IAIH :: Volume #9

#832: More developed changes is more difficult

The «Casino Royale» story is in itself simple, James Bond and spirit party regarding the confrontation of 150 million USD large amount gambling stake, the entire piece and fights a decisive battle three plots comprised of a complete and smooth story the airport crisis and gambling establishment confrontation finally, even if presences of angel three people of groups, because has 《Charlie's Angels》 first two to prepare the ground, the movie does not need to be the backgrounds of three people of groups are being many words, directly is the hot spicy irritable movement program. 皇家赌场》的故事本身非常简单,詹姆斯邦德与幽灵党围绕1.5亿美金巨额赌资的一次交锋,全片由机场危机、赌场交锋和最终决战三段情节组成一个完整而流畅的故事,哪怕是天使三人组的出场,因为有着《霹雳娇娃》前两部做铺垫,影片也丝毫不需要为三人组的背景多着笔墨,直接就是热辣火爆的动作戏码。 After these years instructs disciplining of many big manufacture movies, Eric also more and more to hold the big manufacture commercial movie personally to obtain the successful key aspect. These most important one, is the movie story must understand simply, the high concept movie theory that this actually also and 80's presented happened to hold the same view. 经过这些年亲自指导多部大制作影片的磨练,艾瑞克也越来越能够抓住大制作商业电影想要获得成功的关键因素。这其中最重要的一条,便是电影故事要简单明了,这其实也和八十年代出现的高概念电影理论不谋而合。 Core story master line is simpler, in the shoots process, movie Director can obtain many display leeway, these most classical case must be Cameron past «The Terminator», the entire piece story was dispatched to assassinate Sarah regarding T-800 by the sky net Connor launches, without any complex branch plot, Cameron is therefore self-satisfied displays individual movie talent heartily, finally the movie obtained global 80 million USD Box Office at the 6 million cost, and makes Cameron advance into the Hollywood top Director ranks at one fell swoop. 核心的故事主线越简单,在拍摄的过程中,电影导演才能够获得更多的发挥余地,这其中最经典的案例就要算是卡梅隆当年的《终结者》,全片故事就是围绕T-800被天网派往过去刺杀莎拉・康纳展开,没有任何复杂的支线剧情,卡梅隆因此才得意尽情地发挥个人的电影才华,最终影片以600万的成本获得了全球8000万美元票房,并让卡梅隆一举跻身好莱坞顶级导演行列。 Otherwise, if a movie wants the thing that gives the audience to show to be too many, usually the outcome is that Director is unable by two hours told a complete story, this reason caused the example of failure, were more in Hollywood. 反之,如果一部电影想要给观众展现的东西太多,结果往往是导演根本无法凭借两个小时的时间讲完一个完整的故事,这种原因导致失败的例子,在好莱坞就更多了。 In the screening hall, the Metro Goldwyn Mayer high level and movie everybody Lord to create are obviously satisfied to the effect of movie. 放映厅内,米高梅高层和电影各位主创显然对影片的效果非常满意。 The traditional 007 movies often have the story fragment shortcoming, the movie-making side squeeze in frequently with the plot that the movie master line has nothing to do with, only for the prominent Bond loose clean or heroic invincible role image, therefore also causes the majority of anthology to be full of loopholes. «Casino Royale» in retaining traditional 007 movie styles situations, reversed this shortcoming thoroughly, Bond no longer bewilderedly appeared in the military base of some nameless villain kills the four directions greatly, no longer towering was shouted from some hot girl bed by MI6 carried out the task. 传统的007电影往往有着故事碎片化的缺点,制片方经常塞入一些与电影主线毫不相干的情节,只为了突出邦德的風流倜傥或者英勇无敌的角色形象,因此也导致大部分剧集漏洞百出。《皇家赌场》在保留传统007影片风格的情况下,彻底扭转了这种缺点,邦德不再莫名其妙地出现在某个无名反派的军事基地大杀四方,也不再非常突兀地被MI6从某个火辣女郎床上喊出来执行任务。 The movie showed ended, the light shone, in the screening hall broke out a clear applause, knows that Eric was not that obstinate Director, everybody then directly started to speak freely in the screening hall, published itself to various views of movie. 电影放映结束,灯光亮起,放映厅内响起一阵清脆的掌声,知道艾瑞克并不是那种刚愎自用的导演,大家便直接在放映厅内开始畅所欲言,发表自己对影片的各种看法。 Although Eric similarly is satisfied to the «Casino Royale» Large expanse of effect, but he is also clear the too close to the problem truth, because of the difference of individual idea, perhaps in his opinion very good plot, appears very inopportune in others eyes. 艾瑞克虽然同样对《皇家赌场》的成片效果非常满意,但他也清楚当局者迷的道理,因为个人理念的不同,或许在他看来很不错的情节,在别人眼中就显得非常不合时宜。 Everybody discussed one hour, Eric had about also determined several revision plans, plan to make the second revision to the movie over the next one week. 大家讨论了一个多小时,艾瑞克也大致确定了几点修改方案,打算在未来一周内对影片进行第二次修改。 According to the manufacture and release schedule of «Casino Royale», the movie will carry out thoroughly in March. The movie will also carry on the further internal preview, that was similar to afterward the seal test of online game, chose some ordinary viewers, in installing the screening hall of real-time monitoring system, on the audience seat arm rest has the special button, in view shade process, if the audience to certain plots or certain scene felt that bored or repugnance, can press down the button at any time, the production company according to the real-time feedback of audience, will make further adjustment to the movie. After this, will be in grade, propaganda and other stages. 根据《皇家赌场》的制作和发行日程表,影片将会在三月份彻底完成。在此期间,电影还会进行进一步的内部试映,那就如同后来网络游戏的封闭测试,挑选一些普通观众,在安装了实时监控系统的放映厅内,观众座位扶手上有着特别的按钮,在观影过程中,如果观众对某些情节或者某些镜头感到无聊或者反感,就可以随时按下按钮,制片公司会根据观众的实时反馈,对影片做出进一步调整。这之后才会进入定级、宣传等阶段。 Naturally, these flows are not fixed invariable, all must look at the movie investor, producer and Director and others authority distributions among all parties. If a manufacture of Director to movie has the absolute control power, the investor and constructors cannot meddle, Director can certainly defer to own idea editing completely Large expanse. Otherwise, if the final editing power firmly grasps in the movie-making side hand, Director was cutting the stage likely completely unable to meddle finally. 当然,这些流程并不是固定不变的,一切还要看电影投资方、制片人和导演等各方之间的权力分布。如果一个导演对影片的制作有着绝对控制权,投资方和制作方都不能插手,导演当然就可以完全按照自己的想法剪辑成片。反之,如果最终剪辑权牢牢地掌握在制片方手中,导演在终剪阶段很可能就完全插不上手了。 Eric has certainly the «Casino Royale» absolute control power, so long as he wants, he can carry on the editing according to his idea to the movie completely, but this obviously is unwise, even if «RMS Titanic», actually also experienced seal test stage, Cameron had also revised part of plots according to the feedback of audience. 艾瑞克当然有着《皇家赌场》的绝对控制权,只要他愿意,他可以完全按照自己的想法对影片进行剪辑,但这显然是不明智的,哪怕是《泰坦尼克号》,其实也经历过‘封闭测试’阶段,卡梅隆也根据观众的反馈修改了一部分情节。 Had discussed corrections, has the lunch in the Firefly cinema city, the people respectively has then left, Metro Goldwyn Mayer Headquarters has moved to left the Firefly cinema city not far Venice beach, was initially nearby Flower Films Headquarters. Because initially Kerkorian treated as the land for building to sell out Metro Goldwyn Mayer all movie studios, now in the Metro Goldwyn Mayer majority of need awning the shoots movie, basically rents the location in the Firefly cinema city. 讨论过修改意见,在萤火虫影城吃过午餐,众人便各自离开,米高梅总部已经搬到了离萤火虫影城不远的威尼斯海滩,也就是当初花朵影业总部附近。因为当初科克里安米高梅所有的摄影棚都当做地皮卖掉了,现在米高梅大部分需要棚内拍摄的影片,基本上都在萤火虫影城租赁场地。 Along with the revival of Metro Goldwyn Mayer, the Metro Goldwyn Mayer management had also discussed constructed the plan of movie studio, Drew also solicited the suggestions to Eric, but was overruled by Eric. In recent years, more and more movies start to pursue the reality to shoot the effect, especially big manufacture movie, only if the special effect scene, otherwise little shoots in the movie studio, in addition various United States states and even the overseas will start the drawback system gradually, the Hollywood movie will choose in the future in Los Angeles shoots will be getting fewer and fewer, Metro Goldwyn Mayer will construct the movie studio at this time, will only result in the senseless waste of resources. 随着米高梅的复兴,米高梅的管理层也讨论过重新修建摄影棚的计划,德鲁还向艾瑞克征求了一下意见,只是被艾瑞克否决了。最近几年,越来越多的电影都开始追求实拍效果,特别是大制作影片,除非是特效场景,否则很少会在摄影棚内拍摄,再加上美国各州乃至海外逐渐兴起退税制度,好莱坞电影未来选择在洛杉矶拍摄的将越来越少,米高梅此时修建摄影棚,只会造成资源的无谓浪费。 Eric and Drew have packed off Bullock brother and sister together, sees the girl to leave the parking lot with together, Eric asks with a smile: „Haven't you worked in the afternoon?” 艾瑞克德鲁一起送走了布洛克里兄妹,见丫头跟着自己一起离开停车场,艾瑞克笑着问道:“你下午没有工作吗?” Drew goes forward two steps to pull the arm of Eric affectionate, said grinningly: Has, is a screen test of movie, but I do not want to go temporarily, has Amy they to look in any case.” 德鲁上前两步亲昵地挽住艾瑞克的手臂,笑嘻嘻地说道:“有啊,是一部电影的试镜,不过我临时不想去了,反正有艾米他们照看着。” „,” Eric smiles, said: What movie?” “呵,”艾瑞克笑笑,道:“什么电影啊?” «Species», a science fiction horror film.” “《异种》,一部科幻恐怖片。” Eric nods, had not expressed that any difference, in the memory, this movie should be 1995 work, but, since many movies ahead of time are manufactured now, some movies postpone to appear for 1-2 years, is not the strange matter, a Hollywood movie arranges for ten years eight years was too simply common. 艾瑞克点头,没表示出什么异样,记忆中,这部影片应该是1995年的作品,不过,既然现在很多影片被提前制作出来,那么,有些电影延后出现一两年,也不是什么奇怪的事情,好莱坞一部电影筹备十年八年的时间简直太常见了。 The girls spoke of this, actually came the interest, said: What today screen test is Heroine Oh, I also made Natasha try, their two were too what a pity stupid, in front of the scene like two woods, the words could not say.” 丫头说到这个,却又来了兴致,道:“今天试镜的是女主角,我还让娜塔莎试了下呢,可惜她们两个太笨了,在镜头前就像两根木头,话都说不出来。” Eric turned head to look at the eye to follow the twins after two person peacefully, heard the Drew words, the Natasha sisters somewhat were also embarrassed, see Eric to look, movement consistently dangling head. 艾瑞克扭头看了眼安静跟在两人身后的双胞胎,听到德鲁的话,娜塔莎姐妹也有些不好意思,见艾瑞克望过来,动作一致地垂下脑袋。 Because Eric likes treating as in oneself movie Ivanka the matter of mascot figure, the girl also once said that wish makes the Natasha sisters the mascot figure in Flower Films movie, what a pity, Eric is one time has not seen the twin to appear in the scene, it seems like should really not have this talent, actually girl, since after 《Scream》 has been a guest performer one, now will mysteriously appear and disappear in various movies frequently. 因为艾瑞克喜欢将伊万卡当做自己影片中吉祥物的事情,丫头还曾经表示,想要让娜塔莎姐妹成为花朵影业电影里的吉祥物,可惜,艾瑞克是一次都没见过双胞胎出现在镜头里,看来应该是实在没有这种天赋吧,倒是丫头自己,自从《惊声尖叫》里客串了一把之后,现在经常会在各种影片里神出鬼没一番。 Thinks in the derivation space and time «Species» Heroine Natasha Henss exactly in the Victoria’s Secret regiment, Eric asked: „Since the Metro Goldwyn Mayer Headquarters screen test, should be last round, you do have the candidate of regarding as important?” 想起原时空中《异种》的女主角娜塔莎・亨斯屈奇恰好就在维密军团里,艾瑞克问道:“既然在米高梅总部试镜,应该是最后一轮了吧,你们有看重的人选吗?” Amy wants to let Paulina Puruisi Crawford plays, but Director did not agree that everybody can only elect.” 艾米原本想让宝琳娜・普瑞斯科娃出演的,可是导演不同意,大家就只能重新选了。” Eric remembers Puruisi Crawford that to resemble Audrey cheek of Hepburn, if one, he will not agree. «Species» Heroine, should be Natasha Henss that makings elegantly beautiful stature hot Actor type, Paulina Puruisi Crawford's makings were too graceful, were only suitable to develop Monaco princess anything. 艾瑞克想起普瑞斯科娃那张酷似奥黛丽赫本的脸蛋,如果是自己,他也不会同意啊。《异种》的女主角,应该就是娜塔莎・亨斯屈奇那种气质冷艳身材火辣的演员类型,宝琳娜・普瑞斯科娃的气质太优雅了一些,只适合演摩纳哥王妃什么的。 Except that initially instructed Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, Eric and Natasha Henss does not have what contact actually, at this time has not added something superfluous and ruined the effect said anything, but said at will: If budgets enough, can make Claudia try.” 除了当初指导维密大秀,艾瑞克娜塔莎・亨斯屈奇倒是没有什么接触,此时也没有画蛇添足的多说什么,只是随意道:“如果预算足够的话,可以让克劳迪娅试试啊。” Claudia Schiff, replaces Natasha Henss has more than enough to spare, their makings are also similar. 克劳迪娅・希弗,代替娜塔莎・亨斯屈奇还是绰绰有余的,两人的气质也非常类似。 The girls shake the head: Has invited, Claudia is not willing to develop, because in film has many bare plays, the manufacture budget are not many, therefore plans to use the quite cheap new person.” 丫头摇摇头:“邀请过了,克劳迪娅不愿意演,因为片子里有很多倮戏,制作预算也不算多,所以打算用比较便宜的新人。” They walk, do not have the chapter of administrative center Eric office, but moves toward figure domain work Loft, Cameron came in the morning, but Eric is busy with the «Casino Royale» matter, they hit two to put in an appearance, at noon when dines Eric has not seen the Cameron form, does not know that the opposite party walked. 两人一路步行,没有回行政中心艾瑞克的办公室,而是走向数字领域的办公Loft,卡梅隆上午就已经过来,只是艾瑞克忙于《皇家赌场》的事情,两人只是打两个照面,中午用餐时艾瑞克都没有看到卡梅隆的身影,也不知道对方走了没有。 Enters figure domain main No. 1 Loft, inquired staff, Eric is quick, in the rest area found was sitting with Stan Winston by a table dances with joy to chat anything's Cameron. 走进数字领域主要的一号Loft,询问了一下工作人员,艾瑞克很快在休息区找到了正与斯坦・温斯顿坐在一张桌子旁手舞足蹈聊着什么的卡梅隆 «RMS Titanic» in the global range attains greatly successfully, making Cameron remove the initial pressure completely, recently is also quite high-spirited. 泰坦尼克号》在全球范围内的大获成功,让卡梅隆完全卸去了当初的压力,最近一段时间也颇为意气风发。 Sees Eric to approach, Cameron and Stan Winston stood up to welcome, has greeted, four people sat down on a long table, Eric told that the twin made the coffee, Cameron said impatiently: Eric, cannot think that your here is also hiding the good thing, before actually did not tell me.” 看到艾瑞克走近,卡梅隆和斯坦・温斯顿站起身迎了上来,打过招呼,四个人在一张长桌上坐下,艾瑞克吩咐双胞胎去冲咖啡,卡梅隆却迫不及待地说道:“艾瑞克,想不到你这里还藏着好东西,以前竟然都不告诉我。” Eric said with a smile: You are familiar with here family/home, have any thing to hide the truth from you.” 艾瑞克笑道:“你对这里比自己家还熟悉,有什么东西能瞒得住你啊。” Is crazy as a movie technology, so long as Cameron appears in the Firefly cinema city, majority of times to digital domain, even if has not worked in the body, Cameron also frequently can come, visits some special effect technologies that the digital domain just developed, for these years both sides cooperated unusual was happy. In the technology, the support of digital domain to the Cameron movie can say spares no effort, this also causes Cameron not to found own light storm work room, in the majority of situations, realizes own various ideas using the resources of digital domain, this also makes the digital domain benefit in turn. 作为一个电影技术狂,卡梅隆只要出现在萤火虫影城,大部分时候都是冲着数字领域来的,哪怕没有工作在身,卡梅隆也经常会过来,参观数字领域刚刚开发出来的一些特效技术,这几年双方合作的非常愉快。在技术方面,数字领域对卡梅隆影片的支持可以说不遗余力,这也导致卡梅隆并没有创建自己的光风暴工作室,大部分情况下,都只是利用数字领域的资源实现自己的各种想法,这反过来也让数字领域从中获益匪浅。 Stan Winston sees the Eric doubts to look to him, explained: Eric, is that IMAX that we just installed adds the 3 D silver screen.” 斯坦・温斯顿见艾瑞克疑惑地望向他,解释道:“艾瑞克,是我们刚刚安装的那张IMAX加3D银幕。” Eric understands immediately that last year when New York, after accidentally noted IMAX, Eric then makes the digital domain specially form the related technology club, developed IMAX as well as the polarized light 3 D technology with the IMAX Corporation cooperation of Canada. 艾瑞克立刻明白过来,去年在纽约时,偶然注意到IMAX之后,艾瑞克便让数字领域特意成立了相关的技术小组,与加拿大的IMAX公司合作开发IMAX以及偏光3D技术。 These two technologies actually had dozens years of history, is only, has not popularized to movie for various reasons massively, now, has the digital domain fund and technical support, applies quickly to develop related. IMAX Corporation is also transferring the technology of IMAX film to carry on the final public relations to ordinary film, it is expected when next year can realize the normal two hours the long IMAX movie, before then, the IMAX movie has 40 minutes, the transformation technology is not very mature. The polarized light 3 D technology is simpler, to conduct various tests, recently, the digital domain just installed the big silver screen that 3 DIMAX unified in the cinema city. This should be good thing that’ Cameron said. 这两种技术其实都已经有几十年的历史,只是因为各种原因,并没有大规模地普及到电影方面来,现在,有着数字领域的资金和技术支持,相关应用很快开发出来。IMAX公司也在对普通胶片转IMAX胶片的技术进行最后的公关,预计明年就可以实现正常的两个小时时长的IMAX电影,在此之前,IMAX影片只有40分钟,转制技术也不够成熟。偏光3D技术就更加简单,为了进行各种测试,最近,数字领域刚刚在影城内安装了一张3DIMAX相结合的大银幕。这应该就是卡梅隆所说的‘好东西’。 This more than half a year, Cameron bustles about in the manufacture of «RMS Titanic», in addition the pressure on movie cost and Box Office, Cameron has certainly no interest in the attention digit domain new technology. 这大半年来,卡梅隆都忙碌于《泰坦尼克号》的制作,再加上影片成本和票房上的压力,卡梅隆当然无心在关注数字领域的新技术。 This is some ideas that I had last year, you look, from the silent film to the sound film, from the black-and-white movie to the color motion picture, only used not to be 30 year, now, two 30 years passed by, the movie broadcast situation ought to have some brand-new changes, therefore, I will favor these two technologies.” “这是我去年产生的一些想法,你们看,从无声电影到有声电影,从黑白电影到彩色电影,都只用了不到三十年时间,现在,两个三十年就都又过去了,电影播放形势总该有一些全新的变化了,所以,我才会看好这两种技术。” Cameron is quite excited, said: Eric, you said that you do plan to promote 3 D and IMAX massively?” 卡梅隆颇为兴奋,道:“艾瑞克,你是说,你打算大规模推广3D和IMAX?” Eric shakes the head slightly, says with a smile: I think that but, must always come gradually, you definitely have experienced now, you can definitely discover that wants to promote the difficulties of these two technologies, 3 D is perhaps better, so long as replaced the 3 D film projector as well as the related supplementary facilities has been OK, but regarding IMAX, the North America majority of theaters, wanted to replace the IMAX silver screen, obviously was not too realistic.” 艾瑞克微微摇头,笑道:“我是这么想的,不过,总是要一步一步来,你现在肯定也已经体验过了,那你肯定就能发现想要推广这两种技术的难点,3D或许还好一些,只要更换3D放映机以及相关的配套设施就可以了,但对于IMAX来说,北美大部分影院,想要更换IMAX银幕,显然并不是太现实。” The North America silver screen quantity after these years eruption development, has developed present more than 28000 from the early 90's more than 22000. However, film industry is more developed, wants to carry out the reform more difficult. The entire US 28000 silver screens, according to ordinary 2 D screen the screening hall of specification construction, these screening halls basically are basically impossible to hold the length and breadth to achieve dozens meters IMAX silver screen, wants to promote, can only construct the theater. 北美的电影银幕数量经过这几年的爆发式发展,已经从九十年代初的22000多块发展到现在的28000多块。然而,电影行业越发达,想要进行改革就越困难。全美28000块银幕,基本上都是按照普通2D屏幕的规格建造的放映厅,这些放映厅基本上都不可能容得下长宽都达到数十米的IMAX银幕,想要推广,只能重新建造影院。 Therefore, the Eric first step, but the plan starts from quite easy 3 D first. 所以,艾瑞克第一步,只是打算先从比较容易的3D开始。 As a movie madman, Cameron has compared with a Eric more obvious idealism, listening to him saying that was not discouraged, instead said: „ Eric, I believe that so long as you want to do, can definitely be successful, therefore, you did not think that we could try on «Spider-Man» this technology, you think to look at Peter Parker on the huge IMAX silver screen, the scene of leap tall buildings, Oh, but must add on 3 D, that picture definitely shocks. „ 作为一个电影狂人,卡梅隆却有着比艾瑞克更明显的理想主义,听他这么说,毫不气馁,反而道:“艾瑞克,我相信,只要你想要做,肯定能够成功的,所以,你不觉得,我们或许可以在《蜘蛛侠》上尝试一下这种技术吗,你想想看彼得・帕克在巨幅的IMAX银幕上,飞越高楼大厦的场景,,还要加上3D,那种画面肯定非常震撼。“
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