IAIH :: Volume #4

#386: Was too anxious

Eric thinks one and Connelly sex scandal in oneself and in situation of Connelly not positive response, will vanish after a period of time into thin air, but he by far had actually underestimated own influence and media as well as public's curious degree to this matter, emit him and Connelly along with «New York Post» in the Fox Headquarters intimate photo later, for several days, he and Connelly have become the focal point of massive paparazzi chase, on various tabloid newspaper also successively presents various making groundless accusations gossip. ●⌒ 艾瑞克以为自己和康纳利绯闻会在自己和康纳利都不积极回应的情况下,过一段时间就会烟消云散,但他却远远低估了自己的影响力和媒体以及公众对此事的好奇程度,随着《纽约邮报》放出他和康纳利福克斯总部的亲密照之后,短短几天,他和康纳利都成了大量狗仔追逐的焦点,各种小报上也陆续出现各种各样捕风捉影的八卦。●⌒ That side Fox naturally is secretly secretly happy, although they do not go too far, in order to avoid gets into a deadlock with Eric that dares to write, but cannot prevent other media to report to this matter groundlessly wantonly, but final two weeks of Fox before screening, also thoroughly places on the propaganda of «Hot Shots» Jennifer Connelly with emphasis, cascade effect that because this sex scandal brings, «Hot Shots» propaganda effect not only compared with anticipated is much better, even has also saved many propaganda budget. 福克斯那边当然是暗自偷乐,他们虽然不敢自己写的太过火以免与艾瑞克闹僵,但并不能阻止其他媒体捕风捉影地对这件事大肆报道,而福克斯在上映前的最后两周,也将《反斗神鹰》的宣传重点也彻底放在詹妮弗.康纳利身上,因为这则绯闻带来的连带效应,《反斗神鹰》的宣传效果不但比预期要好很多,甚至还节省了不少宣传预算。 Facing tagging along after of massive paparazzi, Eric when strengthening own security, starts to anticipate the coming of media monopoly time. 面对大量狗仔的尾随,艾瑞克在加强了自身安保之余,也开始期待媒体垄断时代的到来。 The United States media channel of this age is quite scattered, native almost over 50 the media companies in various platforms, therefore the information dissemination is quite free. But when ten years later, the media profession of United States after the massive merger and acquisition conformity, the information dissemination channel surpasses 90% to grasp in six big media group hands. At that time, so long as he had enough right to speak in Hollywood, the minor matter that this receive paparazzi harassment did not even need him to open the mouth, some people will be solved. 这个年代的美国媒体渠道相当分散,本土差不多有超过50家各种平台的媒体公司,因此信息传播相当自由。但等到十年之后,美国的传媒行业经过大量的并购整合,信息传播渠道超过九成都掌握在六大传媒集团手中。那个时候,只要他在好莱坞有足够的话语权,这种受到狗仔骚扰的小事甚至不用他自己开口,就会有人解决掉。 Also planned before Joanna returns Poland visits relatives has lived in woman there accompanies her, but comes under the influence of this matter, in addition at the end of the year also has a more important matter to do. It is not willing to regenerate Eric of knottiness also to under woman's small complaint. Has moved to Beverly Hills in his mansion. 原本还打算在乔安娜回波兰探亲之前一直居住在女人那里陪她,但受到这件事的影响,再加上年底还有更重要的事情要做。不愿再生枝节的艾瑞克也不得不在女人的小埋怨下。搬到了贝弗利山他自己的豪宅里。 Enters in November. Eric starts to pursue Robert Shay makes the final preparation, most recent several weeks of November, he has conducted several party in the Beverly mansion continuously, invitation all levels of management as well as the staff of Firefly makes the friendly contacts. Meanwhile, Eric also with the Robert Shay assistant Michael Lynn private talk several times. 进入十一月份。艾瑞克开始为驱逐罗伯特.谢伊做最后的准备,在十一月的前几周,他在贝弗利豪宅内连续举办了好几次派对,邀请的萤火虫的各级管理层以及员工联络感情。同时,艾瑞克也与罗伯特.谢伊的副手迈克尔.林恩密谈了几次。 In the first half of the year after the supervised manufacture ends «Basic Instinct», Jeffrey also prepares to rest for a half year in the farm of Maryland, will wait for next year the Eric «Twister» project starts makes a fresh start to work again. However knew after plan of Eric, Jeffrey hurried back Los Angeles. The plan after Eric starts assists him to stabilize the Firefly situation. 上半年监制完《本能》之后,杰弗里还准备在马里兰的农场休息半年,等明年艾瑞克的《龙卷风》项目启动再重新开始工作。不过得知艾瑞克的计划之后,杰弗里还是匆匆返回了洛杉矶。打算在艾瑞克发动之后协助他稳定萤火虫的局势。 Jeffrey does not have what family member in Los Angeles, flies the Los Angeles airplane 7 : 30 pm to arrive on the evening of November 13 from east coast Maryland, Eric greets at the airport personally, in the picking hall, Jeffrey draws a company transport box to appear in front of Eric, warm hugged with Eric, gives the suitcase with the bodyguard who Eric comes together, they walk shoulder to shoulder outward. 杰弗里洛杉矶并没有什么亲人,从东海岸马里兰州飞到洛杉矶的飞机在11月13号晚上七点半到达,艾瑞克亲自到机场去迎接,接机大厅里,杰弗里拉着一个小行李箱出现在艾瑞克面前,热情的与艾瑞克拥抱了下,将行李箱交给与艾瑞克一起来的保镖,两人并肩向外走去。 Looks at you such alone appearance, but also is really feeling sad, Jeffrey. Perhaps you should look for a companion again.” “看你这么孤零零的样子,还真是让人心酸,杰弗里。或许你应该再找个伴儿。” I may not have this thoughts, Chris unable to accept.” Jeffrey shook the head, quick also with a smile said: You recently straightened up in newspaper actually lively, another Jennifer, hehe.” “我可没有这种心思,克里斯也不太会接受。”杰弗里摇了摇头,很快又笑着说道:“倒是你这些日子在报纸上挺热闹的,又一个詹妮弗,呵呵。” Is Fox plan that to propagandize «Hot Shots» makes, I thought that anything, has not tacitly approved at the worst, has not thought that will have such tremendous influence.” “是福克斯为了宣传《反斗神鹰》做出来的方案,我觉得没什么大不了的,就默认了,没想到会造成这么大的影响。” Jeffrey also said: I thought that this girl does not have Aniston to have the spiritual energy, was too finer.” 杰弗里又道:“不过我觉得这个女孩子没有安妮斯顿有灵气,太精致了些。” Although Aniston initially liked being noisier the small temper before him, that was also the girl makes it so facing spouse's disposition, but little girl way one treats people actually must ask for happy many compared with Drew that small girl, although has been together few times, Aniston was deep the affection of Jeffrey. 安妮斯顿当初虽然喜欢在他面前闹些小性子,那也是女孩子面对爱人的性格使然,不过小丨妞待人接物却比德鲁小妮子要讨喜的多,虽然只是相处过寥寥几次,安妮斯顿却深得杰弗里的喜爱。 Eric cannot bear sigh, Aniston’s broker contract as in Kapoor there, therefore Eric can obtain the little girl recent situation at any time. 艾瑞克忍不住叹了口气,安妮斯顿的经纪合约依旧在卡普尔那里,因此艾瑞克可以随时得到小丨妞的近况。 Since bids good-bye after at the beginning of the year, Aniston as if turned into the enterprise woman, has put at the performance wholeheartedly, the 《Friends》 second quarter present has broadcast the larger part, the average reception population surpasses the 20 million result as before bright eye. 自从年初分手之后,安妮斯顿似乎变成了事业型女人,一心扑在了表演上,《老友记》的第二季现在已经播出了一大半,平均收视人数超过2000万的成绩依旧亮眼。 In addition, Aniston has also met two movies, being a guest performer of five minutes of presence time, screens in the summer files, the result is good. Another is the love comedy, screens the time in the Christmas day, Eric accidentally has watched a preview on the television, the Warner product, with Matt. Dillon cooperates, is in a memory absolutely does not have the movie of any impression, should be the result of butterfly effect. 除此之外,安妮斯顿还接了两部电影,一部只有五分钟出场时间的客串,在暑期档上映,成绩还算不错。另外一部属于爱情喜剧,上映时期在圣诞节,艾瑞克偶然在电视上看过一次预告片,华纳出品,与马特.狄龙合作,是一部记忆中完全没有任何印象的影片,应该是蝴蝶效应的结果。 Because presented and attained the successful 《Pretty Woman》 influence last year ahead of time greatly, Hollywood were many this year many love comedies, it is estimated that after «Ghost», the proportion of this type of movie also will definitely increase in the following two years. 因为去年提前出现并大获成功的《风月俏佳人》影响,好莱坞今年多了不少爱情喜剧,估计在《人鬼情未了》之后,今后两年这种类型影片的比例肯定还会增加。 However what regrets, although Eric has been paying attention to Aniston silently, he believes little girl also in paying attention to him, otherwise when this year his 's birthday, is impossible to receive that anonymous gift, but two people quick one year had not met again. 不过遗憾的是,虽然艾瑞克一直默默地关注着安妮斯顿,他相信小丨妞也在关注着他,否则在他今年生日的时候,也不可能收到那份匿名的礼物,不过两个人已经快一年没有再见面了。 Jeffrey subconsciously did under to contrast Aniston and Connelly, notes the Eric low mood, then did not have then to say. 杰弗里只是下意识地将安妮斯顿康纳利做了下对比,注意到艾瑞克的低落情绪,便没有在接着说下去。 Followed arrives at paparazzi of airport to hold up camera, but saw together what came out with Eric was Jeffrey, but has pressed several shutters carelessly, even several are not willing to waste the film, has put down camera directly. Facing defending 45 bodyguards around Eric and Jeffrey, these paparazzi has not known the limitation to collect. 一路跟随来到机场的狗仔们本来已经举起了相机,但看到与艾瑞克一同出来的是杰弗里,只是草草地按了几下快门,甚至其中几个连胶片都不愿意浪费,直接放下了相机。面对守在艾瑞克杰弗里四周的45个保镖,这些狗仔也没有不识相地凑上来。 Escorts to board Eric and Jeffrey, besides the driver, several remaining four bodyguards rushes to following black Chevrolet. 艾瑞克杰弗里护送上车,除了司机之外,几个剩下四个保镖都奔向后面的黑色雪佛兰 „Was this too discrete?” After car starts, Jeffrey cannot bear say. “这样是不是太谨慎了?”汽车发动之后,杰弗里才忍不住说道。 Mainly prevents following these paparazzi, I was surrounded not to withdraw by them,” Eric has referred to toward the car(riage) behind, said: September time, when a Warner director takes vacation in Greece ties up | the frame, was not only extorted 1 million USD, I almost cannot live coming back, careful point always right, I but now high-risk ties up | an object, what is more serious is I do not have any family member, if tied up the people who handed over the ransom money unable to find.” “主要是防止后面那些狗仔,我一个人被他们围住就别想脱身了,”艾瑞克朝车后面指了指,又说道:“不过九月份的时候,华纳的一位董事在希腊度假时被人绑丨架,不但被勒索了一百万美金,本人差点没能活着回来,小心一点总是没错的,我现在可是高危绑丨架对象,更严重的是我没有任何亲人,要是被绑了连个递赎金的人都找不到。” Jeffrey cannot bear say with a smile: How possible, we will not manage.” 杰弗里忍不住笑道:“怎么可能,我们不会不管的。” Eric cracks a joke saying: Key is the kidnapper not necessarily knows these, perhaps after they have tied up me, the relative who suddenly the discovery may not contact with unexpectedly, killed one held for ransom directly.” 艾瑞克开玩笑道:“关键是绑匪不一定知道这些啊,说不定他们绑了我之后,突然发现竟然没有可联系的亲属,直接就撕票了。” Since this, I thought that you should marry actually earlier.” “既然这样,我觉得你倒是应该早点结婚。” This plan,” Eric had not shaken the head. “没有这种打算,”艾瑞克摇了摇头。 Jeffrey understood that the Eric temper, the life ideas of two people have very big difference, he knows that he said again anything is also useless, they were chatting at will, has arrived at Jeffrey that apartment, after getting out, Eric followed Jeffrey together: I made the person help you tidy up in the morning, but has not bought to eat, you will go to a supermarket tomorrow, should better again please a servant.” 杰弗里了解艾瑞克的性子,两个人的生活观念有很大的差异,他知道自己再说什么也没用,两人随意地聊着,一直来到杰弗里的那栋公寓,下车之后,艾瑞克杰弗里一起走了进去:“我上午让人帮你收拾了一下,不过没有买吃的,你明天自己去一趟超级市场吧,最好再请一个佣人。” Does not need any servant, I also less than 60 years old, cannot move.” “不需要什么佣人,我还不到60岁呢,又不是动不了了。” Jeffrey was saying, beckoning makes Eric sit down on the sofa, boils water to the coffee, after a while, Jeffrey has given Eric one coffee, oneself sit down another side of the sofa. 杰弗里说着,招了招手让艾瑞克在沙发上坐下,自顾自地烧水冲咖啡,过了一会儿,杰弗里将一杯咖啡递给了艾瑞克,自己在沙发另一边坐下。 Just because on the vehicle had the bystander, Jeffrey was not good to open the mouth, at this time the look seriously asked: „Did Eric, such do is too anxious?” 刚刚因为车上有外人,杰弗里不好开口,此时才神色郑重地问道:“艾瑞克,这么做是不是太急了一些?” Eric knows what Jeffrey finger is about pursuing the Robert Shay matter, shook the head: If Robert is capable of letting the Firefly rapid growth, even if he wants enough authority, I can release authority to him. But his ability is limited, actually does not control to the chase of corporate power, has been being at heart own calculating, this person is doomed to Firefly development not any advantage.” 艾瑞克知道杰弗里指的是关于驱逐罗伯特.谢伊的事情,摇了摇头:“如果罗伯特有能力让萤火虫快速发展的话,即使他想要足够的权力,我都可以放权给他。但他能力有限,对公司权力的追逐却毫无节制,心里还一直打着自己的小算盘,这种人注定对萤火虫的发展没有任何好处。” Jeffrey also said: But in his hand is grasping 25% stocks?” 杰弗里又说道:“可他手里掌握着25%的股份呢?” This point also I most worried that my prospects for development to the Firefly has enough confidence, along with growing strong of Firefly, if anything does not do, that several years later, I with the Robert contradictory pendulum to the floor, in addition the status of Robert shareholder, company of we two conflicts to the influence that will have will be bigger, therefore might as well morning a point will kick out him.” “这一点也正是我最担忧的,我对萤火虫的发展前景有足够的信心,随着萤火虫的发展壮大,如果什么都不做,那几年之后,我跟罗伯特的矛盾摆到台面上,再加上罗伯特股东的身份,我们两个的冲突对公司产生的影响会更大,所以还不如早一点把他踢出去。” It seems like you have thought that after Robert leaves, you planned that whom makes operate the rudder?” “看来你已经深思熟虑过了,罗伯特离开之后,你打算让谁来掌舵?” Michael Lynn, Robert present assistant, I had discussed several times with him, but also has promised some advantage. However I to him too many authorities, a company will not want the rapid growth, only then a sound must, like Disney such, but Time Warner is a negative example, do not look that Warner and time merged the biggest Hollywood giant, but the Time Warner present human affairs dispute becomes more complex, even affected the management of Warner, even if it had the Hollywood maximum scale, but definitely will be surpassed the past in the future.” 迈克尔.林恩,罗伯特现在的副手,我已经跟他谈过几次了,还许诺了一些好处。不过我不会给他太多权力,一家公司想要快速发展,只有一个声音是必须的,就像迪斯尼那样,而时代华纳就是一个反面例子,别看华纳与时代合并成了最大的好莱坞巨头,但时代华纳现在的人事纷争变得更加复杂,甚至影响到了华纳的经营,即使它拥有好莱坞最大的规模,但将来肯定会被超过去。” Jeffrey returns to Los Angeles three days later, on November 16, on Friday, imitated «Ghostbusters» frightened comedy «Ghost Searching» along with Metro Goldwyn Mayer «Rocky 5» and Fox «Hot Shots» as well as of Robert Shay movie-making also screens, was announcing the official arrival of Thanksgiving running schedule. 杰弗里洛杉矶三天后,11月16日,星期五,随着米高梅的《洛奇5》、福克斯的《反斗神鹰》以及罗伯特.谢伊制片的那部模仿《捉鬼敢死队》的惊悚喜剧《鬼探》同时上映,宣告着感恩节档期的正式到来。 Besides these movies, feels grateful - Christmas files one after another will have one after another also «Kindergarten Cop» that Coppola «The Godfather 3» and Schwarzenegger act the leading role , in 1987 the year Box Office champion «Three Men and a Baby» sequel and other movies screened, but «Point Break» that Kathryn Bigelow directed also decided the grade on December 21. 除了这几部影片之外,感恩-圣诞档陆续还将陆续有科波拉的《教父3》、施瓦辛格主演的《幼儿园特警》,1987年年度票房冠军《三个奶爸一个娃》续集等多部影片上映,而凯瑟琳.毕格罗执导的《惊暴点》也定档在12月21日。 What is worth mentioning is, in the original space and time this holiday running schedule should be the «Home Alone» alone lead(er) wind | the show, wrests away the Box Office list first place arbitrarily is being ten weeks of time, other completely routed of movie extrusion, because «Home Alone» has been ahead of time for two years to appear, means that belonged to «Home Alone» 200 million multi- Box Office is shared on other movies.( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 值得一提的是,原时空中这个假日档期本应该是《小鬼当家》独领风丨骚,蛮横地霸占着票房榜榜首长达十周时间,将其他影片挤压的落花流水,但因为《小鬼当家》已经提前两年出现,也就意味着原本属于《小鬼当家》的两亿票房将被分摊到其他影片身上。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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