IAIH :: Volume #8

#702: Does obeisance the wharf

Eric and David Fincher have chatted in the afternoon, had determined the «Seven» majority of details, David Fincher does not have hesitation that most started, Eric this type looks like in other Hollywood Film Studio very bold releasing authority approaches to cooperation makes him feel is comfortable, just before leaving has given the accurate promise, complies to direct this movie. n ∈ n ∈, 艾瑞克大卫.芬奇一直聊到下午,确定了《七宗罪》的大部分细节,大卫.芬奇也没有了最开始的迟疑,艾瑞克这种在好莱坞其他电影公司看起来非常大胆的放权合作方式让他感觉非常舒服,临走时就已经给出了确切的许诺,答应执导这部影片。n∈n∈, Left behind the contact method respectively, Eric has delivered David Fincher to leave personally. 各自留下了联系方式,艾瑞克亲自送大卫.芬奇离开。 At noon when small girl has not come back, but telephoned, affectionate, but must be away from far away personally helps the Eric point go. 中午时小妮子并没有回来,只是打了个电话,亲昵一番,还一定要隔着老远亲自帮艾瑞克点外卖。 Gwyneth Paltrow has actually depended has not been leaving, sends off David Fincher, Eric has not wanted to take a lot of care to deal with her again. Paltrow Family in these do not have in the background small Actor eye, can be absolutely Hollywood rich and powerful family, but is actually nothing to speak in the Eric eye, both sides do not have the friendship, Eric not to need to any face, after David Fincher leaves, the Eric also politeness her invited. 格温妮丝.帕洛特却一直赖着没有离开,送走了大卫.芬奇,艾瑞克也不想再费心思应付她。帕特洛家族在那些毫无背景的小演员眼里,绝对能算是好莱坞‘豪门’,但在艾瑞克眼里却不值一提,双方也没有交情,艾瑞克并不需要给什么面子,大卫.芬奇离开后,艾瑞克也礼貌地将她请了出去。 Since she cannot have a liking for «Seven» Heroine, Eric does not have to persists in beginning using former staff the custom. 既然她看不上《七宗罪》的女主角,艾瑞克也没有一定要坚持启用‘原班人马’的习惯。 It looks like in Eric, this seems like the common role, actually is actually previous life Gwyneth Paltrow at the Hollywood enterprise inflection point, even if she depends upon the family influence to act in ten small cost single-handedly movies, the influence that brings absolutely cannot compare «Seven», after all, these Box Office, only then 12 million even continually show opportunity no movie single-handedly, basically impossible to bring many popularity to Actor. But regarding intelligence mediocre Actor, brushes face in the high-grossing movie maintains the best method of enterprise, had enough popularity, had the Box Office rallying point, this can attain a better movie film to make. 艾瑞克看来,这个看似不起眼的角色,其实却是前世格温妮丝.帕特洛好莱坞事业的‘拐点’,即使她依靠家族影响力演上十部小成本独力电影,带来的影响力都绝对比不上《七宗罪》,毕竟,那些票房只有12000000甚至连上映机会都没有的独力电影,基本上不可能给演员带来多少知名度。而对于资质平庸的演员来说,在卖座影片中‘刷脸’才是维持事业的最好方法,拥有了足够的知名度,也就拥有了票房号召力,这样才能拿到更好的电影片约。 As for missing this movie, which step in Hollywood Gwyneth Paltrow can arrive, is not the Eric care. 至于错过了这部影片,格温妮丝.帕特洛能够在好莱坞走到哪一步,就不是艾瑞克关心的了。 Afterward days, before Oscar presentation ceremony, Eric basically in the script deliberation and Actor screen test, the budget conference and movie endured the scenery and other in busy of a series of night and day to pass. 随后一段日子,直到奥斯卡颁奖典礼之前,艾瑞克基本上是在剧本研讨、演员试镜、预算会议、影片堪景等一系列连轴转的忙碌中度过的。 Regarding the «Saving Private Ryan» Oscar public relations in next, after once more has still determined «Seven». Eric needs to pay attention directly is also in the substantive manufacture stage the movie to achieve seven, includes to disperse in Firefly Group several trade marks «RMS Titanic» and «The Matrix» and «The Rock» and «Bad Boys» and «Seven» five key movies . Moreover, with «Men in Black 2» that Columbia cooperates. With «Charlie's Angels 2» of DreamWorks Studios Metro Goldwyn Mayer cooperates. 对于《拯救大兵瑞恩》的奥斯卡公关还在其次,再次确定了一部《七宗罪》之后。艾瑞克需要直接关注并且进入实质性制作阶段的影片就达到了七部,这其中包括分散在萤火虫集团旗下几个厂牌的《泰坦尼克号》、《黑客帝国》、《勇闯夺命岛》、《绝地战警》和《七宗罪》五部重点影片,另外,还有与哥伦比亚合作的《黑衣人2》。与米高梅合作的梦工厂制作公司旗下的《霹雳娇娃2》。 Except for these honorable person movies, Blue Sky Studios successfully completes the transaction, accommodated alongside in 20th Century Fox. 除了这些真人影片,蓝天工作室顺利完成交易,挂靠在了二十世纪福克斯旗下。 The inside story of transaction quick disseminates in Hollywood, knew that Blue Sky Studios will obtain full technical support of Firefly in 3D Animation aspect, naturally has caused sound of the envying. Hollywood which Film Studio has not drooled the 3D Animation technology in Firefly hand. 交易的内情很快在好莱坞散播开来,得知蓝天工作室将获得萤火虫3d动画方面的充分技术支持,自然引起了一片羡慕之声。好莱坞没有哪一家电影公司不垂涎萤火虫手中的3d动画技术的。 Fox calmly has also taken «Shrek» movie copyright during this period. Eric simultaneously has given Chris Wedge the idea of «Ice Age» ahead of time, merely is only the animated film series that these two sell greatly, enough Blue Sky Studios eats for ten years. 福克斯在这期间也不动声色地拿下了《怪物史莱克》的电影版权艾瑞克同时将《冰河世纪》的想法提前交给了克里斯.韦奇,仅仅只是这两个大卖的动画电影系列,就足够蓝天工作室吃上十年时间。 During this, is not quite only smooth, was «Transformers» copyright. 这期间,唯一一点不太顺利的,就是《变形金刚版权了。 Elizabeth wants to discuss the «Transformers» Live-Action Film reorganization power with Hasbro similarly silently, but Hasbro is different from other copyright sides, as a world-class toy giant, although knows «Transformers», once the shoots honorable person version, can play very big promoter action regarding the sales volume of series toy brand, but opens the condition to come not to be lenient. Not only requests the large amount copyright expense, defines the movie manufacture scale, but also the request participates in the investment of movie together. 伊丽莎白本想同样无声无息地与孩之宝谈下《变形金刚》的真人电影改编权,但孩之宝却不同于其他版权方,作为一家世界级的玩具巨头,虽然知道《变形金刚》一旦拍摄真人版,对于旗下这个系列玩具品牌的销量能够起到非常大的促进作用,但开起条件来却一点也不手软。不但要求巨额的版权费用,限定影片制作规模,还要求共同参与电影的投资。 Elizabeth is certainly impossible to compromise easily, both sides just fell into to refuse to budge, the news then rapid disseminates in Hollywood. 伊丽莎白当然不可能轻易妥协,双方刚刚陷入僵持,消息便迅速在好莱坞传播开来。 Hollywood never lacks the smart person, the matter spreads, notes to lead the copyright negotiations Elizabeth, some people smelled behind this matter sensitively Firefly aura, therefore the result can be imagined, a piece raids. Hasbro also immediately waits for a better price. 好莱坞从来不缺乏聪明人,事情传扬开来,注意到主导版权谈判的伊丽莎白,一些人敏感地嗅到了这件事背后的‘萤火虫气息’,于是结果可想而知,一片哄抢。孩之宝也立刻待价而沽起来。 Firefly to demonstrate own pure, has joined the competition ranks. 萤火虫为了显示自己的‘清白’,也加入了竞争行列。 However, Eric has not given the too high offer, the desire of competition prosperously is not too intense. Because of special effect and other limits. At present also by far is not the manufacture opportunity of «Transformers» honorable person version. 不过,艾瑞克并没有给出太高的报价,竞争的欲旺并不是太强烈。因为特效等方面的限制。眼下还远远不是《变形金刚》真人版的制作时机。 In fact, the «Transformers» best fabrication time is 10 years later, even if ahead of time , after had better be able place 2000, before then, wants to manufacture the honorable person version effect in Eric memory. The cost must certainly surpass 200 million USD, otherwise the effect can only be barely satisfactory. 实际上,《变形金刚》的最佳制作时间是10年后,即使提前,也最好能够放在2000年以后,在这之前,想要制作出艾瑞克记忆里的真人版效果。成本肯定要超过2亿美元,否则效果只能差强人意。 Eric does not believe that several other big Film Studio will be promising a movie to invest the 200 million USD boldness, let alone, they, even if has this boldness, is impossible to have the digital domain to be in the lead in the field special effect standard, as for special effect Production Studio Industrial Light & Magic of previous life Transformers honorable person version, technically by far had cast off several streets by the digital domain at this time. 艾瑞克不相信其他几大电影公司会有为一部电影投资两亿美元的魄力,更何况,他们即使有这个魄力,也不可能拥有数字领域领先于业界的特效水准,至于前世变形金刚真人版的特效制作公司工业光魔,此时已经在技术上远远被数字领域甩开了几条街。 Not these preconditions, even if several other big Film Studio snatch copyright, starts forcefully this project, the successful probability is not big. 没有这些先决条件,即使其他几大电影公司抢到版权,强行上马这个项目,成功的几率也不大。 If were defeated, copyright naturally will be put aside, at this time in 1995, the time were much is, during this, what happened, who knew? 如果失败了,版权自然会被搁置下来,此时才1995年,时间还多得是,这期间会发生什么事情,谁知道呢? The time since late March, Oscar presentation ceremony approaches. 时间进入三月下旬,奥斯卡颁奖典礼临近。 However, the event that before then, Hollywood most causes a stir, is the Canada Seagram group after over six months negotiations, finally achieves the transaction with Matsushita, starts the Universal Pictures of MCA group by the 7.5 billion USD price purchase loosen as well as. 不过,在这之前,好莱坞最轰动的事件,还是加拿大西格拉姆集团经过半年多的谈判,终于与松下达成交易,以75亿美元的价格收购松下手中mca集团以及旗下的环球影业 This transaction should be able to be closed when the end of last year, because of the end of last year Michael Ovitz event, several sides of transaction in wrangled about the Michael Ovitz large amount leaving job compensatory payment in long time, even once spread the breakdown of negotiation the news. 这笔交易本应该在去年年底时就能够完成,但因为去年年底的迈克尔.奥维茨事件,交易的几方在关于迈克尔.奥维茨的巨额离职补偿金上扯皮良久,甚至一度传出谈判破裂的消息。 Traded is delayed for two months, eventually smoothly achieved. 交易被拖延了两个多月,最终还是顺利达成。 Although Matsushita, Seagram and Universal aspect had not disclosed that finally in the compensation agreement content that Michael Ovitz achieves, but these regarding Eric are actually not the secret. 虽然松下、西格拉姆环球方面都没有透露最终于迈克尔.奥维茨达成的补偿协议内容,但这些对于艾瑞克却不是什么秘密。 Michael Ovitz took away the leaving job compensation of 120 million USD from Universal finally, is undertaken by Matsushita and Seagram both sides together, in the meantime, Universal CEO Michael Eisner has also signed the employment contract with Universal, reduced itself on own initiative in the next few years option and bonus proportion. 迈克尔.奥维茨最终从环球拿走了1.2亿美元的离职补偿,由松下和西格拉姆双方共同承担,同时,环球ceo迈克尔.艾斯纳也在此期间与环球重新签署了雇佣合约,主动降低了自己在未来几年的期权和奖金比例。 Although has solved the conflict finally reluctantly, but in this event does not have any victor, 60 million USD that Matsushita and Seagram nature to pull out for no reason, the Michael Eisner also because oneself salary was compressed indignantly depressed. 虽然最终勉强解决了争端,但这次事件里却没有任何胜利者,松下和西格拉姆自然为平白无故掏出的6000万美元愤愤不已,迈克尔.艾斯纳因为自己的薪酬被压缩大为郁闷。 As the beneficiary in this matter surface, a side that Michael Ovitz most is defeated actually. If he initially had not left CAA, only depends on CAA half stockholder's rights that has, Michael Ovitz can obtain drawing bonus of tens of millions USD every year. 作为这件事表面上的受益者,迈克尔.奥维茨其实是最失败的一方。如果他当初没有离开caa,仅凭持有的caa半数股权,迈克尔.奥维茨每年都能获得数千万美元的分红。 In order to ally Universal, Michael Ovitz leaving home with only their clothes on their backs. Has sold out in the hand the complete CAA stock, wants to bring skills into full play in a broader platform, but less than one year distressedly had been expelled Universal, other Hollywood several big Film Studio have not admitted his meaning, wants to return to the commission agency not more impossible. CAA will not welcome abdicate stability monopoly aspect that king, icm, wma and CAA the confrontation among three forces, shut off him to want the path that started from zero. 为了加盟环球,迈克尔.奥维茨‘净身出户’。卖掉了手中全部的caa股份,本想在更为广阔的平台上大展拳脚,但只是不到一年时间就被狼狈地赶出了环球,好莱坞其他几大电影公司也没有接纳他的意思,想要回到经纪行业就更不可能。caa不会重新迎回已经退位的‘国王’,icm、wma和caa三足鼎立的稳定垄断局面,也切断了他想要从零开始的道路。 It can be said that Michael Ovitz this in the 80's earthshaking entertainment industry fierce and ambitious, has unravelled at the Hollywood enterprise thoroughly. 可以说,迈克尔.奥维茨这位在八十年代叱咤风云的娱乐业枭雄,在好莱坞的事业已经彻底灰飞烟灭了。 The losers can only forget rapidly, the Hollywood person with newly acquired wealth actually impatiently demonstrates own existence feeling. 失败者只能被人迅速遗忘,好莱坞新贵却迫不及待地显示自己的存在感。 After the transaction is closed, helmsman Edgar Bronfman of Seagram group scatters the invitation quickly broadly, conducts repeatedly grand party in the Burbank Universal cinema city continuously, quite somewhat new promote influence did obeisance wharf meaning, when Oscar presentation ceremony earlier period. The Los Angeles superstar celebrities converge to gather together, nature on like clouds. 交易完成后,西格拉姆集团的掌舵人埃德加.布朗夫曼很快广撒邀请函,在伯班克环球影城内连续举办多次盛大的派对,颇有几分新晋势力‘拜码头’的意味,正值奥斯卡颁奖典礼前期。洛杉矶巨星名流云集荟萃,自然应者如云。 The curtain of night just arrived, in the Universal cinema city internal party hall the person's shadow has swayed, the continuous guest is still catching up from various Los Angeles places. 夜幕刚刚降临,环球影城内部的派对大厅里就已经人影攒动,源源不断的宾客还在从洛杉矶各处赶来。 The Edgar Bronfman over the face red light treats with courtesy the important guest in hall, was stopped by calling by Michael Eisner, side Michael Eisner is also standing 30 -year-old middle age Caucasians. 埃德加.布朗夫曼满面红光地应酬完大厅里的重要客人,便被迈克尔.艾斯纳喊住,迈克尔.艾斯纳身旁还站着一个三十多岁的中年白人。 Edgar, this is I have raised with you, Hasbro Corporation CEO Alan. Hassenfeld,” Michael Eisner is doing recommending for them warmly: Alan, this is Mr. Edgar Bronfman of Seagram group.” 埃德加,这就是我跟你提过的,孩之宝公司ceo艾伦.哈森菲尔德,”迈克尔.艾斯纳热情地为两人做着引荐:“艾伦,这位是西格拉姆集团的埃德加.布朗夫曼先生。” Seagram and Hasbro have some similarities actually. Two companies both are family firms, and also controls in the founder family hand, Seagram is the Bronfman family is founded in 20th century beginning, Hasbro Corporation is the Hassenfeld family early is founded in 20th century similarly. 西格拉姆孩之宝其实也有着一些相似之处。两家公司都是家族企业,并且还都掌控在创始人家族手中,西格拉姆布朗夫曼家族在二十世纪初创建的,孩之宝公司同样是哈森菲尔德家族在二十世纪早期创建。 Although Universal experienced several months of unstable. But must continue. 虽然环球经历了几个月的动荡不安。但一切还是要继续。 In the acquisition negotiation process, Matsushita also once proposed, since is Michael Eisner and contradictions of Michael Ovitz two assistants does not accommodate well distributed, that kicks to be eliminated penalty cheap that Michael Eisner without doubt is small advantage that Edgar Bronfman forcefully guaranteed Michael Eisner finally, Matsushita must be separated from Hollywood. Naturally stops at nothing, the Seagram group actually knows that opened up the perspective in Universal Michael Eisner absolutely compared with Michael Ovitz valuable many, compares, tens of millions USD penalty differences are not anything. 在收购谈判过程中,松下也一度提出既然是迈克尔.艾斯纳迈克尔.奥维茨两位正副手的矛盾不容调和,那就将违约金便宜的那个踢出局,迈克尔.艾斯纳无疑是‘便宜’的那个,最终还是埃德加.布朗夫曼强行保下了迈克尔.艾斯纳,松下要脱离好莱坞了。自然无所顾忌,西格拉姆集团却知道,已经在环球打开局面的迈克尔.艾斯纳绝对比迈克尔.奥维茨有价值的多,相比起来,数千万美元的违约金差异并不算什么。 Therefore, Michael Eisner also urgently wants the accuracy of certificate Seagram this decision at this time, therefore competes regarding Transformers copyright appears especially earnest. 因此,迈克尔.艾斯纳此时也迫切地想要证明西格拉姆这个决定的正确性,于是对于变形金刚版权争夺就显得格外热切。 He can be said as earliest one batch realizes Transformers copyright possibly with the Eric concerned person . Moreover, even if this matter has nothing to do with Eric, after these days dissect, Michael Eisner also discovered that toy image that Transformers this type has around the world the popularity, if manufactures Live-Action Film by the current popular CG Special Effects technology, has big business potential absolutely, fully is worth Universal snatching not at any cost copyright. 他可以说是最早一批意识到变形金刚版权可能与艾瑞克有关的人,而且,即使这件事真的与艾瑞克无关,经过这段时间的详细研究,迈克尔.艾斯纳也发现,变形金刚这种拥有世界范围内知名度的玩具形象,如果以当前热门的cg特效技术制作出真人电影,绝对拥有非常大的商业潜力,完全值得环球不惜一切代价将版权抢下来。 Edgar Bronfman had listened to the detailed appraisal of Michael Eisner to Transformers copyright, hears him to introduce Alan. Hassenfeld, similarly performance unusual is earnest, Michael Eisner earnestly hopes to make some dazzling achievements to prove itself again, detains the note the family majority of resources in Hollywood Edgar Bronfman also similarly so. 埃德加.布朗夫曼已经听过迈克尔.艾斯纳变形金刚版权的详细评估,听到他介绍艾伦.哈森菲尔德,同样表现的非常热切,迈克尔.艾斯纳迫切希望再做出一些耀眼的业绩证明自己,将家族大部分资源都押注在好莱坞埃德加.布朗夫曼也同样如此。 Alan, hopes happiness that you can play tonight,” Edgar Bronfman with a face all smiles with Alan. Hassenfeld shook hand, said: „The matter about Transformers copyright, hopes that you can give careful consideration, Universal have the sincerity cooperation.” 艾伦,希望你今晚能玩的愉快,”埃德加.布朗夫曼笑容满面地与艾伦.哈森菲尔德握了握手,又道:“关于变形金刚版权的事情,希望你能慎重考虑一下,环球是非常有诚意合作的。” Naturally, Hasbro also hopes that can achieve the cooperation with Hollywood,” Alan. In the Hassenfeld vision is bringing astutely, has not given any answer, smiles to reply ambiguous. “当然,孩之宝也非常希望能够与好莱坞达成合作,”艾伦.哈森菲尔德目光中带着精明,没有给出任何答复,模棱两可地微笑答道。 Edgar Bronfman as if has not felt Alan. Being perfunctory of Hassenfeld. The smiling face is invariable, said: Since this, Alan, is inferior to play the golf to be what kind of tomorrow together. When the time comes did we chat again in detail?” 埃德加.布朗夫曼似乎没有感受到艾伦.哈森菲尔德的敷衍。笑容不变,说道:“既然这样,艾伦,不如明天一起打高尔夫球怎么样。到时候我们再详细谈谈?” Edgar, I possibly will not have the time tomorrow, can only be sorry,” Alan. Hassenfeld shook the head. 埃德加,我明天可能没时间,只能抱歉了,”艾伦.哈森菲尔德摇了摇头。 Michael Eisner knows that is impossible to reach any agreement in this situation, what is most important is Alan. Hassenfeld entertains. Notes Alan. The Hassenfeld vision often looks to the surrounding crowd, said: Alan, if you want to know that perhaps which guest on the scene, I can help you recommend.” 迈克尔.艾斯纳知道在这种场合不可能达成什么协议,最重要的还是将艾伦.哈森菲尔德招待好。注意到艾伦.哈森菲尔德的目光不时看向周围的人群,道:“艾伦,如果你想认识在场的哪位客人,或许我可以帮你引荐一下。” Alan. The Hassenfeld smile did not speak, but delivered to the mouth the red wine in hand gently. 艾伦.哈森菲尔德微笑不语,只是将手中的红酒轻轻送到嘴边。 The Edgar Bronfman vision flashes, realizes Alan. Hassenfeld appears here, has not led the female companion, thinks saying: Alan, the Hollywood girls are very warm, you may should not be constrained. Which star no longer here that if you are interested. We can help to relate.” 埃德加.布朗夫曼目光闪动,意识到艾伦.哈森菲尔德出现在这里,却没有带女伴,想了想跟着说道:“艾伦,好莱坞的女孩们都是非常热情的,你可千万不要拘束。如果你感兴趣的哪位女星不再这里。我们可以帮忙联系一下。” Was saying, a party hall entrance tumult, three people can feel the vision of surrounding all people to change that side obviously, some guests walk toward the entrance. 正说着,派对大厅入口一阵骚动,三人能够明显感受到周围所有人的目光都转向了那边,还有一些客人朝门口走去。 The Michael Eisner three people looked at the past curiously, the entrance, five gorgeous eye-catching girls walked into the party scene one after another, was similar to five mermaids, instantaneously became all person focuses. Although Hollywood also many beautiful women, but these five personal appearance tall and slender girl wore magnificent high to decide the formal clothes, on the foot is stepping on the high-heeled shoes. Adds on five fine busy cheeks again, immediately shows an imposing manner of colorful pressure beautiful and fragrant flowers, as if in all feminine brilliance the hall attracted instantaneously. 迈克尔.艾斯纳三人好奇地看过去,入口处,五位光艳夺目的女郎陆续走入派对现场,如同五尾美人鱼,瞬间就成为所有人关注的焦点。虽然好莱坞也不乏美人儿,但这五个本就身形高挑的女郎身着华丽的高定礼服,脚上踩着高跟鞋。再加上五张精致无暇的脸蛋,立刻就展现出一种艳压群芳的气势,仿佛瞬间将大厅内所有女性的光华都吸引了过去。 Looks at not far away five physique monster bountiful cheek fine outstanding people, the Edgar Bronfman moral nature again is sighing the Eric Williams vision. 望着不远处五个身姿妖饶脸蛋精致的尤物,埃德加.布朗夫曼心底不由再次感叹艾瑞克.威廉姆斯的眼光。 Although is not the movie star. But in recent Hollywood, media has given these five Victoria’s Secret angel massive attention as before. They together will also issue this year the Oscar first award item as Oscar presenting guest of honor. 虽然并不是电影明星。但在最近的好莱坞,媒体依旧给与了这五位维密天使大量的关注。她们还将作为奥斯卡颁奖嘉宾一起颁发今年奥斯卡的第一个奖项。 Moreover, looks like in many people, at their present popularity, wanted to enter the film and television circle almost not to have any threshold as before, not to mention Eric Williams this glittering personal connection. If they display to play the thought of film and television play, these to the Film Studio absolutely not parsimonious hand in movie contract that they will have the interest. Before, supermodel wanted to play movie, usually can only obtain some not worthy of mentioning small roles, because they, even if the fame in the circle reached the peak, actually often not too big public profile. 而且,在很多人看来,以她们现在的知名度,想要进入影视圈几乎依旧没有了任何门槛,且不说艾瑞克.威廉姆斯这条金光闪闪的人脉。如果她们表现出想要出演影视剧的念头,那些对她们产生兴趣的电影公司绝对不会吝啬手中的电影合约。在以前,超级名模想要出演电影,通常只能获得一些微不足道的小角色,因为她们即使在圈子里名气达到巅峰,却往往并没有太大的公众知名度。 But under the operation of Eric Williams, these five Victoria’s Secret angels jumped out the boundary of supermodel completely, at this time completely is the surname feeling idol of national rank. 但在艾瑞克.威廉姆斯的运作下,这五位维密天使已经完全跳出了超模的界限,此时已经完全是国民级别的姓感偶像。 Remembers Eric Williams, Edgar Bronfman five senses Chen Za, recent party, he must certainly invite the opposite party, even to indicate to attach great importance, after transmitting invitation, Edgar Bronfman personally has also made a phone call in the past, but first several party, Eric has not actually attended, does not know that today can appear. 想起艾瑞克.威廉姆斯,埃德加.布朗夫曼又有些五味陈杂,最近的派对,他当然不可能不邀请对方,甚至为了表示重视,在发送邀请函之后,埃德加.布朗夫曼还亲自打了一个电话过去,但前几次派对,艾瑞克却都没有出席,也不知道今天会不会出现。 Michael Eisner sees Cindy Crawford and other female appearances, in the heart some similar five senses mixed Chen, in the past when first time met that in his opinion some youth of not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth, now not only stood in the Hollywood peak, even also proliferated beside the formidable influence Hollywood, but how he still exhaustively was actually considering to consolidate in the Hollywood status. 迈克尔.艾斯纳看到辛迪.克劳馥等五女出现,心中同样有些五味杂陈,当年第一次见面时那个在他看来有些不知天高地厚的青年,现在不但站立在了好莱坞的巅峰,甚至还将自己强大的影响力扩散到了好莱坞之外,而他却还在绞尽脑汁地考虑如何稳固自己在好莱坞的地位。 However, how long sobbing of Michael Eisner has not continued, his attention quickly changes to Alan. On Hassenfeld, considered that these became the thing not any significance of fact, completes the present matter is most important. 不过,迈克尔.艾斯纳的唏嘘并没有持续多久,他的注意力还是很快转到艾伦.哈森菲尔德身上,考虑这些已经成为事实的东西没有任何意义,做好眼前的事情才是最重要的。 Notes this Hasbro CEO to look when to by five females who the people crowd around, in the look has to take earnest that masculine that type is hard to conceal similarly, Michael Eisner calculates the moment, suddenly emits some thoughts. 注意到这位孩之宝ceo看向被众人簇拥的五女时,眼神中同样有着作为男性那种难以掩饰的热切,迈克尔.艾斯纳盘算片刻,突然冒出一些念头。 Put out a hand to pull Edgar Bronfman, has made a look secretly, Michael Eisner to Alan. Hassenfeld said: Alan, these five beautiful women should be in this world most attractive several may the person, we pass to know.” 伸手扯了扯身旁的埃德加.布朗夫曼,暗暗做了一个眼神,迈克尔.艾斯纳艾伦.哈森菲尔德道:“艾伦,这五个美女应该算是这个世界上最漂亮的几位可人了,我们过去认识一下吧。” Edgar Bronfman does not understand that the meaning of Michael Eisner, actually very much coordinates saying: Yes, magazine previous year the evaluation of most beautiful star, their five basically in the first several ranks, such beautiful woman did not know recently, was a pity.” 埃德加.布朗夫曼不明白迈克尔.艾斯纳的意思,却是很配合地说道:“是啊,最近一些杂志上年度最美女星的评选,她们五个基本上都在前几名的行列里,这样的美女不认识一下,就太可惜了。” They such urge, Alan. Hassenfeld also no longer refuses, to nod, said: I also very much anticipated that knows them.” 两人这么一撺掇,艾伦.哈森菲尔德也不再拒绝,点了点头,道:“我也很期待与她们认识一下啊。” When three people spoke, five Victoria’s Secret angels surrounded by different guest, have dispersed gradually in various hall places. 三人说话时,五位维密天使在不同客人的簇拥下,已经逐渐散开在大厅各处。 Michael Eisner is bringing Alan. Hassenfeld, actually directly to wearing Diane Kruger of wine red evening dress walks.( To be continued.) 迈克尔.艾斯纳带着艾伦.哈森菲尔德,却是直接向身着酒红色晚礼服的黛安.克鲁格走去。(未完待续。)
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