IAIH :: Volume #4

#392: Don't this

Held some coffee of warming up to drink two leisurely, Eric said: This stock cannot absolutely your, one year ago merged the new line I only to use the 1.5 billion USD price, now Robert Shay has actually started out 500 million to me, I do not think that this situation came one time again.” 捧着有些温热的咖啡慢悠悠地喝了两口,艾瑞克才道:“这笔股份是绝对不能给你们的,一年前并购新线我只用了15亿美元的代价,现在罗伯特谢伊却给我开出了5亿,我可不想这种情况再来一次。” Elizabeth analyzes to say well-organized: You also coax the layman, let alone 500 million is impossible, even if has pulled out 500 million finally, you do not owe. One year ago Firefly like disabled person of one leg, even if copyright of several sale movies, but the distribution circuit anything all does not have, most also on value 500,000,000-600,000,000 USD, but also momentarily possibly cut off the channel to fall into the hopeless situation. But after having conformed with the new line, Firefly only developed primary big Film Studio with one year, although 2 billion estimate values somewhat empty, but 1.5 billion definitely had, you were equal to that one year of net worth violent increased 1 billion, if did not have the new line, under seven big impeding, you used for ten years not to achieve this degree.” 伊丽莎白条理清晰地分析道:“你也就去忽悠一下外行人,别说5亿根本不可能,就算最后真的掏出了5亿,你也一点都不亏。一年前萤火虫就像个只有一条腿的残废,就算有几部热卖电影的版权,但发行渠道啊什么都全都没有,最多也就值五六亿美元,还随时可能被人掐断渠道陷入绝境。但整合了新线之后,萤火虫只用一年时间就发展成了一家初级大制片厂,20亿的估值虽然有些虚,但15亿肯定还是有的,你等于一年时间身家暴增了10亿,如果没有新线,在七大的掣肘下,你用十年都不一定能做到这种程度。” Un, analysis very reasonable, turned head you to write a paper.” “嗯,分析的很有道理啊,回头你可以去写一篇论文了。” I have graduated good, moreover result entire a!” Elizabeth just raised the chin to want the dai Chinese zither slightly one, but quick said: You in shift topic, now what we discuss is in the Robert Shay hand the matter of stock * sentiment.” “我已经毕业了好不好,而且成绩全a!”伊丽莎白刚刚扬起下巴想要嘚瑟一小下,但很快就说道:“你又在转移话题了,我们现在谈的是罗伯特谢伊手中股份的事●情。” I also gave you to answer, was not absolutely good, this did not conform to my development project to the Firefly.” “我也给你答复了啊,绝对不行,这不符合我对萤火虫的发展规划。” Elizabeth gathered the Eric sofa to squat down, draws the arm of man to shake shaking, rarely with acting like a spoiled brat the expression said: Discussed again ~~ 伊丽莎白凑到艾瑞克沙发边蹲下,拉过男人的手臂晃了晃,非常罕见地用撒娇地语气说道:“再商量商量嘛~~” Eric hastily withdrawing: You leave this appearance, was too frightened.” 艾瑞克连忙抽回手:“你别这个样子,太惊悚了。” Blows up Sally who the courage makes concubine gesture attack with great difficulty white is not good. Almost wants to draw to nip two arm of Eric again. 好不容易鼓起勇气做出点小女人姿态的伊莎丽白被打击的不行。差点想要将艾瑞克的胳膊再拉过来咬两口。 Good. Leeway that this matter has not discussed. However you can feel relieved that Firefly can maintain the good relations of cooperation with Fox absolutely.” “好了。这件事没有商量的余地。不过你可以放心,萤火虫绝对会与福克斯一直保持良好的合作关系的。” Elizabeth has cast aside the lower jaw discontentedly: Listens likely deals with excuse of person.” 伊丽莎白不满地撇了下嘴:“怎么听都像是应付人的托词。” Eric put out a hand to pinch the chin of girl: Naturally is not, you are my woman, I will certainly turn toward your some, the Fox matter is my matter.” 艾瑞克伸手捏了捏女郎的下巴:“当然不是,你是我的女人,我当然会向着你一些了,福克斯的事情就是我的事情。” Elizabeth opens out the Eric evil clutches: Just still actually said in the bastard of picture nude girl that you thought I believe your nonsense?” 伊丽莎白艾瑞克的魔爪拨开:“一个刚刚还在画裸女的混蛋竟然这么说,你觉得我会相信你的鬼话吗?” Although was saying, but on the Elizabeth face is actually hard to suppress to reappear light blushing. 虽然这么说着,不过伊丽莎白脸上却难以抑制地浮现出淡淡的红晕。 If she knows that the true idea of Eric, it is estimated that will carry the coffeepot on side round table to fall on the Eric head. 如果她知道艾瑞克的真实想法的话,估计会拎起身边圆桌上的咖啡壶倒在艾瑞克脑袋上。 Material that in the memory now can see. The Murdoch two sons both are very good-for-nothing fellows, standard playboys. But Murdoch obviously is also that regarding men as superior to women thought serious person, although ability of Elizabeth in several children is strongest that but in the memory Murdoch actually insisted that has given the second son News Corp. 无论是记忆里还是现在能够看到的资料。默多克的两个儿子都是非常不成器的家伙,标准的纨绔子弟。但默多克显然也是那种重男轻女思想严重的人,虽然伊丽莎白在几个儿女中能力是最强的那个,不过记忆中默多克却是坚持将新闻集团交给了二儿子。 Since Eric arrives in this world , the mistake arising out of chance circumstances has had the relation with Elizabeth, he naturally impossible, whatever this matter occurred again, Murdoch 60 years old, in less than ten years must consider that now the issue of successor, the plan of Eric fully supports certainly Elizabeth to control News Corp. 既然艾瑞克来到这个世界上,又阴差阳错地与伊丽莎白产生了联系,他当然不可能任由这种事情再次发生,默多克现在就已经60岁了,用不了十年时间就必须要考虑接班人的问题,艾瑞克的计划当然是全力扶持伊丽莎白掌控新闻集团 My, is my. My woman, is my. 我的,就是我的。我女人的,也是我的。 If not this investigates marks as far as the eye can see. He why meddles TG that piece of work company, but also in order to makes 《The Silence of the Lambs》 obtain Oscar, be busy preparing truncation Hu «Dances with Wolves», these to increase Elizabeth in the influence of Murdoch family. 如果不是这个究极目标。他何必插手tg那个小打小闹地公司,还为了能让《沉默的羔羊》获得奥斯卡,忙前忙后地截胡《与狼共舞》,这些都是为了增加伊丽莎白默多克家族的影响力。 Is thinking at heart, Eric looked that to also squats in his nearby young girl. 心里这么想着,艾瑞克不由看向还蹲在他旁边的小妞。 You may probably make every effort to succeed, do not disappoint me. 你可要争气一些啊,千万别让我失望。 The vision of girl has looked at each other one with him, moves aside slightly, put out a hand to hammer on the Eric shoulder gently under: What bad idea are you having?” 女郎的目光与他对视了一眼,微微躲闪开来,伸手在艾瑞克肩膀上轻轻锤了下:“你又在打什么坏主意呢?” Said that what you are also owing me, or is an account now clear? My present is happy, can call a 20% discount you.” “说起来,你还欠着我些什么吧,要不现在把账清了?我现在心情还不错,可以给你打个八折。” Elizabeth wanted to cover outstanding buttocks subconsciously, the arm therefore suddenly moved, but quick anchored, stared maliciously Eric: You want not to think that I will not make you spank my absolutely again.” 伊丽莎白下意识就想要捂住翘臀,手臂因此猛然动了下,但很快又停住,狠狠瞪了眼艾瑞克:“你想都别想,我绝对不会再让你打我屁股了。” Eric also cracked a joke, looks at a face alert little girl, looked for the right point topic to ask: „The 《The Silence of the Lambs》 public relations do how, I suggested that before you look for the Miramax Weinstein Brothers assistance public relations, should you not forget?” 艾瑞克也只是开了个玩笑,看着一脸戒备的小丨妞,找了个正当一点的话题问道:“《沉默的羔羊》公关做的怎么样了,我之前建议你找米拉麦克斯韦恩斯坦兄弟协助公关,你应该没忘记吧?” Why does not know, Elizabeth felt that is very good in Eric posture, is having slightly warm. She extracts one to depend on the pillow from Eric under the knee, lies on the Eric left hand sofa arm rest, said: Gave them 1 million USD to make the lobby fund, I was also doing these days, Papa adjusted one to be good at the manager of Oscar public relations helping me from the Fox announcement department, recently almost they were participating to lobby party with Jodie and Jonathan every day.” 不知道为何,伊丽莎白感觉靠在艾瑞克身边的姿势很不错,带着点小温馨。她从艾瑞克背后抽出一只靠枕垫在膝盖下,趴在艾瑞克左手边的沙发扶手上,才说道:“给了他们100万美元做游说资金,我自己这段时间也在做,爸爸福克斯宣发部门里调了一个擅长奥斯卡公关的主管帮我,这些日子几乎每天都和朱迪乔纳森他们在参加游说派对。” „A matter, about the best picture, do not come up the Drew name also report, Julia also crosses out.” “还有一件事,关于最佳影片的,千万不要把德鲁的名字也报上去,茱莉亚也划掉吧。” Elizabeth nods, said: I know certainly, if both reported their two, that Oscar appraisal committee that helped old man at heart think that 《The Silence of the Lambs》 had the qualifications to win the prize, will definitely not cast our tickets. Moreover I also decided that and I reported the best picture Jonathan Demme together, the probability of such prize was bigger.” 伊丽莎白点点头,说道:“我当然知道,要是把她们两个都报了上去,那奥斯卡评委那帮老头就是心里觉得《沉默的羔羊》有资格拿奖,也肯定不会投我们的票了。而且我还决定把乔纳森戴米和我一起报最佳影片,这样获奖的几率更大。” Intelligent choice, does this is also to the Oscar appraisal committee sufficient stair. If on your woman, the probability of prize greatly will also reduce, the female discriminates is an ingrained matter, crossed for 100 years unable to change again. Oscar also this, you give it actually the face, it gives you award item, everybody is win-win, is happy.” “聪明的选择,这样做也算是给奥斯卡评委会充足的台阶。如果就你一个女人的话,获奖的几率也会大大降低,女性歧视已经是一件根深蒂固的事情,再过100年也改不了的。奥斯卡其实也就这样,你给它面子,它给你奖项,大家双赢,然后皆大欢喜。” Elizabeth draws the pad a Eric arm under the chin, looks up Eric: You, when you planned that comes back with a best Director young metal statue?” 伊丽莎白艾瑞克一条手臂拉过来垫在下巴下面,抬头望着艾瑞克:“那你呢,什么时候你打算拿一座最佳导演的小金人回来?” Eric shrugs, said self-confidently: By me currently in the Hollywood fame, has young metal statue in addition to hold does not matter.” 艾瑞克耸耸肩,自信地说道:“以我现在在好莱坞的名气,有没有小金人加持都无所谓。” Really arrogant, watches your movies, completely is the commercial films, has not taken the possibility of young metal statue. You are that type fox that cannot eat grape.” “真自大,看你那些电影,全部都是商业片,根本就没有拿小金人的可能性。你就是那种吃不到葡萄的狐狸。” Thinks own next several years special effect movie plan, wanted to be uncertainer with the Oscar probability, if made Eric choose, he definitely will not drop plan originally, shoots anything to clash Ao Pian.( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 想想自己今后几年的特效电影计划,想要拿奥斯卡几率就更加渺茫了,不过如果让艾瑞克选择,他也肯定不会放弃原本的计划,去拍什么冲奥片。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ... ...
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