IAIH :: Volume #9

#833: A drop

Cameron was describing the picture in imagination, in the expression has been full of the expectation, sat in Eric nearby girl actually grinning pouring cold water: But that also definitely spends.” 卡梅隆描绘着想象中的画面,语气里充满了憧憬,坐在艾瑞克旁边的丫头却笑嘻嘻的泼冷水:“但那也肯定非常花钱。” Oh, Drew,” Cameron shook the head, refers to Eric saying: Your issue to this fellow, radically is not the issue.” ,德鲁,”卡梅隆摇摇头,指了指艾瑞克道:“你的问题对这个家伙来说,根本就不是问题。” „The issue of money naturally is not the issue, shows the channel is the issue,” Eric said to Cameron with a smile: If according to your tentative plan, manufactures the 3 DIMAX form «Spider-Man», when the time comes, you will discover that you could not find to broadcast the institute line of this movie.” “钱的问题当然不是问题,放映渠道才是问题,”艾瑞克笑着对卡梅隆说道:“如果按照你的设想,把《蜘蛛侠》制作成3DIMAX格式,到时候,你就会发现你根本找不到可以播放这部电影的院线。” The Eric words look like trough genuine cold water, Cameron also sober, remembered Stan Winston saying that in Firefly cinema city this 3 DIMAX silver screen for test, even if were not in the world first, absolutely was also few in the global range. 艾瑞克的话才像一盆真正的冷水,卡梅隆也清醒过来,想起斯坦・温斯顿说的,萤火虫影城里这块用于测试的3DIMAX银幕,哪怕不是世界上第一块,在全球范围内也绝对屈指可数。 However, thinks that 3 DIMAX silver screen, Cameron immediately understands, looks to Eric, said: Your this fellow, was almost deceived by you, since the 3 DIMAX silver screen appears here, you affirmed that had to plan, is right?” 不过,想到那块3DIMAX银幕,卡梅隆又立刻明白过来,看向艾瑞克,道:“你这家伙,差点被你骗过去,既然3DIMAX银幕出现在这里,你心里肯定已经有计划了,对不对?” Naturally,” Eric does not keep guessing, said: Even, the Firefly software started the secret to research and develop 2 D to transfer the specialized tools software of 3 D technology, so long as the conditions are ripe, the digital domain will establish the special 3 D transformation subsidiary company, suits to transfer the classical movie of 3 D movie to move to Hollywood the big silver screen.” “当然,”艾瑞克也不卖关子,说道:“甚至,萤火虫软件已经开始秘密研发2D转3D技术的专业工具软件,只要时机成熟,数字领域会成立专门的3D转制分公司,将好莱坞适合转制成3D电影的经典影片重新搬到大银幕上。” Strict, 2 D transferred the 3 D technology to appear now, if were not ahead of time diverts all energy by «RMS Titanic», according to the time line of original space and time, Cameron should produce the 3 D edition of «Terminator 2: Judgement Day» at this time. However, current 2 D transfers the 3 D technology only to be able with the roughness to describe that is unable to realize the large-scale commercialization. 严格来说,2D转3D技术现在已经出现了,如果不是提前被《泰坦尼克号》牵制住了所有精力,按照原时空的时间线,卡梅隆此时应该已经制作出了《终结者2》的3D版本。不过,目前的2D转3D技术只能用粗糙来形容,根本无法实现大规模的商业化。 Eric has witnessed in the original space and time, because various false 3 D run rampant, creates this originally prospects for development extremely broad emerging movie technology by the entire process that the profession plays to pound, since he had enough influence and right to speak to Hollywood now, he naturally hopes maturity that the related technology can develop, to realize the benign development of this profession. 艾瑞克亲眼目睹了原时空中因为各种伪3D泛滥成灾,造成这种原本发展前景极为广阔的新兴电影技术被行业生生玩砸的全过程,既然现在他对好莱坞已经拥有了足够的影响力和话语权,他当然希望相关技术能够发展的更加成熟,以实现这个行业的良性发展。 Cameron pursues asks: Hey, Eric, do not say such inexplicably, how long wants specifically? Three years enough, the «Spider-Man» manufacture cycle, exactly is three years.” 卡梅隆追问道:“嘿,艾瑞克,不要说得这么不明不白的,具体要多久呢?三年够不够,《蜘蛛侠》的制作周期,恰好就是三年。” Jim, you are clear, want to promote the 3 D movie massively, even more further 3 DIMAX, we face will be a large-scale promotion of entire industry chain. Researches and develops from the 3 D camera of foundation to carries the promotion of institute line equipment finally, any link, in one single day cannot realize. I thought that at least should take five years, can win initial success. Therefore, waits for your again next movie, considers this matter again.” 吉姆,你要明白,想要大规模推广3D电影,甚至更进一步的3DIMAX,我们面临的将是一场全产业链的大规模升级。从基础的3D摄影机研发到最终端院线设备的升级,这其中任何一个环节,都不是一朝一夕能够实现的。我觉得,至少应该需要五年,才能初见成效。所以,还是等你的再下一部电影,再考虑这种事情吧。” Actually, forcefully acceleration this process is also not, but, this does not conform to the expansion plan of Eric to Firefly. 其实,强行加速这种过程也并不是不可以,只不过,这并不符合艾瑞克萤火虫的扩张计划。 Eric obtains a theory from Buffett there, accumulates own strength in the economic situation good situation, seeks the expansion in the economic environment bad situation. 艾瑞克巴菲特那里得到过一个理论,在经济形势良好的情况下积累自身实力,在经济环境恶劣的情况下寻求扩张。 In recent years, exactly is the North America financial circumstance best time, the IT industry of not to mention rapidly developing, even if Hollywood, the vigorous development because of global film market, the further dilatancy of the recording tape \\ /DVD industry as well as cable TV profession, Hollywood movie industry every year average change goes far beyond 10%. 最近几年,恰好便是北美经济状况最好的时刻,且不说迅猛发展的IT产业,哪怕是好莱坞,因为全球电影市场的蓬勃发展,录像带\\/DVD产业以及有线电视行业的进一步扩容,好莱坞电影产业每年的平均增长率都远远超过10%。 Eric knows that presently Hollywood this good development environment, will burst along with the Internet bubble around 2000, since some time low time, at that time, was the best time of Firefly further expansion. 艾瑞克知道,当前好莱坞这种良好的发展环境,将会在2000年前后随着互联网泡沫破裂,进入一段时间的低迷时期,那时候,将是萤火虫更进一步扩张的最好时刻。 Eric using clover holding company's capital spending plan to NASDAQ IT stock, in fact in Firefly Group the further expansion accumulated capital after 2000, at the Firefly Group current scale, the small scale annexations of several billions USD, cannot can be called the expansion again. If can use the Internet bubble opportunity, accumulates the cash reserves of 2-3 10 billion USD, when the time comes, Firefly Group, when marches the new profession or seeks the annexation goal, can pay less stockholder's rights shares as far as possible, even does not need to use the splitoff pattern completely again. 艾瑞克利用三叶草控股公司对纳斯达克IT股的投资计划,实际上也是在为2000年以后萤火虫集团的进一步扩张积累资金,以萤火虫集团当前的规模,数亿美元的小规模兼并,根本就不能再称得上扩张。如果能够利用互联网泡沫的时机,积累两三百亿美元的现金储备,到时候,萤火虫集团在进军新行业或者寻求兼并目标的时候,就可以尽可能地支付更少的股权份额,甚至完全不需要再使用换股模式。 Cameron is obviously impossible to think that the industry development programs of these big patterns, he thought that somewhat was a pity. 卡梅隆显然不可能想到这些大格局的产业发展规划,他只是觉得有些可惜。 If in other situations, Cameron may delay several years the manufacture plan of «Spider-Man», he will be able to wait completely. 如果是其他情况下,卡梅隆可能会将《蜘蛛侠》的制作计划拖延几年时间,他完全等得起。 Just, this project was he already complied with Eric, although in «RMS Titanic» this project, he bore very tremendous pressure, but Cameron also knows the pressure that Eric bore were not less than him many, because Eric spared no effort even somewhat blindly to support to this project, if the «RMS Titanic» Box Office disastrous defeat, the Firefly Group management possibly lost the trust Eric. Eric has given him such big support, as a personality people, he will not disappoint Eric. 只不过,这个项目是他早就答应了艾瑞克的,虽然在《泰坦尼克号》这个项目上,他承受了很大的压力,但卡梅隆也知道艾瑞克承受的压力并不比他少多少,因为艾瑞克对这个项目不遗余力到甚至有些盲目地支持,如果《泰坦尼克号票房惨败,萤火虫集团管理层都可能失去对艾瑞克的信任。艾瑞克给了他这么大的支持,作为一个性情中人,他也不会让艾瑞克失望。 Everybody also talked about some 3 DIMAX topics, Eric felt that the mouth was somewhat dry, carries the coffee to drink several, asked at will: Jim, were you, what busy at recently?” 大家又聊了一些3DIMAX的话题,艾瑞克感觉口有些干,端起咖啡喝了几口,随意问道:“吉姆,你呢,最近都在忙什么?” The «Spider-Man» project at least must wait till will open in the second half of this year, Cameron does not need to be the «RMS Titanic» Oscar public relations takes a lot of care, as for must go to Europe or Japan, participates in the next stage propaganda activity of «RMS Titanic», along with his regard, Cameron should be very leisurely and carefree completely these days. 蜘蛛侠》的项目至少也要等到今年下半年才会开启,卡梅隆也不需要为《泰坦尼克号》的奥斯卡公关费心思,至于要不要去欧洲或者日本,参加《泰坦尼克号》的下一阶段宣传活动,也完全随他的心意,这段时间卡梅隆应该算是很悠闲的。 Cameron said: Not anything, I not like your this workaholic. Oh, was right, has thought actually of a good drop, when the idea was mature, takes, perhaps Firefly is willing to crank up the movie it.” 卡梅隆道:“没什么,我可不像你这个工作狂。,对了,倒是又想到了一个不错的点子,等想法成熟了,就拿出来,或许萤火虫愿意把它拍成电影。” Eric came the interest, said: Said that perhaps everybody can offer an advice together.” 艾瑞克来了兴致,道:“说说,或许大家可以一起出点主意。” Cameron does not conceal, said refreshedly: Is science fiction story script, narrated that world after suffering a global nature disaster, a girl the story that runs away from the transformation person base, the present is only some simple background hypotheses, I am still thinking that this global nature disaster should be anything.” 卡梅隆也不隐瞒,爽快道:“是一个科幻故事剧本,讲述世界在遭受了一次全球性灾难之后,一个女孩从改造人基地逃出来的故事,现在只是一些简单的背景设定,我还在想这个全球性灾难应该是什么。” Naturally is the nuclear war,” Drew collects the interest to say in side. “当然是核战争啦,”德鲁在旁边凑趣地说道。 Eric remembers Cameron this immediately drop is anything, smiled, then the words of girl, said: „If the nuclear war, on that Earth may not have many live people, the large-scale nuclear war, the residual intense radiation lets this world dozens years of not suitable biology survival sufficiently.” 艾瑞克立刻就想起了卡梅隆这个‘点子’是什么,笑了笑,接着丫头的话,道:“如果是核战争,那地球上可就没有多少活人了,大规模的核战争,残留的强烈辐射足以让这个世界几十年都不适合生物生存。” Truly is this,” opposite Stan Winston also said: Moreover, after the nuclear war, should be the nuclear winter, the radiation cloud mask sunlight of blocking the sky, the earth's surface temperature even possibly drops below zero, even if humanity can survive in the war, has the method of isolation radiation, because of the nuclear winter, the zoology and botany died in large numbers, humanity also because of lacking food died.” “确实是这样,”对面的斯坦・温斯顿也道:“而且,核战争之后,紧接着应该是核冬天,遮天蔽日的辐射云遮挡阳光,地球表面温度甚至可能下降到零度以下,即使人类能够在战争中存活下来,又拥有隔离辐射的手段,但因为核冬天,动植物大批死亡,人类也会因为缺少食物而死去。” I also like this think that” Cameron said: Therefore, the nuclear war is inappropriate, after that simply is one, inspiration time, I want, is only a chaotic time after large-scale global nature disaster, humanity may die in large numbers, the urban wide scope will also leave uncultivated, but the living environment on Earth will not become too bad.” “我也是这样想的,”卡梅隆道:“所以,核战争根本不合适,那简直就是一个后启示录时代,我想要的,只是一个大规模全球性灾难之后的混乱时代,人类或许会大批死去,城市也会大范围荒废,但地球上的生存环境并不会变得太恶劣。” You did not like the date inundating,” Eric was listening to the Cameron words, did intentionally to have no intention saying: If so, you should just knows, in the Japan many science fiction cartoons, a special global nature attack method, cause the electronic instrumentation within global range to malfunction massively.” “你不是喜欢日漫吗,”艾瑞克听着卡梅隆的话,故作无意道:“如果是这样,你应该就知道,日本很多科幻漫画里,都有一种特别的全球性攻击手段,会造成全球范围内的电子仪器大规模失灵。” Cameron understands immediately: You said that electromagnetic wave attack?” 卡梅隆立刻明白过来:“你是说,电磁波攻击?” Eric nods: Electromagnetic wave weapon still exists in the laboratory stage now, but, according to your idea, I guessed, you choose should be future time selects, at that time, the electromagnetic wave weapon should be mature, but the dependence of human to electronic installation will be stronger, then, once these equipment were attacked, definitely will cause the social havoc within global range. Thinks to look, if now a global outage, actually the consequence is also disastrous.” 艾瑞克点头:“电磁波武器现在还存在于实验阶段,不过,按照你的想法,我猜测,你选择的应该是未来的一个时间点,那个时候,电磁波武器应该已经成熟了,而人类对电子设备的依赖性会更强,那么,一旦这些设备遭到攻击,肯定会造成全球范围内的社会混乱。想想看,如果现在来一场全球大停电,其实后果也是灾难性的。” Right, this,” Cameron patted started, the mentality is immediately unimpeded, said: We even can also establish a more perfect world outlook for this story, the turbulent age, the society of martial law, the floor struggles the common people who seeks livehood, um, after this disaster, huger plot plan of fermentation.” “对,就这样,”卡梅隆拍了一下手,思路立刻就畅通起来,道:“我们甚至还可以为这个故事设定一个更加完善的世界观,动荡年代,戒严的社会,底层挣扎求生的平民,嗯,还有在这场灾难之后,酝酿的更为庞大的阴谋计划。” Therefore, Heroine in story, should connects all these links,” Eric meets saying: But, according to this setting, I thought that this idea should be more suitable to manufacture TV series, but is not the movie.” “所以,故事里的女主角,应该就是连接这一切的纽带,”艾瑞克接道:“不过,按照这种设定,我觉得,这个想法应该更适合制作成一部电视剧,而不是电影。” This is also good,” Cameron did not insist that said: In story this girl, should be very good, but is also very formidable, in the meantime, her disposition should have very complex side, like an angel of wandering about destitute floor, um, called the hei angel, did everybody think what kind of?” “这样也不错,”卡梅隆也不坚持,道:“故事里这个女孩,应该很善良,但又很强大,同时,她的性格应该也有着非常复杂的一面,就像一个流落底层的天使,嗯,就叫黒天使,大家觉得怎么样?” Is very good,” Eric nods with a smile, said: Dark Angel hei angel.” “很不错,”艾瑞克含笑点头,道:“末世黒天使。” Right, the Dark Angel hei angel,” Cameron said: Called this name, I will catch up with these days the setting, Eric, if Firefly were interested, prepared a screenwriter team to me.” “对,末世黒天使,”卡梅隆道:“就叫这个名字了,我这段时间会把设定赶出来,艾瑞克,如果萤火虫感兴趣的话,就给我准备一个编剧团队。” Eric nods, «Dark Angel hei Angel», although in once historical, this classical science fiction beautiful play only manufactured two seasons to be reduced, but that was not this TV series reason. Until many years later, science fiction fans also never forget to «Dark Angel hei Angel» following story. 艾瑞克点头,《末世黒天使》,虽然在曾经的历史上,这部经典科幻美剧只制作了两季就被砍掉,但那并不是这部电视剧本身的原因。直到很多年后,科幻迷们还对《末世黒天使》的后续故事念念不忘。 Jim, I can help you prepare a screenwriter team, but, a little requests.” 吉姆,我可以帮你准备一个编剧团队,不过,有一点要求。” What?” Cameron asked curiously. “什么?”卡梅隆好奇地问道。 Eric said with a smile: Heroine, is selected by me, I do not believe your aesthetic standard.” 艾瑞克笑道:“女主角,还是由我来挑,我可不相信你的审美观。” Everybody haha has smiled. 大家都哈哈笑了起来。 Cameron shrugs, said: Good, is casual you, but, my Heroine to «RMS Titanic» is satisfied, this explained we two aesthetic standards should almost.” 卡梅隆耸耸肩,道:“好吧,随便你,不过,我对《泰坦尼克号》的女主角还是非常满意的,这说明我们两个的审美观应该差不多。” Oh,” Eric suddenly thinks that said: This TV series comparison conforms to the taste of young people, does not suit in ABC broadcasts, exactly, this year Fox «X File» terminated, if you want, could make this movie replace the «X File» running schedule.” ,还有,”艾瑞克突然又想起来,道:“这部电视剧比较符合年轻人的口味,并不适合在ABC播放,恰好,今年福克斯的《X档案》完结了,如果你愿意,或许可以让这部电影接替《X档案》的档期。” This is your matters,” Cameron said: I may matter that no matter distributes, even if you make Fox manufacture directly, I do not matter.” “这是你们的事情,”卡梅隆道:“我可不管发行的事情,哪怕你直接让福克斯制作,我都无所谓。” Eric nods, says with a smile: I let the «X File» screenwriter team directly contact with you to be good, they have very rich experience in the creation science fiction script aspect exactly.” 艾瑞克点头,笑道:“那我直接让《X档案》的编剧团队联系你好了,他们在创作科幻剧本方面恰好有着很丰富的经验。” «Dark Angel hei Angel» is only an accident, Cameron individual energy will place on «Spider-Man» completely as before, the inverse image space and time such will not hold the post of Producer, Eric also simply makes Fox take over this project afterward directly. After «X File» terminates, Fox also needs a new science fiction TV series fill running schedule, the formidable influence that because «RMS Titanic» brings, that side Fox takes seriously «Dark Angel hei Angel», the project quickly since the earlier mounting phase. 末世黒天使》完全只是一个意外,卡梅隆的个人精力依旧会放在《蜘蛛侠》上,不会像原时空那样担任制作人,艾瑞克随后也干脆让福克斯直接接手这个项目。恰好,在《X档案》完结之后,福克斯也需要一部新的科幻电视剧填补档期,因为《泰坦尼克号》带来的强大影响力,福克斯那边非常重视《末世黒天使》,项目很快就进入前期筹备阶段。 Then some time, Eric continues the late work of «Casino Royale», at the same time, beside Hollywood, after the arrangement of several months time, international idle fund headed by Somalian Ross quantum fund, starts to launch the first wave of probing attack to the Southeast Asia country. 接下来一段时间,艾瑞克继续《皇家赌场》的后期工作,与此同时,好莱坞之外,经过数月时间的筹备,以索罗斯旗下量子基金为首的国际游资,也开始对东南亚国家发起第一波试探性攻击。 The scale of this attack is not big . Moreover, because rope Ross sang on the high-sounding talk starting from last year fades the Southeast Asia economy, somewhat made the Southeast Asia country produce vigilantly some at heart, in the first wave of short two weeks of attacks, international idle fund not only has not profited, instead in the Thai bhat transaction fought lost several billions USD. 这次攻击的规模并不算大,而且,因为索罗斯从去年开始就高调唱衰东南亚经济,多多少少让东南亚国家产生了一些警惕心里,在第一波短短两周的攻击中,国际游资不但没有占到便宜,反而在泰铢交易战中损失了数亿美元 Although these several billions USD immediately has not had any substantive effect to the huge international idle fund, but made the Southeast Asia country boost the confidence, thought the enough strength resistance international foreign exchange speculator's attack to the domestic currency. 虽然这数亿美元的顿时没有对庞大的国际游资造成任何实质性影响,但却让东南亚国家坚定了信心,自认为有足够的实力抵抗国际外汇炒家对本国货币的攻击。 In Southeast Asia various countries indulged in unbridled propaganda international idle fund losing when news, actually does not know that own details in unknowingly had been found out by the match. 东南亚各国大肆宣扬国际游资‘铩羽而归’的新闻时,却不知道自己的底细已经在不知不觉中被对手摸清楚。 Then, is the genuine storm. 接下来的,才是真正的暴风骤雨。 Eric has not planned to let up this opportunity from the beginning, from the beginning of the year, Chris started the secret to form to hold the plate team in New York. 艾瑞克从一开始就没有打算放过这次机会,从年初开始,克里斯就已经在纽约开始秘密组建操盘团队。 The after first probing attack of international idle fund, Chris then flies from New York Los Angeles, discussed the following plan with Eric personally. 国际游资的第一次试探性攻击之后,克里斯便从纽约飞来洛杉矶,亲自与艾瑞克讨论后续的计划。 The time is in mid March, Malibu, in Cliff Peak Manor, just had had the lunch, Chris and Eric sits near the villa glass curtain wall together, was discussing this matter. 时间已经是三月中旬,马里布,尖角庄园里,刚刚吃过午餐,克里斯艾瑞克一起坐在别墅玻璃幕墙边,讨论着这件事情。 Eric puts down the coffee cup in hand, said: Here just counted the year financial data, annual net profit probably 1.7 billion 60 million USD, after drawing bonus, my here can attain about 1.3 billion USD, Yahoo here needs to reserve five hundred million USD, this is biggest expenses. Firefly electron, needs 200 million USD. Investment that side Amazon, Bezos submits reported that I have also looked, this is 100 million USD. Other enterprises, to provide against contingencies, needs to leave behind 200 million USD spare, therefore, your this time can use, has 300 million USD probably.” 艾瑞克放下手中的咖啡杯,说道:“这边刚刚统计完年度财务数据,全年净利润大概17亿6000万美元,分红之后,我这边能够拿到13亿美元左右,雅虎这边需要预留五亿美元,这是最大的一笔开销。还有萤火虫电子,也需要两亿美元亚马逊那边,贝索斯提交的投资报告我也看过了,这又是一亿美元。其他企业,为了以防万一,也需要留下两亿美元备用,所以,你这次能用的,大概就只有三亿美元。”
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