IAIH :: Volume #8

#709: Liking thunder reverberating in one's ears

Chapter 709 第709章 After several months of lively noise, 1995 promulgation season also finally reached the last act along with the arrival of 67 th Oscar presentation ceremony. 经过几个月的热闹喧嚣,1995年度的颁奖季随着第67届奥斯卡颁奖典礼的到来也终于进入尾声。 In Eric this only butterfly under the influence, this Oscar and previous life compare have been critically different. Was honored as by the United States person modern history landscape painting «Forrest Gump» is postponed, single-handedly range pole work «Pulp Fiction» of movie has been ahead of time, in the Oscar history biggest lost treasure «The Shawshank Redemption» has not shot. 艾瑞克这只‘蝴蝶’的影响下,这一届的奥斯卡前世相比已经大为不同。被美国人誉为近代史风景画的《阿甘正传》被延后了,独力电影的标杆作品《低俗小说》提前了,奥斯卡历史上最大遗珠《肖申克的救赎》还没有拍出来。 Although had all sorts of changes, but this Oscar attention was actually not inferior once any time, «Saving Private Ryan» and «Braveheart» pairs of male showdowns had been hyped of several months by the media lively, last year the noisy Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show five angel spokesmen will mount simultaneously the stage the promulgation, some position always brings the big frame eyeglasses to look like the small fellow man who the god god talked on endlessly experiences several years ago scandal entanglements to rely on «Bullet To fly once more Horizontally Broadway» sweeps away various main nominations, naturally, others definitely will not attend. 虽然发生了种种变化,但这届奥斯卡的关注度却丝毫不亚于曾经的任何一次,《拯救大兵瑞恩》和《勇敢的心》双雄对决已经被媒体热热闹闹地炒作了数月之久,去年沸沸扬扬的维密大秀五位天使代言人将同时登台颁奖,某位总是带着大框眼镜看起来神神叨叨的小个子男人经历了几年前的丑闻纠缠再次凭借一部《子弹横飞百老汇》横扫各项主要提名,当然,人家肯定是不会出席的。 What is most important, this Oscar, but may also have in the Oscar history first best female Director, this female Director participates in the contention award item the work, is one lets the person blood boiling war piece. 最最重要的是,这一届奥斯卡,还非常有可能产生奥斯卡历史上第一位最佳女导演,这位女导演参与角逐奖项的作品,更是一部让人热血沸腾的战争片。 On March 27, 5 : 00 pm, Los Angeles sacred citizen auditorium. 3月27日,下午五点,洛杉矶神圣公民大礼堂。 The ABC TV Station red carpet live transmission starts on time. abc电视台红毯直播准时开始。 Outside the sacred citizen auditorium, obtains the movie fan in red carpet both sides observing and emulating seat to gaze on red carpet fortunately excitedly more and more stars, spunks up to anticipate the idol of support. 神圣公民大礼堂外,有幸获得红毯两侧观摩席位的影迷兴奋地注视着红毯上越来越多的明星,打起精神期待着支持的偶像。 Tom? Hanks and Morgan? Freeman, John Travolta, Tom? Cruise and Helen? Millen, Susan? Langdon, Jodie? Foster and Winona? Judes...... 汤姆?汉克斯、摩根?弗里曼、约翰?特拉沃尔塔汤姆?克鲁斯、海伦?米伦、苏珊?萨兰登、朱迪?福斯特、薇诺娜?瑞德…… Whenever familiar ground hole appears on red carpet, can cause the intermittent cheers. 每当熟悉地面孔出现在红毯上,都能引起阵阵欢呼声。 A protocol car(riage) stopped in the red carpet end slowly, this is Kathryn first time attended the Oscar presentation ceremony. Before «Saving Private Ryan», although «Point Break» and «Thunderclap Blue Sky Caused» and other movies has made her arouse the interest of field, the topic that because several movies discussed did not ask for happily, had not obtained any nice nomination. 一辆礼宾车缓缓在红毯尽头停了下来,这是凯瑟琳第一次参加奥斯卡颁奖典礼。在《拯救大兵瑞恩》之前,虽然《惊暴点》、《霹雳蓝天使》等影片已经让她引起了业界的关注,但因为几部影片讨论的话题并不讨喜,一直都没有获得什么像样的提名。 The protocol car(riage) is the Brokerage Firm arrangement, lengthens Lincoln, in the compartment only sits her, appears somewhat empty, unknowingly glanced sea of people outside the glass. Suddenly is anxious. 礼宾车是经纪公司安排的,加长林肯,车厢里只坐着她一个人,显得有些空荡,不经意瞟了眼车窗外的人山人海。突然紧张起来。 She very much did not adapt to this public area. 她一直都很不适应这种公共场合。 The vehicle door was pulled open, Kathryn has hesitated the moment, trod the compartment, was stepping in red carpet. In the hand closely is pinching that hand package. 车门被拉开,凯瑟琳迟疑了片刻,还是踏出了车厢,踩着红毯上。手里紧紧捏着那只手包。 Finally chose Eric to give her light grey fibroin formal clothes, the front embroiders the anomalous heart-shaped design, waist is tying, the skirt-width was very long, completely had actually been supported by her tall and slender personal appearance. To the person below a waist is the shocking feeling of leg. 最终还是选择了艾瑞克送给她的那套浅灰色丝质礼服,胸前绣着不规则的心形图案,腰支束起,下摆很长,却被她高挑的身形完全撑了起来。给人一种腰部以下全是腿的惊艳感。 Although presents short feeling helpless, but she is routinely the stiff back, in the surface cannot see flurry at heart absolutely, instead gives the noble feeling that the person a goddess arrives, this completely aura from inside to outside makes the surrounding audience present the short silence, is the first response in majority of person heart, which star basically this is? 虽然出现短暂的不知所措,但她还是习惯性地挺直脊背,表面上绝对看不出心里的慌乱,反而给人一种女神降临的高贵感,这种完全由内而外的气场让周围观众都出现短暂的沉默,大部分人心中的第一反应,基本上都是这又是哪一位女星? Until some people shouted that Kathryn, all talented people responded suddenly, should with getting up excitedly. 直到有人率先喊出‘凯瑟琳’,所有人才猛然反应过来,兴奋地应和起来。 Kathryn, Kathryn. Kathryn......” 凯瑟琳,凯瑟琳凯瑟琳……” The magnesium lamp that dodges crazily made her lift the hand, wanted to obstruct the eye, but realized quickly this movement was somewhat improper, lifted turns to half has beckoned toward the crowd gently, on the face revealed shy smiling, this made the atmosphere in field more frantic, she even also heard to have the people sound to shout that Kathryn, I loved you, married me crazy words. Female voice. 疯狂闪起来的镁光灯让她不由地抬了抬手,想要遮一下眼睛,但很快意识到这个动作有些不妥,抬到一半变成了朝人群轻轻地招手,脸上露出腼腆的笑,这让场内的气氛更加狂热,她甚至还听到有人大声喊出‘凯瑟琳,我爱你,嫁给我吧’的疯癫话语,呃。还是个女声。 Stood has made several hand signals in manager of red carpet surrounding toward her continuously, she thinks that wanted stand forth. 站在红毯外围的经纪人朝她连续打了好几个手势,她才想起来要向前走去。 Alone. 孤零零的一个。 Somewhat thinks of that kid inexplicably, although he frightened that night unbearably her, but. If currently side has this kind of person to accompany, can pull his arm, perhaps so will not be at heart anxious not handles. The strong man can always to person the security sense, in the past she always thought one probably do not need this type of laughably thing, now, was surrounded by the crowd in the middle. She realized suddenly, perhaps, oneself need that...... Little. 莫名地有些想念那个小家伙,虽然他那天晚上把她吓得够呛,但。如果现在身旁有这样一个人陪着,能够挽住他的手臂,或许心里就不会这么紧张无措了吧。强势的男人总是能够给人安全感的,以往她总觉得自己不可能需要这种可笑地东西,现在,被人群包围在中间。她突然意识到,或许,自己还是需要那么……一点点吧。 The thoughts chaotically, are similar to a puppet, follows the arrangement motion of manager completely, passes through red carpet, enters the crowd, the people convergence with «Saving Private Ryan» dramatic team, is finally more relaxed. Also is quick to be clutched by manager, directs toward the assembly hall, said that must introduce the interview of ABC TV Station. 心思乱糟糟地,如同一个木偶,完全顺着经纪人的安排行动,走过红毯,进入人群,与《拯救大兵瑞恩》剧组的众人汇合,终于轻松一些。却又很快被经纪人揪出来,朝礼堂内引去,说是要介绍abc电视台的采访。 Before interview content manager, has confessed with her. 采访内容经纪人之前已经跟她交代过。 But when that black person female management commended that her formal clothes are pretty, and inquired when is which brand, she cannot answer. 但当那位黑人女主持称赞她的礼服非常漂亮,并询问是哪个品牌时,她还是没能答出来。 Some shadow jumped. 某个影子又跳了出来。 Heard that he couple of days ago disturbed to Universal party on, probably must snatch any movie copyright, can toss about. 听说他前两天到环球派对上捣乱来着,好像是要抢什么电影版权,真能折腾。 Also heard , he also acted unreasonably with these women. 还听说,他,又和那些女人乱来了。 Yeah. 哎。 Although was sighed by oneself is more like for the sister who the little brother worries about as far as possible at heart, but she actually finally cannot erase certain mood. 虽然尽量让自己心里的叹息更像是一个为小弟操心的大姐姐,但她自己却终是抹不掉某些情绪。 She does not know that mood, called the hidden bitterness. 只是她不知道,那种情绪,叫幽怨。 Since does not participate in Oscar, does not know that he will be making anything now. 既然不参加奥斯卡,不知道他现在会在做什么。 ...... …… Very early in the morning, sends out Cliff Peak Manor five women, Eric also rushes to Burbank Firefly Headquarters. 一大早,将五个女人送出尖角庄园,艾瑞克也匆匆赶到伯班克萤火虫总部 The Katzenberg working efficiency is always very high, although couple of days ago was in the weekend, when Eric arrived at the company, he has put out one with the Hasbro approximate cooperation plan. 卡森伯格的办事效率一向很高,虽然前两天是周末,但艾瑞克到公司时,他已经拿出了一份与孩之宝大致的合作方案。 Eric does not understand too, only the ability heart regarding peripheral operation these matters listens to Katzenberg and managers of brand operation unit explained that has discussed one in the morning. 艾瑞克对于周边运营这些事情并不懂得太多,只能耐心地听卡森伯格和品牌运营部的主管解释,一直讨论了一上午。 When lunch is not quiet, Eric and Katzenberg eat together, discussed the arrangement details of several movies. 午餐时也不消停,艾瑞克卡森伯格一起共餐,又讨论了几部影片的筹备细节。 In this period Eric narrated simply tentative plan about «America's Next Top Model», Katzenberg hi, has seized Eric not to put once more, in his mind all ideas clean that pulled out, and intense suggestion placed l Internet Explorer time TV Station of ae TV Network «America's Next Top Model». 期间艾瑞克简单地讲述了一下关于《全美超模大赛》的设想,卡森伯格再次嗨了起来,揪住艾瑞克不放,将他脑海里所有的想法都掏的一干二净,并强烈建议将《全美超模大赛》放在ae电视网旗下的lietime电视台 ae TV Network once was child TV Network of ABC group, at this time altogether had by Firefly Group and Hearst Communications, both sides did not control stock, accounted for 50% stocks respectively. This small TV Network mainly includes the historical channel, crime and psychological channel and l Internet Explorer time feminine channel several foundation wired stages. ae电视网曾经是abc集团旗下的一个子电视网,此时由萤火虫集团赫斯特集团共有,双方谁也不控股,各占50的股份。这个小型电视网旗下主要包括历史频道、犯罪与心理频道和lietime女性频道等几个基础有线台。 So-called foundation wired stage, to the h waves and shotime these charge wired stages, is an audience, so long as has paid the cable TV access fee to Comcast and Time Warner these cable television operators, program that can watch. Naturally, different cable TV meal inside TV Station type is also different. Disney, ESPN and other Firefly several other wired TV Station similarly are also the foundation wired stages. 所谓基础有线台,相对于h波、shotime那些收费有线台,就是观众只要向康卡斯特时代华纳这些有线电视运营商缴纳了有线电视接入费用,就能收看到的节目。当然,不同的有线电视套餐里面的电视台种类也是不同的。迪斯尼espn萤火虫旗下另外几个有线电视台同样也是基础有线台。 Under normal conditions, the cable TV meal that the user subscribes includes little more than dozens several hundred foundation wired stages, therefore. Even if the several unpopular channels of ae TV Station, the subscriber of foreign propaganda also has 30 million to 90 million, but actually, because needs in dozens over a hundred the foundation wired stages with the meal to share the audience resources. Even if the number of users is the same, but in fact the viewing ratio actually also day difference ten thousand leave, «America's Next Top Model» broadcast platform l Internet Explorer time that Katzenberg suggested was this type, specifically aimed below 35 female audiences, was more targeted than MTV, wb or upn these TV Station. But if MTV these TV Station are two, l Internet Explorer time can only be three TV Station, can want to see, the viewing ratio is actually dreary. 通常情况下,用户订阅的有线电视套餐都包括少则几十个多则数百个基础有线台,所以。即使是ae电视台旗下的几个冷门频道,对外宣传的用户数量也都有3000万9000万之间,但其实,因为需要与套餐内几十上百的基础有线台分享观众资源。哪怕用户数相同,但实际上收视率却也天差万别,卡森伯格建议的《全美超模大赛》播放平台lietime就是这种,专门针对35岁以下女性观众,比mtv、wb或者upn这些电视台更加具有针对性。但mtv这些电视台如果算是二线的话,lietime就只能算是三线电视台了,可以想见,收视率却更是惨淡。 Eric initially has not thought that must places l Internet Explorer time this specific name unknown small television to broadcast «America's Next Top Model», good, although is platform in the hand. But will not place own wb TV Station 《Friends》 like previous life Warner, but sold to NBC to be the same, «America's Next Top Model» places l Internet Explorer time, is unable fully to manifest its value. 艾瑞克当初并没有想到要将《全美超模大赛》放在lietime这种名不见经传的小电视播出,好吧,虽然是自己手中的平台。但就像前世华纳不会将《老友记》放在自己的wb电视台,而是卖给了nbc一样,《全美超模大赛》放在lietime,无法充分体现其价值。 But the idea of Katzenberg is different from Eric, l Internet Explorer time now truly is not anything. But like a seedling, if you do not water do not apply fertilizer, it can never grow up. 卡森伯格的想法却与艾瑞克不同,lietime现在确实不算什么。但就像一颗幼苗一样,如果你不浇灌不施肥,它就永远长不大。 This workaholic after the lunch, but also connects to be in the New York ae TV Station manager impatiently, one group of people held entire afternoon teleconference, how the subject is to discuss further develops l Internet Explorer time in hand, these are the professionals of television profession, therefore, has used merely only for several hours, discussed a detailed development strategy and marketing plan. 这位工作狂在午餐之后,还迫不及待地连线身在纽约的ae电视台主管,一群人召开了整整一下午的电话会议,主题就是讨论如何进一步发展手中的lietime,这些都是电视行业的专业人士,因此,仅仅只用了几个小时时间,就讨论了一份详细的发展策略和营销方案。 But key strategy. Was receives last year «Survivor» attains the successful inspiration greatly, built a main broadcast l Internet Explorer time in view of feminine Reality TV Show TV Station. 而主要策略。就是受到去年《幸存者》大获成功的启发,将lietime打造成一家主要播放针对女性的真人秀节目电视台 l Internet Explorer time mainly broadcasts some low costs before this chicken movies, feminine TV series and so on, moreover is not large-scale. The program main dependence purchases the 23 rounds telecast power of popular program from large-scale TV Station, the self-made program are miserable, the column scale even arranges after the ae TV Network historical channel and crime at heart channel. But, has been complying with that ship passable tone, since has decided the further development strategy, naturally goes ahead. lietime此前主要播放一些低成本的小鸡电影,女性电视剧之类的,而且并没有太大规模。节目主要依靠向大型电视台购买热门节目的23轮播映权,自制节目少得可怜,栏目规模甚至排在ae电视网的历史频道和犯罪心里频道之后。但,也正应了那句船小好调头,既然敲定了进一步的发展策略,当然是说干就干。 First. First keeps «America's Next Top Model». 首先。先把《全美超模大赛》留下来吧。 Volume. 额。 Pit Boss this is. 老板啊这是。 Although Eric in the heart slightly spat the trough, but his not deficient venture spirit, having plenty of fight in one that since people merely one afternoon time was instigated by Katzenberg, he did not mind that wrestled, therefore such complied. 艾瑞克虽然心中小小地吐槽了一把,但他并不缺乏冒险精神,既然众人仅仅一下午时间就被卡森伯格挑拨的斗志昂扬,他也不介意搏上一把,于是就这么答应了下来。 After all, the «America's Next Top Model» cost is truly low, the program form is not complex. 毕竟,《全美超模大赛》的成本确实很低,节目形式也并不复杂。 Actually, afterward North America majority of Reality Show, unified first ancestor, «Survivor». In the Eric fragmentary memory, «America's Next Top Model» basically was also «Survivor» of professional model version, in which elimination mechanism, clear(ly) of player rips pulls darkly, even each collection must come such several tears to rush continually, was almost «Survivor» plays remaining. 其实,后来北美大部分真人秀,都有一个统一的‘始祖’,《幸存者》。艾瑞克零星的记忆中,《全美超模大赛》基本上也就是一部模特版的《幸存者》,其中的淘汰机制,选手的明撕暗扯,甚至连每集都要来那么几下的泪奔,差不多都是《幸存者》玩剩下的。 But does not have the means that the United States audience others likes looking at this, otherwise «Survivor» will not create the viewing ratio of going against heaven's will. 但没办法啊,美国的观众人家就爱看这个,要不然《幸存者》也不会创造那么逆天的收视率。 Then, the Katzenberg following movement is makes Eric think that this guy several million yearly salaries do not have the white bloom every year. 然后,卡森伯格接下来动作更是让艾瑞克觉得,这厮每年几千万的年薪真的没有白花啊。 When not only the machine will catch up with Los Angeles more detailed discussion this matter on the request a TV Station manager tomorrow, but also has drawn the television program production unit administrative personnel of Firefly, the scene and Eric discussed the «America's Next Top Model» approximate manufacture detail. 不但当机就要求a电视台主管明天赶来洛杉矶更加详细的商讨这件事,还将萤火虫旗下的电视节目制作部门管理人员拉了过来,现场与艾瑞克讨论《全美超模大赛》的大致制作细节。 When all these work almost complete, is 8 : 00 pm, eight points, eight points...... 当所有这一切工作差不多做完的时候,已经是晚上八点了,八点了,八点了…… Probably, couple days ago he also spat trough, certain resentment read in any case will not fall to oneself on, but the retribution comes real quick, several days of time, he became the resentment read the manufacture machine. 好像,前几天他还吐槽,反正某些怨念不会落到自己身上,但报应来的真快,才几天时间,他就成了怨念制造机了。 However, as Boss, Eric naturally impossible to tell own staff, yeah, we leave such spell, ahead of time gets off work. 但是,作为老板,艾瑞克当然不可能跟自己的员工说,哎,咱别这么拼,提前下班吧。 Therefore has to accompany beginning the decorated lantern on. 于是只好一直陪到华灯初上。 The Oscar presentation ceremony has almost conducted half, Eric and Katzenberg and other talented people came out from the conference room, directly soars the Headquarters dining room. 奥斯卡颁奖典礼差不多都已经举办了一半,艾瑞克卡森伯格等人才从会议室里出来,直奔总部的餐厅。 Although and other after Oscar presentation ceremonies, but must participate in party, Eric that but is big and hungry actually absolutely already impossible brace at that time, very intensive work, once finished, the most people's first response, usually is a character, hungry. 虽然等奥斯卡颁奖典礼过后,还要去参加派对,但饥肠辘辘的艾瑞克却绝对已经不可能撑到那个时候了,高强度的工作,一旦结束,大部分人的第一反应,通常都是一个字,饿。 Has ordered the supper, the group know that today is any day, immediately turns on the television in dining room. 点了晚餐,一行人都知道今天是什么日子,立刻将餐厅内的电视机打开。 The sound passes from the television, exactly is the best Original Script promulgation stage. 声音从电视里传出来,恰好是最佳原创剧本的颁发阶段。 «Saving Private Ryan» and «Braveheart» obtained the nomination of best Original Script, but Eric once won this award, he also knows that Oscar urogenous, at his age, is impossible such quickly again to give him, as soon as Venerable the young metal statue, therefore after attaining a nomination, completely gave up to the public relations of this award item. 拯救大兵瑞恩》和《勇敢的心》都获得了最佳原创剧本的提名,但艾瑞克曾经已经获得了一次这个奖项,他也知道奥斯卡的尿性,以他的年龄,根本不可能这么快就再给他一尊小金人,所以在拿到一个提名之后,就完全放弃了对这个奖项的公关。 After listening presenting guest of honor is talking about, starts to introduce that nomination of best Original Script, Eric somewhat was absent-minded, actually quickly hit the spirit. 听着颁奖嘉宾一阵神侃之后,开始介绍最佳原创剧本的提名,艾瑞克本来有些心不在焉,却很快打起了精神。 Because he heard a familiar name. 因为他听到了一个熟悉的名字。 Naturally, is not «Braveheart», is not «Saving Private Ryan», is not «Bullet of big picture frame little man Flies Horizontally Broadway», good, «Four Weddings And Funeral» are not, although Eric to this movie, Heroine 11 counts one by one own 33 man to remember very profoundly, has not actually paid attention to this movie Director. 当然,不是《勇敢的心》,也不是《拯救大兵瑞恩》,更不是大镜框小男人的《子弹横飞百老汇》,好吧,《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》也不是,艾瑞克虽然对这部影片里,女主角11历数自己的三十三个男人记忆非常深刻,却并没有关注这部影片的导演 Let him brace oneself, is the «Sin Angel» movie. 让他提起精神的,是一部名叫《罪孽天使》的影片。 This movie has two screenwriter, Ferlan? The Will gentleman, the soy sauce character, does not need to pay attention. Another actually likes thunder reverberating in one's ears, is name called Peter? Jackson. 这部电影有两个编剧,一个名叫弗兰?威尔士,酱油人物,不用关注。另外一个却如雷贯耳,名字叫做彼得?杰克逊 Moreover, two Heroine in this movie also make Eric be interested, has withstood the formidable butterfly effect fat warm, continued very into Hollywood strongly, but another Heroine, actually was also previous life Eric impression profound Actress, Melanie Lynskey, the neighbor tracks of «Real man Two -and-a-half» spirit demons were crazy, Ross.( To be continued.) 而且,这部影片里的两个女主角却也让艾瑞克非常感兴趣,肥温顶住了强大的蝴蝶效应,坚强地继续挺入了好莱坞,而另外一个女主角,却也是前世艾瑞克印象深刻的一个女演员,梅兰妮・林斯基,《好汉两个半》里古灵精怪的邻家跟踪狂,罗斯。(未完待续。)
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