IAIH :: Volume #8

#714: Dividing into two

Eric, I felt, if you insist, Firefly attains the ae TV Network 70% stocks is not a major problem, does not have any initiative of Hearst Communications at this matter,” at the business lunch after conference, Katzenberg said to Eric regrettably. ≤ ≤ small < = said that 艾瑞克,我觉得如果你坚持的话,萤火虫拿到ae电视网70%的股份并不是大问题,赫斯特集团在这件事上没有任何主动权,”会议后的午餐会上,卡森伯格不无遗憾地对艾瑞克道。≤≤小≤说, In Eric carried the dinner plate to select food with Katzenberg at the self-service table together, hears word turns head to look at not far away with Tom? William that Murphy talked and laughed merrily? Hearst, said: Wants Lifetime TV Station to develop, earlier surely needs the big investments, joining of Hearst Communications not only can share the investment risk, they spread the paper media channel support of the world is also important. Moreover, we have attained the absolute holding power, later Hearst Communications will not have any initiative again, not?” 艾瑞克手里端着餐盘正和卡森伯格一起在自助餐桌旁挑食物,闻言扭头看了眼不远处正与汤姆?墨菲谈笑风生的威廉?赫斯特,道:“想要lietime电视台发展起来,前期肯定需要大笔投入的,赫斯特集团的加入不但可以分担投资风险,他们遍及全世界的纸媒渠道支持也至关重要。而且,我们已经拿到绝对控股权了,以后赫斯特集团都不会再有任何主动权,不是吗?” Eric words some meanings of having not given full expression, Katzenberg actually understands immediately, the thief grins to smile, reveals a row of big thread chaser. Waits for Lifetime TV Station to develop, as the major stockholder of absolute holding, Firefly has the innumerable methods to dilute the stock in Hearst Communications hand. 艾瑞克的话有些意犹未尽的意思,卡森伯格却是立刻就明白过来,贼兮兮地咧嘴而笑,露出一排大板牙。等lietime电视台发展起来,作为绝对控股的大股东,萤火虫有无数方法稀释赫斯特集团手中的股份。 Two people select food, looked for a table to sit, Katzenberg said: Couple days ago children's birthday I cannot attend, making Peter help me give the gift in the past, did you receive?” 两人挑完食物,找了张桌子坐下来,卡森伯格道:“前几天孩子们的生日我没能出席,让彼得帮我送了礼物过去,你们收到了吗?” Naturally, they like very much,” Eric nods, said: „Do you, Easter plan Los Angeles?” “当然,他们都很喜欢,”艾瑞克点头,又道:“你呢,复活节打算回洛杉矶吗?” Marilyn they came New York, this year and my parents cross together, I just did not need to be upon the jump,” Katzenberg replied, he married very early, is the wife 's name Marilyn? Segal, there are pair of dragon and phoenix embryo children. “玛丽莲他们都来了纽约,今年和我父母一起过,我刚好不用跑来跑去了,”卡森伯格答道,他结婚非常早,妻子名叫玛丽莲?西格尔,有一对龙凤胎儿女。 Chatted several daily family activities simply, two people topics cannot help but shift to the work again. 简单地聊了几句家常,两人的话题都不由自主地再次转向工作。 These days the group high-level energy centralism was discussing that Lifetime TV Station general orientation development program, somewhat neglected the manufacture of concrete program actually. 这段时间集团高层的精力都集中在讨论lietime电视台大方向的发展方案,倒是有些忽略了具体节目的制作。 In the morning conference, after with the consultation of Hearst Communications, the final plan can determine. At this time, Katzenberg starts to care that " America's Next Top Model » host issue, this matter starts to discuss from Oscar. Has been unresolved. Eric finally two people somewhat keeps on vacillating between Cindy Crawford and Linda Evangelista, Tyra? Banks this former host because of age issue, was removed. 上午的会议上,经过与赫斯特集团的磋商,最终的规划方案得以确定。此时,卡森伯格又开始关心起《全美超模大赛》的主持人问题,这件事从奥斯卡就开始讨论。却一直悬而未决。艾瑞克最终在辛迪?克劳馥琳达?伊万戈琳斯塔两人之间有些游移不定,泰拉?班克斯这个‘原主持人’因为年龄问题,还是被排除掉了。 Eric, leaves the autumn files of September now, only then less than six months. Reality Show needs to manufacture to complete one time, we may not have the too much time to waste, Linda Evangelista and Cindy Crawford, which these two choose finally, did you consider?” 艾瑞克,现在离九月份的秋季档只有不到半年时间。真人秀需要一次性制作完成,我们可没有太多时间浪费了,琳达?伊万戈琳斯塔辛迪?克劳馥,这两人最终选哪个,你考虑好了吗?” Eric hesitated under. Said: I have also been considering that this issue, their both are splendid, therefore, Jeffrey, you thought how divides into two?” 艾瑞克迟疑了下。道:“我也一直在考虑这个问题,她们两个都非常出色,所以,杰弗瑞,你觉得一分为二怎么样?” Katzenberg knits the brows slightly: Eric, you were said that let them be the host in turn, this was not the great idea, the host traded, was easy to divert the attention of audience.” 卡森伯格微微皱眉:“艾瑞克,你是说让她们轮流担任主持人,这可不是什么好主意,主持人换来换去,容易分散观众的注意力。” No, I mean. Since we have the 100 million USD project funds now, might as well open two grades of Reality TV Show simultaneously, letting them be the host respectively.” “不,我的意思是。既然我们现在拥有一亿美元的项目资金,不如同时开启两档真人秀节目,让她们分别担任主持人。” Katzenberg came the interest: Eric, what good idea did you have?” 卡森伯格来了兴致:“艾瑞克,你又有什么好想法了吗?” I recently in worried this, the idea had actually, but I too did not know about this aspect.” “我最近就是在苦恼这个,想法倒是有,但我对这方面不是太了解。” Katzenberg reveals the doubts the expression, not too clear Eric is what meaning. 卡森伯格露出疑惑的表情,不太明白艾瑞克是什么意思。 I meant, Eric continues saying: This idea and last year Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show also had the relations, that time of project arrangement, the designer almost every week must draw up the design proposal that dozens angels installed. But finally determines actually only then 40 sets, elimination very violent row, plan one set of several designers cannot even use. I am thinking recently, since we can hold the professional model competition. Why cannot build grade of Reality Show about fashion design competition. My knowledge to the fashion design knows nothing, does not know that should implement this plan.” “我是说,”艾瑞克继续道:“这个想法与去年的维密大秀也有关系,项目筹备的那段时间,设计师几乎每周都要拿出几十种天使装的设计方案。但最终确定下来的却只有四十套,这其中的淘汰非常激列,其中几位设计师的方案甚至一套都没能用上。我最近就在想,既然我们能够举办模特大赛。为什么不能打造一档关于时装设计竞赛的真人秀呢。只是,我对时装设计方面的知识一窍不通,不知道该不该实行这个计划。” Eric says that now, is that grade with «Project Runway» that «America's Next Top Model» shares the honor, these two grades of programs can be said as the sworn enemy, almost promotes at the same time. The viewing ratio is on a par, host who even, as two grades of programs, Tyra? Banks and Heidi? Klum has also taken the Forbes highest paid television star ranking first two positions simultaneously. 艾瑞克现在说的,就是那档与《全美超模大赛》齐名的《天桥骄子》,这两档节目可以说是死对头,差不多同一时期推出。收视率不分伯仲,甚至,作为两档节目的主持人,泰拉?班克斯海蒂?克鲁姆还同时拿下过福布斯收入最高的电视女星排行榜前两名的位置。 But it is a pity that Eric previous life is not interested in the fashion design, to look at the big long leg, has glanced few episodes «America's Next Top Model» actually, «Project Runway» has not actually looked. 但遗憾的是,艾瑞克前世对于时装设计并不感兴趣,为了看大长腿,倒是瞟过几集全美超模大赛》,《天桥骄子》却根本就没有看过。 Compared to hesitation of Eric, Katzenberg seems very optimistic, said: Eric, every so often, does a successful project start with a thought that Walter? Disney is also saw when own daughter plays, accidentally had the Disneyland thought that at that time he definitely does not know how should construct Disneyland, but Disneyland has actually spread the entire world now. Moreover, I thought that your idea is more splendid than America's Next Top Model, United States has the innumerable person to be interested in the design, the celebrities of these a little popularity like promoting own individual brand slightly, but over ordinary designers of most legal proceedings are very difficult. If we can provide such a grade of fashion design Reality Show platform, not only can attract the outstanding civilian designer to participate, but also in these hearts generally has the audience who oneself design the dream also to like seeing such a grade of program, as for the issue in fashion design, specialized matter, so long as gave the specialized person to do is good. Under Hearst Communications has so many world's top fashion magazine, making them draw an editor-in-chief casually, can be this grade of Reality Show art adviser, Cindy and Linda they, made so many years supermodel, they must surpass most ordinary designers regarding the taste of fashion absolutely, is the Reality Show host sufficiently.” 相对于艾瑞克的迟疑,卡森伯格显得非常乐观,道:“艾瑞克,很多时候,一个成功的项目都开始与一个念头,沃尔特?迪斯尼也是看到自己女儿玩耍时,偶然产生了迪斯尼乐园的念头,当时他肯定也不知道该怎么建造一家迪斯尼乐园,但现在迪斯尼乐园却已经遍及了全世界。而且,我觉得你这个想法比全美超模大赛还要出色,美国有数不清的人对设计非常感兴趣,那些稍微有点知名度的名人都喜欢推出自己的个人品牌,但大部分籍籍无名的普通设计师却很难出头。如果我们能够提供这样一档时装设计真人秀平台,不但能够吸引出色的平民设计师参与,而且那些心中普遍有着自己设计梦想的观众也会非常喜欢看到这样一档节目,至于时装设计方面的问题,专业的事情只要交给专业的人来做就好了。赫斯特集团旗下有那么多世界顶级的时尚杂志,让他们随便拉来一个主编,就能够担任这档真人秀的艺术顾问,还有辛迪琳达她们俩,做了这么多年的超级名模,她们俩对于时装的品味绝对要超过大部分普通设计师,足以担任真人秀的主持人。” Good, their two also came New York recently, rested while Easter these days, I considered again, chatted with them while convenient,” Eric was convinced by the Katzenberg words, he hesitated, most mainly wanted to be safer, after all, just opened to the reform of Lifetime TV Station suffers the original program failure, this can have very tremendous impact regarding the TV Station next step plan. “那好吧,她们两个最近也来纽约了,趁着复活节这几天休息,我再考虑一下,顺便跟她们谈谈,”艾瑞克卡森伯格的一番话说服,他之所以迟疑,最主要还是想要稳妥一些,毕竟,刚刚开启对lietime电视台的改革就遭遇原创节目失败,这对于电视台下一步的计划会造成很大的影响。 Now thinks how first starts the manufacture to have a look at the effect, if quality of programs cannot achieve own psychological expectation, refrigerated the project directly was good, at the worst was the losses of several million USD. 现在想想,先启动制作看看效果如何,如果节目质量达不到自己的心理预期,直接将项目冷藏就行了,大不了就是几百万美元的损失。 Western Easter the first Sunday after vernal equinox moon/month circle, the student has spring vacation of one week of time during this period, but is actually not the legal holiday of national rank. 西方的复活节在春分月圆后的第一个星期日,学生在这期间拥有一周时间的春假,但却不是国民级别的法定节假日。 But eventually is in the weekend. Eric returns to Long Island Eath Hampton early, planned and women and children passed together. This year's Easter compared with the past year must late, whole time Easter in March, this year actually be on April 16. 但终究是周末。艾瑞克早早地返回长岛东汉普顿,打算和女人和孩子们一起度过。今年的复活节比以往年份都要晚很多,大部分时间复活节都在3月份,今年却是4月16号。 Meanwhile. DreamWorks is responsible for manufacturing the Metro Goldwyn Mayer release «Resident Evil» also screens in 2500 theaters in the Easter previous week officially. 同时。梦工厂负责制作米高梅发行的《生化危机》也在复活节前一周正式在2500家影院上映。 «Resident Evil» spends 30 million USD, is the middle-grade cost. 生化危机》耗资3000万美元,算是中等成本。 Eric has not used the movie edition in memory, but according to play version the plot of main line design, compared with Mila's honorable person edition, Eric likes Kapp emptying according to two 3D Animation movies that the game plot promotes. Especially «Resident Evil? Curse» Sister Wang and eastern Slav female President that hits the play, how a graceful character, although plot impossible from «Resident Evil? Curse» starts, so long as changes the villain, in script has Ida? The kings enter the stage, this hits the play to join the movie in the same old way, therefore, during script creation, Eric drew some related minute/share of lens scripts to give screenwriter to estimate specially, during shoots, invited the martial arts directors in Hong Kong Island to be responsible for that hitting the play specially. 艾瑞克并没有采用记忆中的电影版本,而是根据游戏版本的主线设计的剧情,和米拉的真人版本相比,艾瑞克更喜欢卡普空根据游戏剧情推出的两部3d动画电影。特别是《生化危机?诅咒》中王姐姐与东斯拉夫女总统的那段打戏,怎一个帅字了得,虽然剧情不可能从《生化危机?诅咒》开始,但只要换一下反派,剧本中有艾达?王出场,这段打戏照样能够加入影片,因此,剧本创作期间,艾瑞克就特意画了一些相关的分镜头脚本交给编剧去揣摩,拍摄期间还特意邀请了港岛的武术指导负责那段打戏。 Without a doubt. The effect is good. 毫无疑问。效果非常不错。 After the movie screens, the audience most loves to talk about, besides licking the master fights tyrant that special effect drama, is Ida who Kelly Hu plays? The near body wrestle of king and big villain, the Kelly Hu also therefore fame increases, becomes time star who in the movie fan heart loves to talk about. 影片上映后,观众最津津乐道的,除了舔爷大战暴君那场特效大戏之外,就是胡凯莉饰演的艾达?王与大反派的近身格斗,胡凯莉也因此名气大增,成为影迷心中津津乐道的功夫女星。 Although the movie media appraise are not generally high, but by the smooth plot, the perfect setting and enough plot highlight, the movie first week attained million USD Box Office, the opening is good. The industry estimated that the movie North America Box Office will therefore achieve about 60 million USD, basically can recoup the production cost . Moreover, Eric knows. «Resident Evil» important market actually not in North America, but is overseas, the previous life «Resident Evil» series, North America has no Box Office to break through 100 million USD, but actually becomes first global total Box Office to break through the game of 1 billion USD to reorganize the series movie. 虽然影片媒体评价普遍不高,但凭借流畅的剧情,完善的设定和足够的剧情亮点,影片首周就拿到了00万美元票房,开局非常不错。业界预估影片的北美票房将因此达到6000万美元左右,基本上能够收回制作成本,而且,艾瑞克更知道。《生化危机》的重要市场其实并不在北美,而是海外,前世的《生化危机》系列,北美没有任何一部票房突破一亿美元,但却成为第一个全球票房突破一0亿美元的游戏改编系列电影。 Although after also many media taunted this movie are Eric entered Hollywood , the Box Office result worst movies, but movie first weekend Box Office just came out. Metro Goldwyn Mayer and DreamWorks high level telephones to Eric, hopes that can start the manufacture plan of sequel immediately. 虽然也不乏媒体人嘲讽这部影片是艾瑞克进入好莱坞票房成绩最糟糕的电影,但影片首周末票房刚刚出炉。米高梅梦工厂的高层就纷纷打电话给艾瑞克,希望能够立刻开启续集的制作计划。 In the villa in Eath Hampton manor, does Eric hang from Metro Goldwyn Mayer CEO Frank? The Makasso telephone, sets out to walk outward. 东汉普顿庄园的别墅里,艾瑞克挂掉来自米高梅ceo弗兰克?马卡索的电话,起身朝外走去。 Today was on April 15, on Saturday. 今天是4月15日,周六。 Yesterday «Resident Evil» second week first day Box Office came out, compared to the first week same time, Box Office, only then 30% decline ranges, movie total Box Office therefore readjusted arrived at the 70 million USD altitude, therefore Frank? Makasso telephones again impatiently, to Eric reported good news at the same time, the issue of discussion about sequel, Eric naturally had no issue. 昨天《生化危机》的第二周首日票房出炉,相对于首周同期,票房只有30%的跌幅,影片总票房因此重新调整到了7000万美元的高度,因此弗兰克?马卡索再次迫不及待地打电话过来,向艾瑞克报喜的同时,讨论关于续集的问题,艾瑞克自然没什么问题。 The New York daytime temperature of April just returned to warmer weather, today is actually a fine weather of glorious weather, is sunny, the temperature is moderate. 四月份的纽约白天气温刚刚回暖,今天却是一个风和日丽的好天气,阳光明媚,温度适中。 In the lawn of villa backyard, Joanna and Virginia are leading the children to sit by a table describe the Easter egg. 别墅后院的草坪上,乔安娜维吉尼娅正带着孩子们坐在一张桌子旁描绘复活节彩蛋。 Eric goes out of the villa, bypasses the swimming pool to arrive in the lawn, holding Pā Tà Pā Tà runs over toward him demonstrated that in the hand that is only small the painted eggshell Emma, arrives at the table, looking at eye is only the telephoning time of braved Eva of coming out? Pacula, said with a smile: How did you come?” 艾瑞克走出别墅,绕过游泳池来到草坪上,抱起啪嗒啪嗒跑过来朝他展示手中那只小彩蛋的艾玛,来到桌边,看了眼自己只是打了个电话时间就又冒了出来的爱娃?帕库拉,笑道:“你怎么来了?” Eva took a paint brush to poke toward Eric on discontentedly under: Elder sister shuts out me, do you also shut out me?” 爱娃不满地拿起一只画笔朝艾瑞克身上戳了下:“姐姐嫌弃我,你也嫌弃我啊?” Where I dare to shut out you,” Eric avoids with a smile, places on Emma the small chair, the little fellow on the paint brush toward desktop grasps immediately, immediately forgot existence of Eric. “我哪敢嫌弃你啊,”艾瑞克笑着躲开,将艾玛放在小椅子上,小家伙立刻朝桌面上的画笔抓去,顿时忘了艾瑞克的存在。 About Eric looked, Virginia is grasping the Kevin small hand to trace the design on an egg one after another, a having fun appearance, sees Eric to come, but also held up that painted eggshell to hint toward Eric, showing off appearance that looked at my son many sticks. But sits is grasping a painter's brush in Hawaii on Joanna leg, in the small look actually full is bored. 艾瑞克左右看了看,维吉尼娅正握着凯文的小手一笔一笔地在一只鸡蛋上描着图案,一副乐在其中的模样,看到艾瑞克过来,还举起那只彩蛋朝艾瑞克示意了一下,一副看我儿子多棒的炫耀模样。而坐在乔安娜腿上的夏威夷手里握着一只彩笔,小眼神里却满是无聊。 Eric collects to kiss on the Baby child cheek, pulls the chair to sit down, puts out a hand to hold Joanna bosom Hawaii, said: Come, the treasure, is the Mama picture is very bad, making Papa teach you.” 艾瑞克凑过去在宝贝儿子脸蛋上亲了亲,拉过椅子坐下,伸手抱过乔安娜怀里的夏威夷,道:“来,宝贝,是不是妈妈画的很糟糕,让爸爸来教你。” Joanna looks at Eric to hug the daughter, with a smile the painted eggshell and paint brush in hand hands over, said: Xiaxia is not interested in these, possibly is I draws was too bad, hehe.” 乔安娜看着艾瑞克抱过女儿,笑着将手里的彩蛋和画笔递过来,道:“夏夏对这些不感兴趣呢,可能是我画的太糟糕了,呵呵。” Good, we first draw an ugly face,” Eric like Virginia, grips the Hawaii small hand, said. “好吧,那我们先画个鬼脸,”艾瑞克维吉尼娅一样,握住夏威夷的小手,道。 Hawaii in the Eric bosom struggled gently, felt that the father somewhat rough big hand grips own small hand, relaxes reluctantly, sighed. 夏威夷艾瑞克怀里轻轻挣扎了下,感觉父亲有些粗糙的大手握住自己的小手,无奈地放松下来,叹了口气。 Oh, why I must on boiling the egg picture these bored things, is really stupid. 唉,我为什么要在煮鸡蛋上画这些无聊的东西啊,真蠢。 The little misses are complaining, looked up another side to sit in Aunt Vicky the bosom young boy, cast aside the small mouth, Tsk Tsk, can wipe on the cheek the pigment unexpectedly, was stupid. 小姑娘心里抱怨着,抬头看了看另一边坐在维姬阿姨怀里的小男孩,撇了撇小嘴,啧啧,竟然能把颜料抹到脸蛋上,笨死了。 The look flutters to own mother that side, Joanna supports the chin single-handed, the corners of the mouth has the warm smile to look to them. 眼神又飘到自己母亲那边,乔安娜单手撑着下巴,嘴角带着暖暖的笑容望向他们这边。 The little misses sighed again. 小姑娘心里再次叹了口气。 Oh. 唉。 However, looks when Mama looks to Papa teaches itself to draw that happy appearance, I disguised and Kevin reluctantly clumsy am equally good. 不过,看着妈妈望向爸爸教自己画画时那一脸幸福的样子,我就勉强假装和凯文一样笨手笨脚好了。 However, is quite difficult. 不过不过,好难吖。 Aii, stupid Papa, grasped others small hands also to draw crookedly . 哎哎,笨爸爸,握着人家的小手还能画歪了,真是。 In the little miss heart complained, finally could not bear, said: Papa, why do we want to draw these?” 小姑娘心中吐槽,最终还是忍不住,道:“爸爸,我们为什么要画这些?” To celebrate Easter,” Eric answered. “为了庆祝复活节啊,”艾瑞克解释道。 Why will that have the Easter?” “那为什么会有复活节?” Because people said that Society of Jesus resurrects on this day, therefore is called the Easter it.” “因为人们说耶稣会在这一天复活,因此把它叫做复活节。” Who is Jesus?” “耶稣是谁?” „The son of God, Oh, do not ask that who my God is, I don't know either.” “上帝的儿子,,不要问我上帝是谁,我也不知道。” „The day that Jesus resurrects, why can we celebrate it?” “那耶稣复活的日子,为什么我们要庆祝它?” Because Jesus is many 's beliefs.” “因为耶稣是很多人的信仰。” What is belief?” “信仰是什么?” Belief is the thing that in an individual heart needs to insist.” “信仰是一个人心中需要坚持的东西。” What insists?” “坚持什么?” Insisted you think to matter.” “坚持你认为对的事情。” Papa, what is your belief?” 爸爸,你的信仰是什么?” Oh, the treasure, this you stumped I, but can you ask your Mama?” ,宝贝,这你倒问住我了,不过你可以问你妈妈?” Mama Mama, what is your belief?” 妈妈妈妈,你的信仰是什么?” Jesus.” “耶稣。” „......” “……” The little misses winked and mother equally attractive big eyes, combed these information in the mind, discovered a circle. 小姑娘眨了眨和母亲一样漂亮的大眼睛,在脑海里将这些信息梳理了一遍,发现了一个圈。 Therefore, she realized that Papa Mama is perfunctory itself. 于是,她意识到爸爸妈妈又在敷衍自己了。 Oh, these bored Sirs, are really.( To be continued.) 唉,这些无聊的大人,真是的。(未完待续。)
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