IAIH :: Volume #9

#826: Digital domain issue

Chapter 826 第826章 I in the morning and Jon Randall they have discussed that Robert personally is also staring at this matter, the Oscar ten technology class award nominations, our times should be able to take completely, «RMS Titanic» can say in this aspect hassle-free. However, the best pictures, best Director as well as four big performance award item these six cores nominate, the best actor and best male supporting actors do not have what hope, Leonardo's performance can only say passes an examination, in the movie does not have any male supporting role of losing face, other four, the award nomination should be locks ahead of time.” “我早上和乔恩・兰道他们谈过,罗伯特也在亲自盯着这件事,奥斯卡十个技术类奖项提名,我们这次应该能全部拿下,《泰坦尼克号》在这方面可以说毫无争议。不过,最佳影片、最佳导演以及四大表演奖项这六个核心提名,最佳男主角和最佳男配角都没有什么希望,莱昂纳多的表演只能说是及格,影片里也没有任何出彩的男性配角,其他四个,奖项提名应该算是提前锁定了。” The Firefly cinema city, in figure domain spacious work lt, Eric and Katzenberg sit in the rest area together, listening to him saying that the subconsciousness said: In other words, is 14?” 萤火虫影城,数字领域宽敞的办公lt内,艾瑞克卡森伯格一起坐在休息区,听他说完,下意识道:“也就是说,还是14个?” Katzenberg has not realized other significances that in Eric these words conceals, he thinks that Eric has calculated before this, will say, therefore the nod said: Yes, 14, Oscar award item altogether 24, but «RMS Titanic» definitely is unable to obtain the best foreign language film and best animation and so on with the nomination that the movie has nothing to do with, this first removed 7. In the remaining 17 nominations, best movie dubbing in music has divided the plot class and music comedy class, this has eliminated one, the best male advocating peace best male matches us not to hope to attain, therefore, only remaining 14. However, is only these 14 nominations, we can tie in 1950 the «Comet Beautiful woman» creation the nomination record, in the award-winning quantity also likely surpass «Ben-Hur».” 卡森伯格没有察觉艾瑞克这句话中隐含的其他意义,他以为艾瑞克此前也盘算过,才会这么说,于是点头道:“是的,14个,奥斯卡奖项一共24个,但《泰坦尼克号》肯定是无法获得最佳外语片、最佳动画之类与影片毫不相干的提名,这首先就排除了7个。剩下17个提名中,最佳电影配乐划分了剧情类和音乐喜剧类,这又淘汰了一个,最佳男主和最佳男配我们没希望拿到,所以,就只剩下14个。不过,只是这14项提名,我们就已经能够追平1950年《彗星美人》创造的提名记录,获奖数量上也很可能超过《宾虚》。” Eric just those words said that had realized improper word usage, is good has not cared because of Katzenberg, he has not displayed any exceptionally. 艾瑞克刚刚那句话说出口,就已经意识到了其中的语病,好在卡森伯格没有在意,他也没有表现出任何异常。 If no recently the question wind of media to Golden Globe Award to dial, Eric also possibly forcefully makes again a best actor who person of public relations have Leonardo nominate, surmounts the «Comet Beautiful woman» nomination record. 如果没有最近一段时间媒体对金球奖的质疑风拨,艾瑞克还可能强行让人再公关出莱昂纳多的一个最佳男主角提名,超越《彗星美人》的提名记录。 However, the widespread question that because Golden Globe Award receives, Oscar appraisal committee time, although does not dare to neglect the «RMS Titanic» award-winning strength again, but also pays great attention to own credibility, small plum type has not achieved the standard performance obviously, if has attained the award nomination, that media definitely after the nomination announcement, will change Oscar the muzzle. 不过,因为金球奖受到的广泛质疑,奥斯卡评委会这次虽然不敢再忽略《泰坦尼克号》的获奖实力,但同时也更加注重自身的公信力,小李子这种明显没有达到标准的表演,如果拿到了奖项提名,那媒体肯定会在提名公布后,将枪口转向奥斯卡 Although is unable to break the «Comet Beautiful woman» record in the nomination quantity, just like but Katzenberg said that surpasses the «Ben-Hur» 11 young metal statues very much has the possibility. 虽然无法在提名数量上打破《彗星美人》记录,但正如卡森伯格说的,超过《宾虚》的11尊小金人还是很有可能的。 They discussed a detailed public relations detail, Eric also asked: Situation of overseas release how?” 两人讨论了一番详细的公关细节,艾瑞克又问道:“海外发行的情况怎么样了?” Similar to North America, in country that «RMS Titanic» in overseas screened, went out majority has been similar to the North America Box Office curve. 北美类似,《泰坦尼克号》在海外已经上映的国家中,大部分都走出了类似于北美票房曲线。 Especially United Kingdom, all around Box Office converts into USD already over 3 6 million, according to the current Box Office trend, «RMS Titanic» United Kingdom Box Office will be relaxed for over several years ago 7 1 million USD Box Office records of «Jurassic Park» creation, broken hundred million have possibly, in addition, Spain, Australia and other countries and regions in Box Office are similarly splendid, the overseas Box Office market that merely is only these nine screened, one month of Box Office achieves 9 2 million USD. Under this splendid Box Office result stimulation, initially to the «RMS Titanic» release quite desolate overseas film executive, transformed the initial manner at this time completely. 特别是英国,四周票房折合美元就已经超过3600万,按照目前的票房走势,《泰坦尼克号》的英国票房将轻松超过几年前《侏罗纪公园》创造的7100万美元票房纪录,破亿都不是没有可能,此外,西班牙、澳大利亚等国家和地区的票房同样非常出色,仅仅只是这九个已上映的海外票房市场,一个月时间累计票房就达到9200万美元。在这种出色的票房成绩刺激下,当初对《泰坦尼克号》的发行颇为冷淡的海外片商,此时已经完全转变了最初的态度。 Next week I will fly Europe, Robert will also hurry to Japan, personally with local the release and institute line consulted,” Katzenberg, said: Eric, my idea is, we do not need to pursue higher share proportion, average 35% shares were relative to several years ago, is very good, requested to enhance again is divided, definitely will attack the enthusiasm of local distributor. However, we can in announcement, running schedule and institute line, request more resources.” “下个星期我会飞一趟欧洲,罗伯特也会赶去日本,亲自与当地的发行和院线方面磋商,”卡森伯格顿了下,道:“艾瑞克,我的想法是,我们不需要追求更高的分成比例,平均35%的分成相对于前几年,已经算是非常不错了,再要求提高分成,肯定会打击当地发行商的积极性。不过,我们可以在宣发、档期和院线方面,要求更多的资源。” Although Firefly has own subsidiary company in the world main ticket warehouse country, but the concrete distribution also needs to cooperate with the local issuing company, apportions opposite party certain hairstyle to be divided also inevitably. 虽然萤火虫在世界主要票仓国家都有着自己的分公司,但具体的发行工作还需要与当地的发行公司进行合作,分给对方一定的发型分成也不可避免。 Katzenberg is responsible for the Europe release personally, distributes department Chairman Robert Thompson is responsible for Japan, Eric is also satisfied to this arrangement. 卡森伯格亲自负责欧洲发行,发行部门总裁罗伯特・汤普森负责日本,艾瑞克对这种安排也非常满意。 Has considered , the Eric nod said: That defers to your idea to do . Moreover, making Robert go in while convenient guo, looked that can is «RMS Titanic» earns the dividing up money qualifications.” 考虑了下,艾瑞克点头道:“那就按照你的想法去做吧,另外,让罗伯特顺便去一趟中囯,看有没有可能为《泰坦尼克号》拿到分账资格。” Some Katzenberg doubts, because these year of Eric unknowingly urged, Firefly these years every year specially will almost strive for 1-2 dividing up money piece quotas in guo market, but truly speaking, there, although have over 1 billion huge population, but the film market was really the small pity, was divided into the proportion is low make the blood boil. 卡森伯格有些疑惑,因为这些年艾瑞克不经意地叮嘱,萤火虫这些年差不多每年都会特意在中囯市场争取一两个分账片配额,但说实在的,那里虽然有着超过10亿的庞大人口,但电影市场实在是小的可怜,分成比例更是低的让人发指。 However, he had not questioned that decision of Eric, this is only an hour, the nod complies after all, then also said: Eric, a matter, Harvey wants to start the manufacture of «Family» ahead of time, a while ago you in New York, he chatted with me this matter, recently he was busy operation «Shakespeare in Love», should not have discusses with you with enough time?” 不过,他也没有质疑艾瑞克的决定,这毕竟只是一件小时,点头答应下来,接着又道:“艾瑞克,还有一件事情,哈维想要提前启动《家族》的制作,前段时间你在纽约,他就和我聊了一下这件事,最近他忙着运作《莎翁情史》,应该还没来得及和你谈吧?” Eric planned in the fall of this year the files, waits for the ffm TV Station state of operation to stabilize , to promote «Family» again and so on self-made play, hears the Katzenberg words, Eric asks: How does he think?” 艾瑞克原本计划今年秋季档,等ffm电视台经营状况稳定下来,再推出《家族》之类的自制剧,听到卡森伯格的话,艾瑞克问道:“他是怎么想的?” You initially did not say that «Family» is the slow hot type, should mainly depend upon the award item to stoke up the fame,” Katzenberg said: Harvey thought that since this, should better is the present starts to manufacture, March's autumn files broadcast, this can attack the Emmy of August. If postpones the autumn files, definitely missed this year's Emmy, but also has from next year Emmy is one year of gap, even if when the time comes «Family» won an award, the influence that in the first quarter had substantially will also drop, did not favor late recording tape / DVD and other release operations.” “你当初不是说,《家族》属于慢热类型,应该主要依靠奖项打响名气吗,”卡森伯格道:“哈维觉得既然这样,最好就是现在开始制作,三月份的秋季档播放,这样可以冲击八月份的艾美奖。如果推迟到秋季档,肯定就错过今年的艾美奖了,而距离明年的艾美奖又有着长达一年的时间间隔,到时候《家族》即使获奖,第一季产生的影响力也会大幅下降,更不利于后期的录像带/dvd等发行运作。” Has rested for nearly one month in New York, has bothering of «RMS Titanic», returns to Los Angeles once more, Eric discovered that unknowingly accumulated too many matters. 纽约休息了将近一个月,又有着《泰坦尼克号》的烦扰,再次返回洛杉矶,艾瑞克发现不知不觉已经积累了太多事情。 The late work of «Casino Royale» needless saying that other aspects, year ago Eric told that Chris purchase United Kingdom arm Corporation, both sides have signed the purchase contract, but the following many decision-makings actually as before need Eric to decide personally . Moreover, setting of Marvel Cinematic Universe plan, the listing work of MP3 player, the equity investment and ffm of TV Station clover holding company operation condition wait/etc., these business, although has the specialist to be responsible, but accumulated the much work to need Eric personally to decide as before. 皇家赌场》的后期工作自不必说,其他方面,年前艾瑞克吩咐克里斯收购的英国arm公司,双方已经签署了收购合约,但后续很多决策却依旧需要艾瑞克亲自拍板,另外,漫威电影宇宙计划的设定,mp3播放器的上市工作,三叶草控股公司的股权投资、ffm电视台的运营状况等等,这些事务虽然都有着专人负责,但依旧积累了大量工作需要艾瑞克亲自决定。 Harvey is the expert in award item operation, since he thinks appropriate, that places spring the files, um, I will find the time to call to chat this matter him in the evening.” 哈维是奖项运作方面的行家,既然他觉得合适,那就放在春季档吧,嗯,我晚上会抽时间跟他打电话聊聊这件事。” Tonight?” Katzenberg selects the eyebrow slightly, said with a smile: Tonight Harvey possibly will not have free time.” “今晚?”卡森伯格微微挑眉,笑道:“今晚哈维可能不会有空的。” Oh, I have almost forgotten, tonight is the Golden Globe Award presentation ceremony, then on and other time,” Eric shrugs, the meaning of not having discussed that Firefly here tonight only then the «Red Alert» Lord will create the team to attend the presentation ceremony, the «RMS Titanic» team had already decided that cannot attend. ,我差点忘了,今晚是金球奖的颁奖典礼,那就等其他时间吧,”艾瑞克耸耸肩,没有多谈的意思,萤火虫这边今晚只有《红色警戒》的主创团队会参加颁奖典礼,《泰坦尼克号》的团队早就已经决定不会出席了。 Finally is matter of clover holding,” Katzenberg has not discussed the Golden Globe Award interest obviously, their two are the busy men, therefore he cut the next topic quickly, said: In addition a period of time buying up, we invested the 1.9 billion 80 million USD fund in the NASDAQ main it stock, according to the NASDAQ trend of recent several months, the book profits of these stocks has surpassed 210 million USD.” “最后是三叶草控股的事情,”卡森伯格显然也没有谈论金球奖的兴致,他们两个都是大忙人,所以他很快切换到了下一个话题,道:“加上最近一段时间的买进,我们在纳斯达克主要it股上已经投入了19亿8000万美元的资金,按照最近几个月的纳斯达克走势,这些股票的账面盈利已经超过2.1亿美元。” Eric nods, these data he also knows that because of the stock investment in NASDAQ market, the Firefly this year's net profit scale will drop to 1 billion USD about, in addition first two lunar new year's paper intermediary property and last tail funds of animation studio two sell services, sum total not over 2 billion USD. This is because Eric needs to deduct the big profit from Firefly Group, invests into the reason of Internet company Firefly invests, otherwise, the buying up effort of clover holding will be bigger, can save more tax money temporarily. 艾瑞克点头,这些数据他也已经知道,因为在纳斯达克市场的股票投资,萤火虫今年的净利润规模将下降到10亿美元左右,加上前两年纸媒资产和动画工作室两笔出售业务的最后一笔尾款,合计也不会超过20亿美元。这还是因为艾瑞克需要从萤火虫集团抽取大笔利润,投入到萤火虫投资旗下的互联网公司的缘故,否则,三叶草控股的买进力度会更大,同时也能暂时节省更多的税金。 Eric thought that Katzenberg should not mention this matter alone. 艾瑞克觉得,卡森伯格应该不会单独提起这件事情。 Really, Katzenberg said quickly: Buffett and Tom Murphy and David West they recently have called the inferior telephone me, I think that you also are only definitely many, if were not the stock that the clover holding had has realized the profit, their opinions will be definitely bigger.” 果然,卡森伯格很快道:“巴菲特汤姆墨菲大卫韦斯特他们最近一段时间已经给我打了很多次电话,我想你这边肯定也只多不少,如果不是三叶草控股持有的股票实现了盈利,他们的意见肯定会更大。” My previous time with David West has said that” Eric carries nearby coffeepot, continued one coffee for oneself, then said: I told them, if their operational strategy to the Firefly Group had the doubts, I can at any time the stocks in buy-back their hand.” “我上次就和大卫韦斯特说过了,”艾瑞克端起旁边的咖啡壶,为自己续了一杯咖啡,接着道:“我告诉他们,如果他们对萤火虫集团的经营策略有疑惑,我可以随时回购他们手中的股份。” David West initially in Firefly purchased in the ABC process very vigorously, can therefore become outside Firefly Group one of the three directors. 大卫韦斯特当初在萤火虫收购abc的过程中出了很大力,因此才得以成为萤火虫集团外部的三位董事之一。 And, that batch of his back representative the Firefly Group young shareholders from major investment fund, the Firefly Group stock share that at this time has close 14%, Buffett and Tom Murphy they are also controlling 10%, although is quite at first intimate, but both sides are representing the different interest groups eventually. 并且,他背后代表的那一批来自各大投资基金的萤火虫集团小股东,此时持有的萤火虫集团股票份额接近14%,巴菲特汤姆墨菲两人也才控制着10%,虽然最初比较亲近,但双方终究代表着不同的利益团体。 First two years, because sells the paper intermediary property, the Hand-Drawn Animation work room as well as group's formidable profitability continuously, 14% stockholder's rights of these investment fund by hand, the profit that gets from Firefly Group draw bonus every year in 500 million USD about, the Manager person who this fund lets these funds sufficiently increases one in the annual financial statement for own dark ink serious wound. 前两年,因为连续出售纸媒资产、手绘动画工作室以及集团本身的强大盈利能力,这些投资基金凭借手中的14%股权,每年从萤火虫集团获得的利润分红都在5亿美元左右,这笔资金足以让这些基金的经理人在年度财务报告上为自己浓墨重彩地增添一笔。 But this year, because of the extraneous expense of clover holding, Berkshire Hathaway and say|way rich Universal fund and other Firefly Group the young shareholders, the profit that will get draws bonus will drop more than 50% suddenly, in addition these person of itself will be the investment field experts, obviously to eye band of light of Eric in stock investment intense will not trust, therefore, bought up the NASDAQ stock the behavior to be full of the disaffection to his big pen. 但今年,因为三叶草控股的额外支出,伯克希尔哈撒韦、道富环球基金等萤火虫集团的小股东,获得的利润分红将陡然下降一半以上,再加上这些人本身就是投资领域的行家,明显对艾瑞克在股票投资方面的眼光带着强烈的不信任,因此,也就对他大笔买入纳斯达克股票的行为充满了不满。 Katzenberg hear of Eric said that said with a smile: Only if they were insane, will request your repurchased stock. However, David West in telephone discussed with me yesterday another matter, you had raised, I also thought that the present opportunity is good.” 卡森伯格艾瑞克这么说,笑道:“除非他们疯了,才会要求你回购股票呢。不过,大卫韦斯特昨天电话里和我讨论了另外一件事,你曾经也提过的,我也觉得现在的时机不错。” The Eric train of thought transferred the revolutions, suddenly understands that said: „Does he want to make the digital domain go on the market?” 艾瑞克思绪转了转,突然明白过来,道:“他想让数字领域上市?” Although thought that Eric can guess, but he responded is so agile, made Katzenberg somewhat surprised, smiled, the Katzenberg nod said: Right, Eric, according to the «RMS Titanic» present Box Office trend, this movie global Box Office breaks through 1 billion USD absolutely not to have the issue, as a principal CG Special Effects movie, the success of «RMS Titanic», will further definitely stimulate the development of Hollywood special effect profession, therefore, I also thought that then, should be the best driver who lets the digital domain listing, David also to disclose to me, if the figure domain goes on the market, Wall Street should be able to make about 3 billion USD estimate values.” 虽然觉得艾瑞克能够猜得出来,但他反应这么敏捷,还是让卡森伯格有些惊讶,笑了笑,卡森伯格点头道:“没错,艾瑞克,按照《泰坦尼克号》现在的票房走势,这部影片全球票房突破10亿美元绝对没有问题,作为一部主打cg特效的影片,《泰坦尼克号》的成功,肯定会进一步刺激好莱坞特效行业的发展,所以,我也觉得,接下来,应该是让数字领域上市的最好司机,大卫还向我透露,如果数字领域上市的话,华尔街应该能够对它做出30亿美元左右的估值。” Katzenberg and David the West present idea, several years ago the mentalities with Eric happens to hold the same view. 卡森伯格大卫韦斯特现在的想法,与艾瑞克几年前的思路不谋而合。 Eric fully realizes in the future the development path of Hollywood special effect profession, although in recent years, the Hollywood special effect company can also be recommanded aristocrat profession, but along with the next ten years, the rapid development of the computer technology and related software industry, under the top hardware device and software support, establishes a special effect work room, becomes easy, at that time, the competition of special effect profession exceptionally will be also frigid. 艾瑞克深知未来好莱坞特效行业的发展轨迹,虽然最近几年,好莱坞特效公司还可以算是备受推崇的‘贵族行业’,但随着未来十年,计算机技术和相关软件产业的迅速发展,在顶级的硬件设备和软件支持下,成立一家特效工作室,将变得轻而易举,那个时候,特效行业的竞争也将异常惨烈。 Therefore, Eric once had also thought that if «RMS Titanic» can obtain is similar to original space and time such success, CG Special Effects definitely will be then recommanded, made the digital domain go on the market at this time, is will obtain by illegal purchase the big cash the best opportunity. 因此,艾瑞克也曾想过,如果《泰坦尼克号》能够获得如同原时空那样的成功,那么,cg特效肯定会备受推崇,这时候让数字领域上市,将是套取大笔现金的最好时机。 But passed through a while ago matter, Eric changed the idea. 但经过前段时间的事情,艾瑞克已经改变了想法。 Perhaps, ten years later, even five years later, the special effect profession will have no longer the high threshold to say, but now, the digital domain absolutely is in the profession the topest special effect company, does not have one. 或许,十年后,甚至五年之后,特效行业将不再存在高门槛可言,但现在,数字领域绝对是行业内最顶尖的特效公司,没有之一。 Therefore, if cuts off the external cooperation of figure domain, Firefly in the special effect domain, at least can also maintain over three years leading opportunities, three years, enough Firefly Group in special effect movie, dropped the distance of root other Hollywood Film Studio. 因此,如果断绝数字领域的对外合作,萤火虫在特效领域,至少也能够保持三年以上的领先时机,三年时间,已经足够萤火虫集团在特效电影方面,将好莱坞其他电影公司落下根源的距离。 Even if three years later, by the Firefly Group formidable amount of space occupied, as well as Metro Goldwyn Mayer and support of 20th Century Fox these allies, the figure domain will not lack the project as before, even if is longer-term, so long as the digital domain has absolutely the splendid special effect technology, even if cannot realize the profit, even loses money slightly, Firefly Group also sufficiently supports this kind of exclusive subsidiary company. 哪怕是三年之后,凭借萤火虫集团强大的体量,以及米高梅二十世纪福克斯这些盟友的支持,数字领域依旧不会缺乏项目,哪怕是更长远一些,只要数字领域有着绝对出色的特效技术,哪怕不能实现盈利,甚至是稍微亏损,萤火虫集团也足以养活这样一家专属子公司。 Moreover, even if Wall Street reaches as high as 3 billion USD to the digital domain estimate value, at this time listing financing, according to 20% public stock release proportions, Firefly are most also can only obtain by illegal purchase the 600 million USD fund, 600 million USD, to Firefly, is irrelevants absolutely, can want to see, David West put forward this proposal at this time, absolutely not for these six USD.( To be continued.) 而且,哪怕是华尔街对数字领域估值高达30亿美元,此时上市融资的话,按照20%的公开股份发行比例,萤火虫最多也只能套取6亿美元资金而已,6亿美元,对萤火虫来说,绝对是无关痛痒的,可以想见,大卫韦斯特此时提出这条建议,绝对也不是为了这六一美元。(未完待续。)
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