IAIH :: Volume #9

#834: Wedding invitation

According to the NASDAQ next few years trend, the stock investment that Eric two years carried on recently, in the appropriate opportunity leverage, at least can yield five times of incomes.[[ <\; 按照纳斯达克未来几年的走势,艾瑞克最近两年进行的股票投资,在合适的时机套现,至少能够获得五倍的收益。[[<\; ?[ ?[ Last year after buying up 2 billion USD NASDAQ it stock, the Eric plan this year and next year, while the NASDAQ opportunity of index below 2 000, will invest 4 billion USD to buy up again, and after the NASDAQ index arrived at 00 started 6 to continue the leverage. 去年买进2o亿美元纳斯达克it股之后,艾瑞克计划今年和明年,趁着纳斯达克指数在2ooo点以下的时机,再投入4o亿美元进行买进,并在纳斯达克指数到达oo点之后开始6续套现。 Contrasts with this plan, the foreign exchange speculation of Southeast Asia economic crisis, carries on the operation of more than half a year, perhaps can only yield less than two times of incomes, appears not so is cost-effective, if too many funds will press at this matter, definitely will delay in the appropriate price buys up the it stock the final opportunity. 与这份计划对比起来,东南亚经济危机的外汇投机,进行大半年的操作,或许只能获得不到两倍的收益,也就显得不那么划算,如果将太多资金压在这件事上,也肯定会延误在合适价位买进it股的最后时机。 Meanwhile, Eric does not want to make the too big noise, stared by the Southeast Asia country, Firefly Group or the Firefly investment, may probably in the future in the local show service. Therefore, this next best puts out 300 million USD, collects purely lively, gains spending money anything, the girl wants to buy Boeing 777 for a long time. 同时,艾瑞克也不想闹出太大动静,被东南亚国家盯上,无论是萤火虫集团还是萤火虫投资,将来可都是要在当地展业务的。所以,他这次之拿出3亿美元,纯粹只是凑下热闹,赚个零花钱什么的,丫头可是想买波音777好久了。 Chris also knows that Eric here situation, has not disliked 300 million USD to be too few. 克里斯也知道艾瑞克这边的情况,并没有嫌3亿美元太少。 However, after these days observation, Chris actually treats as a time opportunity this Southeast Asia economic crisis, said: I have mortgaged myself in the part of stockholder's rights of company, has loaned 300 million USD from Chase National Bank. That side Emily, their family is also willing to put out 100 million USD, everybody puts together, is 700 million USD.” 不过,经过这段时间的观察,克里斯却将这次东南亚经济危机当做一次机会,说道:“我抵押了自己在公司的一部分股权,从大通银行贷了3亿美元艾米丽那边,他们家族也愿意拿出1亿美元,大家加在一起,就是7亿美元。” 700 million USD, this digit is very skillful,” Eric said with a smile, Firefly that in the Chris hand has invests 3% stocks, invests the current property scale according to Firefly, the value crosses 1 billion USD, mortgage stock matter, Chris also ahead of time has raised in the telephone and Eric, Eric also unconsciously has any improper, even if Chris this 300 million USD owed completely, 1% stockholder's rights outflows, will not have any substantive effect to Firefly Group. Let alone, this time is only one gains absolutely gains few games. 7亿美元,这个数字挺巧的,”艾瑞克笑着说道,克里斯手中持有的萤火虫投资3%股份,按照萤火虫投资当前的资产规模,价值已经过1o亿美元,抵押股份这件事,克里斯也提前在电话中和艾瑞克提过,艾瑞克也不觉有什么不妥,就算克里斯3亿美元全部都亏掉了,1%的股权流失,并不会对萤火虫集团造成什么实质性影响。更何况,这次绝对只是一场赚多赚少的游戏。 Regarding is very skillful, that is because, initially Eric detained petroleum Pe­tro­leum of note Kuwait war, is about 700 million USD. 至于说很巧,那是因为,当初艾瑞克押注科威特战争的石油期货,也是7亿美元左右。 Chris has remembered immediately the initial that past events, at that time he and fathers thinks that Eric was insane, the final result also sufficiently makes people crazy. 克里斯立刻就想起了当初的那段往事,当时他和自己父亲都以为艾瑞克疯了,最后的结果却也足以让人疯狂。 Smiled, Chris said: This time we definitely are unable to yield that crazy income. According to the material in my present hand, after this probing attack, the international idle fund takes three months to establish the dead end cash, moves once more should July about. Three months, everybody is rushing to construct the warehouse, comes under the competitive nature influence, the cash release lever pressure will be only lower, we can yield a time of income to be good finally.” 笑了笑,克里斯道:“这次我们肯定无法获得那么疯狂的收益了。根据我现在手中的资料,这次试探性攻击后,国际游资需要三个月时间建立空头头寸,再次动应该在7月份左右。三个月时间,大家都在抢着建仓,受到竞争因素影响,头寸杠杆只会越压越低,我们最终能够获得一倍收益就不错了。” Although Chris is busy with the industry investing in recent years, but from this short a few words, Eric judges Chris not to lose the professional standard of oneself Jin Rongxi outstanding student obviously. In the memory, the financial crisis in Asia official explodes massively, in July. 虽然克里斯最近几年一只在忙于实业投资,但从这短短的一段话,艾瑞克就判断出克里斯显然并没有失去自己金融系高材生的专业水准。记忆中,亚洲金融危机正式大规模爆,就是在7月。 This sum of money can gain many incomes not to matter actually, I regard as important effect of this matter on the federal economy,” Eric then said: Once the Asian emerging economy is similar to 70-80 age various Latin American countries such thoroughly is destroyed, the Europe economy current has not recovered, large quantities of hot money only energy flows to the North America market, can want to see, when the time comes, the North America stock market will experience a secondary big bull market once more.” “这笔钱能赚回多少收益其实都无所谓,我还是更看重这件事对联邦经济的影响,”艾瑞克接着说道:“一旦亚洲新兴经济体如同七八十年代拉美各国那样被彻底摧毁,欧洲经济当前又还没有复苏,大批热钱只能流向北美市场,可以想见,到时候,北美股市将再次经历一次级大牛市。” Chris nods, thinks or said: Eric, although I know that you have the detailed plan, but I want to remind you, this leverage time should not be scruple. In my opinion, NASDAQ market had the bubble trend now, like Microsoft, its last year net profit, only then 2.1 billion USD, the present market value actually rose 120 billion, this has overestimated are too many. The North America stock market has not risen the stop limit, if late, the investments of 6 billion USD, perhaps only have taken one day independently, can turn into the large loss from the large amount profit.” 克里斯点点头,想了想还是说道:“艾瑞克,虽然我知道你心里有着详细的计划,不过我还是想提醒你,该套现的时候不要迟疑。在我看来,纳斯达克市场现在就已经出现泡沫趋势了,就像微软,它去年的年净利只有21亿美元,现在的市值却已经涨到了12oo亿,这已经高估太多了。北美股市没有涨跌停限制,如果放手晚了,6o亿美元的投资,或许只需要一天,就能从巨额盈利变成大幅亏损。” In my opinion, the Microsoft stock price has not reached the limit by far,” Eric was saying, said seriously: But, relax, Chris, you know that I am not that type am lost the mental person greedily.” “在我看来,微软的股价远远还没有到达极限,”艾瑞克说着,又郑重道:“不过,放心吧,克里斯,你知道我不是那种会被贪婪迷失心智的人。” Yes,” Chris nods, suddenly also said with a smile: Said that I participated in Steve last week family party that Forbes conducts, obtained some data of this year's Forbes rich and powerful people list from his there, how much money wants to know you now some?” “是啊,”克里斯点头,突然又笑道:“说起来,我上周参加了史提夫・福布斯举办的家庭派对,从他那里得到了今年福布斯富豪榜的一些数据,想知道你现在有多少钱吗?” «Forbes» magazine in March will usually announce that the rich and powerful people list of new year, Eric also subscribed this magazine, he remembers that this issue of good time should be next Monday, but, before then, on the major financial media appeared massively regarding the Forbes rich and powerful people list discussion topic, even if Eric does not have to give special attention, can learn of some news more or less. 福布斯杂志通常会在三月份公布新一年度的富豪榜,艾瑞克也订阅了这份杂志,他记得这一期的行时间应该是下周一,不过,在此之前,各大财经媒体上就已经出现了大量围绕福布斯富豪榜的讨论话题,艾瑞克即使没有特别关注,也能或多或少得知一些消息。 Looks that Chris kept guessing unusually, Eric said with a smile: I am actually curious, how many «Forbes» is to your net worth appraisal?” 看着克里斯少有地卖起了关子,艾瑞克笑道:“我倒是好奇,《福布斯》对你的身家评估是多少?” 1.1 billion USD, may unable by far compared with you.” 11亿美元,可远远不能和你相比。” Chris shrugs, but he was also satisfied, started from initially a Morgan Stanley ordinary analyst now, more than six years accumulated 1 billion USD net worth, he absolutely is the North America salary maximum fund manager. North America has invests similar respected family investment fund with Firefly, although these superintendents of fund the yearly salary is rich, but can attain the stockholder's rights very few actually. Moreover, Chris is also clear, although Eric little handles the Firefly investment the matter, but he actually forever is the Firefly investment can unfold to the key of present scale, oneself are only a performer. Does not have Eric to select Cisco, AOL, Nokia and other enterprises sharp-eyed, another leadership establishes the Yahoo Internet company, the Firefly investment impossible show so to be at all rapid. 克里斯耸耸肩,不过他心里也已经非常满足,从当初摩根士丹利一个普通分析师开始到现在,六年多时间就积累了过1o亿美元的身家,他绝对算是北美薪酬最高的基金管理人。北美有很多与萤火虫投资类似的大家族投资基金,这些基金的管理者虽然年薪丰厚,但能够拿到股权的却少之又少。而且,克里斯也清楚,艾瑞克虽然很少打理萤火虫投资的事情,但他却永远是萤火虫投资能够展到现在规模的关键,自己只是一个执行者。没有艾瑞克目光敏锐地挑中思科美国在线诺基亚等企业,又一手主导建立雅虎网络公司,萤火虫投资根本不可能展这么迅。 Thinks of these, Chris carries front coffee, sipped several lightly, said: consider as finished, you are next week look at «Forbes» magazine, I almost should also go back.” 想到这些,克里斯端起面前的咖啡,轻啜了几口,道:“算了,你还是下周自己看《福布斯杂志吧,我差不多也该回去了。” Today is on Thursday, the working day, Chris flies actually from the San Francisco road for grain shipment, they are not the idle person, Eric do not detain, will set out to deliver Chris to leave, actually sees Chris not to move, but pulled out an envelope to hand over from the suitcase. 今天是周四,工作日,克里斯其实是从旧金山转道飞过来的,两人都不是清闲的人,艾瑞克也不挽留,正要起身送克里斯离开,却见克里斯并没有动,而是从手提包里掏出一个信封递了过来。 What is this?” Eric asked curiously, sees the envelope not to seal, then conveniently disassembles, presently is an invitation, the marriage invitation, swept one, Eric with a smile has then gained ground: „Did you and Emily plan to marry finally?” “这是什么?”艾瑞克好奇地问了一句,见信封并没有密封,便随手拆开,现里面是一张请柬,结婚请柬,扫了一眼,艾瑞克便笑着抬起头:“你和艾米丽终于打算结婚了?” Un,” on the face of Chris happy expression were also many several points of inexplicable awkwardness, put out a hand to gesticulate carelessly, said: My Papa and Emily parents urged for a long time, most mainly...... Emily, has been pregnant now for one month.” “嗯,”克里斯略带笑意的脸上又多了几分莫名的尴尬,伸手胡乱比划了一下,道:“我爸爸艾米丽父母都催好久了,最主要还是……艾米丽,现在已经怀孕一个多月了。” Wow, congratulates you, must make Papa,” Eric looked at an invitation, said: „In May 2 o date, um, the good day, you planned that which in holds the wedding?” 哇哦,恭喜你,要做爸爸了,”艾瑞克又看了眼请柬,道:“5月2o日,嗯,不错的日子,你们打算在哪举办婚礼?” Maryland, the Papa farm,” Chris was saying, is having meaning of several points of complaint, said: You should know the Emily temper, after presently is pregnant, she has been mad at me this month, said that I held up her work. However, now we could not find reason to delay again, my Papa and her parents will not agree.” “马里兰州,爸爸的农场,”克里斯说着,又带着几分诉苦的意味,道:“你应该知道艾米丽的性子,现怀孕之后,她这个月一直在生我的气,说我耽误了她的工作。不过,现在我们也找不到理由再拖延下去了,我爸爸和她父母都不会同意。” Before the wedding phobophobia, after a period of time good,” Eric receives the invitation, asked: Wedding prepares how, did you invite these people?” “只是婚前恐惧症罢了,过段时间就好,”艾瑞克将请柬收好,又问道:“婚礼准备的怎么样了,还有,你们都邀请了那些人?” Chris said: My Papa and her parents are responsible for this matter, you know that they have retired, the time are much is. As for the guest, you are first receive the invitation, the concrete guest list we had not determined.” 克里斯道:“我爸爸和她父母在负责这件事,你知道,他们都退休了,时间多得是。至于客人,你是第一个收到请柬的,具体的客人名单我们还没有确定。” Eric thinks that said: If you do not oppose, is inferior to this, while this opportunity, shouted that everybody poly.” 艾瑞克想了想,道:“如果你不反对的话,不如这样,趁这个机会,把大家都喊过来聚一聚。” The Chris doubts said: Everybody?” 克里斯疑惑道:“大家?” Cisco John Chambers, AOL Steve Kyes, Nokia Jorma Ollila, Yahoo Ian Gonul they, Firefly Group, Katzenberg, Frank, Robert......” Eric has displayed, said: Ordinary, everybody may not have this type of machine to converge in together, your wedding exactly is an opportunity, like last year Yahoo alliance congress such, I actually has been thinking, everybody should every year get together 1-2 times.” 思科约翰钱伯斯,美国在线史蒂夫・凯斯,诺基亚约玛奥利拉,雅虎伊恩・格尼尔他们,还有萤火虫集团这边,卡森伯格,弗兰克,罗伯特……”艾瑞克罗列了一番,道:“平常,大家可没有这种机会聚在一起,你的婚礼恰好就是一次机会,就像去年的雅虎联盟大会那样,我其实一直想着,大家应该每年都聚会一两次。” But, can this make widely known?” “但是,这会不会太张扬了一些?” Chris is somewhat scruple, if according to the idea of Eric, this should be a Firefly system high-level time big got together, this meeting definitely simply met using the opportunity of Yahoo annual meeting last year is more noticeable. 克里斯有些迟疑,如果按照艾瑞克的想法,这应该算是萤火虫体系高层的一次大聚会了,这次聚会肯定比去年利用雅虎年会的机会简单碰面更加引人注目。 Rises and is stepping in as the recent ten years in the industry suddenly to have the pivotal status enterprise group, the meetings of Firefly system all subsidiary company management, definitely will arouse the strong interest of media. 作为最近十年内突然崛起并在涉足产业拥有举足轻重地位的企业集团,萤火虫体系所有子公司管理层的聚会,肯定会引起媒体的强烈关注。 Eric cracks a joke saying: This is the marriage, I think regarding you, for a lifetime definitely only then this time, must certainly lively be better. Un, naturally, you can go back to discuss first with Emily. To ask any Hollywood Star to support also freely to tell me, I help you invite.” 艾瑞克开玩笑道:“这可是结婚啊,我觉得对于你来说,一辈子肯定就只有这一次了,肯定要越热闹越好。嗯,当然,你可以先回去和艾米丽商量一下。想要请什么好莱坞明星捧场也尽管告诉我,我来帮你们邀请。” That, good, I tonight and Emily chat, but the star on consider as finished,” Chris has not rejected, has tidied up under the briefcase, stands up, said: Was right, Joan that side them, I and Emily not special invitation, you when the time comes led them to go to Maryland on the line, naturally, you wanted to have several, I did not oppose.” “那,好吧,我今晚和艾米丽谈谈,不过明星就算了,”克里斯也没有拒绝,收拾了下公文包,站起身,又说道:“对了,她们那边,我和艾米丽就不专门请柬了,你到时候带着她们去马里兰就行,当然,你想要多带几个,我也不反对。” Relax, I not to the opportunity that you watch the fun,” Eric has struck a fist on the Chris shoulder with a smile. “放心吧,我是不会给你看热闹的机会的,”艾瑞克笑着在克里斯肩膀上擂了一拳。 They were chatting, went out of the villa shoulder to shoulder. 两人谈笑着,并肩走出了别墅。 Delivered to the Santa Monica airport Chris, Eric went to the Firefly cinema city, «Casino Royale» undergoes a seal to preview, the detail that also present one has needed to adjust, he was busy at this matter recently. 克里斯送到圣莫妮卡机场,艾瑞克又去了萤火虫影城,《皇家赌场》经过一次封闭试映,又现了一下需要调整的细节,他最近便在忙这件事。 Has bustled about to seven o'clock, Eric gets off work, in vehicle were many a younger sister paper, Christina Aguilera. 一直忙碌到七点钟,艾瑞克才下班,车子里却多了一只妹纸,克里斯蒂娜阿奎莱拉 In the movie has several to involve the Christina end to need to adjust, in the afternoon the girl then assists to dub in the cinema city late center. After Venice, the opportunity that they again had not found many being together continuously, Christina slightly suggested several, continuously patiently, when Eric gets off work not to leave, the Eric then gratefully convenient belt can come. 影片中有几个涉及到克里斯蒂娜的尽头需要调整,下午女孩便在影城的后期中心协助配音。威尼斯之后,两人一直都没有再找到多少相处的机会,克里斯蒂娜小小地暗示了几下,又一直耐心地等到艾瑞克下班还没有离开,艾瑞克便毫不客气地顺手带会来。 Has had the supper when a Malibu dining room, they are proficient is around 8 : 00. 马里布一家餐厅吃过晚餐,两人到家时已经是八点多。 The petite girl provokes Eric to spare no effort, they are pestering on the bed of bedroom, the Eric cell phone ring tone accidentally has actually rung. 娇娇小小的妮子撩拨起艾瑞克来可谓不遗余力,两人正在卧室的大床上纠缠,艾瑞克的手机铃声却意外地响了起来。 Eric lets loose the bosom Christina, took up cell phone on the headstock to look at one, was Chris hits. 艾瑞克放开怀里的克里斯蒂娜,拿起床头柜上的手机看了一眼,是克里斯打来了的。 Connects the call, Eric puts on night clothes outward to walk conveniently. 接通电话,艾瑞克随手披上一件睡衣朝外走去。 Eric too will not guard against woman desirably, he does not to their certain opportunities of making mistakes, like this is good to everybody. The New York time is early morning, Chris hit at this time, perhaps is any important matter, Eric then did not plan that makes Christina hear. 艾瑞克并不会太刻意地去提防身边的女人,他所做的只是不给她们某些犯错的机会,这样对大家都好。纽约时间已经是凌晨时分,克里斯这个时候打过来,或许是什么重要的事情,艾瑞克便不打算让克里斯蒂娜听到。 Leaves the bedroom, Eric shoves open a small living room in building conveniently, arrives in the balcony, closes right up against the parapet and Chris talks over the telephone. 离开卧室,艾瑞克随手推开楼上的一间小起居室,一路走到阳台上,靠着栏杆与克里斯通话。 Chris does not have what important matter, but mentioned the invitation Firefly system management that in the afternoon Eric mentioned to attend the matter of his wedding, Emily agreed. 克里斯却并没有什么重要的事情,只是谈起下午艾瑞克提到的邀请萤火虫体系管理层参加他婚礼的事情,艾米丽已经同意了。 Eric and Chris chatted several, finally the opposite microphone simply changed to the Emily hand, everybody chatted some details, Eric has made the telephone call, feels somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry, simultaneously and slightly sympathized with Chris, Chris flew in the recent several days a great-circle in the coast, such late has not rested, it seems like these days by heavy that Emily tossed about. 艾瑞克克里斯聊了几句,最后对面的话筒干脆转到了艾米丽手中,大家聊了一些细节,艾瑞克挂了电话,感觉有些哭笑不得,同时又小小地同情了克里斯一下,克里斯最近几天在东西海岸飞了一大圈,这么晚了还没有休息,看来这段时间被艾米丽折腾的不轻。 Unwanted pregnancy and has contracted before the wedding the woman of phobophobia, the itself disposition is also too strong, Tsk Tsk, that scene, thinks to think the terror. 意外怀孕又患了婚前恐惧症的女人,本身性格又太强势,啧啧,那场面,想想都觉得恐怖。 Made the telephone call, Eric returned to bedroom, returned the headstock the cell phone, looked to the bed. 挂了电话,艾瑞克回到卧室,将手机放回床头柜,看向大床。 The Christina small body soft subsidence of the earth in the bed, the cheek is red, the eye pupil confuses glass, was fumbled and broken up the show foreign-style doll appearance. Although clearly knows that this girl is an attire, Eric was aroused wanted prosperously, put out a hand to aggravate the strength to pinch slightly. 克里斯蒂娜小小的身子软软地陷在大床里,脸蛋通红,眼眸迷璃,一副被玩坏了的洋娃娃模样。虽然明知道这妮子是装的,艾瑞克还是被激起了欲旺,伸手过去稍微加重力道捏了一把。 In the light call, the small body of Christina curls up immediately a sun-dried shelled shrimp, actually closely holds the big hand of Eric in the bosom, the water glare in pupil is fuller heavily. 轻呼声中,克里斯蒂娜的小身子立刻蜷成了一只虾米,却是将艾瑞克的大手紧紧抱在怀里,眸子里的水光更加盈重。 Puts out a hand to fish the girl, Eric takes advantage of opportunity to lie on the bed, said with a smile: , sits, oneself move.” 伸手将女孩捞起来,艾瑞克顺势躺在床上,笑道:“,坐上来,自己动。” ...... …… Perhaps is too insane, Eric that last night played was awakened by Christina unexpectedly. 或许是昨晚玩的太疯,艾瑞克竟然是被克里斯蒂娜叫醒的。 Bedroom all around window curtains was pulled open automatically, the beautiful sunlight came, making Eric unable to bear cover under the eye. 卧室四周窗帘被自动拉开,明媚的阳光汹涌而来,让艾瑞克忍不住捂了下眼睛。 In Christina is taking newspaper, partly lies by Eric, in the expression is bringing slightly some excited: Eric, «RMS Titanic» newest week of Box Office comes out, single week Box Office 22 million, total Box Office 400 million 69 million USD, broke 《Star Wars》 to record, you had a look quickly.”( To be continued.) 8 克里斯蒂娜手里拿着一张报纸,半趴在艾瑞克旁边,语气里带着些许小兴奋:“艾瑞克,《泰坦尼克号》最新一周票房出来啦,单周票房22oo万,总票房4亿69oo万美元,打破《星球大战》记录了,你快看看。”(未完待续。)8
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