IAIH :: Volume #4

#384: Preview

The «Dances with Wolves» film length is 236 minutes, nearly four hours, a morning definitely will unable to look, Eric and Fox release managers as well as several field well-known film critic looked together first two hours, after having had the lunch, the following two hours will look. 与狼共舞》的片长为236分钟,将近四个小时,一上午肯定是看不完的,艾瑞克福克斯的发行主管以及数位业界知名影评人一起看了前两个小时,吃过午餐之后,才又将接下来两个小时看完。 Eric previous life has not watched this movie, is only in the investigation, the original works that carelessly published looked, at this time watches this is four hours of movie, Eric not like the Fox release personnel, when watches the movie, what release strategy will think deeply about this movie to use subconsciously, propaganda where waits. 艾瑞克前世并没有看过这部电影,只是在调查的时候,草草地将已经出版的原著看了一遍,此时观看这部长达四个小时的电影,艾瑞克并不像福克斯的发行人员那样,在观看电影的时候,会下意识思索这部电影应该使用什么样的发行策略,宣传点在什么地方等等。 Because of the total involvement investment plot, Eric receives the invitation film critic same to look with these with great interest. 因为全身心的投入剧情,艾瑞克和那些受到邀请的影评人一样看的津津有味。 The traditional western often publicizes the Caucasian supreme heroism, the plot usually is the Caucasian in the development process, under receives the native evil forces to oppress the revolt and conquering. 传统的西部片往往宣扬白人至上的英雄主义,情节通常是白人在开拓过程中,受到本土邪恶势力压迫之下的反抗与征服。 But «Dances with Wolves» is actually complete doing exactly the opposite. 但《与狼共舞》却是完全的反其道而行之。 Movie leading character First Lieutenant Dunbar in war, because disabled and to war the confusedness , under lost all interest in life has chosen committing suicide, after being revived, instead the mistake arising out of chance circumstances was regarded the hero, began this subversion to the setting of satire, has been doomed the movie main key unusual principle, treason and heresy hired oneself Indian behavior to set the foreshadowing for First Lieutenant Dunbar in the movie finally. 影片主人公邓巴中尉在战争中因为伤残和对战争的迷茫,了无生趣之下选择了自尽,被救活之后,反而阴差阳错地被当成了英雄,开场这种颠覆到讽刺的设定,也就注定了电影基调的不寻常理,为邓巴中尉在影片最后‘大逆不道’地投靠了印第安人这种行为埋下了伏笔。 After the injury restores, First Lieutenant Dunbar was dispatched a far away gate house that the Indian community borders on guards, this thinks to meet on the tranquil gentle life. 伤势恢复之后,邓巴中尉被派往与印第安人居住区接壤的一个偏远哨所驻守,本以为会过上宁静平和的生活。 But lives in nearby Sioux Tribe several children's one time steals the horse dealer is, has contacted with this Indian Tribes First Lieutenant Dunbar. Afterward, First Lieutenant Dunbar rescued the standing fist dance accidentally, returned to Sioux Tribe it. Started the contact of both sides, afterward places probe, places interact, jerky exchanges, along with passing of time. Both sides have created sincere friendship finally, First Lieutenant Dunbar also and wander about destitute to the Sioux Tribe Caucasian female standing fist dance fall in love and unify. 但居住在附近的苏族部落几个孩子的一次偷马行为,将邓巴中尉与这个印第安部落之间联系了起来。随后,邓巴中尉意外地救下了站立拳舞,将其送回苏族部落。开始了双方的接触,随后一次次地试探,一次次地互动,一次次生涩的交流,随着时间的流逝。双方终于建立了真诚的友谊,邓巴中尉还与流落到苏族部落的白人女子站立拳舞相爱并结合。 Director has used the massive detail descriptions in this process, but these scene seem like the light scene do not make people feel long, in situation that because instead frequently both sides do not pass in the spoken language that jerky interaction, but understanding smile. 导演在这个过程中使用了大量的细节描写,但这些镜头看似平淡的镜头却一点也不让人感觉冗长,反而经常因为双方在言语不通的情况下那种生涩的互动而会心微笑。 After standing fist dance marries, First Lieutenant Dunbar is just about thoroughly to move to the Sioux Tribe housing, when he returns to the gate house to pick up the baggage. Actually discovered that there has been stationed in one team of soldiers once more. 与站立拳舞结婚之后,邓巴中尉正要彻底搬到苏族部落居住,当他回到哨所去取行李时。却发现那里已经再次驻扎了一队士兵。 But after noting to wear the Indian to dress up First Lieutenant Dunbar who appears, this team of Caucasian soldiers at a promiscuous manner to him open fire, the Caucasian soldier who in the bone feels self-important does not pay attention to First Lieutenant Dunbar's defense to the Sioux person, instead regarded the rebel one to beat mercilessly him, then sent under custody to nearby fort stands trial. 而注意到身着印第安人装扮的邓巴中尉出现之后,这队白人士兵不分青红皂白地就对他开枪射击,骨子里骄傲自大的白人士兵丝毫不理会邓巴中尉对苏族人的辩护,反而将他当成了叛徒一顿毒打,然后押送到附近的要塞受审。 In sending under custody process. The Sioux person has killed this team of soldiers, has saved First Lieutenant Dunbar. 在押送过程中。苏族人杀死了这队士兵,将邓巴中尉救了出来。 Because to the Caucasian cruel and arrogant disappointment, First Lieutenant Dunbar changed to Dances with Wolves own name thoroughly, announced breaking off with Caucasian world, but for did not implicate the Sioux person, but First Lieutenant Dunbar also the region the standing fist dance was leaving the tribe. 因为对白人残暴和自大的失望,邓巴中尉将自己的名字彻底改成了‘与狼共舞’,宣布与白人世界的决裂,但为了不连累苏族人,邓巴中尉也无奈地带着站立拳舞离开了部落。 The outstanding movie has characteristics completely, that will make people unknowingly look him, even if it is four hours. But even if the rotten piece has 90 minutes. Also will often make the person have one type to leave the impulsion of field ahead of time. 优秀的电影全部都拥有一个特征,那就是会让人不知不觉中将其看完,即使它长达四个小时。而烂片哪怕只有90分钟。也往往会让人产生一种提前离场的冲动。 The «Dances with Wolves» style is simple and honorable and fresh, the scene are unadorned, the detail also is extremely richly influential. Let the person unknowingly sink. 与狼共舞》的风格淳朴而清新,镜头朴实无华,细节丰富又极富感染力。让人不知不觉沉入其中。 The future age of the Internet, Oscar comes under the influence of film critic to be big immediately, if had not been obtained including the Oscar nomination by the film critic movie respectable, that Oscar credibility definitely will be questioned. Therefore the Oscar appraisal committee before the voting, often can nominate the movie in film critic there reputation as the important basis. 无论是当下还是将来的互联网时代,奥斯卡受到影评人的影响都非常大,如果一部被影评人推崇备至地电影连奥斯卡提名都没有得到,那奥斯卡的公信力肯定会受到质疑。所以奥斯卡评委会在投票之前,往往会以提名电影在影评人那里的口碑作为重要依据。 Therefore, any movie , to attack Oscar. First must do is to the film critic public relations. 因此,任何电影如果想要冲击奥斯卡。首先要做的就是对影评人的公关。 After showing, film critic that was invited almost expressed very high appraisal to this movie. Packs off this group of people, Fox the several management of issue department held a brief small meeting. Carter starts to discuss the release detail about «Dances with Wolves» with Eric. 放映过后,被邀请来的影评人几乎都对这部电影表示出了很高的评价。将这群人送走,福克斯的发行部的几位高管又开了一场简短的小会。卡尔塔才开始与艾瑞克商议关于《与狼共舞》的发行细节。 Eric, although the appraisal of film critic to this movie was very just high, when long after all is the biggest mechanical damage, many institute lines are too not willing to show this long movie. Therefore we discussed approximately two plans, during one type is next year Easter screens, such Fox can arrange 1500 silver screens, if the Box Office trend is good, but can also increase, naturally, this definitely does not tally to the mysterious piece release strategy, but can maximum limit stimulate the Box Office potential of this movie.” 艾瑞克,虽然刚刚影评人对这部电影的评价很高,但时长毕竟是最大的硬伤,很多院线都不太愿意放映这种漫长的电影。所以我们大致商议出了两种方案,一种是明年复活节期间上映,这样福克斯可以安排出1500块银幕,如果票房走势良好的话,还可以增加,当然,这样的话肯定不符合冲奥片的发行策略,但可以最大限度地激发这部电影的票房潜力。” Although in the memory this movie has taken the best picture and best Director, how Eric truly does not know Box Office of this movie, but Oscar now also has not tended young audiences, the review these years Oscar best picture, such as «Driving Miss Daisy», 《Rain Man》 as well as «Platoon» wait/etc. had attained very high North America Box Office. 虽然记忆中这部电影拿下了最佳影片和最佳导演,艾瑞克确实不知道这部电影的票房到底如何,但是奥斯卡现在还没有趋于小众化,回顾这几年的奥斯卡最佳影片,诸如《为黛西小姐开车》、《雨人》以及《野战排》等等都拿到了非常高的北美票房 Therefore «Dances with Wolves» walks typically distributes the strategy to Ao Pian sure right, worst after attaining best picture, can earn more benefits through the recording tape income. If places Easter to screen next year, although can attain more canvas, when at the end of the year Oscar public relations time, even if «Dances with Wolves» the reputation is as before strong, the influence and propaganda momentum definitely compares these movies that the end of last year did not show, even if can attain Oscar as before, but the Box Office rebound dividend after Oscar definitely could not enjoy. 所以《与狼共舞》走典型的冲奥片发行策略肯定没错,最不济在拿到最佳影片之后,也能够通过录像带收益赚取更多的利益。而如果放在明年复活节上映,虽然可以拿到更多的画布,等到年底奥斯卡公关的时候,《与狼共舞》即使口碑依旧坚挺,影响力和宣传声势肯定比不上年底上映的那些电影,哪怕依旧能拿到奥斯卡,但奥斯卡后的票房反弹红利肯定就享受不到了。 Therefore, Eric shook the head directly, said: Carter, said the second plan.” 因此,艾瑞克直接摇了摇头,说道:“卡尔塔,还是说第二种方案吧。” „The second type according to flushing the strategy of mysterious piece, places will screen at the end of next year, such words, your investment needed the recompression next year, I heard that Liz took this movie to spend 30 million......” “第二种就是按照冲奥片的策略,放在明年年底上映,不过这样的话,你的这笔投资就要再压下一年时间了,我听说莉兹拿下这部电影花了3000万……” Carter was saying was saying, remembers the Eric present net worth, shook the head with a smile: Good, you definitely do not care about this sum of money, that said that the second plan, will place this movie will screen at the end of next year, but cannot adopt the Orion hairstyle strategy originally. They will be fooled the time to place on November 9, feels looks like acts sloppily, at sixes and sevens that always, the release of Orion makes. However thinks that the Orion present situation can also understand, they have been losing money for these years, therefore any opportunity of profit is not willing to miss, but not only wants to attack Oscar, does not want to give up two months of holiday files ticket warehouses, this appeared too greedy, does not think that the competition of holiday files was so fierce, if this movie show times linked two months of holiday files unable to support, but how also enjoyed the Box Office dividend after Oscar prize.” ( to be continued ) 卡尔塔说着说着,想起艾瑞克现在的身家,笑着摇了摇头:“好吧,你肯定不在乎这笔钱,那就说第二种方案吧,将这部电影放在明年年底上映,不过也不能采取猎户座原本的发型策略了。他们将上档时间放在11月9号,感觉就像是胡来,呵,猎户座的发行做的一向乱七八糟的。不过想想猎户座现在的处境也可以理解,他们这几年一直在亏损,所以任何盈利的机会都不愿意错过,但既想要冲击奥斯卡,又不想放弃两个月的假日档票仓,这就显得太贪心了,也不想想假日档的竞争这么激烈,万一这部电影放映时间连两个月的假日档都撑不过去,还怎么享受奥斯卡奖后的票房红利。”(未完待续)
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