IAIH :: Volume #4

#397: That...

The breakfast of woman eats are always quite few, Kathryn Bigelow quick finished eating that simple sandwich, the small mouth place is drinking the fruit juice, with still Eric of that ham sandwich in front of coping was chatting patiently. 女人的早餐吃的总是比较少,凯瑟琳.毕格罗很快将自己那份简单的三明治吃完,小口地喝着果汁,耐心地与还在对付面前那份火腿三文治的艾瑞克闲聊着。 Waited for Eric to finish eating, Kathryn said: What do you then want to make?” 艾瑞克吃完,凯瑟琳才道:“你接下来要做什么?” Eric has referred to nearby newspaper and document: „The Niu business ten o'clock the opening price, I looked at that these time was up.” 艾瑞克指了指旁边的报纸和文件:“纽商所十点钟才开盘,我把这些看完时间就差不多了。” You looked slowly, I walked first,” the Kathryn politeness nods toward Eric, stands up the plan to leave. “那你慢慢看吧,我先走了,”凯瑟琳礼貌地朝艾瑞克点点头,站起身打算离开。 Eric has not detained, regarding Kathryn such disposition powerful woman, performance is the earnest effect instead is easier to cause the repugnance, releases in order to catch with the point slightly is the best choice. 艾瑞克并没有挽留,对于凯瑟琳这样性格强势的女人,表现的越是热切效果反而越容易引起反感,稍微用点欲擒故纵才是最好的选择。 Looks at the woman to leave, making the waiter take away their tableware, opens nearby that pack of newspaper, first chose 《Los Angeles Times》 to read, looked at the international current event page layout simply, the union * the team started the wrap-up work, other anything specially, Eric has not turned to the entertainment version quickly. 看着女人离开,让侍者将两人的餐具收走,才打开旁边的那叠报纸,首先选择了一份《洛杉矶时报》阅读了起来,简单地看了一下国际时事版面,联合*队已经开始了扫尾工作,其他并没有什么特别,艾瑞克很快翻到娱乐版。 «Disney Announced that Jointly Manufactures « Cutthroat Island» with Robert Shay, decided files on June 28 ». 迪斯尼宣布与罗伯特.谢伊共同制作《割喉岛》,定档6月28日》。 Today is really an auspicious day. 今天真是个好日子啊。 The Eric corners of the mouth hang up wipe light sneering, thinks at heart. 艾瑞克嘴角挂起一抹淡淡的冷笑,心里想到。 He had worried his plan can present any accident, but the matter defers to his plan to develop, Disney has fallen into this pit with Robert Shay, then can also make Chris accelerate to buy in the Disney's stock. 他一直担心自己的计划会出现什么变故,不过事情还是按照他的计划在发展,迪斯尼已经和罗伯特.谢伊一起掉进这个坑里了,那么也可以让克里斯加速吸纳迪斯尼的股票了。 Although «Cutthroat Island» is not a movie of principal special effect, but a such investment surpasses the 70 million USD big manufacture movie, five months of manufacture cycles said that were short, said long were not long. From article. Disney and Robert Shay also defer to his arrangement, invited Renny Harlin and Geena Davis holds the post of Director and Heroine, then this movie likely will maintain original standard. 割喉岛》虽然不是一部主打特效的影片,但这样的一部投资超过7000万美元的大制作电影,五个月的制作周期说短不短,说长也不长。从文章来看。迪斯尼罗伯特.谢伊也按照他的安排,邀请了雷尼.哈林吉娜.戴维斯担任导演女主角,那么这部电影很可能会保持原版的‘水准’。 Disney and Robert Shay decided the grade «Cutthroat Island» on June 28, ambushed Firefly separately on June 21 and on July 5 screened is obvious «Toy Story» and that «Terminator 2: Judgement Day» intention, does not know that who at that time was ambushes. 迪斯尼罗伯特.谢伊将《割喉岛》定档在6月28日,狙击萤火虫分别在6月21日和7月5日上映的《玩具总动员》和《终结者2》的意图非常明显,就是不知道那时候到底是谁狙击谁了。 Kathryn Bigelow returns to oneself room. Tidied up the makeup to allow, to change pair of light tan long tube leather boots simply, took up the satchel to arrive at downstairs again, in the morning she must go to a meeting of good friend. After hotel lobby, the woman slowed down the footsteps, looks in the dining room direction. 凯瑟琳.毕格罗回到自己房间。简单收拾了一下妆容,换上一双驼色长筒皮靴,拿起挎包再次来到楼下,上午她要去赴一个好友的聚会。经过酒店大厅时,女人不由地放慢了脚步,朝餐厅方向看去。 Eric sits on seat originally as before. Is curling upwards the leg, sips the lip angle, is lowering the head slightly is reading newspaper in hand earnestly, the whole person is sending out one type calm with peaceful, if not the person of getting to know each other well the age does not tally completely. At this time sees the first eyes of this big boy, was very difficult to realize him was just 20 years old. 艾瑞克依旧坐在原本的位子上。翘着腿,微微抿着唇角,低头认真阅读着手中的报纸,整个人散发着一种与年龄完全不相符的沉稳安静,如果不是相熟的人。此时看到这个大男孩的第一眼,很难意识到他才刚刚20岁。 Kathryn walks while will look to dining room, the line of sight soon the covered time, the woman footsteps have stopped, but quick will walk toward the hotel outside. 凯瑟琳边走边望向餐厅,视线即将被遮挡的时候,女人脚步停顿了下,但很快就朝酒店外走去。 Goes out of the hotel front door, the outdoor chilly air has wrapped the woman, Kathryn cannot bear inserts the hand once more | enters the windproof coat pocket. Stood waited for a while near the street, intercepted to a rental car. Drives in the car(riage) of air conditioning the warm temperature to make the train of thought of woman gather once more. 走出酒店大门,室外清冷的空气就将女人包裹了起来,凯瑟琳忍不住再次将手插丨入风衣口袋。站在马路边等了一会儿,拦截到一辆出租车。开着空调的车内温暖的气温让女人的思绪再次汇聚起来。 Remembers that just saw, the woman thinks suddenly that Eric has not raised the matter about «Saving Private Ryan» probably again. 想起刚刚看到的那一幕,女人突然想到,艾瑞克好像没有再提关于《拯救大兵瑞恩》的事情。 During shoots «Point Break». He to letting her takes over this project to be quite earnest, two people have held the massive discussions for that script, because at the same time «Point Break» has not completed, on the other hand, she also really has to this project hesitant, has towed not to comply. 拍摄惊暴点》期间。他可是对让她接手这个项目相当热切,两人为那个剧本进行了大量的探讨,不过一方面因为《惊暴点》还没有完成,另外一方面,她也确实对这个项目有所犹豫,才一直拖着没有答应下来。 Won't this kid forget? 这个小家伙不会是忘记了吧? But she denied this suspicion immediately. Then an astute kid, how possible to forget this matter. Why however hasn't he mentioned? 但她随即就否定了这个猜想。那么精明的一个小家伙,怎么可能将这件事忘掉。不过他为什么没有提起呢? Said that his time is prompted by a sudden impulse. Afterward realized that her woman is impossible to control a such large-scale project, then decision cold treatment. After a period of time gives more appropriate masculine Director this movie. 还是说他那次只是心血来潮。随后就意识到她一个女人根本不可能操控那样大规模的一个项目,转而决定冷处理。过段时间将这部电影交给一个更加合适的男性导演 By the glass, looks at the roadside occasionally the residual snow, Kathryn quickly was thinking, possibly is related with «Point Break». 靠在车窗上,望着路边偶尔残留的积雪,凯瑟琳很快又觉得,也可能是跟《惊暴点》有关。 «Point Break» under the files, Box Office stayed in 6 more than 1 million result now, Kathryn to this movie Box Office is very satisfied, at least this result has made Firefly recoup the cost, the profit that afterward recording tape release brings purely gained. 惊暴点》现在已经下档,票房停留在6100多万的成绩,凯瑟琳对这个电影票房是非常满意的,至少这个成绩已经让萤火虫收回了成本,随后的录像带发行带来的利润就是纯粹的盈利了。 However this result is actually far from these movie result that Eric manufactured in the past, he definitely because of this point, no longer raised about «Saving Private Ryan» this project. 不过这个成绩却与艾瑞克以往制作的那些影片成绩相差甚远,他肯定是因为这一点,才不再提关于《拯救大兵瑞恩》这个项目了。 Certainly is this. 一定是这样。 Young profiteer of this being concerned only about profit! 这个唯利是图的小奸商! The rental car stopped, Kathryn paid money to go down the rental car, raided along with the cold aura once more calmly to the whole body, the woman train of thought, abandoned these at sixes and sevens trains of thought quickly. 出租车停了下来,凯瑟琳付了钱走下出租车,随着冷冽的气息再次袭向全身,女人思绪也冷静了下来,很快将这些乱七八糟的思绪抛开。 In any case «Point Break» Box Office is good, so long as found the project that is interested , can definitely obtain the investment, misses this kind of movie nothing. 反正《惊暴点》的票房不错,自己只要找到感兴趣的项目,肯定能够获得投资,错过这样一部电影也没什么。 Has hit inflation for oneself, engaged in introspection one improper to be swayed by personal gains and losses, has set upright the collar of windproof coat, the satchel hung in the crook of the elbow, both hands puts in the pocket once more, stepped on the hard bottom leather boots clip clop to step on the road surface has an audience with the emperor a left street to walk. 为自己打了打气,自省了一番不该有的患得患失,将风衣的衣领竖了起来,挎包挂在臂弯,双手再次伸进口袋里,踩着硬底皮靴哒哒地踩在路面上朝左侧的一条街走去。 A cold wind blows, she shrank the neck, cannot bear think that should buy a scarf. 一阵冷风吹来,她缩了缩脖子,忍不住想到,该买一条围巾了。 Afterward consecutively for several days, because two people both are the time sense very intense people, can therefore meet in the dining room every morning. 随后连续好几天,因为两个人都是时间观念很强烈的人,所以每天早上都能在餐厅碰面。 Suddenly thought that your life was too big with your age difference, making people think unbelievable,” in that morning, they sat on the past seat, Kathryn could not bear open the mouth to say. “突然觉得,你的生活真的和你的年龄差别太大了,让人觉得难以置信,”这天早上,两人坐在往常的座位上,凯瑟琳忍不住开口道。 Eric looked up woman one eyes: „Do you think me should what kind of life?” 艾瑞克抬头看了女人一眼:“那你觉得我应该过怎样的生活呢?” Kathryn has given an insignificant hand signal, said: Should not like the present, violate my common sense cognition in any case.” 凯瑟琳做了个无意义的手势,说道:“反正不应该像现在这样,太违背我的常理认知了。” Eric has smiled under: Perhaps my this is specially to bring to your attention, you know that roars woman aspect, I very excel.” 艾瑞克笑了下:“或许我这是特意为了引起你的注意呢,你知道,哄女人这方面,我还是挺擅长的。” Kathryn rebukes to stare Eric, cheeks actually cannot bear appear to wipe pale red: You, will not look like on these newspaper saying that, also that...... That complex? I may be older than you...... Many years old.” 凯瑟琳嗔怪地瞪了眼艾瑞克,脸颊却忍不住浮现出一抹淡红:“你不会,不会真的像那些报纸上说的,又那个……那个情结吧?我可比你大……好多岁。” Any newspaper that you look, regular, generally can praise me to be young, will not pull these at sixes and sevens things.” “你都看的什么报纸啊,正规一点的,一般都会夸我年少有为,不会扯这些乱七八糟的东西。” I also forgot the name, that occasionally saw about your topic.” “我也忘记名字了,偶尔看到的一篇关于你的专题。” Eric thinks that explained: Like this said that I like of a similar age being together with my psychology woman, this will compare to have the topic, you looked that we chatted for serveral days are happy, not?” ( to be continued ) 艾瑞克想了想,解释道:“这样说吧,我更喜欢跟我心理年龄相仿的女人相处,这样会比较有话题,你看我们这些天聊得就很愉快,不是吗?”(未完待续)
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