IAIH :: Volume #8

#705: Has a look

The Alan Hassenfeld voice just fell, another sound behind is resounding: Eric, did not mind that we also do listen to you to the view of Transformers?” 艾伦?哈森菲尔德话音刚落,另外一个声音就在身后响起:“艾瑞克,不介意我们也听听你对变形金刚的看法吧?” Eric has turned the head, Michael? Eisner and Edgar Bronfman walk shoulder to shoulder. 艾瑞克转过头,迈克尔?艾斯纳埃德加?布朗夫曼并肩走来。 Michael? Eisner and Edgar Bronfman note Alan Hassenfeld to approach to talk with Eric in not far away, hastily walked, attempts to prevent their possible the negotiation about Transformers copyright. 迈克尔?艾斯纳埃德加?布朗夫曼在不远处注意到艾伦?哈森菲尔德主动上前与艾瑞克交谈,就连忙走了过来,企图阻止两人可能产生的关于变形金刚版权的交涉。 Although Firefly in the surface displays desolately to Transformers copyright, but no one is able to deny that it is the Transformers copyright most powerful competitor, Alan Hassenfeld on own initiative with the detail that Eric contacts, lets Michael? Eisner they have had a sense of crisis . Moreover, if makes Eric rob Transformers copyright on Universal party, they may probably become the Hollywood laughingstocks. 萤火虫虽然表面上对变形金刚版权表现冷淡,但谁都无法否认,它才是变形金刚版权最强有力的竞争者,艾伦?哈森菲尔德主动与艾瑞克接触的细节,更是让迈克尔?艾斯纳两人产生了一股危机感,而且,如果让艾瑞克环球派对上把变形金刚版权抢走,他们可就要成为好莱坞的笑柄了。 Naturally does not have the issue, Michael,” Eric is smiling the nod, doesn't he certainly mind Michael? The audit of Eisner, he even hopes the own following words can disseminate in entire Hollywood. “当然没问题,迈克尔,”艾瑞克微笑着点头,他当然不介意迈克尔?艾斯纳的旁听,他甚至希望自己接下来的话能够在整个好莱坞传播开来。 Along with Michael? Eisner their actions, noted here the condition other Film Studio guests also calmly to collect, they were interested in Transformers copyright similarly. 随着迈克尔?艾斯纳两人的举动,注意到这边状况的一些其他制片厂的客人也若无其事地凑了过来,他们同样对变形金刚版权非常感兴趣。 By discovered in Eric Diane Kruger and Cindy Crawford that is only the short several minutes, Eric once more becomes the focal point in field, the Film Studio high level that surroundings these they were very difficult to contact in the past, actually the stars surrounding the moon revolves at this time Eric, does not have the rack to make a listening in reverent attention shape. Their two pull the Eric arm to be good, the Linda Evangelista three females gratefully were actually pushed by these great people the crowd surrounding, looked that unavoidably is also bringing envying to they two vision. 靠在艾瑞克身旁的黛安?克鲁格辛迪?克劳馥发现,只是短短的几分钟时间,艾瑞克就再次成为场内的焦点,周围这些她们以往很难接触到的电影公司高层,此时却众星拱月般地将艾瑞克围绕起来,毫无架子地做出一副洗耳恭听状。她们两个挽着艾瑞克手臂还好,琳达?伊万戈琳斯塔三女却是被这些大人物毫不客气地挤到了人群外围,看向她们两个的目光中也难免带着羡慕。 Diane Kruger and Cindy Crawford, although clearly knows these great people care at all was not their two, the moral nature inexplicably has one type to satisfy with inexplicably proud. 黛安?克鲁格辛迪?克劳馥虽然明知道这些大人物在意的根本不是她们两个,心底还是莫名地产生了一种莫名地满足和骄傲。 Alan Hassenfeld looks at the surrounding people as well as Eric confident appearance, has actually had not a wonderful feeling. Also somewhat regretted to come with Eric to chitchat at heart a moment ago on own initiative. 艾伦?哈森菲尔德看着周围的众人以及艾瑞克胸有成竹的模样,却是产生了一股不妙的感觉。心里也有些后悔刚才主动过来与艾瑞克攀谈。 The stance of Eric present, obviously likely should not be Transformers says the word of praise meaning. 艾瑞克现在的这种架势,明显不像是要为变形金刚说好话的意思。 Moreover, by Eric in the Hollywood status, the words that he spoke, will not be neglected absolutely superficially, Alan Hassenfeld does not believe that Eric to suppress Transformers copyright purely talks nonsense. 而且,以艾瑞克好莱坞的地位,他说的话,绝对不会被人轻描淡写地忽视过去,艾伦?哈森菲尔德也不相信艾瑞克会单纯地为了压制变形金刚版权而胡说八道。 Really. And other people encircled patiently, Eric said: „When hears everybody paid attention to the Transformers movie reorganization power recently, I to this toy series have also had the interest, and has considered some manufacture plans in secret, the conclusion that but draws finally is, by the current condition, Transformers not too big reorganization value, if manufactures Live-Action Film forcefully, the cost and risk are big.” 果然。耐心地等众人围过来,艾瑞克道:“听到大家最近关注变形金刚电影改编权时,我也对这个玩具系列产生了兴趣,并且私下里考虑了一些制作方案,但最终得出的结论是,以目前的条件,变形金刚并没有太大的改编价值,如果强行制作真人电影,成本和风险都非常大。” If some people have not contacted with Firefly the Transformers movie reorganization power obliquely. Also will not have these many people to participate to compete. The Eric these words exit|to speak, in ten people nine do not believe that but, they have not refuted eagerly. 如果不是有人将变形金刚电影改编权拐弯抹角地与萤火虫联系了起来。也不会有这么多人参与争夺。艾瑞克这番话出口,十个人里九个都不相信,不过,他们也没有急于反驳。 The Eric vision observes the situation for one week , to continue saying: According to my tentative plan, if must produce the honorable person version big movie, the image design of Transformers, should be one type comprised and filled the metal sense of reality complex and precise mechanical life body hundred and thousand of spare parts. These life bodies also need carry on not to have the slight defect flexible transformation between car and robot. I discussed with the special effect engineer of digital domain in detail my idea, the conclusion that draws is. If manufactures according to this idea, the CG Special Effects manufacture difficulty of movie will be «Jurassic Park» over ten times, the production cost will be a sky-high price.” 艾瑞克目光环视一周,继续道:“按照我的设想,如果要制作真人版大电影,变形金刚的形象设计,应该是一种由成百上千零部件组成、充满了金属质感的复杂而精密的机械生命体。这些生命体还需要在汽车和机器人之间进行毫无瑕疵地灵活转换。我与数字领域的特效工程师详细讨论了我的想法,得出的结论是。如果按照这种想法进行制作,影片的g特效制作难度将是《侏罗纪公园》的十倍以上,制作成本更是一个天价。” Eric said that Michael? Although Eisner on the face is hanging smile, is asks incisively: Eric, I am very curious. The Transformers manufacture difficulty is «Jurassic Park» over ten times, how this ten times do you count?” 艾瑞克说完,迈克尔?艾斯纳虽然脸上挂着微笑,却是非常尖锐地问道:“艾瑞克,我很好奇。变形金刚制作难度是《侏罗纪公园》的十倍以上,这个‘十倍’你是怎么统计出来的?” Did the surrounding people just ten times regard Eric this described the Transformers manufacture difficulty adjective, Michael? If Eisner does not open the mouth, some people will not pay excessive attention to wording. 周围众人刚刚都只是将艾瑞克这个‘十倍’当成了描述变形金刚制作难度的形容词,迈克尔?艾斯纳如果不开口,根本就不会有人去咬文嚼字。 But Michael? Eisner suddenly launches an attack to Eric using this point, although everybody in the surface is having the sincere curious expression as before. Actually unavoidably somewhat takes pleasure in others'misfortunes at heart, wants to have a look at Eric to plan to deal with Michael? Eisner this cunning issue. 迈克尔?艾斯纳蓦然利用这一点向艾瑞克发难,大家虽然表面上依旧带着诚恳的好奇表情。心里却不免有些幸灾乐祸,想看看艾瑞克打算怎么应付迈克尔?艾斯纳这个刁钻的问题。 What make their disappointed is, in the Eric expression does not have any meaning of becoming angry out of shame, hears Michael? The Eisner issue, the corners of the mouth smiling face is invariable, said: Michael, about specific software development, technical testing, 3D modeling that and other flows CG Special Effects involves I thinks that you definitely are not clear, we take the CG Special Effects most essential image exaggeration to give an example. The special effect engineer of digital domain told me, if wanted that g effect that achieved me to need, in the movie involved CG Special Effects each picture, needed a current most top exaggeration workstation to work continuously for 630 hours.” 让他们失望的是,艾瑞克表情中丝毫没有任何恼羞成怒的意思,听到迈克尔?艾斯纳的问题,嘴角笑容不变,道:“迈克尔,关于g特效涉及到的特定软件开发、技术测试、3d建模等流程我想你肯定是不清楚的,我们就拿g特效最关键的图像渲染来举例吧。数字领域的特效工程师告诉我,如果想要达到我需要的那种g效果,电影中涉及到g特效的每一帧画面,都需要一台当前最顶级的渲染工作站连续工作630个小时。” Periphery hears the surprised inspiration sound, Eric says with a smile: Everybody will definitely think that 630 hours of exaggeration time are somewhat inconceivable, but if do not believe that perform to telephone the digital domain to try to prove, naturally, another point, the digital domain the large-scale late render farm that just completed in Florida has 10000 exaggeration servers, the entire job, exaggerates this kind of picture only to take 3 minutes, this as if appeared not worthy of mentioning. But everybody do not forget, I said merely is only a picture, if we supposed that this movie has 30 minutes of special effect scenes, the picture quantity of then involving is 43200, even if the exaggeration parameters of all pictures can reach one's goal instantly, does not need to conduct any test, takes the digital domain render farm running at full capacity 115 days to complete the entire job, but two years ago «Jurassic Park», exaggerated the work only to use later for about one month . Moreover the digital domain that used the render farm that must be eliminated immediately situated in the Venice beach, if haggled over the operating speed difference, Because of the comprehensive upgrade of scale and equipment, that render farm of Florida should be eight times of Venice beach render farm. Therefore, I just said that the «Transformers» manufacture difficulty is «Jurassic Park» over ten times, does not have what improper.” 听到周围惊讶的吸气声,艾瑞克笑道:“大家肯定会觉得630小时的渲染时间有些不可思议,但如果不相信,尽可以打电话到数字领域去求证,当然,还有另外一点,数字领域在佛罗里达州刚刚建成的大型后期渲染农场拥有10000台渲染服务器,全部工作的话,渲染这样一帧图片只需要3分多钟,这又似乎显得微不足道了。但大家别忘了,我说的仅仅只是一帧画面,如果我们假设这部影片拥有30分钟的特效场景,那么涉及到的画面数量就是43200帧,哪怕所有画面的渲染参数都能一步到位,不需要进行任何测试,也需要数字领域的渲染农场满负荷运转115天才能完成全部工作,而两年前的《侏罗纪公园》,后期渲染工作只用了一个月左右,而且使用的还是数字领域位于威尼斯海滩马上就要被淘汰掉的渲染农场,如果计较运算速度差异的话,因为规模和设备的全面升级,佛罗里达州的那座渲染农场应该是威尼斯海滩渲染农场的八倍。所以,我刚刚说《变形金刚》制作难度是《侏罗纪公园》的十倍以上,并没有什么不妥。” Michael? Eisner expression micro awkwardness/ridicules, the CG Special Effects powerful rises in recent years. He naturally impossible. 迈克尔?艾斯纳表情微讪,最近几年g特效强势崛起。他当然不可能一点都不懂。 What if Eric said is real, that current «Transformers» truly did not have what manufacture value, consecutively 115 days of late exaggeration work load, even if the constructor is willing to pay for this huge exaggeration expense, the digital domain is not willing to continue. The digital domain must accept the large and small dozens movies every year the special effect orders, is absolutely impossible to make a movie occupy the render farm four months. 如果艾瑞克说的是真的,那当前《变形金刚》确实就没有什么制作价值了,连续115天的后期渲染工作量,即使制作方愿意支付这笔庞大的渲染费用,数字领域都不会愿意承接。数字领域每年要接受大大小小几十部影片的特效订单,绝对不可能让一部电影占据渲染农场四个月时间。 And. Entire Hollywood, only then digital domain has enough economic strength construction large-scale render farm, other 23 special effect companies, often can only the small scale rents to exaggerate the server to the big company. 而且。整个好莱坞,也只有数字领域拥有足够的经济实力建造大型渲染农场,其他23线特效公司,往往就只能小规模的向大公司租用渲染服务器。 Michael? Eisner is silent, Alan Hassenfeld actually pursues asks: „Can't Eric, reduce the manufacture specification?” 迈克尔?艾斯纳沉默下来,艾伦?哈森菲尔德却追问道:“艾瑞克,难道不能将制作规格降低一些吗?” Naturally, does not know such does, can the audience show respect for somebody's ability,” Eric shrugs. Also said with a smile: My this person of some perfectionism, this is not good to be familiar in manufacture movie. Therefore you can not need to pay attention to my words, the cheap manufacture plan definitely has, even can also use model shoots, this will be definitely cheaper, when the time comes I will go to the movie theater to look.” “当然可以,就是不知道这么做,观众会不会买账了,”艾瑞克耸耸肩。又笑道:“我这人有些完美主义,这在制作电影方面可不是什么好习惯。所以你们可以不用理会我刚才的那番话,便宜的制作方案肯定是有的,甚至还可以用模型拍摄,这个肯定会更加便宜,到时候我会去电影院看一看的。” The people hear Eric these words, in abundance unstated criticism not by, Eric, since said. How they possibly do not pay attention. 众人听到艾瑞克这番话,都纷纷腹诽不以,艾瑞克既然都那么说了。他们怎么可能不予理会啊。 Eric is actually the tube kills, no matter buries, the words said. The feeling is somewhat hungry, abandons the people who thoughts vary, in the self-service dinner table toward the hall walks. 艾瑞克却是管杀不管埋,话说完。感觉有些饿,就抛开心思各异的众人,朝大厅里地自助餐桌走去。 Cindy Crawford and Diane Kruger follow as before blindly side Eric, was just pushed the Linda Evangelista three females in surrounding also followed. 辛迪?克劳馥黛安?克鲁格依旧亦步亦趋地跟在艾瑞克身边,刚刚被挤在外围的琳达?伊万戈琳斯塔三女也跟了过来。 Takes up the dinner place to choose food with Eric, Cindy Crawford is asking: „Does Eric, take 630 hours really?” 艾瑞克一起拿起餐盘挑选着食物,辛迪?克劳馥问道:“艾瑞克,真的需要630个小时吗?” Eric clamps toward own tray is roasting the shrimp. The nod said: Yes, this involves very complex technical detail, but more than 600 hours of exaggeration time real.” 艾瑞克往自己盘子里夹着烤虾。点头道:“是啊,这涉及到很复杂的技术细节,但600多个小时的渲染时间是真的。” Diane Kruger also said: That said that Transformers forever didn't have the means to manufacture?” 黛安?克鲁格也道:“那岂不是说,变形金刚永远都没办法制作出来了?” Naturally is not, according to the Moore's Law of semiconductor industry. Running rate every other one -and-a-half years of computer will turn time to two years, then only take ten years, want to exaggerate a similar picture, only take more than ten hours, when the time comes other technologies also the simultaneous development, wanted to complete my tentative plan, became very simple.” “当然不是,根据半导体行业的摩尔定律。计算机的运行速度每隔一年半到两年时间就会翻倍,那么只需要十年时间,想要渲染同样的一帧画面,就只需要十多个小时而已,到时候其他技术也会同步发展,想要完成我刚才的设想,就变得很简单了。” In 1995, the semiconductor industry just entered microprocessor time few years, the mainstream pu core used was 0.35 micron process, had very big distance to the nano time. The instruction of computer pu lowest level, is actually 0 and 1 instruction set that millions transistors send out, along with the semiconductor technology process along with the Moore's Law development, the transistor quantity keeps turning time, the pu process information speed also correspondingly turns time. 1995年,半导体行业才刚刚进入微处理器时代没几年,主流的pu核心采用的都是0.35微米制程,离纳米时代还有很大一段距离。计算机pu最底层的指令,其实就是数以百万计的晶体管发出的0和1的指令集合,随着半导体工艺制程随着摩尔定律发展,晶体管数量不停翻倍,pu处理信息的速度也相应翻倍。 Ten years later only work that takes more than ten hours to complete, now actually takes more than 600 hours, this limit is not broken easily, can only wait for the development of technology patiently. Therefore, now does not manufacture the «Transformers» opportunity. 十年后只需要十多个小时就能完成的工作,现在却需要600多个小时,这种限制并不是那么轻易被打破的,只能耐心等待技术的发展。因此,现在根本就不是制作《变形金刚》的时机。 Moreover, Eric in that words mentioned the digital domain a moment ago repeatedly, has given another information to these people, in Hollywood, even if you want to manufacture Transformers, is impossible to bypass digital domain ridge. Because of entire Hollywood, only then the digital domain has to continue the Transformers special effect the ability. Although the figure domain for these years maintained the operation condition single-handedly, has not rejected the special effect order of any Firefly competitor, but this does not mean that Firefly cannot such do. 而且,艾瑞克刚才那番话里反复提到数字领域,也向那些人传递了另外一个信息,就是在好莱坞,即使你们想要制作变形金刚,也不可能绕过数字领域这道坎。因为整个好莱坞,就只有数字领域拥有承接变形金刚特效的能力。虽然数字领域这几年一直保持独力的运营状态,并没有拒绝过任何萤火虫竞争对手的特效订单,但这并不意味着萤火虫不能这么做。 As for Industrial Light & Magic, for these years the constructors of almost all CG Special Effects big pieces were the digital domains, the special effect order continuously not only gave the digital domain to bring the big income, made the digital domain have enough capital strength to put into the technical research and development continuously. At this time the digital domain has dropped out Industrial Light & Magic in the technical accumulation by far. With the render farm of digital domain, Firefly was the digital domain invested the 100 million USD large amount of money in the render farm of Florida, the formidable operational capability supported digital domain all orders sufficiently the exaggeration demands, but even if Industrial Light & Magic can clench teeth to squeeze out 100 million USD to construct the same level scale the render farm, income that but the CG Special Effects order in his hand brought, perhaps including supporting the maintenance and promotion expense of this kind of large-scale render farm was insufficient. 至于工业光魔,这几年几乎所有g特效大片的制作方都是数字领域,连续不断的特效订单不但给数字领域带来大笔收入,也让数字领域拥有足够的资金实力持续不断地投入技术研发。此时数字领域在技术积累上已经将工业光魔远远抛下。就拿数字领域的渲染农场来说,萤火虫为数字领域在佛罗里达州的渲染农场投入了一亿美元巨资,强大的运算能力足以支撑数字领域旗下所有订单的渲染需求,而工业光魔即使能够咬牙挤出一亿美元建造同等规模的渲染农场,但其手中的g特效订单所带来的收入,或许连支持这样一个大规模渲染农场的维护和升级费用都不够。 Eric is pondering these, Cindy Crawford heard his words, said: Ten years, most also six times, how to turn for more than ten hours.” 艾瑞克思考着这些,身旁的辛迪?克劳馥听到他刚才的话,却道:“十年时间,最多也才六倍而已嘛,怎么会变成十多个小时。” Eric has gawked, immediately shook the head to smile, saw several other females, has shown obviously also the doubts expression, sighed the mathematical levels of these attractive beautiful women. 艾瑞克愣了下,随即摇头而笑,看了看其他几女,明显也露出了疑惑的表情,不由感叹这些漂亮美人的数学水平。 Diane Kruger understands actually that said: Probably is not six times, turns time of words continuously, should be two six powers of exponent, is...... Un, 64 times, Eric, I said right?” 倒是黛安?克鲁格率先明白过来,道:“好像不是六倍,连续翻倍的话,应该是二的六次方,也就是……嗯,64倍,艾瑞克,我说的对吗?” Intelligent,” Eric nods, picks one to roast the shrimp to hand over: , rewards your.” “聪明,”艾瑞克点头,夹起一只烤虾递过去:“,奖励你的。” Hehe,” Diane Kruger smiled with joy, looks to several other females, especially Cindy Crawford, in the expression is bringing slightly some self-satisfied. Cindy Crawford entangles side Eric, making her feel very big threat. “呵呵,”黛安?克鲁格喜滋滋地笑了笑,看向其他几女,特别是辛迪?克劳馥,表情里不免带着些小得意。辛迪?克劳馥缠在艾瑞克身边,让她感受到了很大的威胁。 Cindy Crawford notes the Diane Kruger look, some disdain laugh at one at heart, is really silly, several men will like the intelligent woman. Is thinking at heart, in the Cindy Crawford expression has actually carried over the small hidden bitterness, extends the dinner place to Eric in front , the expression is light and soft, said: Eric, I also want.” 辛迪?克劳馥注意到黛安?克鲁格的眼神,心里有些不屑地嗤笑一声,真傻,有几个男人会喜欢聪明女人啊。心里这么想着,辛迪?克劳馥表情里却已经带出了小幽怨,将餐盘伸到艾瑞克面前,语气轻软,道:“艾瑞克,我也要。” Good good,” Eric picks one to roast the shrimp to deliver to the Cindy Crawford tray, looks that other three females also extend the dinner place, did not mind that clamps is roasting the shrimp while cracks a joke saying: Or do we walk the roasting shrimp complete end of this tray?” “好吧好吧,”艾瑞克夹起一只烤虾送到辛迪?克劳馥盘子里,看着其他三女也将餐盘伸过来,也不介意,一边夹着烤虾一边开玩笑道:“要不我们把这一托盘的烤虾全部端走吧?” Looks that Eric makes to the stance that the entire tray carries, several females prevent, to say with a smile hastily: Hehe, does not want, will be smiled.” 看着艾瑞克做出要将整个托盘端起来的架势,几女连忙阻止,笑道:“呵呵,不要啊,会被人笑死的。” Has eaten something, accompanied several women to dance a while dance, noted Hasbro CEO Alan Hassenfeld shortly after talked with left party, Eric also had the meaning of departure. 吃了一些东西,又陪着几个女人跳了一会儿舞,注意到孩之宝eo艾伦?哈森菲尔德在与自己交谈后没多久就离开了派对,艾瑞克也起了离开的意思。 Looks that entangles Diane Kruger and Cindy Crawford that as if plans and him in the side leaves together, even also has another three female anticipations looks, Eric can only say: Cindy, I must go home.” 只是,看着缠在身旁似乎打算和他一起离开的黛安?克鲁格辛迪?克劳馥,甚至还有另外三女期待的眼神,艾瑞克只能说道:“辛迪,我要回家了。” Eric, I have not gone to Cliff Peak Manor, can lead me to have a look?” Cindy Crawford said boldly that completely disregards other one side Diane Kruger.( To be continued.) 艾瑞克,我还没有去过尖角庄园呢,可以带我去看看嘛?”辛迪?克劳馥大胆地说道,完全无视另外一边的黛安?克鲁格。(未完待续。)
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