IAIH :: Volume #8

#704: Listening in reverent attention

Accompanied Eric to treat with courtesy in the field, Edgar Bronfman and Michael? Eisner separates with him, arrives at the party hall other one side, is looking at as before by one group of people are crowding around Eric, felt the side to be obviously lonely many conditions, Edgar Bronfman, although knew that in a short time was impossible to pursue can catch up with Firefly, actually also gave birth intensely was not willingly, to Michael? Eisner said: Michael, pays the related purchase fund, the Seagram group also remaining probably 1.5 billion USD cashes, you thought that which direction our next should in expand?” 陪伴艾瑞克在场内应酬了一圈,埃德加?布朗夫曼迈克尔?艾斯纳与他分开,走到派对大厅另外一边,望着依旧被一群人簇拥着的艾瑞克,感受着自己身旁明显冷清了不少的状态,埃德加?布朗夫曼虽然自知短时间内不可能追赶得上萤火虫,却也生出强烈的不甘心,对身旁的迈克尔?艾斯纳道:“迈克尔,支付完相关的收购款项,西格拉姆集团还剩下大概15亿美元的现金,你觉得我们下一步应该朝哪个方向扩张?” The Seagram group purchases the ma fund to come from 9 billion USD that selling the DuPont Corporation stockholder's rights brings mainly, pays after Matsushita 7.5 billion USD, but also remaining 1.5 billion USD cashes. 西格拉姆集团收购ma的资金主要来自于出售杜邦公司股权带来的90亿美元,支付给松下75亿美元后,还剩下15亿美元的现金。 Edgar Bronfman has not put in these money into the plan of Hollywood immediately, but sees the Eric scenery infinite appearance, Edgar Bronfman while envying with unwilling, has one to want the rapid expansion Hollywood industry unavoidably the thoughts. 埃德加?布朗夫曼本来并没有立刻将这些钱投入到好莱坞的打算,但看到艾瑞克风光无限的模样,埃德加?布朗夫曼在羡慕和不甘的同时,也难免生出一股想要快速扩张好莱坞产业的心思。 Michael? Eisner can know the Edgar Bronfman feelings, he is so, hears word said: Edgar, you know that Fox and Firefly jointly purchase Blue Sky Studios, Firefly had Pixar and Disney two animation studios recently, actually also spare no effort props up the animation company outside Firefly, last year, the Viacom expenditure large amount of money purchased the Disney Hand-Drawn Animation team from Firefly there, these can see the prospect of animated film, I thought that we first should establish Universal Animation Department.” 迈克尔?艾斯纳能够感受到埃德加?布朗夫曼的心情,他自己又何尝不是如此,闻言说道:“埃德加,你知道福克斯萤火虫最近共同收购的蓝天工作室吧,萤火虫已经拥有了皮克斯迪斯尼两家动画工作室,却还不遗余力地在萤火虫以外扶植动画公司,还有去年,维亚康姆花费巨资从萤火虫那里收购迪斯尼手绘动画团队,这些都可以看出动画电影的前景,我觉得,我们首先应该成立环球动画部门。” The Edgar Bronfman nod said: „Did you have plan in detail?” 埃德加?布朗夫曼点头道:“那你有详细的计划了吗?” We can imitate their Blue Sky Studios of this prop, similarly purchases a background quite good special effect work room. CG Special Effects and 3D Animation are common in many aspects. Then lures some skilled animators to come from the two work rooms of Firefly. Although Pixar and Disney's salary is rich, so long as we are willing to open the high price, and gives the heavy responsibility, can definitely dig to some core talents,” Michael? Eisner has thought to this matter for a long time, but this plan needs to spend the large amount of money, first two years of Matsushita is not willing to spend this sum of money. “我们可以模仿他们这次扶植的蓝天工作室,同样收购一个底子比较不错的特效工作室。g特效3d动画在很多方面是共通的。然后再从萤火虫旗下的两家工作室挖一些熟练的动画师过来。虽然皮克斯迪斯尼的薪酬都非常丰厚,但只要我们肯开高价,并且予以重任,肯定能够挖到一些骨干人才,”迈克尔?艾斯纳对这件事已经深思熟虑已久,只是这份计划需要花费巨资,前两年松下根本就不肯花这笔钱。 Thinks of these, Michael? Eisner adds: „. Edgar, I need to state beforehand that the animated film is not good to do, our earlier period probably needs to invest several billions USD . Moreover, I cannot guarantee that the first part animated film can attain greatly successfully, this needs enough accumulation.” 想到这些,迈克尔?艾斯纳又补充道:“不过。埃德加,我需要事先声明,动画电影并不是那么好做的,我们前期可能需要投入数亿美元,而且,我也不敢保证第一部动画电影就能大获成功,这需要足够的积累。” Edgar Bronfman not deficient long-term development vision, since most Hollywood with a sudden burst to develop the animated film, Universal wants to be bigger and stronger, definitely cannot ignore. The nod said: Fund is not the issue, you can prepare a plan to come out as soon as possible.” 埃德加?布朗夫曼还是并不缺乏长远的发展眼光,既然大半个好莱坞都卯足了劲儿发展动画电影,环球想要做大做强,肯定不能熟视无睹。点头道:“资金方面不是问题,你可以尽快准备一份方案出来。” Eric is known Edgar Bronfman and Michael by the crowd is crowding around? Topic that Eisner discussed. Even if knows that he was too not worried. 被人群簇拥着的艾瑞克并不知道埃德加?布朗夫曼迈克尔?艾斯纳正在讨论的话题。即使知道,他也并不是太担心。 The 3D Animation movie wants successful need many factors. The creativity, technology, team, fund and time cannot lack equally, previous life after Pixar «Toy Story» attains greatly is successful, several other big Film Studio have tried the manufacture of 3D Animation movie, but outside Disney, during several years, truly reluctantly is successful, has Blue Sky Studios one. 3d动画电影想要成功需要很多因素。创意、技术、团队、资金、时间一样都不能缺,前世皮克斯的《玩具总动员》大获成功之后,其他几大电影公司都尝试过3d动画电影的制作,但在迪斯尼以外,十几年间,真正勉强算是成功的,却只有蓝天工作室一家。 The manufacture cycle of animated film is long and production cost soaringly is limits other Film Studio to develop this service the important attribute, even if Time Warner, after the attempt invests several animated films to be fruitless, silently gave up. 动画电影的制作周期漫长和制作成本高昂都是限制其他制片厂发展这一业务的重要因素,哪怕是时代华纳,在尝试投资几部动画电影无果后,都默默地放弃掉了。 Fox several years ago receives the stimulation of «Toy Story», established own Animation Department, Elizabeth specially has also raised with Eric. 福克斯几年前就受到《玩具总动员》的刺激,成立了自己的动画部门,伊丽莎白还特意跟艾瑞克提过。 After the Blue Sky Studios transaction is closed, Elizabeth also suggested that merged into Blue Sky Studios the Fox animation team, Eric just started not to oppose, but after looking at Fox Animation Department manufacture named «of Has frozen the animated film fragment of Star», totally gave up this thought. 蓝天工作室交易完成后,伊丽莎白还建议将福克斯动画团队并入蓝天工作室,艾瑞克刚开始并没有反对,但在看过福克斯动画部门制作的名叫《冰冻星球》的动画电影片段后,就彻底放弃了这个念头。 «Freezes Star» and «Ice Age» not any relations, what narrated after was the nuclear war, humanity entered the space age, a story of space military institute bitter experience extraterrestrial strength attack. The creativity is good, but the level of animator is really horrible to look, looks like in Eric, the animation fragment that several completed was inferior including the Disney's television animation level. Hears Eric to appraise like this, Elizabeth simply dismissed entire Animation Department, several million USD that naturally, for this reason spent definitely threw away carelessly. 《冰冻星球》与《冰河世纪》没有任何关系,讲述的是核战争之后,人类进入太空时代,一个太空军事学院遭遇外星力量攻击的故事。创意是不错,但动画师的水平实在是惨不忍睹,在艾瑞克看来,那几段已经完成的动画片段连迪斯尼的电视动画水平都不如。听到艾瑞克这样评价,伊丽莎白干脆将整个动画部门解散掉了,当然,为此已经花掉的几百万美元肯定是打水漂了。 In the hand is carrying one glass of red wines, deals with periphery the enthusiasm excessive guest patiently, Eric was also realizing at this time that his appearance, did not rob sincerely should be the scenery of this party master. 手中端着一杯红酒,耐心地应对着周围热情过度的宾客,艾瑞克此时也意识到,他的出现,非常不厚道地抢走了本该属于这场派对主人的风光。 Firefly Burbank Headquarters to the Universal cinema city, only then two kilometers distance, Eric in Firefly Headquarters and «The Matrix» team discussion project manufacture issue to around 7 : 00 pm, leaves, remembers several days ago Edgar Bronfman hits the invitation of telephone personally, then temporarily planned that collects the liveliness, has not actually expected to be this situation. 萤火虫伯班克总部环球影城只有两公里的距离,艾瑞克萤火虫总部与《黑客帝国》的团队讨论项目制作问题一直到晚上七点多,离开的时候,想起几天前埃德加?布朗夫曼亲自打来电话的邀请,便临时打算过来凑一下热闹,却是没有料到会是这种情形。 So crossed for more than ten minutes, encircles gradually disperses in his guest. 如此过了十多分钟,围在他身旁的客人才逐渐散开。 The Diane Kruger mood waits till the present disturbedly patiently, saw that Eric these great people leave finally, deeply inspired, was shown the attractive smiling face by oneself diligently, carried the skirt to walk. 黛安?克鲁格心情忐忑地耐心等到现在,看到艾瑞克身旁那些大人物终于离开,深深吸了一口气,努力让自己露出好看的笑容,拎起裙角走了过去。 However, when Diane Kruger makes this movement, patrols in party another four mermaid almost simultaneously toward Eric to encircle. They at the height of power status, may be now Eric personally holds, the person were too just many, body tender physically weak they do not have the means to push, at this time naturally wants first to come up to greet. 不过,在黛安?克鲁格做出这个动作时,游弋在派对里的另外四条‘美人鱼’几乎同时朝艾瑞克围了过去。她们现在如日中天的地位,可都是艾瑞克亲手捧起来的,刚刚人太多,身娇体弱的她们没办法挤上去,此时当然要第一时间上去打招呼。 Looks that in the field is most gorgeous the eye-catching five big beautiful women to hug the line to kiss the surface ritual with Eric in turn, envies at the same time, some think that was one's turn itself to go forward to mix the face ripe ordinary guests on own initiative to stop the footsteps, continued to wait for reluctantly. 看着场内最光艳夺目的五位大美女依次与艾瑞克拥抱着行吻面礼,羡慕的同时,一些本以为轮到自己上前混个脸熟的普通客人都主动停下了脚步,无奈地继续等待。 Hey, Eric, good evening.” “嘿,艾瑞克,晚上好。” Linda, the clothes of your tonight are really pretty.” 琳达,你今晚的这套衣服真漂亮。” Cindy, your this black formal clothes are also very good.” 辛迪,你这套黑色礼服也很棒。” Oh, Christy......” ,还有克里斯蒂……” After Cindy Crawford and Eric hug. Saying with a smile: Eric. Why you only praised our clothes. Are our people unattractive?” 辛迪?克劳馥艾瑞克拥抱后。笑道:“艾瑞克。你为什么只夸我们的衣服。难道我们的人不漂亮啊?” Naturally is not, you are perfect body that I choose personally,” the Eric corners of the mouth are hanging the smile, chatted with the beautiful woman, may be sphered more comfortable than by one group of big masters. “当然不是,你们可是我亲自挑选出来的完美波dy,”艾瑞克嘴角挂着微笑,与美女聊天,可比被一群大老爷们围住舒服多了。 With Linda Evangelista, Cindy Crawford and Christy? Turlington and Tyra? Banks fires off greeting, looks to stand in four people of surrounding expression as if somewhat disturbed Diane Kruger, has extended putting out a hand, said: Diane. How, to hug?” 琳达?伊万戈琳斯塔辛迪?克劳馥克里斯蒂?杜灵顿泰拉?班克斯打完招呼,看着站在四人外围表情似乎有些忐忑的黛安?克鲁格,伸了伸手,道:“黛安。怎么了,不拥抱一下吗?” Diane Kruger goes forward hastily, when hugs intimately, the girl realized, although Eric has not slit to their manner, but if merely is only this, she may not have anything to distinguish with other four females. The short flash, Diane Kruger made a bold decision, Eric just loosened her waist, she then conveniently leaned being sideways. Put out a hand to pull the arm of Eric. 黛安?克鲁格连忙上前,亲密地拥抱时,女郎意识到,虽然艾瑞克对她们的态度并没有冷淡下来,但如果仅仅只是这样,那她和其他四女可就没什么区别了。短短一瞬间,黛安?克鲁格做了个大胆的决定,艾瑞克刚刚松开她的腰支,她便顺手侧了侧身。伸手挽住了艾瑞克的手臂。 In Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show producuction process, Cindy? Kruger several females feel Eric regarding special favor of Diane Kruger. Sees Diane Kruger this time intimate movement, does not have any accidental expression actually, Eric the trace has selected under the eyebrow actually. 维密大秀制作过程中,辛迪?克鲁格几女就感受到艾瑞克对于黛安?克鲁格的特殊优待。看到黛安?克鲁格此时的亲密动作,倒是没有任何意外的表情,倒是艾瑞克不着痕迹地挑了下眉。 Although knew that does not have the means to achieve Diane Kruger that type with the Eric affectionate manner, Cindy Crawford looks at the Diane Kruger movement, has one not to be willingly as before, looks that Eric does intentionally said accidentally: Eric, why can you a person come?” 虽然自知没办法达到黛安?克鲁格那种与艾瑞克的亲昵态度,辛迪?克劳馥看着黛安?克鲁格的动作,依旧有着一丝不甘心,看着艾瑞克故作无意地说道:“艾瑞克,你为什么会一个人过来?” Eric temporarily conceives a plan to participate in this party, wants to lead the female assistant to come, but Kelly must hurry back with the daughter has the supper together, he can only come. 艾瑞克只是临时起意参加这个派对,本来还想带女助理过来,但凯莉要赶回去与女儿一起吃晚餐,他就只能自己来了。 This thinks that on party will bump into own woman, for example Nicole. Because of the cooperation of «The Mummy», the relations of Nicole and Universal are close, this situation must support. Eric somewhat misjudges, Nicole had participated couple days ago, impossible each party to come to support, today has not certainly come. Except for Nicole, Eric just observed the situation for one week, form that also had not found other women. 本以为派对上会碰到自己的女人,比如妮可。因为《木乃伊》的合作,妮可环球的关系还算紧密,这种场合不可能不捧场的。只是艾瑞克有些失算,妮可前几天就已经参加过了,不可能每一场派对都过来捧场,今天当然也就没有过来。除了妮可,艾瑞克刚刚环视了一周,也没有找到其他女人的身影。 However, these definitely cannot with Cindy Crawford say clearly, Eric put out a hand to pull Diane Kruger of his arm to hug hugging toward the side, said with a smile: „Isn't this my female companion?” 不过,这些肯定不能明白地与辛迪?克劳馥说的,艾瑞克伸手将挽着他手臂的黛安?克鲁格往身边搂了搂,笑道:“这不就是我的女伴吗?” Cindy Crawford is bold, goes forward to put out a hand to pull Eric another arm: Since this, I when also your female companion was good.” 辛迪?克劳馥却是大胆,上前伸手挽住艾瑞克另外一只手臂:“既然这样,我也当你的女伴好了。” Eric expression somewhat bad blinking, said with a smile: Good, your five same places do not have the issue.” 艾瑞克表情有些坏的眨了眨眼睛,笑道:“好啊,你们五个一起都没问题。” This type has the words of double meaning meaning to make on several female faces reveal obviously some are angry intent, has not gotten out of the way actually. 这种明显带着双关意味的话语让几女脸上露出些许嗔意,倒是都没有走开。 In the party crowd, Hasbro CEO Alan Hassenfeld had not approached to greet, is waiting for patiently. Just, after seeing Eric and Diane Kruger intimate action, understood something at heart gradually. 派对人群中,孩之宝eo艾伦?哈森菲尔德一直都没有主动上前打招呼,非常耐心地等待着。只不过,在看到艾瑞克黛安?克鲁格的亲密举动后,心里逐渐明白了一些事情。 The cloudy clear uncertain thought transferred a while, Alan Hassenfeld has traded one cup from the attendant tray, walked toward Eric. 阴晴不定的念头转了一会儿,艾伦?哈森菲尔德从侍应生托盘里换了一杯就,朝艾瑞克走了过去。 Encircled several females side Eric to see that some people such are not tactful to walk, although in heart disgruntled, has let toward side on own initiative, Diane Kruger sees Alan Hassenfeld to walk, pulled the arm of Eric to tighten. 本来围在艾瑞克身旁的几女看到有人这么不识趣地走过来,虽然心中不悦,却主动朝旁边让了让,黛安?克鲁格看到艾伦?哈森菲尔德走过来,挽着艾瑞克的手臂不由地紧了紧。 Alan Hassenfeld toward Diane Kruger slight bow, puts out a hand to say toward Eric: Hello, Mr. Williams.” 艾伦?哈森菲尔德黛安?克鲁格微微点了点头,朝艾瑞克伸出手道:“你好,威廉姆斯先生。” Hello, Mr. Hassenfeld,” Eric put out a hand to grasp with the opposite party. “你好,哈森菲尔德先生,”艾瑞克伸手与对方握了一下。 Alan Hassenfeld hears Eric to blurt out his surname, although had expected, but is accidental, said: Mr. Williams, do you know me?” 艾伦?哈森菲尔德听到艾瑞克脱口而出他的姓氏,虽然已经有所预料,但还是非常意外,道:“威廉姆斯先生,你认识我?” Eric smiled, said: I have not disguised not to know somebody's custom.” 艾瑞克笑了笑,道:“我可没有假装不认识某个人的习惯。” Alan Hassenfeld haha has smiled several, in the mind actually in fast is calculating. Eric Williams knows itself, hearsay ten had 98. 艾伦?哈森菲尔德哈哈笑了几声,脑海里却在快速的盘算着。艾瑞克?威廉姆斯认识自己,那么,传闻十有98就是真的了。 Remembered just Edgar Bronfman and Michael? The petty action that Eisner makes, Alan Hassenfeld changes Diane Kruger, said: Miss Kruger, was really sorry that I just do not know you and Mr. Williams relations, Edgar and Michael help I said that I also think that you were unmarried one person.” 想起刚刚埃德加?布朗夫曼迈克尔?艾斯纳做的小动作,艾伦?哈森菲尔德转向黛安?克鲁格,道:“克鲁格小姐,真是抱歉,我刚刚不知道你和威廉姆斯先生的关系,埃德加迈克尔帮我介绍的时候,我还以为你是单身一人呢。” Diane Kruger said these words to feel the doubts to Alan Hassenfeld suddenly, the politeness responded: Has not related, Mr. Bronfman.” 黛安?克鲁格艾伦?哈森菲尔德突然说出这番话感到疑惑,却还是礼貌地回应道:“没关系,布朗夫曼先生。” Diane Kruger has not understood that does not think on behalf of Eric clearly, but side hears these words Cindy Crawford, although does not know that the Alan Hassenfeld status, actually also listened to the meaning in his words. Edgar Bronfman and Michael? Eisner Alan Hassenfeld introduced that to the Eric woman, is wish lets between him and Eric obviously, because the woman produces the contradiction. 黛安?克鲁格没有明白过来,并不代表艾瑞克也想不明白,而旁边听到这番话的辛迪?克劳馥虽然不知道艾伦?哈森菲尔德的身份,却也听出了他话里的含义。埃德加?布朗夫曼迈克尔?艾斯纳艾伦?哈森菲尔德介绍给艾瑞克的女人,明显是想要让他和艾瑞克之间因为女人产生矛盾。 Does Eric hear Michael? Eisner they play the small trick of like this not being able to amount to something, somewhat is at heart disgruntled. 艾瑞克听到迈克尔?艾斯纳他们玩出这样上不了台面的小伎俩,心里也有些不悦。 However, he has not displayed, Michael? Eisner estranges him and Alan Hassenfeld has not succeeded, but at this time, Alan Hassenfeld said that is also hitting by the thought of other say|way also body, makes him and Michael? Conflict between Eisner, if Firefly and Universal, because this matter on Transformers copyright to pinching, Hasbro just can benefit as the third party in a dispute. 不过,他并没有表现出来,迈克尔?艾斯纳离间他和艾伦?哈森菲尔德没有成功,但此时,艾伦?哈森菲尔德这么说,也是打着以彼之道还施彼身的念头,制造他和迈克尔?艾斯纳之间的冲突,如果萤火虫环球因为这件事在变形金刚版权上对掐起来,孩之宝刚好能够渔翁得利。 Can achieve the person in big group CEO position, but few were incited on lu slightly has the fool who the sleeve acts recklessly...... 能够做到大集团eo位置的人,可没有几个是被人稍微一挑唆就撸起袖子蛮干的傻子…… Alan Hassenfeld is not, Michael? Eisner is not, Eric naturally is not. 艾伦?哈森菲尔德不是,迈克尔?艾斯纳不是,艾瑞克当然也不是。 Sees Eric expression any change, Alan Hassenfeld has not known that he has not listened to just that words meaning to listen actually to maintain composure. Thinks that probes to say once more: Mr. Williams, since you know me, compared Firefly also to pay attention to Transformers to be very long?” 艾瑞克表情没有任何变化,艾伦?哈森菲尔德不知道他是没有听出自己刚刚那番话的含义还是听出来了却不动声色。想了想,再次试探道:“威廉姆斯先生,既然你认识我,相比萤火虫也已经关注变形金刚很久了吧?” Eric said: Transformers, truly is a very interesting toy series, I had also played Transformers in childhood.” 艾瑞克道:“变形金刚啊,确实是一个很有意思的玩具系列,我小时候还玩过变形金刚呢。” Oh, you thought that this toy series does develop the Live-Action Film prospect to be what kind of?” Alan Hassenfeld pursues asks. ,那你觉得这个玩具系列开发真人电影的前景怎么样?”艾伦?哈森菲尔德追问道。 Eric shrugs: I did not think that Transformers currently has any movie to develop the value.” 艾瑞克耸耸肩:“我不觉得变形金刚现在有什么电影开发价值。” Alan Hassenfeld knit the brows: „Can Mr. Williams, say your reason?” 艾伦?哈森菲尔德皱了皱眉:“威廉姆斯先生,可以说说你的理由吗?” Reason,” Eric smiled, said: „After I hear some people compete for Transformers copyright, is interested, then made the technologies division make some related appraisals, you know that what the result was?” “理由啊,”艾瑞克笑了笑,道:“我听到有人争夺变形金刚版权之后,也非常感兴趣,便让技术部门做了一些相关的评估,你知道结果是什么吗?” Hope hears Qixiang,” appearance that Alan Hassenfeld has made listening in reverent attention.( To be continued.) “愿闻其详,”艾伦?哈森菲尔德做出了一副洗耳恭听的模样。(未完待续。)
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