IAIH :: Volume #9

#828: Music copyright

Chapter 828 第828章 So far, «RMS Titanic» North America Box Office has succeeded to break through 300 million USD, but the Box Office trend of this phenomenon level big piece is as before strong, the Box Office analysis agency generally forecast that only depends on North America Box Office, «RMS Titanic» likely recovers the complete 2.6 500 million USD substantial investments, but «RMS Titanic» overseas Box Office possibly achieves the digit that is dumbfounded stunning. The film industry just emerged manufactures the reconsideration of big budget movie to recent years greatly, therefore becomes collapses at the first blow, Hollywood major Film Studio start to look for own super big piece project. In this case, Firefly Group suddenly announced that stops the external cooperation of special effect company figure domain, is no different than sprinkles trough cold water to all Hollywood Film Studio outside Firefly system.” “到目前为止,《泰坦尼克号》的北美票房已经成功突破3亿美元,但这部现象级大片的票房走势依旧强劲,票房分析机构普遍预测,仅靠北美票房,《泰坦尼克号》就很可能收回全部的2.65亿美元巨额投资,而《泰坦尼克号》的海外票房更是可能达到一个让人瞠目结舌的数字。电影行业刚刚兴起的对最近几年大制作大预算影片的反思,也因此变得不堪一击,好莱坞各大电影公司纷纷开始物色自身的超级大片项目。这种情况下,萤火虫集团突然宣布停止旗下特效公司数字领域的对外合作,无异于将一盆冷水泼向萤火虫体系以外的所有好莱坞电影公司。” According to Firefly Group Chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg disclosed that Firefly Group in the next few years time every year heavy case bomb movie increases to six from present every year three, at least half will be the principal g special effect big piece, if the figure domain will continue to maintain the original open operation style, will be very difficult to meet Firefly Group own needs.” “根据萤火虫集团董事长杰弗瑞卡森伯格透露,萤火虫集团未来几年时间就将把每年的‘重磅炸弹’影片从现在的每年三部增加到六部,其中至少一半将是主打g的特效大片,如果数字领域继续维持原有的开放性运营模式,将很难满足萤火虫集团自身的需要。” It is reported that digital domain special effect company currently is mastering the Hollywood most top computer CG Special Effects technology, since 1991, the digital domain by «Terminator 2: Judgement Day» and «Twister» and « Jurassic Park " and other movie in the splendid special effect manufactures, has captured the Oscar best visual effect prize consecutively for 4 years. Meanwhile, digital domain also has the field largest render farm, in recent years is undertaking the Hollywood over 50% special effect picture exaggeration work.” “据悉,数字领域特效公司目前掌握着好莱坞最顶级的电脑g特效技术,从1991年开始,数字领域凭借《终结者2》、《龙卷风》、《侏罗纪公园》等影片中的出色特效制作,已经连续4年斩获奥斯卡最佳视觉效果奖。同时,数字领域还有着业界最大规模的渲染农场,最近几年承担着好莱坞50%以上的特效画面渲染工作。” Related analyst estimated that because the digital domain is mastering the massive Hollywood unique CG Special Effects technology, for example the major war scene design in «The Mummy 2» wait/etc., the figure domain stops the action of external cooperation suddenly, even possibly lets unable to use Hollywood Film Studio of digital domain technology in special effect big piece forms is for several years the time fault, this Film Industry service will have the severe impact on the Time Warner, Paramount, Sony and other company in without doubt, is in inverse proportion, Firefly Group and Metro Goldwyn Mayer Film Industry and 20th Century Fox market share will increase dramatically. Comes under this news influence, recent one week, the Time Warner, Viacom and other company in the stock prices drop slightly, relates closest Metro Goldwyn Mayer Film Industry with Firefly Group, the stock price further rises, in one week the increase scope surpasses 9%.” “相关分析师预计,因为数字领域掌握着大量好莱坞独一无二的g特效技术,比如《木乃伊2》中的大规模战争场景设计等等,数字领域突然停止对外合作的举动,甚至可能让无法使用数字领域技术的好莱坞电影公司在特效大片方面形成长达数年时间的‘断层’,这无疑会对时代华纳派拉蒙索尼等公司的电影业务造成强烈冲击,此消彼长,萤火虫集团米高梅影业二十世纪福克斯的市场份额将大幅增加。受到此消息影响,最近一周,时代华纳维亚康姆等公司的股价都出现小幅下挫,与萤火虫集团关系最密切的米高梅影业,股价进一步上扬,一周内涨幅超过9%。” Michael Eisner discards latest issue 《Premiere》 magazine in hand, stands up to move toward near the window worriedly, what to do considers then should. 迈克尔艾斯纳丢掉手中的最新一期《首映》杂志,苦恼地站起身走向窗边,考虑着接下来该怎么办。 Besides this analysis article, latest year Hollywood authority list of this phase of 《Premiere》 magazine announcement, except for Eric Williams is wresting away beyond the first place position unsuspensefully, Firefly Group CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg not according to old times convention, with Eric together as the Firefly Group master, but the compound platoon in first, instead alone had arranged in order, was in the second position, change in this detail has demonstrated Eric without doubt in the Hollywood even more aloof status. Third has nothing to do with Universal as before, but was last year crest of wave most abundant Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Drew Barrymore and Amy the Pascal compound platoon in third, fourth was one's turn his Michael Eisner. 除了这篇分析文章外,这一期《首映》杂志公布的最新一年度好莱坞权力榜,除了艾瑞克威廉姆斯毫无悬念地霸占着榜首位置外,萤火虫集团eo杰弗瑞卡森伯格也没有按照往年的惯例,与艾瑞克一起作为萤火虫集团的控制者而并列排在第一名,反而是被单独列了出来,占据了第二名的位置,这种细节上的改变无疑显示了艾瑞克好莱坞越发超然的地位。第三名依旧与环球无关,而是去年风头最盛的米高梅,德鲁巴里摩尔艾米帕斯卡尔并列排在第三名,第四名才轮到他迈克尔艾斯纳 Does not know that is intends or without doubt, in this year's Hollywood authority list first ten, besides the big Film Studio management and top Director and producer, but also suddenly presented the figure domain CEO Stan Winston's form, in other words, Firefly Group, in Hollywood authority list first ten, occupied three quotas, if counted Metro Goldwyn Mayer and Fox being on the list list, the Firefly system basically has controlled half Hollywood, this in reality is almost consistent with influence of Firefly Group, even, if pure computation market share, the «RMS Titanic» accident that because was not favored by all people erupts, Firefly, Metro Goldwyn Mayer and Fox three, this year share in Hollywood Box Office market, similarly over 50%, but Warner, Paramount, Universal and Sony Film Industry these four big Film Studio, can only with other innumerable 23 Film Studio same places, shares remaining 50%. 不知道是有意还是无疑,今年的好莱坞权力榜前十名中,除了大电影公司高管和顶级导演、制片人外,还突然出现了数字领域eo斯坦・温斯顿的身影,也就是说,萤火虫集团一家,就已经在好莱坞权力榜前十名中,占据了三个名额,如果算上米高梅福克斯的上榜名单,萤火虫体系基本上已经控制了半个好莱坞,这与萤火虫集团在现实中的影响力几乎一致,甚至,如果单纯的计算市场份额的话,因为原本不被所有人看好的《泰坦尼克号》意外爆发,萤火虫米高梅福克斯三家,今年在好莱坞票房市场上的占有份额,同样将超过50%,而华纳派拉蒙环球索尼影业这四大电影公司,只能和其他数不清的23线电影公司一起,分享剩下的50%。 The plan can never keep up with the change. 计划永远都赶不上变化啊。 Michael in the Eisner heart sighed, remembers «RMS Titanic» screens the beforehand own thoughts, self-ridiculed that smiled. 迈克尔艾斯纳心中叹息了一句,想起《泰坦尼克号》上映之前的自己的心思,不由自嘲地笑了笑。 However, at present must solve the issue of great urgency. 不过,眼下还是要解决迫在眉睫的问题。 Recent one week of time, Firefly announced after stopping the figure domain external cooperation, almost must reach the cooperation intention Industrial Light & Magic also suddenly to renege with Universal, Microsoft almost can be called is the response fast indicated to the outside that will invest the 100 million USD large amount of money once more, for technical research and development of Industrial Light & Magic in CG Special Effects aspect. 最近一周时间,萤火虫宣布停止数字领域对外合作之后,原本几乎要与环球达成合作意向的工业光魔也突然变卦,微软几乎可以称得上是反应迅捷地对外表示,将再次投入1亿美元巨资,用于工业光魔g特效方面的技术研发。 Although Industrial Light & Magic these years have been inferior to the digital domain, special effect inside story that but 20 years accumulate, are not other small special effect companies that Hollywood newly established can compare, obviously, Microsoft also because of the Box Office success of «RMS Titanic», saw the special effect technology in the Hollywood huge application prospect, therefore raised other thoughts, no longer wants Universal to have a hand to meddle. 工业光魔这些年虽然已经远不如数字领域,但20年积累下来的特效底蕴,也不是好莱坞刚刚成立的其他小型特效公司能够比拟的,显然,微软也因为《泰坦尼克号》的票房成功,看到了特效技术在好莱坞的巨大应用前景,因此升起了一些其他心思,不再愿意环球插手进去。 The news that in order to deal with Firefly announced that this week of time, infused the fund except for the Microsoft great writer to Industrial Light & Magic, Sony, Paramount and Time Warner, similarly announced to the outside established own film and television special effect department. 为了应对萤火虫宣布的消息,这一周时间,除了微软大手笔地向工业光魔注入资金,索尼派拉蒙时代华纳,同样对外宣布成立自身的影视特效部门。 Although Universal Board of Directors also starts to discuss that related issue, parent company Seagram group Chairman Edgar Bronfman also specially calls to inquire this matter. 环球董事会虽然也开始讨论相关的问题,母公司西格拉姆集团董事长埃德加布朗夫曼还专门打电话过来询问这件事。 But Michael Eisner is clear, establishes the exclusive special effect department, this does not work. He still clearly remembers now last year when the people competed for «Transformers» movie copyright Eric that words, the only digital domain spent the 100 million USD construction in Florida the render farm, was not other two third-class special effect companies can pursue easily can catch up, but these years, to develop all kinds of CG Special Effects technologies, the figure domain invested many, although did not have the concrete data, but can want to see, this digit was similarly scary. 迈克尔艾斯纳却清楚,成立专属的特效部门,这样根本就行不通。他现在还清晰地记得去年众人争夺《变形金刚》电影版权艾瑞克的那番话,单凭数字领域在佛罗里达州耗资一亿美元建造的渲染农场,就不是其他二三流特效公司能够轻易追赶得上的,而这些年,为了开发各种各样的g特效技术,数字领域又投入了多少,虽然没有具体的数据,但可以想见,这个数字同样非常骇人。 What is more important, special effect company wants to accumulate enough technology, needs to obtain through the practice in the producuction process of massive g scene. According to news that Firefly disclosed that Firefly Group every year principal CG Special Effects movie will achieve three in the future, then, Metro Goldwyn Mayer and 20th Century Fox, even if put together to be able with Firefly to be equally many, three companies can provide six special effect movie orders for the digital domain every year, other needs used few special effect scenes the movie are countless, this gave the digital domain to provide enough technical accumulation platform. This point, Time Warner, Paramount and Sony Universal itself, is even impossible to achieve. 更重要的是,特效公司想要积累足够的技术,是需要在大量g镜头的制作过程中通过实践获得的。按照萤火虫透露的消息,萤火虫集团未来每年主打g特效的影片就将达到三部,那么,米高梅二十世纪福克斯哪怕加在一起才能与萤火虫一样多,三家公司每年就可以为数字领域提供六部特效电影订单,其他需要用到少量特效场景的电影更是不计其数,这就给数字领域提供了足够的技术积累平台。这一点,时代华纳派拉蒙索尼甚至环球本身,都是不可能做到的。 Michael the first idea in Eisner heart naturally is the union, but from Microsoft support Industrial Light & Magic, in Firefly announced that the response after news can look, in all will of the people have own calculation, wants to join up, easier said than done. 迈克尔艾斯纳心中的第一想法当然是联合,但从微软支持下的工业光魔萤火虫宣布消息后的反应就可以看出来,所有人心里都有着自己的小算盘,想要联合起来,谈何容易。 Is considering the matter, office door was sounded, Michael Eisner has complied with one, his assistant pushes the door to come, said: Mr. Eisner, I have inquired, Eric Williams went to San Francisco over the two days, as if for Firefly secret development a matter of model of music player.” 正考虑着事情,办公室房门被人敲响,迈克尔艾斯纳应了一声,他的助理推门进来,说道:“艾斯纳先生,我打探过了,艾瑞克威廉姆斯这两天去了旧金山,似乎是为了萤火虫秘密开发的一款音乐播放器的事情。” Music player?” Michael the Eisner doubts closely examined one, although at the end of last year, the MP3 player had researched and developed maturely, but for the recent several months, the Firefly electron has been arranging various preparatory work of earlier period, therefore also basically is at the security condition. “音乐播放器?”迈克尔艾斯纳疑惑地追问了一句,虽然去年年底,mp3播放器就已经研发成熟,但最近几个月,萤火虫电子一直在筹备前期的各种准备工作,因此还基本上处于保密状态。 Michael the Eisner assistant nodded, said: Is a model of brand-new digital audio player, said that is very skillful, you allowed me to participate in the company and Nicole last week negotiations of Miss Kidman about «The Mummy» sequel contract, I see Miss Kidman to use this type of player exactly, slightly is only bigger than the old style cigarette lighter, uses the miniature hard disk as the memory medium, the interior can save over a hundred MP3 audio format songs, does not need the magnetic tape and small dish piece these exterior media completely. Right, I just specially telephoned that side Record Company, they also received the Yahoo Internet company about to invite in the cooperation of Yahoo music store sell song at the end of last year, both sides are negotiating at present still.” 迈克尔艾斯纳的助理点了点头,道:“是一款全新的数字音频播放器,说起来很巧,您上周让我参与公司与妮可基德曼小姐关于《木乃伊》续集合约的谈判,我恰好见基德曼小姐使用过这种播放器,只比老式打火机稍微大一些,使用微型硬盘作为存储媒介,内部可以存储上百首mp3音频格式歌曲,完全不需要磁带、碟片这些外部媒介。对了,我刚刚特意打电话到唱片公司那边,他们去年年底也接到了雅虎网络公司关于在雅虎音乐商店出售歌曲的合作邀约,双方目前还在谈判。” Michael that listened quietly with rapt attention the Eisner eye has shone immediately, he just faintly had realized an issue. 原本凝神静听的迈克尔艾斯纳眼睛立刻亮了起来,他刚刚就已经隐隐意识到了一个问题。 If all such as the assistant said that then, this model of music player wants to promote, definitely needs the massive legal copy music resources as the support, reason that in the past Sony will buy the Columbia phonograph record, is in the consideration in this aspect. Very obviously, the music copyright resources, exactly are the Firefly Group short board, although Firefly Records has promoted some good singers in recent years one after another, but by inside story, Firefly Records and Universal phonograph record, Warner phonograph record and compared with Sony phonograph record these established giants, but also is missing the long distance distance. 如果一切如助理所说,那么,这款音乐播放器想要推广开来,肯定需要大量的正版音乐资源作为支撑,当年索尼之所以会买下哥伦比亚唱片,就是处于这方面的考虑。很显然,音乐版权资源,恰恰是萤火虫集团的短板,虽然最近几年萤火虫唱片陆续推出了一些不错的歌手,但论底蕴,萤火虫唱片环球唱片、华纳唱片和索尼唱片这些老牌巨头相比,还差着十万八千里的距离。 You do is very good,” did not praise opposite party one parsimoniously, Michael Eisner also said: Moreover, prepares to give me Record Company and material of Yahoo negotiations , helping me again approximately one Doug Morris.” “你做的很好,”毫不吝啬地夸奖了对方一句,迈克尔艾斯纳又道:“另外,把唱片公司雅虎谈判的资料准备一份给我,再帮我约一下道格・莫里斯。” Doug Morris was Universal phonograph record CEO, Seagram initially the ma group that started to take over from the loosen, mainly included Universal Pictures and Universal phonograph record two parts, but, Michael the service of Eisner irresponsible Universal phonograph record. 道格・莫里斯是环球唱片的eo,西格拉姆当初从松下手中接手的ma集团,主要包括环球影业环球唱片两部分,只不过,迈克尔艾斯纳并不负责环球唱片的业务。 ...... …… Irelyer, this is we discussed finally most appropriate name that irelyer is actually in fairy tale «Peter Pan» one somewhat is proud is sincere to the friend the loyal little elf, it produces because of a laughter of Renton baby, in the story, irelyer finally and small dingdong tinkerbell has formed the husband and wife. It can be said that this is some minor objects, but the flaw does not cover the fine jade the role, our model of MP3 player product, pursue similarly is similar to the close good friend uses the experience generally, exactly and irelyer disposition is on good terms to gather, in the meantime, irelyer can also be regarded as delaying of Firefly ( irely ).” “irelyer,这是我们最终讨论出的最合适的名字,irelyer其实是童话故事《彼得潘》中一个有些自负却对朋友却真诚忠贞的小精灵,它因为伦顿一个婴儿的笑声而产生,在故事中,irelyer最终和小叮当tinkerbell结成了夫妻。可以说,这是一个有些小缺点,但瑕不掩瑜的角色,我们的这款mp3播放器产品,追求的同样是如同亲密好友一般的使用体验,恰好和irelyer的性格相契合,同时,irelyer也可以看作是萤火虫(irely)的延展。” In an office building in San Francisco Oakland, Eric and Chris and management of one crowd of Firefly electrons sits in a conference room, is listening to Firefly electron Chairman Bill peacefully Olsson's explanation. 旧金山奥克兰市的一栋办公楼内,艾瑞克克里斯和一群萤火虫电子的管理层坐在一间会议室里,安静地听着萤火虫电子总裁比尔・奥尔森的讲解。 Bill Olsson is Chris a management that digs from Apple Inc., he is Apple Inc. was responsible for the product marketing working Vice Chairman, originally, even if has Firefly Group to be the backing, but Bill Olsson is unlikely to have a liking for the small company that Firefly electron only started as before, because recent two years of Apple Inc. declines day after day, the management changed job in abundance seeks him in addition, in addition Eric and Chris had promised enough salary and option reward, Bill Olsson is then willing to come to hold the post of the Firefly electron Chairman, was mainly responsible for the marketing work of MP3 player. 比尔・奥尔森是克里斯苹果公司挖来的一位高管,他原来是苹果公司负责产品营销工作一位副总裁,原本,即使有着萤火虫集团作为后盾,但比尔・奥尔森依旧是不太可能看得上萤火虫电子这家刚刚起步的小公司的,但因为最近两年苹果公司日渐衰落,管理层纷纷跳槽另谋他就,再加上艾瑞克克里斯许诺了足够的薪酬和期权奖励,比尔・奥尔森这才愿意过来担任萤火虫电子的总裁,主要负责mp3播放器的市场营销工作。 Eric hear of Bill Olsson said that said: Irelyer this name is truly good, but, since you mentioned tinkerbell, Bill, you did not think that we can apply for similarly this trademark, as another brand of MP3 player, perhaps, what feeds specially feminine?” 艾瑞克比尔・奥尔森说完,道:“irelyer这个名字确实不错,不过,既然你提到了tinkerbell,比尔,难道你不觉得,我们同样可以将这个商标申请下来,作为mp3播放器的另外一个品牌吗,或许,专供女性什么的?” Bill Olsson said with a smile: Eric, your suggestion Victor also has raised actually in the initial choosing a name conference, but after we discussed that has cancelled this thought temporarily.” 比尔・奥尔森笑道:“艾瑞克,你的建议其实维克多在当初的定名会议上也提过,不过我们讨论之后,还是暂时打消了这个念头。” Eric looks to CEO Victor Maikenai of Firefly electron, Victor Maikenai graduates from Stanford University, has the electronic doctor of engineering degree, was dug before by Chris is responsible for MP3 and E-book project researches and develops, Victor Maikenai in IBM Corporation is responsible for the producer research and development and production, although the duty is not too high, but its professional ability is also splendid, initially Chris made the head-hunting company look for three months, has decided on Victor Maikenai candidate. 艾瑞克看向萤火虫电子的eo维克多・麦克奈利,维克多・麦克奈利毕业于斯坦福大学,拥有电子工程学博士学位,被克里斯挖来负责mp3和电子书项目研发之前,维克多・麦克奈利在ibm公司负责产品研发和生产,虽然职务并不算太高,但其本身的专业能力却也非常出色,当初克里斯让猎头公司物色了三个月时间,才确定了维克多・麦克奈利的人选。 A Caucasian middle age of Victor Maikenai money pouch stature slightly chubby whole face full beard, is somewhat sloven, sees Eric to look to oneself, he smiled, toward Bill Olsson has hinted, said with a smile: Eric, makes Bill speak to you, he is this expert in aspect.” 维克多・麦克奈利是一个身材微胖满脸大胡子的白人中年,有些不修边幅,见艾瑞克看向自己,他笑了笑,朝比尔・奥尔森示意了下,笑道:“艾瑞克,还是让比尔跟你说话,他才是这方面的专家。” Eric looks to Bill Olsson. 艾瑞克又看向比尔・奥尔森。 Bill Olsson does not sell lawsuit, said: Is this, Eric, in current situation I, we, only then irelyer this kind of model of product, could the pink funds named as you to say tinkerbell that but this definitely will dilute the brand image of player, was disadvantageous to the promotion of product.” 比尔・奥尔森也不卖官司,说道:“是这样的,艾瑞克,目前的情况下我,我们只有irelyer这样一款产品,或许可以将粉色款的命名为你说的tinkerbell,但这样肯定会稀释播放器的品牌形象,对产品的推广不利。” ...... …… ...... …… A Caucasian middle age of Victor Maikenai money pouch stature slightly chubby whole face full beard, is somewhat sloven, sees Eric to look to oneself, he smiled, toward Bill Olsson has hinted, said with a smile: Eric, makes Bill speak to you, he is this expert in aspect.” 维克多・麦克奈利是一个身材微胖满脸大胡子的白人中年,有些不修边幅,见艾瑞克看向自己,他笑了笑,朝比尔・奥尔森示意了下,笑道:“艾瑞克,还是让比尔跟你说话,他才是这方面的专家。” Eric looks to Bill Olsson. 艾瑞克又看向比尔・奥尔森。 Bill Olsson does not sell lawsuit, said: Is this, Eric, in current situation I, we, only then irelyer this kind of model of product, could the pink funds named as you to say tinkerbell that but this definitely will dilute the brand image of player, was disadvantageous to the promotion of product.”( To be continued.) 比尔・奥尔森也不卖官司,说道:“是这样的,艾瑞克,目前的情况下我,我们只有irelyer这样一款产品,或许可以将粉色款的命名为你说的tinkerbell,但这样肯定会稀释播放器的品牌形象,对产品的推广不利。”(未完待续。)
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