IAIH :: Volume #7

#700: Fish slip through

Eric simply no longer pays attention to the Gwyneth Paltrow issue, looks down the document in hand, asked: You did not say that last night today has a screen test?” 艾瑞克干脆不再理会格温妮丝?帕特洛的问题,低头看着手中的文件,问道:“你昨晚不是说今天有个试镜吗?” Gwyneth Paltrow is actually slightly not awkward, under lies haunches on the table looks forward to Eric, said: Suddenly thought that script was really ruined, did not go, Eric, heard that your «The Matrix» started to arrange, that novel I read many, you thought that had to suit my role?” 格温妮丝?帕特洛却是丝毫没有尴尬,趴在桌上撑起下巴望向艾瑞克,道:“突然觉得那个剧本真是糟透了,不去也罢,艾瑞克,听说你的《黑客帝国》已经开始筹备了啊,那本小说我可是读了很多遍呢,你觉得有适合我的角色吗?” This woman is really the self-sensation is good. , 这女人还真是自我感觉良好。◎, Eric smiled, said: „Is Heroine what kind of?” 艾瑞克笑了笑,道:“女主角怎么样?” The Gwyneth Paltrow vision shines instantaneously: Real?” 格温妮丝?帕特洛目光瞬间亮起:“真的吗?” Eric shakes the head without hesitation: Vacation.” 艾瑞克毫不犹豫地摇头:“假的。” Gwyneth Paltrow as if slightly has not been angry, but also lifted the hand to pat on the Eric shoulder gently: Eric, you were really too bad.” 格温妮丝?帕特洛似乎丝毫没有生气,还抬手轻轻在艾瑞克肩上拍了一下:“艾瑞克,你真是太坏了。” In the hand also one pile of work must be done, when Eric has not coaxed the woman, let alone is the woman who do not feel, will lose the patience to expel her, has broadcast the small girl sound: Kate, cannot think you get up compared with me also early.” 手中还有一堆工作要做,艾瑞克并没有什么时间哄女人,更何况还是一个自己毫无感觉的女人,正要失去耐心将她赶开,身后就传来了小妮子的声音:“凯特,想不到你起的比我还早啊。” Hi, Drew, good morning,” Gwyneth Paltrow greeted with small girl. “嗨,德鲁,早上好,”格温妮丝?帕特洛小妮子打了声招呼。 Eric felt that the girl puts herself to carry on the back, turns head on the cheek that in the girl extends has kissed , the trace signaled with the eyes. 艾瑞克感觉丫头扑在自己背上,扭头在丫头伸过来的脸蛋上亲了下,又不着痕迹地使了个眼色。 The girls hee hee smiled, loosen Eric, puts out a hand to pull up to depend in Eric Gwyneth Paltrow: Kate, walks, we have the breakfast, Natasha has prepared.” 丫头嘻嘻笑了笑,松开艾瑞克,伸手拉起赖在艾瑞克身旁的格温妮丝?帕特洛:“凯特,走,我们吃早餐去吧,娜塔莎已经准备好了。” Although Gwyneth Paltrow does not want to leave, actually does not dare to reject the invitation of Drew, can only set out to get out of the way reluctantly. 格温妮丝?帕特洛虽然不想离开,却也不敢拒绝德鲁的邀请,只能勉强起身走开。 The side is quiet, Eric attention shifts in once more document. 身旁清静下来,艾瑞克注意力再次转移到手中的文件上。 This is a directional bond financing contract, is Chris and Irwin Jacobs a period of time lobby achievement. 这是一份定向债券融资合约,也是克里斯欧文?雅各布最近一段时间的游说成果。 The contract content is Firefly invests to Verizon Communications Inc. provides directional bond financing of 300 million USD, with purchase the CDMA base depot equipment and mobile communications network solution to Qualcomm specially, the bond deadline is five years. Annual interest rate 3%. 合约内容是萤火虫投资向ve日zon电信公司提供3亿美元的定向债券融资,用以专门向高通采购cdma基站设备和移动通讯网络解决方案,债券期限为五年。年利率3%。 After the motion frequency spectrum license plate payment large amount authorization expense, except for AT&T that is not short of money, other telecom operators in carrying on the communication network to the process that the digitization promotes, is facing the fund shortage issue without exception. Firefly had 40% Qualcomm stocks. As the first major stockholder who surpasses other shareholder owning stocks shares, had almost the Qualcomm absolute control power. 在为移动频谱牌照支付巨额授权费用后,除了不差钱的at-t,其他电信运营商在进行通信网络向数字化升级的过程中,无一例外地面临着资金短缺的问题。萤火虫已经拥有40%的高通股份。作为远超其他股东持股份额的第一大股东,几乎已经拥有高通的绝对控制权。 The financing contract in hand, quite in Verizon is to change the CDMA technology camp actually to the chip that Firefly starts out. 手中的这份融资合约,其实就相当于ve日zon为转向cdma技术阵营向萤火虫开出的筹码。 Although Verizon has shouldered about 9 billion USD huge debts, but without hesitation has rejected the Firefly buying stock plan, this decision is not but actually difficult to understand. Regarding a prospects for development very broad enterprise, the cost of share finance be much higher than bond financing, like Firefly Group, if Firefly Group is short of money, Eric similarly will also choose the issue debentures, but will not introduce other shareholders to share the Firefly future dividend. Verizon wanted very these years difficult time, after the mobile communications network completed, the business condition will be improved quickly, the huge debt slowly will also be digested. ve日zon虽然已经背负了将近90亿美元的巨额债务,但还是毫不犹豫地拒绝了萤火虫的入股方案,这种决定倒也不难理解。对于一家发展前景非常广阔的企业,股权融资的成本要比债券融资高得多,就像萤火虫集团,如果萤火虫集团缺钱的话,艾瑞克也同样会选择发行债券,而不是引入其他股东共享萤火虫的未来红利。ve日zon只要挺过这几年的艰难时期,待移动通信网络建成之后,营运状况将很快好转,巨额债务也会被慢慢消化掉。 However, this contract is having also some meaning of taking advantage. Because has carried the huge debt, Verizon finances once more publicly, the annual interest rate at least must arrive at 6% to guarantee the success of financing, but annual interest rate of this directional bond financing only then 3%, if complies with this contract, interest, Firefly must lose 10 million USD merely every year, let alone 300 million USD capital, if invests in other places, five years later turns several times is not impossible. 不过,这份合约同时也带着一些趁火打劫的意味。因为已经身负巨额债务,ve日zon再次公开融资,年利率至少要开到6%才能确保融资的成功,但这份定向债券融资的年利率只有3%,如果答应这份合约,仅仅利息这一项,萤火虫每年都要损失1000万美元,更何况3亿美元的本金,如果投资在其他地方,五年之后翻几倍都不是不可能的。 How Eric does not know in the original space and time the CDMA technology to break through a tight encirclement. But at this time, he is actually not able to reject this contract. Chris just passed with his ditch in the telephone, so long as signs this contract, ranks second largest telecom operator Verizon to drag into the CDMA camp North America. Almost was equal to that playing lets the effect that Qualcomm brings back to life. So long as the news were released that the Qualcomm stock price at least can also rise 100%. Eric does not care about rising suddenly of Qualcomm stock price actually, because Firefly will not dump the Qualcomm stock in hand absolutely easily, rapid promotion of CDMA he most regards as important. 艾瑞克并不知道原时空中cdma技术是如何杀出重围的。但此时,他却也无法拒绝这份合约。克里斯刚刚在电话里与他沟通过,只要签下这份合约,将北美排名第二大的电信运营商ve日zon拉入cdma阵营。几乎就等于起到让高通起死回生的功效。消息只要公布,高通的股价至少也能够上涨100%。艾瑞克倒是不太在意高通股价的暴涨,因为萤火虫绝对不会轻易抛售手中的高通股票,他最看重的还是cdma的迅速推广。 Is considering these, Eric has remembered Chris at another matter that telephone said that although buys stock the plan to be rejected by Verizon. But the Sprint manner is actually not that firm. 考虑着这些,艾瑞克就又想起了克里斯在电话里说的另外一件事,虽然入股方案被ve日zon拒绝。但sp日nt的态度却并不是那么坚决。 Although Sprint had realized the large amount profit last year, but it radical the layout in the mobile service caused universal of investor to worry that the majority of industry analysts believe that if Sprint constructed the mobile communications network across the country according to the established plan massively, the large amount initial investment will cause this company in the future in three to five years not to be impossible to have any profit, even, if detained the note failure, the mobile communications industry has not reached the anticipated industrial scale, Sprint likely because this time radical expansion policy is in a tight corner bankruptcy. These factors cause Sprint to carry on the success ratio of debt financing drastically to reduce, not having the investor is willing to purchase the debenture bond that in the next few years will possibly fall into to go bankrupt, Sprint also can only choose the release stock the raising fund. 虽然sp日nt去年实现了巨额的盈利,但它在移动通信业务上过于激进的布局引起了投资人的普遍担忧,大部分行业分析师都认为,如果sp日nt按照既定的规划大规模建造全国范围内的移动通信网络,巨额的前期投资将导致这家公司在未来三到五年内不可能产生任何盈利,甚至,如果押注失败,移动通信行业并没有达到预期的产业规模,sp日nt很可能将因为此时的激进扩张策略陷入破产窘境。这些因素导致sp日nt进行债务融资的成功率大幅降低,没有投资人愿意购买未来几年可能陷入破产的公司债券,sp日nt也只能选择发行股票的筹措资金。 At a New York cocktail party, Chris and a Sprint director has the contact, that director to him disclosed that Sprint can issue additionally to Firefly occupies the total capital stock 10% stocks, but the initial price is actually 1.6 billion USD, has been higher than 60% compared with the Sprint current stock price. This price naturally possibly is not the final bargain price, but Firefly wants to achieve this transaction, pays the certain proportion the premium definitely unable to escape. Eric is actually even willing to buy in the Sprint stock from the open market, but to Qualcomm, even if the issuing additionally later 30 million stock total capital stock, the Sprint total capital stock achieves the astonishing 3.6 billion stock, is Qualcomm 120 times . Moreover the stock holder aims at majority of investing will not dump the stock easily the foundation, wanting buying in through circulation market to become a major stockholder, the difficulty can be imagined. 纽约的一次酒会上,克里斯sp日nt的一位董事有过接触,那位董事向他透露sp日nt可以向萤火虫增发占总股本10%的股票,但开价却是16亿美元,比sp日nt当前的股价高出了60%。这个价格当然不可能是最终交易价格,但萤火虫想要达成这笔交易,支付一定比例的溢价肯定是逃不掉的。艾瑞克甚至倒是更愿意从公开市场吸纳sp日nt的股票,但相对于高通哪怕增发之后的3000万股总股本,sp日nt的总股本达到惊人的36亿股,是高通的120倍,而且股票持有者大部分都是以投资为目的不会轻易抛售股票的基金会,想要通过流通市场的吸纳成为大股东,难度可想而知。 Is thinking at heart, Eric writes down a series of digit in notebook, to 300 million USD debt financing of Verizon, purchases the Sprint stock, at least should need 30% premiums, 1.3 billion USD. These days continuously fermented increasing about Cisco holds the plan, the need huger 2 billion USD fund, merely is only these. Equals to achieve 3.6 billion USD. 心里想着,艾瑞克在身旁的笔记本上写下一连串的数字,面向ve日zon3亿美元债务融资,收购sp日nt股票,至少应该需要30%的溢价,13亿美元。这段时间一直在酝酿的关于思科的增持计划,需要更加庞大的20亿美元资金,仅仅只是这些。合计起来就达到36亿美元 In addition, Yahoo CEO Ian Gunier also lay in through the telephone and mail Eric discussed some Yahoo management recently to the view of company development trend plan, if according to their ideas, in the next few years. Yahoo similarly becomes a fever money wealthy and powerful family. 此外,雅虎ceo伊恩?格尼尔最近通过电话和邮件也在于艾瑞克讨论了一些雅虎管理层对公司未来发展计划的看法,如果按照他们的想法,未来几年。雅虎同样将成为一个烧钱大户。 Even if Firefly Group in the next few years maintains 2 billion USD profit for the year, by Eric to company 73.7% owning stocks Billy, drawing bonus that he can attain every year also has 1.5 billion USD. Although also has several other extra incomes, but is also not enough to support these plans. 即使萤火虫集团未来几年都保持20亿美元的年利润,以艾瑞克对公司73.7%的持股比利,他每年能拿到的分红也只有15亿美元。虽然还有其他几笔外快,但也不足以支撑这些计划。 Plate consider as finished a while, Eric also can only decide one step to look one step. If not really good, reduces some scales of plan. 算了一会儿,艾瑞克也只能打定主意走一步看一步。如果实在不行,就将一些计划的规模压缩一下。 Eric, what are you thinking?” When small girl does not know, appears side Eric again, side as before with Gwyneth Paltrow. 艾瑞克,你在想什么?”小妮子不知道什么时候,再次出现在艾瑞克身旁,身边依旧跟着格温妮丝?帕特洛 Anything, some at sixes and sevens matters,” Eric had not replied fuzzily, has the bystander, he will not seem like usually together is so optional, if something were disclosed. Will very likely cause the unnecessary trouble. “没什么,一些乱七八糟的事情,”艾瑞克模糊地回答了一句,有外人在,他也不会像平常相处时那么随意,万一一些事情被透露出去。很可能就会引起不必要的麻烦。 small girl did not mind that received from the following Natasha hand just made the good coffee to Eric on but actually, said: Eric, I went to the company, will you leave today?” 小妮子也不介意,从随之而来的娜塔莎手中接过刚刚冲好的咖啡给艾瑞克倒上,说道:“艾瑞克,我去公司了,你今天会离开吗?” Eric shook the head, said: „, I and others you will not come back.” 艾瑞克摇了摇头,道:“不会,我等你回来。” I keep Natasha to you, has any matter to make her do and that's the end.” “那我留一个娜塔莎给你,有什么事情让她做就是了。” Eric said with a smile: Does not want, you carry off, disassembles them always feels somewhat strangely.” 艾瑞克笑道:“还是不要了,你都带走吧,把她们俩拆开总感觉有些奇怪。” Good. Under the living room tea table has the telephone of maid, they live in nearby cold water canyon, you have the matter to telephone to make them come,” small girl also said one. Turns around to walk, sees has not moved the footsteps meaning Gwyneth Paltrow, said: Kate, follows me together, leading you to go to my company to have a look.” “好吧。客厅茶几下面有女佣的电话,她们就住在附近的冷水峡谷,你有事可以打电话让她们过来,”小妮子又说了一句。转身要走,看到没有挪动脚步意思的格温妮丝?帕特洛,道:“凯特,跟我一起走吧,带你去我的公司看看。” Realized that with the opportunity that Eric lives alone, how Gwyneth Paltrow possibly easily leaves. Said: Drew, you walk first, I under and others left was good, I planned Burbank, we did not go the same way.” 意识到有一个与艾瑞克独处的机会,格温妮丝?帕特洛怎么可能轻易离开。说道:“德鲁,你先走吧,我等下自己离开就行了,我打算去伯班克,咱们不同路。” Oh, good,” small girl nodded, have scruples has not been in front of Gwyneth Paltrow to do toward Eric blinked strangely, the vehicle that toward entrance twin started out walks. ,那好吧,”小妮子点了点头,还毫不顾忌地当着格温妮丝?帕特洛的面朝艾瑞克搞怪地眨了眨眼睛,就朝大门口双胞胎已经开出的车子走去。 After an engine sound, in mansion quick only remaining Eric and Gwyneth Paltrow two people. 一阵引擎声过后,豪宅里很快只剩下艾瑞克格温妮丝?帕特洛两个人。 Eric, can I sit here?” 艾瑞克,我可以坐在这里吗?” Gwyneth Paltrow was saying, has not waited for him to reply that sat in side. 格温妮丝?帕特洛说着,没等他回答,就在旁边坐了下来。 Some Eric headaches, small girl was also mischievous, clear(ly) knows one do not like this woman, kept her. 艾瑞克有些头疼,小妮子又调皮了,明知道自己不喜欢这女人,还是将她留了下来。 Eric, then called Natasha to the twins, was very interesting,” Gwyneth Paltrow did not have the words to look for the words to say quickly. 艾瑞克,那对双胞胎都叫娜塔莎啊,挺有意思的,”格温妮丝?帕特洛很快没话找话道。 Eric replied at will: Elder sister called Natasha, younger sister's name was too long, was Russian, everybody could not remember, called Natasha on the custom.” 艾瑞克随意答道:“姐姐叫娜塔莎,妹妹的名字太长,还是俄语,大家都记不住,就习惯都叫娜塔莎了。” Oh,” Gwyneth Paltrow as if came the interest: Their two can , how differentiate together is being called whom?” ,”格温妮丝?帕特洛似乎来了兴致:“那她们两个在一起时,怎么才能区分是在叫谁呢?” Two are both same, why can differentiate? When called Natasha together, elder sister will comply.” “两个都一样,为什么要区分?在一起时叫娜塔莎,姐姐自会答应。” Really interesting, if I can also have this kind of pair of retinue to be good,” envying in Gwyneth Paltrow actually not mincing matter expression. “真有意思,我要是也能有这样一对仆从就好了,”格温妮丝?帕特洛倒是丝毫不掩饰语气里的羡慕。 Eric smiled, turns head to look at Gwyneth Paltrow, actually flashes through a bewildered thought at heart, gained ground looked at one again, that thought will hold. 艾瑞克笑了笑,扭头看了眼格温妮丝?帕特洛,心里却闪过一丝莫名其妙的念头,不由抬头再看了一眼,才将刚才的那个念头抓住。 «Seven». 七宗罪》啊。 Although recently in combing the movie in memory, but Eric discovered that he unexpectedly this classical movie forgetting. Moreover, according to the information in memory, the «Seven» 1995 year screens, at this time at least should also start shoots. 虽然最近一直在梳理记忆中的影片,但艾瑞克还是发现,他竟然将这部经典电影给忘记了。而且,根据记忆里的信息,《七宗罪》@1995年上映,此时至少也应该已经开始拍摄了。 But, Heroine here, actor also still in mixing the television circle, Eric has not heard the «Seven» information, if did not see that at present has feeling not strong Heroine in the movie, Eric does not know when one can think again. 但,女主角就在这里,男主角也还在混电视圈,艾瑞克更是没有听到过《七宗罪》的信息,如果不是看到眼前在电影里存在感不强的女主角,艾瑞克都不知道自己什么时候才能够再想起来。 «Seven» in original space and time by its dark and desperate plot, promoted has caused the stir, around the world has attained 300 million USD Box Office at the 30 million USD cost, was once new line Film Industry advances into a Film Studio symbolic work. 原时空中的《七宗罪》以其黑暗而绝望的剧情,一推出就引起了轰动,在世界范围内以3000万美元的成本拿到了3亿美元票房,更是曾经的新线影业跻身一线电影公司的标志性作品。 Gwyneth Paltrow saw Eric to look at oneself several bewilderedly, the expression moved slightly, the expression instead acted with constraint, said: Eric, what do you look at?” 格温妮丝?帕特洛艾瑞克莫名其妙地多看了自己几眼,表情微动,语气反而矜持起来,道:“艾瑞克,你看什么?” Anything,” Eric has not been saying, takes up nearby cell phone: Sorry, Gwynnie, I must make several phone calls.” “没什么,”艾瑞克说着,拿起旁边的手机:“抱歉,格温妮,我要打几个电话。” Gwyneth Paltrow some expression hidden bitterness: Yes...... Wants me to avoid?” 格温妮丝?帕特洛的表情有些幽怨:“是……要我回避吗?” Eric nodded, but remembered her just to help itself remember an evading arrest movie, Eric embarrassed so was also harsh, said: You can go to the living room to watch a while television.” 艾瑞克点了点头,但想起她刚刚帮助自己想起了一部漏网影片,艾瑞克也不好意思那么苛刻,道:“你可以去客厅看一会儿电视。” Gwyneth Paltrow felt that the Eric expression softened, very intelligent entanglement no longer, sets out to walk toward the villa in actually. 格温妮丝?帕特洛感觉到艾瑞克语气软化了下来,倒是很聪明的不再纠缠,起身朝别墅里走去。 Eric took the cell phone to consider a while, allocated for new line Film Industry head there the telephone, inquired that had the Andrew Kevin Walker screenwriter information. 艾瑞克拿着手机考虑了一会儿,将电话拨到新线影业负责人那里,询问有没有一个名叫安德鲁?凯文?沃克编剧信息。 Big Boss telephones personally, the new line Film Industry head does not certainly dare to get to the root of a matter, but fulfills duty to fulfill responsibility inquires the relevant information according to the instruction of Eric. 大老板亲自打电话,新线影业负责人当然不敢寻根究底,只是尽职尽责地按照艾瑞克的吩咐去查询相关信息。 Eric has attained the Andrew Kevin Walker material quickly, the work that under this screenwriter name had one screen, named «Brainscan», in addition, Eric also smoothly saw the «Seven» name. 艾瑞克很快拿到了安德鲁?凯文?沃克的资料,这位编剧名下已经拥有一部已经上映的作品,名叫《六度战栗》,除此之外,艾瑞克还顺利地看到了《七宗罪》的名字。 «Seven» script has not deviated the original track, fell in the new informer as before, but the head of new line somewhat has been scruple regarding this project, because script was too dark, even could not find many to buy, in addition cannot find appropriate Director, therefore has put aside. Moreover, the new line originally regarding the budget that this script makes, only then 8 million USD, wants to make a low cost the cult piece, therefore, this common small project, cannot fall to Eric side. 七宗罪》的剧本并没有偏离原先的轨道,依旧落到了新线手中,只不过新线的负责人对于这个项目一直有些迟疑,因为剧本太黑暗了,甚至找不到多少买点,再加上一直都没能找到合适的导演,于是就一直搁置了下来。而且,新线原本对于这个剧本做出的预算只有800万美元,想要做成一个低成本的cult片,也因此,这种不起眼的小项目,根本就没能落到艾瑞克身边。 Eric is also clear, along with the promotion of status, he will not definitely be able to see thing that can meet, the matter that this is unable to change, after all, his so many energy, impossible everything to give dual attention. 艾瑞克也清楚,随着地位的提升,他肯定将看不到很多本来可以遇到的东西,这也是无法改变的事情,毕竟,他只有这么多的精力,不可能事事兼顾。 Told that new line head comes script fax, makes the opposite party relate David Fincher to see itself directly, Eric has then made the telephone call. 吩咐新线负责人将剧本传真过来,又让对方直接联系大卫?芬奇来见自己,艾瑞克这才挂了电话。 Gwyneth Paltrow that has any thoughts to watch television, has looked inquisitively in the villa, saw Eric to make the telephone call, impatiently walked. 格温妮丝?帕特洛那有什么心思看电视,一直在别墅里探头探脑地望过来,见艾瑞克挂了电话,就迫不及待地走了出来。 Arrives at side Eric, sees fax machine on long table to send out ka ka ka the light sound.( To be continued.) 来到艾瑞克身旁,看到长桌上的传真机正在发出咔咔咔的轻响。(未完待续。)
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