IAIH :: Volume #7

#699: Cleverness

Eric waited for probably 20 minutes, red sports car appears in not far away crossroad, in an instant arrives in front of him to stop. 艾瑞克等了大概20分钟,一辆红色跑车就出现在不远处的路口,转眼来到他面前停下。 Eric walks to go forward, the car window falls, the girl is disinclined including the vehicle door, the small body drills directly from the car(riage) window, Eric puts out a hand to catch with a smile hastily, has hugged from the car(riage) the girl. 艾瑞克走上前,车窗玻璃落下,丫头连车门都懒得开,小身子直接从车窗户里钻出来,艾瑞克笑着连忙伸手接住,将丫头从车里抱了出来。 Routinely on Eric greasy the moment, the girl has pulled out the small nose, said grinningly: Eric, your body has smell Oh of woman, won't be trampled to get out of bed at the last minute?” 习惯性地在艾瑞克身上腻了片刻,丫头抽了抽小鼻子,笑嘻嘻地说道:“艾瑞克,你身上有女人的气味,不会是在最后一刻被踹下床了吧?” The awkward expression that notes on the Eric face to flash past, small girl is out of control to smile to make noise: Hehe, I have guessed right unexpectedly, is quite pitiful, making small Drew hug, does not cry.” 注意到艾瑞克脸上一闪而过的尴尬表情,小妮子禁不住笑出声来:“呵呵,我竟然猜对了,好可怜,让小德鲁抱抱,不哭。” Eric did not know whether to laugh or cry has clapped a palm of the hand on girl small buttocks, after looking at that liquor , the ruddy cheek, said: Was so late, hurries to go home to rest.” 艾瑞克哭笑不得地在丫头小臀上拍了一巴掌,望着那张酒后红扑扑的脸蛋,道:“这么晚了,赶紧回家休息吧。” Un, goes home, you hug me to board......” “嗯,回家,你抱我上车……” Eric is hugging the girl, pulled open the vehicle door to fill her, directly has not actually boarded, arrives at front to knock the glass of cab, the glass coasted, the twin asked: „Does master, have the matter?” 艾瑞克一手搂着丫头,拉开车门将她塞了进去,却没有直接上车,走到前面敲了敲驾驶室的车窗,玻璃滑下,双胞胎问道:“主人,有事吗?” Eric looked at one, the definite twin has not drunk, nodded: All right, we walk.” 艾瑞克只是看了一眼,确定双胞胎没喝酒,点了点头:“没事,我们走吧。” Eric, does not need to look that I will make how possibly them drink, after the liquor, drives dangerously, is a little dizzy, must hug.” 艾瑞克,不用看啦,我怎么可能会让她们喝酒呢,酒后驾车多危险呀,呜,头有点晕,要抱抱。” The Eric boarding back seat, felt that the girl small body has bullied immediately, puts out a hand to hold in the arms to touch her small head, said with a smile: „To knock really silly you.” 艾瑞克上了车后座,感觉到丫头小身子立刻欺了上来,伸手搂住摸了摸她的小脑袋,笑道:“真想把你敲傻一点。” Hehe, knocks the fools to be useless me, you lift the hand I to guess correctly you to in the same old way make anything.” “呵呵,把我敲成傻瓜都没用啦,你一抬手我照样能猜出你要做什么。” Felt that the vehicle starts, Eric lifted the hand with a smile: Come, guesses that what I do want to make?” 感觉到车子发动,艾瑞克笑着抬了抬手:“来,猜吧,我要做什么?” Rested the head on the girl on Eric leg to extend the small hand to draw the Eric big hand to the front comfortably gnaws two gently, the laughter said: Too, has not guessed desirably.” 舒服地枕在艾瑞克腿上的丫头伸出小手将艾瑞克大手拉到面前轻轻啃了两下,嬉笑道:“太刻意了,不猜。” sports car went for more than ten minutes on Beverly Hills curving ravine road, enters the Trousdale manor, Eric is lowering the head with the girl speaks. Natasha on copilot turns head: Master, the entrance has the person.” 跑车比弗利山弯弯曲曲的山间公路上行驶了十多分钟,进入特劳斯代尔庄园,艾瑞克正低头与丫头说着话。副驾驶上的娜塔莎扭头过来:“主人,门口有人。” Eric looks up, the Drew mansion entrance, black SUV stops in the entrance. 艾瑞克抬头看去,德鲁的豪宅门口,一辆黑色的suv停在门口。 small girl heard the Natasha words also to sit. The probe head looked at one, said with a smile: Gwyneth Paltrow, definitely was walked forgets the thing.” 小妮子听到娜塔莎的话也坐了起来。探头看了一眼,笑道:“格温妮丝?帕特洛啊,肯定是走的时候忘东西了呢。” The Eric doubts said: What thing forgets?” 艾瑞克疑惑道:“忘记什么东西?” Where I know that” girl smiling face does not change: In any case, draws any thing to be good. So long as there is a excuse to return again and that's the end.” “我哪里知道啊,”丫头笑容不改:“反正,拉点什么东西都行啊。只要有借口再返回来就是了。” Eric also understood in an instant, smiled, has not said anything again. 艾瑞克刹那间也明白了过来,笑了笑,没再说什么。 Saw that red sports car of girl stops in the mansion entrance, sits Gwyneth Paltrow in SUV deeply inspired, opens the vehicle door to get out, on the face has hung up the look that was sorry, moves toward Eric and Drew: „Sorry, Drew, my package fell in your family, I will have a form of screen test tomorrow also in the package. Only can this time come back with.” 看到丫头的红色跑车停在豪宅门口,坐在suv里的格温妮丝?帕特洛深吸了一口气,推开车门下车,脸上就已经挂起了抱歉的神色,走向艾瑞克德鲁:“真是抱歉,德鲁,我的包落在你家里了,我明天有一个试镜的表格还在包里。只能这个时候回来拿了。” The girls hold on the hand of Gwyneth Paltrow intimately: Has not related, Kate, was so late, is inferior to remain tonight.” 丫头亲热地拉住格温妮丝?帕特洛的手:“没关系啊,凯特,已经这么晚了,不如今晚就留下来吧。” Won't disturb you?” Gwyneth Paltrow these words were saying to Eric. “不会打扰你们吗?”格温妮丝?帕特洛这句话却是对着艾瑞克说的。 Eric somewhat speechless looks that two do not have that sentiment obviously is actually similar to the blood sisters same girls, but nodded, sees the front door to open, walks toward the courtyard. 艾瑞克有些无语地看着两个明明都没那份感情却如同亲姐妹一样的女孩,只是点了点头,看到大门打开,朝院子里走去。 Gwyneth Paltrow sees Eric with the meaning that talked, in the eye has not flashed through one to lose, but quick transformed the expression, dealt with also to draw small girl of hand. 格温妮丝?帕特洛艾瑞克没有与自己交谈的意思,眼中闪过一丝失落,但很快就转换了表情,应付起还拉着自己手的小妮子 We go.” The girls as if do not think to the Gwyneth Paltrow expression said that but also told that the twin advances in the Gwyneth Paltrow car(riage) the garage. “我们进去吧。”丫头似乎对格温妮丝?帕特洛的表情毫无所觉地说道,还吩咐双胞胎将格温妮丝?帕特洛的车开进车库里去。 Eric enters in the courtyard, saw that still when some junks that the busy two maids as well as periphery scatter as before, just knows telephones the girl in own opened party. Two maids' disposition understanding the Eric are not many. Sees him to appear, the work in hand has not completed, in the vision somewhat is unavoidably disturbed, was worried that will be scolded. 艾瑞克走进院子里,看到还在忙碌的两个女佣以及周围依旧散落的一些杂物,就知道打电话时丫头原来在自己家开派对。两个女佣对艾瑞克的性格了解不多。看到他出现,手中的工作还没做完,目光中不免有些忐忑,担心会遭到责骂。 A near early morning o'clock, Eric is not Zhou Bapi, waved. Said: You rest first, tomorrow will tidy up again.” 已经将近凌晨一点钟,艾瑞克又不是周扒皮,挥了挥手。道:“你们先去休息吧,明天再收拾。” Two maids relaxed, completes a front point agily exactly, vanishes peacefully does not see. 两个女佣心里松了一口气,利索地将面前的一点活做完,安静地消失不见。 Transmits for two years chirp the chat sound, the interest that Eric has not mixed, takes off to throw the coat on the sofa, walks up to the building to plan to turn on the water to take a bath. 身后传来两年叽叽喳喳的聊天声,艾瑞克没有掺和的兴致,将外套脱下丢在沙发上,走上楼就打算放水洗澡。 After the moment, in the hand holds Natasha of Eric coat to appear in the bathroom entrance peacefully, hangs the coat on the side clothes rack, walks to say in a soft voice: Master, I come.” 片刻后,手里捧着艾瑞克外套的娜塔莎安静地出现在裕室门口,将外套挂在旁边衣架上,走过来轻声道:“主人,我来吧。” Eric sets out, making Natasha look at current of water, arrives by the washing the face pond to take out own toothbrushing gear, pushes the toothpaste to ask: What does Drew make below?” 艾瑞克起身,让娜塔莎看着水流,走到洗脸池旁取出自己的牙具,挤着牙膏问道:“德鲁在下面做什么?” Chats with Miss Paltrow.” “陪帕特洛小姐聊天。” Was so late, making them chat tomorrow again.” “这么晚了,让她们明天再聊吧。” Un,” Natasha nodded, saw that Eric starts to clean the teeth, focuses on the bathtub, has overbrimmed the water, put out a hand to try under the water temperature, withdrew from bathroom peacefully. “嗯,”娜塔莎点了点头,看到艾瑞克开始刷牙,将注意力放在浴缸里,注满了水,伸手试了下水温,又安静地退出了裕室 Eric cleaned the teeth, takes off the clothes to soak in the bathtub, under the stimulation of lukewarm water comfortable narrowed the eye, after a while, felt that bathroom door was shoved open, the girl kicked quickly in the bathtub. 艾瑞克刷完牙,脱掉衣服泡进浴缸里,在温水的刺激下舒服的眯起了眼睛,过了一会儿,就感觉裕室们被推开,丫头很快扑腾进了浴缸里。 Eric girl not law-abiding small body according to the bosom, said with a smile: Do not make, was so late, Gwyneth Paltrow?” 艾瑞克丫头不安分的小身子按在怀里,笑道:“不要闹了,这么晚了,格温妮丝?帕特洛呢?” Goes to the guest room to sleep, Eric, you must go to the night assault, perhaps will she very much anticipate?” “去客房睡觉去啦,艾瑞克,你要去夜袭吗,说不定她会很期待呢?” Does not have the interest, since you do not like her, what also such is perfunctory to make?” “没兴趣,你既然不喜欢她,还这么敷衍做什么?” The girls have rubbed rubbing in the Eric shoulder, said: Looks that she at heart is obviously repugnant I, but must think of every means to approach my appearance, is very interesting.” 丫头在艾瑞克肩头蹭了蹭,道:“看着她明明心里非常讨厌我,还要费尽心思接近我的模样,很有意思呢。” Eric has patted racket on the girl, said: Do not play went too far.” 艾瑞克在丫头身上拍了拍,说道:“不要玩的太过分了。” If you do not like, I paid no attention to her to be good.” “如果你不喜欢,我不理她好了。” Eric shook the head: Does not need, but, how did I hear you just to call her Kate?” 艾瑞克摇了摇头:“没必要,不过,我怎么听到你刚刚叫她凯特?” That is her first name, The Godfather gets up personally.” “那是她的教名啊,教父亲自起的。” Eric said curiously: Oh, your first name?” 艾瑞克好奇道:“,那你的教名呢?” „When I am only shoots «et» recognizes the goddaughter casually, at that time eight years old, where had any first name, others are the locally born Hollywood prestigious family, baptism time in church very officially name.” “我只是拍摄《et》时随便认得教女,那时候都八岁了,哪有什么教名,人家可是土生土长的好莱坞名门呢,洗礼的时候在教堂里非常正式地起的名字。” Felt that girl mood inexplicably somewhat low, Eric collected to kiss in that childish face under: Has not related. Or I gave you to have a first name to be good.” 感觉到丫头情绪莫名地有些低落,艾瑞克凑过来在那张娃娃脸上亲了下:“没关系。要不我给你起个教名好了。” Good, wants me to call Papa?” “好吧,要我叫爸爸吗?” Volume...... Cannot such call.” “额……不许这么叫。” Hehe,” girl has turned the small body once more, kicks water splash: You like obviously very much. I felt.” “呵呵,”丫头再次扭了扭小身子,扑腾出一片水花:“你明明很喜欢。我感觉到了呢。” Eric puts out a hand once more holding down girl: Makes me to lose again you.” 艾瑞克再次伸手按住丫头:“再闹我把你丢出去啊。” Hehe,” girl has smiled several, no longer tosses about, said: Was right, Eric. I have attained very cool script Oh today, has spent entire 500,000 USD, you help me have a look.” “呵呵,”丫头笑了几声,不再折腾,道:“对了,艾瑞克。我今天拿到了一个很酷的剧本,花了整整50万美元,你帮我看看。” Tomorrow, did not have a look now several : 00.” “明天吧,也不看看现在几点了。” Looks at one,” small girl was the time late is more energetic, was saying crawled to the bathtub edge, held the shampoo jar thump to strike in the bathtub edge, one pack of sounds called out: Natasha, Natasha......” “就看一眼嘛,”小妮子却是时间越晚越精神,说着就爬到浴缸边缘,抓住洗发水瓶子在浴缸边缘咚咚咚地敲打着,一叠声叫道:“娜塔莎,娜塔莎……” Twin's voice conveys: Boss?” 双胞胎的声音传来:“老板?” Helps me bring today's that script.” “帮我把今天那个剧本拿来。” Good.” “好的。” A moment later, the bathroom gate was shoved open gently. In Natasha took script to walk, but always on the peaceful simple and beautiful cheek appeared light blushing, the look was moving aside slightly, does not dare to look to soak Eric in bathtub. 片刻之后,裕室门被轻轻推开。娜塔莎手里拿着一个剧本走了进来,只是一向安静清丽的脸蛋上现出淡淡的红晕,眼神微微躲闪着,不敢看泡在浴缸里的艾瑞克 Although on the bathtub is fluttering a bubble, is unable to see anything, Eric also similarly felt that somewhat awkward, opening the mouth will make Natasha hurry, small girl actually stretches out two fair small arms, making Natasha help her use the towel to dry, said: Is shy anything. I am Eric, you are also Eric.” 虽然浴缸上飘着一层泡沫,无法看到什么,艾瑞克也同样感觉到有些尴尬,正要开口让娜塔莎赶紧出去,小妮子却伸出两只白生生的小胳膊,让娜塔莎帮她用毛巾擦干,说道:“害羞什么呀。我是艾瑞克的,你们也是艾瑞克的。” Natasha low lowland accordingly: Yes, Boss.” 娜塔莎低低地应声了一声:“是,老板。” Sees the twin to leave, Eric asked: What have you made?” 看着双胞胎离开,艾瑞克才问道:“你到底都做了些什么啊?” The girls do not have the direct reaction. Said grinningly: If you do not want, I gave others Oh them.” 丫头却是没有直接回答。笑嘻嘻地说道:“如果你不要的话,我就把她们送给别人了。” Volume......” “额……” Good, I will not give others them, hehe, we look at script,” small girl is taking script. Does towel to hand over one. “好啦,我才不会把她们给别人呢,呵呵,我们看剧本,”小妮子一手拿着剧本。一手将一条干毛巾递过来。 Eric dries both hands, received script to open from girl hand, the eyeball almost jumps. 艾瑞克擦干双手,从丫头手中接过剧本翻开,眼珠子差点跳出来。 The script title page has a word, 《Scream》, on the screenwriter column is also the Eric very familiar name, Kevin Williamson. 剧本封面只有一个单词,《惊声尖叫》,编剧栏上也是艾瑞克很熟悉的名字,凯文?威廉姆森 Is good turns around to hang towel because of small girl, has not seen on the Eric face the short surprise, will otherwise guess anything absolutely. 好在小妮子转身去挂毛巾,没有看到艾瑞克脸上短暂的诧异,否则绝对会猜测到什么。 Felt that the girl has turned around, Eric turns script while the expression asked at will: Where this does script come?” 感觉到丫头转过身,艾瑞克一边翻剧本一边语气随意地问道:“这个剧本是哪里来的?” Recently everybody was snatching, but the price arrives at 350,000 USD, several big Film Studio withdrew, the remaining several single-handedly production companies are still only competing, I thought that this script is very cool, direct initial price 500,000 USD took.” “最近大家都在抢啊,只不过价格开到35万美元,几大制片厂都退出了,只剩下几家独力制片公司还在竞争,我觉得这个剧本很酷,就直接开价50万美元拿下来了。” Hollywood major suit screenwriter play Basic Instinct suffices to sell 2 to 5 million USD, because of the Box Office potential limit, the script price of horror film will not be usually high, although knows that Box Office of 《Scream》 in the original space and time sells greatly, but from the present condition, the 500,000 USD initial price somewhat was merely high, horror film script, about 200,000 was good, even if quite splendid, will not surpass 400,000 USD, this is why several big Film Studio in abundance will withdraw in the 350,000 USD price. 好莱坞大牌编剧的剧本能够卖到200到500万美元,但因为票房潜力限制,恐怖片的剧本价格通常都不会太高,虽然知道《惊声尖叫》在原时空中票房大卖,但仅仅从现在状况来看,50万美元的开价有些高了,一个恐怖片剧本,20万左右就不错了,即使是比较精彩的,也不会超过40万美元,这就是为什么几大制片厂会在35万美元的价位上纷纷退出。 small girl guessed that again from Eric expression his idea, explained: 500,000 USD continues this script Oh, but also includes another two sequels the contracts, in addition two similar script, in addition, is actually five.” 小妮子再一次从艾瑞克表情里猜测到他的想法,解释道:“50万美元不止这一个剧本,还包括另外两部续集的合约,另外还有两个同类型的剧本,加起来,其实是五部呢。” Heard the girl saying that Eric just idea vanished into thin air immediately. 听到丫头这么说,艾瑞克刚刚的想法顿时烟消云散。 Also is really. 也真是。 This girl will suffer how possibly a loss. 这妮子怎么可能会吃亏。 Eric can guess that the idea of screenwriter Kevin Williamson, in Hollywood, as screenwriter that has not become famous, 500,000 USD absolutely is great sum of money Hollywood every year script tens of thousands, many screenwriter will be often quiet after 12 works, perhaps cannot make 500,000 USD for a lifetime, Kevin Williamson also definitely hits is fishing a point idea on this script. 艾瑞克能够猜测到编剧凯文?威廉姆森的想法,在好莱坞,作为一个未成名的编剧,50万美元绝对是一笔巨款好莱坞每年的剧本成千上万,很多编剧往往都会在12部作品之后沉寂下来,或许一辈子都挣不到50万美元,凯文?威廉姆森也肯定打着在这个剧本上多捞一点的想法。 However, the 500,000 USD five pieces make, when 《Scream》 Box Office sells greatly, Kevin Williamson will regret in the future absolutely wants to cry but have no tears. 不过,50万美元五部片约,等到《惊声尖叫》票房大卖,凯文?威廉姆森将来绝对会后悔到欲哭无泪。 Feels the Eric mood to change, the girl happily hey has smiled two similarly, said: Eric, you thought that I did play script just to start the massacred that girl personally am what kind of?” 感受到艾瑞克的情绪变化,丫头同样得意地嘿嘿笑了两声,道:“艾瑞克,你觉得我亲自出演剧本刚刚开始被杀掉的那个女孩怎么样?” Eric by in the bathtub edge, is turning script in hand, asked calmly: How will you have this idea?” 艾瑞克靠在浴缸边缘,翻着手中的剧本,语气平静地问道:“你怎么会有这个想法?” Thought that very interesting, I have not acted in the movie for a long time. Moreover how long this role could not spend.” “只是觉得很有意思啊,我好久都没有演电影了呢。而且这个角色也花不了多长时间。” Un, words that you like develop, was right, Tina that «Mean Girls» script how?” “嗯,你喜欢的话就演吧,对了,蒂娜的那个《贱女孩》的剧本怎么样了?” Started to arrange. We plan to place at the end of the year the running schedule, this 《Scream》, shoots smooth words, plans to place the end of the year, if nobody is willing to distribute. Our oneself do. Oh, the «Mission: Impossible» sequel, couple of days ago Kevin Costner manager telephoned, said that is to chat sequel piece approximately matter.” “已经开始筹备了。我们打算放在年底档期,还有这部《惊声尖叫》,拍摄顺利的话,也打算放在年底,如果没有人肯发行。我们就自己做。,还有《碟中谍》的续集,前两天凯文?科斯特纳经纪人打电话过来,说是想要谈谈续集片约的事情。” Eric asked: How do you reply his?” 艾瑞克问道:“你们怎么回复他的?” small girl said with a smile: Naturally was pays no attention to him, everybody present knows that «Waterworld» had the big problem, although has shot reluctantly, but we inquired merely during was shoots, that movie has spent 130 million, heard that Director originally shoots to frightens finally does not do, now the later period manufactures at least also wants 34 surely USD, Kevin Costner definitely was wants to sign the «Mission: Impossible» sequel piece first makes. If «Waterworld» were defeated, he can also obtain some safeguards, I will not make him prevail, even to discuss , after and other «Waterworld» screen, hehe. Had 《Scream》 and «Mean Girls», enough I and Amy bustled about a long time, «Forrest Gump» that summer the files must distribute personally, the propaganda of «Night at the Museum» we must participate, the matter was really too many.” 小妮子笑道:“当然是不理他了啊,大家现在都知道《未来水世界》出大问题了,虽然已经勉强拍完,但我们打听到仅仅是拍摄期间那部电影就已经花掉了1亿3000万,听说原本的导演拍到最后都吓得不干了,现在后期制作起码也要34千万美元吧,凯文?科斯特纳肯定是想要先签下《碟中谍》续集片约。万一《未来水世界》失败了,他也能得到一些保障,我才不会让他得逞,就算想谈,也等《未来水世界》上映之后吧,呵呵。有了《惊声尖叫》和《贱女孩》,就足够我和艾米忙碌很长一段时间了,还有暑期档要亲自发行的《阿甘正传》,《博物馆奇妙夜》的宣传我们也要参加,事情真是太多了。” Warner last year under that famous Actor collective strike the pressure received Kevin Costner continuously arrangement «Waterworld». Now will regret dead absolutely. 华纳去年迫于那次大牌演员集体‘罢工’的压力接下了凯文?科斯特纳一直筹备的《未来水世界》。现在绝对会后悔死。 Finally production cost 170 million, announcement little said that must spend 30 million USD again, amounted to the 200 million cost, Warner needs to take back six hundred million USD in the global range. Possibly recoups cost on Box Office, by the memory of Eric to this movie, global six hundred million USD is impossible, has not thrown miserably is good. In situation that Box Office declines, even if you were one have burnt down the big piece of 200 million USD cost, peripheral recording tape and television authorization and other income also absolutely high. Greatness of Warner in this movie owes is almost the matter of being settled. 最终制作成本1.7亿,宣发少说也要再花掉3000万美元,总计两亿的成本,华纳需要在全球范围内收回六亿美元。才可能在票房上收回成本,以艾瑞克对这部影片的记忆,全球六亿美元是根本不可能了,没有惨扑就不错了。票房走低的情况下,即使你是一部烧掉了两亿美元成本的大片,周边录像带和电视授权等收入也绝对高不起来。华纳在这部影片上的巨亏几乎已经是板上钉钉的事情。 Eric and thinks that Warner this summer the piece list of files, besides «Waterworld», «Batman Forever», 《Heat》 and «Fair Game» and «Eraser» four movies, has safeguarded besides the «Batman Forever» income, other these movies, at least on Box Office, Eric do not remember that has global to sell greatly. But these five movie cost actually compared high, the «Waterworld» collapse -type 170 million cost did not say that «Batman Forever» because of the pile star, has spent 120 million USD, «Eraser» because of the Arnold Schwarzenegger high quota salary, similarly has spent 100 million USD, other 《Heat》 was 70 million, last year was mixed a «Fair Game» production cost by the Eric accident is lowest, actually was also the 50 million USD big budget movie. 艾瑞克不由地又想到华纳今年暑期档的片单,除了《未来水世界》,还有《永远的蝙蝠侠》、《盗火线》、《对抗******》、《蒸发密令》四部影片,除了《永远的蝙蝠侠》收益有所保障外,其他这几部电影,至少在票房上,艾瑞克不记得有全球大卖的。但这五部影片成本却一部比一部高,《未来水世界》崩溃式的1.7亿成本不说,《永远的蝙蝠侠》因为堆明星,花掉了1.2亿美元,《蒸发密令》因为阿诺?施瓦辛格的高额片酬,同样花掉了1亿美元,另外的《盗火线》7000万,去年被艾瑞克意外搅和了一把的《对抗******》制作成本算是最低的,却也是5000万美元的大预算影片。 It looks like in Eric, these movies are unworthy absolutely these high quota production costs, although by summer files five big pieces bombing of continually, the Time Warner this year's Film Industry service income will rise largely, but profit, Eric almost can affirm that lost money to last year 91 million USD year merely, the Warner this year's loss quota dramatically will increase absolutely, the Time Warner CEO Terry Semel day will be getting more and more sad. 艾瑞克看来,这些影片是绝对不值这些高额制作成本的,虽然凭借暑期档五部大片的连番轰炸,时代华纳今年的电影业务收入会大幅上升,但利润方面,艾瑞克几乎敢肯定,相对于去年仅仅9100万美元的年亏损,华纳今年的亏损额度绝对会大幅增加,时代华纳ceo特里?塞梅尔的日子将越来越难过。 Perhaps, while Time Warner achievement low time, Firefly can make anything. 或许,趁着时代华纳业绩低迷的时候,萤火虫可以做点什么。 After all, in Time Warner has same Eric to be greedy, but Firefly almost no thing. 毕竟,时代华纳手里可是有一样艾瑞克非常眼馋而萤火虫又几乎没有的东西啊。 ...... …… Lies down on the strange bed of strange room, Gwyneth Paltrow has tossed about long time, in the mind at sixes and sevens, anticipating and yearn, envy,...... 躺在陌生房间的陌生大床上,格温妮丝?帕特洛翻来覆去了很长时间,脑海中乱七八糟的,期待、向往、嫉妒、…… In the past although was the Spielberg's goddaughter, Gwyneth Paltrow somewhat has disdained to Drew, solely depended on taking advantage of own surname in the floor girl who Hollywood lived hand to mouth to eat. But these year of Drew good luck to make her envy to go crazy, is thinking merely the placing the value several million USD mansions, Gwyneth Paltrow somewhat clenches jaws, she does not know when one arrive can buy this kind of completely own house. Thought of these years, she has lowered the stance and Drew desirably associates, but this small bitch actually even cannot for her bring, even if a screen test opportunity of famous movie, she bitterly. 当年虽然同是斯皮尔伯格的教女,格温妮丝?帕特洛一直都对德鲁有些不屑,一个只是单单凭借着自己姓氏在好莱坞混饭吃的底层女孩而已。但这些年德鲁的好运气却让她嫉妒到发狂,仅仅只是想着身处的这栋价值数百万美元的豪宅,格温妮丝?帕特洛就有些咬牙切齿,她都不知道自己到什么时候才能买到这样一栋完全属于自己的房子。想到这几年,她一直刻意放低姿态与德鲁交往,但这个小碧池却甚至没能为她带来哪怕一次大牌影片的试镜机会,她心里就更加恨恨。 bitch! 碧池 Wasn't approaches Eric Williams? 不就是傍上了艾瑞克?威廉姆斯吗? Certain, I must snatch him. 一定,我一定要把他抢过来。 So at heart does not know that plate consider as finished how long, the weather of out of the window dawn, Gwyneth Paltrow heavy goes off. Opened the eye once more, the sunlight overspread the most bedroom. 如此心里不知道盘算了多久,窗外的天色蒙蒙亮起,格温妮丝?帕特洛才沉沉睡去。再次睁开眼睛,阳光已经铺满了大半个卧室。 Took up the wrist watch to look at one blurry, 9 : 30, Gwyneth Paltrow sat fiercely. Washes in a hurry, will sit will dress up cautiously before the dressing table, read at heart silently several, hoping him not to leave, otherwise. Next time will meet again does not know that was when matter. That small bitch is not always willing to introduce Eric Williams for them on own initiative, some girls begged her to lead them to go to Cliff Peak Manor repeatedly to have a look, cannot prevail. 迷迷糊糊地拿起腕表看了一眼,九点半,格温妮丝?帕特洛猛地坐了起来。匆匆洗漱一番,坐在梳妆台前小心翼翼地将自己打扮起来,心里默默地念了几遍,但愿他还没有离开,要不然。下次再遇到就不知道是什么时候的事情了。那个小碧池从来都不肯主动为她们介绍艾瑞克?威廉姆斯,一些女孩多次央求她带她们去尖角庄园看看,都没能得逞。 Dressed up carefully, Gwyneth Paltrow left the guest room, inside and outside the villa did not have last night party trace, even also appeared empty, has arrived at the living room, Gwyneth Paltrow has not run into anybody. 精心装扮一番,格温妮丝?帕特洛才出了客房,别墅内外已经没有了昨晚派对的痕迹,甚至还显得空荡荡的,一直走到客厅,格温妮丝?帕特洛都没有遇到任何人。 Just planned to go out, saw that to twin was holding several clothes from the building, saw her. The politeness stops the footsteps to greet. 刚打算出门,就看到那对双胞胎中的一个捧着几件衣服从楼上下来,看到她。礼貌地停下脚步打招呼。 Although some envy twin that white busy cheeks, Gwyneth Paltrow calmly asked: Natasha, Mr. Williams?” 虽然有些嫉妒双胞胎那张白析无暇的脸蛋,格温妮丝?帕特洛还是不动声色地问道:“娜塔莎,威廉姆斯先生呢?” Miss Paltrow, master outside.” 帕特洛小姐,主人在外面。” Gwyneth Paltrow has gawked, asked scruple: You...... Called his master?” 格温妮丝?帕特洛愣了下,迟疑地问道:“你……叫他主人?” The twin nods, the expression does not have what change, asked: Miss Paltrow, do you want the breakfast?” 双胞胎点点头,表情没有什么变化,问道:“帕特洛小姐,你要吃早餐吗?” Un, helping me prepare fruit salad, a additional honey. Takes one cup of milk again, is slightly hot, 40 degrees best, Oh. Outside waits to deliver, I must eat in the courtyard,” Gwyneth Paltrow has digested the just name issue slightly, feels respectful of twin, subconscious tells like the hostess. “嗯,帮我准备一份水果沙拉,加点蜂蜜。再要一杯牛奶,稍微热一下,40度最好,。等下送到外面来,我要在院子里吃,”格温妮丝?帕特洛稍稍消化了一下刚刚的称呼问题,感受到双胞胎的恭敬,下意识就像女主人一样吩咐起来。 Good, Miss Paltrow.” Natasha nodded, turns around to get out of the way peacefully. “好的,帕特洛小姐。”娜塔莎点了点头,转身安静地走开了。 Gwyneth Paltrow stood there has gawked moment, immediately hits the spirit, arrived at outside the garden. 格温妮丝?帕特洛站在那里愣了片刻,立刻打起了精神,走到庭院外面。 Outside the villa is the swimming pool of square shape, both sides are some lawns and bushes, the west side is the entrance, has big open area for unexpected halt, the east alley extends, is a triangle can the bird's eye view entire Los Angeles viewing flat roof. 别墅外面是方形的游泳池,两旁是草坪和一些灌木,西边是大门口,有着很大一块用于临时停车的空地,东边一条小路延伸出去,是一个三角形的可以俯瞰整个洛杉矶的观景露台。 Gwyneth Paltrow sees Eric to sit at the long table on flat roof, seems telephoning, on the long table is also putting the notebooks, fax machine and one bunch of document materials. Another in twin sits on the flat roof entrance chair peacefully, in the hand is holding a book, lowers the head is reading peacefully. 格温妮丝?帕特洛一眼就看到艾瑞克坐在露台上的长桌旁,似乎正在打电话,长桌上还放着笔记本电脑、传真机和一堆文件资料。双胞胎中的另外一个安静地坐在露台入口处的椅子上,手里捧着一本书,低头安静地阅读着。 Although felt that this picture is somewhat strange, Gwyneth Paltrow without hesitation walked, but just arrived at the dew cornice, put out a hand to block by the twin of setting out: Sorry, Miss Paltrow, Boss is telephoning.” 虽然感觉这种画面有些奇怪,格温妮丝?帕特洛还是毫不犹豫地走了过去,只是刚刚到露台口,就被起身的双胞胎伸手拦住:“抱歉,帕特洛小姐,老板正在打电话。” Although clearly knows that is not a person, but widely different changes on two exactly the same girl manner make Gwyneth Paltrow somewhat disgruntled, persists in saying: I want to greet with Mr. Williams, will not disturb his.” 虽然明知道不是一个人,但两个一模一样的女孩态度上的迥然变化还是让格温妮丝?帕特洛有些不悦,坚持道:“我只是想要与威廉姆斯先生打个招呼,不会打扰他的。” The twin peacefully shook the head as before, has not put her past meaning, noted Eric also to look, Gwyneth Paltrow beckoned toward Eric hastily earnestly. 双胞胎依旧只是安静地摇了摇头,没有放她过去的意思,注意到艾瑞克也看了过来,格温妮丝?帕特洛连忙热切地朝艾瑞克招了招手。 Eric is smiling nod , the person with other one side said several, has made the telephone call: Natasha, making Gwynnie come.” 艾瑞克微笑着点了点头,与另外一边的人说了几句,就挂了电话:“娜塔莎,让格温妮过来吧。” Good, the master,” Natasha responds in a soft voice, one side lets arrive peacefully, sat to read the books in hand to the chair on once more peacefully. “好的,主人,”娜塔莎轻声应着,安静地让到一边,再次坐到椅子上安静地读起了手中的书本。 The Gwyneth Paltrow footsteps vividly walk to go forward, but quick restrains the movement, the virtuous young woman greeted very much: Early, Eric.” 格温妮丝?帕特洛脚步轻快地走上前,但很快又收敛起动作,很淑女地打招呼道:“早啊,艾瑞克。” Early,” Eric gently smiled, had not minded that her ripeness originally, sat in front of the notebook, opens a document. “早,”艾瑞克轻轻笑了笑,没有介意她的自来熟,在笔记本电脑前坐了下来,打开一份文件。 Gwyneth Paltrow sat in the long table other one side, saw that Eric sits down in the opposite, immediately sets out to arrive at side him, by sitting, the casting a sidelong glance notebook contact surface, saw the YCR software icon on tabletop exactly, said: Eric, you also use YCR, I have, can give me your number?” 格温妮丝?帕特洛原本坐在长桌另外一边,看到艾瑞克在对面坐下,立刻起身走到他身边,挨着坐了下来,瞟了一眼笔记本电脑界面,恰好看到桌面上的ycr软件图标,说道:“艾瑞克,你也用ycr啊,我也有啊,可以给我你的号码吗?” Sorry, Gwynnie, this is I works to use, does not add the personal friend.” “抱歉,格温妮,这是我工作用的,不加私人朋友。” Gwyneth Paltrow carves, but does not abandon pesters: Oh, don't you have the personal number?”( To be continued.) 格温妮丝?帕特洛锲而不舍地纠缠到:“,难道你没有私人号码吗?”(未完待续。)
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