IAIH :: Volume #4

#396: Meeting by chance

Michael Eisner said: These days, Disney continuously they negotiated with Renny Harlin and Geena Davis, now Disney has signed three years of contract with them, within three years, Renny Harlin and Geena Davis are not any Film Studio outside Disney will work.” 迈克尔.艾斯纳道:“这段时间,迪斯尼一直在与雷尼.哈林吉娜.戴维斯两人谈判,现在迪斯尼已经与他们签署了三年的合约,三年之内,雷尼.哈林吉娜.戴维斯不会为迪斯尼以外的任何电影公司工作。” Robert Shay has been startled the moment, realized these two people who Michael Eisner said who are, simultaneously he also understands that neglect of because oneself has made a very big mistake, he should first with these two person signature contracts, then with seven big negotiations. 罗伯特.谢伊怔了片刻,才意识到迈克尔.艾斯纳说的这两个人是谁,同时他也明白,因为自己的忽略而犯了一个很大的错误,他应该先与这两个人签署合约,再与七大谈判。 When Eric and «Cutthroat Island» script all person Bruce Evans contacts, once had disclosed invited them to hold the post of Director and Heroine intention, this point after his high price bought «Cutthroat Island» script, understood Bruce Evans of matter long and short of the story has confessed specially. 艾瑞克与《割喉岛剧本所有人布鲁斯.埃文斯接触的时候,曾透露过邀请两人担任导演女主角的意图,这一点在他高价买下《割喉岛剧本后,已经明白了事情来龙去脉的布鲁斯.埃文斯特意交代过。 Facing Michael Eisner not mince aggressive, Robert Shay braces oneself saying: Hollywood most does not lack is Director and Actress, I can change players, do not want to coerce me according to this, wants not to think.” 面对迈克尔.艾斯纳毫不掩饰地咄咄逼人,罗伯特.谢伊硬着头皮道:“好莱坞最不缺的就是导演女演员,我可以换人,你别想依此要挟我,想都别想。” I in coercing you, we now in discussing matter of cooperation,” the Michael Eisner expression becomes very desolate, when did not have initially the kindness with Robert Shay cooperation «Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles» overseas distribution rights: «Cutthroat Island» and cost are less than 30 million USD «Ghost» are different, this is one at least needs the super big manufacture of 70 million USD, the announcement later total cost has been very possible hundred million. Like about «Ghost» anecdote such that I just said that because if changes players, causes the Box Office unfavorable situation of «Cutthroat Island», this kind of big investment movie will possibly lose money. Moreover influence that the loss of Box Office has is the nature, the movie following recording tape release and television transmission power income will reduce greatly. Therefore you looked that you have script, but Disney has Director and Heroine, we also need to make the release for this movie. Like this calculates that is actually you profited as before. Naturally, you can also wait for three years, if I have not remembered incorrectly, the contract deadline that you and Bruce Evans sign is also only three years, three years have not produced the movie. The script property rights automatically will return to the Bruce Evans hand, you thought that next time, can you also attain this script again?” “我不是在要挟你,我们现在是在谈合作的事情,”迈克尔.艾斯纳语气变得非常冷淡,丝毫没有了当初与罗伯特.谢伊合作《忍者神龟》海外发行权时的和颜悦色:“《割喉岛》与成本不到3000万美元的《人鬼情未了》不同,这是一部至少需要7000万美元的超级大制作,宣发之后的总成本很可能过亿。就像我刚刚说的关于《人鬼》的轶事那样,如果因为换人,导致《割喉岛》的票房失利,这样一部大投资电影很可能就会亏损。而且票房的亏损造成的影响是连带性的,电影后续录像带发行和电视转播权收益都会大幅度减少。所以你看,你拥有剧本,但迪斯尼却拥有导演女主角,我们还需要为这部电影做发行。这样算下来,其实依旧是你占了便宜。当然,你也可以等三年时间,不过如果我没有记错的话,你和布鲁斯.埃文斯签的合约期限也只有三年,三年没有制作出影片。剧本所有权就会自动回到布鲁斯.埃文斯手中,你觉得下一次,你还能再拿到这个剧本吗?” Robert Shay places hand on a seat arm rest to shiver rapidly, obviously is excited, facing the Michael Eisner aggressive vision. Robert Shay aspirated finally dejected: Good, we chatted again.” 罗伯特.谢伊放在座椅扶手上的一只手急促地颤抖着,显然心情非常激动,面对迈克尔.艾斯纳咄咄逼人的目光。罗伯特.谢伊最终颓然地吐了口气:“好吧,我们再谈谈。” ...... …… New York had just had a heavy snow, the weather becomes exceptionally cold. 纽约刚刚下了一场大雪,天气变得异常寒冷。 The Manhattan 60 hotels, are the previous housing anteroom, Eric wake up as in the morning, jogged for a half hour on the treadmill, took a bath, plans to go to downstairs to eat meal as usual. 曼哈顿60苏豪酒店,依旧是上次居住的套房,艾瑞克早晨醒来,在跑步机上慢跑了半个小时,洗了个澡,打算照例去楼下吃饭。 Enters the elevator. Eric has pressed under the button, looks at the indicating lamp bored, whatever elevator to sliding, to the third time. The elevator stopped suddenly. 走进电梯。艾瑞克按了下按钮,无聊地看着指示灯任由电梯向下滑去,到了第三层的时候。电梯突然停了下来。 Knows that some people must come, Eric drew back one step toward the corner , the elevator door opened, both hands inserted the tall and slender woman in black windproof coat pocket just stepped one step, vision looking at each other, they said as if by prior agreement: Is you?” 知道有人要进来,艾瑞克朝角落里退了一步,电梯门打开,双手插在黑色风衣口袋里的高挑女人刚刚跨进来一步,目光对视,两人不约而同地说道:“是你?” Eric hints the woman to come. Closes the elevator door, asked: Kathryn. How did you come New York?” 艾瑞克示意女人进来。关上电梯门,问道:“凯瑟琳。你怎么来纽约了?” Kathryn Bigelow has sized curiously up Eric, said: I come New York to relax. You?” 凯瑟琳.毕格罗好奇地上上下下打量了一番艾瑞克,说道:“我来纽约散心。你呢?” I make money,” Eric simple and brief said. “我来赚钱,”艾瑞克简洁明了地说道。 Kathryn Bigelow thinks that Eric is cracking a joke, very much coordinates teased with a smile: Really vulgar.” 凯瑟琳.毕格罗以为艾瑞克是在开玩笑,很配合的笑着调侃道:“真庸俗。” Only said two words, the elevator arrived at the floor, Eric and Kathryn Bigelow goes out of the elevator shoulder to shoulder, said: Did not mind that has a breakfast with my this worldling, do I treat?” 只说了两句话,电梯已经到达了底层,艾瑞克凯瑟琳.毕格罗并肩走出电梯,说道:“不介意和我这个俗人一起吃个早餐吧,我请客?” Good, I will be impolite to your this big rich and powerful people.” “好啊,对你这个大富豪我是不会客气的。” Enters the dining room together, looked for a table to sit down, just had ordered the breakfast to the waiter, a big white man walked, toward Kathryn Bigelow slight bow, handed in front of one pack of newspaper and a folder Eric: Mr. Williams, this is today's newspaper, the document that several last night Los Angeles fax came, Mr. Hansson exhorted you to look, returned the call to him.” 一起走进餐厅,找了张桌子坐下,刚刚向侍者点过早餐,一个高大白人男子走了过来,朝凯瑟琳.毕格罗微微点了点头,将一叠报纸和一份文件夹递到艾瑞克面前:“威廉姆斯先生,这是今天的报纸,还有几份昨晚洛杉矶传真过来的文件,汉森先生嘱咐你看完之后给他回电话。” I knew,” Eric nods, because of the Kathryn reason on the scene, he had not planned that before the breakfast comes up looks at these things, but one side conveniently places newspaper and document. “我知道了,”艾瑞克点点头,因为凯瑟琳在场的缘故,他并没有打算趁着早餐上来之前看这些东西,只是随手将报纸和文件放在一边。 Kathryn Bigelow gazes after that sudden man to return to the seat of corner, curiously asked: Who that is, Alan?” 凯瑟琳.毕格罗目送着那名突然出现的男子回到角落的位子上,才好奇地问道:“那是谁啊,艾伦呢?” My bodyguard, Alan in Los Angeles, therefore makes him be a guest performer a next temporary assistant, said that you, you suddenly will appear how here?” “我的保镖,艾伦洛杉矶,所以让他客串一下临时助理,还是说说你吧,你怎么会突然出现在这里?” Kathryn Bigelow said: I have lived for ten years in Soho, recently just divorced that bastard, sees some old friends, relaxes while convenient.” 凯瑟琳.毕格罗道:“我在苏豪区住过十年时间呢,最近刚刚跟那个混蛋离了婚,就过来看望一些老朋友,顺便散散心。” Eric remembers that afterward Kathryn Bigelow and Cameron have cooperated as before, but now, the woman obviously has | the matter of axle to take to heart to Cameron, the short time is impossible to forgive the opposite party. 艾瑞克记得后来凯瑟琳.毕格罗卡梅隆依旧有所合作,不过现在,女人显然对卡梅隆出丨轨的事情耿耿于怀,短时间不可能原谅对方。 Jim this doing truly went too far, wants me to help you tidy up him, for example depresses 18 million the budget of «Terminator 2: Judgement Day»?” 吉姆这次做的确实太过分了,要不要我帮你收拾一下他,比如把《终结者2》的预算压下18000000的?” Kathryn received breakfast from the waiter hand, white Eric: Exempted, do not think that I do not know, you were also a young bastard.” 凯瑟琳从侍者手中接过早餐,白了艾瑞克一眼:“免了吧,别以为我不知道,你也是个小混蛋。” Just drank milk Eric almost to choke: In your family/home courtyard catches fire, pokes up the fire the seedling to do toward me on?” 刚刚喝了一口牛奶的艾瑞克差点呛出来:“你自己家院子里着火,往我身上撩火苗子干什么?” „Did you say?” “你说呢?” Wanted me saying that your this thought was too extreme, this was not good, was very easy the paranoia of turning into resents the world and detests mundane affairs.” “要我说啊,你这思想太偏激了,这样不好,很容易变成愤世嫉俗的偏执狂。” Kathryn light snort|hum sound, has not continued to listen to the Eric ghost to pull, has had the little while breakfast, asked: Firefly is not reorganizing, what do you throw down that outdoor shop to come New York to make?” 凯瑟琳轻哼了声,没有继续听艾瑞克鬼扯,吃了会儿早餐,才问道:“萤火虫不是正在重组吗,你丢下那一摊子来纽约做什么?” Is makes money,” Eric has referred to the direction of Niu business institute: Goes to war while Middle East, gains the crude oil Pe­tro­leum price difference.” “真的是赚钱啊,”艾瑞克朝纽商所的方向指了指:“趁着中东打仗,赚点原油期货的差价。” Oh, is the young profiteer that makes the war wealth.” ,原来是个发战争财的小奸商。” Profiteer I have recognized, can remove the small character?” “奸商我就认了,能不能把小字去掉?” Cannot!” “不能!” Sees a Eric face depressed the appearance, Kathryn has smiled: „, How many have gained, has you to make a movie to earn many?” 看到艾瑞克一脸‘郁闷’的模样,凯瑟琳笑了起来:“诶,赚了多少啊,有你拍一部电影赚得多吗?” Eric shrugs, feared that is scared the woman not to dare to speak the truth, but said: Big end was gained by federal government, no one has expected this war to hit such neatly, the pre-war federal government and Saudi Arabia join up, through the crude oil reserve sell dear the massive Pe­tro­leum contracts, the oil price has cut in two at the waist now, at least has gained over a thousand hundred million, our these small fish small shrimp can only follow on the heels to eat a soup.” 艾瑞克耸耸肩,怕吓着女人没敢说实话,只是道:“大头都被联邦政府赚去了,谁也没有料到这场战争会打得这么干脆利落,战前联邦政府与沙特联合起来,通过原油储备高价出售了大量期货合约,现在油价腰斩,至少赚了上千亿,我们这些小鱼小虾只能跟在后面喝点汤。” Kathryn understands a Pe­tro­leum knowledge, sighed: 100 billion, that said that also some people can compensate these many?” 凯瑟琳还是懂一点期货知识的,感叹道:“100000000000啊,那岂不是说也有人要赔这么多?” Un, if you pay attention to look at newspaper, will discover that around the world the massive oil trade company has cancelled their negotiable securities department, this loss can make them inscribe for several years.” ( to be continued ) “嗯,如果你注意看报纸的话,就会发现全世界范围内大量的石油贸易公司都取消了他们的证券部门,这一次亏损能让他们记上十几年了。”(未完待续)
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