IAIH :: Volume #4

#390: Swallowed the bait

If not the Middle East war will get up, Eric 100% will substitute for George. Bush, becomes in this year the «Time magazine» year man of the hour. 如果不是中东战事将起,艾瑞克100会取代乔治.布什,成为这一年《时代周刊》的年度风云人物。 However Time magazine has also sent out invitation to Eric, hopes that he can mount next year the beginning of the year first issue of «Time magazine» title page, and supplements an issue of detailed interview, busy badly battered Eric made the person reject the opposite party directly, in Oriental reserved the natural disposition of stemming from the bone, he thought that this crest of wave can be short to be few, although his present crest of wave was very big. 不过《时代》杂志也向艾瑞克发出了邀约,希望他能够登上明年开年第一期《时代周刊》封面,并附带一期详细的专访,忙的焦头烂额的艾瑞克直接让人拒绝了对方,出于骨子里东方人内敛的本性,他还是觉得这种风头能少出就少出吧,虽然他现在的风头已经很大了。 The interviews of after many famous media requested was rejected, the media of being unwilling once more have used the quack remedy offensive, troop paparazzi all day squatted around Eric, expected that can obtain any useful news, the Beverly Hills mansion has prevented them to be warm insufficiently, Eric has to move back to security stricter Malibu Cliff Peak Manor. 多家著名媒体的专访请求被驳回之后,心有不甘的媒体们再次采用了狗皮膏药攻势,一大群狗仔整日蹲守在艾瑞克周围,期望能够获得任何有用的新闻,贝弗利山的豪宅已经不足以阻挡他们热情,艾瑞克不得不搬回了安保更加严密的马里布尖角庄园 After Robert Shay was removed the duty, in the personal connection resources through oneself hand, tries to destroy the Firefly distribution circuit, the same day that but Eric leaves in Robert Shay, rapidly took the action, with the assistance of Michael Lynn, will grasp the related distribution circuit in Robert Shay hand to put through. 罗伯特.谢伊被解除职务之后,也通过自己手中的人脉资源,试图破坏萤火虫的发行渠道,不过艾瑞克罗伯特.谢伊离开的当天,就迅速采取行动,在迈克尔.林恩的协助下,将原本掌握在罗伯特.谢伊手中的相关发行渠道重新接通。 Although not with the Eric direct contact, but these movie theater line business as well as the recording tape distributor will unable to pass with the benefit, although bitter experience to some small hindrance, but one week later, Firefly all services once more return to normal. 虽然没有与艾瑞克直接接触过,但那些电影院线商以及录像带发行商也不会跟利益过不去,所以虽然遭遇到一些小阻碍,但一个星期之后,萤火虫的所有业务都再次恢复正常。 „, Hopes that we can cooperation be happy, Mr. Kades,” after a Sunset Boulevard famous dining room has had the lunch, Eric shook hand with front this fat middle-aged person finally, the opposite party is the management of amc institute line company, recently. The Eric majority of time are making the friendly contacts with this kind of person. “那么,希望我们能够合作愉快,凯迪斯先生,”在日落大道一家著名餐厅吃过午餐之后,艾瑞克最后与面前这位胖胖的中年人握了握手,对方是amc院线公司的一位高管,这些日子。艾瑞克大部分时间都在与这类人联络感情。 Kirn. Kades also with a laugh shook hand with Eric: This is the affirmation, believes that we will certainly have the happy cooperation from now on, Mr. Williams.” 柯恩.凯迪斯也笑呵呵地与艾瑞克握了握手:“这是肯定的,相信我们今后一定会有愉快的合作,威廉姆斯先生。” Two people were chatting shoulder to shoulder at will, went out of the dining room shoulder to shoulder, squatted the reporters outside dining room to encircle rapidly. Bodyguard who although was brought by Eric quickly separates, actually as before crazily presses the shutter, and asked to Eric loudly. 两个人并肩随意聊着,并肩走出餐厅,蹲守在餐厅外的记者们迅速围了上来。虽然很快被艾瑞克带来的保镖隔开,却依旧疯狂地按动快门,并大声地向艾瑞克发问。 Eric wanted to arrive at the parking lot as soon as possible, but Cohen. Kades this middle age Fatty as if enjoys this feeling, but also has thought the natural posture in the flashing light skirt-width. Sees this situation, Eric also smiled. The Royal Court bodyguards have given under the hand signal, making them do not open out the reporter anxiously, so that Fatty enjoys the feeling of a while attracting much attention. 艾瑞克本来想要尽快走到停车场,不过科恩.凯迪斯这个中年胖子似乎非常享受这种感觉,还在闪光灯下摆了一个自认为潇洒的姿势。见此情形,艾瑞克也只是笑了笑。朝保镖做了下手势,让他们不要急着拨开记者,以便身边的胖子多享受一会儿这种备受瞩目的感觉。 Notes the two person short stops , the paparazzi question sound was bigger, but Eric actually remains silent. Actually Kirn. Kades answered several issues warmly. 注意到两个人短暂的停顿下来,狗仔们的发问声更大了一些,但艾瑞克却一直保持沉默。倒是柯恩.凯迪斯热情地回答了几个问题。 After several minutes, sends off Kirn. Kades, Eric sneaks in own car, discovered that Alan was waiting for itself in the car(riage). 几分钟后,送走柯恩.凯迪斯,艾瑞克钻进自己的汽车,发现艾伦已经在车里等着自己。 Has not waited for the driver to start car, Alan excitedly said: Eric, the fish bit to hook.” 还没有等司机发动汽车,艾伦就略带兴奋地说道:“艾瑞克,鱼咬钩了。” Eric has hit front back plate conveniently, has separated the front driver and bodyguard, asked: When?” 艾瑞克随手将面前的挡板打了起来,隔开了前排的司机和保镖,才问道:“什么时候?” yesterday afternoon. However I just know that is responsible for having the news with the person who Bruce Evans contacts, said that Bruce Evans already sold out «Cutthroat Island» script. The concrete price they have not eavesdropped on, but the buyer definitely is Robert Shay.” “就在昨天下午。不过我是刚刚才知道的,负责与布鲁斯.埃文斯接触的人带回来消息,说布鲁斯.埃文斯已经将《割喉岛剧本卖掉了。具体价格他们并没有探听到,不过买方肯定是罗伯特.谢伊。” Makes that several people make several plays to receive the hand again,” Eric was saying, relaxed by the chairback. “让那几个人再做几场戏就收手吧,”艾瑞克说着,放松地靠在了椅背上。 Robert Shay attains «Cutthroat Island» script, could bring some favorable turns for both sides' negotiations. 罗伯特.谢伊拿到《割喉岛》的剧本,或许可以为双方的谈判带来一些转机。 Although Robert Shay left Firefly, discarded the new line. However by his disposition, like this easily will definitely not leave Hollywood. Seeks to stage a comeback is certain. 罗伯特.谢伊虽然离开了萤火虫,也丢掉了新线。不过以他的性格,肯定不会这样轻易地离开好莱坞。谋求东山再起是一定的。 But after attaining «Cutthroat Island» script, Robert Shay definitely eagerly manufactures script that this Eric regards as important. Thus fires him once more in the Hollywood fame. 而拿到《割喉岛》的剧本之后,罗伯特.谢伊肯定急于将这部艾瑞克看重的剧本制作出来。从而再次打响他在好莱坞的名气。 But Eric makes people least before this also needs 70 million to the budget that «Cutthroat Island» makes, in the memory achieves 90 million USD, therefore wants to produce this movie, Robert Shay must in the short-term attain a huge fund, therefore he definitely is not willing to tow in the negotiations with Firefly too for a long time. 艾瑞克此前让人对《割喉岛》做出的预算最少也需要7000万,记忆中更是达到9000万美元,所以想要制作这部电影,罗伯特.谢伊必须短期内拿到一笔巨额资金,所以他肯定不愿意与萤火虫在谈判上拖太长时间。 Thinks the means to let out this news,” Eric has pondered the moment, said to Alan, but he shook the head quickly: consider as finished, do not cause complications, the «Cutthroat Island» big investment movie, Robert definitely does not handle like this now, he will seek the cooperation.” “想办法让人将这个消息放出去,”艾瑞克思考了片刻,对艾伦说道,不过他自己很快就又摇了摇头:“算了,不要节外生枝了,《割喉岛》这样的大投资电影,罗伯特现在肯定玩不转,他自己就会寻求合作。” Eric said that has thought of Disney, since Robert Shay and Michael Eisner walk are so near, then Disney definitely is the Robert Shay first operation target, from «Ghost» that matter, Michael Eisner estimated that will start out the good price to win over this project once more. 艾瑞克说完就想到了迪斯尼,既然罗伯特.谢伊迈克尔.艾斯纳走那么近,那么迪斯尼肯定是罗伯特.谢伊的第一合作对象,从《人鬼情未了》那件事上,迈克尔.艾斯纳估计会再次开出不错的价格拉拢这个项目。 However, something always stem from the expectation of Eric, while with the Robert Shay intense talk, Eric has not thought that Robert Shay will receive the news of «Cutthroat Island» this project unexpectedly on own initiative puts. 不过,一些事总是出乎艾瑞克的预料,在与罗伯特.谢伊紧张谈判的同时,艾瑞克没想到,罗伯特.谢伊竟然自己主动将拿到《割喉岛》这个项目的消息放出来。 Firefly has not given up the first buy-back power, in the stock to Robert Shay hand, seven big is greedyly also can only look dry, but heard project about «Cutthroat Island», seven big after close investigation, almost also realized that this movie is very possible is another «Ghost», therefore threw to the wicked wolf of winter generally in abundance. 萤火虫没有放弃优先回购权,对罗伯特.谢伊手中的股份,七大就是再眼馋也只能干看着,但听说了关于《割喉岛》的项目,七大在详细调查一番之后,几乎同时意识到,这部电影很可能是又一部《人鬼情未了》,因此向冬日的恶狼一般纷纷扑了上去。 Initially because has not lost this big gold ore to the «Ghost» full estimate, making many company management beat the breast and stamp the feet. 当初因为对《人鬼情未了》没有充分的预估而失去这座大金矿,让很多公司高管捶胸顿足。 If can realize that this is North America Box Office broken 200 million USD movie script, even if initially started out the 10 million USD price absolutely to be also worth. After all, 200 million USD Box Office North America may not leave 12 annually, this Box Office digit also means the profit that value suitable overseas Box Office and recording tape peripheral income, operates completely even can be as good as seven big one year of gross profits. 要是能够意识到这是一部北美票房两亿美元的电影剧本,当初哪怕是开出1000万美元的价格也绝对是值得的。毕竟,两亿美元票房北美现在每年都不一定会出12部,这个票房数字也就意味着数值相当的海外票房和录像带周边收益,完全操作下来的盈利甚至抵得上七大一年的总利润。 A black helicopter explosion sound is landing in the Cliff Peak Manor aircraft parking area slowly, defends paparazzi outside manor front door can only look that others have the matter of wing to stare on helplessly. 一架黑色直升机轰响着缓缓降落在尖角庄园的停机坪上,守在庄园大门外的狗仔们只能看着人家带翅膀的物事干瞪眼。 However, the security personnel in manor are rapid to surround toward the aircraft parking area, many people have also pulled out the pistol, because this black helicopter is not manor own helicopter team all, moreover before them, has not received the news that some people visit. 不过,庄园内的安保人员却迅速朝停机坪围拢上去,不少人还掏出了手枪,因为这架黑色直升机并不是庄园自己的直升机团队所有的,而且他们之前也没有接到有人拜访的消息。 Elizabeth jumped down from the helicopter with the help of pilot, has put in order a capable jeans wear, raised the chin to stare 56 security personnel who has surrounded slightly: „Do you want to do?” ( to be continued ) 伊丽莎白在驾驶员的帮助下从直升机上跳下来,整了整一身干练的牛仔装,微微扬起下巴瞪了一眼围拢上来的56个安保人员:“你们要干什么?”(未完待续) ps: Waits for also two chapters, yesterday the ten thousand points of reader hit to enjoy, therefore Wan Word renewed, thanked! ps:等下还有两章,昨天读者的万点打赏,所以万字更新,感谢!
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