IAIH :: Volume #8

#706: Here can swim

In the hall the innumerable eyes are staring unintentionally, if takes away five big beautiful women together, that made widely known. 大厅里无数双眼睛有意无意地盯着,如果将五个大美女一起带走,那就太张扬了。 Facing several female enticement incomparable looks, Eric can only refuse saying: Today was too late, but I will rest tomorrow, the words that everybody has free time can come to play.” 面对几女誘惑无比的眼神,艾瑞克还是只能拒绝道:“今天太晚了,不过我明天休息,大家有空的话可以过来玩。” Real, that such settled,” Cindy Crawford should say once more that several other females also echo. “真的吗,那就这么说定了,”辛迪?克劳馥再次率先应道,其他几女也纷纷附和。 Eric nodded with a smile, looks in vision to flash before losing Diane Kruger: Diane, we walk.” 艾瑞克笑着点了点头,看了看身旁目光中闪现着失落的黛安?克鲁格:“黛安,我们走吧。” Diane Kruger has gawked, heard the Eric words, she also thinks that Eric will not lead in them any to go back. Is swayed by personal gains and losses, hears Eric this intonation light words, his expression does not have any order or requested when does not have the man first time to invite the girl to go home to pass the night the disturbance, completely like an ordinary daily dialog, as if is that natural. 黛安?克鲁格愣了下,听到艾瑞克刚才的话,她还以为艾瑞克不会带她们中的任何一个回去了。正患得患失,就听到艾瑞克这句语调平淡的话,他的语气不带任何命令或者请求,更没有男人第一次邀请女孩回家过夜时的忐忑,完全就像一句普通的日常对话,仿佛一切都是那么理所当然。 Is hesitating whether this slightly acts with constraint, but feels the envying looks of several other women, Diane Kruger immediately acting with constraint that gives up possibly outsmarting oneself, puts out a hand to pull Eric affectionate, on the pretty cheek shows the attractive smiling face, the nod said: Good.” 正犹豫着是否该小小地矜持一下,但感受到其他几个女人的羡慕眼神,黛安?克鲁格立刻就放弃了可能弄巧成拙的矜持,亲昵地伸手挽住艾瑞克,娇俏的脸蛋上露出好看的笑容,点头道:“好啊。” Eric puts out a hand to hold in the arms the girl, said saying goodbye to Cindy Crawford several females, then moves toward the party master to say goodbye, these courtesies are essential. 艾瑞克伸手搂住女孩,又对辛迪?克劳馥几女说了再见,便走向派对的主人去道别,这些礼节还是必不可少的。 Looks at Eric to leave, the remaining four females feel periphery to be ready to make trouble the male who wants to say something to smooth things over, almost simultaneously has the interest pleasure dull feeling. 望着艾瑞克离开,剩下四女感受到周围蠢蠢欲动想要搭讪的男性,几乎同时生出兴味索然的感觉。 Can crawl in the fashionable circle to today's status, they are very realistic, surroundings majority of male in various industries, although has the prominent status, but they, even if exhausts helps them fully, the boost that brings not necessarily compares favorably with Eric to stretch out the little finger to hold their gently. 能够在时尚圈爬到今天的地位,她们都是非常现实的,周围大部分男性在各行业虽然都有着显赫的地位,但他们即使用尽全力帮助她们,带来的助力都不一定比得上艾瑞克伸出小指轻轻托上她们一把。 They just may experience Eric in the Hollywood influence, even if in their enterprise center fashionable circle, Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show formidable attention, let initially participate in the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show 40 Victoria’s Secret angels completely becomes world the representing candidate of business crazy chase. 她们刚刚可都见识到了艾瑞克好莱坞的影响力,而即使在她们的事业中心时尚圈,维密大秀的强大关注度,也让当初参加维密大秀的40位维密天使全部成为世界各地的商家疯狂追逐的代言人选。 Many media forecast that the Victoria’s Secret angels will monopolize in the circle highest-quality a number of brands to represent the opportunity in the next few years. At present also has more than half a year time to second Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, the Catwalk quotas of 40 Victoria’s Secret angels became the focal points of world several big professional model Brokerage Firm gambling. Only if Eric meddles personally, otherwise, on these come from the strength small and weak professional model Brokerage Firm Victoria’s Secret angel, completely was likely squeezed out the bureau. 不少媒体都预测,维密天使们在未来几年将垄断圈子里最优质的一批品牌代言机会。眼下离第二届维密大秀还有大半年时间,40位维密天使的走秀名额就已经成为世界几大模特经纪公司争相博弈的焦点。除非艾瑞克亲自插手,否则,上一届那些来自实力弱小的模特经纪公司维密天使,很可能被全部挤出局。 Some position people who even links their five Victoria’s Secret spokesmen covet. On tabloid newspaper more than once reported in the middle of their five such and some by hearsay of Victoria’s Secret team replacement. In this case, wants to stand firm itself in the status of fashionable circle Pyramid peak, the best method, exhaust ability closely grasps certainly Eric this super thick thigh. 甚至连她们五个维密代言人的位置都有人觊觎。小报上已经不止一次报道她们五个当中的某某某将被维密项目组撤换的传闻。这种情况下,想要稳住自己在时尚圈金字塔顶端的地位,最好的方法,当然是竭尽所能地紧紧抱住艾瑞克这根超级粗大腿。 Is the vision looking at Eric and Edgar Bronfman and Michael distantly? After Eisner said good-bye, went out of the party hall, Cindy Crawford turns down the invitation that saying something to smooth things over has danced. Lifts the wrist/skill looked at eye that fine only hundred to reach jade Li, said: Immediately on ten o'clock, it seems like I must go back, perhaps should go to Rhode main road to select the clothes that tomorrow must wear. Linda, can you come?” 目光遥遥地望着艾瑞克埃德加?布朗夫曼迈克尔?艾斯纳辞别后走出派对大厅,辛迪?克劳馥婉拒了一个搭讪者跳舞的邀请。抬起手腕看了眼那只精致的百达翡丽,道:“马上就十点钟了啊,看来我也要回去了,或许应该去罗德欧大道挑件明天要穿的衣服。琳达,你们要来吗?” Naturally,” Linda? In Ivan placed to pass by in the tray of attendant hand half glass of liquor, said: „The Chanel exclusive agency should be closed, but I just know their Manager, telephoned to select the clothes.” “当然,”琳达?伊万戈琳斯将手里的半杯酒放在路过侍应生的托盘里,道:“香奈儿专卖店应该已经关门了,不过我刚好认识他们经理,打个电话就可以挑衣服了。” Eric brings Diane Kruger to leave alone, let is not that harmonious several females has had a mood of sticking together in secret inexplicably. Christy? Turlington also gathered, the expression micro acid, said: Little girl can have any meaning, he is not clear, the sister has the flavor.” 艾瑞克单独带着黛安?克鲁格离开,让私下里并不是那么和睦的几女莫名地产生了一种抱团的情绪。克里斯蒂?杜灵顿也聚了过来,语气微酸,道:“小女孩能有什么意思,他难道不明白,大姐姐才更有味道呢。” The Cindy Crawford chuckle gets up, lowers the sound saying: You do not know that he liked the sister.” 辛迪?克劳馥轻笑起来,压低声音道:“难道你们不知道吗,他本来就喜欢大姐姐。” Naturally knows that Linda Evangelista joins the topic, said with a smile: Possibly is we is not very big.” “当然知道,”琳达?伊万戈琳斯塔跟着加入话题,笑道:“可能是我们还不够大啊。” Hehe......” “呵呵……” In the laughter, does Cindy Crawford look at Tyra that eye has collected? Banks. Because of skin color reason, although will not become estranged desirably, but they will not be intimate with this black pearl in the past, but at this time. Cindy Crawford said: Tyra, do I hear Naomi? Did Campbell also invite Edward last week? Razek eats meal, you may probably be careful.” 笑声中,辛迪?克劳馥看了眼凑过来的泰拉?班克斯。因为肤色缘故,虽然不会刻意疏远,但以往她们也不会与这位黑珍珠太亲近,不过此时。辛迪?克劳馥却道:“泰拉,我听说娜奥米?坎贝尔上周还邀请爱德华?拉泽克吃饭呢,你可要当心了。” In the racial discrimination everywhere western world, the fashionable circle is not possible simultaneously to hold two dazzlingly black pearl, Tyra? Banks can understand that actually this truth, was only her story was shallow. Is listening to several females, although inside the surface teased in a tone with has actually been full of the sense of crisis dialog, said: I thought that does not need such to be worried, we did not sign?” 在种族歧视无处不在的西方世界,时尚圈不可能同时容得下两位耀眼的‘黑珍珠’,泰拉?班克斯倒是能够明白这个道理,只是她的阅历到底浅了一些。听着几女虽然表面语带调侃内里却充满了危机感地对话,道:“我觉得没必要这么担心吧,我们不是都签了约的吗?” Cindy Crawford reveals the chuckle that disdains, said: Tyra, I last year also signed with Warner that «Fair Game», may arrive finally, Heroine changed players.” 辛迪?克劳馥露出不屑的轻笑,道:“泰拉,我去年也与华纳的那部《公平游戏》签了约啊,可到最后,女主角还是换人了。” Thinks that this matter, Cindy Crawford once more appears the light resentment, but also flickers, quickly is tranquil. 想到这件事,辛迪?克劳馥就再次浮现出淡淡的怨气,但也只是一瞬,就很快平静下来。 She wanted to change professions to make the movie, mainly wants while before the fame of fashionable circle has not fallen, rapid reforming. But after Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, has reached the peak of enterprise close to her of retirement immediately once more, so long as can get hold in the hand and Victoria’s Secret contract, stands firm itself the status in circle, she represented the income in the brand of fashion earning every year merely, will not be lower than a Hollywood majority star. 她本来想要转行拍电影,主要想趁着在时尚圈的名气没有滑落之前,迅速转型。但维密大秀之后,原本已经临近退役的她立刻再次登上事业的巅峰,只要能够握紧手中与维密的合约,稳住自己在圈子里的地位,她每年仅仅在时尚届赚取的品牌代言收入,就不会低于好莱坞的大部分一线女星。 Such chatted a while, four females also together said goodbye to leave party, making on party many male regret. 这么聊了一会儿,四女也一起告辞离开了派对,让派对上很多男性都遗憾不已。 Eric brought Diane Kruger to leave party, the private car just drove out of the Universal cinema city, accidentally received the Hasbro CEO Alan Hassenfeld call, the opposite party has thought that the important contract time chatted the «Transformers» matter face to face. 艾瑞克带着黛安?克鲁格离开派对,座驾刚刚驶出环球影城,就意外地接到了孩之宝ceo艾伦?哈森菲尔德的电话,对方想要约时间当面谈谈《变形金刚》的事情。 Recently, the Eric connecting shaft change of scene is bustling about the matters of several movies, in the next two days just will be in the weekend, next Monday will be on March 27, the conducting time of 67 th Oscar presentation ceremony, Eric will not plan to attend the presentation ceremony, just will rest for several days, since there is a time, will then speak thoughtlessly approximately at 10 : 00 am. 最近一段时间,艾瑞克连轴转地忙碌着几部影片的事情,明后两天刚好是周末,下周一又是3月27号,第67届奥斯卡颁奖典礼的举办时间,艾瑞克不打算参加颁奖典礼,刚好休息几天,既然有时间,便随口约在了明天上午十点。 Eric knows that he that words on party, has made Alan Hassenfeld thoroughly clearly recognize the reality. 艾瑞克知道,他在派对上的那番话,已经让艾伦?哈森菲尔德彻底认清了现实。 Transformers wants to begin shooting, is doomed to meet invests the movie of big budget greatly, Hollywood 23 Film Studio are impossible to have enough strength manufacture and distributes like this big project, Hasbro can choose, has seven big Film Studio. But in seven big Film Studio can give the Transformers movie version to safeguard. Has Firefly one. 变形金刚想要开拍,注定会是大投资大预算的影片,好莱坞的23线电影公司是不可能拥有足够实力制作并发行这样的大项目的,孩之宝能够选择的,也只有七大电影公司。而七大电影公司中能够给与变形金刚电影版以更多保障的。更是只有萤火虫一家。 Hasbro can certainly choose other Film Studio forcefully, but the racket has pounded accidentally, the movie version of this world-class brand toy image also thoroughly pounded. Which is the lighter and which is the heavier, Alan Hassenfeld knows certainly how should choose. 孩之宝当然可以强行选择其他电影公司,但万一拍砸了,这个世界级品牌玩具形象的电影版也就彻底砸了。这其中孰轻孰重,艾伦?哈森菲尔德当然知道该怎么选择。 Although originally planned to make that side Fox take copyright. But since had these many accidents, Eric decided that embraces into Firefly to be safer the Transformers series. 虽然原计划让福克斯那边拿下版权。但既然已经发生了这么多变故,艾瑞克还是决定,将变形金刚系列揽入萤火虫旗下更保险一些。 Next morning, Eric routinely early wakes up. 第二天清晨,艾瑞克习惯性地早早醒来。 Has not gotten out of bed eagerly, the side lies down is haunching the chin. Is appreciating side that beckoning pretty small face carefully. 没有急于起床,侧躺着撑起下巴。细细地欣赏着身旁那张让人心动的娇俏小脸。 Perhaps felt the gaze of man keenly, the eyelash of Diane Kruger shivered gently several, has opened the eye. 或许是敏锐地感受到了男人的注视,黛安?克鲁格的睫毛轻轻颤动了几下,也睁开了眼睛。 Good morning,” Eric collects, has kissed on that attractive cheek under. “早上好,”艾瑞克凑过去,在那张诱人的脸蛋上亲了下。 Early, Eric,” Diane Kruger somewhat shyly nods to say. “早,艾瑞克,”黛安?克鲁格有些羞涩地点头道。 Eric put out a hand to press a button in the head, in the spacious circular bedroom, all around window curtains peaceful landslip opened, the dawn rushed unscrupulously. 艾瑞克伸手在床头按了一个按钮,宽敞的圆形卧室里,四周窗帘安静地滑开,晨光肆无忌惮地闯了进来。 Out of the window white piece. Takes a broad view to look, had the light mist actually. 窗外白茫茫一片。放眼望去,倒是起了淡淡的薄雾了。 Bright suddenly makes Diane Kruger shyer, shrank the body toward the quilt , is actually similarly curiously pokes head to look around carefully. 陡然的亮光让黛安?克鲁格更加羞涩,朝被子里缩了缩身子,却是同样好奇地探头小心张望起来。 „To have a look?” Eric said: Although haze, but should be able to see all around, but here field of vision is good.” “想看看吗?”艾瑞克说道:“虽然起雾了,但应该还是能够看到四周的,这里视野可是不错。” Diane Kruger had already seen the picture of city of freedom on magazine, knows that this bedroom is similar to a circular flying saucer is situated when the roof of this streamline villa, but initially saw this villa, she has not thought that some day will wake up in this bedroom. 黛安?克鲁格早就在杂志上看到过自由之城的照片,知道这间卧室如同一个圆形飞碟坐落在这栋流线型别墅的最高处,只是当初看到这栋别墅时,她可从来没有想过,有一天自己会在这间卧室里醒来。 Sees the girl to nod. Eric sets out 2-3 to wear trousers, has put on a coat, looked at all around, Diane Kruger last night that wine red formal clothes actually not in the bedroom. This aspect Eric is experienced, turns on the wardrobe, took out a white shirt and a spacious leisure T-shirt rapidly, lifts to shrink as in the quilt girl says with a smile: Can put on that?” 看着女孩点了点头。艾瑞克起身三两下穿好长裤,又披上了一件外套,看了看四周,黛安?克鲁格昨晚那套酒红色礼服却是不在卧室里。这方面艾瑞克有经验,打开衣橱,迅速取出了一件白色衬衫和一件宽大的休闲t恤,举起来对依旧缩在被子里的女孩笑道:“要穿那个?” About Diane Kruger looked, has referred to the T-shirt in Eric left hand, said: This.” 黛安?克鲁格左右看了看,指了指艾瑞克左手里的t恤,道:“这个吧。” Eric has handed over the T-shirt. Diane Kruger then sets out, in the Eric vision gaze, the complexion blushes the spacious T-shirt set when the scarlet bare tender body, her small clothes took a bath last night, lost conveniently in bathroom, at this time was makes Eric help her bring embarrassed. 艾瑞克将t恤递了过去。黛安?克鲁格这才起身,在艾瑞克目光注视中,脸色羞红地将宽大的t恤套在赤倮的娇躯上,她的小衣昨晚洗澡时,也随手丢在裕室里了,此时却是不好意思让艾瑞克帮她取来。 After setting out, looked at the lax T-shirt, Diane Kruger has thought that referred to the Eric closet, in the look was having the inquiry: Ok?” 起身后,看了看身上松松垮垮的t恤,黛安?克鲁格想了想,指了指艾瑞克的衣柜,眼神中带着询问:“可以吗?” Eric nodded, said: At will.” 艾瑞克点了点头,道:“随意。” The girl found a gentleman good leather belt quickly, has manipulated the moment, the bunch in the waist, the spacious T-shirt turned into the style of woman one-piece dress immediately. 女孩很快找到一条男士牛皮带,摆弄了片刻,束在腰间,宽大的t恤立刻变成了女士连衣裙的样式。 Movement that Eric sees the girl, thought worthily was once put on a good native of Singapore, a T-shirt turned into the full of flavor skirt in an instant. 艾瑞克看着女孩的动作,心想不愧是曾经的‘穿不错星人’啊,一件t恤转眼就变成了韵味十足的裙子。 Bedroom floor micro cool, but barefoots to step on above is comfortable, they arrive at the south window together, in the sea level a fog misty piece, can see in several kilometers actually as before the dark sea level, but east side, red light penetration mist, were demonstrating today is a fine weather. 卧室地地板微凉,但赤脚踩在上面却非常舒服,两人一起走到南面窗边,海面上雾蒙蒙的一片,倒是依旧能看到数公里内幽暗的海面,而东面,一片红光穿透薄雾,显示着今天又是一个好天气。 „When actually, in the evening here scenery was most attractive, now does not have any meaning actually, that side we go,” Eric draws the Diane Kruger small hand to arrive at north the bedroom, Cliff Peak Manor the land parcel originally on overtop around many, the city of freedom raises this dropping variance once more, the hillside that except for distant place mist in not been able to see clearly, the vicinity the architectural complex within several kilometers densely and numerously appears in their field of vision. “其实,傍晚时这边的景色最漂亮了,现在倒是没什么意思,我们去那边吧,”艾瑞克拉着黛安?克鲁格的小手走到卧室北边,尖角庄园的这处地块本来就高出周围很多,自由之城将这种落差再次拔高,除了远处薄雾中已经看不清的山坡,近处数公里内的建筑群都密密麻麻地出现在两人视野。 Diane Kruger stands near the window by in the Eric bosom, is looking as if in the piece of architectural complex of own under foot, looks depending on high, gives people actually a feeling of bird's eye view all living things. 黛安?克鲁格站在窗边靠在艾瑞克怀里,望着似乎在自己脚下的一片建筑群,,凭高而望,倒是给人一种俯瞰芸芸众生的感觉。 They stood there chatted a while in a low voice, Eric have a relish directed some Hollywood celebrities who in a field of vision was occupied by to Diane Kruger. 两人站在那里低声聊了一会儿,艾瑞克还饶有兴致地给黛安?克鲁格指点了一番视野内居住的一些好莱坞名流。 In the morning nine o'clock, several bold car(riage)s appeared in the Cliff Peak Manor entrance together, Cindy Crawford several females early embark from the Los Angeles urban district, rushed to Cliff Peak Manor. 上午九点钟,几辆豪车一起出现在尖角庄园的门口,辛迪?克劳馥几女早早地就从洛杉矶市区出发,赶到了尖角庄园 Several female's in roads around manor arrives at the city of freedom, stops the car(riage), walks toward the villa together. 几女绕着庄园里的甬道来到自由之城,停好车,一起朝别墅走去。 What opening the door is puts on Diane Kruger of that set of T-shirt as before, the girl sees their four arrivals in the morning, the moral nature has a light superiority feeling, has not actually displayed. However, astute Cindy several females are impossible unable to look. 开门的是依旧穿着早上那套t恤的黛安?克鲁格,女孩看到她们四个到来,心底产生一种淡淡的优越感,却是没有表现出来。不过,精明的辛迪几女却也不可能看不出来。 In surface warmly after a hug, Cindy Crawford then impatiently asked: Diane, Eric?” 表面上热情地一阵拥抱过后,辛迪?克劳馥便迫不及待地问道:“黛安,艾瑞克呢?” We just had had the breakfast, he is looking at newspaper on the flat roof,” Diane Kruger bit our words intentionally heavily, then led Cindy Crawford several females to walk toward the villa. “我们刚刚吃过早餐,他正在露台上看报纸呢,”黛安?克鲁格故意将我们这个单词咬得重了一些,然后带着辛迪?克劳馥几女朝别墅内走去。 In several female hearts the unstated criticism by, the surface in did not happily chat as before Yan Yan, Linda Evangelista also intimately held in the arms the shoulder of Diane Kruger, inquired grinningly in a low voice she felt last night what kind . The Diane Kruger facial skin is not thick, is blushed by the complexion that Linda Evangelista few words do. 几女心中纷纷腹诽不以,表面上却依旧言笑晏晏,琳达?伊万戈琳斯塔还亲热地搂住黛安?克鲁格的肩膀,笑嘻嘻地低声询问她昨晚感觉怎么样。黛安?克鲁格到底脸皮没有那么厚,被琳达?伊万戈琳斯塔寥寥几句话搞的脸色羞红。 Was chatting in a low voice, across the spacious hall, five females arrived at south the villa flat roof together. 低声闲聊着,穿过宽敞的大厅,五女一起来到别墅南边的露台。 At this time the morning mist diverged gradually, the sunlight across wipes the mist finally, sprinkles on the flat roof in wave light clear the swimming pool, the green pool of water is similar to a giant emerald. 此时早晨的薄雾已经渐渐散去,阳光穿过最后一抹雾气,洒在露台上波光粼粼的游泳池上,绿色的池水如同一块巨大的翡翠。 Eric puts on the white shirt and khaki leisure trousers, by the swimming pool deck chair, curls upwards sluggishly the leg, in the hand is reading today's 《Los Angeles Times》, saw that Cindy Crawford several females walk, stands up, with their 11 hugs, said with a smile: I also think that you will come toward noon, was so early, has the breakfast?” 艾瑞克穿着白色的衬衫和卡其色休闲长裤,懒散地靠在泳池旁的躺椅上,翘着腿,手中翻看着今天的《洛杉矶时报》,看到辛迪?克劳馥几女走过来,才站起身,笑着与她们11拥抱,道:“我还以为你们会临近中午过来呢,这么早,吃早餐了吗?” No, Eric, you said that to be what to do good?” Cindy Crawford remembered Diane Kruger just intentionally to say her and Eric has the breakfast together the matter, such said. “没有呢,艾瑞克,你说怎么办才好呢?”辛迪?克劳馥想起黛安?克鲁格刚刚故意说出她和艾瑞克一起吃早餐的事情,这么说道。 Eric shrugs, says with a smile: In kitchen has to eat, you can take.” 艾瑞克耸耸肩,笑道:“厨房里有吃的,你们可以自己去拿。” Was saying, Cindy Crawford several females did not have one to leave, look on the flat roof the spacious swimming pool, Cindy Crawford said suddenly: Eric, can here swim?” 这么说着,辛迪?克劳馥几女却是没有一个离开,看了看露台上宽大的泳池,辛迪?克劳馥突然道:“艾瑞克,这里可以游泳吗?” Eric nods: Naturally.”( To be continued.) 艾瑞克点头:“当然。”(未完待续。)
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