IAIH :: Volume #4

#394: War eruption

But «Point Break» reputation, the anarchism political view that because the movie expressed did not ask for happily, the appraisal of film critic was not very high, but in the surfing and parachuting these exciting vision scenes to movie expressed the applause. Therefore, this movie is also doomed not to have anything to capture in the promulgation season. 而《惊暴点》的口碑方面,因为电影所表达的无政府主义政治观点非常不讨喜,影评人的评价都不是很高,只是对影片中的冲浪和跳伞这些激动人心的视觉场面表达了赞许。因此,这部电影在颁奖季也注定不会有什么斩获。 How regardless of the outside media commented on, after the Christmas day, Firefly deferred to the plan, started the merge and reorganization work methodically. 无论外界媒体如何评说,在圣诞节过后,萤火虫按照计划,有条不紊地开始了合并和改组工作。 After the detailed plan, Eric will let the Pixar work room and digital domain and Black Ant Film Studio one after another merges Firefly Pictures, because these properties the non-listed company under Eric absolute control, therefore the process of merge are completely smooth. 经过详细的规划,艾瑞克将陆续让皮克斯工作室、数字领域和黑蚂蚁电影公司合并到萤火虫影业旗下,因为这些资产全部都是在艾瑞克绝对控制之下的非上市公司,因此合并的过程非常顺利。 After merge reorganization, Firefly will defer to the big Film Studio pattern, besides film and television manufacture, but also includes special announcement, law, market survey, strategic plan and other departments , has alone | the Pixar work room and Black Ant of Film Studio, new line Film Studio, Flower Films and digital domain vertical nature relatively the subordinate companies, in addition, Firefly also has the Fox TV Network 10% stocks. 合并改组之后,萤火虫将按照大制片厂的模式,除了影视制作之外,还包括专门的宣发、法务、市场调研、战略规划等部门,同时也拥有相对具有独丨立性的皮克斯工作室、黑蚂蚁电影公司、新线电影公司花朵影业、数字领域等附属公司,此外,萤火虫还持有福克斯电视网10%的股份。 In the process carries on after the Playa Vista community has been four months of plan, in the new year just crossed, movie studio base of Firefly situated in Playa Vista also officially begins the project. 在经过与普雷亚维斯塔社区进行了长达四个多月的规划之后,新年刚过,萤火虫位于普雷亚维斯塔的摄影棚基地也正式破土动工。 Although is the non-listed company, bystander is unable to obtain the Firefly detail, but Firefly a series of movements have not hidden the truth from too many people. 虽然是非上市公司,外人无法得到萤火虫的详细资料,但萤火虫的一系列动作并没有瞒过太多人。 Favors the media attention of entertainment strongly as in the Eric individual wealth, but such as 《Variety》 and other specialized Hollywood magazine, the analysis to Firefly wants specialized many, facing the conformity and expansion of Firefly. The majority of specialized media hold to look at the fading manner. 倾向于娱乐的媒体注意力依旧集中在艾瑞克的个人财富上,而诸如《综艺》等专业好莱坞杂志,对萤火虫的分析就要专业的多,面对萤火虫的整合和扩张。大部分专业媒体都持看衰态度。 After all, Eric just experienced on the end of the year «Ghost Searching» and «Point Break» one time failure, these two movies that Firefly shows at the end of the year, total Box Office is very possible, only then over 100 million USD, compares in last year Firefly product movie wrested away at the end of the year the holiday files Box Office champion grand occasion. This year the Firefly result was too bad. 毕竟,艾瑞克在年底的《鬼探》和《惊暴点》上刚刚经历了一次‘失败’,萤火虫年底上映的这两部电影,总票房很可能只有一亿美元出头,相比于去年萤火虫出品影片霸占年底假日档票房冠军的‘盛况’。今年萤火虫的成绩实在太差了一些。 Moreover, maintains looked the evidence that the media that fading manner point out and is not only the end of the year Box Office this point, while the «Point Break» result has not been media anticipated, because does not know that Mr. and Mrs. Cameron has divorced, as Kathryn Bigelow husband «Terminator 2: Judgement Day» that Cameron manufactured also came into the line of sight of media. 而且,保持看衰态度的媒体举出的证据并不仅仅是年底票房这一点,在《惊暴点》成绩没有达到媒体人预期的同时,因为并不知道卡梅隆夫妇已经离婚,作为凯瑟琳.毕格罗‘丈夫’的卡梅隆正在制作的《终结者2》也落入了媒体人的视线。 The media discovered quickly that this shoots time is three months. Movie that the year ago just heated bamboo strips for writing material so far, the production cost has surpassed 70 million, but as a special effect movie, the post production of movie will consume so much funds as before, that. This movie cost will possibly reach an unprecedented altitude, may become in history the first cost surpasses the 100 million USD movie. 媒体很快发现,这部拍摄时间长达三个多月。在年前才刚刚杀青的电影到目前为止,制作成本已经超过了7000万,而作为一部特效电影,影片的后期制作依旧将耗费大量的资金,那么。这部电影成本很可能会达到一个前所未有的高度,或许会成为史上首部成本超过一亿美元的电影。 If merely is only this, perhaps also some takes back the hope of cost, after all the Cameron manufacture movie quality has the guarantee, but in the public investigation, movie fan's expected value to the «The Terminator» sequel is also high. 如果仅仅只是这样,或许还有一些收回成本的希望,毕竟卡梅隆制作影片质量还是非常有保证的,而公众调查中,影迷对《终结者》续集的期望值也非常高。 But many people think that the running schedule of this movie is actually a fatal mechanical damage. 但很多人都认为这部电影的档期却又是一个致命的硬伤。 In November of last year, built up has issued the ultimatum in 34 country joint armies of Middle East to the Saddam government, judging from the present situation. This war definitely was inevitable, time likely at the end of January. And, until now. Does not have too many people to think that this war will end in a short time. 去年十一月份,集结于中东的34国联合军队向萨达姆政府发出了最后通牒,以目前的形势来看。这场战争肯定是不可避免了,时间很可能就在一月底。而且,到现在为止。也没有太多人认为这场战争会在短期内结束。 Therefore from the second half of last year, facing the war possibly to the impact that the film and television profession has, seven big movie Film Studio started to make the under-production plan, besides «Terminator 2: Judgement Day», currently summer the files did not have other to produce the movie to decide the files greatly, had obtained 200 million multi- USD Box Office «Batman» including Warner last year. In order to avoid the point of war, has postponed 1992 summer files the sequel. Can want to see, when «Terminator 2: Judgement Day» screens. If the war is continuing as before, Box Office of this big piece definitely intensely will be attacked. 所以从去年下半年开始,面对战争可能对影视行业造成的冲击,七大电影制片厂就已经开始制定减产计划,除了《终结者2》之外,目前暑期档还没有其他大制作电影定档,连华纳去年取得了两亿美元票房的《蝙蝠侠》。为了躲避战争的锋芒,都已经将续集延后到了1992年的暑期档。可以想见,如果《终结者2》上映时。如果战争依旧在持续,这部大片的票房肯定会受到强烈的冲击。 Once like this big piece failure, to ambitious Firefly is a very big attack. 一旦这样的大片失败,对雄心勃勃的萤火虫来说将是一次非常大的打击。 Because this type worried that including Cameron, suggested Eric in a meeting, should better the «Terminator 2: Judgement Day» running schedule postpones, even if postponed by the end of the year. 因为这种担忧,连卡梅隆自己,在一次会面中都暗示艾瑞克,最好将《终结者2》的档期延后,哪怕推迟到年底也可以。 Eric has comforted, has not agreed with the Cameron words, regarding the advancement of Persian Gulf War, entire world not compared with Eric clearer, therefore places this summer files «Terminator 2: Judgement Day» instead is the best choice, because even if the war ended ahead of time, seven big hasty under show some big manufacture movies ahead of time, but this summer files impossible also to have the «Terminator 2: Judgement Day» competition of guarantee with the preparation sufficient quality. 艾瑞克安抚了一番,并没有同意卡梅隆的话,对于海湾战争的进程,整个世界都没有比艾瑞克更清楚的了,所以将《终结者2》放在这个暑期档反而是最好的选择,哪怕因为战争提前结束,七大仓促之下将一些大制作影片提前上映,但这个暑期档也不可能跟准备充足质量也有保证的《终结者2》竞争。 Not only «Terminator 2: Judgement Day», Eric also planned «Toy Story» that Pixar work room completed also places summer the files to screen, believes that this 3D Animation Box Office result definitely will make many people be startled, for this reason, Eric not only defers to original, inviting Tom Hanks to dub for cowboy Woody, but also again was «Toy Story» has put in the preview on this year's Super Bowl. 不但《终结者2》,艾瑞克还打算将皮克斯工作室已经完成的《玩具总动员》也放在暑期档上映,相信这部3d动画票房成绩肯定会让不少人大吃一惊,为此,艾瑞克不但按照原版,邀请了汤姆.汉克斯为牛仔胡迪进行配音,还再一次在今年的超级碗上为《玩具总动员》投放了预告片。 New year first two weeks unknowingly on the past, on January 15, union * the ultimatum date, the Iraqi army has not withdrawn the intention of Kuwait, instead carried on the Saudi Arabian border once more increased troops massively. 新年的前两周不知不觉就过去了,1月15日,联合*的最后通牒日期,伊拉克军队并没有丝毫撤出科威特的意图,反而再次在沙特阿拉伯边境进行了大规模增兵。 Eric finishes up the work in hand, again arrives at New York. After two months of deployment, Chris according to the plan of discussion, had used in the hand 2 billion USD fund to establish the massive crude oil Pe­tro­leum dead end cash, two people both intensely are waiting for the arrival of war. 艾瑞克放下手中的工作,再一次来到纽约。经过两个月的部署,克里斯已经按照原本商议的计划,利用手中20亿美元的资金建立了大量原油期货空头头寸,两个人都紧张地等待着战争的到来。 Although Eric thought that this butterflies will possibly affect the advancement of war, but he has overestimated his influence obviously, on the morning of January 17 2 : 00 am, the union * was similar to previous life such, launched the attack to the Iraqi army, the carpet bombing of high intensity has been conducted for dozens hours, facing union * the absolute air superiority, the leeway of Iraqi army slightly counter-attack, completely was the one-sided rout. 虽然艾瑞克觉得他这只小蝴蝶可能会影响战争的进程,不过他显然高估了自己的影响力,1月17日凌晨两点,联合*如同前世那样,向伊拉克军队发起了进攻,高烈度的地毯式轰炸足足进行了几十个小时,面对联合*的绝对制空优势,伊拉克军队丝毫反击的余地,完全是一边倒的溃败。 At the end of January, the union * will be located in the Iraq of Kuwait to garrison eliminates completely, Iraq loses 100,000 armies, but union *, only then few several hundred people of casualties, this war world-shaking at the same time, the international oil price also starts the straight line to fall. Because to this war time consuming estimate, many petroleum transaction company in the war beforehand heavy buying crude oil Pe­tro­leum contracts. But the war has carried merely only on for two weeks, the crude oil Pe­tro­leum transaction departments of some innumerable companies announced the settlement to be closed, because it is said this big loss, many company hereafter 20 years, again has not opened the Pe­tro­leum transaction department, obviously this time large-scale did much have caused the big losses to these companies. ( to be continued ) 一月底,联合*就将位于科威特的伊拉克驻军全部消灭,伊拉克损失100000大军,而联合*只有寥寥几百人的伤亡,这场战争震惊世界的同时,国际原油价格也开始直线滑落。因为对这场战争将会旷日持久的预计,很多石油交易公司在战争之前大量买进原油期货合约。而战争仅仅只进行了两周,就有无数公司的原油期货交易部门宣布清算关门,据说因为这次大亏损,很多公司此后的20年时间,都不曾再开启期货交易部门,可见这次大规模的做多对这些公司造成了多大的损失。(未完待续)
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