IAIH :: Volume #8

#710: Historical moment

Chapter 710 第710章 Peter? Jackson has had the thoughts of shoots «The Lord of the Rings» series in the childhood, but rough until approaching 40 years old can interpret a dream. , 彼得?杰克逊在儿时就已经产生了拍摄魔戒》系列的念头,只不过坎坎坷坷直到临近40岁才得以圆梦。◎, In television through Firefly Headquarters dining room, did Eric see this time is also not Fatty Peter? Jackson, wears as if very not the good-fitting black suit, the hair is dishevelled, the expression is disturbed. 通过萤火虫总部餐厅里的电视机,艾瑞克看到了此时还不是胖子彼得?杰克逊,穿着似乎非常不合身的黑色西装,头发蓬乱,表情忐忑。 Best Original Script award item does not have too suspense takes away by «Braveheart», Peter? The Jackson picture was cut immediately, only leaves behind a sketch of losing. 最佳原创剧本奖项没有太大悬念地被《勇敢的心》拿去,彼得?杰克逊的画面立刻被切了出去,只留下一个失落的剪影。 Actually, even if «Braveheart» cannot attain best Original Script, is impossible to be one's turn «Sin Angel», following «Saving Private Ryan» and «Four Wedding And Funeral» and «Bullet Flies Horizontally Broadway» and other movie script is more splendid than «Sin Angel», this movie script takes the easy way in a theme of bioflavonoid. 其实,即使《勇敢的心》拿不到最佳原创剧本,也不可能轮到《罪孽天使》,后面的《拯救大兵瑞恩》、《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》、《子弹横飞百老汇》等影片剧本都要比《罪孽天使》出色很多,这部影片剧本只是讨巧在一个传记片的题材。 Reason that can obtain the best Original Script nomination, looks like in Eric the reason is simple, because of its release side, named Miramax. 之所以能够获得最佳原创剧本提名,在艾瑞克看来原因再简单不过,因为它的发行方,名叫米拉麦克斯 Since the opposite party entered this circle successfully, Eric believes the association that should come comes, hasn't related Peter actually on own initiative? Meaning of Jackson. 既然对方已经成功进入这个圈子,艾瑞克相信该来的总会来,倒是没有主动联系彼得?杰克逊的意思。 After best Original Script, experienced several technical award items of irrelevanting, finally arrived at the ending of this presentation ceremony high toward the part, then only remaining best Heroine, best actor, best Director and best picture four award items. 最佳原创剧本之后,经历了几个无关痛痒的技术奖项,终于来到了这次颁奖典礼的结尾高朝部分,接下来只剩下最佳女主角、最佳男主角、最佳导演和最佳影片四个奖项。 In the dining room all people raised the spirit. 餐厅里所有人都提起了精神。 Best Heroine nominator including «Jodie in Heart»? Foster, Winona in «Little Women»? Judes, Susan in «The Client»? Zahlander, «Tom And» Miranda in? Charlie woods as well as «Heart Jessica in Indulging»? Langer. 最佳女主角的提名者包括《妮尔的芳心》中的朱迪?福斯特,《小妇人》中的薇诺娜?瑞德,《终极证人》中的苏珊?萨兰德,《汤姆和维芙》中的米兰达?查理森以及《芳心的放纵》中的杰西卡?兰格。 Jodie? Foster and Winona? Judes definitely has not hoped that Miranda? The Charlie woods similarly is a soy sauce party, because of «Tom And» release side, was Miramax, Weinstein Brothers definitely cannot change to brush the nomination to sell the film strategy in a short time. 朱迪?福斯特和薇诺娜?瑞德肯定是没希望的,米兰达?查理森同样是一个酱油党,因为《汤姆和维芙》的发行方,还是米拉麦克斯,韦恩斯坦兄弟短时间内肯定是改不了刷提名卖片子的策略了。 Jessica? Langer and Susan? Langdon are the Hollywood heavyweight performing skill sends the star, the body had at least three best Heroine nominations, it may be said that is on a par. 杰西卡?兰格和苏珊?萨兰登两人同是好莱坞重量级的演技派女星,身上都已经拥有了至少三个最佳女主角提名,可谓不分伯仲。 Does Eric remember Susan? Langdon's winning the title work is next year «Person condemned to death Strolling». Then, this year's best is Heroine definitely Jessica? Langer without doubt. 艾瑞克记得苏珊?萨兰登的封后作品是明年的《死囚漫步》。那么,今年的最佳女主角肯定是杰西卡?兰格无疑了。 Really, after an introduction, previous best actor Daniel Day-Lewis gentle read Jessica? Langer's name. The audience have broken out the applause. 果然,一番介绍之后,上届的最佳男主角丹尼尔?戴?刘易斯文质彬彬的念出了杰西卡?兰格的名字。全场响起了掌声。 After best Heroine issues, is actually Denzel? Washington comes to power to introduce that obtains best picture nomination «Saving Private Ryan», after how many minutes, last year best Heroine winner Houley? Hunt wears the red formal clothes to get on stage gracefully, starts to issue the best actor award item. 最佳女主角颁发之后,却是丹泽尔?华盛顿上台介绍获得最佳影片提名的《拯救大兵瑞恩》,几分钟之后,去年的最佳女主角获得者霍利?亨特身着红色礼服盈盈走上台,开始颁发最佳男主角奖项。 This best actor almost most does not have the suspense. Even, can hear from audience's response. When Houley? Hunt introduced that the nominator did read Tom? When Hanks name, the applause of audiences was obviously resounding. 这一届的最佳男主角几乎是最没有悬念的。甚至,从现场观众的反应就可以听得出来。当霍利?亨特介绍提名者念到汤姆?汉克斯的名字时,观众们的掌声明显响亮了很多。 Meanwhile, on television screen also presented Mel? The stiff smiling face that Gibson slightly obviously painstakingly compels, his best actor, came up by the Weinstein Brothers public relations completely forcefully, goal to stir the yellow his best Director nomination. 同时,电视屏幕上还出现了梅尔?吉布森略显苦逼的僵硬笑脸,他的最佳男主角,完全是被韦恩斯坦兄弟强行公关上去的,目的还是为了搅黄他的最佳导演提名。 Looks in the audience cheers, after the «Saving Private Ryan» dramatic team members hug in turn steps onto Tom of stage? Hanks, sits in Eric opposite Katzenberg said: „Does Eric, this time have confidence?” 看着在观众欢呼声中,与《拯救大兵瑞恩》剧组成员依次拥抱后走上舞台的汤姆?汉克斯,坐在艾瑞克对面的卡森伯格道:“艾瑞克,这次有把握吗?” Eric knows what Katzenberg asked was the best Director nomination of following Kathryn. Slight bow, said with a smile: This could not have attained best Director, that Oscar appraisal committee was really fairly is complete.” 艾瑞克知道卡森伯格问的是接下来凯瑟琳的最佳导演提名。微微点了点头,笑道:“这样还拿不到最佳导演,那奥斯卡评委会就真的是公正无缺了。” For the Kathryn best Director public relations, Eric utilized all personal connection resources that these years saved, Steven Spielberg, Francis Coppola and other big also personally helps Eric draw some tickets in secret, as for with Firefly has cooperated numerous Director, naturally is not no need to say. 为了凯瑟琳的最佳导演公关,艾瑞克动用了这些年积攒下来的所有人脉资源,史蒂文?斯皮尔伯格弗朗西斯?科波拉等大咖私下里还亲自帮艾瑞克拉了一些票,至于与萤火虫合作过的众多导演,自然不必说。 In addition the award-winning qualifications of «Saving Private Ryan» are without a doubt, Weinstein Brothers complies to withdraw from the competition on own initiative, the probability of Kathryn prize achieves over 90%. 再加上《拯救大兵瑞恩》的获奖资格毋庸置疑,韦恩斯坦兄弟又答应主动退出竞争,凯瑟琳获奖的几率达到九成以上。 Naturally, Eric is also clear. In a short time, this type should better only utilize by the garnering votes behavior of oneself influence this time, the too frequent words, the institute will definitely present the rebound. 当然,艾瑞克也清楚。短时间内,他这种凭借自己影响力的拉票行为最好只运用这一次,太频繁的话,学院肯定会出现反弹。 In Eric heart ninety percent sure. And started to tell that the person prepares vehicle, waits to rush conducts the hotel of banquet, but in the sacred citizen auditorium, sits, in «Saves in the middle of Main strength auspicious» dramatic team Kathryn actually anxious incomparable, the finger is gripping tightly the seat arm rest, closely was staring at stage last last year best Director winner Robert Altman. Although Eric led her to attend several public relations cocktail parties, but more matters, have not told her, Kathryn does not know that she approached this award item actually infinitely. 艾瑞克心中十拿九稳。并且已经开始吩咐人准备车子,等下赶往举办庆祝晚宴的酒店,但在神圣公民大礼堂内,坐在《拯救大兵瑞》剧组当中的凯瑟琳却紧张无比,手指紧紧握着座椅扶手,紧紧盯着台上去年的最佳导演获得者罗伯特?奥特曼艾瑞克虽然带着她参加了几次公关酒会,但更多事情,却并没有告诉她,凯瑟琳并不知道,她其实已经无限接近这个奖项。 „, Obtains has, Robert that 67 th Oscar best Director nominates? Redford, «Secret Rumor» \; Woody Allen, «Bullet Flies Horizontally Broadway» \; Mel? Gibson, «Braveheart» \; Kerishentuofu? Khiesz Luofusiji, «Red» \; Kathryn Bigelow, «Saving Private Ryan».” “那么,获得第67届奥斯卡最佳导演提名的有,罗伯特?雷德福,《幕后谎言》\;伍迪?艾伦,《子弹横飞百老汇》\;梅尔?吉布森,《勇敢的心》\;克日什托夫?基耶斯洛夫斯基,《红》\;凯瑟琳?毕格罗,《拯救大兵瑞恩》。” Robert Altman introduced this year's five best Director nominators leisurely, disassembles the envelope in hand easely, casts a sidelong glance, the corners of the mouth show the smile, enhanced the sound, said: Good, historical time arrived......” 罗伯特?奥特曼慢条斯理地将今年的五位最佳导演提名者介绍了一遍,悠悠然地拆开手中的信封,瞟了一眼,嘴角露出微笑,提高了声音,道:“好吧,历史性的时刻到来了……” 70-year-old Robert Altman spoke the words fast just likes in his movie these leisurely and calm long shot photos, these words fall, but also has stopped obviously the moment, the scene innumerable eyes changed Kathryn, the woman have constrained forcefully are lifting the impulsion that the hand covers mouth, shiver patiently is waiting for slightly. 已经70岁的罗伯特?奥特曼说话语速犹如他影片中那些轻缓而沉稳的长镜头,这句话落下,还明显地停顿了片刻,现场无数双眼睛都已经转向了凯瑟琳,女人强行压抑着抬手捂嘴的冲动,微微颤抖地耐心等待着。 Hung under the appetite of people slightly, Robert Altman said: „, Oscar will belong, Kathryn Bigelow, «Saving Private Ryan», making us congratulate this pretty woman together, she will be in the Oscar history the first feminine best Director winner.” 稍微吊了下众人的胃口,罗伯特?奥特曼道:“那么,奥斯卡将归于,凯瑟琳?毕格罗,《拯救大兵瑞恩》,让我们一起恭喜这位漂亮的女士,她将是奥斯卡历史上第一位女性最佳导演获得者。” Whish...... 哗哗哗…… The warm applause resounds, notes to sit in fifth row of center that wears the tall and slender form of light grey formal clothes to cover the mouth, sway stands up, the applause in field is warmer, some people also on own initiative have stood immediately, exudes the cheers. 热烈的掌声响起,注意到坐在第五排中央那个身着浅灰色礼服的高挑身影捂着嘴巴,摇摇晃晃地站起身,场内的掌声更加热烈,随即有些人也主动站了起来,发出欢呼声。 Oscar at age 67, welcomed first best female Director finally, this truly is historical moment. 奥斯卡67岁时,终于迎来了第一个最佳女导演,这确实是历史性的一刻。 Until after Kathryn and dramatic team all people hug, gets on the stage, the applause has not stood still, has made a sound for nearly two minutes. Until Kathryn slow the god has come from the excitement finally, the successive has been implicated several deep breath, decides in the microphone advance party, the applause gradually subsides. 直到凯瑟琳与剧组所有人拥抱后走上台,掌声都没有停歇,足足响了将近两分钟。直到凯瑟琳终于从激动中缓过神来,连连坐了好几次深呼吸,在麦克风前站定,掌声才逐渐平息。 Thanks. Thanks, thank you,” some Kathryn speaking incoherently were saying thanks words, waited for in the field all people to sit, her vision cannot help but has swept in the field. Innumerable familiar or not familiar face, only has actually been short of one, looked that in the appearance carries the mechanical arm of camera to transfer toward oneself slowly, she remembers, even if he does not come to the scene, at least should also in front of the television, therefore, the vision cannot help but changes that black xu xu the scene. “谢谢。谢谢,谢谢大家,”凯瑟琳有些语无伦次的说着感谢的话,等场内所有人都坐了下来,她的目光才不由自主地在场内扫了一圈。数不清的熟悉或者不熟悉的面孔,却唯独少了某一张,看到场内搭载着摄影机的机械臂缓缓朝自己转来,她才想起,即使他不来现场,至少也应该在电视机前吧,于是,目光不由自主地转向那面黑魆魆的镜头。 Sits at the dinner table of Firefly Headquarters dining room, Eric is also in sight the wall hanging television, in this moment. He can feel inquiring about in Kathryn look obviously, this mood was too as if obvious, is implicated hey grinned toward him in opposite Katzenberg, bringing some small numerous to lock smiled. 坐在萤火虫总部餐厅的餐桌旁,艾瑞克同时也在望着壁挂电视机,在这一刻。他能够明显感受到凯瑟琳眼神中的探寻,这种情绪似乎太明显了些,连坐在对面的卡森伯格都朝他嘿嘿地咧开嘴,带着些许小猥锁地笑了笑。 In the screen, the Kathryn expression is quickly calm, starts to narrate the award-winning words expressing feelings, although the slightly jerky tune was covered by the excitement completely, Eric can listen to the trace that recited, smiled, making this plant. does not even know how should the position woman make this matter Truly somewhat felt embarrassed. 屏幕中,凯瑟琳的表情很快镇定下来,开始讲述获奖感言,虽然略显生涩的腔调被激动的心情完好地掩盖,艾瑞克还是能够听出背诵的痕迹,笑了笑,让她这种上了台甚至都不知道该怎么站位的女人做这种事情。确实有些为难了。 What the following presentation ceremony does not have attractively, «Braveheart» has attained the best picture unsuspensefully, Mel? Gibson this time can come to power by the status of producer, was actually clamped among another two prize-winners. The mood of honored guest as if completely was exhausted by just best Director award item. The response is also not that warm. 接下来的颁奖典礼就没什么好看的了,《勇敢的心》毫无悬念地拿到了最佳影片,梅尔?吉布森这次得以凭借制片人的身份上台,却被夹在另外两个获奖者当中。现场嘉宾的情绪似乎被刚刚的最佳导演奖项完全耗尽。反应也并不是那么热烈。 When all finished, looks in last scene the honored guest in sacred citizen auditorium to set out outward to walk in abundance, the Eric and Katzenberg and other Firefly high levels also set out, «Saving Private Ryan» obtained including best Director, the best actor, the best cinematography, the best sound effect and best editing five everybody, at the victory celebration meeting, the Firefly high level definitely needs to make an appearance. 当一切结束,看着最后镜头中神圣公民大礼堂内的嘉宾纷纷起身朝外走去,艾瑞克卡森伯格萤火虫高层也同时起身,《拯救大兵瑞恩》获得了包括最佳导演、最佳男主角、最佳摄影、最佳音效、最佳剪辑五项大家,庆功会上,萤火虫高层肯定还是需要露面的。 Los Angeles another corner/horn. Over a thousand honored guests go out of assembly hall slowly, gradually sneaks in car that outside waits, diverges in abundance, the old person may hurry back to the hotel or in the family/home directly, but most people will rush to the tonight's next station, all kinds of party scenes. 洛杉矶另外一角。上千名嘉宾们缓缓走出礼堂,逐渐钻进场外等候的汽车,纷纷散去,年纪比较大的人或许会直接赶回酒店或者家里,但大部分人都会赶往今晚的下一站,各种各样的派对现场。 Because of the east-west section three hours of time difference reasons, to give in to the east coast audience, the Oscar presentation ceremony has started at West coast 6 : 00 pm, in the evening nine o'clock conclusions, although at this time the east coast is before dawn, but the beginning time of West coast actually nightlife. 因为东西部三个小时的时差缘故,为了迁就东海岸的观众,奥斯卡颁奖典礼一直都是在西海岸下午六点开始,晚上九点钟结束,虽然此时东海岸已经是凌晨,但西海岸却还是夜生活的开始时间。 The celebration party arrangement of Firefly in Susnet Tower Hotel, Eric and Katzenberg and the others actually rushes, in party hall even also not too many people. 萤火虫的庆祝派对安排在日落塔酒店,艾瑞克卡森伯格等人却是率先赶到,派对大厅里甚至还没有太多人。 However, is only less than five minutes, Susnet Tower Hotel on entire has lived it up, innumerable upscale car stop in abundance outside Susnet Tower Hotel. 不过,只是五分钟不到,日落塔酒店就整个热闹了起来,无数高档轿车纷纷停在日落塔酒店外。 Eric only knows, originally, Fox celebration party also arranges here. 艾瑞克这才知道,原来,福克斯庆功派对也安排在这里。 Because must accept the interview after Oscar, Kathryn wants to be later comes, but, the other members of «Saving Private Ryan» dramatic team actually rush, that side Fox, Elizabeth and Weinstein Brothers early have also caught up, two banquet halls in the different floors, Eric know many that side Fox must live it up, Elizabeth this time to have not come to greet. 因为要接受奥斯卡后的采访,凯瑟琳要晚一些过来,不过,《拯救大兵瑞恩》剧组的其他成员却是率先赶到,福克斯那边,伊丽莎白韦恩斯坦兄弟也早早地赶了过来,两家的宴会厅在不同的楼层,艾瑞克知晓福克斯那边要热闹的多,伊丽莎白此时到没有过来打招呼。 The person in party hall are getting more and more, the Victoria’s Secret angel five people of groups that tonight comes to power to issue the ultimate visual special effect arrive one after another, other movie dramatic team members who other obtains the fragmentary Oscar nomination also successively appear, Eric also saw most people of «Léon: The Professional» dramatic team, as before thin and small Natalie? Luc that Portman, has not put on weight? Besson, letting of uncle character? Reynolds. 派对大厅里的人越来越多,今晚上台颁发最佳视觉特效的维密天使五人组陆续到来,还有一些其他获得零星奥斯卡提名的其他影片剧组成员也陆续出现,艾瑞克还看到了《这个杀手不太冷》剧组的大部分人,依旧瘦瘦小小的娜塔莉?波特曼,还没有发胖的吕克?贝松,一身大叔范儿的让?雷诺。 «Léon: The Professional» screened last year, in United States Box Office is not good, Commentary also because of Luc? Besson to Natalie? The Portman this Lolita's excessive description has the veiled criticism. 这个杀手不太冷》去年上映,在美国票房并不是太好,评论界也因为吕克?贝松娜塔莉?波特曼这个洛丽塔的过分描写颇有微词。 However, the movie in Europe and Asia is actually quite prosperous, Eric knows that in the future some years, along with emerging of Internet, this movie more and more will also receive many praises. 不过,影片在欧洲和亚洲却是颇为红火,艾瑞克知道,未来一些年,随着互联网的兴起,这部影片也将越来越受到更多的追捧。 Although «Léon: The Professional» was not liked by film critic, has not obtained any Oscar to nominate, but Natalie? Portman this young miss actually truly went out of herself in Hollywood first part, after «Léon: The Professional» screens, but also received Time Warner that numerous nebula collection the small role in 《Heat》, plays Al? Pacino daughter, but then she can have any good fortune, whether can also like previous life, before obtaining 《Star Wars》, passes on the role of series Queen Pamela, was not the matter that Eric cared about. 虽然《这个杀手不太冷》不受影评人喜欢,没有获得任何奥斯卡提名,但娜塔莉?波特曼这个小姑娘却是真正地走出了自己在好莱坞第一部,在《这个杀手不太冷》上映后,还接到了时代华纳那部众星云集的《盗火线》中的一个小角色,饰演阿尔?帕西诺的女儿,只是接下来她能有什么造化,是否还能像前世那样,获得《星球大战》前传系列帕梅拉女王的角色,就不是艾瑞克所关心的事情了。 Also probably ten minutes, Kathryn had appeared in the entrance finally. 又过了大概十分钟,凯瑟琳终于出现在门口。 Congratulates you, Kathryn,” Eric looks in the woman hand is grasping that young metal statue, went forward to hug with her. “恭喜你,凯瑟琳,”艾瑞克看着女人手中握着的那个小金人,上前与她拥抱了一下。 The Kathryn mood had not returned to normal, sees Eric, is once more excited, has held hugging with him, said: Thank you, Eric.” 凯瑟琳的心情本就没有平复,看到艾瑞克,再次激动起来,与他抱了抱,道:“谢谢你,艾瑞克。” Is impolite,” Eric nodded with a smile, the side has too many people, they did not have the time to say actually too, Kathryn had been encircled by other people. “不客气,”艾瑞克笑着点了点头,身边有太多人,两人倒是没有时间说太多,凯瑟琳就被其他人围了起来。 Eric looks in the field lively crowd, changes Katzenberg that collects: Roger? Allers didn't they plan to come?” 艾瑞克看着场内热热闹闹的人群,转向凑过来的卡森伯格:“罗杰?爱勒斯他们不打算过来了吗?” Roger? Allers is «The Lion King» Director, although «The Lion King» has not obtained the best picture nomination like Golden Globe Award, but actually also obtained three best original song and best dubbing in music, was slightly sought a limelight. At this time Hand-Drawn Animation Department belonged to Paramount, but «The Lion King» majority of copyright Firefly, Firefly mean-spiritedly will not actually have transmitted to the opposite party to the invitation of celebration party. 罗杰?爱勒斯是《狮子王》的导演,虽然《狮子王》没有像金球奖那样获得最佳影片提名,但却也获得了三个最佳原创歌曲和一个最佳配乐,算是小小出了一把风头。此时手绘动画部门已经归属派拉蒙,但《狮子王》的大部分版权却还在萤火虫这边,萤火虫也不会小气到连庆功派对的邀请都不向对方发送。 Katzenberg shook the head: They will not come, Paramount celebration party that side Four Seasons Hotel, they must certainly go to there.” 卡森伯格摇了摇头:“他们不会过来了,派拉蒙的庆祝派对在四季酒店那边,他们肯定是要去那里的。” Eric smiled, asked the Disney animation the «Monsters, Inc.» situation, they chatted the moment, Eric saw that small girl has relayed from the crowd, the diameter directly soars to his arms. 艾瑞克笑了笑,又问起了迪斯尼动画这边《怪兽电力公司》的情况,两人聊了片刻,艾瑞克就看到小妮子从人群中转了出来,径直奔到他怀里。 A crest of wave. At this time Hand-Drawn Animation Department belonged to Paramount, but «The Lion King» majority of copyright Firefly, Firefly mean-spiritedly will not actually have transmitted to the opposite party to the invitation of celebration party. 一把风头。此时手绘动画部门已经归属派拉蒙,但《狮子王》的大部分版权却还在萤火虫这边,萤火虫也不会小气到连庆功派对的邀请都不向对方发送。 Katzenberg shook the head: They will not come, Paramount celebration party that side Four Seasons Hotel, they must certainly go to there.” 卡森伯格摇了摇头:“他们不会过来了,派拉蒙的庆祝派对在四季酒店那边,他们肯定是要去那里的。” Eric smiled, asked the Disney animation the «Monsters, Inc.» situation, they chatted the moment, Eric saw that small girl has relayed from the crowd, the diameter directly soars to his arms.( To be continued.) 艾瑞克笑了笑,又问起了迪斯尼动画这边《怪兽电力公司》的情况,两人聊了片刻,艾瑞克就看到小妮子从人群中转了出来,径直奔到他怀里。(未完待续。)
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