IAIH :: Volume #9

#835: Small regret

«RMS Titanic» Box Office had achieved 4.4 700 million USD last week, this week surpasses the North America Box Office record of 《Star Wars》 460 million USD, is almost the inevitable matter. Eric does not have the too big pleasant surprise at heart but actually, listens expression that Christina is jumping for joy, she obviously is also «RMS Titanic» is a movie fan. 泰坦尼克号》上周票房就已经达到4.47亿美元,这周超越《星球大战》4.6亿美元北美票房纪录,几乎是必然的事情。艾瑞克心里倒没有太大的惊喜,听着克里斯蒂娜雀跃的语气,她显然也是《泰坦尼克号》是影迷。 The sleepiness diverges, Eric was sideways, corners of the mouth look with a smile are lying in nearby Christina, said: This matter we under and others chatted again, now......” 睡意散去,艾瑞克侧过身,嘴角含笑地望着趴在旁边的克里斯蒂娜,道:“这件事情我们等下再聊,现在……” Was saying, Eric puts out a hand suddenly, embraces the Christina slender small waist to draw her whole person, then stands up from failure. 这么说着,艾瑞克突然伸手,揽住克里斯蒂娜纤细的小腰将她整个人拉过来,然后翻身。 Hehe, does not want,” Christina coordinates to struggle very much tenderly with a smile. “呀呵呵,不要啊,”克里斯蒂娜很配合地娇笑着挣扎起来。 The Eric height exceeds one meter eight, Christina actually only then one meter 55 small fellow, along with the Eric movement, the Christina petite body completely disappears under his body. 艾瑞克身高超过一米八,克里斯蒂娜却只有一米55的小个子,随着艾瑞克的动作,克里斯蒂娜娇小的身子完全消失在他身下。 Small kitty, will remember next time, suddenly awakened by noise man, the anger is very big.” “小猫咪,下次记住,突然被吵醒的男人,火气可是非常大的。” Christina narrows the eye, the cheek is ruddy, is extending the arm, whatever Eric takes off own small T-shirt, the expression begs for mercy to say softly: Eric, I have made a mistake, I will not dare next time.” 克里斯蒂娜眯起眼睛,脸蛋红扑扑的,伸着手臂任由艾瑞克将自己的小t恤脱下来,语气软软地求饶道:“艾瑞克,我错了,我下次再也不敢了。” Next matter will say next time again that this time must punish.” “下次的事情下次再说,这次还是要惩罚的。” But, I have completed the breakfast, waited for you to punish to want coolly Oh.” “可是,我已经做好了早餐,等你惩罚完就要凉了。” A Christina such saying, Eric also felt that is big and hungry, looked at the sunlight outside eye piece, the time already not early, for these days «Casino Royale» must finish immediately, all work need he to stare personally, therefore restrains the desire, lets loose Christina, stands up from failure to get out of bed, said: Good, looks in you such clever share, this time lets off you.” 克里斯蒂娜这么一说,艾瑞克也感觉到一阵饥肠辘辘,又看了眼窗外的阳光,时间已经不早,这几天《皇家赌场》马上就要完工,所有工作都需要他亲自盯着,于是克制住欲念,放开克里斯蒂娜,翻身下床,道:“好吧,看在你这么乖的份上,这次就放过你。” The 《Star Wars》 for 20 years pass through multiple show again, Box Office just broke through 460 million USD. Therefore, if must discuss the first run Box Office record, before «RMS Titanic», should be Eric several years ago «Jurassic Park» that manufactures, North America Box Office finally is 450 million. 《星球大战》20年来经过多次重映,累计票房才刚刚突破4.6亿美元。因此,如果要论首轮放映票房纪录的话,在《泰坦尼克号》之前,应该要数艾瑞克几年前制作的《侏罗纪公园》,北美票房最终为4.5亿 However, in any event, after 12-week-long reflection, «RMS Titanic» North America Box Office achieves 4.6 900 million USD, broke the Box Office records of past North America all movies, broke the record has won 12-week-long North America single week Box Office champion. 不过,无论如何,经过长达12周的反映,《泰坦尼克号北美票房达到4.69亿美元,打破了以往北美所有影片的票房纪录,同时也破纪录地拿下了长达12周的北美单周票房冠军。 Although all people know that «RMS Titanic» breaks the North America Box Office record at this weekly assembly unsuspensefully, but after the true data draws a charge, can like Eric respond that the light person eventually is minority. 虽然所有人都知道,《泰坦尼克号》在这一周会毫无悬念地打破北美票房纪录,但真正的数据出炉之后,能够像艾瑞克这样反应平淡的人终究是少数。 On the same day after getting out of bed, had breakfast in Christina short a half hour, 56 telephones continuously have projected in the Eric cell phone. 当天起床后,和克里斯蒂娜吃早餐的短短半个小时里,就有56个电话连续打到了艾瑞克手机上。 North America today's media basically are focusing this matter, in Eric subscription newspaper, there is a larger part to present «RMS Titanic» in the front page breaks the North America Box Office record the news. In the network is an ebullition, the «RMS Titanic» huge bean noodles group posts to celebrate the movie to break the North America Box Office record at the Yahoo communities as well as the major movie forums. 北美今天的媒体基本上都在聚焦这件事,艾瑞克订阅的报纸中,有一大半都在头版出现了《泰坦尼克号》打破北美票房纪录的新闻。网络上更是一片沸腾,《泰坦尼克号》庞大的粉丝群在雅虎社区以及各大电影论坛纷纷发帖庆祝影片打破北美票房记录。 Under the arrangement of company, ABC morning news «Good Morning America» has used the entire 20 minutes, reviewed «RMS Titanic» from starting to the present entire process, the director even also on the spot connected to be in Japan is several movie hosts who the movie created the propaganda creates, let the «Good Morning America» viewing ratio increased 30% about the «RMS Titanic» report directly to the past. 在公司的安排下,ab的早间新闻节目《早安美国》用了整整20分钟时间,回顾了《泰坦尼克号》从开机到现在的全过程,主持人甚至还现场连线了身在日本为电影做宣传的几位电影主创,关于《泰坦尼克号》报道直接让《早安美国》的收视率相对于以往增加了30%。 Although several months ago, including is Eric, anybody is unable to know that «RMS Titanic» can break the North America Box Office record in this week. 虽然在几个月前,包括是艾瑞克自己,任何人都无法得知《泰坦尼克号》会不会在这一周打破北美票房纪录。 However, today is on March 14, the distance 69 th Oscar presentation ceremony only then 10 days of time, after nomination announcement, to use the «RMS Titanic» Oscar influence as far as possible, the movie surplus main overseas ticket warehouse country show time basically arranged in afterward two weeks of time, when the time comes, the «RMS Titanic» overseas will screen the number of countries are less than 30 will increase to 68 from before one fell swoop. 不过,今天已经是3月14日,距离第69届奥斯卡颁奖典礼只有10天时间,在提名公布之后,为了尽可能地利用《泰坦尼克号》的奥斯卡影响力,影片剩余主要的海外票仓国家上映时间基本上都安排在了随后两周时间,到时候,《泰坦尼克号》的海外上映国家数量将一举从之前不到30个增加到68个。 Today, the «RMS Titanic» overseas screen the country to increase 17, includes German, French and Japan these three most important overseas ticket warehouses. 今天,《泰坦尼克号》的海外上映国家就将增加17个,其中还包括德国、法国、日本这三个最重要的海外票仓。 In the original space and time, «RMS Titanic» first run overseas Box Office is 1.2 billion USD. Eric remembers that Japan Box Office probably in 200 million USD about, has achieved the 91 million USD Box Office figure according to United Kingdom at present, with United Kingdom market size suitable Germany and France, Box Office possibly similarly breaks through 100 million USD, in other words, total Box Office of these three overseas Box Office countries will achieve about 400 million USD, occupies «RMS Titanic» overseas Box Office market share one-third. 原时空中,《泰坦尼克号》的首轮放映海外票房12亿美元艾瑞克记得日本票房大概在2亿美元左右,按照英国目前已经达到9100万美元票房数字来看,与英国市场规模相当的德国和法国,累计票房同样可能突破1亿美元,也就是说,这三个海外票房国家的总票房就将达到4亿美元左右,占据《泰坦尼克号》海外票房市场份额的1。 Therefore, Firefly also particularly attaches great importance to the screening work of these three countries, «RMS Titanic» several hosts create in the previous week start nonstop to rush to Europe and Japan participate in corresponding country preview ceremony, at this time Cameron and the others also stay in Japan. 因此,萤火虫对这三个国家的上映工作也分外重视,《泰坦尼克号》的几位主创在前一周就开始马不停蹄地赶往欧洲日本参加相应国家的首映式,此时卡梅隆等人都还停留在日本 Eric believes that after new one **** the scale screens, the «RMS Titanic» overseas Box Office data will thoroughly also erupt, once more before, because of Firefly established release strategy, overseas Box Office number until now, reluctantly achieves 400 million USD. 艾瑞克相信,在新一****规模上映之后,《泰坦尼克号》的海外票房数据也将彻底爆发,再次之前,因为萤火虫既定的发行策略,海外票房数到现在为止,也才勉强达到4亿美元 Has bustled about one in the Firefly cinema city in the morning, Eric then rushes to Burbank to attend the distribution conference about «RMS Titanic» next stage in the afternoon. 萤火虫影城忙碌了一上午,艾瑞克下午便赶到伯班克参加关于《泰坦尼克号》下一阶段的发行工作会议。 North America 12 th week Box Office achieves 4.6 900 million USD, has brought a not too big nor too small difficulty to the Firefly release department, or regretted. 北美第12周票房累计达到4.69亿美元,也给萤火虫的发行部门带来了一个不大不小的困扰,或者说遗憾。 Although the «RMS Titanic» current Box Office data also placed per week the 20 million USD scale, but, according to the survey data in our hand, majorities is the results that the core movie fan of movie watches repeatedly, reason that these people will enter the movie theater repeatedly, besides movie's attraction, because of them to the affection of movie, was anticipating also it can create many Box Office miracles.” “虽然《泰坦尼克号》目前的票房数据还维持在每周2000万美元的规模,不过,根据我们手中的调查数据,这其中大部分都是影片的核心影迷反复观看的结果,这些人之所以会反复进入电影院,除了影片本身的吸引力外,同时也因为他们对影片的喜爱,期待着它能够创造更多的票房奇迹。” When conference, Firefly release department Chairman Robert Thompson was briefing the current situation: Therefore, «RMS Titanic» has can stimulate the North America Box Office data propaganda point altogether three that continues to rise, breaks the North America Box Office record, North America total Box Office breaks through 500 million USD, as well as Oscar presentation ceremony, if these three propaganda points can appear in three weeks respectively, without doubt is the best condition. But the present situation is, «RMS Titanic» broke the Box Office record, the remaining two propaganda points, according to the current Box Office trend, very likely occur in the same week, even is on the same day. Because of present range Oscar, exactly will be a complete Zhou Jia weekend, the presentation ceremony is next next week's Monday, on the same day 14 th week weekend three days of Box Office drew a charge exactly.” 会议时里,萤火虫发行部门总裁罗伯特・汤普森介绍着当前的情况:“所以,《泰坦尼克号》所拥有的能够刺激北美票房数据继续上扬的宣传点一共有三个,打破北美票房记录,北美票房突破5亿美元,以及奥斯卡颁奖典礼,如果这三个宣传点能够分别出现在三周内,无疑是最好的状态。但现在的情况是,《泰坦尼克号》已经打破了票房纪录,剩下两个宣传点,根据当前的票房走势,很可能发生在同一周,甚至是同一天。因为现在距离奥斯卡,恰好是一个完整周加一个周末,颁奖典礼是下下周的周一,当天第14周周末三天票房恰好出炉。” Robert although Thompson said that in expression not many regrettable mood, in conference room all people also generally so. 罗伯特・汤普森虽然这么说,语气里并没有多少遗憾的情绪,会议室里所有人也大抵如此。 Everybody can hear, «RMS Titanic» this week breaks the North America Box Office record, next week of Box Office breaks through 500 million USD, the next week attacks the Oscar young metal statue record again, such Monday stimulates the Box Office propaganda point, without doubt is the optimum condition. 大家都听得出来,《泰坦尼克号》这一周打破北美票房纪录,下一周票房突破5亿美元,再下一周冲击奥斯卡小金人记录,这样一周一个刺激票房的宣传点,无疑是最佳状态。 But «RMS Titanic» single week Box Office placed 20 million USD above, is the movie fan has supported, although Firefly can put out 10 million USD with ease, Box Office will support 500 million «RMS Titanic» next week, but such does like in «RMS Titanic» this perfect pearl on delimits a scratch to be so stupid, when the time comes, the match estimate that envies the envy to hate meets Le Fengdiao to various Firefly types. 但《泰坦尼克号》单周票房保持在2000万美元以上,就已经是影迷捧场了,虽然萤火虫能够轻松拿出1000万美元,将《泰坦尼克号》下周票房撑到5亿,但这么做就像在《泰坦尼克号》这颗完美无瑕的‘珍珠’上划一道划痕那么愚蠢,到时候,对萤火虫各种羡慕嫉妒恨的对手估计会乐疯掉。 Everybody song, had humanity mutually in a low voice: Robert, you had forgotten the consideration movie global Box Office broken 1 billion USD this propaganda did select?” 大家相互低声细语了一阵,有人道:“罗伯特,你忘记了考虑电影全球票房破10亿美元这个宣传点了吧?” Naturally has considered,” Robert Thompson said: But, this is not a brand-new record, «Jurassic Park» broke four years ago. Moreover, this data draws a charge should after Oscar, when the time comes, North America Box Office should have very big probability to start to drop largely, we were impossible to anticipate anything to the North America market again.” “当然考虑过,”罗伯特・汤普森道:“不过,这并不是一个全新的记录,《侏罗纪公园》在四年前就打破了。而且,这个数据出炉应该在奥斯卡之后,到时候,北美票房应该有很大几率开始大幅回落,我们不可能再对北美市场期待什么了。” Also some people said suddenly: That global 2 billion?” 又有人突然道:“那全球20亿呢?” When conference in fell into the short stop, then all person chuckles get up. 会议时里陷入了短暂的停顿,然后所有人都轻笑起来。 Robert Thompson also shakes the head, looks to the opposite party, what speech is new line Film Industry Chairman Kenneth Horne, before «RMS Titanic» screens, because new line Film Industry almost overtakes the year Box Office performance of this unit, Kenneth Horne greatly enhances in the status of group, but, after «RMS Titanic» Box Office erupts, the new line Film Industry data cast off again by far, was fighting for multi-resources for the new line Kenneth Horne is quite depressed, but he will not display in this situation. 罗伯特・汤普森也摇摇头,看向对方,说话的是新线影业总裁肯尼斯・霍恩,《泰坦尼克号》上映之前,因为新线影业几乎追上本部的年度票房表现,肯尼斯・霍恩在集团的地位大幅提高,不过,《泰坦尼克号票房爆发之后,新线影业的数据再次被远远甩开,本来在为新线争取更多资源的肯尼斯・霍恩心里还是相当郁闷的,但他也不会在这种场合表现出来。 In entire Firefly Group, Kenneth Horne and Robert Thompson's status quite, Kenneth new line Film Industry of Horne fingers and palm including the entire manufacture and release system, although has manufactured the majority of budget in the 30 million USD following movie, but the achievement of new line has been splendid for these years, has the new line time old feudal official's support, Kenneth Horne is equal by the high level is paid attention. Robert Thompson as group issue department Chairman, governs is being responsible for the native and Bowei international distribution group of global issuing transaction, although does not step in the manufacture, because is controlling Firefly Pictures and Disney Film Industry and Pixar animation and other Firefly all mainstream Film Studio the movie distributions, Robert Thompson's status cannot be underestimated similarly. 在整个萤火虫集团内,肯尼斯・霍恩与罗伯特・汤普森的地位相当,肯尼斯・霍恩指掌的新线影业包括整个制作和发行体系,虽然一直制作大部分预算都在3000万美元以下的影片,但这几年新线的业绩一直非常出色,又有着新线时期旧臣的支持,肯尼斯・霍恩还是相当受到高层关注。罗伯特・汤普森作为集团发行部总裁,掌管着负责本土和全球发行业务的博伟国际发行集团,虽然不涉足制作,但因为控制着萤火虫影业迪斯尼影业皮克斯动画等萤火虫所有主流制片厂的电影发行工作,罗伯特・汤普森的地位同样不容小觑。 Although governs service not to have the overlapping place, but in the same system, their many have the symptom of competition. 虽然掌管业务方面不存在交叉的地方,但在同一体系内,两人多少都有着竞争的苗头。 Kenneth, since you said that was inferior we made a bet, if «RMS Titanic» global Box Office can break through 2 billion USD, I invited to present all people to eat meal, if has not achieved, you came.” 肯尼斯,既然你这么说,不如我们打个赌好了,如果《泰坦尼克号全球票房能够突破20亿美元,我请在场所有人吃饭,如果没有达到,你来。” Naturally does not have the issue, a food I could invite,” Kenneth Horne without hesitation, looked at all around. “当然没问题,一顿饭我还是请得起的,”肯尼斯・霍恩毫不犹豫,看了看四周。 In atmosphere of this jubilation, some people will not say anything to this small gambling house, although almost all people thought that although «RMS Titanic» can break through 1 billion USD steadily, even touches 1.5 billion USD, but 2 billion USD, has hung. 在这种喜庆的氛围中,也不会有人对这种小赌局说什么,虽然几乎所有人都觉得,《泰坦尼克号》虽然能够稳稳突破10亿美元,甚至触及15亿美元,但20亿美元,还是太悬了一些。 Front Eric closes a material that just read, gains ground, has swept among them with a smile, said: Good, your gambling houses I have taken down, when the time comes I choose the place, you should better keep first last year -end bonus.” 艾瑞克合上面前刚刚看完的一份资料,抬起头,笑着在两人之间扫了一圈,道:“好吧,你们两个的赌局我记下了,到时候我来选地点,你们最好先把去年的年终奖留下来。” As the Firefly Group core management, Kenneth Horne and Robert Thompson's year-end bonus in several million USD ranks. Listened to Eric saying that Robert Thompson having a big shock said: Eric, you directly robbed, which hotel food in this world did not have to eat to several million USD.” 作为萤火虫集团的核心高管,肯尼斯・霍恩和罗伯特・汤普森的年终奖金都在数百万美元级别。听艾瑞克这么说,罗伯特・汤普森‘大惊失色’道:“艾瑞克,你还是直接抢劫好了,这世界上还没有哪家酒店一顿饭能吃到数百万美元。” Robs, but illegal, I am the law-abiding citizen,” Eric cracked a joke with a smile. “抢劫可是违法的,我可是守法公民,”艾瑞克笑着开了个玩笑。 Everybody haha smiles one, Katzenberg has announced the next subject. 大家哈哈笑过一阵,卡森伯格宣布下一个议题。 After these days analysis, we discovered that many «RMS Titanic» movie fans are interested in the shoots process of movie. Moreover, we exactly perfectly have preserved all stage props of «RMS Titanic» shoots time, the RMS Titanic steamship model also stands and waits for a long time in Mexican Rosarito’s square, the stage props of some cores also shipped back Los Angeles, at present in the warehouse in cinema city, therefore, below we discussed that feasibility of «RMS Titanic» subject display.” “经过这段时间的分析,我们发现,很多《泰坦尼克号》影迷都对影片的拍摄过程非常感兴趣。而且,我们恰好将《泰坦尼克号拍摄时期的所有道具都完美保存了下来,泰坦尼克号大船模型还伫立在墨西哥罗萨里托的片场内,一些核心的道具也运回了洛杉矶,目前在影城内的仓库里,所以,下面我们讨论一下,《泰坦尼克号》主题展览的可行性。” Katzenberg said that when conference in the people have not spoken immediately, everybody glances through the report that is distributing. 卡森伯格说完,会议时里众人并没有立刻发言,大家哗哗地翻阅着分发下来的调查报告。 Eric has also opened the report in hand. The westerners are generally interested in the collection, the stage props of some classical movies, often can auction the sky-high price. This is also «RMS Titanic» can conduct the cultural base that the stage prop displays. 艾瑞克也翻开了手中的调查报告。西方人普遍对收藏非常感兴趣,一些经典电影的道具,往往能够拍卖出天价来。这也是《泰坦尼克号》能够举办道具展览的文化基础。 Although specific data in not clear original space and time, but Eric actually remembers that after «RMS Titanic» attains greatly is successful, Fox has held around the world the grand «RMS Titanic» shoots stage prop exhibition, if no huge benefit obligation, Fox definitely such has not done. 虽然不清楚原时空中的具体数据,但艾瑞克却记得,《泰坦尼克号》大获成功之后,福克斯在全世界范围内都举办了盛大的《泰坦尼克号拍摄道具巡展活动,如果没有巨大的利益驱使,福克斯肯定没有这么做。 Moreover, in the original space and time looks like the most regrettable matter in Eric, is Cameron at 1 : 1 proportion in the RMS Titanic model of Rosarito square duplication, in movie manufacture later, to raise enough manufacture funds, was demolished to sell the scrap iron directly, thinks that this is also one of the many movie fan big regretted. 而且,原时空中在艾瑞克看来最遗憾的一件事,就是卡梅隆以一比一的比例在罗萨里托片场复制的泰坦尼克号模型,在影片制作后期,为了筹措足够的制作经费,被直接拆除卖了废铁,想必这也是很多影迷的一大遗憾。 This time, Eric from the beginning, told that the Lord of movie created perfectly to preserve all stage props. The reason that he initially gave, naturally provides the stage prop support for the following manufacture and «RMS Titanic» related restoring the old movie, after all, the «RMS Titanic» stage prop manufacture has spent tens of millions USD. 这一次,艾瑞克从一开始,就吩咐电影的主创们将所有道具都完美地保存了下来。他当初给出的理由,当然是为了后续制作与《泰坦尼克号》相关的复古影片提供道具支持,毕竟,《泰坦尼克号》道具制作可是花费了数千万美元 However, now, «RMS Titanic» has obtained has been similar to the previous life same success, then, the real reason of action can take splendidly. 但是,现在,《泰坦尼克号》已经取得了如同前世一样的成功,那么,原本举动的真实理由就可以堂而皇之地拿出来了。 Although the «RMS Titanic» subject display definitely is unable to exist for a long time like Disneyland, but has the rich experience of operation Disney theme park, Firefly holds the «RMS Titanic» subject display obtains the successful possibility to be also big. 虽然《泰坦尼克号》主题展览肯定无法像迪斯尼乐园那样长久地存在下去,但有着运营迪斯尼主题乐园的丰富经验,萤火虫举办《泰坦尼克号》主题展览获得成功的可能性也非常大。 ( To be continued.) (未完待续。)
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