IAIH :: Volume #4

#388: Launch

Received the memorandum from the Alan hand, they move toward the conference room together, Eric ask in a low voice: That matter how?” 艾伦手中接过备忘录,两人一起走向会议室,艾瑞克低声问道:“那件事怎么样了?” Alan has also lowered the sound: Had completed completely, disclosed about Director Renny Harlin and Heroine Geena Davis candidates to Bruce Evans, but we also successfully make him realize that some people settle on «Cutthroat Island» script, he instead anxiously getting rid, is not refusing to compromise with the staff who we send out now. Moreover , other people start to inquire the matter about «Cutthroat Island» script, should be the Robert person.” 艾伦也压低了声音:“已经全部办妥了,关于导演雷尼.哈林女主角吉娜.戴维斯的人选都已经透露给了布鲁斯.埃文斯,不过我们也成功让他意识到有人非常看中《割喉岛》的剧本,他现在反而不急着出手,在与我们派出的工作人员僵持着。而且,也有另外一些人开始打探关于《割喉岛剧本的事情,应该是罗伯特的人。” Eric feels relieved nods, opens the conference room door, they walked together. 艾瑞克放心地点点头,推开会议室门,两人一起走了进去。 Today this main item on the agenda summary about Firefly one year of work. 今天这次会议主要议题是关于萤火虫一年工作的总结。 From the beginning of the year to the present, movie of Firefly Inc. capitalization manufacture, only then «Ghost» and «Sleeping with the Enemy» two, the result in movie release are but dazzling, «Ghost» and «Sleeping with the Enemy» and «Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles» and 《The Silence of the Lambs》 these four movies have made the Box Office broken hundred million progress, in addition, Firefly has still distributed several independent Production Studio small manufacture movies in the movie off season proxy, has brought the profit of jot. 从年初到现在,萤火虫公司全资制作的电影只有《人鬼情未了》和《与敌共眠》两部,但在影片发行方面的成绩却非常耀眼,《人鬼情未了》、《与敌共眠》、《忍者神龟》和《沉默的羔羊》这四部电影都取得了票房破亿的成绩,除此之外,萤火虫还在电影淡季代理发行了几部独立制作公司的小制作影片,也带来了小额的盈利。 Although the end of the year holiday files just started, was about in 1990 North America native place total Box Office broke through 5 billion USD, total Box Office that but Firefly obtains this year so far only then 600 million many, occupied native Box Office share 12%. The Box Office progress that although this digital and last year Eric manufacture movie made must miss many, but if considered carefully, will discover huge difference, the result of this year, but in the situation of Firefly independent release obtained. But last year, the Eric movie was almost distributed by seven big proxies completely, even if itself profit strong, was only a pure production company. 虽然年底的假日档才刚刚开始,不过1990年北美本土总票房已经突破了50亿美元,但萤火虫今年取得的总票房到目前为止只有6亿多一点,占据本土票房份额的12%。虽然这个数字与去年艾瑞克制作电影取得的票房成绩要差很多,但如果仔细考虑一下,就会发现其中的巨大差别,今年的这份成绩可是萤火虫独立发行的情况下取得的。而去年,艾瑞克的电影几乎全部都由七大代理发行,本身哪怕盈利超强,也只是一个单纯的制片公司。 After one year with the conformity of new line, Firefly had has been similar to seven big such has the big Film Studio embryonic form of complete movie-making distribution circuit. Although also has a disparity in the inside story with established seven big Film Studio, but in the Box Office share has actually exceeded the Paramount Pictures 10% proportions, was flung as for Metro Goldwyn Mayer by far in behind, is situated sixth in Hollywood all Film Studio. 经过一年时间与新线的整合,萤火虫已经具备了如同七大那样拥有完整制片发行渠道的大制片厂雏形。虽然在底蕴上还与老牌的七大电影公司有所差距,但票房份额上却已经超过了派拉蒙影业10%的比例,至于米高梅更是被远远地甩在了后面,在好莱坞所有电影公司中排行第六。 In television production, 《Friends》 of Firefly independent manufacture in the autumn files viewing ratio as before alone lead(er) wind | the show, «Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?» this grade of variety show is broadly is more well-respected. 在电视制作方面,萤火虫独立制作的《老友记》在秋季档收视率依旧独领风丨骚,《谁会成为百万富翁》这档综艺节目更是广受好评。 «X-Files» that in September and 《Friends》 simultaneously begins broadcasting has also attained the average 17 million reception population. Although this result is worse than 《Friends》, but «X-Files» main audience community centralized among 16 to 30 years old young people, but is not 《Friends》 such entire ages comedy, therefore this result is also very good. 九月份与《老友记》同时开播的《x档案》也拿到了平均1700万的收视人数。这个成绩虽然比《老友记》差很多,但《x档案》的主要观众群体集中在16到30岁的青少年当中,而不是《老友记》那样的全年龄段喜剧,因此这个成绩也是非常不错的。 Let alone, because of reception ages unusual is centralized. «X-Files» instead received the favor of advertisement manufacturer, the advertizing revenue be higher than over 20% compared with TV series of same level viewing ratio. 更何况,因为收视年龄段的非常集中。《x档案》反而更加受到广告厂商的青睐,广告收入要比同等收视率的电视剧高出了20%以上。 In addition, the company in the recording tape and overseas distributed in two services also to make not the small progress, the recording tape release department have rented the giant hundred matters to reach the company to establish the cooperation with the recording tape. Through «Ghost» and other overseas release operations of movies, Firefly and other main ticket warehouse countries has also established own subsidiary company in UK , France, Australia. 除此之外,公司在录像带和海外发行两项业务上也取得了不小的进展,录像带发行部门已经与录像带租赁巨头百事达公司建立了合作。通过《人鬼情未了》等几部电影的海外发行操作,萤火虫也在英、法、澳等几个主要票仓国家建立了自己的分公司。 The development of service also means so much funding, therefore, Firefly first three quarters net profit, only then 100 million more than 60 million, after Carloyn Elliot completes the financial report. Eric immediately announced facing Firefly all staff, the aggregate amount achieves the 20 million USD drawing bonus plan. 业务的拓展也就意味着大量的资金投入,因此,萤火虫前三个季度的纯利润只有1亿6000多万,在卡洛琳.艾略特做完财务报告之后。艾瑞克随即宣布了面对萤火虫所有员工,总金额达到2000万美元的分红方案。 In low cheers, only then Robert Shay frowns slightly. This drawing bonus plan Robert was also knows, after this plan proposed, Robert Shay expressed the opposition, but Eric actually used oneself Chairman authority to approve this plan. 在一片低低的欢呼声中,只有罗伯特.谢伊微微蹙眉。这个分红方案罗伯特事前也是知道的,这个方案提出之后,罗伯特.谢伊就表示了反对,不过艾瑞克却动用自己董事长的权力通过了这个方案。 At this time hears Eric to announce once more that Robert Shay felt as before is not feeling well, he thought that Eric was natural, 此时再次听到艾瑞克宣布出来,罗伯特.谢伊依旧感觉到非常不爽,他觉得艾瑞克过于大方了、 After all. This 20 million USD takes, means that his shareholder will draw bonus will reduce 5 million USD. In order to manufacture «Ghost Searching». Robert Shay through mortgaging the way of oneself property has financed 30 million USD, now this movie is defeated. He has to repay a debt with oneself the end of the year drawing bonus, therefore, 5 million USD regarding Robert Shay is also a very big loss. 毕竟。这2000万美元拿出来,也就意味着他的股东分红将减少500万美元。为了制作《鬼探》。罗伯特.谢伊通过抵押自己资产的方式融资了3000万美元,现在这部电影失败。他就不得不用自己年底的分红去还账,因此,500万美元对于罗伯特.谢伊来说也是非常大的一笔损失。 Is pondering over this matter at heart, Robert is hearing Eric to continue to say suddenly: Now, we start the next subject, about removing the Firefly CEO duty of Mr. Robert Shay.” 心里正琢磨着这件事,罗伯特忽然间听到艾瑞克继续说道:“现在,我们开始下一个议题,关于解除罗伯特.谢伊先生的萤火虫ceo职务。” In a flash, Robert Shay almost thinks that was misunderstood, but saw the unusual atmosphere and all management that present the conference room was instantaneously peaceful looked to his strange look, Robert Shay was feels in the backs first a cool feeling, immediately was the extreme anger, he stood up suddenly, points at Eric to exclaim: Eric Williams, you know that what you are making?” 一瞬间,罗伯特.谢伊几乎以为是自己听错了,不过看到会议室瞬间安静下来的异样气氛和所有在座高管看向他的奇怪眼神,罗伯特.谢伊先是感觉到脊背间一股凉意,随即是极度的愤怒,他猛然站起身,指着艾瑞克吼道:“艾瑞克.威廉姆斯,你知道自己在做什么吗?” Eric had not replied immediately, but looked at to conference room other people: You exit first, I and Robert chatted alone.” 艾瑞克没有立刻回答,而是望向了会议室的其他人:“你们先出去吧,我和罗伯特单独谈谈。” The voice falls, in the conference room all people, including the Robert Shay direct descendant subordinate, peacefully stand up toward the office outside completely walk. 话音落下,会议室里所有人,包括罗伯特.谢伊的嫡系下属,全部都安静地站起身朝办公室外走去。 Robert Shay is brandishing the arm excitedly, sneers saying: I do not need to talk to you alone that has any matter unable to make everybody hear, hello, Michael, Hardy, Reinas, you remain.” 罗伯特.谢伊激动地挥舞着手臂,冷笑道:“我不需要跟你单独谈,有什么事情不能让大家听到的,喂,迈克尔、哈迪、雷纳斯,你们留下来。” And other subordinates of original manuscripts were stopped the footsteps by Michael Lynn of Robert Shay roll-call short, looks at Eric and Robert, Michael Lynn sighs, opens the mouth saying: Robert, you chatted with Eric well.” 罗伯特.谢伊点名的迈克尔.林恩等几位原本的下属短暂地停下了脚步,望了望艾瑞克罗伯特,迈克尔.林恩叹了口气,开口道:“罗伯特,你好好跟艾瑞克谈谈吧。” Then, several person footsteps kept going out of the office. 说完,几个人脚步不停地走出了办公室。 Robert Shay watches several direct descendant responses, realized instantaneously Eric already started to deploy this matter, this makes him produce deceived depressed and angry, if Eric is not a height body strong young man, Robert Shay almost threw the fists and feet to quarrel. 罗伯特.谢伊将几位嫡系的反应看在眼里,瞬间意识到艾瑞克早就开始部署这件事了,这让他产生一种被愚弄的沮丧和愤怒,如果艾瑞克不是一个身高体壮的年轻小伙子,罗伯特.谢伊几乎已经扑了过去拳脚相向了。 However he roared as before: I told you, you will not prevail, you will pay the price, I was the Firefly shareholder, I had one-fourth stocks, therefore you wanted to drive away me, wants not to think.” 不过他依旧咆哮道:“我告诉你,你不会得逞的,你会付出代价的,我是萤火虫的股东,我拥有1的股份,所以你想要把我赶走,想都别想。” After Robert Shay stops short, Eric interposed: „The matter about Firefly stock, I will take back with a reasonable price, will not make you suffer a loss, in addition, this year's gain sharing I also meet the sum total to pay to you.” ( to be continued ) 罗伯特.谢伊短暂地停顿下来之后,艾瑞克才插话道:“关于萤火虫股份的事情,我会用一个合理的价格收回,不会让你吃亏,除此之外,今年的利润分成我也会全额支付给你。”(未完待续)
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