IAIH :: Volume #8

#703: Big Boss

Sees Michael? The Eisner three people walk, Diane Kruger guest was tactful leaves on own initiative, how many in Diane Kruger manager follows to gather her ear to introduce, the girl slight bow, gracefully with Michael? Eisner they shake hand.... .... 看到迈克尔?艾斯纳三人走过来,黛安?克鲁格身边的宾客都很识趣地主动离开,跟在黛安?克鲁格身旁的经纪人凑到她耳边介绍了几句,女孩微微点头,落落大方地与迈克尔?艾斯纳他们握手。…≦。…≦ Mr. Eisner, Mr. Bronfman, thanking Universal can invite us to participate in this party,” hasn't manager introduced Alan Hassenfeld, Diane Kruger then first with Michael? Eisner and Edgar Bronfman greeted. 艾斯纳先生,布朗夫曼先生,谢谢环球能够邀请我们参加这次派对,”经纪人并没有介绍艾伦?哈森菲尔德,黛安?克鲁格便先与迈克尔?艾斯纳埃德加?布朗夫曼打招呼。 Miss Kruger, you can come, is being honored of this party is right,” thinks highly, Michael? Eisner has hinted toward Alan Hassenfeld, recommended on own initiative: This is Mr. Alan Hassenfeld, Chairman and CEO of Hasbro Corporation.” 克鲁格小姐,你们能来,是这次派对的荣幸才对,”恭维一番,迈克尔?艾斯纳艾伦?哈森菲尔德示意了下,主动引荐道:“这位是艾伦?哈森菲尔德先生,孩之宝公司的董事长ceo。” On Diane Kruger that wine red formal clothes serves as contrast the rose that are similar to her whole person that bloom tenderly and beautifully, on the pretty cheek is having also several points shy and naivete, this contrast effect makes mature steady middle-aged person heart business move. In the Alan Hassenfeld vision is bringing obvious earnest, grips small hand who Diane Kruger extends: Miss Kruger, you were too attractive tonight, I have visited you performance on Victoria’s Secret Annual Fashion Show, really makes the person yearn that I personally will certainly rush to the scene at the end of this year, will you also attend this year's Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show?” 黛安?克鲁格身上那套酒红色礼服将她整个人衬托的如同一朵娇艳绽放的玫瑰,娇俏的脸蛋上却又带着几分青涩和稚气,这种反差效果让很多成熟稳重的中年人都心生意动。艾伦?哈森菲尔德目光中带着明显的热切,握住黛安?克鲁格伸过来的小手:“克鲁格小姐,你今晚太漂亮了,我看过你在维多利亚的秘密年度大秀上的表演,真是让人向往啊,我今年年底一定会亲自赶往现场的,你还会出席今年的维密大秀吗?” Diane Kruger felt that the opposite party grasped own small hand time as if to grow, somewhat was at heart accidental, recently she first time received this obvious entanglement. On the face is maintaining courtesy smile, she could not make an effort the trace to pull out the hand slightly, replied: Meeting, Mr. Hassenfeld, I and Victoria’s Secret have signed five years of contract.” 黛安?克鲁格感觉对方握着自己的小手时间似乎长了一些,心里有些意外,这些日子她还是第一次受到这种明显的纠缠。脸上保持着礼节性的微笑,她微微用力不着痕迹地将手抽了回来,答道:“会的,哈森菲尔德先生,我和维密签署了五年的合约。” Oh, that was really good,” Alan Hassenfeld not, because the girl cast off her feel to slightly awkwardly, said as before well-mannered. ,那真是太好了,”艾伦?哈森菲尔德没有因为女孩甩开自己的手感到丝毫尴尬,依旧彬彬有礼地说道。 How many did for the occasion in side with chatting, Michael? Eisner then gave a pretext to have the guest to come, bringing Edgar Bronfman the trace to get out of the way. 在旁边应景地跟着聊了几句,迈克尔?艾斯纳便借口有客人过来,带着埃德加?布朗夫曼不着痕迹地走开。 Changes to a slightly quiet corner. Edgar Bronfman impatiently asked: Michael, you have made a mistake, is that the Eric Williams woman?” 转到一个稍微清静一些的角落。埃德加?布朗夫曼才迫不及待地问道:“迈克尔,你是不是搞错了,那可是艾瑞克?威廉姆斯的女人啊?” party of this form, if not lead the female companion to come intentionally. Usually is hitting searching for flowery phrases thought. In order to attains Transformers copyright, which star on the scene if Alan Hassenfeld has a liking, so long as is not that several top major suits, under Universal only needs to reconcile, promises the cooperation in some movie. Basically can make Alan Hassenfeld satisfy. 这种形式的派对,如果故意不带女伴前来。通常都是打着猎艳念头的。为了能够拿到变形金刚版权,如果艾伦?哈森菲尔德看上在场的哪位女星,只要不是那几个顶级大牌,环球只需要从中撮合下,许诺一些电影方面的合作。基本上就能让艾伦?哈森菲尔德满意。 Hollywood is very chaotic, this is in circle known to all, but some women are many people are actually well aware cannot provoke. 好莱坞很乱,这是圈子里人所共知,但有些女人却是很多人都心知肚明不能招惹的。 Diane Kruger this 18-year-old girl, in short less than a half year of time, rose from the small professional model rocket of legal proceeding is United States and even one of the world most visible five supermodels, if she holds her Eric Williams not to relate with the back strength, then does not believe the ghosts. 黛安?克鲁格这个刚满18岁的女孩,在短短半年不到的时间,就从原本籍籍无名的小模特火箭般蹿升为美国乃至全世界知名度最高的五位超模之一,如果说她与背后力捧她的艾瑞克?威廉姆斯毫无关系,那连鬼都不信。 Therefore, knew the people of some inside stories to get the Williams label Diane Kruger slightly, even if in the heart coveted, the person but who dared to make any petty action was one does not have until now. Because of the Eric formidable influence. Be responsible for elite of this girl professional model broker business and is responsible for icm of her entertainment broker business is similar to the princess who she protects, many people can feel, compared with other four Victoria’s Secret spokesmen, represented to the Diane Kruger brand with the trade activity invites, often was most difficult. 因此,稍微知晓一些内情的人都将黛安?克鲁格打上了威廉姆斯的标签,即使心中觊觎,但敢于做出什么小动作的人到现在为止却是一个都没有。因为艾瑞克的强大影响力。负责这个女孩模特经纪事务的elite和负责她娱乐经纪事务的icm都将她保护的如同公主,很多人都能够感受到,比起其他四位维密代言人,对黛安?克鲁格的品牌代言和商业活动邀请,往往是最困难的。 Michael? Eisner is certainly well aware to these matters, hears the Edgar Bronfman issue, looked at all around crowd, approached some to say in a low voice: I know certainly that is the Eric Williams woman, imagines, if Alan Hassenfeld runs into a wall before her. Even has further the discord with Eric Williams, several Film Studio of Firefly system can also attain Transformers copyright?” 迈克尔?艾斯纳对这些事情当然心知肚明,听到埃德加?布朗夫曼的问题,看了看四周的人群,凑近了一些低声道:“我当然知道那是艾瑞克?威廉姆斯的女人,想像一下,如果艾伦?哈森菲尔德在她面前碰壁。甚至进一步与艾瑞克?威廉姆斯生出龃龉,萤火虫体系的几家电影公司还能拿到变形金刚版权吗?” Was born in multimillionaire's family/home, Edgar Bronfman from small just knows, the commercial competition always stops at nothing. If you want to play a commercial war to play sentimentally, finally can only collapse completely. Michael? Eisner said that own idea, he has approved easily then, should not in the heart raise a worry, looked among the person's shadows to entangle as in Diane Kruger Alan Hassenfeld, said: Do not outsmart oneself.” 出生在巨富之家,埃德加?布朗夫曼自小就知道,商业竞争从来都是无所不用其极的。如果你想要温情脉脉地玩一场商战游戏,结果就只能一败涂地。迈克尔?艾斯纳说完自己的想法,他轻易便认可了下来,不该心中还是升起一丝顾虑,看了看人影之间依旧缠在黛安?克鲁格身旁的艾伦?哈森菲尔德,道:“可不要弄巧成拙了啊。” Cannot.” Michael? Eisner shakes the head to say with a smile: Here is the public area, everybody is the dignified person, will not have anything to obstruct greatly.” “不会。”迈克尔?艾斯纳摇头笑道:“这里是公共场合,大家都是体面人,不会有什么大碍。” Moreover one side, Alan Hassenfeld just started, truly some immersions in the Diane Kruger beautiful appearance, after one is attentively fruitless, he has discovered quickly some unusual places. 另外一边,艾伦?哈森菲尔德刚刚开始,确实有些沉浸于黛安?克鲁格的美貌中,一番殷勤无果后,他很快就发现了一些不同寻常的地方。 Recently, because several big Film Studio competed to seize Transformers copyright, Alan Hassenfeld attended many Hollywood internal party on invitation. 最近一段时间,因为几大电影公司争相竞夺变形金刚版权,艾伦?哈森菲尔德应邀出席了不少好莱坞内部的派对 Naturally must have some earnest entertainments, in this process, he discovered that these past can only in the attractive face that in the movie or the television screen see, originally is not that remote may not climb. 当然少不了一些热切的招待,这个过程中,他发现那些以往只能在电影或者电视屏幕里看到的漂亮面孔,原来并不是那么遥不可攀。 Even some people after hearing his status, oneself impatiently paste. But at present the girl treats his manner completely to be different, when Alan Hassenfeld can feel she treats herself that unusual formulation etiquette obviously. Moreover, in the past manager of these stars accompanied, after an introduction, will be tactful gets out of the way by far, the meaning that Diane Kruger manager slightly has not actually left, looked that instead was bringing to his vision some vigilantly. 甚至有些人在听到他的身份之后,自己就迫不及待地贴上来。但眼前女孩对待他的态度却完全不同,艾伦?哈森菲尔德能够明显感受到她对待自己时那种非常公式化的礼仪。而且,以往那些女星的经纪人随从,在一番介绍之后,都会非常识趣地远远走开,黛安?克鲁格经纪人却丝毫没有离开的意思,看向他的目光中反而带着些许警惕。 Gradually from wanting prosperously to sober Alan Hassenfeld that to feel these details, slowly realizes improper, but in surroundings many person looks that type obvious looks at the good play the stance, is makes him realize that the matter leaves must have the monster variably. 逐渐从欲旺中清醒过来的艾伦?哈森菲尔德感受到这些细节,慢慢察觉到不妥,而周围不少人眼神中那种明显的看好戏的姿态,更是让他意识到,事出无常必有妖。 Although likes the beauty, but Alan Hassenfeld is not willing therefore to provoke the unnecessary trouble absolutely, he even keenly realizes that Michael? Eisner just directly led him to this girl in front , the goal not so is likely pure. 虽然喜欢美色,但艾伦?哈森菲尔德绝对不会愿意因此招惹不必要的麻烦,他甚至敏锐地察觉到,迈克尔?艾斯纳刚刚径直将他带到这个女孩面前,目的很可能就不那么单纯。 Alan Hassenfeld the plan set out to get out of the way, first made clear these is any condition again said that but was looking at that beckoning azure young cheek, was some are not willingly, hesitated slightly, asks: Diane, take the liberty asked that did you have the boyfriend?” 艾伦?哈森菲尔德本打算起身走开,先搞清楚这其中到底是什么状况再说,但望着那张让人心动的青稚脸蛋,还是有些不甘心,略微迟疑,问道:“黛安,冒昧地问一下,你有男朋友吗?” Diane Kruger opened mouth, suddenly actually does not know how should reply. 黛安?克鲁格愣愣地张了张嘴,一时间竟然不知道该怎么回答。 This days, she feels the special amenities that oneself receive clearly. Meanwhile, she knows one obtain the basic reason that these give favored treatment, because the people have regarded the Eric Williams woman her. 这段日子,她清晰地感受到自己受到的特殊待遇。同时,她更知道自己获得这些优待的根本原因,因为人们都把她当成了艾瑞克?威廉姆斯的女人。 Starting from last year to the present, even without inquired desirably. She can also feel him in the Hollywood everywhere influence, this formidable influence even makes her rely on among them some sex scandal, enjoyed surrounding all person careful protecting in every way possible. 从去年开始到现在,即使不用刻意去打听。她也能够感受到他在好莱坞无处不在的影响力,这种强大的影响力甚至让她只是凭借两人之间的一些绯闻,就享受到了周围所有人细致入微的呵护。 Immerses in this princess treatment, unknowingly, has approved own status including her silently. One, should be his woman probably, let alone, makes his woman not any fault. 沉浸在这种公主般的待遇当中,不知不觉,连她自己都默默地认可了自己的身份。自己,好像真的应该就是他的女人吧,更何况,做他的女人没有任何坏处啊。 However, an silver needle that the Alan Hassenfeld sudden issue, is actually similar to depending on raiding, punctures the illusion air bubble that her self- hypnosis builds generally with a crash. The moral nature gives birth to a horridness, if periphery these to her will look after person who in the future respectfully has in addition discovered that oneself simply does not have any relations with him, that. Finally will be what kind of? 但是,艾伦?哈森菲尔德突如其来的问题,却如同凭空袭来的一枚银针,将她自我催眠一般搭建起来的梦幻气泡砰然戳破。心底生出一丝惶恐,如果将来周围这些对她毕恭毕敬照顾有加的人发现,自己跟他根本没有任何关系,那。结果会怎么样? Suddenly, she as if felt that crash of freely falling body, have crashed, crash...... 突然间,她仿佛感觉到了一场自由落体的坠落,坠落,坠落…… Awakens that feeling of like each dreamland. 就像每场梦境惊醒时分的那种感觉。 Heaven, world of mortals, hell. 天堂,凡间,地狱。 With Diane Kruger sudden is lost in thought differently, has stood in her nearby icm manager Susie? Dean hears the Alan Hassenfeld issue, finally understands that at present this fellow anything does not know, also no wonder will have such a entanglement. 黛安?克鲁格突然的出神不同,一直站在她旁边的icm经纪人苏茜?迪恩听到艾伦?哈森菲尔德的问题,终于明白,眼前这个家伙真的什么都不知道,也难怪会有这么一番纠缠。 Susie? Dean knew recently the competition event about Transformers copyright. Therefore she is not willing to make anything not to be happy with Alan Hassenfeld. 苏茜?迪恩是知道最近关于变形金刚版权的争夺事件的。所以她并不愿意与艾伦?哈森菲尔德闹出什么不愉快。 Because of the past uta incense and candle friendship, these years, the cooperation of Firefly and icm was very close, reason that icm can in the several years. Meets as an equal with CAA and wma two established Brokerage Firm, the customer will inflate to about 3000 people of scales rapidly, support of how many Film Studio in the Firefly system will be extremely inseparable, Kapoor? Sid holds the post of icm CEO smoothly, benefits from this. in the middle of icm original uta manager, even also in secret will be calling frequently Eric Williams is Big Boss. And takes this as arrogantly, thus it can be seen influence of Eric Williams to icm. 因为当年uta的香火情分,这些年,萤火虫与icm的合作一直都是非常密切的,icm之所以能够在短短几年时间。就与caa和wma两家老牌经纪公司分庭抗礼,旗下客户迅速膨胀到将近3000人的规模,与萤火虫极其体系内几家电影公司的鼎力扶持密不可分,卡普尔?希德顺利担任icm的ceo,也正是得益于此。icm当中很多原uta的经纪人,甚至经常还会在私下里称呼艾瑞克?威廉姆斯大老板。并且以此为傲,由此可见艾瑞克?威廉姆斯对icm的影响力。 Because if this matter affects the copyright ownership of Transformers, Diane Kruger will not have the matter, Alan Hassenfeld will not have anything, but this has not processed manager of this matter likely to meet with a disaster. 万一因为这件事影响到变形金刚版权归属,黛安?克鲁格不会有事,艾伦?哈森菲尔德也不会有什么,但她这个没有处理好这件事的经纪人很可能就要遭殃了。 Susie? Dean hears the Alan Hassenfeld issue, this thinks that this also calculates the astute young miss cannot meet trace suggestion her and Eric Williams relations, actually sees her to start to be in a daze bewilderedly. But, Susie? Dean was planning that for oneself this customer start to talk, feels in the party hall an obvious change, is similar to a suddenly turned over invisible hour glass, the guests are similar to receive the Gravity sand, gathers rapidly toward the hall entrance. 苏茜?迪恩听到艾伦?哈森菲尔德的问题,本以为这个还算精明的小姑娘会不着痕迹的暗示一下她和艾瑞克?威廉姆斯的关系,却见她莫名其妙地开始发愣起来。无奈之下,苏茜?迪恩正打算替自己这位客户开口,就感受到派对大厅里一阵明显的异动,如同一个突然被翻转的隐形沙漏,客人们如同受到地心引力的沙粒,迅速朝大厅门口聚拢过去。 Is Eric Williams, has not thought that he came unexpectedly.” “是艾瑞克?威廉姆斯,没想到他竟然来了。” We quick in the past, could greet.” “我们快过去,或许能打个招呼。” Kety, the help has a look at the eye makeup that I just made up, has...... Hey, do not walk.” “凯蒂,帮看看我刚刚补的眼妆,有没有……嘿,你别走啊。” „......” “……” Humming sound a discussion, all people quickly realized that had anything, even if some self-contained status guests, moves the footsteps, changes the focus of people vision to be, hopes that can the earliest possible time note itself when the Eric arrival. 嗡嗡的一阵议论,所有人都很快意识到发生了什么,即使有些自持身份的客人,也不由地挪动脚步,转向众人目光的聚焦所在,希望在艾瑞克到来时能够第一时间注意到自己。 Hears the Eric name, some Diane Kruger of staring blankly sober immediately, after she arrived a moment ago, tied down by Alan Hassenfeld, is not far from the front door, but has turned head, although had been tunnelled the majority of vision by the human wall, but she was one catches in the crowd the form of that being lost in a reverie. 听到艾瑞克的名字,有些发怔的黛安?克鲁格立刻清醒过来,她刚才到来之后就被艾伦?哈森菲尔德缠住,一直都没离大门太远,只是扭过头去,虽然被人墙挡住了大部分视线,但她还是一眼就捕捉到了人群中那个魂牵梦绕的身影。 Susie? Dean sees the Alan Hassenfeld attention also to be attracted by this sudden sound, the words that then just about to opens the mouth swallowed back, put out a hand to pat the racket on Diane Kruger: Diane, Mr. Williams came, we pass.” 苏茜?迪恩见艾伦?哈森菲尔德的注意力也被这种突如其来的动静吸引过去,便将刚要开口的话咽了回去,伸手在黛安?克鲁格身上拍了拍:“黛安,威廉姆斯先生来了,我们过去吧。” „, Good,” Diane Kruger blurted out subconsciously that once more is terrified. “啊,好的,”黛安?克鲁格下意识脱口而出,就再次惶恐起来。 Several months had not seen, what to do if he slights to himself, here these many people, once so, that a lot could not conceal the truth. 已经几个月没见了,如果他对自己冷淡下来怎么办,这里这么多人,一旦如此,那很多事情就瞒不住了。 Looked at that by the form that people crowded around, Diane Kruger is somewhat flinched, before being similar to just before execution the prisoner, only hoped to be able again live a while. 看了看那个被众人簇拥的身影,黛安?克鲁格有些退缩,如同一个临刑前的囚犯,只希望能够再多活一会儿。 Susie, the person were too many, we under and others pass again,” hesitant, Diane Kruger also said. “苏茜,人太多了,我们等下再过去吧,”犹豫了下,黛安?克鲁格又说道。 Susie? Dean is impossible to know that her thoughts, sees pushes to Eric side is one group of male chauvinists, nodded: We under and others pass again.” 苏茜?迪恩不可能知道她的心思,看见挤到艾瑞克身旁的都是一群大男人,也跟着点了点头:“那我们等下再过去。” The crowd center, Michael that from hearing the notice on own initiative welcomed exiting? Eisner and Edgar Bronfman one on the left and other on the right accompany side Eric, although on the face is hanging warmly the smiling face, actually somewhat is at heart uncomfortable. For serveral days, they are the centers that people paid attention, but a side youth appearance, easily overtook all crest of wave. 人群中心,从听到通知就主动迎了出去的迈克尔?艾斯纳埃德加?布朗夫曼一左一右地陪在艾瑞克身旁,虽然脸上挂着热情地笑容,心里却有些不是滋味。这些天,他们一直都是众人关注的中心,但身旁这个青年一出现,就轻而易举地将所有的风头都抢了过去。 In hall, Hollywood superstar and well-known Director, gold medal Producer, earnestly wells up to go forward with Eric to greet, along with the beginning of the year to present Firefly issued crowded the filmmaking plan, in the Eric hand can say has a number of movies that Hollywood most receives to pay attention, Firefly these years hold red large quantities of Director and Actor even Producer, even if are again the unique filmmakers, are impossible the massive partnership opportunities that neglects in these movies to contain. 大厅内,无论是好莱坞巨星、知名导演,金牌制作人,都非常热切地涌上前与艾瑞克打招呼,随着年初到现在萤火虫密集地发布电影制作计划,艾瑞克手中可以说拥有好莱坞最受关注的一批影片,萤火虫这些年捧红了大批导演演员甚至制作人,即使是再个性十足的影人,都不可能忽略这些影片中蕴含的大量合作机会。 Except for these people, participated in the Hollywood party rich and powerful people in the past, often can by the enormous wealth that oneself has, indigenous front maintains enough superiority feeling in these Hollywood, after all, even if in these person of surfaces again sight, often is only board game piece under the capital operation. In the recent several days, is in charge of Universal Pictures Edgar Bronfman successfully actually is also maintaining this proud thought that but appearance of Eric, actually without a trace of his proud attack. 除了这些人,以往参加好莱坞派对的富豪们,往往能够凭借自身拥有的巨额财富,在这些好莱坞‘土著’面前保持足够的优越感,毕竟,即使这些人表面上再风光,也往往只是资本运作下的棋子而已。最近几天,成功入主环球影业埃德加?布朗夫曼其实也一直保持着这种骄傲的念头,但艾瑞克的出现,却将他心里的这份骄傲打击的无影无踪。 After purchasing MCA, Edgar Bronfman almost detained the note the Seagram group 70% properties on this. But at this time, the entire MCA group including Universal, according to with the bargain price of Matsushita, the market value also has 7.5 billion USD. But is recent issue of «Business journal», has actually achieved astonishing 45 billion USD to the Firefly Group estimate value, adds more than Time Warner and sum totals of Viacom two market values, is the entire six times of MCA market value. By the Firefly Group property, the Eric Williams net worth has achieved merely 33 billion, but he property beside Hollywood has surpassed 10 billion USD similarly, in the North America 400 rich and powerful people lists of «Forbes» magazine announcement, Bill that the Eric Williams 46 500 million USD properties will be listed second? Gates threw by far in behind. 收购mca后,埃德加?布朗夫曼几乎将西格拉姆集团70%的资产都押注在了这上面。但此时,包括环球在内的整个mca集团,按照与松下的交易价格,市值也只有75亿美元。而最近一期的《商业周刊》,对萤火虫集团的估值却达到了惊人的450亿美元,比时代华纳维亚康姆两家市值的总和加起来还要多,更是mca市值的整整六倍。仅仅凭借萤火虫集团的资产,艾瑞克?威廉姆斯的身家就达到了330亿,而他在好莱坞之外的资产同样超过了百亿美元,《福布斯杂志公布的北美400富豪榜上,艾瑞克?威廉姆斯465亿美元的资产将排名第二的比尔?盖茨远远地抛在了后面。 Before this kind of young people, in this world all people, were very perhaps difficult to find any superiority feeling again.( To be continued.) 在这样一个年轻人面前,这个世界上所有人,或许都很难再找到任何优越感了吧。(未完待续。)
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