IAIH :: Volume #9

#836: The potential of oligarch

Holds the «RMS Titanic» subject display, the best location without doubt is the Rosarito square in Mexico. 举办《泰坦尼克号》主题展览,最佳的场地无疑是墨西哥的罗萨里托片场。 However, after discussed that all people thought consistently did this radically invalid. 不过,讨论过后,所有人一致觉得这样做根本行不通。 Not to mention visa issue, majority of movie fans impossible to visit a shoots location of movie, comes a transnational travel. 且不说签证问题,大部分影迷都不可能为了参观一部影片的拍摄场地,来一次跨国旅行。 Let alone, the security of Mexico and US border was a very major problem, the trip of Eric last year Mexico deeply has the feeling similarly, if there is a tourist to visit the process bitter experience of «RMS Titanic» square robs or kidnaps, even the accident was killed, that Firefly will be passive. This matter occupies Mexico that faction stands in great numbers to be exactly common in the drug dealer, Cameron good friend, most starts to recommend and assist him in Mexican Director Jill who Rosarito constructs the «RMS Titanic» square Delphi Toro, initially just mixed a positive result in Hollywood, the old fathers in hometown encounter kidnapping immediately. 更何况,墨美边境的安全同样是一个很大的问题,艾瑞克去年的墨西哥之行就深有感受,如果有游客在参观《泰坦尼克号》片场的过程遭遇抢劫或者绑架,甚至意外丧命,那萤火虫将非常被动。这种事情在毒贩盘踞帮派林立的墨西哥恰恰非常普遍,卡梅隆的好友,也是最开始引荐并协助他在罗萨里托建造《泰坦尼克号》片场的墨西哥导演吉尔莫・德尔・托罗,当初在好莱坞刚刚混出点名堂,家乡的老父亲立刻就遭遇了绑架。 But Los Angeles was different, according to the statistics, Los Angeles the tourist from world surpasses 30 million in recent years every year. Los Angeles takes the movie sacred place in world movie fan heart, the majority of tourists arrive at Los Angeles, basically will visit such as the Universal cinema city and Disney world with the movie related scenic spot, this was the «RMS Titanic» subject display has provided the sufficient source of tourists guarantee. 洛杉矶就不同了,根据统计,最近几年洛杉矶每年来自全世界的游客超过3000万洛杉矶作为全世界影迷心中的电影圣地,大部分游客来到洛杉矶,基本上都会参观诸如环球影城、迪斯尼世界等与电影相关的景点,这就为《泰坦尼克号》主题展览提供了充足的客源保证。 After a afternoon discussion, Eric decided places in finally the «RMS Titanic» subject display the Los Angeles Firefly cinema city, constructs in the Rosarito’s RMS Titanic steamship model, dismantles the original design, ships back Los Angeles to assemble, and makes the brand-new transformation, opens exhibition hall, dining room and other regions in the interior, to for the tourist to visit well. Although does this will consume the large-scale work, but compares in «RMS Titanic» is the huge profit that Firefly brings, these money are nothing to speak of radically. 经过一下午的讨论,艾瑞克最终决定将《泰坦尼克号》主题展览放在洛杉矶萤火虫影城内,建造在罗萨里托的泰坦尼克号大船模型,也将原样拆解,运回洛杉矶重新组装,并进行全新的改造,在内部开辟展馆、餐厅等区域,以供游客更好地参观。虽然这样做将耗费巨制,但相比于《泰坦尼克号》将为萤火虫带来的巨额利润,这些钱根本不值一提。 Initially Eric one time had purchased 100 hectares land in Playa Vista, the land that although the cinema city after these years expansions, initially purchased has consumed most, but specially is «RMS Titanic» opens a region to have more than enough to spare, as being doomed to write down the legendary large-scale work of world cinema history, «RMS Titanic» is also worth having such treatment. 当初艾瑞克普雷亚维斯塔一次性购买了100公顷土地,虽然影城经过这些年的扩张,当初购置的土地已经消耗大半,但专门为《泰坦尼克号》开辟一块区域还是绰绰有余的,作为注定载入世界电影史的传奇巨制,《泰坦尼克号》也值得拥有这样的待遇。 Group are having the construction and maintains the world several big Disneyland special teams, is called the illusion engineer. 集团旗下拥有着建造并维护世界几大迪斯尼乐园的专门团队,被称为梦幻工程师。 Scheme defination, various following work, will be responsible for by this experienced team. 方案确定,接下来的各项工作,也将由这个经验丰富的团队负责。 In the conference discussed in the process, some group high level also many people proposed that imitated the Universal cinema city the pattern, expanded a scenic site the Firefly cinema city directly. 在会议讨论过程中,集团高层也不乏有人提议,模仿环球影城的模式,直接将萤火虫影城扩建成一个旅游景点。 This proposition makes Eric quite excited, but, if not the Disney's brand resources, Firefly these years accumulate to be able for the cinema city to provide the tour resources the project not to be many, but also are not enough to haunch a theme park, this plan can only relinquish temporarily, but «RMS Titanic» without doubt is a very good beginning, so long as can be successful, the Firefly following some not suitable Disneyland movie project, can open the scenic spot in the Firefly cinema city, accumulates to the certain extent, the Firefly cinema city transformation will be a scenic site will be also logical. 这个提议让艾瑞克颇为心动,只不过,如果不算迪斯尼的品牌资源,萤火虫这些年积累下来能够为影城提供游览资源的项目并不多,还不足以撑起一个主题公园,这个计划只能暂时作罢,但《泰坦尼克号》无疑是一个很好的开端,只要能够成功,萤火虫接下来一些并不适合迪斯尼乐园的电影项目,都可以在萤火虫影城内开辟景点,累积到一定程度,萤火虫影城转化为一个旅游景点也将顺理成章。 To complete «Casino Royale» as soon as possible, Eric has not rested in the weekend, the final two days of time, had completely finished the later period of movie, the following movie rating work and preliminary propaganda work, he then does not need extremely to worry again. 为了尽快完成《皇家赌场》,艾瑞克周末并没有休息,最后两天时间,彻底结束了影片的后期,接下来的影片评级工作和前期的宣传工作,他便不需要再太过操心。 New week, Eric, although hopes that can rest for several days, various business that but streams in keep him from idling. 新的一周,艾瑞克虽然希望能够休息几天,但纷至沓来的各种事务却让他无法闲下来。 On March 16, Sunday night, «hei Family» of FFM TV Station careful manufacture formally started to broadcast that Eric had very great anticipation to this TV series, but, except for in choosing the corner/horn process has intervened the selection of actor personally, had determined in original space and time once James outside Phinney, other aspects he has not meddled, Eric also told that Weinstein released authority as far as possible to this TV series main inventor David Chies. 3月16日,周日晚上,FFM电视台精心制作的《黒道家族》正式开始播出,艾瑞克对这部电视剧抱有很大期待,不过,除了在选角过程中亲自干预了一下男主角的选拔,确定了原时空中曾经的詹姆斯・甘多菲尼外,其他方面他并没有插手,艾瑞克也吩咐韦恩斯坦尽可能地放权给这部电视剧的主要创作人大卫・切斯。 Reason that «hei Family» can be evaluated TV series NO.1 in the original space and time by many media, lies in this movie completely breaks the traditional TV series pattern, has created a brand-new and meticulous narrative pattern. If their these have the management of traditional manufacture ideological mode to meddle carelessly, «hei Family» will possibly flow in the traditional form, loses it to have the characteristics that. 《黒道家族》之所以能够在原时空中被多家媒体评为电视剧NO.1,就在于这部电影完全打破传统的电视剧模式,创造了一种全新而缜密的叙事模式。如果他们这些有着传统制作思维模式的管理层胡乱插手的话,《黒道家族》很可能会流于传统形式,失去它原本应该有的特色。 Although has some differences with original, but the manufacture mentality not any change of main body. 虽然与原版有着些许差别,但主体的制作思路并没有任何改变。 Therefore, after «hei Family» is only the first volume broadcast, has aroused the interests of many film critic. 因此,《黒道家族》只是第一集播出之后,就引起了很多影评人的关注。 «Entertainment Weekly» has given nearly the dramatic critic result of perfect score directly, and appraised «hei Family» is has been full of the pleasantly surprised TV series collection. 《娱乐周刊》直接给出了近乎满分的剧评成绩,并评价《黒道家族》为一部‘充满了惊喜的电视剧集’。 «Boston Universal» famous film critic has given a passionate dramatic critic. 波士顿环球报》的一位著名影评人更是给出了一篇热情洋溢的剧评。 «hei Family» is a surprising specially brand-new anthology.” “《黒道家族》是一部让人惊讶的特别的全新剧集。” Actor Tony Pullano is a chieftain of New Jersey faction, but his faction absolutely does not have in «The Godfather» Leon family such ostentation, but is only clique that few 56 people compose, the ordinary day manual labor is also only the receiving after dunning credit protection money, the biggest industry perhaps is also only that takes off the clothes not to have the club. Even, beyond this heavy ash-gray status, he was one has encountered the ordinary middle-aged man of mid-life crisis similarly, two not law-abiding children, the nervous mother as well as his wife, brought all kinds of difficulties to him, this made him to seek help from the psychiatrist.” “男主角托尼・瑟普拉诺是新泽西州一个帮派的头目,但他的帮派完全没有《教父》中柯里昂家族那样的排场,而只是一个寥寥56个人组成的小团体,平日的活计也只是催收账款保护费,最大的产业或许也只是那家脱衣無俱乐部。甚至,在这重灰色身份之外,他同样是一个遭遇了中年危机的普通中年男人,两个不安分的孩子,性格神经质的母亲以及他的妻子,都给他带来各种各样的困扰,这使得他不得不求助于心理医生。” Therefore, from the movie character, we almost is very purely difficult to discover any highlight. But this creative anthology under this ordinary semblance, opened a brand-new level zone transfer inward narrative pattern to us exactly, the narrative structure of anthology has told, obviously was not in disorder, the control of screenwriter to plot structure might be called perfect, lets the person tasted repeatedly at the same time, unrestrainedly anticipation next volume of arrival.” “因此,单纯地从影片人物上,我们几乎很难发现什么亮点。但这部创造性的剧集恰恰就在这种平凡的外表下,给我们开辟了一种全新的层层递进式的叙事模式,剧集的叙事结构娓娓道来,丝毫不显零乱,编剧对剧情结构的掌控堪称完美,让人反复回味的同时,又情不自禁地期待下一集的到来。” Eric does not calculate from beginning broadcasting to the greatly hot process to «hei Family» too understood, therefore, he thinks this anthology will get on soundings like afterward «Dying Poisonous Master». But the movie after the first quarter broadcast the echo has gone far beyond the expectation of Eric, in Harvey in the telephone conversation of Weinstein, Eric also inquired that Harvey such media reflection was he carries on the attack specially the result, Harvey has given the negative answer with a laugh. 艾瑞克对《黒道家族》从开播到大热的过程并不算太了解,因此,他原本以为这部剧集会像后来的《绝命毒师》那样渐入佳境。但影片在第一季播出后的反响就远远超过了艾瑞克的预料,在与哈维韦恩斯坦的通话中,艾瑞克还询问哈维这样的媒体反映是不是他特意进行攻关的结果,哈维笑呵呵地给出了否定的答案。 Meanwhile, under earlier good propaganda, the «hei Family» first broadcast has also created 1.76 million good reception population, close FFM TV Station always subscribes 40% of population, as the charge wired stage, FFM TV Station each audience effectively subscribes the user, in addition program not emergency broadcast any advertisement, crowd that also does not need to count 18 to 49 years old. 同时,在前期良好的宣传下,《黒道家族》首播也创造了1760000的良好收视人数,接近FFM电视台总订阅人数的40%,作为收费有线台,FFM电视台的每一个观众都是有效的订阅用户,再加上节目并不插播任何广告,也不需要统计18到49岁的人群。 The «hei Family» excellent beginning has almost immediately aroused the key competitor HBO vigilance, and in the new week, announced will once again start the manufacture of self-made play. Reason that said that is once again, is mainly although because HBO started to announce that from last year similarly will carry on the manufacture of self-made TV series, but in the Time Warner system under slow execution efficiency dragging, began broadcasting until «hei Family», HBO to the outside has not announced the official self-made play project list. 《黒道家族》的良好开端几乎立刻引起了主要竞争对手HBO的警觉,并在新的一周,又一次宣布将开启自制剧的制作。之所以说是‘又一次’,主要是因为虽然HBO同样从去年就开始宣布将进行自制电视剧的制作,但在时代华纳体系内迟缓的执行效率拖延下,直到《黒道家族》开播,HBO都还没有对外宣布正式的自制剧立项名单。 Eric clearly remembers certainly that HBO first part self-made play, is not «Sex and the City», is not «hei Family», but is a fame is not too high but quality similarly splendid «Prison on Fire». 艾瑞克当然清楚地记得HBO的第一部自制剧,不是《欲旺都市》,也不是《黒道家族》,而是一部名气并不算太高但质量同样出色的《监狱风云》。 Since the HBO response is so slow, the «Prison on Fire» project is certainly impossible to fall to the HBO hand in again, FFM has bought script at the beginning of the year, so long as «hei Family» broadcast, will obtain the good response, the manufacture of «Prison on Fire» will quickly also start. 既然HBO反应如此迟缓,《监狱风云》的项目当然不可能再落到HBO手中,FFM在年初就已经买下了剧本,只要《黒道家族》播出后获得良好的反应,《监狱风云》的制作也将很快启动。 Weekend time, although Eric goes to work as usual, Christina has not actually left, but keeps in Cliff Peak Manor. The plan came to the manor the weekend girl to hear this news, slightly has sought vengeance toward Eric in the telephone. 周末的时候,虽然艾瑞克照常上班,克里斯蒂娜却并没有离开,而是留在尖角庄园里。原本打算来庄园过周末的丫头听到这个消息,也只是在电话里朝艾瑞克小小地报怨了一把。 On Monday, in the morning. 周一,清晨。 Eric has hung with Harvey the Weinstein telephone, enters the dining room to look at today's newspaper. 艾瑞克挂了与哈维韦恩斯坦的电话,走进餐厅看起了今天的报纸 Christina wears a dew navel T-shirt and jeans, the waist is one almost the apron that her petite body wraps, being upon the jump of small honeybee, arrives in the breakfast end the dining room, then sits down in the Eric opposite, but, this girl today's expression of somewhat is unusual, looks looks like the worship very much, or is the awe, making Eric feel somewhat bewilderedly. 克里斯蒂娜穿着一件露脐T恤和牛仔裤,腰间系着一条几乎将她娇小身体包裹起来的围裙,小蜜蜂似的跑来跑去,将早餐端到餐厅里,然后才在艾瑞克对面坐下,不过,这妮子今天的表情却有些异样,看着很像崇拜,又或者是敬畏,让艾瑞克感觉有些莫名其妙。 Carried hot milk on hand to drink one, Eric asked half jokingly: Why visits me with this look suddenly, said that you discovered today I so was graceful?” 端起手边的热牛奶喝了一口,艾瑞克半开玩笑地问道:“为什么突然用这种眼神看着我,还是说你今天才发现我原来这么帅?” „,” Christina does not smile, looks down in front of Eric that pack of newspaper, lifts the hand to refer to anything, actually stayed, stands up, bewildered say|way: I thought that in the morning I have read ahead of time, should fall on the curtain wall sofa.” “不是啦,”克里斯蒂娜笑笑,低头看了眼艾瑞克面前的那叠报纸,抬起手想要指什么,却呆了呆,站起身,莫名其妙道:“我想起来了,早上我提前翻看了一下,应该落在幕墙边的沙发上了。” Eric looks at Christina to run curiously the kitchen, takes magazine to come back quickly. 艾瑞克好奇地看着克里斯蒂娜跑出厨房,很快又拿着一本杂志回来。 Originally is this month «Forbes» magazine, this thinks that the new phase of «Forbes» magazine official release should be today, Oh, this issue also has the entire US 400 rich and powerful people lists, no wonder this girl will show that expression, Eric last year sale price had achieved 67 700 million USD a moment ago, before this issue of «Forbes» magazine distributes, the majority of financial media forecast that this year his 's sale price over 80 billion USD, 80 billion, most people, will be quite powerful. 原来是这个月的《福布斯杂志,这才想起来,新一期的《福布斯杂志正式发行就应该是今天,,这一期还有全美400富豪榜,怪不得这妮子会露出刚才那种表情,艾瑞克去年的身价就已经达到677亿美元,在这一期《福布斯杂志发行之前,大部分财经媒体都预测他今年的身价将超过800亿美元,800亿,大部分人来说,还是颇有震撼力的。 This year, besides the stable growth of Firefly Group, Firefly invests the Cisco, Yahoo, AOL and other enterprises, realized almost turned the growth of time of type. Like Cisco, this time last year market value, only then 10 billion, but according to the recent stock price, the Cisco market value increased to 3 3.2 billion USD. The AOL market value to last year insufficient 10 billion scale, grew 15 300 million USD similarly. 今年,除了萤火虫集团的稳定增长外,萤火虫投资旗下的思科雅虎美国在线等企业,都实现了几乎翻倍式的增长。就像思科,去年这个时候的市值只有10000000000,但根据最近的股价,思科的市值已经增加到了332亿美元美国在线的市值相对于去年不足百亿的规模,同样增长到了153亿美元 Come, making me have a look, I how much money, on face bring smiling, Eric to receive that magazine from the Christina hand now, in the title page is not accidental, is his feature article picture, but has swept a title, Eric stares the big eye immediately surprisedly, said: They also really must place in the fire to roast me.” “来,让我看看,我现在到底有多少钱,”脸上带着笑,艾瑞克克里斯蒂娜手中接过那本杂志,封面上毫不意外,是他的特写照片,只是扫了一眼标题,艾瑞克立刻惊讶地瞪大眼睛,道:“他们还真是要把我放在火上烤啊。” In the magazine title page, most makes Eric surprised, 98 700 million USD this compared with the majority of media forecast actually left on the 10 billion USD striking figure, but is under this string of digit, «Forbes» magazine has used a very sensitive title: «Media Oligarch Rising». 杂志封面上,最让艾瑞克惊讶的,倒不是987亿美元这个比大部分媒体预测多出了上百亿美元的醒目数字,而是这串数字下方,《福布斯杂志用了一个非常敏感的标题:《传媒寡头崛起》。 Oligarch this word, in the West may absolutely not be the commendatory term, although almost all capital forces have into the ambition of profession oligarch, even if has served this purpose, few people will publicize on a grand scale. The so-called oligarch, in westerner's consciousness, means the monopoly and sudden and huge profits similarly, as well as exploitation and squeezing. ‘寡头’这个词,在西方可绝对不是什么褒义词,虽然几乎所有资本势力都有着成为行业寡头的野心,但即使达到了这种目的,也很少人会大张旗鼓地宣扬出来。所谓寡头,在西方人的意识里,同样意味着垄断和暴利,以及剥削和压榨。 Like 20th century beginning, although Rockefeller Family has created the unprecedented wealth myth, because uses the soldier of fortune to suppress the miner and other series of rotten conducts, even if until 100 years later today, Rockefeller Family is shouldering the bad name, will the Rockefeller Family descendant who wants to participate in government even be seized interrogation you also to control United States by the reporters?’. 就像二十世纪初,洛克菲勒家族虽然创造了前所未有的财富神话,但因为使用雇佣兵镇压矿工等一系列恶劣行径,直到哪怕100年后的今天,洛克菲勒家族都背负着坏名声,一些想要参政的洛克菲勒家族后代甚至会被记者们揪住质问‘你们难道还想控制美国吗?’。 Naturally, even if not care about outside reputation, if this word contacts with oligarch, will then often face all enterprises not to hope anti- monopoly investigation that the bitter experience arrives, this most lets the matter that the person has a headache about. 当然,哪怕不在乎外界名声,如果与‘寡头’这个词联系起来,接下来往往会面临所有企业都不希望遭遇到的反垄断调查,这才是最让人头疼的事情。 However, Eric had discovered quickly some differences, the title of «Forbes» magazine use is media oligarch rises, but is not pure oligarch rises, were many a glossary, these definitely have very big difference. 不过,艾瑞克很快发现了一些异样,《福布斯杂志使用的标题是‘传媒寡头崛起’,而不是单纯的‘寡头崛起’,多了一个词汇,这其中肯定还是有很大区别的。 Realizes this, Eric opens magazine hastily, had found the thread. 意识到这点,艾瑞克连忙翻开杂志,找到了相关文章。 It is well known, Hollywood Film Studio in a developing process of century, throughout presents the condition that the outstanding heroes rise together simultaneously, because of the intense uncertainty of creative profession, Hollywood is very difficult to have some company single hegemony aspect. However, in recent years, along with Federal Government opening of step by step to media profession control, Hollywood big Film Studio no longer was limited to the content production domain, therefore, the relatively balanced aspect was being broken fast. In the media profession new round shuffles, the development momentum is strongest, without a doubt is establishment also less than ten years of Firefly Group.” “众所周知,好莱坞电影公司在一个世纪的发展过程中,始终呈现出群雄并起的状态,因为创意性行业的强烈不确定性,好莱坞很难出现某家公司一家独大的局面。不过,最近几年,随着联邦正府对传媒行业管制的一步步开放,好莱坞电影公司不再被局限于内容制作领域,于是,原本相对均衡的局面正在被快速打破。在传媒行业新一轮洗牌中,发展势头最强劲的,毫无疑问是成立还不到十年的萤火虫集团。” Although Firefly Group has not published 1996 annual financial statement temporarily, but, according to the massive public information, we are not difficult to forecast that the Firefly Group 1996 overall earning data, will possibly break through 30 billion USD this unprecedented figures, even if five years ago, the media profession year earning breaks through 10 billion USD companies to be few.” “虽然萤火虫集团暂时没有公布1996年度财务报告,不过,根据大量公开信息,我们不难预测,萤火虫集团1996年度整体营收数据,很可能将突破300亿美元这个史无前例的数字,而哪怕是五年前,传媒行业年度营收突破100亿美元的公司都寥寥无几。” „Since Firefly Group this eruption -type earning data, has given credit to it merger or acquisition in the 90's moves, although Time Warner, Viacom and other media group also many corresponding annexation, but only Firefly Group, after annexes new line Film Industry and Disney group and metropolis ABC group and other companies continuously, through Eric Williams lets the forward-looking vision as well as the company that the person acclaims the formidable and highly effective execution management team, Firefly Group realizes perfectly has annexed the sustained high-speed development of rapid integration as well as relevant operation between later different companies.” 萤火虫集团这种爆发式的营收数据,归功于它在九十年代以来的一次次兼并收购行动,虽然时代华纳维亚康姆等传媒集团也不乏相应的兼并活动,但只有萤火虫集团,在连续兼并新线影业迪斯尼集团、大都市ABC集团等公司之后,通过艾瑞克威廉姆斯让人赞叹的前瞻性眼光以及公司内部强大而高效的执行管理团队,萤火虫集团完美地实现了兼并之后不同公司之间的快速融合以及相关业务的持续高速发展。” Contrasts, lost Steve Ross Time Warner almost can describe in a state of disunity, Viacom Summer although Redstone is hale and hearty, actually obviously lacks to rapid growth the keen judgment of media profession, after acquiring the Blockbuster recording tape chain store and Paramount Pictures Corporation continuously, in the bone conservative Redstone has not carried on the essence effective reorganization conformity to these two enterprises, the Blockbuster service presented the obvious decline, the Paramount Pictures Film Industry service did not have any improvement similarly.” “对比起来,失去了史蒂夫罗斯时代华纳几乎可以用一盘散沙来形容,维亚康姆萨默雷石东虽然老当益壮,却明显缺乏对高速发展的传媒行业的敏锐判断力,连续兼并百视达录像带连锁店和派拉蒙影业公司后,骨子里性格保守的雷石东并没有对这两家企业进行实质有效的改组整合,百视达的业务已经出现了明显的衰退,派拉蒙影业电影业务同样没有任何起色。” Theoretical analysis is very difficult to see the differences of these three native media giants, then, the annual results of three companies reported can actually clear presents this point.” “理论性的分析很难让人看出这三家本土传媒巨头的差异,那么,三家公司的年度业绩报告却能够清晰的呈现出这一点。” According to the known information, we can discover, 1996, Time Warner year earning, only then 10 100 million USD, the whole year lose money 1.9 100 million USD once more, the low achievement causes to have the Time Warner group stock values of 35 billion USD fixed assets to have 24 300 million. Viacom 1996 earning achieved 1 2.1 billion USD, year net profit 1.2 billion USD, market value 28 800 million USD, although has realized to Time Warner counter- ultra, turned into the North America second largest media group, but was quite obvious from the Firefly Group disparity.” “根据已知信息,我们可以发现,1996年度,时代华纳的年度营收只有101亿美元,全年再次亏损1.91亿美元,低迷的业绩导致拥有350亿美元固定资产的时代华纳集团股票市值只有243亿维亚康姆1996年度营收达到121亿美元,年净利12亿美元,市值288亿美元,虽对时代华纳实现了反超,变成北美第二大传媒集团,但距离萤火虫集团的差距却相当明显。” By the splendid performance of media network, the film and television entertainment, the theme park, the peripheral product as well as special effect company, the Firefly Group year earning has reached 30 billion USD scales, compared Firefly Group in the past 11% average net profit rates, the Firefly Group whole year net profit should in 3.3 billion USD about, because various Firefly Group services as before maintained the strong momenta of growth, according to the listed company standard, the Firefly Group market value should achieve 85 billion USD.” “凭借旗下媒体网络、影视娱乐、主题乐园、周边产品以及特效公司的出色业绩表现,萤火虫集团的年度营收已经达到300亿美元的规模,对照萤火虫集团往年11%的平均净利率,萤火虫集团全年净利润应该在33亿美元左右,因为萤火虫集团旗下各项业务依旧保持强劲的增长势头,按照上市公司标准,萤火虫集团的市值应该达到850亿美元。” Therefore, in profit for the year, earning data or market value, Firefly Group has widened the enormous disparity with the same profession competitor, presented single hegemony the potential of oligarch.” “因此,无论是在年利润、营收数据还是市值方面,萤火虫集团都已经与同行业竞争者拉开了极大差距,呈现出了一家独大的寡头之势。”
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