IAIH :: Volume #4

#385: Another Jennifer

Last year planned when purchased one to have Film Studio of distribution circuit, Eric has also collected Orion Film Industry material. == such as you read this chapter, please step to / reads the latest chapter, may in the hundred degrees celsius direct search „” or „”, asks respectfully to remember our new websites. /[ Ads: Home station exchanging website, shorthand method:,] 去年打算收购一家拥有发行渠道的电影公司时,艾瑞克也收集过猎户座影业的资料。==如您已閱讀到此章节,请移步到“/”阅读最新章节,也可在百度直接搜索“”或者“”,敬请记住我们新的网址。/[ads:本站换新网址啦,速记方法:,] This Film Studio almost simultaneously established in the late 70's with Weinstein Brothers Miramax. 这家电影公司是与韦恩斯坦兄弟米拉麦克斯差不多同时在七十年代末成立的。 However compares in the Miramax continuously piece of work, the establishment of Orion Film Industry was mammoth, attracts such as Francis Coppola and Xierweisi Stallone and other large quantities of renowned film-maker to cooperate, was Orion distributes including «The Terminator» first part. 不过相比于米拉麦克斯一直小打小闹,猎户座影业的成立可谓声势浩大,吸引了诸如弗朗西斯科波拉、西尔维斯史泰龙等一大批著名电影人合作,连《终结者》的第一部都是猎户座发行。 After Orion was established, short five years have produced 18 movies, including ten movies obtained the profit, this proportion in the middle of Film Studio absolutely is very high. 猎户座成立之后,短短五年就制作了18部电影,其中有十部电影获得了盈利,这种比例在电影公司当中绝对是非常高的。 Therefore Orion Film Industry once was evaluated by the media to several big Film Studio most menacing another Hollywood players, but also has caused Viacom Summer Redstone as well as metropolis media John Kruger and the others of competitions, finally filthy rich John Kruger has taken Orion Film Industry domination by the large amount of money. 因此猎户座影业一度被媒体评为对几大电影公司最具威胁性的又一个好莱坞玩家,还引起了维亚康姆萨默雷石东以及大都会传媒的约翰克鲁格等人的争夺,最终财大气粗的约翰克鲁格以巨资拿下了猎户座影业的控制权。 But since the late 80's, Orion Film Industry condition developed rapidly after a sudden turn, consecutively for several years because of the loss of manufacture movie, caused the debt of Orion Film Industry to be getting more and more, faced the bankruptcy at all times. 但从八十年代后期开始,猎户座影业的境况就急转直下,连续几年因为制作影片的亏损,造成了猎户座影业的负债越来越多,随时面临破产。 Was good, do not taunt others, I heard that John Kruger had planned sold to petroleum big shot Marvin Davis Orion, that is Big Lord of Wealth, perhaps will stage a comeback.” “好了,你就别挖苦人家了,我听说约翰克鲁格已经打算把猎户座卖给石油大亨马文戴维斯,那可是个大金主,说不定会东山再起呢。” News when you see?” Carter asked. “你什么时候看到的消息?”卡尔塔问道。 Eric thinks that said: One week ago, a news on 《The Hollywood Reporter》.” 艾瑞克想了想,说道:“一个星期之前吧,《好莱坞报道》上的一篇新闻。” Carter said: You definitely do not know that this business already yellow, Marvin Davis bought 20th Century Fox greatly to owe in the past, unavoidablily resold to Mr. Murdoch, how possibly again to plant one time. John Kruger had planned that made Orion suspend production, I heard that the company manufactured the unit to prepare to take «The Addams Family» TV series copyright in Orion hand.” 卡尔塔说道:“那你肯定不知道,这笔生意已经黄了,马文戴维斯当年买下二十世纪福克斯就大亏一笔,不得已转卖给了默多克先生,怎么可能再栽一次。约翰克鲁格已经打算让猎户座停产了,我听说公司制作部正准备拿下猎户座手中的《亚当斯一家电视剧版权。” Eric shrugs: Lets him do what he pleases, we discussed our.” 艾瑞克只是耸耸肩:“管他呢,我们还是谈我们的吧。” „...... Carter nods about the second plan, will say that suddenly earnestly is looking at Eric. Said: Eric, I suddenly want to understand something, since «Dances with Wolves» copyright in your hand, Liz plays the temper to take this movie. Should be you pulls strings?” “关于第二个方案……”卡尔塔点点头,正要说下去,突然又认真地望着艾瑞克。说道:“艾瑞克,我突然想明白了一些事情,既然《与狼共舞》的版权在你手上,莉兹耍性子拿下这部电影。应该是你指使的吧?” Yes,” Eric had not denied. “是的,”艾瑞克没有否认。 Carter has hesitated, remembers the Eric consistent vision, asked: To this movie how your Box Office prospect to see, if you favor. We place next year Thanksgiving, if you want to make this movie be purely 《The Silence of the Lambs》 allow to pass through to mysterious, then screens on the Christmas day?” 卡尔塔迟疑了下,想起艾瑞克的一贯眼光,才又问道:“那你对这部电影的票房前景怎么看,如果你看好的话。我们就放在明年的感恩节,如果你纯粹是想让这部电影为《沉默的羔羊》冲奥让路的话,那就圣诞节上映?” This definitely is one has the potential to attack the Oscar best picture the movie, I only saw these, as for Box Office, I do not have what clue, but should not be bad,” Eric lets go to tell the facts. “这绝对是一部有潜力冲击奥斯卡最佳影片的电影,我只看出了这些,至于票房,我是真的没有什么头绪,不过应该不会太差吧,”艾瑞克摊手实话实说道。 Since this,” Carter sees the Box Office prospect not any energy of Eric to this movie, said: That defers to the 《Rain Man》 release strategy. Places in December, because is the Christmas files, Film Studio of this theme are most can only put out 1000 silver screens, but on announcement we definitely will do compared with Orion is much better.” “既然这样,”卡尔塔看出艾瑞克对这部电影的票房前景没有任何底气,才说道:“那就按照《雨人》的发行策略吧。放在12月份,不过因为是圣诞档,这种题材的电影公司最多只能拿出1000块银幕,但宣发上我们肯定会比猎户座做的要好很多。” Spent for several hours to discuss a concrete cooperation detail, Eric sent out the office building time, Carter asked: Eric, although such asked some standpoint questions, but I was very curious, since you have taken copyright of this movie, why didn't make the release?” 花了几个小时时间商讨了一番具体的合作细节,将艾瑞克送出办公楼的时候,卡尔塔才问道:“艾瑞克,虽然这么问立场有些问题,不过我还是很好奇,既然你拿下了这部电影的版权,为什么不自己做发行呢?” Eric said reluctantly: You thought that Liz will be resigned to send with no reason at all slightly insane. Also incurred a Princess Fox nickname to come back? This is condition that we initially reached an agreement, copyright turns over to me, the release turns over to Fox, that little girl like only small hamster. Any thing wants to delimit toward own nest.” 艾瑞克无奈地说道:“你觉得莉兹会甘心无缘无故地去发小疯。还招了一个福克斯公主的绰号回来吗?这是我们当初商量好的条件,版权归我,发行归福克斯,那小丨妞就像只的小仓鼠。什么东西都想往自己窝里划拉。” Carter haha has smiled: This is natural, she after all is the daughter of Murdoch family.” 卡尔塔哈哈笑了起来:“这是理所当然的,她毕竟是默多克家族的女儿。” After Jennifer Connelly completes «Hot Shots» so-called dubbing, in the morning left, because has not been the rush hour, Eric has not returned to the Joanna villa directly, but went to Burbank, has processed some official business in the office. Leaves in the rush hour. 詹妮弗康纳利上午做完《反斗神鹰》所谓的配音之后就离开了,因为还没有到下班时间,艾瑞克并没有直接返回乔安娜的别墅,而是去了伯班克,在办公室里处理了一些公务。才在下班时间离开。 Next day, is not accidental, on «New York Post» presented him and Jennifer Connelly sex scandal reported when the article knows the limitation very much has not thrown the picture to Eric bosom with Connelly, when chose a girl to pull him to enter the Fox office building picture affectionate, in this case, two people , if not willing to acknowledge, can assert that was the good friend relates, among the good friends pulled the arm not to have anything mutually, believed as you like. 第二天,毫无意外,《纽约邮报》上出现了他和詹妮弗康纳利绯闻报道,文章很识相地没有用康纳利扑到艾瑞克怀里时的照片,只是选择了一张女郎亲昵地挽着他走进福克斯办公楼时的照片,这样的话,两个人如果不愿意承认,也可以硬说是好朋友关系,好朋友之间相互挽一下胳膊也没什么吧,信不信随你。 Besides that Williams another Jennifer some title dim daylight | dark beside, the content of article quite restrains, has confessed Eric and Jennifer Aniston’s past events, narrated the personal history that a Jennifer Connelly child star was born in detail, as for two people's relations, report use also completely was a guess expression. 除了那个‘威廉姆斯的又一个詹妮弗’标题有些暧丨昧之外,文章的内容相当收敛,将艾瑞克詹妮弗安妮斯顿的往事交代了一遍,又详细地叙述了一番詹妮弗康纳利童星出生的履历,至于两个人的关系,报道使用的也完全是一种猜测语气。 After several synopses, the news starts «Hot Shots» that changed Jennifer Connelly to participate performance recently, actually pondered over under slightly, most people will discover that this was one propagandizes the soft article, but mixed with the sex scandal propaganda soft article is one theme that the reader loved, even if many person eyes saw that the confidence level of news was not high, but also always compared these give an exaggerated account of things movie criticism to attract the attention. 几段简介之后,新闻开始转向了詹妮弗康纳利最近参演的《反斗神鹰》,其实稍微琢磨下,大部分人都会发现这是一篇宣传软文,不过夹杂了绯闻的宣传软文偏偏是读者喜闻乐见的一种题材,即使很多人一眼就看出新闻的可信度不高,但也总比那些天花乱坠的影评要吸引眼球。 Many movies in the propaganda, will use this method, but these majority of uses is sex scandal between male & female leads, but this time, «Hot Shots» has actually used sex scandal that between young Director Eric Williams Heroine and Hollywood wielded great power with great arrogance to carry on the hype. 很多电影在宣传的时候,都会采用这种方法,不过那些大部分使用的都是男女主角之间的绯闻,但这一次,《反斗神鹰》却使用了女主角好莱坞炙手可热的年轻导演艾瑞克威廉姆斯之间的绯闻进行炒作。 As for «Hot Shots» actor Charlie Sheen, because although participated several years ago «Platoon», reluctantly is a actor, but by far cannot compare with the Eric influence. 至于《反斗神鹰》的男主角查理辛,虽然因为参与了几年前的《野战排》,也勉强算是准一线男星,但与艾瑞克的影响力还是远远不能比的。 Although Charlie Sheen is also Hollywood famous playboy, if carries on an operation with him and Heroine sex scandal, definitely can also attract the suitable attention, but considers the relations of Connelly and Eric, even if some people say, will distribute the side not to brave to enrage the Eric risk such to do, after all, the Eric present status may not only be Director, let alone Jennifer Connelly definitely will not coordinate. 虽然查理辛也是好莱坞著名的花花公子,如果用他和女主角绯闻进行一番操作,肯定也能吸引相当的眼球,但考虑到康纳利艾瑞克的关系,即使有人提出来,发行方也不会冒着触怒艾瑞克的风险去这么做,毕竟,艾瑞克现在的身份可不仅仅是一个导演,更何况詹妮弗康纳利也肯定不会配合。 Eric does not care to this report, after several women see actually, telephones to probe, since bids good-bye after Aniston, Eric had not determined the official girlfriend, several women are certainly impossible not to have any idea, but probed Eric to be perfunctory regarding this type completely, he absolutely did not have this idea.( To be continued.) xh118 艾瑞克对这篇报道并不是太在意,倒是几个女人看到之后,纷纷打电话过来进行试探,自从与安妮斯顿分手之后,艾瑞克一直没有确定正式女友,几个女人当然不可能没有任何想法,不过对于这种试探艾瑞克全部都敷衍了过去,他根本就没有这种想法。(未完待续。)xh118 ... ...
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