IAIH :: Volume #4

#395: Why

Sat Michael Eisner in Beverly upscale cafe looked at a watch again, to agreement time also five minutes, but on his face has actually shown the look that has not borne. 坐在贝弗利一家高档咖啡厅里的迈克尔.艾斯纳再一次看了眼手表,离约定时间还有五分钟,不过他脸上却已经露出了不耐的神色。 Recently he has been in agitated middle, Disney in the summer of last year the consecutively several movie failures had caused the losses of over a hundred million USD, the movie that at the end of the year showed did not have the progress that any made extremely loses face. Entire in 1990, if were not Disneyland and brand product sale has made up for the loss, Disney will possibly present him to hold the post of the first time loss after CEO. 这些日子他一直处于烦躁当中,迪斯尼去年夏天连续几部电影失败造成了上亿美元的亏损,年底上映的电影也没有任何一部取得太过出彩的成绩。整个1990年,如果不是迪斯尼乐园和品牌产品销售弥补了损失,迪斯尼很可能会出现他担任ceo之后的首次亏损。 But even if has maintained balanced revenues and expenditures reluctantly, has the shareholder to start to accuse him to centralize power as in Disney, acts willfully to get rid to suppress Eric Williams, therefore ended the sound cooperation relations of Disney and Firefly. 但即使勉强维持了收支平衡,依旧有股东开始指责他在迪斯尼大权独揽,一意孤行地出手打压艾瑞克.威廉姆斯,因此终结了迪斯尼萤火虫的良好合作关系。 Michael Eisner will certainly not acknowledge the regret in his heart to others, if early knows that will make such aspect, he definitely will not work as this person who takes the lead. However now said that these have not helped matters, he through «Ghost» after Eric expressed the reconciliation, merely trades Firefly not with the Disney public hostile aspect, but the cooperation of both sides has actually been out of the question. 迈克尔.艾斯纳当然不会向别人承认他心中的悔意,如果早知道会造成这样的局面,他肯定也不会当这个出头鸟。不过现在说这些都已经无济于事,他通过《人鬼情未了》向艾瑞克表示了和解之后,也仅仅只是换来萤火虫没有与迪斯尼公开敌对的局面,但双方的合作却已经无从谈起。 Although he has controlled Disney's Board of Directors thoroughly, but Michael Eisner is very clear, this absolute dominant position establishes, in he can be in the situation that the Disney shareholder earns enough benefit. 虽然他已经彻底控制了迪斯尼的董事会,但迈克尔.艾斯纳很清楚,这种绝对的统治地位是建立在他能够为迪斯尼股东赚取足够利益的情况下。 Only then Disney can bring the continuous profit to draw bonus for the shareholders, will not present the shareholder to join up to oppose his aspect in the stockholder's rights owner very scattered company. Occasionally 1-2 shareholders jump to find fault, will not become any influence to other party, even if will be Disney Family these people are not good. Therefore, he will sit today here. Moreover arrives compared with others unusually ahead of time. 只有迪斯尼能够为股东们带来源源不断的利润分红,在股权所有者非常分散的公司内部才不会出现股东联合起来反对他的局面。偶尔一两个股东跳出来挑刺,并不会对他造成任何影响,哪怕是迪斯尼家族的那些人都不行。因此,他今天才会坐在这里。而且少有地比别人提前到达。 The unconscious five minutes passed by, a waiter eagerly anticipates Robert Shay to arrive by this table finally, Michael Eisner was revealed a warm smiling face by oneself, has grasped starting with Robert Shay, their opposite sits down. 不知不觉五分钟时间就已经过去,一位侍者终于引领着罗伯特.谢伊来到这张桌子旁,迈克尔.艾斯纳让自己露出一个热情的笑容,与罗伯特.谢伊握了下手,两人对面坐下。 „Sorry. Michael, comes across something, comes was later,” Robert Shay has ordered one coffee, said to Michael Eisner. “真是抱歉。迈克尔,遇到一些事情,来的迟了些,”罗伯特.谢伊点了一杯咖啡,才对迈克尔.艾斯纳说道。 On the Michael Eisner face is hanging smiling face as before, said: Has not related. Robert, moreover you have not been late.” 迈克尔.艾斯纳脸上依旧挂着笑容,说道:“没关系。罗伯特,而且你也并没有迟到。” They chatted several simply, the waiter carried the coffee quickly, Robert Shay added several sugar for oneself leisurely, an ease appearance. As if the meaning of any discussion proper business, has not acted bashful the stance the manner to reveal with nothing left. 两人简单聊了几句,侍者很快端上了咖啡,罗伯特.谢伊慢悠悠地为自己加了几块糖,一副悠然的模样。似乎并没有任何商议正事的意思,拿捏姿态的态度表露无遗。 Recently he crossed truly was also good, after passing by resenting that Firefly kicked to be eliminated, because in the hand was grasping «Cutthroat Island» script that snatched from the Eric hand, Robert Shay discovered when one making Firefly CEO was sighter, seven big Film Studio lowered the stance to show good will to him in abundance, hopes that can cooperate to develop the «Cutthroat Island» project with him. 这些日子他过的也确实不错,度过了被萤火虫踢出局的愤恨之后,因为手中掌握着从艾瑞克手中抢来的《割喉岛剧本,罗伯特.谢伊发现自己比做萤火虫ceo时还要风光,七大电影公司纷纷放低姿态向他示好,希望能够与他合作开发《割喉岛》项目。 Robert Shay has certainly thought alone | stands manufactures «Cutthroat Island», but an investment scale such big movie. The release is not that simple matter. 罗伯特.谢伊当然想过独丨立制作《割喉岛》,但投资规模这样大的一部电影。发行可不是那么简单的事情。 Lost the new line, only depends on that personal connection that he grasps now, is unable to haunch the release of «Cutthroat Island» this kind of big manufacture movie. Only if he is willing to accumulate patiently for several years. Otherwise depends upon seven big distribution circuits is inevitable. 失去了新线,仅凭他现在掌握的那一点人脉,根本无法撑起《割喉岛》这样一部大制作电影的发行。除非他肯耐心积累几年。否则依靠七大的发行渠道是不可避免。 But stemming from was kicked resenting of Firefly, Robert Shay is eager to stage a comeback, naturally also meaning of useful «Cutthroat Island» disgusting Eric, therefore he had decided that with seven big cooperation, recently he has shuttled back and forth to walk randomly in seven big management, hoping in the chip by hand to gain the maximum benefit for oneself. 但出于被踢出萤火虫的愤恨,罗伯特.谢伊急切地想要东山再起,当然也有用《割喉岛》恶心一下艾瑞克的意思,所以他已经决定与七大合作,这些日子他一直在七大高管之间穿梭游走着,希望凭借手中的这颗筹码为自己争取最大利益。 Michael Eisner looks to act bashful the stance Robert Shay. The corners of the mouth reveal one to sneer, the trace punctured one: Heard that boy went to New York.” 迈克尔.艾斯纳看着拿捏姿态的罗伯特.谢伊。嘴角露出一丝冷笑,不着痕迹地刺了一句:“听说那小子又去了纽约啊。” Robert Shay knows certainly what Michael Eisner finger is . The look becomes dreary: Definitely and is rushing to this oil price shock, possibly is previous time made money. This wants to fish one. The young people, always do not know the immensity of heaven and earth, not only has rejected hfpa( Hollywood foreign press association) the presenting guest of honor invited, he has not attended including this Golden Globe Award presentation ceremony, this time definitely hfpa offending, later the movie of Firefly product wanted with the prize is not that easy matter.” 罗伯特.谢伊当然知道迈克尔.艾斯纳指的是谁。神色变得阴郁起来:“肯定又是奔着这次油价波动去的,可能是上次赚了点钱。这回又想要捞一笔。年轻人啊,总是不知天高地厚,不但拒绝了hfpa(好莱坞外国记者协会)的颁奖嘉宾邀请,连这一届的金球奖颁奖典礼他都没有出席,这次肯定把hfpa给得罪死了,以后萤火虫出品的电影想要拿奖可不是那么容易的事情。” Michael Eisner specially does not care to Golden Globe Award Oscar, Metro Goldwyn Mayer has more than 150 Oscar awarding cups, the quantity in all Film Studio is first, now is also not barely alive. 迈克尔.艾斯纳金球奖奥斯卡都不是特别在意,米高梅拥有150多座奥斯卡奖杯,在所有电影公司中数量位列第一,现在还不是半死不活。 Only then these 23 small companies, highly will care about the profit dividend that Golden Globe Award and Oscar bring, can see from this point that the Robert Shay field of vision limits in any level as before. Michael Eisner suddenly thought that Eric kicks Firefly Robert Shay, is a correct choice. 只有那些23线的小公司,才会非常在意金球奖奥斯卡带来的利润红利,从这一点也可以看出,罗伯特.谢伊的视野依旧局限在什么层次上。迈克尔.艾斯纳突然觉得,艾瑞克罗伯特.谢伊踢出萤火虫,不失为一个正确的选择。 „The boy will take the consequences for own actions sooner or later, Robert, makes us chat the matter about «Cutthroat Island» now,” Michael Eisner said straightforwardly. “那小子早晚会自作自受的,罗伯特,现在还是让我们谈谈关于《割喉岛》的事情吧,”迈克尔.艾斯纳直截了当地说道。 Robert Shay puts down the coffee in hand, spunks up saying: First said the Disney's condition, Michael, I favor cooperate with Disney, but you also need to put out to let my heart movement the condition.” 罗伯特.谢伊放下手中的咖啡,打起精神道:“先说说迪斯尼的条件吧,迈克尔,我还是非常倾向于与迪斯尼合作的,不过你们也需要拿出让我心动的条件。” Michael Eisner said: 46 are divided, including the investment and release all investments, you accounts for 40%, Disney accounts for 60%, naturally, you can also attain this proportion the income.” 迈克尔.艾斯纳说道:“46分成,包括投资和发行的所有投入,你占四成,迪斯尼占六成,当然,你也可以拿到这个比例的收益。” Robert Shay felt that inconceivable, looks at the Michael Eisner earnest expression, sneers saying: You are cracking a joke, Michael, let alone is I 46 is divided, is 55 is divided, I will not agree. Sorry that I think I should leave, everybody's time is very precious.” 罗伯特.谢伊感觉到一阵不可思议,看着迈克尔.艾斯纳认真的表情,冷笑道:“你是在开玩笑吗,迈克尔,别说是我46分成,就是55分成,我也不会同意的。真是抱歉,我想我应该离开了,大家的时间都很宝贵。” Such anxiously makes anything, Robert, why did not listen to me saying that” the Michael Eisner faint smile beckoned toward Robert Shay. “这么急做什么,罗伯特,为什么不听我说完呢,”迈克尔.艾斯纳似笑非笑地朝罗伯特.谢伊招了招手。 Realized that the Michael Eisner unusual look, Robert Shay has hesitated the moment, sat. 察觉到迈克尔.艾斯纳的异常神色,罗伯特.谢伊迟疑了片刻,还是坐了回去。 Michael Eisner then said: We chat «Ghost» first, initially, Eric Williams said except for him, that script placed in others hand, the successful possibility was not big. I have not believed that but after «Ghost» screens, I discovered he said not wrong, if not «oh , my-love» dubbing in music of that moving people to tears, the scale of this movie will drop a stair, Box Office also definitely greatly will shrink incessantly. But except for him, changes into other Director or the dubbing in music master, this dozens years ago the classics old song and «Ghost» the probability that relates is equal to zero infinitely.” 迈克尔.艾斯纳接着道:“我们先来聊聊《人鬼情未了》吧,当初,艾瑞克.威廉姆斯就说除了他,那个剧本放在别人手中,成功的可能性不大。我原本还不相信,但《人鬼》上映之后,我才发现他说的并没有错,如果不是那段催人泪下的《oh,my-love》配乐,这部电影的档次将下降不止一个台阶,票房也肯定会大幅缩水。而除了他,换成其他导演或者配乐师,将这首几十年前的经典老歌与《人鬼》联系起来的几率无限等于零。” „Does this talk about the topic to have the relations with us today?” The Robert Shay impatient ground asked. “这跟我们今天聊得话题有关系吗?”罗伯特.谢伊不耐烦地上问道。 Michael Eisner nods, the vision however is looking at Robert Shay brightly, said self-confidently: Naturally, knows that I why not like other Film Studio anxious, instead contacts with you to the present?” 迈克尔.艾斯纳点点头,目光炯然地望着罗伯特.谢伊,自信地说道:“当然,知道我为什么没有像其他电影公司那样急切,反而到现在才联系你吗?” Robert Shay Basic Instinct has an intense not wonderful feeling, somewhat stammered asks: Is...... Why?” ( to be continued ) 罗伯特.谢伊本能地产生一股强烈的不妙感,有些磕巴地问道:“为……为什么?”(未完待续)
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