IAIH :: Volume #4

#399: Epic poem piece

After «17 Again», although Eric receives has invited much, no longer appears in the middle of any movie scene, is a guest performer continually does not have. But even if this, because of his rising extremely in legendary, the personal picture will appear on newspaper magazine every other day. Therefore walks on the avenue, even if cannot be recognized one eyes, some people will always have the feeling of seeming to have met before. 重返十七岁》之后,艾瑞克虽然接到过不少邀约,却不再出现在任何电影镜头当中,连客串都没有过。但即使这样,因为他的崛起太过于传奇性,个人照片三天两头就会出现在报纸杂志上。因此走在大街上哪怕不能被人一眼认出来,也总有人会产生似曾相识的感觉。 As in the library hall the person are getting more and more, the guests who attended the art exhibition fall on Eric vision are also getting more and more, but most people as if thought that possibly is only similar, has not stepped onto the meaning that comes to chitchat. In order to avoid the unnecessary harassment, Eric has to pull out sunglasses to put on, this appearance for a part appears somewhat alternative in the hall, for this reason slightly was also teased one by Kathryn. 随着图书馆大厅里人越来越多,参加画展的宾客们落在艾瑞克身上的目光也越来越多,不过大部分人似乎都觉得可能只是相似,并没有走上前来攀谈的意思。为了避免不必要的骚扰,艾瑞克不得不掏出墨镜戴上,这幅扮相在大厅里显得有些另类,为此还被凯瑟琳小小地调侃了一句。 This story about Golden Apple, when human hero colored glaze and sea goddess very raise the silk holds the wedding, the gods obtained the invitation, only has disagreement goddess Eris to keep them out. Eris of bearing a grudge intrudes the wedding scene, has put out Golden Apple, indicated that must give to the most beautiful woman on the scene, from this has triggered a conflict. “这幅是关于金苹果的故事,在人类英雄帕琉斯和海洋女神忒提丝举办婚礼时,众神都得到了邀请,唯有不和女神厄里斯被拒之门外。怀恨在心的厄里斯闯入婚礼现场,拿出了一只金苹果,表示要送给在场最美丽的女人,由此引发了一次争端。 Zeus's wife Hera, Minerva Athena and God of Love Aphrodite thinks one should be obtains Golden Apple that in the situation of being unyielding, Zeus appoints Troy Prince Parris who tends sheep on mountain to adjudicate this conflict. 宙斯的妻子赫拉、智慧女神雅典娜和爱神阿芙洛狄特都认为自己应该是获得金苹果的那个,争执不下的情况下,宙斯指派在伊达山上牧羊的特洛伊王子帕里斯裁决这场争端。 Man who in the picture makes the ponder shape is Parris, the right separately is three goddesses. Because God of Love about promise that letting Parris and society most beautiful female falls in love with, Parris sentenced Golden Apple to Aphrodite. Parris with the help of God of Love, turned afterward has been considered as Sparta Queen Helen of world most beautiful woman, from this has led to the trojan war. ” 画面中做思考状的男子就是帕里斯,右边分别是三位女神。因为爱神的关于让帕里斯与人世间最美丽女子相爱的许诺,帕里斯将金苹果判给了阿芙洛狄特。帕里斯随后在爱神的帮助下,拐走了被认为是人间最美丽女人的斯巴达王后海伦,由此引起了特洛伊战争。” They arrive in front of a northwest corner oil painting. Kathryn was explaining toward Eric in a low voice. What although she majors when Columbia University is the art criticism. However actually not the composition and color of work to Eric explanation exhibition hall, but was narrating various background stories that in these oil paintings involves, although many Eric are knows, but he has not actually broken the meaning of woman, instead hears with great interest. 两人走到西北角的一幅油画面前。凯瑟琳低声地朝艾瑞克讲解着。虽然她在哥伦比亚大学时主修的是艺术评论。不过却没有向艾瑞克讲解展厅里作品的构图和色彩,只是讲述着这些油画中涉及到的各种背景故事,虽然其中不少艾瑞克都是知晓的,不过他却也没有打断女人的意思,反而听得津津有味。 After Kathryn lecture, looked at Eric of eye looking pensive appearance, curious asked in a low voice: What thinks, thinks somewhat bored?” 凯瑟琳讲完之后,看了眼若有所思模样的艾瑞克,好奇的低声问道:“想什么呢,是不是觉得有些无聊?” Naturally not.” Eric shakes the head: I after wants to return to Los Angeles, making them make one about the Europe myth and history in the business planning that the movie develops prospect. This type movie theme is a big gold ore, what a pity before , because of special effect and manual limit, this type movie these years not too many splendid works.” “当然不。”艾瑞克摇摇头:“我在想回洛杉矶之后,让他们做一个关于欧洲神话和历史在电影开发前景方面的企划。这个类型的电影题材可是一座大金矿,可惜以前因为特效和人工的限制,这一类型的电影这些年来并没有太多出色的作品。” Kathryn is one advocates will work to integrate Basic Instinct that kind of person, therefore she has not teased Eric in this case also to think the work, but asks: You say the epic poem movie, like «Ben-Hur» and «Spartacus»?” 凯瑟琳是一个崇尚将工作融入本能的那类人,因此她并没有调侃艾瑞克在这种情况下还想着工作,而是问道:“你是说史诗电影,像《宾虚》和《斯巴达克斯》那样?” «Ben-Hur» and «Spartacus» was Hollywood in the early 60's the Europe epic poem movie of product, Jew Ben-Hur that the former narrated revolted against the story of Roman Empire aggression, at that time won 11 Oscar prizes, became in the Oscar history is hard to overstep the record. Although «RMS Titanic» in original space and time has surpassed «Ben-Hur» in the nomination, but the award-winning quantity actually is only impartial with «Ben-Hur». But the latter is movie Grandmaster Stanley. Kubrick's signature work. 宾虚》和《斯巴达克斯》都是好莱坞六十年代初出品的欧洲史诗电影,前者讲述的犹太人宾虚反抗罗马帝国侵略的故事,当时获得了11项奥斯卡奖,成为奥斯卡历史上一座难以逾越地记录。原时空中的《泰坦尼克号》虽然在提名上超过了《宾虚》,但获奖数量却只和《宾虚》持平。而后者是电影大师斯坦利.库布里克的成名作。 Two movies were the movie of ultra-large investment at that time completely, used in common reached over ten thousand people Actor, develops extremely standardized today in the Hollywood industry, this artificial scale has duplicated very much difficultly again. 两部电影在当时全部属于超大投资的电影,都通用了多达上万名群众演员,在好莱坞工业发展到了极度规范化的今天,这种人工规模已经很难再复制。 Eric and Kathryn left that «Golden Apple» together, walks while said: Truly like «Ben-Hur» and «Spartacus», these two classics at that time according to literary work, but the non- historical evidence change, I thought that this is they can obtains the key of great success in Box Office and award item.” 艾瑞克凯瑟琳一起离开了那副《金苹果》,边走边说道:“确实像《宾虚》和《斯巴达克斯》那样,这两部经典在当时都是根据文学作品而非史实改变的,我觉得这才是它们都能在票房和奖项上获得巨大成功的关键。” Kathryn asked: Why cannot reorganize according to the historical evidence, I thought that this is instead more real?” 凯瑟琳问道:“为什么不能按照史实进行改编,我觉得这样反而更加真实?” They stopped in front of another oil painting, Eric explained: But the real history is too always brutal, is not likable. If develops this type of movie, the investment definitely belongs to the rank of super big manufacture, wants to recoup the cost, must carry on the large-scale reorganization to the history, to cater to the taste of modern audience. Those words, the audience always saw thing that one want to see.” 两人在另外一幅油画面前停了下来,艾瑞克解释道:“但真实的历史总是太残酷,并不讨人喜欢。如果开发这种类型的电影,投资肯定属于超级大制作的级别,想要收回成本的话,就必须对历史进行大规模的改编,以迎合现代观众的口味。还是那句话,观众总是看到自己想要看到的东西。” Eric said that looks to woman, although until now the Kathryn work are not many, but always loves to talk about with transmits some social cognition to the audience, moreover after ordinary flow in rigid theorizing, this style not only will not obtain the approval of award item, will not pay attention also to cause the repugnance of audience slightly. 艾瑞克说完看向身旁的女人,到现在为止凯瑟琳的作品虽然不多,但总是津津乐道与向观众传输某种社会认知,而且经常流于说教,这种风格不但不会获得奖项的认可,稍不注意也会引起观众的反感。 But in original space and time several years later that makes Kathryn reach Oscar «The Hurt Locker», the woman changes this shortcoming, «The Hurt Locker» by the calm observer stance, in a Bomb Squad the Iraqi battlefield tells daily, did not preach, did not comment, but after all people watched this movie, very natural will have the repugnance to the war and resists, this was the propaganda anti-war best way. 而原时空中直到十几年后那部让凯瑟琳登顶奥斯卡的《拆弹部队》,女人才改掉这个缺点,《拆弹部队》以冷静的旁观者姿态,将伊拉克战场上一个拆弹小组的日常娓娓道来,不说教,不评论,但所有人看完这部电影之后,都会很自然地对战争产生反感和抗拒,这才是宣传反战的最好方式。 Kathryn looked at eye front oil painting, this time has not explained to Eric again in a low voice, but said: I felt that you were saying my movie probably?” 凯瑟琳看了眼面前的油画,这一次没有再低声向艾瑞克讲解,而是说道:“我感觉你好像是在说我的电影?” Eric smiled: Right, you looked that I just did not have any glossary to aim at your movie, but you can actually realize that my goal, this transmits an idea the best way.” 艾瑞克笑了:“对啊,你看我刚刚没有任何一个词汇指向你的电影,但你却能体会到我的目的,这才是传达一种观念的最好方式。” Kathryn remembers for several months ago when «Point Break» square, these words that Eric spoke, fell into short looking pensive, Eric does not disturb, to stand is waiting for silently. 凯瑟琳想起几个月前在《惊暴点》片场的时候,艾瑞克说的那些话,陷入了短暂的若有所思,艾瑞克也不打扰,站在旁边默默地等待着。 Close to 12 points time, Eric selects «Golden Apple» that has caused them to talk, signed a five ten thousand USD check to give the organizer, had many to use on as for this sum of money the so-called children who are disabled or without parents is not Eric considers. 临近12点的时候,艾瑞克选中了那副引起两人谈话的《金苹果》,签了一张五万美元的支票交给了主办方,至于这笔钱有多少能用到所谓的孤残儿童身上就不是艾瑞克考虑的了。 At noon, Kathryn good friend Becky Murphy leads two people to have the simple lunch together, two people have not gone back, afternoon time, at the suggestion of Becky Murphy, two people listened to one has been four hours the course about Europe history in a Columbia assembly hall. 中午,凯瑟琳的好友贝琪.墨菲带着两个人一起吃过简单的午餐,两个人并没有回去,下午的时候,在贝琪.墨菲的建议下,两个人在哥伦比亚的一座礼堂了听了一场长达四个小时的关于欧洲历史的讲座。 Becky Murphy during listening to course, continuously to the Eric performance unusual is curious, as the Kathryn boudoir honey, Becky Murphy heard matter that Kathryn and Cameron divorce, when listens to the course, Becky Murphy occasionally can talk in whispers with Kathryn, but also often brings the dim daylight | the dark look to glance to Eric.( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 贝琪.墨菲在听讲座期间,一直对艾瑞克表现的非常好奇,作为凯瑟琳的闺蜜,贝琪.墨菲已经听说了凯瑟琳卡梅隆离婚的事情,在听讲座的时候,贝琪.墨菲偶尔会与凯瑟琳窃窃私语,还不时带着暧丨昧的眼神瞟向艾瑞克。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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