IAIH :: Volume #9

#830: You are really intentionally

Eric, why makes this type from breaking the matter of source of income, if the figure domain continues maintains the open cooperation strategy, by influence that «RMS Titanic» brings, un- next year turnover will turn time is not the issue. Moreover, you know that at the present technology development speed, other special effect companies wants to pursue on the digital domain, soon the time,” has considered the moment, Michael Eisner opens the mouth once more. 艾瑞克,何必做这种自断财路的事情呢,如果数字领域继续保持开放的合作策略,以《泰坦尼克号》带来的影响力,未来年营业额翻倍都不是问题。而且,你知道,以现在的技术发展速度,其他特效公司想要追赶上数字领域,也用不了几年时间,”斟酌了片刻,迈克尔艾斯纳再次开口。 Eric gains ground, the corners of the mouth are having the inexplicable happy expression, said: Michael, I want was these years, let alone, others wanted to pursue, the figure domain absolutely will not actually stop to wait for their.” 艾瑞克抬起头,嘴角带着莫名的笑意,道:“迈克尔,我要的就是这几年而已,更何况,别人想要追赶,数字领域却绝对不会停下来等待他们的。” But I thought that you definitely do not need such to do,” Michael Eisner also said: You will look, are counted «RMS Titanic» Box Office, the Firefly this year's Box Office total amount will achieve 2 billion USD, over 30% market shares, this should be the Hollywood big Film Studio peak absolutely.” “但我觉得你完全没有必要这么做,”迈克尔艾斯纳又道:“你看,算上《泰坦尼克号》的票房,萤火虫今年的票房总额将达到20亿美元,超过30%的市场份额,这绝对应该是好莱坞电影公司的巅峰了。” No, Michael, you are only the condition that was used to Hollywood seven in a big way to coexist, will think that this was only in peak condition of Hollywood big Film Studio. But we break this thought shackles to consider, why cannot be 50%, 60% and 70% are even more, in other professions, this is not the rare matter, since this, why Hollywood isn't good?” “不,迈克尔,你只是习惯了好莱坞七大并存的状态,才会觉得这只是一家好莱坞电影公司的巅峰状态。但我们打破这个思维桎梏考虑一下,为什么不能是50%、60%、70%甚至更多呢,在其他行业,这并不是什么罕见的事情,既然这样,好莱坞为什么不行?” Michael Eisner hears Eric these words, on the face shows the slightly astonished expression, he has not thought that the Eric ambition so will be big. 迈克尔艾斯纳听到艾瑞克这番话,脸上露出略显惊愕的表情,他没有想到艾瑞克的野心会这么大。 If other people says this words, Michael Eisner almost smiles to make noise immediately, but said these words, was in recent years, in Hollywood most crest of wave immeasurable that youth. But he has completed was too many in many people looks like completely the impossible matter. 如果是其他人说出这种话,迈克尔艾斯纳几乎会立刻笑出声来,但说出这些话的,偏偏是最近几年,在好莱坞最风头无量的那个青年。而他已经完成了太多在很多人看来都完全不可能的事情。 However, after short astonished, Michael Eisner shakes the head: Eric, other Hollywood and professions are different, as a creativity profession, the factor of person appears important in this profession, although many people said that Hollywood is the world cinema factory, but you will never be possible to gather all outstanding film-makers to one, in works in your factoryspecially ‚. Even if Firefly other six big pushes aside to be eliminated Hollywood completely, so long as you are unable to meet all film-makers' requests, this is exactly inevitable, then, they will be doomed to create new Film Studio and Firefly contend, like very long beforehand Chaplin's United Artists, Howard Hughes Radio-Keith-Orpheum, as well as present Spielberg's peaceful Berlin.” 不过,短暂的惊愕之后,迈克尔艾斯纳还是摇头:“艾瑞克,好莱坞和其他行业不同,作为一个创意型行业,人的因素在这个行业中显得至关重要,虽然很多人都说好莱坞是世界电影工厂,但你永远不可能将所有出色的电影人都聚拢到一家之下,专门在你一个人的‘工厂’里工作。即使萤火虫好莱坞其他六大全部排挤出局,但只要你无法满足所有电影人的要求,这恰恰是必然的,然后,他们就注定会创造新的电影公司萤火虫抗衡,就像很久以前的卓别林的联美,霍华德休斯雷电华,以及现在斯皮尔伯格的安柏林。” Eric said with a smile: Michael, settles Berlin to be what kind in the future, I do not know, first two Film Studio that but you say, exactly did not exist now. In my opinion, along with being in vogue of film industry big capital operation, the successor wants to enter this profession, will be getting more and more difficult, therefore, I, so long as in maintaining Firefly enough superiority situation, 11 eats well original several established Film Studio.” 艾瑞克笑道:“迈克尔,安柏林将来怎么样,我不知道,但你说的前两家电影公司,现在恰好已经不存在了。在我看来,随着电影行业大资本运作的盛行,后来者想要进入这个行业,将越来越困难,所以,我只要在保持萤火虫足够优势的情况下,把原有的几家老牌电影公司11吃掉就好。” Michael the Eisner brow tip beat, asked scruple: You said that eats?” 迈克尔艾斯纳眉梢跳动了下,迟疑地问道:“你是说,吃掉?” Right, eats,” was saying, Eric tasted a front crab meat patty, the nod said: Here food is really good, perhaps after me, can often come.” “对,就是吃掉,”说着,艾瑞克尝了一口面前的蟹肉饼,点头道:“这里的食物还真不错,或许我以后也可以常来。” Oh, you definitely will not encounter to not having the time of seat,” Michael Eisner smiles reluctantly, he was pondering also over Eric just those words. ,那你肯定不会遭遇到没有座位的时刻的,”迈克尔艾斯纳勉强笑笑,他心里还琢磨着艾瑞克刚刚的那句话。 If Firefly wants to eliminate other Hollywood Film Studio completely, that is definitely impractical, but if according to Eric said that annexes one after another, that this possibility was unable saying that really does not exist completely. 如果萤火虫想要将好莱坞其他电影公司全部消灭,那肯定不切实际,但如果按照艾瑞克说的,陆续兼并下来,那这种可能性还真不能说完全不存在。 But Michael Eisner is not similarly pessimistic, he was 55 years old, perhaps, Firefly has been able to achieve all these ten years of even 20 years later now, but at that time, he affirmed has retired, when the time comes all will have nothing to do with him, now , he so long as managed well Universal Pictures to be good, this slightly dejected idea let Michael some Eisner interest is wanings, they no longer mentioned the matter of movie inexplicably, but the optional review had other food as well as immaterial topics in dining room. 迈克尔艾斯纳同样也没有那么悲观,他现在已经55岁了,或许,萤火虫在十年甚至20年后可以做到这一切,但那个时候,他肯定已经退休,到时候一切都将和他无关,现在,他只要将环球影业经营好就行了,这种略显颓然的想法让迈克尔艾斯纳莫名地有些意兴阑珊,两人都不再提及电影的事情,而是随意点评起了餐厅里的食物以及其他无关紧要的话题。 Eric and Michael Eisner does not have what personal gratitude and grudges eventually, let alone, initially the Firefly use purchased the Disney's opportunity Michael Eisner has expelled the Disney group, if gratitude and grudges, Michael the resentment of Eisner to Eric is definitely bigger, since the opposite party has not displayed these, Eric cannot certainly so. 艾瑞克迈克尔艾斯纳终究没有什么私人恩怨,更何况,当初还是萤火虫利用收购迪斯尼的机会将迈克尔艾斯纳赶出了迪斯尼集团,如果说恩怨,迈克尔艾斯纳艾瑞克的怨气肯定更大一些,既然对方都没有将这些表现出来,艾瑞克当然也不会如此。 Jumped over the figure domain topic, their afterward dining processes are quite relaxed happily, has chatted ten o'clock, both sides respectively separate. 跳过了数字领域的话题,两人随后的用餐过程还是比较轻松愉快的,一直聊到十点钟,双方才各自分开。 Is looking at Michael the Eisner private car departs, Eric also boarded own car(riage). 望着迈克尔艾斯纳的座驾离去,艾瑞克也上了自己的车。 Being late at night, Eric again has not hurried back to Cliff Peak Manor, but is told that the driver drives top to go toward Beverly Hills. 已经是深夜,艾瑞克也就没有再赶回尖角庄园,而是吩咐司机开车朝比弗利山顶而去。 Before arriving at Elizabeth and Julia's mansion, Eric sent the driver to leave, presses the doorbell, in the aircraft interphone has resounded the inquiry sound, Eric has complied with one, the front door is opened quickly. 来到伊丽莎白茱莉亚的豪宅前,艾瑞克打发司机离开,按了按门铃,通话器里响起了询问声,艾瑞克应了一句,大门很快被打开。 Julia is hanging loose brown hair, only wears a very long faint yellow personal woolen sweater, bare two longlegs, the attitude is appearing in front of Eric lazy, the pupil light circulation has called one lightly: Eric, you came.” 茱莉亚披散着棕发,只穿着一件很长的淡黄色贴身毛衣,倮着两条长腿,意态慵懒地出现在艾瑞克面前,眸光流转地轻唤了一声:“艾瑞克,你来了。” Yes,” Eric puts out a hand with a smile, said: Puts on this, isn't cold?” “是啊,”艾瑞克笑着伸伸手,道:“穿成这样,不冷吗?” Los Angeles of February, the night is somewhat poor. 二月份的洛杉矶,夜间还是有些清寒的。 Julia pastes, holds in the arms the waist of Eric, kisses on his cheeks affectionate, said: „It is not cold, not outside.” 茱莉亚贴过来,搂住艾瑞克的腰,亲昵地在他脸颊上吻了吻,道:“不冷啊,又不在外面。” Eric has held Julia, will let loose, the girl has actually knocked the chin on his shoulder, a pair slender **** the plate gets up, the whole person hung on him. 艾瑞克抱了抱茱莉亚,正要放开,女郎却已经将下巴磕在他肩膀上,一双修长的****盘起来,整个人挂在了他身上。 „, How with Drew,” Eric to smile, the backhand closes the front door, is holding the Julia lithe body, cracks a joke saying: Probably fat many.” “呵,怎么跟德鲁似的,”艾瑞克笑着,反手关上大门,托着茱莉亚轻盈的身体,开玩笑道:“好像胖了不少啊。” Julia mouse gnawed in the Eric napes of the neck is nipping, some said with emotions in a soft voice: Fat point makes to have the feel, Eric, you can try now.” 茱莉亚小鼠似的在艾瑞克脖颈间啮咬着,有些动情地轻声道:“胖一点弄起来更有手感呢,艾瑞克,你现在就可以试试呢。” „, My this person of being sensitive to cold, we go to the room,” Eric has almost not resisted, has patted the racket on Julia, sees meaning that the girl does not have, has to hug her to walk toward the villa. “呃,我这人怕冷,咱们还是去屋子里吧,”艾瑞克差点没招架住,在茱莉亚身上拍了拍,见女郎没有下来的意思,只好抱着她朝别墅走去。 Although is around 10 : 00, the light in villa is shining as before greatly, Eric knows that Elizabeth actually is also the night owl, majority of work place strong person generally so. 虽然已经是十点多,别墅里的灯光依旧大亮着,艾瑞克知道伊丽莎白其实也是夜猫子,大部分职场强人大抵如此。 In the living room is turning on the television, sound is very small, Elizabeth holds a thick folder to curl up in the sofa, puts on with Julia similar personal woolen sweater, sees Eric to hold Julia to come, curled the lip: „Does your this fellow, serve a need such impatiently?” 客厅里开着电视机,声音很小,伊丽莎白捧着一份厚厚的文件夹蜷在沙发里,穿着和茱莉亚类似的贴身毛衣,见艾瑞克抱着茱莉亚进来,撇了撇嘴:“你这家伙,用得着这么迫不及待吗?” Eric did not explain that loses Julia on the sofa, sits to Elizabeth side with a smile, asked: What looks at?” 艾瑞克也不解释,将茱莉亚丢在沙发上,笑着坐到伊丽莎白身旁,问道:“看什么呢?” Some movie project profiles,” Elizabeth was saying, is impolite, branches out one pack to hand over: , you help me have a look, to select 12 to come out.” “一些电影项目简介,”伊丽莎白说着,也不客气,分出一叠递过来:“,你帮我看看,挑12部出来。” Eric receives to open, asked with a smile: Selected me to take away?” 艾瑞克接过来翻开,笑着问道:“挑中了我可以拿走吗?” Elizabeth said succinctly: Not.” 伊丽莎白简洁道:“不可以。” Was lost Julia on single-seat sofa also to collect by Eric at this time, pastes Eric to sit down. 本来被艾瑞克丢在单人沙发上的茱莉亚此时也凑了过来,贴着艾瑞克坐下。 Sees Elizabeth to read the appearance of material earnestly, Eric does not have to insert funny dialog, but fishes to place on the knee to hold appreciatively the Julia slender both legs conveniently, opens several materials in hand while convenient. 伊丽莎白认真阅读资料的模样,艾瑞克也没有在插科打诨,只是随手将茱莉亚修长的双腿捞过来放在膝盖上把玩着,顺便也翻开手中的几份资料。 Swept the name of eye first document, Eric slightly has then selected the eyebrow, read the project profile and script outline patiently, then said: «United Kingdom Patient», this project is good, very suitable Miramax to take away to do to the prize piece.” 只是扫了眼第一份文件的名字,艾瑞克便微微挑眉,耐心地阅读完项目简介和剧本梗概,便说道:“《英国病人》,这个项目不错,很适合米拉麦克斯拿去做冲奖片。” Elizabeth turned head to look at one, saw a Eric hand actually to place on the Julia thigh to stroke gently gently, spat one, shows the whites of the eyes saying: This is the project that Harvey had a liking for last year, to avoid competes Oscar with «Shakespeare in Love», was advanced this year, naturally very suitable Miramax.” 伊丽莎白扭头看了一眼,见艾瑞克一只手却放在茱莉亚大腿上轻轻摩挲着,啐了一口,翻着白眼道:“这是哈维去年就看上的项目,为了避免和《莎翁情史》竞争奥斯卡,才被推到了今年,当然很适合米拉麦克斯。” The Eric nod said: Has not placed this year luckily, otherwise was a pity.” 艾瑞克点头道:“幸好没有放在今年,不然就可惜了。” It looks like in Eric, «United Kingdom Patient» absolutely is more splendid than «Shakespeare in Love», the artistic connotation is also more profound, if places this year falls by «RMS Titanic» PK, truly was a pity. 艾瑞克看来,《英国病人》绝对要比《莎翁情史》更加出色一些,艺术内涵也更深刻,如果放在今年被《泰坦尼克号》@PK掉,确实可惜了。 Elizabeth naturally also clear Eric is any meaning, remembered recently around the world crest of wave abundant «RMS Titanic», she recalled some details of last year suddenly, has turned, was staring at Eric, said: Your that time definitely is intentionally.” 伊丽莎白当然也清楚艾瑞克是什么意思,想起最近在全世界范围内风头正盛的《泰坦尼克号》,她突然回忆起去年的一些细节,扭过过来,盯着艾瑞克,道:“你那次肯定是故意的。” This saying too, Eric has revealed the doubts without reason the expression. 这话太没头没脑了,艾瑞克露出疑惑的表情。 Is that time, you said that lets Fox invests the 50 million USD words to «RMS Titanic».” “就是那次,你说让福克斯给《泰坦尼克号》投资5000万美元的话。” Eric thought immediately, he naturally was intentionally, but to adjust old man of thin Elizabeth, initially that cooperation investment invited, personally was overruled by Murdoch. 艾瑞克顿时想起来了,他当然是故意的,只是为了调细一下伊丽莎白家的老头子,当初那份合作投资邀约,就是被默多克亲自否决的。 Now, the meaning that although the «RMS Titanic» strong Box Office trend has not stood still slightly, but this week later, Firefly can recoup initially that 215 million USD production cost probably, it is expected that by the end of February, the complete manufacture and cost of capital will take back, afterward «RMS Titanic» brings to Firefly, will be net profit moistened. 现在,虽然《泰坦尼克号》强劲的票房走势丝毫没有停歇的意思,但这周之后,萤火虫大概就已经能够收回当初那2.15亿美元的制作成本,预计到2月底,全部的制作和发行成本都将收回,随后《泰坦尼克号》给萤火虫带来的,就将是纯利润了 Now any Box Office forecast organization cannot estimate that «RMS Titanic» global Box Office can arrive at many, but they are clear, «RMS Titanic» to the profit that Firefly brings, will go far beyond initially the total investment of that 2.6 500 million USD absolutely. Even, some media predict that if «RMS Titanic» can become North America and even the global Box Office first high movie, relies on formidable influence that the champion effect is bringing, «RMS Titanic» in Box Office and releases of various recording tapes, DVD and even in peripheral products, can bring to Firefly is not lower than 1 billion USD profit, this has almost exceeded majority of Film Studio one year of profit sum total. 现在没有任何一家票房预测机构能够预估《泰坦尼克号》的全球票房到底能够走到多少,但他们却清楚一点,《泰坦尼克号》给萤火虫带来的利润,绝对会远远超过当初那2.65亿美元的总投资。甚至,有些媒体预测,如果《泰坦尼克号》能够成为北美乃至全球票房第一高的影片,凭借着冠军效应带来的强大影响力,《泰坦尼克号》在票房、录像带、DVD乃至各种周边产品的发行上,将能够给萤火虫带来不低于10亿美元的利润,这几乎已经超过大部分制片厂一年的利润总和了。 However, at this time looks Elizabeth cat is staring at itself, Eric will be will not acknowledge in any event. 不过,此时看着伊丽莎白猫儿似的盯着自己,艾瑞克是无论如何都不会承认的。 But Elizabeth has actually realized this point from Eric short hesitation, cat that suddenly the looks like only gets angry throws, operates the Julia step on, steps on Eric, works on his collar saying: Your this bastard, you are really intentionally.” 伊丽莎白却从艾瑞克短暂的迟疑中意识到了这一点,突然像只发怒的小猫似的扑过来,将茱莉亚蹬开,跨在艾瑞克身上,抓起他的衣领道:“你这个混蛋,你果然是故意的。” The Eric corners of the mouth are having the happy expression that is difficult to cover, raises both hands to make the surrender shape, decides to kill did not acknowledge that said: Liz, you calmly, I am not the deity, how possibly to know that «RMS Titanic» Box Office will be what kind , haven't you look at me a while ago almost for this reason the anxiety disorder?” 艾瑞克嘴角带着难掩的笑意,举起双手做投降状,打定主意打死都不承认,道:“莉兹,你冷静点啊,我又不是神仙,怎么可能知道《泰坦尼克号票房会怎么样,你没看我前段时间差点为此得焦虑症吗?” Hears the Eric argument the words, was pushed to arrive around Julia to look that distressedly Elizabeth as if must the vitality appearance that Eric tears in half, inexplicably somewhat small excited, cannot help but backed up: Yes, yes.” 听到艾瑞克辩解的话,被狼狈地挤到一旁的茱莉亚看着伊丽莎白似乎要把艾瑞克撕成两半的生气模样,莫名地有些小兴奋,却不由自主地帮腔:“是呢,是呢。” You shut up,” Elizabeth stared Julia one, observes closely Eric: You are intentionally, now was good, are you very favorite.” “你闭嘴,”伊丽莎白瞪了茱莉亚一眼,又盯住艾瑞克:“你就是故意的,现在好了,你是不是很得意。” I pledged to God......” “我对上帝发誓……” Bah, your this fellow is not religious,” Elizabeth was saying, the small hand actually unties the several grains of knots of Eric shirt neckband. “呸,你这家伙根本就不信教,”伊丽莎白说着,小手却将艾瑞克衬衫领口的几粒扣子解开。 Eric is just about to continue to quibble, sees Elizabeth to bend down, immediately is vigilant, said hastily: Cannot bite.......” 艾瑞克正要继续狡辩一下,见伊丽莎白俯身下来,立刻警觉,连忙道:“不许咬……啊。” Has not put out a hand to stop with enough time, a shoulder severe pain has transmitted. 还没来得及伸手阻拦,肩头一阵剧痛就已经传来。 Julia curls up softly in side, looks that a Elizabeth Little Bai tooth bites on the Eric shoulder, envies very much, the entire small heart felt that trembles, put out a hand to touch unrestrainedly, received to reach behind the back, sees on the fingertip to present a bloodstain, immediately loves dearly, was pushing Elizabeth: Liz, stops, bled.” 茱莉亚软软地蜷在旁边,看着伊丽莎白一口小白牙咬在艾瑞克肩头上,很是羡慕,整个小心脏都感觉颤颤的,情不自禁地伸手过去摸了一下,收回手,见指尖上出现了一丝血迹,立刻心疼起来,推着伊丽莎白:“莉兹,停下啊,流血了。” Is hearing the Julia's words in fit of temper Elizabeth, left to loosen Eric, saw in tooth seal of his shoulder really to seep out the bloodstain, put out a hand according to pressing flurriedly, said: Eric, sorry, I am not intentionally.” 本来正在气头上的伊丽莎白听到茱莉亚的话,离开松开了艾瑞克,见他肩头的牙印上果然渗出了血迹,慌乱地伸手按了按,道:“艾瑞克,对不起,我不是故意的。” Eric is sucking in the cold air, turned head to look , the shoulder presented two rows of obvious tooth seal, but several broke a skin, was not serious, sees the expression that the Elizabeth whole face apology even must cry, he could not have any anger, nodded very much seriously: Un, I know that you are not intentionally.” 艾瑞克倒抽着凉气,扭头看了下,肩头出现两排明显的牙印,只是有几处破了点皮,并不严重,见伊丽莎白满脸歉意甚至要哭出来的表情,他心里也生不出什么怒意,很郑重地点头:“嗯,我知道你不是故意的。” Remembers the topic that just they argued, Elizabeth hears Eric these words, has pulled under the corners of the mouth, did not have is saying anything, received paper towel that Julia handed over to help Eric moisten the bloodstain, said: With doesn't need to scratch with the liquid medicines?” 想起刚刚两人争辩的话题,伊丽莎白听到艾瑞克这句话,扯了下嘴角,却没在说什么,接过茱莉亚递过来的纸巾艾瑞克沾着血迹,道:“用不用拿药水擦一下?” Eric said with a smile: It is said the saliva has disinfection.” 艾瑞克笑道:“据说口水就有消毒作用。” Elizabeth shows the whites of the eyes, has let toward side, said to Julia: You come.” 伊丽莎白翻着白眼,朝旁边让了一下,对茱莉亚道:“你来。” Julia has pasted immediately, Eric blocks hastily: Good, I crack a joke, sit, cannot deliberately create trouble. The tongue also receives, is really ugly.” 茱莉亚立刻贴了过来,艾瑞克连忙拦住:“好了好了,我只是开个玩笑,坐好,不许胡闹。舌头也收起来,真难看。” Julia hehe the chuckle, was seeing itself to be in Elizabeth just position to step to sit on Eric, is not willing to leave, bent down to kiss affectionate several on the Eric face, supported the body, put out a hand to send back long funds personal woolen sweater, below except for pure white underpants, did not have any shade again. 茱莉亚呵呵轻笑着,见自己占据了伊丽莎白刚刚的位置跨坐在艾瑞克身上,便不肯在离开,亲昵地俯身在艾瑞克脸上吻了几下,支起身体,伸手退掉身上的长款贴身毛衣,下面除了一件纯白底褲,再没有任何遮拦。 Elizabeth sees the Julia's movement, is very discontented: Hello, I changed the good slipcover yesterday, can you go to the bedroom?” 伊丽莎白茱莉亚的动作,很是不满:“喂,我昨天才换好的沙发套呢,你们能去卧室吗?” Those who responded to Elizabeth was a big hand has embraced her powerfully, the Eric sound resounded: Also takes off your woolen sweater, I have a look.” 回应伊丽莎白的是一只大手强有力地将她揽了过去,艾瑞克的声音响起:“把你的毛衣也脱掉,我看看。” The light in living room as if also confuses glass to get up, in the light sound of xi xi su su, transmits the woman as if for real twittering: Your this, acts unreasonably, bastard.” 客厅里的灯光似乎也迷璃起来,窸窸窣窣的轻响声中,传来女人半真半假的呢喃:“你这个,乱来的,混蛋,啊。”
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