IAIH :: Volume #4

#391: The skin is hard to take itchy

The bodyguard team leader as manor, frequently follows in Eric Carter Moon knows that the relations of Eric and Elizabeth, hinted other people to receive the weapon, politely said to Elizabeth: Miss Murdoch, we have not received the news saying that you must come, thinks that is the interloper.” 作为庄园的保镖队长,同时也经常跟随在艾瑞克身边的卡特摩恩知道艾瑞克伊丽莎白的关系,示意其他人将武器收了起来,才客气地对伊丽莎白道:“默多克小姐,我们没有接到消息说你要过来,以为是闯入者。” Elizabeth truly rashly comes visiting, because outside the manor is defending many paparazzi reasons, for was not regarded by gossip tabloid newspaper fires the object hotly, she has to look for a helicopter to come. 伊丽莎白确实是冒然来访的,因为庄园外守着不少狗仔的缘故,为了不被八卦小报当成热炒对象,她不得不找了一家直升机过来。 However Elizabeth will certainly not say anything in the face of these people, but asked: Eric?” 不过伊丽莎白当然不会在这些人面前多说什么,只是问道:“艾瑞克呢?” The Carter Moon expression immediately becomes somewhat strange, because in the manor had a girl. 卡特摩恩的表情顿时变得有些怪异,因为庄园里已经有了一位女郎。 He knows that Eric has a custom, is in the manor has a woman the time, usually will again not invite other women to come, is very obvious, front young lady is unsolicited. 他知道艾瑞克有一个习惯,就是庄园里有一个女人的时候,通常都不会再邀请其他女人过来,那么很显然,面前这位大小姐是不请自来的。 But these are the matters that the husband must worry about, therefore he said: „Does Mr. Williams in the villa, want me to inform him?” 但这些都是男主人要操心的事情,所以他只是说道:“威廉姆斯先生在别墅里,要我通知他吗?” Does not use, I on the line, Elizabeth said in the past that near the free city toward cliffed coast walks directly. “不用,我自己过去就行,”伊丽莎白说完,径直朝崖岸边的自由之城走去。 Before arriving at the front door, Elizabeth put out a hand to push the door, discovered that the sincere one-sided glass door was locked, lay in gate had an audience with the emperor to look, naturally could not see anything. 来到大门前,伊丽莎白伸手推了推门,发现厚重的单面玻璃门是锁着的,趴在门◇上朝里面看了看,当然看不到任何东西。 She is just about according to the sound doorbell, saw nearby password latch plate, the Elizabeth eyeball transferred the revolutions, has had a thought of practical joke, pulled out the Motorola mobile phone to dial the Drew that small girl telephone skilled, must come the security password quickly. 她正要按响门铃,看到旁边的密码锁键盘,伊丽莎白眼珠子转了转,产生了一点恶作剧的念头,掏出摩托罗拉移动电话熟练地拨通了德鲁小妮子的电话,很快要来了安保密码。 After the input, opened the door to walk. One side Elizabeth took off the small leather boots to place specially. Wears the light sock silent to step in the hall bright and clean floor. 输入之后,推开门走了进去。伊丽莎白特意脱掉了小皮靴放在一边。穿着薄薄的袜子无声地踩在大厅光洁的地板上。 Across hall. Elizabeth saw the Eric form quickly, approaches the giant glass window of sea to place several sets of sofas as well as outer space chairs and other furniture, Eric sits on a west single-seat sofa, is lowering the head on toward the knee on that drawing board is drawing anything earnestly. 穿过大厅。伊丽莎白很快看到了艾瑞克的身影,靠近大海的巨大玻璃窗边摆放着几套沙发以及太空椅等家具,艾瑞克坐在最西侧的一件单人沙发上,正低头认真地往膝上那只画板上描画着什么。 Approached a point again, wanted to gather Eric behind immediately to stare in a big way the eye Elizabeth that he has a scare secretly, because on the Eric opposite couch is lying on one's side a girl, is Jennifer Connelly, but lets Elizabeth surprisedly is dressing up of Connelly. At this time the girl obstructs the sensitive position under lower abdomen except for a blanket simply, can say stark naked. 再走近了一点,本来想要偷偷凑到艾瑞克身后把他吓一跳的伊丽莎白顿时瞪大了眼睛,因为艾瑞克对面的长沙发上侧卧着一位女郎,正是詹妮弗康纳利,不过让伊丽莎白惊讶地是康纳利的装扮。此时女郎除了一条毯子简单地遮在小腹下的敏感位置,可以说一丝不挂。 But first saw that Elizabeth Connelly shouted one immediately lightly, must sit sets out to look for the thing to block from the body. 而首先看到伊丽莎白康纳利顿时轻叫了一声,就要坐起身找东西遮住身体。 Do not move,” Eric some gain ground to say slightly discontentedly. “别动啊,”艾瑞克微微有些不满地抬头说道。 The Connelly movement stopped, but Eric had also discovered the girl line of sight focused him behind, turned around to look at one, the discovery was Elizabeth, said: Leave alone she, the little darling lies down, I drew quickly.” 康纳利动作停了下,而艾瑞克也发现了女郎视线聚焦到了他身后,转身看了一眼,发现是伊丽莎白,才说道:“别管她,乖乖躺好,我快画完了。” In any case the opposite party is only a woman. In addition insistence of Eric, Connelly obediently has lain down. However the complexion becomes is ruddy and tender and beautiful. 反正对方只是一个女人。再加上艾瑞克的坚持,康纳利乖乖地躺了回去。不过脸色却变得红润而娇艳。 Elizabeth glanced Connelly front that to the breast that stood upright full | the room, in the vision has shown the look that envied, that woman has not hoped to have such perfect chest. 伊丽莎白瞟了眼康纳利胸前那对饱满挺立的乳丨房,目光中不由露出羡慕的神色,没有那个女人不希望拥有这样完美的胸部。 Notes the Elizabeth expression, somewhat tight Connelly instead quickly relaxed, bringing some slightly proud slightly throwing out the chest departments, the corners of the mouth also to overflow a happy expression. 注意到伊丽莎白的表情,本来有些紧绷的康纳利反而很快放松了下来,带着些小骄傲地微微挺了挺胸部,嘴角也溢出了一丝笑意。 Elizabeth light snort|hum, walked to sit down on the arm rest of Eric single-seat sofa, looked on the Eric knee already the sketch that completed quickly, taunted: „Is this desolate of 1 billion USD rich and powerful people | the obscene private life?” 伊丽莎白轻哼了一声,走过来在艾瑞克单人沙发的扶手上坐下,看了眼艾瑞克膝盖上已经快完成的素描,嘲讽道:“这就是一位十亿美元富豪的荒丨淫私生活吗?” Shut up,” Eric did not lift said that obviously to disturbance of Elizabeth discontentedly, pinched the charcoal pencils in hand to draw as before earnestly. “闭嘴,”艾瑞克头也不抬地说了一句,显然对伊丽莎白的打扰非常不满,捏着手中的炭笔依旧认真地描画着。 Elizabeth stretches the cheek to raise small fist, gave a tongue-lashing Little Bai tooth to circle sky over Eric, finally does not dare to fall, received embarrasedly. 伊丽莎白绷着脸蛋举起小拳头,呲着小白牙在艾瑞克上空盘旋了一圈,最终没敢落下来,讪讪地收了回去。 Set out to arrive by nearby small round table for oneself. the coffee, Elizabeth held the cup to seat in another single-seat sofa but actually, bored looking at paint pictures the Eric cup of 起身走到旁边的小圆桌旁为自己倒了杯咖啡,伊丽莎白捧着杯子坐进另外一件单人沙发里,无聊地望着正在画画的艾瑞克 Although is not willing to acknowledge, when somebody sips the lip angle is painting the makings to be truly appealing earnestly, some instance, Elizabeth even hopes to lie on one's side the woman in couch to be one. 虽然不愿意承认,不过某人抿着唇角认真作画时的气质确实非常吸引人,某个瞬间,伊丽莎白甚至希望侧卧在长沙发中的女人会是自己。 This thought just raised, girl then silent bah bah two. 这个念头刚刚升起,女郎便无声地呸呸了两下。 Also more than ten minutes, Eric has gained ground saying: Treasure, can.” 又过了十多分钟,艾瑞克才抬头说道:“宝贝,可以起来了。” Connelly will obstruct in the thin blanket in buttocks to launch to throw over on the body, has collected smilingly, looks the sketch that Eric completes praised: Quite fierce, is this really I?” 康纳利将遮在臀间的薄毯展开披在身上,笑盈盈地凑了过来,看着艾瑞克完成的素描夸赞道:“好厉害啊,这真的是我吗?” Naturally, only then one side your young beautiful woman can draw such effect Eric to place the charcoal pencils like this with a smile, extracted a wet turban to scratch the hand to say. “当然,只有你这样的小美人才能画出这样的效果”艾瑞克笑着将炭笔放在一边,抽出一张湿巾擦了擦手说道。 Elizabeth that collects curiously is looking on the drawing board the lifelike girl, although also approves the Connelly words at heart, on the mouth is actually not convinced saying: Also such, I can also draw.” 好奇凑过来的伊丽莎白望着画板上栩栩如生的女郎,虽然心里也认同康纳利的话,嘴上却不服气道:“也就那样,我也能画。” Eric in Connelly wrapped on Bo Tan the waist to pat the racket saying: Treasure, puts on clothes, gives me to select the time to expel the evil guest of this feeling disappointed while convenient.” 艾瑞克康纳利包裹着薄毯的腰肢上拍了拍说道:“宝贝,去穿上衣服吧,顺便给我点时间把这个扫兴的恶客赶走。” Connelly smiled, shot a look at Elizabeth, she knows the Elizabeth status, therefore does not have performance self-satisfaction of too, was obedient sets out to leave. 康纳利笑了笑,瞥了眼伊丽莎白,她知道伊丽莎白的身份,所以没有表现的太得意,听话地起身离开了。 When Connelly along nearby staircase in two buildings, Eric reorganized front picture to clamp to ask: Said that what matter? Un...... Looks at this in a threatening manner appearance, I guess that certainly is the skin itchy is hard to take, collects to make me tidy up your?” 康纳利沿着附近的楼梯上了二楼,艾瑞克整理着面前的画夹问道:“说吧,什么事?嗯……看这一副气势汹汹地模样,我猜一定又是皮痒难耐,凑过来想让我收拾你一顿?” Elizabeth has groaned two, just about to rebuts with sarcasm, but remembers father's injunction, the girl actually softens the expression: Eric, gives Fox to be good the stock in Robert Shay hand, my Papa said that attains this stock, we will not participate in Firefly any decision-making absolutely, you have the Firefly absolute domination as before, this commitment can interpolate in the agreement.” 伊丽莎白哼哼了两声,刚要反唇相讥,不过想起父亲的嘱咐,女郎却又放软语气:“艾瑞克,把罗伯特谢伊手中的股份让给福克斯好不好,我爸爸说了,拿到这笔股份,我们也绝对不会参与萤火虫的任何决策,你依旧拥有萤火虫绝对的控制权,这个承诺可以写进协议里。” That moment that Elizabeth presents, Eric expects little girl today's purpose in coming. 伊丽莎白出现的那一刻,艾瑞克就预料到小丨妞今天的来意。 In the most intense Robert Shay hand 25% stockholder's rights ownerships, besides Firefly own, without doubt were Fox. If several other Film Studio take to be better, if this stock fell in three big TV Station hands, that without doubt TV Network to Firefly and cooperation of Fox will pose the threat. 最紧张罗伯特谢伊手中25%股权归属的,除了萤火虫自身外,无疑就是福克斯了。要是其他几家电影公司拿下还好一些,如果这笔股份落到了三大电视台手中,那无疑会对萤火虫福克斯电视网的合作产生威胁。 Even if 《Friends》 these grades of program robbed possibilities are not big, but Firefly also has very big probability to develop the new program to put three big TV Station and Fox TV Network competes, this is not Murdoch wants to see absolutely. 就算《老友记》这几档节目被抢走的可能性不大,但萤火虫也有很大的几率会开发出新的节目放到三大电视台福克斯电视网竞争,这绝对不是默多克想要看到的。 The coffee on Royal Court small round table has hinted, Elizabeth wrinkled under the nose discontentedly, the non- sentiment hope was not Eric. the coffee has delivered to his hand but actually the cup( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 朝小圆桌上的咖啡示意了下,伊丽莎白不满地皱了下鼻子,不情不愿地为艾瑞克倒了杯咖啡送到他手上。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ... ...
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