IAIH :: Volume #9

#831: Nice wealth report

Said that George had determined the Actor candidate who Queen Ami Talat, you also knew exactly.” “说起来,乔治已经确定阿米达拉女王的演员人选了,恰好你还认识呢。” Next morning, Eric rides in a carriage to rush to the Firefly cinema city, top Playa Vista from Beverly Hills, after the century city, Elizabeth then rides the Eric car(riage) to go to work exactly. 第二天上午,艾瑞克乘车赶往萤火虫影城,从比弗利山顶到普雷亚维斯塔,恰好经过世纪城,伊丽莎白便坐着艾瑞克的车去上班。 Because «Star Pre-war Biography» peaceful Berlin Film Industry establishment and other reasons, delay now, finally determination in April starting, as the release side, this project has full authority and responsibility now by Elizabeth, she recently in bustling about this matter, although filmmaking Fox cannot meddle, but in the awning shoots determines majority in Fox square shoots. Rushes to the road in century city, they talked about this topic. 《星战前传》因为安柏林影业成立等缘故,拖延到现在,终于确定会在4月份开机,作为发行方,这个项目现在由伊丽莎白全权负责,她最近一直在忙碌这件事情,虽然电影制作方面福克斯插不上手,但棚内拍摄大部分还是确定在福克斯片场拍摄。赶往世纪城的路上,两人不免聊起这个话题。 Eric fights the series to star really non-inductive, regarding Heroine candidate whether Natalie Portman not too big interest, but, is listening to the Elizabeth full of enthusiasm expression, follows her to say curiously: Who?” 艾瑞克对星战系列实在无感,对于女主角人选是否还是娜塔莉波特曼更是没有太大兴趣,不过,听着伊丽莎白兴致勃勃的语气,还是顺着她好奇道:“谁啊?” Elizabeth has depended toward Eric side, is bending the corners of the mouth, said: You guess that gives you to select the prompt, is a 16-17 years old girl, you once personally sought her to enter Hollywood.” 伊丽莎白艾瑞克身边靠了靠,弯着嘴角,道:“你猜一下啊,给你点提示,是一个十六七岁的女孩,你曾经亲自发掘她进入好莱坞的。” Eric hear of she said that had determined approximately, the path of history and once superposed. 艾瑞克听她这么说,大致就已经确定,历史的轨迹还是与曾经重合了。 However this does not make people feel the accident, starts from «Léon: The Professional», Natalie Portman is recent the display most outstanding child star, in the marvelous show besides «Léon: The Professional», Natalie also participated performance greatly well-respected 《Heat》 and «Everybody To say that I Loved Your» and other movies, let alone, she was a Jew, this superiority was more formidable. As one of the United States movie culture important marks, Queen Ami in Talat 《Star Wars》 series, no matter has a mind or has no intention, at Hollywood that the Jew gathers, this group of people will definitely favor promoting a Jewish girl play this role. 不过这也不让人感觉意外,从《这个杀手不太冷》开始,娜塔莉波特曼就是最近几年表现最出色的童星,除了《这个杀手不太冷》中的精彩表演,娜塔莉还参演了大受好评的《盗火线》、《人人都说我爱你》等影片,更何况,她还是犹太人,这个优势就更强大了。作为美国电影文化的重要符号之一,《星球大战》系列中的阿米达拉女王,不管是有心还是无意,在犹太人聚集的好莱坞,这群人肯定会更倾向于推动一个犹太女孩饰演这个角色。 Although is thinking, Eric actually intentionally blindly guesses saying: I think, um, Kirsten Dunst?” 虽然这么想着,艾瑞克却是故意瞎猜道:“我想想,嗯,克尔斯滕邓斯特?” Elizabeth blinked, suddenly shoulders the eyebrow, the acid said: Kirsten who Dunst is, how don't I know?” 伊丽莎白眨了眨眼睛,忽然挑起眉毛,酸酸道:“克尔斯滕邓斯特又是谁,我怎么不知道?” „,” Eric touches the nose subconsciously, said: That little girl in «Interview with the Vampire», do not visit me to be good with this look, I have also seen her several times, what now she is long I not to know.” “呃,”艾瑞克下意识摸了摸鼻子,道:“《夜访吸血鬼》里的那个小女孩啊,你不要用这种眼神看着我好不好,我也就见过她几次而已,现在她长什么样我都不知道。” Elizabeth then thinks that «Interview with the Vampire» comes, snort|hum, said gently: Was good, did not make you guess, referred to erratically emits any woman air/Qi me, was Natalie Portman, you several years ago in that girl who Long Island ran into, everybody was very satisfied.” 伊丽莎白这才想《夜访吸血鬼》来,轻轻哼了一声,道:“好了,不让你猜了,指不定又冒出什么女人来气我,是娜塔莉波特曼,你几年前在长岛遇到的那个女孩,大家都挺满意的。” Un, a very smart kid,” Eric also nods. “嗯,很机灵的一个小家伙,”艾瑞克也跟着点头。 Was chatting at will, car since the century city, advanced in the Fox square quickly, Elizabeth has put in order the Hermes silk handkerchief between napes of the neck subconsciously, changed Eric, was lifting the chin slightly: Hello, can see the trace?” 随意聊着,轿车进入世纪城,很快开进福克斯片场内,伊丽莎白下意识整了整脖颈间的爱马仕丝巾,转向艾瑞克,微微抬着下巴:“喂,看得到痕迹吗?” Eric put out a hand to help her reorganize, blocks a red mark that revealed that said with a smile: You do not cover, who dares to speak irresponsibly anything.” 艾瑞克伸手帮她整理了一下,挡住露出来的一丝红痕,笑道:“你就算不遮挡,谁又敢乱说什么。” Elizabeth loses to his supercilious look: Good, I have taken off silk handkerchief, you accompany me to meet together.” 伊丽莎白丢给他一个白眼:“好啊,我把丝巾摘下了,你陪我一起去开会。” Eric determination that thick facial skin, has not changed a statement immediately: consider as finished, I think or obstruct.” 艾瑞克自觉没有那么厚的脸皮,立刻改口:“算了,我觉得还是遮一下好。” Your this bastard,” Elizabeth was angry intent to scold one fully. “你这个混蛋,”伊丽莎白嗔意十足地骂了一句。 The vehicle stops, the driver got out to open vehicle door, Elizabeth bends down to kiss with Eric, took up own satchel, said: You did not need to get out, I in the past good.” 车子停下,司机下车拉开车门,伊丽莎白俯身过来与艾瑞克吻了下,拿起自己的挎包,道:“你不用下车了,我自己过去就好。” Eric nods, has gazed after Elizabeth to enter the office building, this told that the driver drives. 艾瑞克点头,一直目送伊丽莎白走进办公楼,这才吩咐司机开车。 In «Casino Royale» besides scene use entire CG of that airport airplane dive, needs to carry on special effect processing the scene not to be many, the progress of therefore, later manufacturing is quite quick. 皇家赌场》中除了那场机场飞机俯冲的镜头使用全CG外,需要进行特效处理的镜头并不算多,因此,后期制作的进度还是比较快的。 Returns from San Francisco, in February the following some time, has completed the «Casino Royale» special effect scene, the movie is in the final editing stage, this it can be said that decided that one movie quality important one step, entire in late February, Eric no longer pays attention to other matters, but was the total involvement invests the «Casino Royale» editing. 旧金山返回,二月份接下来的一段时间,完成了《皇家赌场》的特效场景,影片进入最后的剪辑阶段,这可以说是决定一部影片质量至关重要的一步,整个二月下旬,艾瑞克都不再关注其他事情,而是全身心地投入到了《皇家赌场》的剪辑。 Meanwhile, the Firefly electron after the determination final plan, opened the MP3 player Fireflyer white raid officially, although can forecast that Fireflyer has broad market prospect around the world, but, Bill Olsson and other management decided that fortifies at every step first develops the North America market. 与此同时,萤火虫电子在确定最后方案后,正式开启了MP3播放器Fireflyer的宣传攻势,虽然能够预测Fireflyer在全世界范围内都将有着非常广阔的市场前景,不过,比尔・奥尔森等管理层还是决定步步为营地首先开拓北美市场。 With the support of Firefly system massive media resources, the Fireflyer fine exquisite form appears in North America major televisions, networks and paper intermediary and other advertisement platforms quickly, the Firefly electron also on a grand scale region Yahoo gateway cooperation, the unusual heroic spirit puts out 10000 prototypes to hold the promoted activities in Yahoo web portal, so long as the user activates the Yahoo music box account number, then can every day have a drawing opportunity, with the aim of winning the free trial Fireflyer opportunity, in the meantime, the user also has the opportunity to obtain the different face values the Yahoo music store gift cards, for purchases the song in the Yahoo music store. 萤火虫体系大量媒体资源的支持下,Fireflyer精致小巧的身影很快出现在北美各大电视、网络和纸媒等广告平台上,萤火虫电子还大张旗鼓地域雅虎门户合作,非常豪气地拿出10000台样机在雅虎门户网站举办推广活动,用户只要激活雅虎音乐盒子账号,便可以每天获得一次抽奖机会,以便赢得免费试用Fireflyer的机会,同时,用户还有机会获得不同面值的雅虎音乐商店礼品券,用于在雅虎音乐商店购买歌曲。 Although offered the activities of 10000 Fireflyer and massive gift card free of charge directly has brought the 3 million USD large amount marketing expense to the Firefly electron and Yahoo gateway, but the effect was also tangible, because only needed to bind user individual credit card information on the Yah 00 Pay tool and realizes the activation, does not need to carry on the substantive consumer behavior, short one week of time, the Yah 00 Pay new subscriber over 700,000, the total subscriber was close 5 million critical junction, before then, the Yah 00 Pay promoted channel mainly and other online payment websites cooperates with Amazon that the Firefly investment company supported with emphasis, because the electronic commerce just germinated, user to online. The security of means of payment also has scruples, issues one year, the Yah 00 Pay subscriber also has more than 4 million, has surpassed the 50 million Internet number of users to North America, this proportion cannot be satisfying by far. 虽然免费赠送10000台Fireflyer和大量礼品券的活动直接给萤火虫电子及雅虎门户带来了300万美元的巨额营销费用,但效果也非常明显,因为只需要在YahooPay工具上绑定用户个人信用卡信息并实现激活,并不需要进行实质性的消费行为,短短一周时间,YahooPay的新增用户数量就超过700000,总用户数量更是接近500万大关,在此之前,YahooPay的推广渠道主要是与萤火虫投资公司重点扶持的亚马逊等在线支付网站进行合作,因为电子商务才刚刚萌芽,用户对在线。支付工具的安全性也有所顾忌,发布一年多以来,YahooPay的用户数量也只有400多万,相对于北美已经超过5000万的互联网用户数,这一比例远远不能让人满意。 As propaganda further carries on, Fireflyer has aroused the interests of massive user rapidly, at the end of February, the Firefly electron showed according to the findings of Yahoo gateway that Fireflyer in the odd-numbered month of North America first round the quantity of delivery likely achieved 100,000 in April . Moreover, this was the quite conservative estimate. 随着宣传的进一步进行,Fireflyer迅速引起了大量用户的关注,二月底,萤火虫电子根据雅虎门户的一份调查结果显示,Fireflyer四月份北美首发的单月出货量很可能达到10万件,而且,这还是比较保守的估计。 On the other hand, since at the end of February, Yahoo has also put out has established for five years, first quite nice year wealth report. 另一方面,二月底,雅虎也拿出了成立五年以来,第一份比较像样的年度财报。 In 1996, world Internet broke the 80 million critical junction, in biggest the Internet market as the world, the North America Internet user quantity compared in 1995, realized turned time, achieved 50 million. 1996年,全世界互联网的用户人数突破8000万大关,作为世界上最大的互联网市场,北美的互联网用户数量相比于1995年,也实现了翻倍,达到5000万 Along with the eruption development of North America Internet industry, occupied the Internet service online over 70% market shares Yahoo Internet companies, relied on user huge quantity of web portal, the online mailboxes, the search engine, the personal web page to sell the service, the whole year has realized 1.9 400 million USD operation income, benefitted from Yahoo Advertisement Alliance attained greatly successfully, 90% income came from the Internet advertising. 随着北美互联网产业的爆发式发展,占据了互联网在线服务70%以上市场份额的雅虎网络公司,凭借着旗下用户数量庞大的门户网站、在线邮箱、搜索引擎、个人主页等主营业务,全年实现了1.94亿美元的运营收入,得益于雅虎广告联盟的大获成功,这其中90%的收入都来自互联网广告业务。 Although, the operational cost that to realize in United Kingdom, French, German, Australian and Japan even Latin America North America as well as overseas the Brazil and other country of the rapid expansions, Yahoo 1996 invested in various aspects reached as high as 3. 3.5 billion USD, in annual result wealth report demonstrates to as before lose money 100 million more than 40 million USD. But to 1995 insufficient 25 million USD earning digit, within one year reaches as high as 776% achievement growth rates, lets many people for as before surprised. 虽然,为了实现在北美以及海外的英国、法国、德国、澳大利亚、日本甚至拉美的巴西等国家的迅速扩张,雅虎1996年度在各方面投入的运营费用高达3.35亿美元,年度业绩财报上依旧显示为亏损1亿4000多万美元。但相对于1995年不足2500万美元的营收数字,一年之内高达776%的业绩增长幅度,依旧让很多人大为惊讶。 Meanwhile, although forecast that Yahoo next one year of achievement growth rate compared will slow down last year largely, but the company has given 200% conservative growth as before anticipated, so long as can achieve this figure, starting from the next year, Yahoo will possibly realize the breakeven, even obtained the profit of small scope, this regarding the listing of Yahoo, without doubt was very beneficial. 同时,虽然预测雅虎未来一年的业绩增长幅度相比去年将大幅放缓,但公司依旧给出了200%的保守增长预期,只要能够达到这个数字,从明年开始,雅虎很可能就将实现盈亏平衡,甚至获得小幅度的盈利,这对于雅虎的上市,无疑是非常有益的。 For goes on the market to prepare the ground to the Yahoo next two years, after the year wealth report data draws a charge, Yahoo without hesitation in the web portal main page announced the correlation data information. This has caused the huge stir in the profession similarly, anybody is clear, over 700% yearly rates mean anything, the Internet hi-tech stock that NASDAQ market sensitivity of especially to this data performance, gone on the market, receives the stimulation of Yahoo year wealth report, the stock price rises in abundance. The relative excitement of Wall Street similar performance, after the Yahoo announcement year wealth report, enhanced 9 billion USD the Yahoo estimate value. 为了给雅虎未来两年内上市做铺垫,在年度财报数据出炉后,雅虎毫不犹豫地在门户网站主页上公布了相关数据信息。这同样在行业内引起了巨大的轰动,任何人都清楚,超过700%的年增长率意味着什么,纳斯达克市场对这一数据表现的尤为敏感,已经上市的互联网科技股,受到雅虎年度财报的刺激,股价纷纷上扬。华尔街同样表现的相当兴奋,在雅虎公布年度财报后,就将雅虎的估值提高到了90亿美元 In Los Angeles Eric to see this wealth report, similarly is very surprised, he thinks that the Yahoo income burst time must retard for at least one year to be even longer, it seems like, because Yahoo appears ahead of time, changed too many things. 身在洛杉矶艾瑞克看到这份财报,同样感到非常惊讶,他以为雅虎的收入爆发时间还要推后至少一年甚至更长一些,看来,因为雅虎地提前出现,已经改变了太多东西。 Read the Yahoo overseas expansion material at the same time, Eric thinks unavoidably once hometown, saw Yahoo not any in view of there development plan, unavoidably the doubts, making the person inquire specially. 阅读雅虎海外扩张资料的同时,艾瑞克难免会想到曾经的故乡,见雅虎没有任何针对那里的发展计划,不免疑惑,让人特意查询了一番。 Finally, according to some scattered materials, at the end of 1996 of guo until, Internet user quantity 200,000, the personal computing sales volume of domestic whole year also only then 700,000 over. The correspondence, 1996 Internet user quantity has surpassed 80 million around the world, in 1996 the global personal computing quantity of delivery also achieved 70.9 million, merely United States personal computing sales volume over 2 6 million. 结果,根据一些零散的资料,中囯直到1996年底,互联网用户数量才20万,国内全年的个人电脑销售数量也只有700000出头。对应的,世界范围内,1996年度互联网用户数量已经超过8000万,1996年全球个人电脑出货量也达到70900000台,仅仅美国的个人电脑销量就超过2600万 Good, Eric has read simple one page of materials, temporarily puts aside , is very at heart difficult to raise any year. 好吧,艾瑞克看过简单的一页资料,就暂时丢开,心里也很难升起什么年头。 Yahoo announced after year wealth report, Firefly invested massive owning stocks Cisco and AOL two IT enterprises also one after another to announce the annual account, to just started Yahoo that erupted, these two achievements must appear really and bright eye are many, even if were slightly weak AOL, the turnover of whole year has also achieved 1.8 billion USD. 雅虎公布了年度财报之后,萤火虫投资旗下大量持股的思科美国在线两家IT企业也陆续公布了年度财务报表,相对于刚刚开始爆发的雅虎,这两家的业绩要显得实在和亮眼很多,哪怕是稍弱一些的美国在线,全年的营业额也已经达到了18亿美元 The line of sight returned Hollywood, on February 27, «RMS Titanic» screens the tenth week, single week Box Office achieved 25 300,000 USD as before, in the meantime, Box Office officially broke the 400 million USD critical junction, was 4. 1.7 billion USD. 视线转回好莱坞,2月27日,《泰坦尼克号》上映第十周,单周票房依旧达到2530万美元,同时,累计票房正式突破4亿美元大关,达到4.17亿美元 Because «RMS Titanic» single week Box Office as before steadily placed 20 million USD above, the organization forecast that «RMS Titanic» in the 12 th week of screening, will break once 《Star Wars》 creation the 460 million USD North America Box Office record, even, still further, during Oscar of the end of March, «RMS Titanic» total Box Office will break through 500 million USD, and becomes North America first part Box Office achieves the 500 million movie. 因为《泰坦尼克号》的单周票房依旧稳稳地保持在2000万美元以上,机构预测,《泰坦尼克号》将在上映的第12周,打破曾经的《星球大战》创造的4.6亿美元北美票房记录,甚至,更进一步,在3月底的奥斯卡期间,《泰坦尼克号》总票房就将突破5亿美元,并成为北美第一部票房达到5亿的电影。 The overseas market, screens in some immaterial overseas countries and regions along with «RMS Titanic» one after another, the overseas of movie screened the ticket warehouse to expand 27, although French, German and Japan these quite important overseas ticket warehouse country also wanted, when around «RMS Titanic» influence highest Oscar presentation ceremony screened, because of increase of overseas ticket warehouse quantity, the «RMS Titanic» overseas Box Office speed-up also started to increase. 海外市场,随着《泰坦尼克号》在一些无关紧要的海外国家和地区陆续上映,影片的海外上映票仓扩大到了27个,虽然法国、德国、日本这些比较重要的海外票仓国家还要等到《泰坦尼克号》影响力最高的奥斯卡颁奖典礼前后上映,但因为海外票仓数量的增多,《泰坦尼克号》的海外票房增速也开始增加。 These most let all person accidents was the past Box Office performance very ordinary Brazil market. 这其中最让所有人意外的便是以往票房表现非常普通的巴西市场。 Although is Latin American biggest ticket warehouse country, but, the Hollywood movie can obtain 10 million USD Box Office in Brazil under normal conditions, is very good result, even if several years ago has created global Box Office record «Jurassic Park», total Box Office of Brazil also 1490 ten thousand USD, therefore, Firefly has not classified the ticket warehouse country that Brazil is needs to look after specially, therefore, on February 7, «RMS Titanic» then landed the Brazilian institute line. 虽然是拉美最大的票仓国家,但通常情况下,好莱坞电影能够在巴西取得1000万美元票房,就已经是非常不错的成绩,哪怕是几年前创造了全球票房记录的《侏罗纪公园》,巴西的总票房也才1490多万美元,因此,萤火虫并没有将巴西归类为需要特别关照的票仓国家,因此,2月7日,《泰坦尼克号》便登陆了巴西院线。 Immediately, the Box Office performance of «RMS Titanic» in Brazil also stems from the expectations of all people, has used merely only two weeks of time, «RMS Titanic» Brazilian Box Office has surpassed 10 million USD, this data stems from the expectation of Firefly Brazil Subsidiary company by far, originally, although «RMS Titanic» has demonstrated the symptom of Box Office miracle in North America, but Brazilian Subsidiary company only forecast as before, «RMS Titanic» in Box Office of Brazil, likely with past «Jurassic Park» quite, total Box Office in 15 million USD about. 随即,《泰坦尼克号》在巴西的票房表现也出乎所有人的预料,仅仅只用了两周时间,《泰坦尼克号》的巴西票房就超过了1000万美元,这一数据远远出乎萤火虫巴西分公司的预料,原本,虽然《泰坦尼克号》已经在北美展示出了票房奇迹的苗头,但巴西分公司依旧只预测,《泰坦尼克号》在巴西的票房,很可能与当年的《侏罗纪公园》相当,总票房1500万美元左右。 After two weeks break through 10 million USD, even if are the corporations, no longer neglect the «RMS Titanic» Brazilian Box Office prospect, under the personal intervention of Katzenberg, the movie rapidly increased about 50% in the platoon piece scale of Brazil, and intensified the publicity, immediately, screen the third week, «RMS Titanic» do not fall in Box Office of Brazil instead increase, single week Box Office achieves 690 ten thousand USD, Box Office achieves 17 million USD, broke the past «RMS Titanic» insufficient 15 million Box Office data with ease, because «RMS Titanic» surmounts the common sense completely the Box Office curve, no one knows the movie. Box Office potential of Brazil big. 两周突破1000万美元之后,哪怕是总公司这边,也不再忽略《泰坦尼克号》的巴西票房前景,在卡森伯格的亲自干预下,影片在巴西的排片规模迅速增加了50%左右,并且加大了宣传力度,随即,上映第三周,《泰坦尼克号》在巴西的票房不降反增,单周票房达到690万美元,累计票房达到1700万美元,轻松打破了当年《泰坦尼克号》不足1500万票房数据,因为《泰坦尼克号》完全超越常理的票房曲线,谁也不知道影片在。巴西的票房潜力到底有多大。 Los Angeles Playa Vista, Firefly cinema city. 洛杉矶普雷亚维斯塔,萤火虫影城。 After a half month of tight work, the «Casino Royale» preliminary fine scissors have completed, a Metro Goldwyn Mayer the Lord of numerous high level and movie creates gathers at this time, in Firefly cinema city later center looks in the piece room, watches the movie preview. 经过半个多月的紧张工作,《皇家赌场》的初步精剪已经完成,米高梅的一众高层和影片的主创此时都聚集在萤火虫影城后期中心的看片室里,观看电影样片。 The preview has not manufactured the film title and tail leader captions, always when the length is 150 minutes, in the Eric plan will further also compress the scene, to achieve about 140 minutes film lengths, when regarding the popcorn movie, such long most gathers appropriate to the occasion, when like «RMS Titanic» long over three hours, but can also obtain the Box Office miracle, in the Hollywood history has one eventually. 样片还没有制作片头和片尾字幕,总时长为150分钟,艾瑞克计划中还会进一步压缩一下镜头,以达到140分钟左右的片长,对于爆米花电影来说,这样的时长才是最合时宜的,像《泰坦尼克号》这样时长超过三个小时,还能取得票房奇迹的,好莱坞历史上终究只有一部。
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