IAIH :: Volume #9

#827: Paroxysmal news

As the world-class financial center, Wall Street like a giant capital collection and distribution harbor, the retired from various United States inland states, insurance, the investment fund as well as the capital of overseas various countries, the investment banks and major exchanges takes the medium, the influence is even controlling the economy of United States and even world. 作为世界级的金融中心,华尔街就像一个巨型的资本集散港口,来自美国内地各州的退休、保险、投资基金以及海外各国的资本,以投资银行和各大交易所作为媒介,影响甚至控制着美国乃至全世界的经济。 Wall Street controls the United States economy, this view does not appear the exaggeration, the United States native place 500 strong enterprises, majority of through situation control of listing in the hand of Wall Street capital. To the United States the economical seepage of native place and even overseas, to achieve control goal , is almost Basic Instinct of all Wall Street capital forces. 华尔街控制美国经济,这种说法丝毫不显得夸张,美国本土500强企业,大部分都通过上市的形势掌控在华尔街资本的手中。对美国本土乃至海外的经济渗透,以达到控制目的,也几乎是所有华尔街资本势力的本能 Therefore, these years rapidly rise completely are actually separated to directly soar Firefly Group outside control, in basically already by Wall Street control Hollywood, especially are conspicuous. 因此,这些年迅速崛起却完全脱离直奔控制之外的萤火虫集团,在基本上已经被华尔街控制的好莱坞,也就格外显眼。 Regarding a shareholder in enterprise, only if holding the speculative mentality, otherwise, will choose listing financing without any enterprise easily, transfers own domination step by step gives Wall Street. 对于一家企业的股东来说,除非抱着投机心态,否则,没有任何一家企业会轻易选择上市融资,将自身的控制权一步步让渡给华尔街 Eric acknowledged own several years have very strong speculative mentality at first, but along with the rapid the unceasing development of expansion as well as individual vision of Firefly system, when appeared very impetuous thoughts already vanished into thin air. Although he will not let off the financial crisis in Asia and Internet bubble type as before easily makes the profit fast the opportunity, but regarding oneself most important foundation Firefly Group, even if were long before, Eric has not thought makes it carry on listing financing, along with Firefly Group even more formidable, this thought will not have again. 艾瑞克承认自己最初几年有着很浓重的投机心态,但随着萤火虫体系的迅速扩张以及个人眼界的不断拓展,当显得很浮躁的心思早已烟消云散。虽然他依旧不会轻易放过亚洲金融危机和互联网泡沫这种快速攫取利润的机会,但对于自己最重要的根基萤火虫集团,哪怕是很早以前,艾瑞克都没有想过让它进行上市融资,随着萤火虫集团越发的强大,这种念头也更加不会再有。 But Wall Street will not let off obviously easily to Firefly Group carries on the seepage the effort, promoting the figure domain to go on the market, should be a probe that Wall Street carries on. 华尔街显然也不会轻易放过对萤火虫集团进行渗透的努力,推动数字领域上市,应该就是华尔街进行的一次试探。 Since is unable to urge the Firefly Group overall listing, that step by step comes its partition, gradually realizes the docking with capital market, this perhaps is the thoughts of some Wall Street capital forces. 既然无法促使萤火虫集团整体上市,那就一步步将它分拆开来,逐步实现与资本市场的对接,这或许就是华尔街一些资本势力的心思。 Katzenberg placed for these years wholeheartedly to the operation of Firefly Group, perhaps therefore, he had not realized that David West promotes the figure domain listing the different kind intention, Eric to capital market attention actually far ultra Katzenberg. 卡森伯格这几年一心放在对萤火虫集团的运营上,因此,他或许并没有察觉到大卫韦斯特推动数字领域上市的别样用心,艾瑞克对资本市场关注却远超卡森伯格 Considered the moment, Eric saying: Jeffrey, you think not to have, if this time we agreed that makes the digital domain go on the market, then, then, perhaps is the Pixar animation, again then, new line Film Industry, Firefly Pictures and Disney group...... Finally, perhaps suddenly some day your sleep wakes up, Firefly Group once more became a board game piece in Wall Street hand. When the time comes, we are very difficult to accomplish a task with ease by our will again operate this company. Hollywood seven big, why only then Firefly trained the digital domain, was because we can not count the cost to invest several billions USD to carry on the research and development of CG Special Effects technology consecutively for several years, but did not need to consider the temporary success and failure on wealth report. But other companies, to let Wall Street satisfies, for was been even more attractive by own every year each quarter financial report, they do not dare unable such to do, otherwise, even if they are carrying on the long-term plan for the company, is very as before difficult to obtain the approval of capital.” 考虑了片刻,艾瑞克说道:“杰弗瑞,你想过没有,如果这次我们同意让数字领域上市,那么,接下来,或许就是皮克斯动画,再然后,新线影业,萤火虫影业迪斯尼集团……最终,或许突然某一天你一觉醒来,萤火虫集团已经再次成为华尔街手中的一枚棋子。到时候,我们就很难再凭借自己的意志游刃有余地去经营这家公司。好莱坞七大,为什么只有萤火虫旗下培养出了数字领域,就是因为我们可以连续几年不计成本地投入数亿美元进行g特效技术的研发,而不用考虑财报上的一时得失。但其他公司呢,为了让华尔街满意,为了让自己每年甚至每个季度的财务报告更加漂亮一些,他们根本不敢也不能这么做,否则,即使他们是在为公司进行长远打算,依旧很难得到资本的认可。” Good, I understood,” Katzenberg grins to smile, Eric has not refused to let the suggestion of digital domain listing directly, but has analyzed to him in detail formidable, Katzenberg naturally clear Eric this is caring about his individual feeling. Actually, he thought that Eric does not use so, after all, in majority of situations , he if thought that subordinate's certain suggestions are very bad, basically the simple and crude will lose one **** in the past, but little will explain anything to the opposite party, looked at Eric to place that «Finance Alchemy» on hand, Katzenberg said half jokingly: Perhaps, I should also find time to read this kind of books.” “好吧,我明白了,”卡森伯格咧嘴笑了笑,艾瑞克没有直接拒绝让数字领域上市的建议,而是详细地向他分析了其中利害,卡森伯格当然清楚艾瑞克这是在顾忌他的个人感受。其实吧,他觉得艾瑞克根本不用如此,毕竟,大部分情况下,他自己如果觉得下属的某些建议很糟糕的话,基本上就会简单粗暴地丢出一句‘****’过去,而很少会向对方解释什么,看了看艾瑞克一直放在手边的那本《金融炼金术》,卡森伯格半开玩笑地说道:“或许,我也应该抽空读一些这类书籍。” If you are interested,” Eric that book on hand will hand over with a smile, said: This gave to you, I have bought several books.” “如果你感兴趣的话,”艾瑞克笑着将手边的那本书递过来,道:“这本就送给你了,我买了好几本。” Katzenberg receives immodestly, expressed gratitude, asked: Recently saw you to read this book frequently, what this speaks?” 卡森伯格不客气地接过来,道了声谢,还是问道:“最近经常见你看这本书,这是讲什么的?” „The rope Ross investment diary,” Eric explained simply: „If no for several years foreign exchange investment experience, most people basically cannot understand, therefore I suggested that you can jump over the front theory directly, the direct reading following case part, does not need to understand these obscure foreign exchange operative skills desirably, but senses the rope Ross thinking pattern, this is in a genuine chest has the big pattern big breadth of spirit fellow, even reminded me of a famous saying of remote East.” “索罗斯的投资日记,”艾瑞克简单地解释道:“如果没有三年五载的外汇投资经验,大部分人基本上是看不懂的,所以我建议你可以直接跳过前面的理论,直接阅读后面的案例部分,不必刻意去弄懂那些晦涩的外汇操作技巧,只是感悟一下索罗斯的思考方式,这是一个真正胸中有大格局大气魄的家伙,甚至让我想起了遥远东方的一句名言。” Katzenberg takes down the Eric words secretly, his years of schooling are not high, the high school has not graduated enters the society to start to work, but this does not mean that he is a person of shiftless, otherwise he is impossible to sit to the present seat on. Receives the books, hears the Eric last few words, Katzenberg also curiously asks: East, what famous saying?” 卡森伯格暗暗记下艾瑞克的话,他文化程度不高,高中没毕业就进入社会开始工作,不过这并不意味着他是一个不思进取的人,否则他也不可能坐到现在的位子上。正要将书本收起来,听到艾瑞克最后一句话,卡森伯格又好奇地问道:“东方的,什么名言?” This explained that did not have any meaning, like sonnet, if translated other languages, was very difficult to have the flavor to be the same again, in brief, was I just appraised to Somalian Ross, was right, I wrote in the flyleaf.” “这个解释起来就没什么意思了,就像十四行诗如果翻译成其他语言,就很难再有韵味一样,总之,就是我刚刚对索罗斯评价,对了,我写在扉页里了。” Katzenberg have a relish opens the page, saw that on the flyleaf presents two lines of pencils write on the strange typeface. 卡森伯格饶有兴致地翻开书页,看到扉页上出现两行铅笔写就的陌生字体。 The world is a furnace, the good fortune is the labor. 天地为炉兮,造化为工。 The Yin-Yang is the carbon, the myriad things are the copper. 阴阳为碳兮,万物为铜。 Flying of dragons and dancing of phoenixes running script typeface, Katzenberg, although cannot understand, but can feel a very marvelous sense of beauty as before. 龙飞凤舞的行书字体,卡森伯格虽然读不懂,但依旧能够感觉到一种很奇妙的美感。 Entire in the 80's, rope Ross is based on the engaged in self-examination theory that he creates, takes own laboratory the global money market, through in many countries to the world is having great writer finance operations of far-reaching significance, is practicing own theory. Therefore, this book was called «Finance Alchemy». 整个八十年代,索罗斯以他创造的反身性理论为基础,将全球金融市场作为自己的实验室,通过对世界上很多国家都产生着深远影响的一次次大手笔金融操作,实践着自己的理论。因此,这本书才被叫做《金融炼金术》。 If based on good and evil viewpoint, did not consider that rope Ross devastates to many national economy system destructive mood, such can turn the hand for the cloud affects the financial tycoon who the world economy is moving toward, can handle in «Peng Bird Tax» completely the appraisal of that 18 character. 如果不从善恶的观点出发,去考虑索罗斯对很多国家经济体系破坏式摧残,这样一个能够翻手为云地影响着世界经济走向的金融大亨,完全当得起《鹏鸟赋》中那18个字的评价。 Jumps over this simple interlude, Eric said: Therefore, the plan of digital domain listing, do not raise again. However, since mentioned that this matter, that said our next step to the development project of digital domain.” 跳过这个简单的插曲,艾瑞克说道:“所以,数字领域上市的计划,就不要再提了。不过,既然提到这件事,那就说说我们下一步对数字领域的发展规划吧。” ...... …… On January 19, the 54 th United States movie television Golden Globe Award presentation ceremony was held, Miramax «Shakespeare in Love» and Firefly Pictures «Red Alert» led this Golden Globe Award, obtained the music comedy class and plot class best picture separately. 1月19日,第54届美国电影电视金球奖颁奖典礼举行,米拉麦克斯的《莎翁情史》和萤火虫影业的《红色警戒》领跑这一届的金球奖,分别获得了音乐喜剧类和剧情类最佳影片。 Weinstein Brothers rushed to Oscar to go, because the «RMS Titanic» powerful holds up, Harvey Weinstein realized obviously that «Shakespeare in Love» is very difficult to be potential achievement in General Oscar, therefore gives up decisively, but the public relations center of gravity places the Golden Globe Award aspect, captures the music comedy class best picture, best Director, best Heroine, the best supporting actress and best screenwriter five awards at one fell swoop. Compares, «Red Alert» is more inferior, although the plot class best picture, but was defeated in best Director and best screenwriter aspect to «Shakespeare in Love», but, although Firefly cannot hype, but the media and movie fan were as before impossible not to pay attention, this was Cameron and Kathryn second showdown, attention that accordingly, «Red Alert» obtained, instead went all out Weinstein Brothers hype «Shakespeare in Love» is higher. 韦恩斯坦兄弟原本是奔着奥斯卡去的,但因为《泰坦尼克号》的强势举起,哈维韦恩斯坦明显意识到,《莎翁情史》在奥斯卡上将很难有所作为,于是果断放弃,但公关重心放在金球奖方面,一举斩获音乐喜剧类最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳女主角、最佳女配角、最佳编剧五项大奖。相比起来,《红色警戒》就逊色一些,虽然剧情类最佳影片,但在最佳导演、最佳编剧方面都落败给了《莎翁情史》,不过,虽然萤火虫没有可以炒作,但媒体和影迷依旧不可能注意不到,这是卡梅隆凯瑟琳的第二次对决,相应的,《红色警戒》获得的关注度,反而比韦恩斯坦兄弟卖力炒作的《莎翁情史》更高一些。 After Golden Globe Award, «Shakespeare in Love» and «Red Alert» dramatically increased the row of piece scale, Box Office also started to increase. 金球奖之后,《莎翁情史》和《红色警戒》都大幅增加了排片规模,票房也开始攀升。 Golden Globe Award presentation ceremony three days later, on January 22, the 69 th Oscar nomination announced that «RMS Titanic» unsuspensefully by 14 nominations, becomes the movie that this Oscar most receives to pay attention. All nominations of «RMS Titanic» can say the name will follow reality, therefore, 14 nominations draw a charge, the media in turn, Golden Globe Award will taunt unavoidably. 金球奖颁奖典礼三天之后,1月22日,第69届奥斯卡提名公布,《泰坦尼克号》毫无悬念地凭借14项提名,成为这一届奥斯卡最受关注的影片。《泰坦尼克号》的所有提名都可以说实至名归,因此,14项提名出炉,媒体难免又反过来,将刚刚过去的金球奖嘲讽一番。 Receives for one week Golden Globe Award presentation ceremony and continual topic stimulation of Oscar nomination announcement, screened the fifth week «RMS Titanic» Box Office realizes once more marvelously counter fell, single week Box Office achieved 4262 ten thousand USD, Box Office 2.5 200 million USD. 受到一周内金球奖颁奖典礼和奥斯卡提名公布的连续话题刺激,上映第五周的《泰坦尼克号票房再次实现了奇迹般的逆跌,单周票房达到4262万美元,累计票房2.52亿美元 One week ago, counter fell as well as the continual weak decline range facing the «RMS Titanic» second week's miracle, the North America media also forecast afterward this movie possibly achieves 《Star Wars》 and «Jurassic Park» such altitude, but when the fifth week Box Office data draws a charge, counter falling again makes all media cautiously get up. 一周前,面对《泰坦尼克号》第二周的奇迹逆跌以及随后连续的微弱跌幅,北美媒体也只是预测这部影片可能达到《星球大战》和《侏罗纪公园》这样的高度,但当第五周票房数据出炉,再一次的逆跌让所有媒体都小心翼翼起来。 Waited for patiently one week of time, the sixth week, «RMS Titanic» single week Box Office 32.83 million, have realized the weak single week 22% Box Office decline ranges once more. 耐心地等待了一周时间,第六周,《泰坦尼克号》单周票房32830000,再次实现了微弱的单周22%的票房跌幅。 Therefore, is in carefully media that waits and sees the condition, finally starts to voice, indicated that «RMS Titanic» may become the North America shade history Box Office highest movie, but, nobody forecast again «RMS Titanic» final Box Office will be many. 于是,处于小心观望状态的媒体,终于开始发声,表示《泰坦尼克号》或许会成为北美影史票房最高的影片,但同时,也没有人再去预测《泰坦尼克号》的最终票房会达到多少。 Six weeks of time, North America Box Office 2.8 500 million USD, overseas Box Office 1.4 700 million USD, «RMS Titanic» global Box Office therefore are 4. 3.2 billion USD, Firefly can therefore attain the 200 million USD result to be divided, takes back 2.6 500 million USD total costs also merely is only the time issue. 六周时间,北美票房2.85亿美元,海外票房1.47亿美元,《泰坦尼克号》的全球票房因此达到4.32亿美元,萤火虫因此就已经能够拿到2亿美元的成绩分成,收回2.65亿美元的总成本也仅仅只是时间问题。 Meanwhile, many media also discovered that Europe UK , France and Germany Italy , Spain these five main Box Office countries, only have also screened United Kingdom and Spain at this time, the Box Office potential do not belong to the United Kingdom Germany, France and Italy have not screened, on the other hand, Asian biggest Box Office market Japan has not screened similarly, in addition similarly is at the release stage Latin America and Southeast Asia market, «RMS Titanic» overseas Box Office, perhaps will achieve a far ultra North America terrifying figure. 同时,很多媒体也都发现,欧洲的英法德意西这五个主要票房国家,此时也只上映了英国和西班牙,票房潜力丝毫不属于英国的德国、法国和意大利还没有上映,另一方面,亚洲最大的票房市场日本同样没有上映,再加上同样处于发行阶段的拉美和东南亚市场,《泰坦尼克号》的海外票房,或许将达到一个远超北美的恐怖数字。 The «RMS Titanic» Box Office impact has not fallen, Firefly Group once more spread an explosive news. 泰坦尼克号》的票房震撼力还没有落下,萤火虫集团就再次传出了一个爆炸性的新闻。 After completing hand existing film and television special effect order, the Firefly digit domain special effect company, including Los Angeles, Florida and Sydney three subsidiary companies, will accept no longer Firefly Group and partner Metro Goldwyn Mayer Film Industry and film and television special effect orders outside 20th Century Fox these three companies, but will concentrate on Firefly Group as well as the cooperation ally system internal movie project manufacture. However, is mainly responsible for digital domain and Firefly software company of Pixar animation development foundation tools software, will continue foreign sales maya, 3 CDMA and other special effect software as well as the special effect solution, uses the special effect work room of Firefly software company tools software, will obtain the first Firefly Group unnecessary special effect outsourcing order. 在完成手中已有的影视特效订单之后,萤火虫旗下数字领域特效公司,包括洛杉矶、佛罗里达州和悉尼三家分公司在内,将不再接受萤火虫集团及其合作伙伴米高梅影业二十世纪福克斯这三家公司以外的影视特效订单,而是将主要精力放在萤火虫集团以及合作盟友体系内部的电影项目制作。不过,主要负责为数字领域和皮克斯动画开发基础工具软件的萤火虫软件公司,将继续对外出售maya、3dma等特效软件以及特效解决方案,使用萤火虫软件公司旗下工具软件的特效工作室,也将优先获得萤火虫集团旗下多余的特效外包订单。 As the non-listed company, Firefly Group simply has made an announcement on Yahoo web portal. 作为非上市公司,萤火虫集团只是简单地在雅虎门户网站上发表了一则公告。 But this news at the stir that the field causes, has actually gone far beyond the «RMS Titanic» Box Office miracle. 但这条消息在业界引起的轰动,却远远超过了《泰坦尼克号》的票房奇迹。 Before «RMS Titanic» screens, because of this principal CG Special Effects super big piece unprecedented 215 million USD production cost, the media and field engages in introspection to the big manufacture unrest that recent years the starts in abundance, many people predict that the CG Special Effects technology that just started, will possibly enter is for several years the time glacial epoch. But after «RMS Titanic» Box Office erupts, view complete disappearance originally does not have the trace, even, appears from the «RMS Titanic» Box Office second week counter falls to start, had Film Studio to start to look for the special effect big piece project script, impatiently with Film Studio of digital domain discussion cooperation is too numerous to cite individually. 泰坦尼克号》上映之前,因为这部主打g特效的超级大片史无前例的2.15亿美元制作费用,媒体和业界纷纷对最近几年兴起的大制作风潮进行反省,很多人预测,刚刚兴起的g特效技术,很可能将进入长达数年时间的‘冰河期’。但在《泰坦尼克号票房爆发之后,原本的论调全部的消失无踪,甚至,从《泰坦尼克号票房第二周出现逆跌开始,就已经有电影公司开始物色特效大片的项目剧本,迫不及待地与数字领域洽谈合作的电影公司更是不胜枚举。 Before «RMS Titanic», the digital domain accepts the exterior order the manner always quite to be also positive, other Film Studio also realized that the figure domain stemming from the need that the technology accumulates, will carry out this open style the cooperation strategy, therefore, all people have not expected, after «RMS Titanic», the Firefly Group manner will present suddenly 180 degrees transformation. 泰坦尼克号》之前,数字领域接受外部订单的态度也一向颇为积极,其他电影公司也意识到,数字领域是出于技术积累的需要,才会执行这种开放式的合作策略,因此,所有人都没有料到,在《泰坦尼克号》之后,萤火虫集团的态度会突然出现180度的转变。 The technical superiority of digital domain also much is formidable, even does not use any comparison, because of recent years, Hollywood any big manufacture movie that involves CG Special Effects, basically has the close cooperation with the digital domain . Moreover, the digital domain is responsible, often is in these movies, toughest that part of special effect. 数字领域的技术优势到底又多强大,甚至不用什么比较,因为最近几年,好莱坞凡是涉及到g特效的大制作影片,基本上都与数字领域有着密切的合作,而且,数字领域负责的,往往都是这些影片中,难度最高的那一部分特效。 Therefore, when the digital domain foreign closure cooperation strobe, almost can want to see suddenly, lost the technical support of digital domain, in the next few years, other Hollywood several big Film Studio, even if willing to carry on fund spare no effort invests, is impossible to pursue and digital domain technological gap in a short time. 因此,当数字领域突然对外关闭合作闸门,几乎可以想见,失去了数字领域的技术支持,未来几年,好莱坞其他几大电影公司,即使愿意进行资金方面的不遗余力地投入,也不可能短时间内追赶上与数字领域的技术差距。 Not topest special effect technical support, other Hollywood several big Film Studio, is doomed to welcome is several years of special effect movie spatial window times, other Hollywood naturally not deficient special effect companies, for example Industrial Light & Magic, but, the movie that if you will produce, with the Firefly Group movie will compare in the special effect standard, almost can have the naked eye obvious disparity, in this case, the audience will not be silly, to show how possibly respect for somebody's ability. 没有最顶尖的特效技术支持,好莱坞其他几大电影公司,也注定将迎来长达几年的特效电影空窗期,好莱坞当然不缺乏其他特效公司,比如说工业光魔,但是,如果你制作的影片,在特效水准上与萤火虫集团的影片进行对比,几乎可以出现肉眼可见的差距,这种情况下,观众又不傻,怎么可能买账。 Day of time after news announcement, Firefly Group almost all core high-level ringtones basically have not stopped, the media are also similar to the shark that smells the smell of blood, unearths the deep level meaning of Firefly Group this decision crazily.( To be continued.) 消息公布后的一天时间,萤火虫集团几乎所有核心高层的电话铃声基本上都没有停止过,媒体也如同闻到血腥味的鲨鱼,疯狂地对萤火虫集团这项决定的深层次含义进行挖掘。(未完待续。)
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