IAIH :: Volume #8

#713: 1/10

To promote TV Station, only depends upon a grade of popular program to be definitely insufficient, but, a grade is full of topical and arouses the extensive media interest the popular program, can actually improve the popularity of related television channel considerably, is it gathers more human spirits. So long as the aspect opens, produces the high-definition television program again unceasingly, TV Station can enter the sustained development strong positive cycle. 想要振兴一家电视台,仅依靠一档热门节目肯定是不够的,不过,一档充满话题性并引起媒体广泛关注的热门节目,却可以显著提高相关电视频道的知名度,为其聚集更多人气。只要局面打开,再不断地制作优质电视节目,电视台就能够进入持续发展壮大的良性循环。 The expectation of Eric to «America's Next Top Model» is so. 艾瑞克对《全美超模大赛》的期望便是如此。 Firefly will not have great writer's merger and acquisition expansion plan in the next few years, does not mean that Firefly will stop growing strong. 萤火虫未来几年没有大手笔的并购扩张计划,并不意味着萤火虫会停止发展壮大。 Before Eric proposed idea of «America's Next Top Model», Katzenberg started to increase to the prop of Firefly phonograph record service, Eric knows very well the Western phonograph record profession the prospects for development, regarding the development project of Katzenberg, although is not earnest, has not actually prevented. Dependence strict copyright protection method, music market West, although is under the severe impact in the age of the Internet becomes more and more low, has not actually declined to the entire industrial nothing left situation. 艾瑞克提出《全美超模大赛》的想法之前,卡森伯格就已经开始加大对萤火虫旗下唱片业务的扶植,艾瑞克熟知西方唱片行业的发展前景,对于卡森伯格的发展规划虽然并不热切,却也没有阻止。依靠严格的版权保护法,西方的唱片市场虽然在互联网时代受到强烈冲击变得越来越低迷,却并没有衰落到整个产业荡然无存的地步。 Except for the phonograph record service, carries on one of the standarder commercial operation with belonging to Firefly to the peripheral product of popular movie in the next few years important development plans, negotiates with the toy peripheral cooperation that the Hasbro group will soon start, is part of this plan. 除了唱片业务,对旗下热门影片的周边产品进行更加规范的商业运营同属于萤火虫未来几年重要的发展计划之一,与孩之宝集团即将启动的玩具周边合作谈判,就是这项计划的一部分。 After hearing the idea of «America's Next Top Model», energetic Katzenberg proposed immediately develops the idea of l Internet Explorer time TV Station. 听到《全美超模大赛》的想法后,精力充沛的卡森伯格当即就提出发展lietime电视台的想法。 Just like said a moment ago, even if «America's Next Top Model» obtains once more successfully, only depends on a grade of popular program definitely unable to haunch TV Station. 正如刚才所说,即使《全美超模大赛》再次获得成功,仅靠一档热门节目肯定是撑不起一家电视台的。 After profiting by opinions from various sources of multiple conference, the management formulates one set of detailed original program and TV Network resources to use, the program arrangement as well as the channel marketing plan quickly again. Firefly in the next three years, every year will invest program for l Internet Explorer time TV Station, purchase of as well as the marketing 100 million USD, it is expected that to concentrate on builds grade of specialized feminine TV Station in the young woman of popular fashionable and high quality life. 经过多次会议的集思广益,管理层很快制定出一套详细的原创节目制作、电视网资源再利用、节目编排以及频道营销计划。萤火虫将在未来三年时间,每年投入一亿美元用于lietime电视台的节目制作、采购以及营销,预期为专注于流行时尚和高品质生活的年轻女性打造一档专业的女性电视台 l Internet Explorer time TV Station parent company ae TV Network has by Firefly Group and Hearst Communications together, therefore, this aims in the reform proposal of l Internet Explorer time. Also needs to consult with Hearst Communications, and gains the related resource support, Hearst Communications has several hundred types of daily papers, weekly and magazine around the world, at present these paper intermediary resources, are as before indispensable regarding the promotion of feminine channel. lietime电视台的母公司ae电视网萤火虫集团赫斯特集团共同持有,因此,这项针对于lietime的改革计划。还需要与赫斯特集团进行磋商,并获取相关的资源支持,赫斯特集团在世界范围内拥有数百种日报、周刊和杂志,眼下这些纸媒资源,对于女性频道的推广依旧是不可或缺的。 After Oscar, the promulgation season eventually ended. Eric also processes the movie project that the majority has needed to pay attention to personally. But has not rested with enough time for several days, big pile of matters once more stream. 奥斯卡后,颁奖季终于结束。艾瑞克也处理完了大部分需要亲自关注的电影项目。但还没来得及休息几天,一大堆事情就再次纷至沓来。 Hearst Communications Headquarters is located in New York, ae TV Station Headquarters also in New York, once plans to make the trip, the l Internet Explorer time TV Station majority of programs will also manufacture in New York, which point regardless of, Eric needs to rush to New York to carry on the related consultation and layout personally. 赫斯特集团总部位于纽约,ae电视台总部也在纽约,一旦计划成行,lietime电视台的大部分节目也将在纽约制作,无论从哪一点来看,艾瑞克都需要亲自赶往纽约进行相关的磋商和布局。 Meanwhile, the birthdays of two kids must approach immediately, this year's Easter also caught up on April 16. These special days, must find time to accompany the women and children. 同时,两个小家伙的生日马上就要来临,今年的复活节也赶在了4月16号。这些特殊的日子,总要抽空陪陪女人和孩子们的。 Hasbro Headquarters in Rhode Island, is near to New York, both sides' negotiations about the toy development cooperation, finally also determined that will carry on New York. 孩之宝总部在罗德岛州,离纽约非常近,双方关于玩具开发合作的谈判,最终也确定将在纽约进行。 The Firefly investment and capital negotiations of telecom operator Sprint opened, related to the investments of ten hundred million USD, some important occasions also needs Eric to attend personally. Firefly investment and Sprint Headquarters in New York. 萤火虫投资与电信运营商sp日nt的注资谈判已经开启,涉及到十多亿美元的投资,一些重要场合也需要艾瑞克亲自出席。萤火虫投资和sp日nt总部都在纽约 On flying to the New York airplane, under Eric simple plate consider as finished program. The discovery finished these matters, the movie summer the files must arrive. 在飞往纽约的飞机上,艾瑞克简单的盘算了下日程。发现忙完这些事情,电影暑期档就要到了。 Just under airplane. Eric put into nonstop work. 刚下飞机。艾瑞克就投入了马不停蹄的工作中。 On Manhattan west district ABC TV Station Headquarters, in the conference room, the Firefly TV Network high level and ae TV Network administrative personnel as well as the representative from Hearst Communications are holding the related conference, under the invitation of Eric, Hearst Communications third generation leader William? Hearst also sits in the middle of the conference room. 曼哈顿上西区ab电视台总部,会议室内,萤火虫电视网的高层、ae电视网的管理人员以及来自赫斯特集团的代表正在召开相关的会议,在艾瑞克的邀请下,赫斯特集团第三代掌门人威廉?赫斯特也坐在会议室当中。 „...... According to 1994 data statistics, the l Internet Explorer time TV Station subscriber was 3 1.5 million households. Comcast, Time Warner, the telematics and other cable television operators pay for each user on average every month the minute become 15 cents, the l Internet Explorer time TV Station last year operator minute became 5670 ten thousand USD, the advertizing revenue was 33 500,000 USD, the year earning is 90 200,000 USD, realized profit 13 800,000 USD. We plan to use for three years. Through the reform program of first stage, the user subscription quantitative expansion of l Internet Explorer time TV Station to 60 million to the 90 million household, and is divided into the enhancement the operator to 25 cents, and expected that through broadcasting a series of high-definition television programs puts, realizes the advertizing revenue counter- over-haul business income, achieving year earning 500 million USD, the net profit 100 million USD scale.” “……根据1994年度的数据统计,lietime电视台的用户数量为3150万户。康卡斯特时代华纳、远程通讯等有线电视运营商平均每月为每个用户支付分成为15美分,lietime电视台去年的运营商分成为5670万美元,广告收入为3350万美元,年度营收为9020万美元,实现利润1380万美元。我们计划利用三年时间。通过第一阶段的改革方案,将lietime电视台的用户订阅数量扩张到6000万9000万户,并且将运营商分成提高至25美分,并期望通过播放一系列优质电视节目投放,实现广告收入反超运营商收入,达到年营收5亿美元,净利润1亿美元的规模。” Katzenberg completes the simple report, will continue the next subject, sits on William of long linearity meeting table table left head? Hearst gains ground, is knocking front document, has not paid attention to Katzenberg, actually looks to other one side with Eric that sit facing each other, said: Eric, last year Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, was the direct profit and indirect stock appreciation, surpasses 1.5 billion USD for the income that you brought, contrasted, this did plan does not appeared too more mean-spirited?” 卡森伯格做完简单的报告,正要继续下一个议题,坐在长条形会议桌桌左上首的威廉?赫斯特抬起头,敲着面前的文件,没有理会卡森伯格,却是看向另外一边与自己相对而坐的艾瑞克,道:“艾瑞克,去年的维密大秀,算是直接的利润和间接的股票升值,为你带来的收益超过15亿美元,对比起来,这份计划难道不显得太小气了一些吗?” Eric by comfortable dermis chairback, in the hand is grasping a pencil, routinely relayed a pen to be colored in the hand, says with a smile: William, that was an accident, the road must walk last year completely gradually, by the l Internet Explorer time TV Station background, three years achieved this goal, was splendid, last year Firefly all television service gross profits were also only more than 600 million USD.” 艾瑞克靠在舒服的真皮椅背上,手里握着一支铅笔,习惯性地在手中转了个笔花,笑道:“威廉,去年那完全是个意外,路总要一步一步走的,以lietime电视台的底子,三年时间实现这份目标,已经非常出色了,去年萤火虫旗下所有电视业务总利润也只有600000000多美元。” William? Hearst is staring at opposite that young people, said: I too do not pay attention to television service, but I always felt that this plans some not to be imperfect, or some places have not talked clearly.” 威廉?赫斯特凝视着对面那个年轻人,道:“我不太关注电视业务,但我总感觉这份计划有些不完善,或者说有些地方没有说清楚。” The opposite party does not bring to light, Eric also continues to beat around the bush: This is only the draft, definitely needs to revise, otherwise we do not need to hold this conference today.” 对方不挑明,艾瑞克也继续绕弯子:“这只是草案,肯定还是需要进行修改的,要不然我们今天也不用召开这次会议了。” William? Hearst is looking at that somewhat sluggish smiling face, said: Eric, I meant that the matter about l Internet Explorer time TV Station original program, what to do in this plan hasn't explained probably should?” 威廉?赫斯特望着那张有些懒散的笑脸,道:“艾瑞克,我是说,关于lietime电视台原创节目制作的事情,这份方案中好像没有说明该怎么办吧?” Eric returns saying: Oh, I thought that this matter does not have any objection. Except for the news, TV Network all programs are the Firefly Group television program production unit are responsible, this time follows certainly the convention.” 艾瑞克回道:“,我觉得这件事并不存在什么异议。除了新闻,电视网的所有节目都是萤火虫集团电视节目制作部门负责的,这次当然遵循惯例。” Two big shot tests of strength, the people in field on own initiative are peaceful, is listening attentively patiently. 两位大佬角力,场内的众人都主动安静下来,耐心地倾听着。 As the profession elite, most people know actually two big shots were discussing anything. But they spoke of here, was responsible for the conference recording just including side also somewhat blurry civilian personnel also almost to understand. 作为行业精英,大部分人其实都知道两位大佬在讨论什么。而两人说到这里,连旁边负责会议记录刚刚还有些迷糊的文职人员也差不多明白了过来。 Eric and William? What Hearst discussed was the copyright ownership issue of l Internet Explorer time TV Station original program. 艾瑞克威廉?赫斯特讨论的是lietime电视台原创节目的版权归属问题。 Under normal conditions, a grade of television program constructor sold to TV Station the first broadcast power, the sales revenue of making only accounts for the program income few, even cannot recoup the cost. 通常情况下,一档电视节目制作方将首播权卖给电视台,获得的销售收入只占节目收入的很少一部分,甚至都不能收回成本。 The majority of income of television program, come from the TV Station first broadcast after actually, the income that the recording tape release and television program Cindy anthology adds, the so-called television program Cindy in addition, the simple explanation is the program distribution system. 电视节目的大部分收入,其实都来自电视台首播之后,剧集的录像带发行和电视节目辛迪加的收入,所谓电视节目辛迪加,简单的解释就是节目分销系统。 A grade of television program adds the program distribution system through Cindy. As well as rescreen the power in entire US and even the global more than 100 country innumerable TV Station broadcast power the selling profits, will go far beyond the income of first run television telecast absolutely, the recording tape and Cindy of greatly hot anthology add the profit that the income brings even to be the production cost over ten times, this is also the reason that afterward many TV series leads can obtain each volume of 1 million salaries, if no recording tape and Cindy in addition, only depends on the first run broadcast the advertisement and cable TV is divided, TV Network is absolutely impossible to start out such sky-high price salary. 一档电视节目通过辛迪加节目分销系统。在全美乃至全球100多个国家无数电视台的播放权以及翻拍权的销售利润,绝对会远远超过首轮电视播映的收入,大热剧集的录像带和辛迪加收入带来的利润甚至能够达到制作成本的十倍以上,这也是后来很多电视剧主角能够获得每集1000000片酬的原因,如果没有录像带和辛迪加,仅靠首轮播放的广告和有线电视分成,电视网绝对不可能开出这样的天价片酬。 The majority of TV Station program department and distribution system is a body, does not need to differentiate these issues. 大部分电视台节目制作部门和发行系统都是一体的,不用区分这些问题。 But l Internet Explorer time TV Station parent company ae TV Network is different. ae TV Network belongs to Firefly and Hearst has together, both sides account for 50% stocks respectively. If the l Internet Explorer time TV Station original program is produced by the ae TV Network production unit, then, Hearst Communications can share the profit that the recording tape and program Cindy add. But if these programs by the TV Department manufacture of Firefly, program copyright have nothing to do with ae TV Network, although Hearst Communications does not need to undertake the manufacture investment the risk, but is unable to share the recording tape and Cindy adds the income. Is this also William? Hearst just said that plan mean-spiritedly reason. If the TV Station cable TV is divided with the advertisement merely can earn every year the 100 million USD profit, the recording tape and Cindy add the income to be willing Dingyuan to be not limited to this. 但lietime电视台的母公司ae电视网却不同。ae电视网属于萤火虫赫斯特共同持有,双方各占50%的股份。如果lietime电视台的原创节目由ae电视网制作部门制作,那么,赫斯特集团将能够分享录像带和节目辛迪加的利润。但如果这些节目由萤火虫电视部门制作,节目版权就与ae电视网无关,赫斯特集团虽然不用承担制作投资的风险,但也无法分享录像带和辛迪加收入。这也是威廉?赫斯特刚刚说那份计划‘小气’的原因。如果仅仅是电视台的有线电视分成和广告就能赚取每年一亿美元的利润,录像带和辛迪加收入肯定远不止于此。 But it is well known, project of Eric leadership, movie or TV series, can this word contact with sudden and huge profits. Hearst Communications is certainly impossible to give up this tentacle being possible and profit. 而众所周知,艾瑞克主导的项目,无论是电影或者电视剧,都能与‘暴利’这个词联系起来。赫斯特集团当然不可能放弃这笔触手可及的利润。 Although Hearst Communications is at the jumbo position in the paper intermediary profession, but doesn't have enough energy in TV Network management, William? Hearst realized Eric invited itself to attend this conference, will not look like in the surface to be so simple, at this time also can only walk following his mentality, said: Eric, I think that is responsible for producing this batch of original programs by ae TV Network more appropriate, Hearst Communications can provide the manufacture fund according to the proportion . Moreover, the words of here need paper intermediary resource support, we can also coordinate as far as possible.” 赫斯特集团虽然在纸媒行业处于巨无霸地位,但在电视网经营方面却没有足够的底气,威廉?赫斯特本就意识到艾瑞克邀请自己来参加这个会议,不会像表面上那么简单,此时也只能顺着他的思路走下去,道:“艾瑞克,我认为由ae电视网负责制作这批原创节目更合适一些,赫斯特集团可以按照比例提供制作资金,另外,这边需要纸媒资源支持的话,我们也可以尽量配合。” Eric as if hears the matter that anything has been interested, very draws out the body, said: „Speaking of the proportion, William, I thought that ownership percentage of Firefly and Hearst on ESPN were more coordinated, did you think?” 艾瑞克似乎听到了什么感兴趣的事情,挺起身体,道:“说到比例,威廉,我觉得萤火虫赫斯特espn上的持股比例更加协调一些,你觉得呢?” Although has prepared, William? Hearst hears the Eric words, almost throws toward him the document in hand, shakes the head to say without hesitation: Eric, this matter is not good, is not absolutely good.” 虽然已经有所准备,威廉?赫斯特听到艾瑞克的话,还是差点将手中的文件朝他丢过去,毫不犹豫地摇头道:“艾瑞克,这件事不行,绝对不行。” Firefly and Hearst in the ae TV Network ownership percentage are 55, but on owning stocks of ESPN is actually 28, Hearst accounts for 20%, Firefly accounts for 80%. But most starts, Hearst and initial metropolis media group's rights in ESPN aspect was on a par similarly, in the 80's, ESPN had not risen, then Tom? Murphy has bought the majority of ESPN stock from Hearst Communications as well as several other young shareholder hands, had spent at that time only 50 million USD, now ESPN is the North America first big sports, 1995 profit for the year surpassed 200 million, profit incessantly 50 million that initially merely was Hearst Communications let go that stock of produces every year. 萤火虫赫斯特在ae电视网的持股比例是55分,但在espn的持股上却是28分,赫斯特占两成,萤火虫占八成。而最开始,赫斯特和当初的大都市传媒集团在espn方面的权益同样是不分伯仲的,八十年代,espn还没有崛起,当时的汤姆?墨菲赫斯特集团以及另外几家小股东手中买下了大部分espn股份,当时只花了五千万美元不到,现在espn已经是北美第一大体育频道,1995年的年利润超过两亿,当初仅仅是赫斯特集团脱手的那笔股份每年产生的利润都不止五千万 Has such lesson before, William? Hearst is certainly impossible to make such foolish matter once more. 有这样的教训在前,威廉?赫斯特当然不可能会再次做出那样的蠢事。 Hears William? Hearst rejects excitedly, Eric shrugs, said: William, if you did not agree, then on consider as finished.” 听到威廉?赫斯特激动地拒绝,艾瑞克耸了耸肩,道:“威廉,如果你不同意,那就算了。” William? Hearst is at a loss for words immediately, silent moment , to continue saying: Eric, I listened to your conception about the «America's Next Top Model», this project needed the drumming up support support of massive paper intermediary resources, Firefly had sold out all paper intermediary properties last year, did not have Hearst, you made this project very much difficultly alone in a big way.” 威廉?赫斯特顿时语塞,沉默了片刻,才继续道:“艾瑞克,我已经听了你关于《全美超模大赛》的构想,这个项目需要大量纸媒资源的造势支持,萤火虫去年将所有的纸媒资产都卖掉了,没有赫斯特,你们很难单独将这个项目做大。” William, I thought that this is a win-win matter, we obtain the resources, you can also obtain more news source material,” Eric shakes the head, the corners of the mouth hang up the self-confident smile: Moreover, you have also made a mistake a matter, does not have Hearst, Condé Nast, News Corp, Firefly and these two relations just also good. Even, in my hand also has Yahoo, although the influence is unable to compare with the traditional paper intermediary temporarily, but the user crowd has the massive superpositions with the l Internet Explorer time TV Station fashionable female audience, I think that you can definitely be able to see Yahoo last year during the media operation potential that Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show demonstrated.” 威廉,我觉得这是一件双赢的事情,我们得到资源,你们也能够获得更多的新闻素材,”艾瑞克摇摇头,嘴角挂起自信的微笑:“而且,你还搞错了一件事,没有赫斯特,还有康泰纳仕,还有新闻集团,萤火虫与这两家的关系刚好也不错。甚至,我手中还有雅虎,虽然影响力暂时无法与传统纸媒相比,但用户人群却与lietime电视台的时尚女性观众有着大量的重合,我想你肯定能看得出雅虎去年在维密大秀期间展示出来的媒体运作潜力。” William? Hearst opened mouth, suddenly actually cannot discover the appropriate rebuttal glossary. 威廉?赫斯特张了张嘴,一时间却找不出合适的反驳词汇。 Although is not willing to acknowledge, but he is having at heart actually to acknowledge this fact reluctantly, although Hearst Communications is strong in the media profession, but regarding resources richer Firefly, Hearst Communications is not essential, but in turn, left Firefly, Hearst Communications not very much difficultly alone has further actually done ae TV Network in a big way. 虽然不愿意承认,但他在心里却不得不无奈地承认这个事实,赫斯特集团虽然在传媒行业非常强势,但对于资源更加丰富的萤火虫来说,赫斯特集团并不是必不可少的,而反过来,离了萤火虫,赫斯特集团却不很难单独将ae电视网进一步做大。 The present situation is, Eric put forward the condition, Firefly wanted the ae TV Station majority ownerships, if Hearst Communications did not agree that the majority of profits that after they are unable to share l Internet Explorer time TV Station grows, possibly brings. But if compromises, Hearst Communications almost can definitely return to initially the ESPN road. 现在的情形是,艾瑞克已经提出了条件,萤火虫想要ae电视台的大部分股份,如果赫斯特集团不同意,那他们将无法分享lietime电视台成长之后可能带来的大部分利润。但如果妥协的话,赫斯特集团几乎可以肯定会重蹈当初espn的覆辙。 Also is one intertwines, William? Hearst said: Eric, Firefly wants to account for 80% stocks, this definitely is impossible, we most the holding power will let absolutely, you can defer to your idea to transform this TV Network completely, what kind of?” 又是一番纠结,威廉?赫斯特道:“艾瑞克,萤火虫想要占八成股份,这肯定是不可能的,我们最多将绝对控股权让出来,你可以完全按照自己的想法改造这家电视网,怎么样?” Eric shakes the head: William, the Hearst Communications service center of gravity in paper intermediary, I thought that you definitely do not need to cling to tenaciously these TV Network properties, this, I draw back again one step, Firefly want 75%, this was my bottom line.” 艾瑞克摇头:“威廉,赫斯特集团的业务重心在纸媒方面,我觉得你们完全没有必要死守这些电视网资产,这样吧,我再退一步,萤火虫只要75%,这是我的底线了。” Not, Eric, most 55%, the high words, I rather give up ae TV Network undertaking the authority of program, maintains the original design.” “不不不,艾瑞克,最多55%,再高的话,我宁愿放弃ae电视网承担节目制作的权力,维持原样。” Hey, William, you know that last year «ER», the production cost was less than 30 million USD, but was first quarter Cindy adds the selling profits to surpass 150 million merely, we will also distribute the recording tape in the near future, this income will be more objective. Has a look at the advertizing revenue again, 45 million USD, the profit is only 1/10 that Cindy adds, 1/10.” “嘿,威廉,你知道吗,去年的《急诊室的故事》,制作成本不到3000万美元,但仅仅是第一季的辛迪加销售利润就超过了1.5亿,我们近期还会发行录像带,这笔收入将更加客观。再看看广告收入吧,4500万美元,利润只是辛迪加的1,1啊。” William? Hearst resigned-looking appearance: Perhaps good, Eric, 60%, the high words, I must receive blaming of shareholder.” 威廉?赫斯特一脸无奈的样子:“好吧,艾瑞克,60%,再高的话,我恐怕就要受到股东的诘难了。” This you may unable to deceive me, William, the Hearst family firmly has been controlling Hearst Communications, nobody will oppose that your decision, 70%, this is the bottom line that Firefly can withstand, if you are unable to accept, Firefly will not remove will purchase wired TV Station alone.” “这你可骗不了我,威廉,赫斯特家族一直都牢牢控制着赫斯特集团,没有人会反对你的决定,70%,这是萤火虫能够承受的底线,如果你们无法接受的话,萤火虫不排除单独会收购一家有线电视台。” „......” “……” „......” “……” In the conference room the people listen to two Boss to frequent each other, is quick-thinking, the language fast fast, as if without hesitation blurted out that everywhere is actually passing astute and plans, Tsk Tsk expressed admiration at heart, the westerner may very rare bargaining of grocer. 会议室内众人听着两位波ss你来我往,思维敏捷,语速飞快,似乎是毫不犹豫地脱口而出,却处处透着精明和算计,心里纷纷啧啧称奇,西方人可很少见过菜市场似的讨价还价啊。 Finally, disputed for enough more than ten minutes, both sides finally had determined the plan that each one reluctantly can accept, Firefly owns stocks 65%, Hearst Communications leaves behind 35% stocks, the l Internet Explorer time TV Station program is responsible for by ae TV Station, Hearst Communications gives to coordinate on the paper intermediary resources fully.( To be continued.) 最终,争执了足足十多分钟,双方才终于确定了各自都勉强能够接受的方案,萤火虫持股65%,赫斯特集团留下35%的股份,lietime电视台节目制作由ae电视台负责,赫斯特集团在纸媒资源上予以充分地配合。(未完待续。)
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