IAIH :: Volume #7

#698: Wanting

Four people gather round a round table to sit down, Coppola said to Eric and Kathryn: Is this, Terren these years have been preparing a World War II theme movie of James Jones novel reorganization, script had already written, but cannot find appropriate Director throughout, because of my past shoots «Apocalypse Now», he also hope that I can direct, but I did not have enough energy to deal with this war theme movie now. After having looked at «Saving Private Ryan», Terren thought that perhaps Ms. Bigelow can try.” 四个人围着一张圆桌坐下,科波拉艾瑞克凯瑟琳说道:“是这样的,泰伦这些年一直在准备一部詹姆斯?琼斯小说改编的二战题材影片,剧本早就已经写好,只是始终没能找到合适的导演,因为我当年拍摄过《现代启示录》,他还希望我能来执导,但我现在已经没有足够精力应付这种战争题材影片了。看过《拯救大兵瑞恩》后,泰伦觉得,或许毕格罗女士可以试一试。” Eric and Kathryn are not strange regarding James Jones, James Jones once was another narrated Normandy landing operation screenwriter of classical movie «The Longest Day», initially to prepare «Saving Private Ryan», they also together looked for this movie to look. 艾瑞克凯瑟琳对于詹姆斯?琼斯都不陌生,詹姆斯?琼斯曾经是另外一部讲述诺曼底登陆战的经典影片《最长一日》的编剧,当初为了准备《拯救大兵瑞恩》,两人还一起找来这部影片看过。 Heard Coppola saying that Eric basically had determined, the movie that Terrence Malick arranged was that «Red Alert» in memory, in the original space and time «Red Alert» slowly screened in 1998, Eric guessed that should be Terrence Malick cannot find appropriate Director, has to go forth to battle by oneself . Moreover, «Red Alert» not only screened with «Saving Private Ryan» in the same year, but also has contended 1999 Oscar together, was only a pity that two movies basically have not decided any victory and defeat, but has lost to under the Weinstein Brothers Oscar public relations method together „the work of peak «Shakespeare in Love». 听到科波拉这么说,艾瑞克基本上就已经确定,泰伦斯?马力克正在筹备的电影就是记忆中的那部《红色警戒》,原时空中《红色警戒》在1998年才迟迟上映,艾瑞克猜测应该是泰伦斯?马力克一直没能找到合适的导演,才不得不亲身上阵,而且,《红色警戒》不但与《拯救大兵瑞恩》同年上映,还一起角逐了1999年的奥斯卡,只可惜,两部影片基本上没分出什么胜负,而是一起败给了韦恩斯坦兄弟奥斯卡公关手段下的“巅峰之作”《莎翁情史》。 Nearby Kathryn hears the introduction of Coppola, changes Terrence Malick saying: „Can Terren, introduce simply this script?” 旁边的凯瑟琳听到科波拉的介绍,转向泰伦斯?马力克道:“泰伦,可以简单介绍一下这个剧本吗?” Naturally, James Jones original works novel, although is not considered as the autobiography, but when also basically once the experience in South Pacific Guadalcanal Island service wrote according to him. The original works novel you can later again look, because I have carried on the change of big scope to the plot of original works, to «Saving Private Ryan» of discussion battlefield value, my script hopes that can analyze the human nature of brutal war to the influence that has. The story mainly centers on the army of Charlie infantry company to launch......” “当然,詹姆斯?琼斯的原著小说虽然不算是自传,但也基本上是根据他曾经在南太平洋瓜达康纳尔岛服役时的经历写就的。原著小说你可以稍后再看,因为我对原著的情节进行了较大幅度的改变,相对于探讨战争价值的《拯救大兵瑞恩》,我的这个剧本更希望能够剖析残酷的战争对人性所造成的影响。故事主要围绕一个名叫查理步兵连的部队展开……” Eric feels the Kathryn attention to be getting more and more centralized, has neglected him and Coppola quickly, discussed uninhibitedly in detail with Terrence Malick. just knows this woman was attracted. Effect of war to humane, how the proposition of philosophy. Simply is some literary young woman most loves. 艾瑞克感受到凯瑟琳的注意力越来越集中,很快忽略了他和科波拉,旁若无人地与泰伦斯?马力克详细地讨论起来。就知道这女人已经被吸引住了。战争对人性所产生的影响,多么哲学的命题啊。简直是某文艺女青年的最爱。 Has looked at each other one with Coppola, they smiled, has not disturbed, listens to them to talk peacefully patiently. 科波拉对视了一眼,两人都笑了笑,没有打扰,安静地耐心听着两人对话。 Crossed for a half hour, discussed that eventually finished, the Kathryn interest abundant turns head to look: Eric, you thought that this story is what kind of?” 足足过了半个小时,讨论才终于结束,凯瑟琳兴致盎然地扭头看过来:“艾瑞克,你觉得这个故事怎么样?” Un, the story is very good. Firefly is willing to invest very much, Terren, do you make pre- consider as finished that sends oversized?” “嗯,故事很棒。萤火虫是很愿意投资的,泰伦,你做过大致的预算了吗?” Eric this voice just fell, gently was stared one by Kathryn, she hopes Eric can discuss this script, has not thought that this hateful little man asked film budget directly, was really spoils the fun. 艾瑞克这句话音刚落,就被凯瑟琳轻轻瞪了一眼,她本来希望艾瑞克能够谈论一下这个剧本,没想到这个可恶的小男人直接问起了影片预算,真是太煞风景了。 Eric is somewhat small reluctantly, the heart said that the elder sister you are the deity, does not need to live, I am a businessman. 艾瑞克有些小无奈,心说姐姐啊您是神仙,不用过日子,我可是生意人啊。 Terrence Malick absolutely does not have the Kathryn disaffection. Hears words that Eric said is willing to invest, he was very satisfied. This project has prepared these many years, has contacted with several film executives because the risk is too high and direct rejection. Sometimes Terrence Malick almost wanted to give up. 泰伦斯?马力克却完全没有凯瑟琳的不满。听到艾瑞克说出愿意投资的话,他就已经很满意了。这个项目准备了这么多年,联系过几家片商都因为风险太高而直接拒绝。有时候泰伦斯?马力克差点都想要放弃了。 Eric, the investment of movie needs 50 million USD probably, I have looked at to some well-known Actor script, many people are interested in this script, Sean Penn and John Travolta have given the accurate promise, so long as can attain the investment, they are willing to ally this movie.” 艾瑞克,影片的投资大概需要5000万美元,我将剧本给一些知名演员看过,很多人都对这个剧本非常感兴趣,西恩?潘约翰?特拉沃尔塔已经给出准确的许诺,只要能够拿到投资,他们愿意加盟这部影片。” Sean Penn and John Travolta at this time is a plot, the words that they can ally, movie Box Office had also guaranteed. This is also Terrence Malick discloses this news goal. Eric knows, in fact. The «Red Alert» once Actor lineup must be more magnificent, except for Sean Penn and John Travolta. Also including the George Clooney, John Cusack, Woody Harrelson, Adrien Brody and other Hollywood major suits. 西恩?潘约翰?特拉沃尔塔此时都是一线剧情,两人能够加盟的话,电影票房也就有所保证。这也是泰伦斯?马力克透露这个消息的目的。艾瑞克知道,事实上。《红色警戒》曾经的演员阵容要更加华丽,除了西恩?潘约翰?特拉沃尔塔。还包括乔治?克鲁尼约翰?库萨克伍迪?哈德森阿德里安?不洛迪好莱坞大牌。 Although the history had the change, but Eric believes that so long as Kathryn can take this time Oscar best Director smoothly, although the 50 million cost is somewhat expensive to the Box Office potential of movie, but held in new promote Oscar best Director and in addition of famous Actor corona, the movie through various types of channels, recouped the cost and realizes the profit is not the too major problem. 虽然历史已经发生改变,但艾瑞克相信,只要凯瑟琳能够顺利拿下这次的奥斯卡最佳导演,虽然5000万的成本相对于影片的票房潜力有些昂贵,但在新晋奥斯卡最佳导演和大牌演员光环的加持下,影片通过各种渠道,收回成本并实现盈利并不是太大问题。 Terrence Malick has regarded hesitation the ponder of Eric, he also knows that the investment of 50 million USD is the big manufacture movie, but this story too many commercial selling points, have not actually thought saying: Eric, if you thought that risk is too high, so long as Firefly invests 25 million also to comply for the movie to distribute, I can seek for the investment of other 25 million USD.” 泰伦斯?马力克艾瑞克的思考当成了迟疑,他也知道,5000万美元的投资已经算是大制作影片,但这个故事却并没有太多商业卖点,想了想说道:“艾瑞克,如果你觉得风险太高的话,萤火虫只要投资2500万并且答应为影片进行发行,我可以去寻找另外2500万美元的投资。” This does not use but actually,” Eric makes up mind quickly, the movie investment was high, but recouped the cost the pressure not to be big, Firefly was impossible to invest the commercial film, the manufacture enhanced the style to the prize piece must, said: Firefly can undertake invests, but, I have a condition, Terren, I hope besides screenwriter, you can also hold the post of Producer of this movie.” “这倒不用,”艾瑞克很快拿定主意,影片投资是高了一些,但收回成本的压力并不大,萤火虫也不可能一直投资商业片,制作一些提高格调的冲奖片也是必须的,道:“萤火虫可以承担全部投资,不过,我有一个条件,泰伦,我希望除了编剧外,你还能担任这部电影的制作人。” Once Cannes best Director lived in retirement for 20 years later resurfaced once more, this when the movie screened was also a very important propaganda laughs uproariously. 曾经的戛纳最佳导演息影20年后再次复出,这在影片上映期间也是一个非常重要的宣传噱头。 However, Eric proposed that this condition, most regards as important is not this point, but is the Terrence Malick qualifications. Hollywood is one pays great attention to observance of senority the place, veteran Director and project of Producer participation, usually can attract the powerful star alliance, like Woody Allen and Robert Altman, their movies magnificently has been well-known by the lineup, although Terrence Malick 20 years has not become an official, but qualifications and personal connection actually also , will otherwise not have the meeting of today, letting him hold the post of Producer personally, Terrence Malick can definitely pull up continuously more formidable Actor secondary roles for the movie with ease. 不过,艾瑞克提出这个条件,最看重的并不是这一点,而是泰伦斯?马力克的资历。好莱坞是一个非常注重论资排辈的地方,老资格的导演制作人参与的项目,通常都能够吸引到实力强大的明星加盟,就像伍迪?艾伦罗伯特?奥特曼,两人的影片一直都是以阵容华丽闻名,泰伦斯?马力克虽然已经20年没有出山,但资格和人脉却还在,否则也不会有今天的这次碰面,让他亲自担任制作人,泰伦斯?马力克肯定能够更加轻松地为电影拉起一直更加强大的演员班底。 Producer who Terrence Malick clear Eric said is not that type only hangs the executive producer who a name does not need to participate in the movie concrete manufacture, he 20 years had not participated in the filmmaking, in this project, he only has also wanted to hold the post of a screenwriter position. But experienced these many time has run into a wall, finally the winding peaks and paths, insistence in Terrence Malick heart was also weaker. 泰伦斯?马力克清楚艾瑞克所说的制片人并不是那种只挂一个名字不用参与影片具体制作的执行制片人,他已经20年没有参与过电影制作,在这个项目里,他也一直都只想担任一个编剧职位。但经历了这么多次碰壁,终于峰回路转,泰伦斯?马力克心中的坚持也弱了很多。 The Kathryn look transferred the revolutions between Eric and Terrence Malick. Also persuaded at the right moment: Terren, we just chatted very happily, not. I also hope that you can participate in this project together.” 凯瑟琳的眼神在艾瑞克泰伦斯?马力克之间转了转。也适时地劝说的:“泰伦,我们刚刚聊得很愉快,不是吗。我也希望你能一起来参与这个项目的。” Many creation ideas that Kathryn chatted a moment ago happen to hold the same view with him, with the Director cooperation that has a common goal. As if has not been hard to accept, Terrence Malick hears the Kathryn words, then no longer insisted that the nod said: Good, Eric, I will hold the post of the Producer duty personally.” 凯瑟琳刚才聊起的很多创作理念都与他不谋而合,与一个志同道合的导演合作。似乎也没有那么难以接受了,泰伦斯?马力克听到凯瑟琳的话,便不再坚持,点头道:“好吧,艾瑞克,我会亲自担任制作人的职务。” „, Hopes that everybody cooperation is happy,” Eric smiled has been holding up the stem glass in hand. “那么,希望大家合作愉快,”艾瑞克微笑着举起了手中的高脚杯。 Because is not the cocktail party of pure entertainment nature. Participation personnel is also old, the time passed ten o'clock, one after another has the guest to start to leave. 因为并不是纯粹娱乐性质的酒会。参与人员年龄也偏大,时间过了十点钟,就陆续有宾客开始离开。 Eric and Kathryn 11 send off the guest, took own private car to leave the mansion until Coppola finally, Kathryn felt that some exceptionally, look several attendants who inside and outside the villa remaining was only cleaning up the aftermath, asked: Eric, here...... Masters?” 艾瑞克凯瑟琳将客人11送走,直到最后科波拉也乘坐自己的座驾离开了豪宅,凯瑟琳才感觉到一些异常,看着别墅内外只剩下正在收拾残局的几位侍应生,问道:“艾瑞克,这里的……主人呢?” Eric has referred to itself: , in you at present.” 艾瑞克指了指自己:“,就在你眼前。” Kathryn provoked laughter by the Eric movement, said: How will you purchase homes here?” 凯瑟琳艾瑞克的动作逗笑了,道:“你怎么会在这里买房子?” Is the investment. Besides here, other places should have,” “算是投资吧。除了这里,其他地方应该还有一些,” Eric knows that Kathryn will not be interested. Briefly. 艾瑞克知道凯瑟琳并不会真的感兴趣。只是简单地说了一句。 But actually, except for Cliff Peak Manor, in Los Angeles Beverly Hills Manor, Santa Monica and Malibu as well as the New York Manhattan urban district, Eric had bought 60-70 mansions for these years numerous, in the 90's the mansion price of United States metropolis majority in million USD ranks, but Eric actually knows, even if previous life experienced 2008 sub-prime loan crisis, causes long time of United States real estate market to be low, but looks like Los Angeles and New York these metropolises. Because is attracting the rich and powerful people and investors around the world, the mansion price is maintaining the powerful rise stance. 20 years later, price-marks over a hundred million mansions to be common. This time investment will receive ten times of even dozens times of repayments in the future. 但其实,除了尖角庄园,在洛杉矶比弗利山庄圣莫妮卡马里布以及纽约曼哈顿市区,艾瑞克这几年已经林林总总地买下了六七十处豪宅,九十年代美国大都市的豪宅价格大部分都在百万美元级别以内,但艾瑞克却知道,前世即使经历了2008年的次贷危机,造成美国楼市的长时间低迷,但像洛杉矶纽约这些大都市。因为吸引着世界范围内的富豪和投资者,豪宅价格一直都保持着强势的上涨姿态。20年后,标价上亿的豪宅都屡见不鲜。此时的投资未来将获得十倍甚至几十倍的回报。 Naturally, except for investment, investment real estate, on the other hand can also counter-balance the personal income tax, to avoid taxes, Firefly Group and two sides the Firefly investment, Eric as far as possible avoids drawing bonus, retains the fund in the company account, holds the post of the Firefly Group Chairman seat continually, Eric was only symbolically took USD wage. But he by Director, producer and a series of movies of screenwriter status participation, can bring the big related income for him every year as before, like Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, because is the reason of personal investment, the recording tape sale will be divided majority of will belong to the Eric personal income category, will be only this will bring merely 300 million USD. Chris was Eric had provided a series of investment projects, because of the ingrained Eastern cultural idea, Eric has finally chosen the investment real estate, he also enjoyed where, regardless of arrived at to have the feeling of oneself house. 当然,除了投资,投资房产在另外一方面也可以抵消个人所得税,为了避税,萤火虫集团萤火虫投资两边,艾瑞克都尽可能地避免分红,将资金保留在公司账户,连担任萤火虫集团董事长的席位,艾瑞克都只是象征性地拿了一美元的薪水。但他个人以导演、制片人和编剧身份参与的一系列影片,每年依旧能为他带来大笔相关的收入,就像刚刚过去的维密大秀,因为是个人投资的缘故,录像带销售分成大部分都将归入艾瑞克的个人收入范畴,仅仅只是这一项就将带来三亿美元克里斯曾经为艾瑞克提供过一系列的投资方案,但因为根深蒂固的东方文化观念,艾瑞克最终选择了投资房产,他也非常享受无论走到哪里都有自己房子的感觉。 Kathryn is not really interested in these, heard the Eric words is also only in a low voice um. 凯瑟琳对这些果然是不感兴趣的,听到艾瑞克的话也只是低声嗯了一句。 Returns to the garden, they sat near the swimming pool round table continue to chat the «Red Alert» matter, Eric no longer discussed that these senseless budget data, Kathryn then discovered that this little man was not inferior to himself regarding the deep level analysis of movie, as if listened to script, in his mind had the entire movie. Unknowingly by the topic attraction of Eric, unknowingly was led away the topic by Eric, Kathryn had not realized that she started the past events that chatted to go far away gradually, the father who in childhood wanted to be the cartoonist taught her to use the paint to paint, has had the interest to the drawing, afterward in the experience that the San Francisco art academy went to school, in ten years of New York job and life study, has had the interest to the movie, started the shoots short film, then...... 回到庭院内,两人坐在泳池边的圆桌旁继续聊起了《红色警戒》的事情,艾瑞克不再谈那些无趣的预算数据,凯瑟琳这才发现,这个小男人对于影片的深层次解析丝毫不亚于自己,仿佛只是听了一遍剧本,他脑海里就已经拥有了整部影片。不知不觉被艾瑞克的话题吸引,又不知不觉被艾瑞克引开了话题,凯瑟琳都没有意识到,她已经开始聊起了逐渐远去的往事,小时候想要当漫画家的父亲教她用油漆作画,对绘画产生了兴趣,还有后来在旧金山艺术学院上学的经历,在纽约工作生活学习的十年时间,对电影产生了兴趣,开始拍摄短片,然后的然后…… The recollection, often most can open an individual heart against thing. 回忆,往往是最能打开一个人心防的东西。 When to the night, early spring season, all around lonesomeness and quietness, even/including noise of insects does not have exactly, in the mansion garden the orange light as if also even more confuses glass. 时至深夜,恰好初春时节,四周一片幽静,连虫鸣都没有,豪宅庭院里橘黄色的灯光似乎也越发迷璃。 A cool breeze has blown, in light poor, Kathryn realized suddenly periphery even more unusual atmosphere, front little man is hanging the light smile as before, the body actually faintly sends out one type to integrate the dim light of night loneliness, lets the person cannot help but soft under heart. 一阵凉风吹过,淡淡的清寒中,凯瑟琳忽然意识到周围越发异样的氛围,面前的小男人依旧挂着淡淡的微笑,身上却隐隐散发着一种想要融入夜色般的寂寥,让人不由自主地软下心来。 Perhaps is Basic Instinct felt that somewhat dangerous, Kathryn has stood subconsciously. 或许是本能地感觉到有些危险,凯瑟琳下意识站了起来。 The Eric doubts are on the rise, look to the expression flurried woman: Kathryn, you how?” 艾瑞克疑惑地抬起头,看向表情慌乱的女人:“凯瑟琳,你怎么了?” I. Eric, was very late, I should go back.” The Kathryn sound somewhat lightly trembled slightly is saying, decided at heart. If...... If he opens the mouth to detain, oneself must reject. “我。艾瑞克,很晚了,我该回去了。”凯瑟琳声音微微有些轻颤地说着,心里打定主意。如果……如果他开口挽留,自己一定要拒绝。 Un, the expression wants to be firmer. 嗯,语气要坚定一些。 Eric looked at the watch, 11 : 30, set out saying: Was very late, I remember that your ten o'clock have rested on time, right?” 艾瑞克看了看手表,已经11点半,起身道:“是很晚了,我记得你一直都十点钟准时休息的,对吧?” Kathryn shakes the head subconsciously: No...... Un, yes.” 凯瑟琳下意识摇头:“不……嗯,是的。” Eric smiled. Said: Was right, when remembered just came the gift that I said that walked, I led you to have a look.” 艾瑞克笑了笑。道:“对了,还记得刚来时我说的礼物吗,走,我带你去看看。” Eric, now, is too late tomorrow.” 艾瑞克,明天可以吗,现在,太晚了。” Eric walks toward the villa, said: Several minutes on the line, so were in any case late, tomorrow will have the tomorrow's matter.” 艾瑞克朝别墅内走去,说道:“几分钟就行,反正都已经这么晚了,明天还有明天的事情呢。” Kathryn looks at the Eric back. The subconsciousness followed. 凯瑟琳看着艾瑞克背影。下意识跟了上去。 When goes to the living room, Eric takes places the box in cabinet, said: Immediately was Oscar. I know that you definitely cannot think these matters, therefore helped you prepare one formal clothes, Oh that I personally designed, came to see, what kind.” 来到客厅,艾瑞克取出来时放在橱柜里的盒子,说道:“马上就是奥斯卡了。我知道你肯定想不起来这些事情,所以帮你准备了一套礼服,我亲自设计的,来看看,怎么样。” Eric was saying, takes up light grey fibroin embroidery formal clothes from the box carefully, the formal clothes manufacture when this is he completely in Kathryn according to the memory obtains best Director puts on. 艾瑞克说着,从盒子里小心地拿起一件浅灰色丝质刺绣礼服,这是他完全根据记忆里凯瑟琳获得最佳导演时穿的礼服制作的。 Kathryn stands, the vision is actually in the heart-shaped embroidery that to note the formal clothes upper body size varies, the mood is once more flurried. Said: Eric, my manager said that has related the formal clothes to support to me. Two days have tried clothes.” 凯瑟琳站在旁边,目光却是注意到礼服上身大小不一的心形刺绣上,心情再次慌乱起来。道:“艾瑞克,我的经纪人说已经给我联系礼服赞助了。过两天就去试衣服。” Oh, that first tries this. When the time comes you thought that which puts on which attractively.” ,那就先试一下这件。到时候你觉得哪一件更漂亮就穿哪个。” That, I bring.” “那,我带回去吧。” If not good-fitting words, but also needs to revise as soon as possible, here tried, I also want to take a look at the effect,” Eric looks at the woman scruple appearance, the human and animals says with a smile harmlessly: Your this face will not give, this is my painstaking care.” “万一不合身的话,还需要尽快修改,就在这里试试好了,我也想看看效果,”艾瑞克看着女人迟疑的模样,人畜无害地笑道:“你不会连这点面子都不给吧,这可是我的心血啊。” That...... Good,” Kathryn expression again soft, holds box that Eric is handing over, entered in a nearby room following his direction. “那……好吧,”凯瑟琳语气再一次软了下来,捧着艾瑞克递过来的盒子,顺着他的指引走进了旁边的一个房间里。 Has rubbed gently some little time, changes the woman of formal clothes carefully to carry the skirt to walk. 磨蹭了好一会儿,换好礼服的女人才小心地拎着裙角走出来。 In the living room does not know when has remembered the music, the sound is very low, Kathryn actually clearly hears is that «Young and Beautiful», naive and desolate shallow sang, making the person want to abandon all, lost heartily. 客厅里不知道什么时候想起了音乐,声音很低,凯瑟琳却清晰地听到是那首《诱ng-and-beautiul》,天真而苍凉的浅唱,让人想要抛开一切,尽情迷失。 Although has the image in memory, but saw that puts on the woman who the formal clothes walk, Eric has the intense shocking feeling as before, the Kathryn tall and slender stature has almost annotated the ratio of middle to outside perfectly, does not have the years trace attractive face also to bring light blushing. 虽然有着记忆中的影像,但看到穿着礼服走出来的女人,艾瑞克依旧生出强烈的惊艳感,凯瑟琳高挑身材几乎完美地诠释了黄金分割,毫无岁月痕迹的漂亮脸庞还带着淡淡的红晕。 Sees Eric to set out, puts out a hand toward her, Kathryn unknowingly puts aside the skirt, has delivered the right hand, then, the woman felt blurry she was dragged into the bosom by Eric, moved the footsteps along with the music gently. 看到艾瑞克起身走过来,朝她伸出手,凯瑟琳不知不觉地丢开裙角,将右手送了上去,然后,女人迷迷糊糊地感觉到自己被艾瑞克拉入怀中,随着音乐轻轻挪动起了脚步。 The music does not know that was circulated several, the Kathryn chin knocked gently in the Eric shoulder, gathers near his ear, said in a low voice: Eric.” 音乐不知道被循环了几遍,凯瑟琳下巴轻轻磕在艾瑞克肩头,凑到他耳边,低声道:“艾瑞克。” Un?” The ear bank has remembered the voice of little man similarly. “嗯?”耳畔同样想起了小男人的声音。 I have not thought that I, I this...... Was deceived to go to bed by you, I, I must go home......” “我还没想好,我,我不要就这样……被你骗上床,我,我要回家……” The voice of woman is shivering slightly, did not have the past capability and strong, the small beast that looked like falling into a trap, implored the hunter to let off itself pitiful. 女人的声音微微颤抖着,丝毫没有以往的干练和强势,更像一只落入陷阱的小兽,可怜兮兮地祈求猎人放过自己。 Heart of Eric immediately soft, said in a soft voice: Good, I deliver you to go home.” 艾瑞克的心顿时就软了下来,轻声道:“好啊,我送你回家。” Does not want you to deliver, I can go back, I...... I have the car(riage).” “不要你送,我自己可以回去,我……我有车。” Un,” Eric loosens the waist of woman, said: Formal clothes definitely did not need to change, first traded, this clothes cannot drive.” “嗯,”艾瑞克松开女人的腰肢,道:“礼服肯定是不用改了,先去换下来吧,这身衣服可不能开车。” ...... …… After several minutes, Eric stands under the mansion buff street light, looks the white car(riage) shade that is going far away gradually, Kathryn has started out an imposing manner of fleeing to the wilderness that pitiful BMW car livingly. 几分钟后,艾瑞克站在豪宅门外的浅黄色路灯下,望着渐渐远去的白色车影,凯瑟琳将那辆可怜的宝马轿车活生生地开出了一种落荒而逃的气势。 Smiled, sighed gently, Eric does not know now one were any mood. 笑了笑,又轻轻叹了一口气,艾瑞克现在都不知道自己是什么心情了。 The time crossed 12 points, except for gloomy street light, on the street in inhabited area already only remaining few several lights. 时间已过12点,除了暗淡的路灯,居民区的这段街道上已经只剩下寥寥的几处灯光。 Turned head to look at the entrance, although in the villa the daily life facility had it all, Eric actually does not want such alone to live, anticipated a lively environment bewilderedly suddenly, therefore has remembered always lively small girl. 扭头看了看大门口,虽然别墅里起居设施一应俱全,艾瑞克却不想就这么孤零零地住下来,莫名其妙地,突然就期待一种热热闹闹的环境,于是就想起了总是热热闹闹的小妮子 Takes up the cell phone digit dialing, after toot toot several. Although is away from two microphones, but a lively aura or store front. 拿起手机拨号,嘟嘟几声后。虽然隔着两处话筒,但一股热闹的气息还是铺面而来。 small girl has not rested in the same old way, although is before dawn. Actually also on somewhere party. 小妮子照样没有休息,虽然已是凌晨。却还在某处派对上。 Eric, was so late. Gives back to me to telephone,” the expression of girl is somewhat afraid, the background sound is getting more and more low, vanishes quickly. 艾瑞克,这么晚了。还给我打电话呢,”丫头的语气有些心虚,背景音越来越低,很快消失。 Eric knows that the girl definitely was hides somewhere the peaceful place, the corners of the mouth has shown the smiling face that favored to drown, blamed: Was so late, but also is insane, was careful that tomorrow will bring the dark pouche.” 艾瑞克知道丫头肯定是躲到了某处安静的地方,嘴角露出宠溺的笑容,责怪道:“这么晚了,还疯,小心明天带黑眼圈。” Cannot. Today was happy, hey, what matter asks me to have?” “才不会呢。只是今天高兴嘛,嘿嘿,找我有什么事吗?” Makes Natasha meet me one, I Hollywood Hills Carmen Avenue here, am that house that our previous same places look. Tonight here has held a cocktail party, the person walked, only remaining my.” “让娜塔莎来接我一下吧,我在好莱坞山卡曼街这里,就是我们上次一起看的那套房子。今晚在这里举办了一个酒会,人都走了,只剩下我一个。” Oh, I pass immediately, you are waiting for my Oh,” girl was saying. Had not inquired slightly anything's meaning, has made the telephone call hurriedly. ,我马上过去,你等着我,”丫头说着。丝毫没有询问什么的意思,风风火火地挂了电话。 ...... …… The Trousdale manor, the party atmosphere in Drew mansion just that side style with Eric was totally different. In the garden a series of daylight lamps clean of dim light of night action of driving away, the musical sound also resound through a surrounding area dozens meters distance completely. Good here is an independent mountain top, except for nearby Elizabeth and Julia's that set of mansion, the neighbor who has not approached, but Elizabeth and Julia's that set of mansion has not resold, but has been emptying, therefore nobody reported harasses. 特劳斯代尔庄园,德鲁豪宅里的派对气氛却与艾瑞克刚刚那边风格迥然不同。庭院内一连串日光灯将夜色完全驱赶的一干二净,音乐声也响彻方圆数十米的距离。好在这里是一个单独的山头,除了旁边伊丽莎白茱莉亚的那套豪宅,并没有太靠近的邻居,而伊丽莎白茱莉亚的那套豪宅也没有转卖,只是一直空着,所以才没有人举报扰民。 Because Eric does not like other male appearing in this mansion, the girl when the family/home conducts party only will invite one crowd of boudoir honey, her boudoir honey truly were also many a point. enchanting females one group of girls play to make crazily, sang. Dances, in the swimming pool kicks. Even also has to hug in the same place plays to cherish one's relatives, various types have no shame, if there are male to appear here, will be stimulated to nosebleed directing current absolutely. 因为艾瑞克并不喜欢别的男性出现在这栋豪宅里,丫头在自己家举办派对的时候就只会邀请一群闺蜜,她的闺蜜也确实多了一点。莺莺燕燕的一群女孩疯狂地玩闹着,唱歌的。跳舞的,游泳池里扑腾的。甚至还有搂在一起玩亲亲的,各种没羞没臊,如果有男性出现在这里,也绝对会被刺激到鼻血直流。 When the cordless telephone that Natasha will resound delivers to the girl hand, she was being entangled chat by Gwyneth Paltrow, although with is the Spielberg's goddaughter, when the girl this time status of actually by far does not need to depend on Spielberg again, Gwyneth Paltrow is hitting some small thoughts actually, is maintaining with the girl the close relation. 娜塔莎将响起的无绳电话送到丫头手中时,她正被格温妮丝?帕特洛缠着聊天,虽然同为斯皮尔伯格的教女,当丫头此时的身份却远远不用再倚仗斯皮尔伯格,倒是格温妮丝?帕特洛打着一些小心思,一直与丫头保持着密切的联系。 Saw that Drew is taking cordless telephone expression not only joyful and gets out of the way flustered in a hurry, Gwyneth Paltrow intelligently realized the person who telephones who is, the vision sparkled, the trace followed. 看到德鲁拿着无绳电话表情既欣喜又慌张地匆匆走开,格温妮丝?帕特洛就聪明地意识到打电话的人是谁,目光闪了闪,不着痕迹地跟了上去。 Saw Drew saying that this saying entered in a room, Gwyneth Paltrow took one glass of liquor from the, peacefully outside. 德鲁说这话钻进了一个房间里,格温妮丝?帕特洛从附近取了一杯酒,安静地等在外面。 After a while, the door opens, sees Drew to walk, Gwyneth Paltrow shows the gossip aura full smiling face immediately, has collected kindly: „Is Drew, the Eric telephone?” 过了一会儿,房门打开,看到德鲁走出来,格温妮丝?帕特洛立刻露出八卦气息十足的笑容,亲切地凑了上去:“德鲁,是艾瑞克的电话吗?” Yes,” girl replied, does not give a thought to the response of Gwyneth Paltrow, before the footsteps keeps arriving at the garden midpoint the microphone, switches off the music, took the microphone to make the vigor pat the racket from the Christina Aguilera hand, after bass artillery thump several dull thumping sounds, all people were peaceful. “是啊,”丫头回答了一句,不顾格温妮丝?帕特洛的反应,脚步不停地走到庭院正中央的麦克风前,关掉音乐,从克里斯蒂娜?阿奎莱拉手中拿过话筒使劲儿拍了拍,低音炮里咚咚咚几声闷响后,所有人安静下来。 The girls put out a hand to hug the women glow to kiss nearby Christina very much, was saying to the microphone grinningly: Hey, the treasure, can only come here today Oh, to everybody ten minutes, goes various home respectively, the movement is slow, I will make Natasha lose Oh her. That several got drunk, who gave to carry off, in the halfway can sell to exchange the midnight snack, um, this.” 丫头伸手将旁边的克里斯蒂娜搂过来很女流芒地亲了一下,笑嘻嘻地对着话筒说道:“嘿,宝贝们,今天只能到这里了,给大家十分钟时间,各回各家,动作慢的,我会让娜塔莎把她丢出去。啊,还有那几个喝醉了的,谁给带走,半路上可以卖掉换夜宵,嗯,就这样。” The girls know the disposition of girl, although spoke time grinning, but if has surpassed for ten minutes, this somewhat disagreeable insane girl will throw the person absolutely really outward. 女孩们都知道丫头的性格,虽然说话的时候笑嘻嘻的,但如果超过了十分钟,这有些乖戾的疯丫头绝对会真的往外扔人。 Therefore acts is not scruple, is about to leave, pours also many girls to crack a joke saying: „Was Drew, your man must come back?” 于是动作都没有太多迟疑,纷纷准备离开,倒也不乏女孩开玩笑道:“德鲁,是不是你男人要回来了?” The girls have wielded the small hand: Yes, my king must arrive, but does not need your small bitch to wait on the bedroom, therefore, gets the hell out.” 丫头挥了挥小手:“是啊,我的王就要降临了,只是不需要你们这些小碧池侍寝,所以,都滚蛋吧。” Also there are girl to say boldly: Drew, others location neodymium, can I remain to serve our kings?” 也有女孩大胆地说道:“德鲁,人家还是处钕呢,我可以留下来侍奉咱们的王吗?” Go away, tomorrow I use beer wine bottle to help you break, already two minutes Oh, eight minutes.” “滚,明天我用啤酒瓶帮你破掉,已经两分钟了,还有八分钟。” Another sound greasy girl said: Good to be thrown by Natasha, they look at very fierce appearance.” 又一个声音腻腻的女孩道:“好想被娜塔莎扔一下啊,她们一看就很厉害的样子呢。” Your this dead lily, I make Natasha throw again your calf interruption, wants?” “你这个死百合,我让娜塔莎把你小腿打断再扔出去,要不要?” Drew, your real violence.” 德鲁,你真暴力。” So noisily only crossed for five minutes, big group of girls basically diverged, small girl also Christina of driving age will force personally in sports car to look to leave, has inspected one inside and outside, determines nobody to stay behind, told that two maids clean as soon as possible, leads the twin to drive hastily to leave.( To be continued.) 如此吵吵嚷嚷只过了五分钟,一大堆女孩就已经基本上散去,小妮子亲自将还不到开车年龄的克里斯蒂娜塞进了一辆跑车里看着离开,检查了一遍里里外外,确定没有人留下,吩咐两个女佣尽快打扫,就带着双胞胎开车匆匆离开。(未完待续。)
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