IAIH :: Volume #4

#387: Had problems

In order to invited Eric to participate in «Hot Shots» preview ceremony, Fox specially preview ceremony was ahead of time «Ghost Searching» previous the day, but Eric has not planned to attend «Ghost Searching» preview ceremony, to the Fox sincerity foot, he was again impossible to attend «Hot Shots» preview ceremony, before made them use own fame to carry on the propaganda to be very really kind obliquely. ¥ f 为了能够邀请艾瑞克参加《反斗神鹰》的首映式,福克斯特意将首映式提前到了《鬼探》的前一天,不过艾瑞克没有打算出席《鬼探》的首映式,任由福克斯诚意再足,他也不可能出席《反斗神鹰》的首映式,之前让他们拐弯抹角地利用自己的名气进行宣传已经很够意思了。¥f As by Metro Goldwyn Mayer United Artists places the great expectations production cost reaches as high as 60 million «Rocky 5», screens the canvas is in three movies are most, but first weekend Box Office draws a charge, finally makes many people shock. 作为被米高梅-联美寄予厚望制作成本高达6000万的《洛奇5》,上映画布是三部电影中最多的,不过首周末票房出炉,结果却让很多人大跌眼镜。 «Rocky 5» that most is favored instead are result worst that previous sequel global of this series receives 300 million USD crazily, therefore «Rocky 5» screen canvas enough 2000. 最被看好的《洛奇5》反而是成绩最差的那一个,这个系列的前一部续集全球狂收三亿美元,因此《洛奇5》上映画布足足2000家。 But the first weekend three days, «Rocky 5» only attained 14 350,000 Box Office, the field was less than 7000 USD, must know that on a sequel «Rocky 4» same time field has achieved 15000 USD. 但首周末三天,《洛奇5》只拿到了1435万票房,场均不到7000美元,要知道,上一部续集《洛奇4》的同期场均可是达到了15000美元 Not only the booking rate is extremely low, but also the «Rocky 5» reputation also difference arrive at the extreme, the Box Office statistical agency anticipated lowered 50 million Box Office of this movie directly largely, recouped the cost not to have any possibly, the media also forecast that this movie was very likely to become the ends of «Rocky» series. 不但上座率极低,而且《洛奇5》的口碑也差到极点,票房统计机构直接将这部电影的票房预期大幅调低到了5000万,收回成本是没有任何可能了,媒体也纷纷预测这部电影很可能成为《洛奇》系列的终结。 But «Ghost Searching» that more than 1900 theaters screen only compared with «Rocky 5» good, has attained 1 more than 5 million Box Office, but this imitates the «Ghostbusters» frightened comedy has not obtained the good reputation similarly. 而1900多家影院上映的《鬼探》只比《洛奇5》好一点,拿到了1500多万票房,不过这部模仿《捉鬼敢死队》的惊悚喜剧同样没有获得太好的口碑。 Compares, what most shocking is Fox release «Hot Shots», this almost can be said as acting unreasonably the movie obtained in movie person there scolded a sound piece of ultra low appraisal. Even many excited conservative film critic regard this movie is to blaspheming of classical movie. 相比起来,最让人大跌眼镜的是福克斯发行的《反斗神鹰》,这部几乎可以说是‘乱来’的电影在影片人那里获得了骂声一片的超低评价。甚至不少激动的保守影评人将这部电影当成是对经典影片的亵渎。 But what is accidental is. This very novel wickedness does the movie situation actually to receive the welcome of large audience. The first weekend three days, this movie has attained 25 million Box Office in more than 1900 theaters, this digit is just impartial with the movie cost, if following movie not too big Box Office decline range, even possibly becomes Fox this year another Box Office broken hundred million movie. 但意外的是。这种非常新颖的恶搞影片形势却受到大量观众的欢迎。首周末三天,这部电影就在1900余家影院拿到了2500万票房,这个数字刚好与影片成本持平,如果接下来影片没有太大的票房跌幅的话,甚至可能成为福克斯今年又一部票房破亿的电影。 So far, Fox this year only then «Die Hard 2» of summer files has obtained 110 million Box Office, but the «Die Hard 2» production cost is actually 70 million USD, announcement adds close 100 million USD. Even if overseas Box Office is good, «Die Hard 2» have not made money. 到目前为止,福克斯今年只有暑期档的《虎胆龙威2》取得了1.1亿票房,不过《虎胆龙威2》的制作成本却是7000万美元,宣发加起来接近一亿美元。即使海外票房不错,《虎胆龙威2》也没有赚什么钱。 But «Hot Shots» has the Eric 30% investments, but Fox definitely takes the big end, in addition overseas release as well as following recording tape peripheral, this will do the movie to bring the 100 million USD above profit wickedly with ease. 而《反斗神鹰》虽然有艾瑞克30%的投资,但福克斯肯定还是拿大头的,加上海外发行以及后续的录像带周边,这部恶搞电影将轻松带来一亿美元以上的利润。 Therefore, after first weekend three days of Box Office draws a charge, Fox announced the manufacture plan of sequel immediately. 因此,首周末三天票房出炉之后,福克斯当即宣布了续集的制作计划。 While Fox is wild with joy, Hollywood colleague has mixed feelings, originally «Ghost Searching» Box Office is not ideal, they also think that this can be the Eric first Waterloo. But the «Hot Shots» result makes all people be startled. 福克斯欣喜若狂的同时,好莱坞同行的心情却颇为复杂,原本《鬼探》的票房不理想,他们还以为这会是艾瑞克的第一次滑铁卢。但《反斗神鹰》的成绩跟着就让所有人大吃了一惊。 Investigated in detail. Some people discovered quickly majority of investments of «Ghost Searching» from good line Film Studio alone | sets up Production Studio, good line Film Studio. Hears this name, most people as if understood anything, associates to Eric again in the first half of the year suddenly tenable Black Ant Film Studio, they realized, Firefly was very possible has the problem. 详细地调查了一番。有人很快发现《鬼探》的大部分投资都是来自一家名叫好线电影公司的独丨立制作公司,好线电影公司。听到这个名字,大部分人似乎都明白了什么,再联想到艾瑞克在上半年突然成立的黑蚂蚁电影公司,他们意识到,萤火虫内部很可能是出现问题了。 However, Eric actually again had not made recently time for serveral days the matter in care movie, on the eve of Thanksgiving, the multi- Country Allied armies' 600,000 armies after Middle East deploys completely, quickly to the Saddam government has issued the ultimatum, requesting Saddam to withdraw from Iraq before January 15, 1991. 但是,艾瑞克最近这些天却没有再腾出时间关心电影方面的事情,感恩节前夕,多国联军在中东的600000大军全部部署完毕之后,很快向萨达姆政府发出了最后通牒,要求萨达姆在1991年1月15日之前撤出伊拉克。 But Saddam gives the union immediately ** extremely strong response, indicated that wants to fight to the end. 但萨达姆当即就给予联合**极其强硬的回应,表示要‘抗争到底’。 After the news disclosed that the crude oil Pe­tro­leum market started the new round shake. 消息透露之后,原油期货市场又开始了新的一轮震荡。 In memory Persian Gulf War in the ultimatum sent out two days later on January 17 to erupt, Eric believes that even if this butterflies stirred up certain things, this time will not miss are too many. 记忆中海湾战争是在最后通牒发出两天之后的1月17日爆发的,艾瑞克相信,即使他这只小蝴蝶煽动了某些东西,这个时间也不会差太多。 To no longer bring to the attention of too many person, this Eric has not flown to New York again, but was Chris catches up with Los Angeles. 为了不再引起太多人的注意,这一次艾瑞克没有再飞往纽约,而是克里斯赶来了洛杉矶 With previous most people does not think that Iraq will use force to be the same against Kuwait, this time, the speculator is partial after as before the war breaks out, before United States two wars time consuming, this situation in the event, then the crude price will rise dramatically once more, therefore after the ultimatum sends out, the speculator started to establish the massive cash. 和上一次大部分人都不认为伊拉克会对科威特动武一样,这一次,投机者依旧偏向于战争爆发之后,会像美国的前两次战争那样旷日持久,这种情况一旦发生,那么原油价格将再次飙升,因此在最后通牒发出之后,投机者已经开始建立大量多头头寸。 Facing Eric different from being expected to fall viewpoint of average man, Chris this time too had not questioned, but this time situation and before August, has very big discrepancies, in August, the crude price is the slow rise, when Iraq invades Kuwait, suddenly rose dramatically 40 USD top digits. 面对艾瑞克异与常人的看跌观点,克里斯这次并没有太多质疑,不过这次的情况与八月份之前也有很大的出入,八月份之前,原油价格一直是缓慢上升,等到伊拉克入侵科威特,才猛然飙升到了40美元高位。 But now, facing war of being ready to be set off, the crude oil Pe­tro­leum market will become the wave will deceive Yun Gui to be unpredictable, erupts to the war from the present also has is two months, in this period any sensitive information that the Western country or the Saddam government will issue, may cause the crude price will rise sharply or drops sharply, will use the original ten times of release levers to be no different to do again. 但现在,面对一触即发的战争,原油期货市场将变得更加波谲云诡变幻莫测,从现在到战争爆发还有长达两个月时间,期间无论是西方国家还是萨达姆政府发布的任何一条敏感信息,都可能导致原油价格的大涨或者大跌,再采用原先的十倍杠杆无异于作死。 After discussing, they unanimously decided that utilized 2 billion USD fund to use the quite safe five times of release levers, the surplus funds served as the preparation earnest money. 商议一番之后,两人一致决定动用20亿美元资金采用比较保险的五倍杠杆,剩余的资金用作预备保证金。 At the same time, this can maximum limit reduce the risk, but on the other hand, Eric wants to invest actually the complete fund, but the scale of Pe­tro­leum market so is big, five times of release levers haunched 10 billion USD funds are the limits. If several 1 billion USD all high release levers invest, could not find is several 10 billion USD makes the guarantee the bank. 一方面,这样可以最大限度地降低风险,而另外一方面,艾瑞克倒是想将全部资金都投入进去,但期货市场的规模就那么大,五倍杠杆撑起100亿美元资金已经是极限了。如果几十亿美元全部高杠杆投入进去,根本就找不到为几百亿美元做担保的银行。 Chris waited for two days quickly to leave in Los Angeles, Eric also thoroughly placed on the thoughts the most important that matter. Even if when with Drew that small girl Thanksgiving, Eric has not stopped the related deployment. 克里斯洛杉矶待了两天就很快离开了,艾瑞克也将心思彻底放在最重要的那件事上面。即使是在与德鲁那个小妮子感恩节的时候,艾瑞克都没有停下来相关的部署。 Although federal government legal Thanksgiving vacation, only then a day, but the usual each company has had a vacation from Thanksgiving Thursday next week of Monday. Firefly is no exception, 1990 Thanksgiving on November 22. 虽然联邦政府法定的感恩节假期只有一天,不过通常各个公司都会从感恩节的周四一直放假到下一周的周一。萤火虫也不例外,1990年的感恩节在11月22日。 On November 26, on Monday. 11月26日,周一。 Because November 22 and 23 screening of several new pieces, the second weekend, the «Rocky 5» Box Office decline ranges reached as high as 55%, could not only receive 7 million Box Office, but the «Ghost Searching» decline range also approached 50%, this invests the 40 million movie likely to lose money, actually «Hot Shots» under the converging attack of several new pieces, the second week weekend three days has taken 16 million Box Office as before, total Box Office has achieved 4 more than 7 million. 因为11月22日和23日几部新片的上映,第二个周末,《洛奇5》票房跌幅高达55%,只收不到700万票房,而《鬼探》的跌幅也接近50%,这部投资4000万的电影很可能会亏损,倒是《反斗神鹰》在几部新片的夹击下,第二周周末三天依旧拿下了1600万票房,总票房已经达到了4700多万 On this day is just the Firefly year's end conference, very early in the morning rushes to the company, Robert Shay keenly realized that atmosphere some of company do not suit, he also thinks that this is the people to his taunt of this «Ghost Searching» Box Office failure, therefore also found an excuse toward a staff member sends passed the temperament. 这一天刚好是萤火虫的年终会议,一大早赶到公司,罗伯特.谢伊就敏锐地意识到公司的气氛有些不对劲,他还以为这是众人对他这部《鬼探》票房失败的嘲讽,因此还借故朝一位职员发了通脾气。 Nine o'clock, after all people arrive in full, the conference formally starts.( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 九点钟,当所有人到齐之后,会议正式开始。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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