IAIH :: Volume #4

#398: Restless

Kathryn has gawked, grudgingly acknowledged: Probably, truly is this.” 凯瑟琳愣了下,才不情愿地承认道:“好像,确实是这样。” Because the topic is somewhat awkward, has own breakfast, Kathryn has planned to leave ahead of time. 因为话题有些尴尬,吃过自己的早餐,凯瑟琳打算提前离开。 Eric this time stopped by calling out her, carries to place near the foot that only common bag to hand in front of Kathryn: Gives you, looked that you light the neck has been shaking toward outside for serveral days, I look think cold.” 艾瑞克这次却叫住了她,拎起一直放在脚边那只不太起眼的袋子递到凯瑟琳面前:“给你的,看你这些天一直光着脖子往外面晃悠,我看着都觉得冷。” Kathryn turns on the bag, has pulled out a white wool scarf from inside. 凯瑟琳将袋子打开,从里面拉出了一条白色的羊绒围巾。 The women have hesitated, said: Thank you, but I do not like the white, is......” 女人迟疑了下,才说道:“谢谢你,不过我不太喜欢白色,还是……” That places here, I under and others made the person discard.” “那就放在这里吧,我等下让人扔掉。” You......” Kathryn is somewhat helpless, carries the bag: Good, I accepted.” “你……”凯瑟琳有些无奈,将袋子拎起来:“好吧,我收下了。” Returns to own room, the woman arrives at the bathroom, to mirror that scarf wears Hao. Has saying that the black is most mahjong piece something like a joker card one color. The woman black windproof coat of mirror is matching the white scarf, making her look like several points of gentle feminine aura. This is she has been avoidable the thing, wants to survive in Hollywood as feminine Director, must downplay the sex as far as possible the difference, she such has been doing. 回到自己的房间,女人走到浴室,对着镜子将那条围巾戴好。不得不说,黑色是最百搭的一种颜色。镜中的女人黑色的风衣配着白色的围巾,让她看起来多了几分柔和的女性气息。这是她一直可以避免的东西,作为一个女性导演想要在好莱坞生存下去,就必须尽量淡化性别的差异,她一直都在这么做。 However, now is not working, that wears. 不过,现在也不是在工作,那就戴着吧。 She quickly found an excuse to herself, is very reasonable. 她很快给自己找了个理由,很合理。 Across hotel lobby time, this time her actually unexpected happening stopped, goes to the dining room again. 穿过酒店大厅的时候,这一次她却鬼使神差地停了下来,再次来到餐厅。 Is immersed to look that newspaper Eric gains ground to see her appearance, said: Is very attractive.” 埋首看报纸艾瑞克抬头看到她的模样,称赞道:“很漂亮。” Thanks,” she sat in his opposite. “谢谢,”她在他对面坐了下来。 Eric asked: What matter has?” 艾瑞克才问道:“有什么事情吗?” In the morning has a charitable art exhibition in the Columbia library, are you interested in looking?” Facing the Eric vision, the woman also said quickly: You are Big Lord of Wealth. This art exhibition raises the fund for a children who are disabled or without parents fund, perhaps you can contribute a money.” “上午在哥伦比亚图书馆有一个慈善画展,你有兴趣去看一看吗?”面对艾瑞克的目光,女人很快就又说道:“你可是个大金主。这个画展是为一个孤残儿童基金筹措资金的,或许你可以多捐点钱。” This, when I make several phone calls, today's matter will advance.” “这样啊,等我打几个电话,将今天的事情推到。” Kathryn said immediately: If you are too busy, then on consider as finished.” 凯瑟琳立刻就说道:“如果你太忙的话,那就算了。” Eric has not paid attention. Took the mobile phone to be in front of Kathryn to make several phone calls to confess, looked up to the woman: That, we when?” 艾瑞克没有理会。拿过移动电话当着凯瑟琳的面打了几个电话交代了一番,抬头看向女人:“那么,我们什么时候出发?” Now, starting from art exhibition nine o'clock,” these words say that sees Eric to stand up without hesitation. Kathryn felt that a restlessness, when is not that danger approaches the restlessness, but is one type bewildered, some moral nature defense presents the fissure the restlessness. “现在,画展九点钟开始,”这句话说完,见艾瑞克毫不犹豫地站起身。凯瑟琳感觉到了一丝不安,不是那种危险来临时的不安,而是一种莫名其妙的,心底某种防御出现裂痕的不安。 Two people go out of the hotel shoulder to shoulder, Kathryn are just about to beckon to block the rental car. Black Chrysler has arrived in front of them. 两个人并肩走出酒店,凯瑟琳正要招手拦出租车。一辆黑色的克莱斯勒已经开到了两人面前。 Eric sympathized opens vehicle door for her, Kathryn has hesitated, wormed one's way into. 艾瑞克体贴地为她拉开车门,凯瑟琳迟疑了下,还是钻了进去。 Columbia University is right?” Eric sits down by her, asks. 哥伦比亚大学对吗?”艾瑞克在她旁边坐下,问道。 Un...... Un,” Kathryn nodded, sits in the there routinely stiff waist, both hands places on the knee. “嗯……嗯,”凯瑟琳点了点头,坐在那里习惯性地挺直腰肢,双手放在膝盖上。 Eric cannot bear say with a smile: Relaxes points, you make me feel like this strangely.” 艾瑞克忍不住笑道:“放松一点好吗,你这样让我感觉好奇怪。” My feeling is strange.” The women blurted out subconsciously. “我的感觉才奇怪呢。”女人下意识脱口而出。 Two people have smiled immediately together. 两个人随即一起笑了起来。 Chrysler along the Broadway main road, goes to Columbia University of Shangcheng District, two people got out together. Eric has exhorted toward the bodyguard, has not let them, entered Columbia University with Kathryn together, because he is first time comes to here, therefore Kathryn walks was then reporting to him surrounding view and literary reference, this has the well-known colleges and universities of more than 200 years of history to send out the thick historical inside story. Eric does not like the classical aura extremely strong construction, therefore his dwelling is the modernistic repair. However walks randomly in the Columbia University campus, he actually does not feel a repugnance. 克莱斯勒沿着百老汇大道,一路行驶到上城区的哥伦比亚大学,两个人一起下了车。艾瑞克朝保镖嘱咐了一番,并没有让他们跟着,与凯瑟琳一起走进了哥伦比亚大学,因为他是第一次来这里,所以凯瑟琳边走便向他介绍着周围的景致和典故,这所拥有200多年历史的名校散发着浓浓的历史底蕴。艾瑞克并不喜欢古典气息太过浓重的建筑,所以他的住处都是现代风格装修。不过游走在哥伦比亚大学校园中,他却丝毫不感觉一丝的反感。 Has relayed for more than ten minutes in the campus. Kathryn leads him to arrive to conduct outside the library of charitable art exhibition. 在校园中转了十多分钟。凯瑟琳才带着他来到举办慈善画展的图书馆外。 This time art exhibition is mainly the Europe classical oil painting, but does not have the authentic work of too many Grandmaster, is the tracing works of some artists,” Kathryn was introducing, handed over to get rid the admission ticket, bringing Eric to walk together. “这次的画展主要是欧洲古典油画,不过没有太多大师的真迹,都是一些艺术家的临摹作品,”凯瑟琳介绍着,递出手中的门票,带着艾瑞克一起走了进去。 Two people just entered library hall, Eric noticed that one 30 years old led the Caucasian female of eye to welcome. 两个人刚刚走进图书馆大厅,艾瑞克就看到一个三十多岁带着眼睛的白人女子迎了上来。 Hi, Kathryn, you came,” woman welcomed warmly, hugged with Kathryn, because of her height, be only less than one meter seven, appear somewhat petite, with Kathryn hugs time, feels is out of sorts, Eric cannot bear show a happy expression. “嗨,凯瑟琳,你来了,”女人热情地迎了上来,与凯瑟琳拥抱了下,不过因为她的身高只有不到一米七,显得有些娇小,与凯瑟琳拥抱的时候,感觉非常违和,艾瑞克忍不住露出一丝笑意。 After the petite woman lets loose Kathryn, glanced that white scarf on woman nape of the neck, in the eye has flashed through heterochrosis, changed Eric: Wow, Kathryn, no wonder you are not willing to live in my there, this is...... Well, is quite familiar, I have seen you there probably, have I seen you?” 娇小女人放开凯瑟琳之后,瞟了眼女人脖颈上的那条白色围巾,眼中闪过一丝异色,才转向艾瑞克:“哇哦,凯瑟琳,怪不得你不肯住我那里,这位是……咦,好熟悉啊,我好像在那里见过你,我见过你吗?” Eric smiles is putting out a hand toward the petite woman: Hello, I am Eric Williams.” 艾瑞克微笑着朝娇小女人伸出手:“你好,我是艾瑞克.威廉姆斯。” Eric Williams,” woman has duplicated one, slightly calls out in alarm one, stares the big eye to size up Eric up and down: Is that «Sleepless in Seattle» Director?” 艾瑞克.威廉姆斯,”女人重复了一句,小小地惊呼一声,瞪大眼睛上下打量着艾瑞克:“就是那个,那个《西雅图夜未眠》的导演?” It seems like the taste of this woman was very obvious, Eric cannot bear think that first time sees his person, often will mention that his work, but they will often say that work that quite will like. 看来这个女人的口味已经很明显了,艾瑞克忍不住想到,第一次见到他的人,往往会提到他的作品,而他们往往会将比较喜欢的那部作品挂在嘴边。 Yes,” Eric nods. “是的,”艾瑞克点点头。 The women shouted the sound again lightly, a face jumps for joy said: Hello, Eric, can I such call you? Oh, I called Becky Murphy, Becky Oh, in that venomous tongue female with your movie edited a name.” 女人再次轻呼了声,一脸雀跃地说道:“你好,艾瑞克,我可以这么叫你吗?,我叫贝琪.墨菲,贝琪,和你电影里那个毒舌女编辑一个名字。” Hello, Ms. Murphy,” Eric felt this woman warm somewhat excessive, looked at eye Kathryn, the dispositions of two people differed are also too big, does not know how became the friend. “你好,墨菲女士,”艾瑞克感觉这个女人热情的有些过头,看了眼身旁的凯瑟琳,两个人的性格相差也太大了点,不知道是怎么成为朋友的。 Called me Becky, I, can Oh, to me a signature?” “叫我贝琪好吗,我,,可以给我个签名吗?” Naturally does not have the issue,” the Eric nod said that while neutral who Becky Murphy seeks for the written records, has thrown the praying for rescue look toward Kathryn once more. “当然没问题,”艾瑞克点头道,趁着贝琪.墨菲去寻找纸笔的空挡,再次朝凯瑟琳抛了个求救的眼神。 Waits for Eric in the booklet that in Becky Murphy hands over signed the name, Kathryn has opened the mouth saying: Was good, Becky, you do not need to be busy at other matters, we watch the art exhibition.” 艾瑞克贝琪.墨菲递过来的小册子上签了名字,凯瑟琳才开口说道:“好了,贝琪,难道你不需要忙其他事情吗,我们可是来看画展的。” That naturally,” Becky Murphy said: You, wait for Professor Clark also to come at will, I must go to the entrance to greet him.” “那个当然,”贝琪.墨菲说道:“那你们随意吧,等下克拉克教授还要过来,我要去门口迎接他。” Then, greeted with Eric, Becky Murphy turns around to get out of the way. 说完,又跟艾瑞克打了声招呼,贝琪.墨菲才转身走开。 Because of the time somewhat early, temporarily arranges the library not too many person in exhibition hall, Eric and Kathryn took a walk in the hall together at will. ( to be continued ) 因为时间有些早,临时布置成展厅的图书馆一层并没有太多人,艾瑞克凯瑟琳一起在大厅内随意走动了起来。(未完待续)
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