian unified voices on the media, definitely will create very tremendous influence, and creates keeping up of multimedia platform. In addition, we also enumerated News Corp, Hearst Communications and Condé Nast to be quite suitable to publish the thread media platform, but, these probably needed you to greet personally, they will coordinate. That side Yahoo, I had chatted with Tina, she will send out the related treaty draft application to the list that we provide in the afternoon.” 望着翻看文件夹的艾瑞克,坐在对面的凯莉轻声介绍道:“我们大概查阅了300份不同的报纸杂志,这批人的影响力是其中最大的。如果他们能够再未来一段时间统一在媒体上发声,肯定会造成非常大的影响力,并造成更多媒体平台的跟进。此外,我们还列举了新闻集团赫斯特集团康泰纳仕旗下比较适合发表相关文章的媒体平台,不过,这些可能需要你亲自打招呼,他们才会配合。雅虎那边,我已经和蒂娜聊过了,她下午就会向我们提供的名单发出相关的约稿申请。” Eric reads the general materials of these people that assigns out an address book on the computer screen on tabletop, digit dialing while cracks a joke to say to Kelly: If these people know one were questioned and person of opposition by them has treated as the board game piece in secret, can collapse very much?” 艾瑞克将这些人的大概资料看完,在桌面上的电脑屏幕上调出一份通讯录,一边拨号一边对凯莉开玩笑道:“如果这些人知道自己被他们质疑和反对的人暗中当做了棋子,会不会很崩溃?” Kelly smiles, sees Eric to connect the call, then has not opened the mouth. 凯莉笑笑,见艾瑞克已经接通了电话,便没有开口。 The desk other one side, in Eric is clamping a pencil, sluggishly by chairback, but also curls upwards the both legs leisurely and carefree on the tabletop, said to the earnest sound that in the microphone broadcasts: Hey, William, is I, Eric, recently fortunately...... Haha, naturally, Oh, you in the Saint Simon castle, that place I already want to take a look now, what a pity your this fellow has not invited me...... Possibly was not recently good, was too busy, but you can come Los Angeles.” 办公桌另外一边,艾瑞克手里夹着一只铅笔,懒散地靠在椅背上,还悠闲地将双腿翘在桌面上,对话筒里传来的热切声音道:“嘿,威廉,是我,艾瑞克,最近还好吗……哈哈,当然,,你现在在圣西蒙城堡,那地方我早就想去看看了,可惜你这家伙从来都没有邀请过我……最近可能不行,太忙,不过你可以来洛杉矶。” Chatted several with Hearst Communications current leader William third, asked until the opposite party on own initiative, Eric entered the subject, said: Naturally, is only a minor matter, I hope that several daily paper next one weeks of your side can invite several special manuscripts to some people.” 赫斯特集团现任掌门人威廉三世闲扯了几句,直到对方主动问起,艾瑞克才进入正题,道:“当然,只是一件小事,我希望你那边的几份日报未来一周能够向一些人邀约几份专题稿件。” Because AE TV Network and ESPN TV Station owns stocks together the relations, the relation of Hearst Communications and Firefly has been close. Eric explained simply several, William Hearst third complies immediately refreshedly, is controlling the leader of world biggest paper intermediary group as one, William the goal that Hearst third naturally clear Eric such makes, after complying, but also teased Eric in telephone. 由于AE电视网和ESPN电视台的共同持股关系,赫斯特集团萤火虫的联系一直非常紧密。艾瑞克简单解释了几句,威廉赫斯特三世立刻爽快地答应下来,作为一个控制着全世界最大纸媒集团的掌门人,威廉赫斯特三世当然清楚艾瑞克这么做的目的,答应之后,还不免在电话里调侃了艾瑞克一番。 Takes down William a Hearst Communications high-level telephone number that Hearst third gives, Eric has pressed under on -hook key, has dialed the Murdoch personal number conveniently. Although greeted with Elizabeth is effective similarly, but directly was higher with the Murdoch relation efficiency. 记下威廉赫斯特三世给出的赫斯特集团一位高层的电话号码,艾瑞克按了下挂机键,随手拨通了默多克的私人号码。虽然与伊丽莎白打招呼同样管用,但还是直接和默多克联系效率更高一些。 Made several phone calls continuously, Eric then sat the straight body, front that will write all over the contact method the list to give Kelly, said: , contacts with these people, the concrete execution plan you can directly discuss with them that they will coordinate your.” 连续打了几个电话,艾瑞克这才坐直身体,将面前那份写满联系方式的名单交给凯莉,道:“,联系这些人,具体的执行方案你可以与他们直接谈,他们会配合你的。”
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