IAIH :: Volume #8

#708: Delivers on own initiative

The Transformers best manufacture opportunity naturally is ten years later, but, if at this time said that Eric believes that Alan Hassenfeld estimated will leave at the scene. 变形金刚的最佳制作时机当然是十年后,不过,此时如果这么说,艾瑞克相信,艾伦?哈森菲尔德估计会当场离开。 Five years,” Eric has considered the moment, said to Alan Hassenfeld, these words but actually not completely to deal with the opposite party. The fabrication time ahead of time to 2000 about, the technology did not have the too big problem, the cost will be nothing else but higher: In my hand has several high-tech companies, therefore has the full understanding to this aspect. According to current technology development speed, Transformers five years later starting, the cost can be in the risk range that we can withstand.” “五年吧,”艾瑞克考虑了片刻,对艾伦?哈森菲尔德道,这句话倒也不是完全为了应付对方。制作时间提前到2000年左右,技术方面已经不存在太大问题,无外乎成本会高一些:“我手中有几家高科技公司,所以对这方面还是有着充分了解的。按照当前的技术发展速度,变形金刚五年后开机,成本才可以达到我们可以承受的风险范围之内。” Eric last night that words, although cannot attack the hope to obtain the Transformers copyright Film Studio enthusiasm thoroughly, the influence that but has is also obvious. 艾瑞克昨晚那番话,虽然没能彻底打击希望得到变形金刚版权电影公司的积极性,但造成的影响也非常明显。 Before Alan Hassenfeld in the morning, several Film Studio that to these days continuously negotiated high-level 11 have telephoned, the expression of opposite party no longer has looked obviously like so was few days ago earnest. Alan Hassenfeld understands that these people are not no longer are interested in Transformers copyright, because of Eric that words, has had the scruples. 艾伦?哈森菲尔德上午来之前,向这段时间一直在谈判的几家电影公司高层11打过电话,对方的语气明显已经不再像前些日子那么热切。艾伦?哈森菲尔德明白,这些人并不是对变形金刚版权不再感兴趣,而是因为艾瑞克的那番话,产生了顾忌。 Since Eric suppresses Transformers copyright on party publicly, no matter out of any thoughts, but he does not like others fighting for the Transformers copyright intention almost to affirm. Since Eric is also in copyright to compete for the stage in Transformers such to do, will be difficult to guarantee him not to play a dirty trick in the movie producuction process. 艾瑞克既然在派对上公开压制变形金刚版权,不管到底是出于什么心思,但他不喜欢别人争抢变形金刚版权的意图几乎是肯定的。既然艾瑞克变形金刚还处于版权争夺阶段就这么做,难保他不会在影片制作过程中使坏啊。 Therefore, Hasbro this time best operation target, only remaining Firefly. Naturally, they can also cover Transformers copyright stubbornly in the hand, but this does not serve the Hasbro fundamental interests. 因此,孩之宝此时的最佳合作对象,就只剩下萤火虫了。当然,他们也可以将变形金刚版权死死地捂在手里,但这也并不符合孩之宝的根本利益。 Eric said that the Alan Hassenfeld also no longer ink marks, said: Eric, Firefly is actually the operation target who Hasbro most expects, we have considered in detail, if you can hold the post of this movie Director personally, Firefly only needs to pay for the 5 million USD copyright authorization expense, but. Hasbro hopes that can jointly invest, our requests are not high, only needed 30% proportions the investment power to be OK.” 艾瑞克说完,艾伦?哈森菲尔德也不再墨迹,道:“艾瑞克,萤火虫其实一直都是孩之宝最期望的合作对象,我们详细考虑过了,如果你能亲自担任这部影片导演的话,萤火虫只需要支付500万美元版权授权费用,不过。孩之宝希望能够共同投资,我们的要求不高,只需要30%比例的投资权就可以了。” Alan, I cannot guarantee that can hold the post of this movie Director. However, I personally will definitely hold the post of Producer, wants to participate in the investment as for Hasbro, is not cannot consider......” 艾伦,我并不能保证能够担任这部影片的导演。不过,我肯定会亲自担任制作人的,至于孩之宝想要参与投资,也不是不可以考虑……” Eric replied without hesitation, he was is not unwarrantable. But does not want to hold the post of Transformers Director. His localization to Transformers series movie is the super popcorn movie, various special effect various explosion various crispness, these sufficed. previous life Transformers also because of this localization, the grading of media and movie person basically has not passed an examination, Eric compares to care about own Director reputation, therefore, Transformers Director position, continued to give does not care about various movie person planting flowers type taunts to explode Bei Hao. 艾瑞克毫不犹豫地答道,他不是不能保证。而是根本不想担任变形金刚导演。他对变形金刚系列影片的定位就是超级爆米花影片,各种特效各种爆炸各种爽,这些就够了。前世变形金刚也正因为这种定位,媒体和影片人的评分基本上就没有及格过,艾瑞克还是比较在意自己的导演口碑的,所以,变形金刚导演位置,还是继续交给不那么在乎影片人各种花式嘲讽的爆炸贝好了。 Two people bargained back and forth with frequent contact, finally reaches the agreement. 两个人你来我往地讨价还价了一番,终于达成协议。 Hasbro is authorized by the 3 million USD price the Transformers movie reorganization power to Firefly Group, the deadline is ten years. Firefly pledged for five years later developed the movie version. Hasbro Corporation is highest can participate in the movie 25% investments. 孩之宝变形金刚的电影改编权以300万美元的价格授权给萤火虫集团,期限为十年。萤火虫承诺五年后开发电影版。孩之宝公司最高可以参与影片25%的投资。 Truly Alan Hassenfeld cares is also not several million USD authorized expenses, therefore Eric will be authorized the price to pull down 3 million USD, he does not have extremely to insist. Eric allows Hasbro to participate in 25% investments actually, surprising him somewhat. These days and in other Film Studio contact procedures, principal contradiction of negotiations in investment ratio of Hasbro participation. 艾伦?哈森菲尔德真正在意的也并不是几百万美元的授权费用,所以艾瑞克将授权价格压低到300万美元,他也没有太过坚持。倒是艾瑞克允许孩之宝参与25%的投资,让他有些意外。这段时间与其他电影公司的接触过程中,谈判的主要矛盾点就在孩之宝参与的投资比例上。 Hasbro most starts to want with the cooperation side to leave 50% investments to produce the honorable person version movie indulgently respectively, but they realized quickly that this condition several big Film Studio are impossible to comply. Alan Hassenfeld before coming, bottom line at heart is actually 20%, Eric has given 25% investment ratios refreshedly, even made him have one type morning to know that so did not use with several other wasted these many time the thought. 孩之宝最开始异想天开地想要与合作方各出一半投资制作真人版影片,但他们很快意识到,这种条件几大电影公司根本就不可能答应。艾伦?哈森菲尔德在来之前,心里的底线其实是20%,艾瑞克爽快地给出了25%的投资比例,甚至让他产生了一种早知道如此就不用与其他几家浪费这么多时间了的念头。 Eric watches the Alan Hassenfeld expression. In the heart laughs in one's heart. Even if buries in that thought of moral nature when the time comes cannot succeed, in the future Hasbro will also taste the taste of Hollywood financial system. 艾瑞克艾伦?哈森菲尔德的表情看在眼里。心中暗笑。即使埋在心底的那个念头到时候没能成功,将来孩之宝也会尝到好莱坞财务体系的滋味的。 Concrete employment term definitely also needs both sides to carry on careful speaking in detail. But since the result had determined that Eric was also warmer several points, opened one bottle of champagne specially is the simple celebration. 具体的合约条款肯定还需要双方进行细致的详谈。但既然结果已经确定,艾瑞克也更加热情了几分,特意开了一瓶香槟算是简单的庆祝。 In the Alan Hassenfeld hand is carrying the champagne. Has foreseen a Transformers movie perspective with Eric together, as if very much unknowingly has caused another topic: Eric, I spoke frankly that Firefly regarding the development of movie peripheral product, is far from achieving these greatly hot movie in recent years the limit. With several 3D Animation movie peripheral development of Disney release, Firefly oneself has produced part of peripheral products. Actually limits these commodities in Disneyland and Disney store fixed sale circle. But regarding peripheral commodity type that Firefly cannot produce, your who applied with the extension authorization pattern that who cooperated actually was also to the tremendous waste of brand.” 艾伦?哈森菲尔德手中端着香槟酒。与艾瑞克共同展望了一番变形金刚的电影前景,又似乎很不经意地引起了另外一个话题:“艾瑞克,恕我直言,萤火虫最近几年对于电影周边产品的开发,远远没有达到那些大热影片的极限。就拿迪斯尼发行的几部3d动画电影周边开发来说,萤火虫自身生产了一部分周边产品。却将这些商品限制在迪斯尼乐园迪斯尼商店这种固定销售圈子里。而对于萤火虫不能生产的周边商品类型,你们的那种谁来申请就与谁合作的粗放型授权模式其实也是对品牌的极大浪费。” Firefly has realized actually also this issue, but, a few years ago Firefly or Disney, concentrate on the Film Industry service, after annexing Disney, Eric nonstop started the purchase of TV Network, during this, too many energy had not handled this matter. That side Katzenberg started to seek solution, Eric also saw several related documents recently, the brand operation department with the fast food industry giant KFC was discussing that an image license agreement of pack, is KFC pays 100 million USD probably every year, obtains prints in the Disney movie on the fast-food restaurant tableware the authorized permission of cartoon image. So long as this cooperation plan formation, Firefly can also continue to take this to extend as the template, formulation more highly effective brand operation strategy. 萤火虫内部其实也意识到了这个问题,只不过,前些年无论是萤火虫还是迪斯尼,都专注于电影业务,吞并迪斯尼之后,艾瑞克又马不停蹄地启动了电视网的收购,这期间一直都没有太多精力处理这件事。卡森伯格那边已经开始寻求解决方案,艾瑞克最近也看到了几份相关文件,品牌运营部门正在与快餐业巨头肯德基讨论一份打包的形象授权协议,大概是肯德基每年支付一亿美元,取得在旗下快餐店餐具上印制迪斯尼影片中卡通形象的授权许可。只要这份合作方案成型,萤火虫还可以继续以此为模板延伸下去,制定更加高效的品牌运营策略。 However, Eric will certainly not say these with Alan Hassenfeld, he also understands Alan Hassenfeld these words the intention, but the approval nodded, has emitted at heart simultaneously other thoughts. 不过,艾瑞克当然不会与艾伦?哈森菲尔德说这些,他也明白艾伦?哈森菲尔德这番话的意图,只是认可地点了点头,心里同时冒出了一些其他念头。 Really, Alan Hassenfeld also said: Eric, since this, I thought why we do not carry out in -depth cooperation in this aspect. Firefly is a media group, I guess that you will definitely not choose wantonly the Disney store of expansion, this is not the Firefly service center of gravity. Then, Hasbro can definitely fill Disneyland and market vacancy outside Disney store, we not only have the perfect sub-underwriting system in North America, but also the market expansion to Europe Asia is also thorough.” 果然,艾伦?哈森菲尔德又道:“艾瑞克,既然这样,我觉得,为什么我们不在这方面进行深度合作呢。萤火虫是一家传媒集团,我猜你们肯定不会选择大肆扩张旗下的迪斯尼商店,这并不是萤火虫的业务重心。那么,孩之宝完全可以填补迪斯尼乐园迪斯尼商店以外的市场空缺,我们不但在北美拥有完善的产品分销体系,而且对欧洲亚洲的市场拓展也非常深入。” Eric makes the look that is interested, also the regret said: Alan, listening to you saying that I hope everybody can cooperate. But this matter, I must discuss with the management, can decide, but. How regardless of discussed the result, I will give you to answer as soon as possible.” 艾瑞克做出非常感兴趣的神色,却又遗憾道:“艾伦,听你这么说,我是非常希望大家能够合作的。但这种事情,我必须要与管理层讨论一下,才能够决定,不过。无论讨论结果如何,我都会尽快给你答复。” Alan Hassenfeld had not expected actually Eric can give anything to answer at this matter at the scene, but Eric this intention also makes him very excited. 艾伦?哈森菲尔德倒是没有期望艾瑞克能够在这件事上当场给出什么答复,但艾瑞克这种意向也让他非常兴奋。 Hasbro in the 80's rapid expansion process, to enrich own toy product type, commonly used often is very clumsy merger and acquisition. 孩之宝在八十年代的快速扩张过程中,为了丰富自己的玩具产品种类,常用的往往是非常笨拙的并购方式。 Firefly in recent years rises in the CG Special Effects big powerful in piece and 3D Animation movie. Let Hasbro see another development route. If can achieve close cooperation with Firefly Group, then the CG Special Effects movie and 3D Animation movie of Firefly product, are Hasbro will bring the continuous toy image. Hasbro to «Toy Story» and «Jurassic Park» and toy development of «The Lion King» these movies greedyly for a long time, but, Firefly several years ago the cooperation in this aspect has been conservative, did not have the opportunity. 萤火虫最近几年在cg特效大片和3d动画电影方面的强势崛起。让孩之宝看到了另外一条发展路线。如果能够与萤火虫集团达成紧密合作,那么萤火虫出品的cg特效电影和3d动画电影,将为孩之宝带来源源不断的玩具形象。孩之宝可是对《玩具总动员》、《侏罗纪公园》、《狮子王》这些影片的玩具开发眼馋已久了,只不过,萤火虫前几年在这方面的合作一直都非常保守,才一直没有机会。 Reached this intention, Alan Hassenfeld was well satisfied, looked at the time, just crossed 11 to hit the mark, to lunch also at times. Eric has not kept him to have lunch the meaning, Alan Hassenfeld is tactful says goodbye to leave on own initiative. 达成了这种意向,艾伦?哈森菲尔德就已经心满意足,看了看时间,刚过11点中,离午餐还有一些时候。艾瑞克也没有留他共进午餐的意思,艾伦?哈森菲尔德非常识趣地主动告辞离开。 Packs off Alan Hassenfeld, Eric has not returned to the villa flat roof to enjoy the life, but has dialed the Katzenberg telephone. 送走艾伦?哈森菲尔德,艾瑞克并没有返回别墅露台享受生活,而是拨通了卡森伯格的电话。 The cooperation of Alan Hassenfeld suggested that also made him realize another turning point. 艾伦?哈森菲尔德的合作建议,也让他意识到了另外一个契机。 The movie of Firefly peripheral valuable, having a look at KFC to be the Disney cartoon image pays 100 million USD authorized expense just knows every year. 萤火虫旗下的电影周边有多值钱,看看肯德基愿意每年为迪斯尼卡通形象支付一亿美元的授权费用就知道了。 Eric initially suggested that Fox buys Hasbro, besides Transformers copyright, similarly also has the Hasbro perfect toy production and sales system that settles on, Fox is not willing to take risk, Eric has produced has eaten up the idea of Hasbro. Because needs to carry on the big investment in high-tech industry in recent years, Eric cannot take out enough fund to take Hasbro temporarily. 艾瑞克当初建议福克斯买下孩之宝,除了变形金刚版权,看中的同样还有孩之宝完善的玩具生产和销售体系,福克斯不愿意冒这个险,艾瑞克就已经产生了吃下孩之宝的想法。但因为最近几年需要在高科技产业进行大笔投资,艾瑞克暂时抽不出足够的资金拿下孩之宝 At present, the cooperation of Alan Hassenfeld suggested that almost quite on own initiative delivers Hasbro. 眼下,艾伦?哈森菲尔德的这个合作建议,几乎就相当于将孩之宝主动送上门来。 So long as can achieve the close cooperative ties with Hasbro. This world-class toy giant definitely gradually will have the dependence to the brand image of Firefly. 只要能够与孩之宝达成紧密的合作关系。这家世界级的玩具巨头肯定会对萤火虫旗下的品牌形象逐渐产生依赖性。 Meanwhile, all contracts have the deadline, Eric forecasts that side the Firefly investment, can about the Internet bubble peak re-steam the big fund when 2000 probably, here also will have when the time comes enough strength to acquire Hasbro Corporation. Then, Firefly only needs to sign a five years of time with Hasbro the contract. In the five years time. The cooperation of Hasbro and Firefly is closer, is also stronger to the Firefly dependence, waits for the contract to expire, Firefly takes advantage of opportunity to initiate the purchase important contract, had tied up firmly in Firefly Group Hasbro, naturally knows how should choose, they have no alternative radically. 与此同时,所有的合约都是有期限的,艾瑞克预测萤火虫投资那边,大概能够在2000年左右互联网泡沫最高点时回笼大笔资金,到时候这边也将拥有足够的实力收购孩之宝公司。那么,萤火虫只需要与孩之宝签署一份五年期的合约。这五年时间。孩之宝萤火虫的合作越紧密,对萤火虫的依赖性也就越强,等合约到期,萤火虫顺势发起收购要约,已经被牢牢绑在萤火虫集团身上的孩之宝,自然知道该怎么选择,或者,他们根本别无选择。 Said own idea and Katzenberg through the telephone, Katzenberg also quite approves, expressed under excited convenes the Firefly management to discuss this matter immediately. 通过电话将自己的想法与卡森伯格说了一遍,卡森伯格也颇为认同,情绪高昂地表示等下立刻就召集萤火虫的管理层讨论这件事。 Eric has made the telephone call, looked at the time, 11 : 30. 艾瑞克挂了电话,看了看时间,11点半。 Calls others to meet close to the meals and snacks...... The volume, the resentment read anything in any case, is will definitely not fall to oneself on. 临近饭点召集别人开会……额,反正怨念什么的,是肯定不会落到自己身上的。 Such secretly spat the trough one some workaholic, Eric the Elizabeth call, just matter will tell her simply. Elizabeth heard last night matter, although in the expression is somewhat regrettable, but the matter makes to the present accidentally, this result, should better actually, but, after all, Eric does not get rid personally, Fox may not snatch Transformers copyright. 这么暗暗吐槽了一下某个工作狂,艾瑞克又拨打了伊丽莎白的电话,将刚刚的事情跟她简单说了一下。伊丽莎白已经听说了昨晚的事情,虽然语气里有些遗憾,但事情意外地闹到现在,这种结局,其实也最好不过,毕竟,艾瑞克不亲自出手,福克斯也不一定能够抢到变形金刚版权 Two telephones fire off, Eric returns to the villa flat roof, saw that several woman looks somewhat strangely walk toward him, smiled, said: Everybody, noon, has prepared to eat...... Wow.” 两个电话打完,艾瑞克回到别墅露台上,看到几个女人眼神有些奇怪地朝他走来,笑了笑,道:“大家,已经中午了,准备吃……哇哦。” Splash 扑通 The underwater sound resounds, the Eric words have not said that rapidly was lifted by five women, has thrown into the swimming pool. 水声响起,艾瑞克话还没有说完,就被五个女人迅速抬起来,丢进了游泳池里。 Choked several water, Eric has then stood firm the personal appearance, listened to throw entirely several, five women plunged into the water tenderly with a smile in abundance, but also the provocation shouted toward him: Hey, the shark mister, dried in the sun us was so long, this punishes Oh.” 呛了几口水,艾瑞克这才稳住身形,听着扑扑通通几声,五个女人娇笑着纷纷跳入水中,还挑衅地朝他喊道:“嘿,鲨鱼先生,把我们晾了这么久,这算是惩罚。” Eric has wiped water-damaged on face, feigns the anger to stare speech Cindy Crawford, swam toward her rapidly in the past, said: Since this, you also prepare to accept the penalty.” 艾瑞克抹了把脸上的水渍,佯怒地瞪着说话的辛迪?克劳馥,迅速朝她游了过去,道:“既然这样,那你们也准备接受惩罚吧。” „,......” “哇,啊……” Haha.” “哈哈。” Runs away quickly, runs away quickly.” “快逃,快逃。” Tossed about the moment, Eric seized one finally pleasantly warmly such as the body of jade, both hands makes an effort slightly, held the water surface the woman, according to near the swimming pool, has flung the wet hair, Eric has opened eyes, saw was actually Linda Evangelista. 呼呼啦啦地折腾了片刻,艾瑞克终于捉住一只温软如玉的身体,双手微微用力,将女人托出水面,按在了游泳池边,甩了甩湿漉漉的头发,艾瑞克睁开眼,看到的却是琳达?伊万戈琳斯塔 Linda Evangelista slightly has not become captive aware feeling, instead stretches out two slender beautiful legs, the circle lives in the body of Eric boldly, the pupil light circulation, the look is hot. 琳达?伊万戈琳斯塔丝毫没有成为‘俘虏’的自觉感,反而伸出两条修长的美腿,大胆地圈住艾瑞克的身体,眸光流转,眼神火辣。 Eric no longer is also polite, the big hand upward slides following the pleasantly warm waist, tears off woman upper body that small gore, but, both hands just turned round, Eric remembers a matter, is staring at Linda Evangelista, asked: Linda, I remember that you should already marry?” 艾瑞克也不再客气,大手顺着温软的腰肢往上滑,扯掉女人上身那条小布片,不过,双手刚刚覆上去,艾瑞克就想起一件事,盯着琳达?伊万戈琳斯塔,问道:“琳达,我记得,你应该早就结婚了吧?” Linda Evangelista just divorced the ex-husband the year before last, meaning that but, she instead has not explained at this time, stretched out the small tongue to lick under the lip angle, the provocation was looking at Eric, said: How, haven't you dared?” 琳达?伊万戈琳斯塔前年刚刚与前夫离婚,不过,此时她反而没有丝毫解释的意思,伸出小舌头舔了下唇角,挑衅地望着艾瑞克,道:“怎么了,难道你不敢了吗?” Since the present women did not mind that Eric naturally no longer artificial, in side several female or really or in false tender call, defers to own fondness, turns over crudely the woman soft body, according to under body. 既然眼前的女人都不介意,艾瑞克当然不再矫情,在身旁几女或真或假的娇呼声中,按照自己的喜好,粗暴地将女人柔软的身体翻转过来,按在身下。 Wants the prosperous gate, once opens, is very often difficult to close. The following two days of time, five women have not left, various types have no shame Hu Tianhu place. 欲旺之门一旦开启,往往就很难合上。接下来两天时间,五个女人都没有离开,各种没羞没臊地胡天胡地。 To new Monday in the morning, because of evening's Oscar presentation ceremony, Cindy Crawford had forgotten exactly informs oneself manager her whereabouts, anxious manager that almost must stamp one's foot put very big thoughts to contact with him, made five women realize that they also had are the quite important matter must do reluctantly, hastily left Cliff Peak Manor.( To be continued.) 一直到新的周一上午,因为晚上的奥斯卡颁奖典礼,恰好辛迪?克劳馥忘记了通知自己经纪人她的去向,急的几乎要跳脚的经纪人花了很大一番心思才联系到了他,也让五个女人意识到,她们还有勉强算是比较重要的事情要做,匆匆离开了尖角庄园。(未完待续。)
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