IAIH :: Volume #4

#393: Do not struggle

Because of the first limit of buy-back power, the stock in Robert Shay hand, although receives all parties' coveting, but does not have the company to adopt malicious bidding the way to rob. 因为优先回购权的限制,罗伯特.谢伊手中的股份虽然受到各方的觊觎,但并没有公司采取恶意竞价的方式进行抢夺。 After all, this stock, only then 25%, but Eric also has the Firefly absolute holding power, seven big Film Studio are three big TV Station, wants to obtain this stock the goal is for cooperates with Eric. 毕竟,这笔股份只有25%,而艾瑞克又拥有萤火虫的绝对控股权,无论是七大电影公司还是三大电视台,想要获得这笔股份的目的都是为了与艾瑞克进行合作。 If adopts malicious bidding the way, without doubt offends Eric, because such Eric is unable to send out with the price that the malicious bidder matches, but has to give up the first buy-back power, but will attain this stock the company also to receive Eric intense resisting, such will phrase this stock the goal is very difficult to realize. 如果采取恶意竞价的方式,无疑将艾瑞克往死里得罪,那样就算因为艾瑞克无法报出与恶意出价者相匹配的价格,而不得不放弃优先回购权,但拿到这笔股份的公司也会受到艾瑞克强烈的抵制,那样的话收购这笔股份的目的也就很难实现。 Therefore in the stock to the Robert Shay hand has attempted all parties, contact more instead is Eric, only then Eric relents, they will catch up to purchase. Naturally, from beginning to end, Eric had not said the meaning of relenting. 所以对罗伯特.谢伊手中股份有所企图的各方,接触更多的反而是艾瑞克,只有艾瑞克松口,他们才会发力收购。当然,自始至终,艾瑞克都没有说松口的意思。 Suddenly visited Cliff Peak Manor Elizabeth and Eric grumble, had not obtained relenting of man, because of the Connelly reason on the scene, the girl has not made the electric lamp bulb, chatted a while to set out to leave. 突然造访尖角庄园伊丽莎白艾瑞克磨叽了一番,一直没有获得男人的松口,又因为康纳利在场的缘故,女郎并没有做电灯泡,聊了一会儿就起身离开。 Eric sends out the villa Elizabeth, walks on the road in manor, Elizabeth is sizing up all around the green and luxuriant bush at the back of both hands, since, has thought suddenly a matter, said: Robert that «Cutthroat Island» script that takes away from your hand, now everybody is snatching, Fox also wants to struggle, this matter won't you oppose?” 艾瑞克伊丽莎白送出别墅,走在庄园的甬道上,伊丽莎白背着双手打量着四周郁郁葱葱的灌木从,突然又想到了一件事,说道:“罗伯特从你手中拿走的那个《割喉岛剧本,现在大家都在抢呢,福克斯也想争一下,这件事你不会反对吧?” Facing this issue, Eric has hesitated the moment, suddenly stopped the footsteps, felt that somewhat strange Elizabeth also stopped: Do not be so mean-spirited. In any case this matter......” 面对这个问题,艾瑞克迟疑了片刻,突然停下了脚步,感觉有些奇怪的伊丽莎白也停了下来:“你不要这么小气吧。反正这件事……” Eric looked at around the eye, is looking at each other with the girl vision, has put out two words briefly: Do not struggle.” 艾瑞克看了眼四周,与女郎目光对视着,简短地吐出了两个单词:“别争。” Elizabeth opens mouth to look slightly to Eric, although she somewhat cunning and unreasonable arrogant and willful, actually is also an extremely bright woman. Has realized anything from the Eric expression quickly: You intentionally?” 伊丽莎白微微张开嘴望向艾瑞克,她虽然有些刁蛮骄纵,却也是一个冰雪聪明的女人。很快从艾瑞克的表情中意识到了些什么:“你故意的?” Eric slight bow, continues to walk toward aircraft parking area: You know on the line, do not disclose that went bad my matter I to be possible unable to forgive you.” 艾瑞克微微点了点头,继续朝停机坪走去:“你们自己知道就行,别透露出去,坏了我的事情我可饶不了你。” Elizabeth stared Eric, why must depend in her, but the girl this time has not talked back to Eric. She knows that the weight of matter, nodded to indicate to understand, curiously asked: That this script what's the matter?” 伊丽莎白瞪了眼艾瑞克,凭什么要赖到她身上啊,不过女郎这次并没有跟艾瑞克顶嘴。她知道事情的轻重,点了点头表示明白,才又好奇地问道:“那这个剧本是怎么回事?” Eric said lightly: This do not ask.” 艾瑞克淡淡地说道:“这个你就别问了。” Elizabeth discontentedly light snort|hum sound, they enter the aircraft parking area, the girl said to Eric: I walk. You continue to draw your bare | the female to go.” 伊丽莎白不满地轻哼了声,两人走进停机坪,女郎才对艾瑞克道:“我走啦。你继续画你的裸丨女去吧。” Why well a matter by such under | the class that you did say? The practice sketch is one can let the person body and mind tranquil matter very much, you looked that you were too impetuous, should attempt.” “为什么好好地一件事被你说的这么下丨流呢?练习素描是一件很能让人身心平静的事情,你看你就太浮躁了,应该尝试一下。” A Elizabeth face does not believe that said: You facing such attractive little girl, but can also be tranquil?” 伊丽莎白一脸不相信地说道:“你面对那样一个漂亮妞儿,还能平静下来?” Fact so, obviously has pleasant professional model, can't I go to the picture plaster figure?” “事实就是如此,明明有赏心悦目的模特,我总不能去画石膏像吧?” Your quibble were too many, I did not argue with you,” Elizabeth was saying. Saw that the pilot beckons said toward her can board the airplane, the girl collected to stand on tiptoes to start to peck on the Eric face under: Bye, I went back.” “你的歪理太多了,我才不跟你争辩呢,”伊丽莎白说着。看到飞行员朝她招手表示可以上飞机了,女郎凑过来踮起脚在艾瑞克脸上啄了下:“再见,我回去了。” Walks. Gave regards to Mr. Murdoch for me.” “走吧。替我向默多克先生问好。” ...... …… In the negotiations of stock about the buy-back Robert Shay hand, Eric has not participated personally, because his appearance not only to negotiating to bring many advantage, instead likely arouses the resentment in Robert heart, to negotiating to create the hindrance. 关于回购罗伯特.谢伊手中股份的谈判,艾瑞克并没有亲自参与,因为他的出现不但不会对谈判带来多少的好处,反而很可能激起罗伯特心中的怨气,对谈判造成阻碍。 Firefly here negotiations are mainly responsible for by Jeffrey, simultaneously Eric invited his team coordination of personal attorney Edward Lewis. Eric plans to establish the Firefly exclusive law department the year later. And to has cooperated Edward Lewis to send out the invitation very much happily, was similar to initially Carloyn Elliot joined the Firefly finance department to be the same. Edward Lewis has not considered too for a long time to comply. 萤火虫这边的谈判主要由杰弗里负责,同时艾瑞克邀请了他的私人律师爱德华.刘易斯的团队配合。艾瑞克打算在年后建立萤火虫专属的法务部门。并向一直合作很愉快地爱德华.刘易斯发出了邀请,如同当初卡洛琳.艾略特加入萤火虫财务部门一样。爱德华.刘易斯也没有考虑太久就答应了下来。 Similar to Eric expectation such, because in the Robert Shay hand does not have too many cashes. Does not give up the «Cutthroat Island» complete investment power willingly, promoted the negotiation process of both sides to the hope of fund to a certain extent, after the intense talk of three weeks of time, on December 24 Christmas day previous day, both sides finally reached the agreement, 25% Firefly stocks of Firefly by the price buy-back Robert Shay hand of 390 million USD, in the meantime, Firefly will also pay Robert Shay shareholder within one year to draw bonus, the CEO salary to amount to 60 million USD, paying the 450 million USD price, Eric thoroughly to get rid of Robert Shay finally. 如同艾瑞克预料的那样,罗伯特.谢伊手中因为没有太多现金。又不甘心放弃《割喉岛》的全部投资权,对资金的渴望在一定程度上促进了双方的谈判进程,经过三周时间的紧张谈判,在12月24日圣诞节的前一天,双方终于达成了协议,萤火虫3.9亿美元的价格回购罗伯特.谢伊手中25%的萤火虫股份,同时,萤火虫也将支付罗伯特.谢伊一年内的股东分红、ceo薪酬总计6000万美元,花了4.5亿美元的代价,艾瑞克终于彻底摆脱了罗伯特.谢伊 This transaction settles down, aroused very big echo in Hollywood. 这次交易尘埃落定,也在好莱坞激起了很大的反响。 Reason that Columbia and Universal Pictures can sell five six 1 billion USD high prices, is mainly because the opposite party is the listed company, and Japanese to facilitate the transaction has paid the premium of high proportion, with Columbia Film Industry, before Sony announced the purchase, the Columbia market value was also only 2 billion. But now Firefly has not gone on the market, through this transaction, the Firefly estimate value has exceeded the 1.5 billion USD altitude, if that Firefly maintains the present achievement, after the listing , will possibly surpass except for already with Hollywood any giant who the time group merges. 哥伦比亚环球影业之所以能够卖出五六十亿美元的高价,主要是因为对方是上市公司,并且日本人为了促成交易支付了高比例的溢价,拿哥伦比亚影业来说,在索尼宣布收购之前,哥伦比亚的市值也只有2000000000。而现在萤火虫还没有上市,通过这次交易,萤火虫的估值就已经超过了15亿美元的高度,那么如果萤火虫一直保持现在的业绩,上市之后很可能会超过除了已经与时代集团合并的好莱坞任何一家巨头。 Both sides achieved the same day of transaction , after the Eric movie-making and Kathryn Bigelow Director «Point Break» screened third day. 双方达成交易的当天,也正是艾瑞克制片、凯瑟琳.毕格罗导演的《惊暴点》上映后的第三天。 «Point Break» weekend Box Office draw a charge, screened the first Wednesday day to attain 1 more than 6 million USD Box Office in more than 1800 theaters, regarding Kathryn Bigelow, the first weekend three days of field approached 9000 USD, this result absolutely was very good. In Hollywood, the first week Box Office field achieves 10,000 USD, means that this Director entered Director ranks, but passes through afterward four days of screening again, the «Point Break» first weeks can definitely break through the field 10000 USD this figures. 惊暴点》首周末票房出炉,在1800多家影院上映首周三天拿到了1600多万美元票房,对于凯瑟琳.毕格罗来说,首周末三天场均就接近9000美元,这个成绩绝对是非常好的。在好莱坞,首周票房的场均达到一万美元,就意味着这名导演步入了一线导演的行列,而再经过随后四天的上映,《惊暴点》首周肯定能突破场均10000美元这个数字。 However compared the Eric past movie, this result actually absolutely was a failure, did not say his personally Director work, even if were Eric holds the post of «The Others» of producer similarly, last year in running schedule of early November such relative unexpected winner, first weekend Box Office had surpassed 20 million USD. 不过相比于艾瑞克以往的电影来说,这个成绩却绝对是一次失败,不说他亲自导演的作品,哪怕同样是艾瑞克担任制片人的《小岛惊魂》,去年在11月初那样相对冷门的档期,首周末票房都超过了2000万美元 Therefore, many media put the blame on the failure of «Point Break» Eric expel in Robert Shay this reason impulsive, but Robert Shay after «Point Break» weekend Box Office draw a charge, once more publicizes to Eric taunts, threatened that this will be merely is the start of Eric failure. ( to be continued ) 因此,不少媒体将《惊暴点》的失败归咎于艾瑞克冲动地赶走罗伯特.谢伊这个原因上,而罗伯特.谢伊在《惊暴点》首周末票房出炉之后,就再次公开对艾瑞克冷嘲热讽,扬言这将是仅仅是艾瑞克失败的开始。(未完待续)
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