IAIH :: Volume #8

#711: The vigor of being assigned away from the capital

Was saying to say goodbye to the cell phone microphone respectfully, hung the power failure words, Harvey? Weinstein deeply inspired, turns around to walk toward the banquet hall, in the expression has filled self-satisfiedly. 恭敬地对着手机话筒道完再见,挂掉电话,哈维?韦恩斯坦深深地吸了口气,转身朝宴会厅走去,表情中充满了志得意满。 The telephone hits personally in New York News Corp Chairman Murdoch, although is only the simple congratulation words, but at this time New York is actually around 12 : 00 am, can see attaching great importance to of News Corp from this point Miramax. 电话是远在纽约新闻集团董事长默多克亲自打来的,虽然只是简单的祝贺言辞,但此时纽约却已经是凌晨12点多了,从这一点就可以看出新闻集团米拉麦克斯的重视。 The tonight's Oscar presentation ceremony, is Miramax establishes absolutely for 16 years the sightest time. 今晚的奥斯卡颁奖典礼,绝对是米拉麦克斯成立16年来最风光的时刻。 Last year after being purchased, depended upon the parent company News Corp ample financial support, Miramax gets rid finally because of the fund fetter has only been able in the past the piece of work predicament, and distributed «Braveheart» and «Bullet by the manufacture Flies Horizontally Broadway» and «Red» and «Sin Angel» and other movies, Miramax takes unprecedented has amounted to 27 Oscar nominations, spread Oscar all heavyweight award items, and obtained 9 young metal statues successfully. 去年被收购后,依靠母公司新闻集团雄厚的资金支持,米拉麦克斯终于摆脱了以往因为资金束缚只能小打小闹的窘况,并且,凭借制作和发行《勇敢的心》、《子弹横飞百老汇》、《红》、《罪孽天使》等影片,米拉麦克斯史无前例地拿下了总计27项奥斯卡提名,遍及奥斯卡所有重量级奖项,并且成功获得9尊小金人。 Behind these glory, was the Miramax 1994 200 million multi- USD year net profit, this achievement even reached the profit scale of 20th Century Fox this unit. 在这些荣耀背后,是米拉麦克斯1994年度2亿美元的年度净利润,这份业绩甚至已经接近二十世纪福克斯本部的盈利规模。 Proud and excited, Harvey? Weinstein also unavoidably somewhat loses. If did not sell out the company last year, leaves behind more stocks, he can obtain many drawing bonus from the annual revenue of Miramax. But he has thrown quickly off this thought that in this world a lot do not have, if, several years ago just budding Eric also had sent out the purchase invitation to Miramax, if initially complied with that transaction, even if now only the remaining 10% even less Firefly stocks, will be an enormous wealth. 骄傲和兴奋中,哈维?韦恩斯坦也不免有些失落。如果去年不把公司卖掉,或者,留下更多的股份,那他就能从米拉麦克斯的年度盈利中获得更多的分红。但他很快就甩掉了这个念头,这世界上很多事情都是没有如果的,几年前刚刚崭露头角的艾瑞克还向米拉麦克斯发出过收购邀请呢,如果当初答应了那笔交易,哪怕现在只剩下10甚至更少的萤火虫股份,都将是一笔巨额财富啊。 Shaking the head of sobbing, Harvey? Weinstein just returned to the party hall, a person's shadow of hair dishevelled wear black western-style clothes has then collected. 唏嘘的摇了摇头,哈维?韦恩斯坦刚刚返回派对大厅,一个头发蓬乱穿着黑色西服的人影便凑了过来。 Hey, Harvey,” that person obvious has waited for gains without pains some little time, knows that Weinstein is very busy, has not beaten around the bush. The expression said rapidly: I hear Firefly celebration party in the building, but also remembers that I said with you have chatted that matter?” “嘿,哈维,”那人明显已经守株待兔了好一会儿,知道韦恩斯坦很忙,没有拐弯抹角。语气急促地说道:“我听说萤火虫的庆祝派对在楼上,还记得我说跟你聊过的那件事吗?” Harvey? Weinstein pays attention to and outstanding film-maker very much hits to relate, although this New Zealand Director has achieved nothing at present tonight, but Harvey? Weinstein has not actually displayed slight being perfunctory. Stops the footsteps, has recalled slightly, said: Peter, you say «The Lord of the Rings»?” 哈维?韦恩斯坦很注意与优秀的电影人打好关系,虽然眼前这位新西兰导演今晚一无所获,但哈维?韦恩斯坦却没有表现出丝毫的敷衍。停下脚步,稍微回想了下,道:“彼得,你是说《魔戒》?” Peter? Jackson nods hastily, said: Yes. Harvey, movie copyright of «The Lord of the Rings» series in the Flower Films hand, I are not thinking whether under you can help me recommend?” 彼得?杰克逊连忙点头,道:“是的。哈维,《魔戒》系列的电影版权不是在花朵影业手中吗,我在想,你能否帮我引荐下?” Out of some subtle ostrich mentality, Harvey? Weinstein does not want to see another now in the fellow of Hollywood ray sparkle, hesitates slightly, said: Peter, you look here, these many guests need to entertain, I may be too busy to leave now.” 出于某种微妙的鸵鸟心态,哈维?韦恩斯坦现在可不想见到另外一个在好莱坞更加光芒闪耀的家伙,略微迟疑,道:“彼得,你看这里,这么多客人需要招待,我现在可走不开。” Peter? Jackson is not discouraged. Said: Harvey, you do not have the time not to relate, I am thinking that you can make the person take into that party to go us, I just came up, finally kept off outside.” 彼得?杰克逊毫不气馁。道:“哈维,你没时间也没有关系,我在想,你能够让人把我们带进那个派对去,我刚刚上去,结果被挡在外面了。” Oh, haha......” ,哈哈……” Harvey? Weinstein has gawked, haha has patted Peter with a smile? Shoulder of Jackson: This does not certainly have the issue, Peter.” 哈维?韦恩斯坦愣了下,哈哈笑着拍了拍彼得?杰克逊的肩膀:“这个当然没问题,彼得。” Obtains the help of Weinstein, Peter? Jackson this time had not been blocked in out of the door. Entered the Firefly party hall with ease. 得到韦恩斯坦的帮助,彼得?杰克逊这次没有被拦在门外。轻松地进入了萤火虫派对大厅。 Although Firefly, only then a heavyweight Oscar movie, but the guest on party actually obviously compared with Fox that side also many, has No. 200 person bustlingly fully. 虽然萤火虫只有一部重量级的奥斯卡影片,但派对上的宾客却明显比福克斯那边还多,熙熙攘攘足有200号人。 Weinstein assistant Brad? Grey Peter? Jackson sent in the party hall to leave, not further for the meaning that he recommended. 韦恩斯坦的助理布拉德?格雷将彼得?杰克逊送入派对大厅就离开了,没有进一步替他引荐的意思。 Peter? Jackson does not expect so. Carried the cup champagne to saunter in the crowd some little time, noted the Eric Williams form, but, Eric Williams men have encircled No. 78 person, what as if enthusiastically was discussing, Peter? Jackson knows that now does not contact the good opportunity of opposite party. Must wait for patiently Eric is idle. 彼得?杰克逊也不奢望如此。端着杯香槟在人群中转悠了好一会儿,才注意到艾瑞克?威廉姆斯的身影,只不过,艾瑞克?威廉姆斯身旁男男女女地围了78号人,似乎在热烈地讨论着什么,彼得?杰克逊知道现在不是接触对方的好时机。只得耐心等待艾瑞克空闲下来。 Eric this time gathered round Katzenberg, be hit to send former assistant Alan of television production department by him? Fisman, hangs in small girl as well as the Victoria’s Secret angel five people of groups. 艾瑞克身边此时围着卡森伯格、被他打发去电视制作部门的前助理艾伦?菲斯曼、挂在身上的小妮子以及维密天使五人组。 The people have not discussed the too official topic actually, in the surface be irrelevant chat, but, the Victoria’s Secret five people of groups actually as if realize anything, intelligently directs toward the television Reality Show aspect the topic, but also probes several to Eric once for a while. 众人倒是没有谈论太正式的话题,表面上只是不着边际地闲聊,不过,维密五人组却似乎意识到什么,都非常聪明地将话题往电视真人秀方面引,还时不时地向艾瑞克试探几句。 Unknowingly, that hair falls into the Eric eye the uncoordinated form that the black suit puts on dishevelled, looks that the opposite party shook in neighbor for more than ten minutes, Eric the trace has curled upwards under the corners of the mouth, put out a hand to push small girl: Drew, helping me take the cup champagne?” 不经意间,那个头发蓬乱又将黑色西装穿的非常不协调的身影落入艾瑞克眼中,看着对方在附近足足晃悠了十多分钟,艾瑞克不着痕迹地翘了下嘴角,伸手推了推小妮子:“德鲁,帮我去取杯香槟好吗?” The girls winked the sparkling big eye, how not to understand that Eric this is to open her, although looks that at present these five big longleg outstanding people are not pleasing to the eyes, actually very much shows due respect for the feelings to loosen the arm of Eric on own initiative, walks toward the long table of not far away laying aside liquor water. 丫头眨了眨亮晶晶的大眼睛,如何不明白艾瑞克这是要支开她,虽然看着眼前这五只大长腿尤物非常不顺眼,却很给面子地主动松开艾瑞克的手臂,朝不远处放置酒水的长桌走去。 Peter? Jackson waited patiently for more than ten minutes, discovered the meaning that the Eric surrounding person has not gotten out of the way slightly, was considering must continue to get down, collects to say something to smooth things over forcefully, sees Drew? Barrymore walked from that group of people. 彼得?杰克逊耐心等了十多分钟,发现艾瑞克周围的人丝毫没有走开的意思,正考虑着是要继续等下去,还是强行凑过去搭讪,就看到德鲁?巴里摩尔从那群人里走了出来。 He had realized immediately this is a good opportunity, copyright of «The Lord of the Rings» series, although in the Flower Films hand, Peter? Jackson is very clear, is the Flower Films back genuine decision, Eric Williams, Drew? Barrymore in bystander opinion is only a spokesman. But at this time absolutely did not have the opportunity and Eric Williams speaks the words, collected the past success probability forcefully is uncertain, did that pass with Drew? The Barrymore contact was worth trying. 他立刻就意识到了这是个好机会,《魔戒》系列的版权虽然在花朵影业手中,彼得?杰克逊却很清楚,花朵影业背后真正拍板的,还是艾瑞克?威廉姆斯,德鲁?巴里摩尔在外人看来就只是一个代言人。但此时根本就没有机会与艾瑞克?威廉姆斯说上话,强行凑过去的成功几率更是渺茫,那通过与德鲁?巴里摩尔接触就值得一试了。 Why although not too clear Eric can open itself, girl not puzzled this, notes not far away gather round similarly wore the tall and slender form of light grey formal clothes, the eyeball transferred the revolutions, will adjust thin under this disposition actually very shy makings ripe neodymium, heard some people to call own name: Miss Barrymore.” 虽然不太清楚艾瑞克为什么会支开自己,丫头也不纠结这点,注意到不远处同样被人围着的身着浅灰色礼服的高挑身影,眼珠子转了转,正要上去调细下这个心性其实很腼腆的气质熟钕,就听到有人喊自己的名字:“巴里摩尔小姐。” Has turned around, looks white man who at present hair dishevelled beard draws the dregs, the girl is curious to steal, in the childish face that opposite party pitiful western-style clothing is borrows actually reveals sweet smiling: „Did this mister, you call me?” 转过身,看着眼前头发蓬乱胡子拉渣的白人男子,丫头心里好奇对方这套可怜的西装到底是借来的还是偷来的,娃娃脸上却露出甜甜的笑:“这位先生,你叫我?” Yes,” Peter? Jackson nods hastily, puts out a hand toward the girl: Hello, Miss Barrymore, did I call Peter? Jackson, is Director.” “是的,”彼得?杰克逊连忙点头,朝丫头伸出手:“你好,巴里摩尔小姐,我叫彼得?杰克逊,是一个导演。” Oh,” girl put out a hand to grasp with the opposite party, nods. Waited for that the opposite party continues. ,”丫头伸手与对方握了一下,点点头。等待对方继续下去。 Peter? Jackson considered way that many types provoke topic, at the last moment, the train of thought is also scattered in disorder, hesitates long time said: Is this. Miss Barrymore, I since childhood am Tolkien's bibliophile, even, takes Director this road, is hopes one day. Can personally is filmed big «The Lord of the Rings». I heard that Flower Films is grasping copyright of «The Lord of the Rings» series, therefore I hope that can have the Director opportunity.” 彼得?杰克逊考虑过很多种挑起话题的方式,事到临头,思绪却又散乱起来,迟疑良久才说道:“是这样的。巴里摩尔小姐,我从小就是托尔金的书迷,甚至,走上导演这条路,就是希望有一天。能够亲手将《魔戒》搬上大银幕。我听说花朵影业掌握着《魔戒》系列的版权,所以我希望能够获得导演机会。” small girl asked: Your Director excessively similar movie?” 小妮子问道:“那你导演过类似的影片吗?” Peter? Jackson shakes the head, said: Did not have, but, my these years have been doing the related preparatory work, reorganization about script, selecting a scene of movie, the modeling of character wait/etc.. So long as can me a demonstration opportunity, I believe that one can definitely convince your.” 彼得?杰克逊摇头,道:“还没有,不过,我这些年一直在做相关的准备工作,关于剧本的改编,影片的取景,人物的造型等等。只要能够给我一个展示机会,我相信自己肯定能够说服你的。” small girl blinked, said: You said your shoots mentality first. I listen.” 小妮子眨了眨眼睛,道:“那你先说说你的拍摄思路吧。我听听。” Peter? The Jackson split vision glanced not far away Eric, is somewhat scruple, does not know that speaks these to be useful to this golden hair young beautiful woman at present, the girl also noted his look change, smiled cunningly, said: You said you, for this movie has prepared many years, actually links with me narrated that the patience of idea doesn't have?” 彼得?杰克逊余光瞟了眼不远处的艾瑞克,有些迟疑,不知道跟眼前这个金发小美人讲这些到底有没有用,丫头也注意到了他的眼神变化,狡黠地笑了笑,道:“你说你为了这部影片准备了很多年,却连跟我讲述一下自己想法的耐心都没有吗?” Peter? Jackson realizes own fault, if at present this opportunity cannot hold, but also discussed any other, therefore spunked up hastily. Said: Is this, Miss Barrymore, first, I thought that «The Lord of the Rings» should not only make a movie merely. Had better be able shoots become the pattern of trilogy, otherwise too wasted this epic poem work, is unable fully to show the great world of Tolkien structure.” 彼得?杰克逊意识到自己的失误,眼前这个机会要是都抓不住,还谈什么其他,于是连忙打起精神。道:“是这样的,巴里摩尔小姐,首先,我觉得《魔戒》并不应该仅仅只拍成一部影片。最好能够拍摄成三部曲的模式,否则就太浪费这部史诗巨著了,也无法充分展现出托尔金构架的宏大世界。” The girls nodded, in heart were many some approvals, said: Eric has also said that you continue.” 丫头点了点头,心中多了一些认可,道:“艾瑞克也这么说过呢,你继续。” Peter? Jackson hears girl these words. Also is the spirit inspires, said: In script that I form in one's mind, can the story be abundant from The Hobbit Bill? Jenkins's 111 th birthday starts, several thousand years ago supreme did The Lord of the Rings that Solon fiendish person builds after a series of going through many places, fall Bill to be abundant? In Jenkins hand, is Bill abundant? Jenkins on his birthday party, stemming from showing off to have demonstrated Gandalf who the mystery of supreme The Lord of the Rings, came to visit discovered that under Gandalf's advice, Bill is abundant? Did Jenkins leave his nephew Fraudeau supreme The Lord of the Rings? Jenkins, in the meantime, experienced several thousand years of sinking dormancy, Solon of consciousness has staged a comeback, sending out nine to abstain comes to seek for The Lord of the Rings spirit......” 彼得?杰克逊听到丫头这句话。也是精神一振,道:“在我构思的剧本中,故事可以从霍比特人比尔博?巴金斯的111岁生日开始,数千年前索伦魔王打造的至尊魔戒经过一系列的辗转,落到了比尔博?巴金斯手中,比尔博?巴金斯在自己的生日派对上,出于炫耀展示了至尊魔戒的神奇,被前来拜访的甘道夫发现,在甘道夫的奉劝下,比尔博?巴金斯将至尊魔戒留给了自己的侄子弗罗多?巴金斯,同时,经历了几千年的沉眠,苏醒的索伦卷土重来,派出九位戒灵前来寻找魔戒……” Peter? Jackson realized that the girl is interested in this story very much, therefore relies on to «The Lord of the Rings» original works thoroughly cooked in Xin, thousand fold full of beauty and significance hundred revolutions that the story narrated, all questions will be answered to the issue that the girl occasionally braved, after summarizing the script idea of trilogy, starts to narrate that own shoots idea, unknowingly, passed the most hour. 彼得?杰克逊意识到丫头对这个故事很感兴趣,于是凭借对《魔戒》原著的烂熟于心,将故事讲述的百转千折妙趣横生,对丫头偶尔冒出来的问题也有问必答,简述完三部曲的剧本构思后,又开始讲述自己的拍摄想法,不知不觉,已经过去了大半个小时。 Although the girls have bought Tolkien all work movie copyright according to the request of Eric, but she may not have to read a patience these things, at this time hears actually with great interest, when Peter? Jackson said that the girl turned head to look at not far away, Eric side that five longleg spirits disappeared does not see, then to Peter? Jackson said: Comes with me, brings person who you see you to see.” 丫头虽然按照艾瑞克的要求买下了托尔金所有著作的电影版权,但她可没有将这些东西读上一遍的耐心,此时倒是听得津津有味,待彼得?杰克逊说完,丫头扭头看了看不远处,艾瑞克身旁那五只长腿妖精已经消失不见,便对彼得?杰克逊道:“跟我来吧,带你去见你想见的人。” Peter? Jackson hears these words to be somewhat awkward, originally own thoughts early by clean that others guess, but the footsteps slightly have not actually hesitated, closely followed. 彼得?杰克逊听到这句话有些尴尬,原来自己的心思早被别人猜的一干二净,但脚步却丝毫没有迟疑,紧紧地跟了上去。 Eric, is this Peter? Jackson, he wants to pat «The Lord of the Rings», just spoke some ideas to me, but also is good.” The girls simple and brief introduced one. 艾瑞克,这是彼得?杰克逊,他想拍《魔戒》,刚刚跟我讲了一些想法,还不错呢。”丫头简洁明了地介绍了一句。 Eric with a smile with Peter? Jackson grasped started: Hello, Mr. Jackson.” 艾瑞克笑着与彼得?杰克逊握了一下手:“你好,杰克逊先生。” Hello, Mr. Williams.” “你好,威廉姆斯先生。” Just saw that you chatted were very long, was discussing this matter?” “刚刚看到你们聊了很久,是在讨论这件事吗?” Peter? Jackson nods: Yes, Mr. Williams, Miss Barrymore is a very patient listener.” 彼得?杰克逊点头:“是的,威廉姆斯先生,巴里摩尔小姐是个很耐心的倾听者。” Eric turns head to look to girl: „Do you think what kind of?” 艾瑞克扭头看向身旁的丫头:“那你觉得怎么样?” He prepares is very attentive, I thought that can make him try actually.” “他准备的很用心啊,我觉得倒是可以让他试试。” Since others delivered, waste energy that Eric does not want to be coquettish, he now is not idle, to Peter? Jackson said: Since this, you can go to Flower Films Headquarters tomorrow, with Amy? Ms. Pascal chatted again. However, but also a little, even if came to an arrangement, this project cannot start for these years temporarily, you should better have the preparation ahead of time.” 既然别人都送上门来了,艾瑞克也不想故作姿态的浪费精力,他现在可一点都不清闲,对彼得?杰克逊道:“既然这样,你明天可以去花朵影业总部,与艾米?帕斯卡尔女士再谈谈。不过,还有一点,即使谈妥了,这个项目这几年也暂时不能启动,你最好提前有心理准备。” Peter? Jackson hears the Eric words, is once more perturbed, somewhat joyfully finally saw some dawn, how long but does not understand in the Eric words this several years is. 彼得?杰克逊听到艾瑞克的话,再次七上八下起来,有些欣喜终于看到了些许曙光,但又不明白艾瑞克话里这个‘几年’到底是多久。 Was good asked for him because of the girl: Eric, when that can start, me isn't short of money?” 好在丫头替他问了出来:“艾瑞克,那到底什么时候能够启动啊,我这边可不缺钱呢?” Probably 1-2 years,” Eric smiled, said: Your here have single-handedly distributes this movie strength the time, probably was the time.” “大概一两年吧,”艾瑞克笑了笑,道:“等你这边拥有独力发行这部影片实力的时候,大概就是时候了。” Eric said that the girl understood probably, the meaning of Eric, after should be Flower Films takes Metro Goldwyn Mayer. 艾瑞克这么说,丫头大概就明白了过来,艾瑞克的意思,应该是花朵影业拿下米高梅之后。 By current situation, this as if soon. 以当前的局势,这似乎用不了多久。 Metro Goldwyn Mayer tossed about these many years, the movie-making department was in the situation that has been able to ignore, the remaining release departments are only perfect, Flower Films need, Metro Goldwyn Mayer movie distribution network. 米高梅折腾了这么多年,制片部门已经到了可以忽略不计的地步,只剩下发行部门还算完善,花朵影业需要的,也正是米高梅的电影发行网络。 Kept the contact method mutually, Peter? Jackson sends, Eric the attention will change Katzenberg and Alan, was actually held responsible other issue: You thought that their several who is more appropriate?” 互留了联系方式,将彼得?杰克逊打发走,艾瑞克又将注意力转向身旁的卡森伯格艾伦,却是问起了另外的问题:“你们觉得她们几个谁更合适一些?” What Eric finger is the candidate about «America's Next Top Model» director, just chatted with the Victoria’s Secret angel five people of groups, is actually also saving elegant and thoughts of test. 艾瑞克指的是关于《全美超模大赛》主持人的人选,刚刚与维密天使五人组聊天,其实也存着考究和测试的心思。 Alan looked at Katzenberg, Katzenberg is impolite, said: Eric, Miss Kruger definitely is inappropriate, her present age and that pretty makings, cannot haunch this kind of grade of program.” 艾伦看了看卡森伯格,卡森伯格也不客气,道:“艾瑞克,克鲁格小姐肯定是不合适的,她现在的年龄和那种娇俏的气质,根本撑不起这样一档节目。” Eric hears Katzenberg such anxiously to deny Diane Kruger, shrugs: Jeffrey, you thought that I am a person who that type appoints people by favoritism obstinately?” 艾瑞克听到卡森伯格这么急切地否定黛安?克鲁格,耸了耸肩:“杰弗瑞,你觉得我是那种刚愎自用任人唯亲的人吗?” Katzenberg grins to smile, the heart said that who knows you are any idea, he may also think now that Eric began using Wachowski Brothers shoots «The Matrix» was somewhat careless, if this Eric made Diane Kruger take on the «America's Next Top Model» director, Katzenberg will not be definitely accidental, will only think that acted unreasonably. 卡森伯格咧嘴笑了笑,心说谁知道你到底是什么想法啊,他现在可都还觉得,艾瑞克启用沃卓斯基兄弟拍摄黑客帝国》有些草率了,万一这次艾瑞克又让黛安?克鲁格担当《全美超模大赛》主持人,卡森伯格肯定不会太意外,只会觉得太乱来。 Moreover, the Turlington Miss's tall Jie fashionable makings are too heavy, her eloquence is not quite as if good, Reality TV Show that similarly not the suitable this type to need to interact intimately. Remaining is Cindy Crawford, Linda Evangelista and Tyra? Banks, um, Tyra? Banks is somewhat young, the qualifications are shallow, the skin color does not ask for happily, but on her the vigor of that being assigned away from the capital is actually in the lead in the big superiority of two.”( To be continued.) “另外,杜灵顿小姐的高街时尚气质太重,她的口才似乎也不太好,同样不适合这种需要亲密互动的真人秀节目。剩下的就是辛迪?克劳馥琳达?伊万戈琳斯塔泰拉?班克斯了,嗯,泰拉?班克斯有些年轻,资历较浅,肤色也并不讨喜,但她身上那种外放的活力却是领先于其他两人的一大优势。”(未完待续。)
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