IAIH :: Volume #4

#389: At the end of the year big revelry

Robert Shay has sneered: Ha, you think that you want to take back, will I sell to you? I told you, you want other, this was the impossible matter, since you dismantled the bridge after crossing, I towed to launch your one, do not think that you have won over Michael they, can control now Firefly all.” 罗伯特.谢伊冷笑了一声:“哈,你以为你想收回,我就会卖给你吗?我告诉你,你想都别的,这是不可能的事情,既然你过河拆桥,那我就把你一起拖下水去,别以为你拉拢了迈克尔他们,就可以掌控现在萤火虫的一切。” Eric also stands up, is away from the desk and Robert Shay coldly is looking at each other, he is higher than big half a head compared with Robert Shay, in addition completely did not belong to the steady makings of contemporaries, pouring lets fall into demented Robert Shay to be slightly calmer: You are not willing to sell, but starting from the next year, I under carry on the conformity Firefly as well as my Pixar and digital domain and Black Ant Film Studio, the Playa Vista movie studio base also will introduce simultaneously the large amounts of funds to construct, I ensure your owning stocks share will be diluted to below 10%, and has been diluted.” 艾瑞克也站起身,隔着办公桌与罗伯特.谢伊冷冷地对视着,他比罗伯特.谢伊高出大半头,再加上身上完全不属于同龄人的稳重气质,倒让陷入癫狂的罗伯特.谢伊稍微冷静了一些:“你不愿意卖也可以,不过从明年开始,我会将萤火虫以及我手下的皮克斯、数字领域、黑蚂蚁电影公司全部进行整合,同时普雷亚维斯塔的摄影棚基地也会引进大量资金进行建设,我保证,你的持股份额会被稀释到10%以下,并且会被一直稀释下去。” Calm some Robert Shay could not bear ask slightly: Why you must such do, because I have not given up the movie-making according to your mentality, concentrates on the release?” 稍微冷静了一些的罗伯特.谢伊忍不住问道:“你为什么要这么做,难道就因为我没有按照你的思路放弃制片,专注于发行吗?” Because you with Firefly at all are not a heart, what you consider more is own authority and benefit, for this reason even can sacrifice Firefly, the overseas release of «Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles», the «Sleeping with the Enemy» completely unnecessary budget credit, movie that as well as present screened, do you also need me to point out more examples?” “因为你跟萤火虫根本不是一条心,你考虑更多的是自己的权力和利益,为此甚至可以牺牲萤火虫,《忍者神龟》的海外发行,《与敌共眠》完全不必要的预算支出,以及现在正在上映的这部电影,你还需要我举出更多的例子吗?” You do not have to do this, moreover you first establish Black Ant Film Studio.” “难道你没有这样做吗,而且还是你先成立黑蚂蚁电影公司的。” Black Ant Film Studio completely is my property, the release of «Basic Instinct» has not used the Firefly channel slightly, the «Point Break» release contract also favors Firefly, but you everywhere are actually thinking occupies the Firefly channel to seek profit for oneself.” Eric said several. Waves saying: Was good, Robert, stops, I like with you did not debate that who is whose non- issue, if you leave now. You can have a great sum of money to stage a comeback once more, but Firefly starting today, will only have a sound.” 黑蚂蚁电影公司完全是我个人的资产,《本能》的发行丝毫没有使用萤火虫的渠道,《惊暴点》的发行合约也更加倾向于萤火虫,而你却处处想着占据萤火虫的渠道为自己谋利。”艾瑞克说了几句。就挥手道:“好了,罗伯特,到此为止,我不像跟你辩论谁是谁非的问题,如果你现在离开。你可以带着一笔巨款再次东山再起,而萤火虫从今天开始,只会有一个声音。” Robert Shay was enraged by Eric again: I will make you know that wants to drive away me absolutely is not that easy matter, I must sue you, I will bring back the new line all.” 罗伯特.谢伊再次被艾瑞克激怒了:“我会让你知道,想要赶走我绝对不是那么容易的事情,我要起诉你,我会拿回新线的一切。” You can sue. Waits for 2-3 years later has this lawsuit, you will discover, the attorney who you not only need pay the sky-high price spends, the stock in hand large scale will also depreciate, but your will thoroughly also be far away from Hollywood. Naturally. Even if depreciates again, you can also enjoy not to need to worry about food or clothing calmly and steadily live, retire early have ended the next half a lifetime.” “你可以去起诉。等两三年之后打完这场官司,你会发现,你不但要支付天价的律师费,手中的股份也会大幅度贬值,而你本人也将彻底远离好莱坞。当然。即使再贬值,你也可以安安稳稳地享受衣食无忧地生活,提前退休过完下半生。” The Robert Shay temples beat rapidly several, an anger well ups, takes up coffee cup conveniently, facing the Eric indifferent look, the Robert Shay movement has stopped, has thrown the coffee cup fiercely. Pounds is used to demonstrate the video material on conference room one 32 cuns (2.5 cm) television. 罗伯特.谢伊太阳穴急促地跳动了几下,一股怒气涌上心头,随手拿起身边的咖啡杯,面对艾瑞克冷漠的眼神,罗伯特.谢伊动作停顿了下,还是猛地将咖啡杯掷了出去。砸在会议室一台用来演示视频材料的32寸电视机上。 Bang a dull thumping sound, a azure smoke from the monitor screen of rupturing has braved. 砰的一声闷响,一股青烟从爆裂的显示器屏幕中冒了出来。 Eric looked at one toward the shatter television, said: I will make the finance remember. Deducts from your drawing bonus, relax, definitely after price calculation according to depreciation.” 艾瑞克朝破碎的电视机看了一眼,说道:“我会让财务记下来。从你的分红里扣除,放心,肯定会按折旧后的价格计算。” Robert Shay looked at Eric with clenched jaws, the mouth has been squeezing out some fuzzy syllables, making the vigor trample a foot toward chair, turned around to leave the conference room. 罗伯特.谢伊咬牙切齿地望着艾瑞克,嘴里挤出了一些模糊的音节,使劲儿朝身旁的椅子踹了一脚,才转身离开了会议室。 ...... …… „...... According to material demonstration that we attain. The Firefly this year's gross profit even possibly arranges after Warner, Fox and Universal, is fourth. Under this positive development situation, Eric Williams removes the Robert Shay duty to cause the Firefly turbulence suddenly strongly. Is a unwise behavior, the distribution circuit that Firefly just established likely will therefore be destroyed in a moment.” “……根据我们拿到的资料显示。萤火虫今年的总利润甚至可能只是排在华纳福克斯环球之后,位列第四名。这种良好发展形势下,艾瑞克.威廉姆斯突然强硬地解除罗伯特.谢伊的职务引起萤火虫的动荡。是一件非常不明智的行为,萤火虫刚刚建立起来的发行渠道很可能会因此毁于一旦。” „...... The Firefly internal anonymous staff member disclosed that Eric Williams and Robert Shay experienced an intense quarrel at the annual meeting, Eric Williams in a blaze of passion, has removed afterward the Robert Shay duty. However afterward, the Robert Shay agent disclosed the fact to be not true, Eric Williams was absolutely is not having in the situation of any reason, truculent and unreasonable has removed the Robert Shay duty, actually the fact how, the newspaper will continue to follow up.” “……萤火虫内部一位不愿透露姓名的职员透露,艾瑞克.威廉姆斯罗伯特.谢伊在年会上经历了一次激烈的争吵,随后艾瑞克.威廉姆斯盛怒之下,才解除了罗伯特.谢伊的职务。不过随后,罗伯特.谢伊的代理人透露事实并非如此,艾瑞克.威廉姆斯是在完全没有任何理由的情况下,蛮横无理地解除了罗伯特.谢伊地职务,事实究竟如何,本报将会继续跟进。” „...... The Firefly aspect indicated that company next movie «Point Break» will screen as usual, will not come under the influence that CEO leaves job suddenly.” “……萤火虫方面表示,公司下一部影片《惊暴点》会照常上映,不会受到ceo突然离职的影响。” „...... When Robert Shay in accepting «Hollywood Reporter» Reporter interviewed the look to be excited, condemned Eric Williams to dismantle the bridge after crossing, and pledged that must go to court with Eric Williams.” “……罗伯特.谢伊在接受《好莱坞报道者》记者采访时神色激动,谴责艾瑞克.威廉姆斯过河拆桥,并发誓要与艾瑞克.威廉姆斯对簿公堂。” „...... It is reported that after Robert Shay leaves job, any new line time staff has not accompanied him to leave Firefly together, is Robert Shay all duties also rapidly by Eric Williams I and new CEO Michael Lynn control, Jeffrey. Hansson once more is appointed as Firefly Chairman.” “……据悉,罗伯特.谢伊离职之后,并没有任何新线时期员工随同其一起离开萤火虫,属于罗伯特.谢伊地所有职务也迅速被艾瑞克.威廉姆斯本人和新任ceo迈克尔.林恩接管,杰弗里.汉森再次被任命为萤火虫总裁。” „...... After one week of cushion, Firefly on the morning of December 2 announced that launched in buy-back his hand with Robert Shay the negotiations of stock, Robert Shay as if gave up suing the decision of Firefly, but the matter was far from the conclusion, although Firefly had in the Robert Shay hand the first buy-back power of stock, but Hollywood seven big Film Studio expressed the purchase intention to this stock.” “……经过一周的缓冲,萤火虫于12月2日上午宣布与罗伯特.谢伊展开了回购其手中股份的谈判,罗伯特.谢伊似乎放弃了起诉萤火虫的决定,不过事情远远没有结束,虽然萤火虫拥有罗伯特.谢伊手中股份的优先回购权,但好莱坞七大电影公司都对这笔股份表示了收购意向。” „...... Because of splendid result of Firefly in television, ABC, NBC and CBS three big TV Station parent company one after another has also sent out the important contract to Robert Shay, afterward, Viacom and other big media groups have also given the offer.” “……因为萤火虫在电视方面的出色成绩,abcnbccbs三大电视台的母公司也陆续向罗伯特.谢伊发出了要约,随后,维亚康姆等几大传媒集团也纷纷给出了报价。” „...... This morning, the Robert Shay aspect has given the 500 million USD offer officially, calculated by this that the Firefly market value has achieved 2 billion USD, the Firefly spokesman said that Robert Shay this act asked an outrageous price completely.” “……今天上午,罗伯特.谢伊方面正式给出了5亿美元报价,以此推算,萤火虫的市值已经达到了20亿美元,不过萤火虫的发言人表示,罗伯特.谢伊此举完全是漫天要价。” „...... According to material, Firefly Film Studio, only then Burbank Headquarters and other properties, the Playa Vista movie studio base completely is at the mounting phase, therefore, after the Firefly prime assets are Firefly and new line both sides merge a series of movie copyright, but near two years of Box Office broken hundred million and have the sequel development potential movie quantity is impressive, fully enjoys copyright Situation comedy 《Friends》 to be divided into, sale of the recording tape release and broadcasting right through the advertisement merely in the first quarter, was Firefly has brought over a hundred million USD net profits, therefore, 2 billion USD estimate value, although was too high, actually not too much moisture contents.” “……根据资料,萤火虫电影公司只有伯班克总部等寥寥几处物业,普雷亚维斯塔的摄影棚基地完全处于筹备阶段,因此,萤火虫的主要资产为萤火虫和新线双方合并后的一系列电影版权,而近两年票房破亿并拥有续集开发潜力的电影数量更是让人惊叹,完全享有版权的情景喜剧《老友记》仅仅第一季就通过广告分成、录像带发行和转播权的售卖,为萤火虫带来了上亿美元的纯利润,因此,20亿美元的估值虽然过高,却并没有太多水分。” „...... When we also is Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and the others 30 years of becomes the facts of trillion rich and powerful people when loving to talk about, always creates Hollywood of miracle in that only 20-year-old 1 billion level rich and powerful people were born, making us review together the rising trail of this young rich and powerful people......” “……当我们还在为比尔.盖茨史蒂夫.乔布斯等人三十岁岁就成为亿万富豪的事迹而津津乐道时,不知不觉间,在那个总是创造奇迹的好莱坞,一位年仅20岁的十亿级富豪已经诞生了,让我们一起回顾一下这位年轻富豪的崛起足迹吧……” Short one week of time that Robert Shay leaves job, the discussion about this matter was similar to the following year end big revelries of all media, even has joined including the Europe media of Atlantic Ocean other shore, compared at the stir that 2 billion USD this digit caused, Eric simply was a while ago not worthy of mentioning with Connelly that sex scandal. ( to be continued ) 罗伯特.谢伊离职的短短一周时间,关于此事的讨论如同所有媒体的一次年末大狂欢,甚至连大西洋彼岸的欧洲媒体都加入了进来,相比于20亿美元这个数字引起的轰动,艾瑞克前段时间与康纳利那点绯闻简直微不足道。(未完待续)
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