IAIH :: Volume #8

#712: New technical tide

Chapter 712 第712章 Finally, discussion focal point about «America's Next Top Model» director candidate centralized in Linda Evangelista, Cindy Crawford and Tyra? Banks three people. 最终,关于《全美超模大赛》主持人人选的讨论焦点集中在琳达?伊万戈琳斯塔辛迪?克劳馥泰拉?班克斯三人身上。 The name of supermodel dates from Linda Evangelista, letting her be the director of this grade of program to be undoubtedly most persuasive. 超级名模的称呼起始于琳达?伊万戈琳斯塔,让她担任这档节目的主持人无疑最具说服力。 Cindy Crawford before Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, repeatedly beams with joy on the television program, although after Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, five spokesman's popularity in public mind is almost the same, but Cindy Crawford has the qualifications superiority of management television program. 辛迪?克劳馥维密大秀之前,就频频在电视节目上露脸,虽然维密大秀之后,五个代言人在公众心目中的知名度相差无几,但辛迪?克劳馥却拥有主持电视节目的资历优势。 Tyra? The Banks individuality is sporty, is obviously easier in the program and player becomes integrated with, cherishes the people. But her mechanical damage is also obvious, Tyra? Banks was in 1973 was born, this year is only 22 years old, although obtained very high popularity by Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, but the age eventually very difficult obedience, otherwise, as the «America's Next Top Model» director in original space and time, Eric excessively will not consider. 泰拉?班克斯个性活力十足,显然更容易在节目中与选手打成一片,非常亲民。但她的硬伤却也非常明显,泰拉?班克斯是1973年出生的,今年才22岁,虽然凭借维密大秀获得了非常高的知名度,但年龄终究很难服众,否则的话,作为原时空中的《全美超模大赛》主持人,艾瑞克根本不会过多考虑。 After a discussion, decision-making power fell on Eric. 一番讨论后,决定权还是落到了艾瑞克身上。 Truly speaking, although experienced couple of days ago absurdity, the understanding of Eric of these five women are not many, previous life memory also majority of various types of media, now places this circle, Eric, if believes in firmly to the media information again, that was too silly. 说实在的,虽然经历了前两天的荒唐,艾瑞克对这五个女人的了解并不算多,前世的记忆也大部分来自各种媒体,现在身处这个圈子,艾瑞克要是再对媒体信息深信不疑,那就太傻了。 Just started about the l Internet Explorer time TV Station reform and plan of «America's Next Top Model», Eric does not worry, planned that exchanges to make the decision with their several in detail again. 关于lietime电视台改革和《全美超模大赛》的计划都才刚刚开始,艾瑞克并不着急,打算与她们几个详细交流一下再做决定。 Does the time unknowingly arrive at the night, Eric is listening to Luc? Besson narrated that a idea of science fiction film, hears the Kathryn sound to resound in the side: Eric. Too late. I think that I should go back.” 时间不知不觉来到深夜,艾瑞克正听吕克?贝松讲述一部科幻片的构思,就听到凯瑟琳的声音在身旁响起:“艾瑞克。太晚了。我想我该回去了。” Luc? Besson sees Kathryn to approach. Had the meaningful glance to lift raising glass very much, smiled is getting out of the way on own initiative. 吕克?贝松凯瑟琳走近。很有眼色地举了举杯,微笑着主动走开。 The Kathryn expression somewhat is actually embarrassed: „Haven't I disturbed you to speak?” 凯瑟琳的表情倒是有些不好意思:“我没有打扰你们讲话吧?” Naturally does not have,” Eric shakes the head. “当然没有,”艾瑞克摇头。 Looked at the watch, 11 points just passed, on party also nobody leaves, but regarding Kathryn of habits and customs unusual rule, now was too obviously late. 看了看手表,11点刚过,派对上还没有什么人离开,不过对于生活习惯非常规律的凯瑟琳来说,现在显然已经太晚了。 Eric puts down the wrist/skill, looks up both hands tight grasp Kathryn the young metal statue before body. In the expression of woman brings to be anxious and flurried faintly, Eric smiled, said: „Do I deliver you to go back?” 艾瑞克放下手腕,抬头看着双手紧紧将小金人握在身前的凯瑟琳。女人的表情中隐隐带着紧张和慌乱,艾瑞克笑了笑,道:“我送你回去吧?” No, does not use,” Kathryn shakes the head subconsciously, on the attractive face that intense and flurried has overflowed immediately. “不,不用,”凯瑟琳下意识摇头,漂亮的脸庞上那丝紧张和慌乱顿时溢了出来。 You have drunk, oneself drive not to be unsafe, I did not feel relieved that Eric was saying, put out a hand to hint toward the hall gate under. “你喝酒了,自己开车可不安全,我可不放心,”艾瑞克说着,伸手朝大厅门示意了下。 Kathryn moved under the footsteps. Suddenly also said: You, you also drank.” 凯瑟琳挪动了下脚步。突然又道:“你,你也喝酒了。” Eric said: I have the driver. Walks,” 艾瑞克道:“我有司机啊。走吧,” Kathryn follows in Eric behind, walks toward the front door, said as in a low voice: I can ride the rental car to go back.” 凯瑟琳跟在艾瑞克身后,朝大门走去,却依旧低声道:“我可以坐出租车回去的。” You think that you are waves to block movie Heroine of rental car, now is the night, where has any rental car,” Eric cracked a joke, waved to give several hand signals toward not far away Katzenberg, hinted him to arrange the following matter. “你以为自己是挥手就能拦到出租车的电影女主角啊,现在已经是深夜了,哪有什么出租车,”艾瑞克开了个玩笑,又挥手朝不远处的卡森伯格做了几个手势,示意他安排接下来的事情。 They arrived at the parking lot, Eric open the vehicle door to let Kathryn personally, oneself sat by her, asked under the Kathryn address, told the driver drove. 两人来到停车场,艾瑞克亲自拉开车门将凯瑟琳让了进去,自己跟着坐在她旁边,问了下凯瑟琳地址,吩咐司机开车。 Sunset Boulevard nearby street is as before brilliantly illuminated, but stream of vehicles person's shadow actually already. 日落大道附近的街道依旧灯火辉煌,但车流人影却已经了很多。 The vehicle goes through on Sunset Boulevard, in compartment, looks that Kathryn held a young metal statue helpless appearance, Eric is producing a side to sit inexplicably without humans affair the misconception of little girl, smiled, the driving active atmosphere said: «Red Alert» script you and Terrence Malick discussed how?” 车子在日落大道上穿行,车厢内,看着凯瑟琳手捧着小金人一副手足无措的模样,艾瑞克莫名地产生了一种自己身旁坐着个未经世事的小女孩的错觉,笑了笑,主动活跃气氛道:“《红色警戒》的剧本你和泰伦斯?马力克讨论的怎么样了?” Also, but also is good, the differences in some details, but the issue is not big. Next month, we planned that Guadalcanal Island inspects on the spot, Terrence wants to carry in the spot shoots.” “还,还行吧,有些细节上的分歧,不过问题不大。下个月,我们打算去瓜达康纳尔岛实地考察一下,泰伦斯想要进行实地拍摄。” Eric nodded: Oh, when do you consider excessively specifically starting?” 艾瑞克点了点头:“,你考虑过具体什么时候开机吗?” Although «Red Alert» will be invested by Firefly, is not the Firefly commercial film sequence, therefore, the manufacture plan of Eric with this movie puts to is very loose, whatever Kathryn and Terrence Malick decided. 红色警戒》虽然将由萤火虫投资,却并不属于萤火虫的商业片序列,因此,艾瑞克对与这部影片的制作计划放的很宽松,任由凯瑟琳泰伦斯?马力克自行决定。 Next year, I want to prepare some time,” Kathryn hesitant, said. “明年吧,我想多准备一些时间,”凯瑟琳犹豫了下,说道。 They were chatting at will, unknowingly, the vehicle stopped outside a cold water canyon house. 两人你一言我一语地随意聊着,不知不觉,车子在冷水峡谷一处住宅外停了下来。 Eric besides highway network has filled to all capital construction facilities of Los Angeles has spat the trough, they got out, the surroundings as usual are the obsolete street light, in the pale yellow light can also see that moistened completely the telephone pole of deep liver moss mark, appearance that creakying. 艾瑞克一直都对洛杉矶除了公路网之外的所有基建设施充满了吐槽,两人下了车,周围照旧是陈旧的路灯,昏黄灯光中还能够看到一根沾满了深色苔痕的电线杆,一副摇摇欲坠的模样。 „, Good night,” Eric opened the both arms toward Kathryn. “那么,晚安,”艾瑞克凯瑟琳张了张双臂。 Kathryn collects cautiously, held hugging with him, the loosen has cleared the way: Good night.” 凯瑟琳小心翼翼地凑过来,与他抱了抱,松开道:“晚安。” Said the net, the woman walks toward behind door, Eric remembers anything, shouts: Kathryn?” 这么说网,女人就朝身后的房门走去,艾瑞克想起什么,又喊道:“凯瑟琳?” Woman body one stiff, has turned head: What, what?” 女人身体一僵,回过头:“什,什么?” Eric has referred to the young metal statue in her hand: Following several days, possibly also needs you to coordinate to attend several times interviews, hopes that you can prepare.” 艾瑞克指了指她手中的小金人:“接下来几天,可能还需要你配合参加几次访谈,希望你能准备一下。” Oh, I knew.” The women said that the look is looking at him, stared was less than two seconds, realized the meaning that the man has not continued to speak, footsteps some run into the courtyard once more in a panic. ,我知道了。”女人说完,眼神望着他,凝视了不到两秒钟,意识到男人没有继续说话的意思,脚步再次有些仓皇地逃进了院子。 Did Eric smile, rides the vehicle, front Carter? Starts car, actually does not forget to tease: Boss, this not like your style.” 艾瑞克笑了笑,坐回车子,前排的卡特?摩恩发动汽车,却不忘调侃道:“老板,这可不像你的风格啊。” Drives you, I thought one were guilty of the most heinous crime, felt that is bullying the little girl.” “开车吧你,我已经觉得自己罪大恶极了,感觉在欺负小女孩。” Carter? Turns around the car(riage) skilled, said: Ms. Bigelow definitely has the feeling to you, flurry that will otherwise not display.” 卡特?摩恩熟练地将车掉头,道:“毕格罗女士肯定是对你有感觉的,否则不会表现的那么慌乱。” Always also misses that some,” Eric has complied with one ambiguously. “总是还差那么一些吧,”艾瑞克含糊地应了一句。 Next day, in the Oscar history the first feminine best Director news has quickly seized the news headlines of world major media, causes a sedan chair revelry. 第二天,奥斯卡历史上第一位女性最佳导演的新闻迅速占领了全世界各大媒体的新闻头条,引起一片舆伦狂欢。 Meanwhile, Firefly also takes advantage of opportunity to start the new round release of «Saving Private Ryan» recording tape, obtains the Oscar best Director east wind through Kathryn. In afterward one week. The «Saving Private Ryan» recording tape sales volume breaks through the 1 million box with ease. 同时,萤火虫也顺势启动《拯救大兵瑞恩》录像带的新一轮发行,通过凯瑟琳获得奥斯卡最佳导演的东风。在随后的一周。《拯救大兵瑞恩》的录像带销量轻松突破100万盒。 In Europe. Because the release time of this movie recording tape falls behind North America, is in the market hunger and thirst the time point, the Europe various countries release side under the coordinate propaganda of Firefly, the week sales volume data easily defeats North America, close 1.5 million box. Merely one week of time, the recording tape sale of «Saving Private Ryan» was Firefly brings the 75 million USD income, the Firefly interior had forecast that this movie final recording tape sales volume will surpass 500 million USD. Even surpasses the movie in the data global Box Office. 欧洲。因为这部影片录像带的发行时间落后于北美,正处于市场饥渴的时间点,欧洲各国发行方在萤火虫的配合宣传下,周销量数据轻松打败北美,接近150万盒。仅仅一周时间,《拯救大兵瑞恩》的录像带销售就为萤火虫带来了7500万美元的收入,萤火虫内部预测,这部影片最终的录像带销售额将超过5亿美元。甚至在数据上超过影片的全球票房 Because Film Studio to the public will usually not publish the sales data of recording tape, therefore, outside most people also stay, in Kathryn obtains Oscar best Director sedan chair to reverse. But Hollywood actually seethes with excitement because of the «Saving Private Ryan» recording tape sales data, several big Film Studio start to look for splendid war piece script, but the most direct result, was actually Kathryn next movie «Red Alert» has aroused inside and outside Hollywood several big interests, even has also caused a not too big nor too small lawsuit. 因为电影公司通常都不会对外公布录像带的销售数据,因此,外界大部分人还停留在凯瑟琳获得奥斯卡最佳导演的舆伦倒向中。但好莱坞却因为《拯救大兵瑞恩》的录像带销售数据而沸腾起来,几大电影公司纷纷开始物色出色的战争片剧本,而最直接的结果,却是凯瑟琳的下一步影片《红色警戒》引起了好莱坞内外的几大关注,甚至还引起了一场不大不小的官司。 Originally, Terrence Malick before contacting Eric, to produce this movie, contact many family/home Production Studio. Basically including other six big, these actually nothing. The key is. With Phoenix the Film Studio contact procedure in single-handedly, Terrence Malick and opposite party company has signed an intention contract, permits the opposite party draws the investment for «Red Alert» this movie, but that is in 1988. 原来,泰伦斯?马力克在接触艾瑞克之前,为了制作这部影片,接触过很多家制作公司。基本上包括其他六大,这些倒是没什么。关键是。在与一家名叫菲尼克斯的独力电影公司接触过程中,泰伦斯?马力克与对方公司签署了一份意向合约,允许对方替《红色警戒》这部影片拉投资,但那已经是1988年了。 The budget of this movie is too high, the risk is also too big, Phoenix has not drawn the 10 cents investment finally, according to industry in convention, in this case, that contract almost expired on quite in Zidong. 这部影片的预算太高,风险又太大,菲尼克斯最终没有拉来一毛钱的投资,按照业内的惯例,这种情况下,那份合约几乎就相当于自动失效了。 This matter as if also like this passed, the project took over by Firefly, all seem to be logical. 这件事本来似乎也就这样过去了,项目被萤火虫接手,一切似乎顺理成章。 But obtains Oscar best Director in Kathryn, but «Saving Private Ryan» after the recording tape market makes the astonishing progress, perhaps is receives pulling strings of some people, Phoenix Film Studio producer Robert? Geisler jumped, indicated that Phoenix according to initial contract, is «Red Alert» draws the investment, requesting Firefly to return the manufacture and distribution rights of this movie. 但在凯瑟琳获得奥斯卡最佳导演,而《拯救大兵瑞恩》又在录像带市场取得惊人成绩后,或许是受到一些人的指使,菲尼克斯电影公司的制片人罗伯特?盖斯勒跳了出来,表示菲尼克斯按照当初的合约,已经为《红色警戒》拉到了投资,要求萤火虫归还这部影片的制作和发行权。 Matter that Hollywood this nonsense has a stroke of bad luck emerges one after another incessantly, Eric has not given special attention to this matter actually, but has given the Firefly legal department. 好莱坞这种狗屁倒灶的事情层出不穷,艾瑞克倒是没有特别关注这件事,只是交给了萤火虫的法务部门。 He has looked at «Red Alert» script, in the memory also has the information of many this movie, knows that this is not film that Box Office sells greatly . Moreover, he is also clear, perhaps Phoenix this company wants to mix one in the investment, so long as does not affect the manufacture of movie, Eric did not mind actually resigns part of investment power slightly, naturally, if the opposite party is unappreciative, Eric did not mind that makes the opposite party try the Firefly anger. 他看过《红色警戒》的剧本,记忆里也有不少这部影片的信息,知道这并不是一部票房大卖的片子,而且,他也清楚,菲尼克斯这家公司或许只是想要在投资上掺和一把而已,只要不影响影片的制作,艾瑞克倒是不介意稍微让出一部分投资权,当然,如果对方太不识抬举,艾瑞克也不介意让对方尝试一下萤火虫的怒火。 After Oscar, the Eric main energy has placed the reform work and arrangement of of «America's Next Top Model» l Internet Explorer time TV Station. 奥斯卡过后,艾瑞克的主要精力就放在了旗下lietime电视台的改革工作和《全美超模大赛》的筹备。 l Internet Explorer time TV Station was established in the early 80's, hand by at that time ABC TV Station and two small TV Station merges in Hearst Communications, belonged to ae TV Network together. Several years that most starts to establish, l Internet Explorer time TV Station has been losing money, until the late 80's, reluctantly achieved the balanced revenues and expenditures. lietime电视台成立于八十年代早期,由当时ab电视台赫斯特集团手中的两个小型电视台合并而成,一起归入ae电视网旗下。最开始成立的几年,lietime电视台一直处于亏损状态,直到八十年代末期,才勉强达到收支平衡。 According to the gross data, this time l Internet Explorer time TV Station has the 30 million user, is that including in all theory users in several big cable television operator different cable TV meals. 根据理论数据,此时的lietime电视台拥有3000万用户,就是那种包括在几大有线电视运营商不同有线电视套餐内的所有理论用户。 But in fact, like the Eric memory in domestic these similarly is the cable network, the legal system channel, the education channel or the foreign language channel that but actually few people look are same, l Internet Explorer time TV Station is that type for a long time receives the television channel that the user neglects, even if the quite popular program, watches television the population not to surpass 2 million, because the reception data has been mediocre, several big cable television operators also frequently spread must refuse to carry the news of this television channel, after all, like the Internet, the transmission of cable TV signal similarly needs to take the band width. 但实际上,就像艾瑞克记忆中国内那些同样是有线电视频道,但却很少有人看的法制频道、教育频道或者外国语频道一样,lietime电视台就是那种长期受到用户忽略的电视频道,即使是比较热门的节目,收视人数也不超过200万,因为收视数据一直非常平庸,几大有线电视运营商还经常传出要拒绝搭载这个电视频道的消息,毕竟,就像互联网一样,有线电视信号的传输同样是需要占用带宽的。 Before Katzenberg mentioned this TV Station, Eric had almost even forgotten Firefly currently also has this kind of television channel. 卡森伯格提起这家电视台之前,艾瑞克甚至都差点忘记了萤火虫旗下现在还有这样一家电视频道。 After the plan launches, Eric did to this TV Station had understood. 计划展开之后,艾瑞克对这家电视台做了更多了解。 In the 80's, l Internet Explorer time TV Station mainly broadcast that the ABC TV Network product 23 rounds television programs, occasionally also will purchase some cheap low cost feminine movie, the program content as dull as dishwater. 八十年代,lietime电视台主要播出ab电视网出品的23轮电视节目,偶尔也会购买一些非常便宜的低成本女性影片,节目内容非常单调乏味。 Until the early 90's, started to attempt to produce the telecine or the miniature play independently, but, these year every year program product quantity averages, were less than two similarly. 直到九十年代初,才开始尝试自主生产电视电影或者迷你剧,不过,这些年每年的节目出品数量平均下来,同样不到两部。 Therefore, wants to reform this kind of legal proceeding TV Station, is not an easy matter. Is good because, has ESPN never to arrive at the place user growth of 300,000 is the success experience of entire US first big sports TV Station, Firefly all high levels were actually confident, have made very detailed plan quickly. 因此,想要改革这样一家籍籍无名的电视台,并不是一件容易的事情。好在,有着espn从不到30万的地方用户成长为全美第一大体育电视台的成功经历,萤火虫的所有高层倒是信心十足,很快做出了非常详细的计划。 On the other hand, cable TV profession of United States, although produced in the 80's, but started to be prosperous truly, started from the 90's second half page, relies on the east wind that the Internet industry was rising, United States also starts to build wired TV Network to wind in this process actually massively. 另外一方面,美国的有线电视行业虽然产生于八十年代,但真正开始兴盛起来,还是从九十年代下半页开始,凭借着互联网行业崛起的东风,美国在这个过程中其实也开始大规模地搭建有线电视网络。 If pays attention to the beautiful play, will discover that many classics the beautiful play of wired TV Station product, starts from the 90's second half page roughly. Most famous without doubt is Time Warner h wave TV Station several movies, but at this time, the United States cable TV market, looks like in Eric, is on the rise to describe that with one is appropriate. 如果关注美剧的话,就会发现,很多经典的有线电视台出品的美剧,大致上就是从九十年代下半页开始的。最出名的无疑是时代华纳旗下h波电视台的几部影片,而此时,美国的有线电视市场,在艾瑞克看来,用一句方兴未艾来形容再合适不过。 The new technical tide just emerged, although main attention as in the Internet enterprise, but also and big fund invests into the television profession, the Firefly owner very perfect internal capital chain, does not need like other Film Studio, but also needs often to pass the exterior investment bank, overseas film and television fund and other departments gained financing, but the big fund of investment television profession, has built a bigger platform to Firefly indirectly. 新科技浪潮刚刚兴起,虽然主要的关注点依旧在互联网企业上,但也同时又大笔的资金投入到电视行业,萤火虫拥有者非常完善的内部资金链,并不需要像其他电影公司那样,还需要不时地通过外部的投资银行,国外影视基金等部门获取融资,但投入电视行业的大笔资金,也间接地给萤火虫搭建了更大的平台。 Meanwhile, the cable TV profession control of United States also starts becomes more and more loose, the large-scale conformity started from last year actually. Initially Barry? Diller and Summer? Redstone competes for Viacom together, reason that collapses completely finally, because of Barry? The parent company long-range communication group and AT&T that Diller relies on merge. 同时,美国的有线电视行业管制也开始变得越来越宽松,大规模的整合其实从去年就已经开始了。当初巴里?迪勒萨默?雷石东共同争夺维亚康姆,之所以最终一败涂地,就是因为巴里?迪勒所依赖的母公司远程通信集团与att合并。 The new technical tide just emerged, although main attention as in the Internet enterprise, but also and big fund invests into the television profession, the Firefly owner very perfect internal capital chain, does not need like other Film Studio, but also needs often to pass the exterior investment bank, overseas film and television fund and other departments gained financing, but the big fund of investment television profession, has built a bigger platform to Firefly indirectly. 新科技浪潮刚刚兴起,虽然主要的关注点依旧在互联网企业上,但也同时又大笔的资金投入到电视行业,萤火虫拥有者非常完善的内部资金链,并不需要像其他电影公司那样,还需要不时地通过外部的投资银行,国外影视基金等部门获取融资,但投入电视行业的大笔资金,也间接地给萤火虫搭建了更大的平台。 Meanwhile, United States cable TV Film Studio such, but also needs often to pass the exterior investment bank, overseas film and television fund and other departments gained financing, but invests the television line( to be continued.) 同时,美国的有线电视电影公司那样,还需要不时地通过外部的投资银行,国外影视基金等部门获取融资,但投入电视行(未完待续。)
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