IAIH :: Volume #4

#400: The Disco gets the hell out

Eric also quickly knew Becky Murphy status, this with the Kathryn age similar woman now is the Columbia University lecturer, in the past the schoolmates in two person same dormitories, therefore in the disposition difference very big situation, will become the good friends. 艾瑞克也很快知道了贝琪.墨菲的身份,这个与凯瑟琳年龄差不多的女人现在是哥伦比亚大学的讲师,当年两个人还是同一宿舍的同学,因此在性格差异很大的情况下,才会成为好朋友。∑ Goes out runs the course the assembly hall is 6 : 00 pm, Eric and Kathryn plan says goodbye to leave, was actually drawn to go to her home to be a guest by Becky Murphy, cannot shirk, they must obey. 走出举办讲座的礼堂已经是下午六点,艾瑞克凯瑟琳打算告辞离开,却被贝琪.墨菲强拉着去她家做客,推脱不下,两人只得顺从。 Becky Murphy family/home in going to the small apartment in west district, her husband Charlton Hawkins similarly is the Columbia University teacher, they have married for six years, but does not have the child. 贝琪.墨菲的家在上西区的一座小公寓里,她的丈夫查尔顿.霍金斯同样是哥伦比亚大学的教师,两人已经结婚六年,不过并没有孩子。 Eric, grew with Kathryn being together time, you may probably be careful that Oh, do not visit her usually is a very temperate woman, but in the bone has actually been full of the violence factor,” supper time, drank several glasses of red wines, the Becky Murphy words started. 艾瑞克,与凯瑟琳相处时间长了,你可要小心一点,别看她平时是一个很温和的女人,不过骨子里却充满了暴力因子,”晚餐的时候,喝了几杯红酒,贝琪.墨菲的话开始多了起来。 This I had not discovered how you do know?” Eric asked curiously. “这个我还没有发现,你是怎么知道的?”艾瑞克好奇地问道。 Kathryn has made a reluctantly look. 凯瑟琳则做出了一副无奈地神色。 Becky Murphy puts down the stem glass, looked at Kathryn, is seeking information the opinion of woman likely, but quick said: Let alone her movie, when we are also the Columbia student, many people have discovered this point. Once drawing class......” Becky Murphy was saying, opened the both arms to gesticulate, said with a little expression of exaggeration slightly: Such big drawing paper, she has drawn such bloody thigh above, was scary.” 贝琪.墨菲放下高脚杯,看了眼凯瑟琳,像是在征询女人的意见,不过很快就说道:“别说她的电影了,在我们还都是哥伦比亚的学生的时候,很多人就发现了这一点。有一次绘画课……”贝琪.墨菲说着,伸出双臂比划了一下,用稍微有点夸张的语气说道:“这么大一张画纸,她就在上面画了那么一条血淋淋的大腿,吓死人了。” Becky, that obviously is not the thigh, I remember that I have explained. That is an arm.” Kathryn refuted reluctantly. 贝琪,那明明不是大腿,我记得我解释过。那是一条手臂。”凯瑟琳无奈地反驳道。 „. I have thought is a thigh,” Becky Murphy stared in a big way the eye, immediately also said: Has anything to distinguish, in any case is the bloody things, I and Petheo they very much had been worried that you can have the disassociation of personality, in we do not have in the situation of preparation to turn into a female demon suddenly, extracts a knife handle we to massacre.” “啊。我一直以为是一条大腿呢,”贝琪.墨菲瞪大了眼睛,随即就又道:“不过有什么区别呢,反正都是血淋淋的东西,我和派特她们一直都很担心,你会不会有人格分裂,在我们没有准备的情况下突然变成一个女魔头,抽出一把刀把我们都杀掉。” I want your small mouth sewing on now.” Kathryn stared Becky to say. “我现在就想把你的小嘴给缝上。”凯瑟琳瞪了一眼贝琪说道。 The people on dinner table have smiled. 餐桌上的人都笑了起来。 The entire supper time, Becky Murphy in blah blah has narrated Kathryn past amusing thing, the cognition of Eric to woman becomes is also more concrete. To 9 : 00 pm, Eric and Kathryn walk from Becky Murphy, the Eric vehicle unknowingly stopped in Becky added the entrance. 整个晚餐时间,贝琪.墨菲一直在布拉布拉地讲述凯瑟琳当年的趣事,艾瑞克对女人的认知也变得更加具体起来。一直到晚上九点,艾瑞克凯瑟琳才从贝琪.墨菲家走出来,艾瑞克的车子不知不觉已经停在了贝琪加门口。 They sneak in car, after Mr. and Mrs. Becky Murphy said goodbye, car quickly sails to the Broadway main road. 两人钻进汽车,与贝琪.墨菲夫妇告别之后,汽车很快驶向百老汇大道。 car went for more than ten minutes, Eric saw that sat puts out a hand to rub the forehead in nearby woman gently, asked kindly: Drank, some dizziness?” 汽车行驶了十多分钟,艾瑞克看到坐在旁边的女人伸手轻轻揉了揉额头,关切地问道:“是不是喝多了,有些头晕?” Kathryn nods: Has not related. Went back rest a while to be good.” 凯瑟琳点点头:“没关系。回去休息一会儿就好了。” Eric greeted the driver to stop, opens the vehicle door. Although Kathryn is somewhat curious, was, stepped in the Manhattan night street, the chilly air made Kathryn feel comfortably a point quickly. 艾瑞克却招呼司机停车,打开车门。凯瑟琳虽然有些好奇,还是跟着走了下来,踩在曼哈顿夜里的街道上,清冷的空气很快让凯瑟琳感觉舒服了一点。 Walk, this will feel better some time,” Eric said that arrives on the street serrated edge. “步行一段时间把,这样会好受一点,”艾瑞克说道,率先走到马路牙子上。 The bodyguards drive sharply not slow not to follow in two people behind, Eric and Kathryn walk shoulder to shoulder in the street, looks at stream of vehicles on street both sides store and street, has not spoken too the loquacity. 保镖开着车不急不缓地跟在两个人身后,艾瑞克凯瑟琳并肩走在街边,看着街道两旁的商店和马路上的车流,并没有说太多话。 Passed by streets and alleys time, Eric saw that one group of young people encircled in a ballroom entrance, the intention move, have drawn woman: „Do we go to that side to have a look?” 路过一条街巷的时候,艾瑞克看到一群年轻人围在一家舞厅门口,心念动了动,拉了拉身旁的女人:“我们去那边看看?” Kathryn looked at one, just wanted to shake the head to say consider as finished, actually saw that Eric has turned in the lane, has hesitated , the woman followed. 凯瑟琳看了一眼,刚刚想要摇头说算了,却看到艾瑞克已经拐进了巷子里,迟疑了下,女人还是跟了上去。 This is a discotheque, perhaps because of the ballroom guest too full reason, the entrance guard all has not put outside young people. 这是一家迪斯科舞厅,或许是因为舞厅客人太满的缘故,门口的守卫并没有将外面的年轻人全都放进去。 Eric and Kathryn go through the crowd shoulder to shoulder, arrives to intercept by the shackle of guest, Eric just wants to communicate with the guard, making them go, stands at the back of the western-style clothing man of both hands has taken a look at several two people behind reclamation, lifted the chin toward the guard, that guard took down the shackle, hinted two people to go. 艾瑞克凯瑟琳并肩穿过人群,来到拦截客人的铁链旁,艾瑞克正想与守卫沟通一下,让他们进去,站在收回后面背着双手的西装男子打量了几眼两个人,朝守卫抬了抬下巴,那个守卫取下铁链,示意两个人进去。 Has checked the coat, they walk toward the long corridor deep place, Eric looked at eye woman, asked curiously: „Aren't you first time will come?” 寄存了大衣,两人向长长的走廊深处走去,艾瑞克看了眼身旁的女人,好奇地问道:“你不会是第一次来吧?” Kathryn nods: I have not come to this place.” 凯瑟琳点点头:“我还从来没有来过这种地方。” Eric smiled: Actually I am also.” 艾瑞克笑了:“其实我也是。” Has not entered the hall, Eric and Kathryn heard the explosive musical sound, arrives at the hall entrance, in the light of twinkle, they saw that the innumerable men and women are in the dance floor to wave with the music cheerfully, although outside temperature in zero degree, but in the hall the majority of women put on the exposed the clothing, many men are also red the upper body, reveals the model community. 还没有走进大厅,艾瑞克凯瑟琳就听到了劲爆的音乐声,来到大厅门口,在闪烁的灯光中,两人看到无数男女在舞池中伴随着音乐欢快地舞动着,虽然外面的气温在零度一下,但大厅里大部分女人都穿着暴露的衣物,不少男人也赤着上身,露出大片大片的纹身。 Kathryn sees this scene, obvious some do not adapt: Or we go back, already around 9 : 00.” 凯瑟琳看到这种场景,明显有些不适应:“要不我们回去吧,已经九点多了。” Since came, taking a seat a while,” Eric was saying, puts out a hand to hold on the woman, walks toward the bar. “既然来了,就坐一会儿吧,”艾瑞克说着,伸手拉住女人,朝吧台走去。 Kathryn felt that own hand held on by Eric suddenly, works loose hastily, stared Eric one to warn: Cannot like this.” 凯瑟琳感觉自己的手突然被艾瑞克拉住,连忙挣脱开来,瞪了艾瑞克一眼警告道:“不许这样。” Good,” Eric smiled, although the woman was saying, he from her eyes had not actually seen that is too repugnant. “好吧,”艾瑞克笑了笑,虽然女人这么说着,他却没有从她眼中看出太多反感。 Wanted two times of whisky, Eric to lead the woman to find in the corner a vacant sofa to sit there. 要了两倍威士忌,艾瑞克带着女人找到角落里一张空置的沙发坐在了那里。 I was really insane, will come to this place with you unexpectedly,” Kathryn sat down side Eric, routinely the stiff waist, the vision actually curiously sized up the crowd that in the dance floor was waving crazily. “我真是疯了,竟然会跟你来这种地方,”凯瑟琳艾瑞克身旁坐下,习惯性地挺直腰身,目光却好奇地打量着舞池中疯狂舞动的人群。 I have not come to here to be passable, am hard to imagine you not to come to this place, haven't you lived here for many years?” “我没有来过这里还说得过去,难以想象你也没有来过这种地方,你不是在这里生活过好多年吗?” Some people will not handle for a lifetime something, even if these leave them to be near at hand.” “有些人一辈子都不会做一些事情,哪怕那些离他们近在咫尺。” Oh, I understood,” Eric glanced woman that did not look like the 30 year cheek, if Kathryn cannot maintain the life of restraint, now definitely is another appearance, but dance hall place, most abraded the body and mind without doubt the place. ,我明白了,”艾瑞克瞟了眼女人那张看起来不到三十岁的脸蛋,如果凯瑟琳不能保持克制的生活态度的话,现在肯定是另外一幅样子,而歌舞厅这种地方,无疑是最磨蚀身心的场所。 The small mouth place sips the whisky in hand, Eric is asking suddenly: I remember more than ten years ago, probably Disco gets the hell out movement, do you know?” 小口地啜饮着手中的威士忌,艾瑞克突然问道:“我记得十多年前,好像有一个‘迪斯科滚蛋’运动,你知道吗?” Kathryn nods: That Becky their several just draw me to watch that competition, has not thought of the middle place, some people lit big pile of Disco phonograph records. Why afterward the youth of full avenue did not know, exchanges has been printing disco-sucks T-shirt, during that time, many discotheques closed.”( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 凯瑟琳点点头:“那次贝琪她们几个刚好拉我去看那场比赛,没想到中场,就有人点燃了一大堆迪斯科唱片。后来满大街的青年不知道为什么,都换上了印着‘disco-sucks’t恤衫,那段时间,好多迪斯科舞厅都关门了。”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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