IAIH :: Volume #4

#383: Being not to a precedent

However Eric has not accepted the request of Fox throughout, «Hot Shots» this project is only he for Connelly choice the work of working as a volunteer, besides the investment, he has not participated in any producuction process from beginning to end, therefore is impossible to make Fox use own given name to create the propaganda rashly. 不过艾瑞克始终都没有答应福克斯的要求,《反斗神鹰》这个项目只是他为康纳利挑选的玩票之作,除了投资之外,他自始至终都没有参与过任何制作过程,因此也不可能冒然让福克斯使用自己的名号去做宣传。 Now looks like, Fox is not obviously willingly, hit other evil ideas, he can affirm that tomorrow on newspaper will definitely have him and Jennifer Connelly sex scandal explodes, in addition Connelly was «Hot Shots» Heroine, circled slightly several, Fox can relates him and «Hot Shots». 现在看来,福克斯显然不甘心,又打起了其他歪主意,他敢肯定,明天报纸上肯定有他和詹妮弗康纳利绯闻爆出来,再加上康纳利是《反斗神鹰》的女主角,稍微绕几下,福克斯就可以将他和《反斗神鹰》联系起来。 They enter the elevator, Connelly look at Eric looking pensive to ask curiously: Eric, how?” 两人走进电梯,康纳利望着若有所思的艾瑞克好奇地问道:“艾瑞克,怎么了?” Anything,” Eric had not shaken the head, the matter that will not have discovered told Connelly. “没什么,”艾瑞克摇了摇头,没有将自己发现的事情告诉康纳利 Two people go out of the elevator, saw that outside waited for several people, besides Elizabeth of Eric understanding, as well as already had the Fox issue department of cooperation to be in charge of the Carter Hunt, is leading the thin and tall middle-aged man of eyeglasses. 两个人走出电梯,看到外面已经等了几个人,除了艾瑞克认识的伊丽莎白,以及早就有过合作的福克斯发行部主管卡尔塔亨特外,还有一个带着眼镜的瘦高中年男子。 Eric, Carter Hunt welcomed long time no see warmly, hugged with Eric under. 艾瑞克,好久不见了,”卡尔塔亨特热情地迎了过来,与艾瑞克拥抱了下。 You somewhat were actually fat,” Eric lets loose Carter, teased one with a smile. “你倒是有些胖了,”艾瑞克放开卡尔塔,笑着调侃了一句。 Carter said reluctantly: „The pressure was too recently big, my pressure one big will put on weight, Oh was right, Liz, you knew that moreover this is «Hot Shots» Director Jim Mr. Abrahams.” 卡尔塔无奈地说道:“最近压力太大,我这个人压力一大就会发胖,对了,莉兹,你认识的,另外这位是《反斗神鹰》的导演吉姆亚伯拉罕斯先生。” Eric and Elizabeth greeted with the look, then shook hand with Jim Abrahams. 艾瑞克伊丽莎白只是用眼神打了个招呼,然后与吉姆亚伯拉罕斯握了握手。 Mr. Williams, hello, I like your movie.” Jim Abrahams appears exceptionally warm, if not the Eric recommendation, his movie is impossible so smooth shoots to come out. 威廉姆斯先生,你好,我很喜欢你的电影。”吉姆亚伯拉罕斯显得异常热情,如果不是艾瑞克推荐,他的电影不可能如此顺利的拍摄出来。 Hello, Mr. Abrahams, your movie style is also interesting.” “你好,亚伯拉罕斯先生,你的电影风格也非常有趣。” Several people stood in corridor chatted several. Abrahams on the grounds of work, bringing Connelly to leave. 几个人站在走廊里闲聊了几句。亚伯拉罕斯才以工作为由,带着康纳利离开了。 After they walk, Eric in the start to talk, has not stood in same place faint smile is looking at Carter and Elizabeth they, Carter has a guilty conscience obviously, wants to pretend calmly. But the look actually does not dare with Eric looking at each other, but cannot bear including Elizabeth will be less than half a body to hide in Carter behind. 两人走后,艾瑞克并没有在开口,站在原地似笑非笑地望着卡尔塔伊丽莎白两人,卡尔塔明显做贼心虚,想要装作若无其事。但眼神却总是不敢与艾瑞克对视,而连伊丽莎白也忍不住将小半个身子躲在卡尔塔身后。 Silent the moment, Carter has braced oneself saying: Eric, we watch the «Dances with Wolves» preview, I also invited several film critic. The other staff of issue department, they the projection room were waiting, we discussed the issuance plan while convenient.” 沉默了片刻,卡尔塔才硬着头皮说道:“艾瑞克,我们去看一下《与狼共舞》的样片吧,我还邀请了几个影评人。还有发行部的其他员工,他们都在放映室等着了,我们顺便商量一下发行计划。” «Hot Shots» is announcement you are also responsible for?” Eric opens the mouth to ask finally. “《反斗神鹰》的宣发也是你负责吧?”艾瑞克终于开口问道。 Carter has no way to install again, nodded awkwardly, with hyping Eric and Connelly sex scandal propagandizes «Hot Shots» this drop is his assistant raises, Carter thought that this idea is very good, moreover he thinks that the Eric not necessarily discovery is they operates in the back. Has not thought that the petty action has not implemented, Eric has discovered obviously. 卡尔塔没法再装下去,尴尬地点了点头,用炒作艾瑞克康纳利绯闻宣传《反斗神鹰》这个点子是他的一个助手提出来的,卡尔塔觉得这个主意很不错,而且他认为艾瑞克也不一定发现是他们在背后操作。没想到小动作还没实施出来,艾瑞克明显已经发现了。 „It is not to a precedent.” Eric said earnestly: Moreover cannot commit a footfault absolutely.” “下不为例。”艾瑞克认真地说道:“而且绝对不能过线。” Hears Eric not to make him receive hand, instead approves this plan, Carter nods to say immediately: This you can feel relieved. The reporter is «New York Post».” 听到艾瑞克没有让他收手,反而认可了这个计划,卡尔塔立刻点头道:“这个你可以放心。记者是《纽约邮报》的。” «New York Post» is the News Corp property, Eric feels relieved nods, said: You the projection room, I must say with the Liz a little private affair first.” 纽约邮报》是新闻集团的资产,艾瑞克放心地点点头,道:“你先去放映室吧,我跟莉兹有点私事要说。” Carter looked at Elizabeth, turns around to walk toward corridor another projection room. 卡尔塔看了眼伊丽莎白,转身朝走廊另一头的放映室走去。 Elizabeth as if has not heard the Eric words, hangs the head to lift the foot to leave with Carter together. Was actually seized collar by Eric, carries by the stair hall toward elevator to walk. Carter turned head to look at a girl in the situation in the Eric hand struggling, shook the head with a smile has not paid attention. Thought that this tender young lady some people can govern finally, he purchases the «Dances with Wolves» copyright inside story to Elizabeth does not know, therefore Elizabeth a while ago performance took seriously. 伊丽莎白仿佛没有听到艾瑞克的话,垂着脑袋抬脚就要跟着卡尔塔一起离开。却被艾瑞克一把揪住衣领,拎着就朝电梯旁的楼梯间走去。卡尔塔扭头看了眼女郎在艾瑞克手中挣扎的情形,笑着摇摇头并没有理会。心想这个娇小姐终于有人能治住了,他对伊丽莎白购买《与狼共舞版权的内情并不知晓,因此将伊丽莎白前段时间的‘表演’当了真。 Shoves open the stair hall heavy iron gate, two people walked, Eric stands up from failure closes the iron gate, after Bang, in the corridor falls into dimly. 推开楼梯间沉重的铁门,两个人走了进去,艾瑞克翻身就将铁门关上,砰的一声之后,楼道里陷入昏暗。 Looks to begin to catch the door knob, the girl who as if prepares to run away at any time, Eric has broken off the finger, resounds one ka ka the sound. 望着手抓门把手,似乎随时准备逃走的女郎,艾瑞克掰了掰手指,响起一阵咔咔声。 „Your you, I warned you, cannot act unreasonably, but here my family's domain, I divided the minute to make the security drive out you.” “你你你,我警告你,不许乱来,这里可是我家的地盘,我分分钟让保安把你赶出去。” Eric high and low takes a fast look around is putting on a girl of jeans wear, where seems considering to start: Plans the feeling of oneself man to be very good?” 艾瑞克上下扫视着穿着一声牛仔装的女郎,似乎在考虑从哪里下手:“算计自己男人的感觉很好是吧?” „, Who is your woman, I warned you, I already......” “啊呸,谁是你的女人,我警告你,我已经……” Changed the sex orientation, turned into the lesbian?” “已经改变了性取向,变成女同性恋了?” Elizabeth stares the big eye surprisedly: Certainly is Drew tells you, that young rebel, I already thought that she is unreliable.” 伊丽莎白惊讶地瞪大眼睛:“一定是德鲁告诉你的,那个小叛徒,我早就觉得她靠不住。” Yes, Drew added that your this is really is non-specialized to the homosexuality, she does not have to become to you homosexuality feels really very disappointed, regards the joke to tell me.” “是啊,德鲁还说你们这对同性恋真是太不专业了,她对你们没有真的成为同性恋感到非常失望,才当成笑话告诉我的。” Smiles...... Joke?” Elizabeth shows unbelievable the look, refuted: She talked nonsense, I had planned that continuously and Julia in together, ah, you cannot come.” “笑……笑话?”伊丽莎白露出难以置信地神色,反驳道:“她胡说,我已经打算一直和茱莉亚在一起了,啊呀,你不许过来。” Elizabeth loosens grasps the small hand of doorknob to support in the front, crudely had actually hauled in the bosom by the man, the small mouth was blocked quickly. Meanwhile, she felt that a Eric pair of big hand searched in own clothes to try to find out recklessly. 伊丽莎白松开握着门把的小手撑在胸前,却被男人粗暴地拉进了怀里,小嘴很快被堵上。同时,她感觉艾瑞克一双大手探进了自己的衣服里肆意地摸索着。 Resisted less than one minute, the body of girl thoroughly soft. 只是抗拒了不到一分钟,女郎的身体就彻底软了下来。 Quick, Elizabeth felt dizzy one were drawn to engage in self-examination by Eric according to the staircase gate, the staircase gate that carelessly closed exuded ka one, the door lock is embed has locked in the trough to lock on the other side thoroughly on, the jeans had been stroked crudely, both hands supported the girl complexion tide in staircase gate | red, confused | recited two to lightly, very coordinated to turn upwards slightly buttocks. 很快,伊丽莎白晕晕乎乎地感觉自己被艾瑞克拉过来反身按在楼梯门上,原本只是草草合上的楼梯门发出咔哒一声,门锁嵌进了锁槽里被彻底反锁上,牛仔裤被粗暴地捋了下去,双手撑在楼梯门上的女郎脸色潮丨红,迷丨离中轻吟了两声,很配合地微微翘起了的臀部。 A full wall thump has continued for 20 minutes, after finishing up, trousers of Eric in | with small of Elizabeth sympathized helps the girl clean up, then forced in that group small gore the pocket of girl cowboy coat, took the jeans for her, kisses on her cheek: Look, your this false female is defeated, not only does not resist the man, instead likes.” 一场酣畅淋漓的壁咚持续了20分钟,完事后艾瑞克伊丽莎白的小内丨裤体贴地帮女郎清理了一番,然后将那团小布片塞进女郎牛仔上衣的口袋里,替她提上牛仔裤,才在她脸蛋上吻了吻:“看啊,你这个伪女同是多么失败,不但不抗拒男人,反而非常喜欢。” By breathes somewhat rapid Elizabeth to hear teasing of Eric in the staircase gate as before softly, lifted the calf to kick on him weak under: Your this, the bastard, I do not like.” 依旧软软地靠在楼梯门上呼吸有些急促的伊丽莎白听到艾瑞克的调侃,抬起小腿在他身上无力地踢了下:“你这个,混蛋,我才不喜欢。” This time does not like continuing next time, we screening hall, they definitely became impatient.” “这次不喜欢下次继续,我们去放映厅吧,他们肯定等急了。” Elizabeth is swinging the head immediately: Cannot go, my this appearance definitely will be looked, how that also sees the person.” 伊丽莎白立刻摇着脑袋:“不去不去,我这个样子肯定会被看出来的,那还怎么见人。” „Do you plan?” Eric has pulled several door knobs, has not opened the staircase gate, can only lead the girl to walk toward next. “那你打算去哪?”艾瑞克扳了几下门把手,没有把楼梯门拉开,只能带着女郎向下一层走去。 „The TG's office in three buildings, I goes to there,” Elizabeth replied, responded immediately this manner is not right, the girl stretches the small face immediately: Which I go not to need you to manage.” tg的办公室就在三楼,我去那里,”伊丽莎白回答了一句,随即反应过来这态度不对啊,女郎随即绷起小脸:“我去哪不用你管。” I do not manage,” Eric is laughing in spite of trying not to shaking the head, teased: You help Carter plan my matter unable such consider as finished, on the buttocks these ten palms of the hand sooner or later unable to run away, first keeps accounts.” “那我就不管了,”艾瑞克失笑着摇摇头,又调侃道:“不过你帮着卡尔塔算计我的事情可不能这么算了,屁股上这十巴掌早晚跑不掉的,先记账上。” Narrow-minded smelly man, previous time is in front of their to hit my matter I not to do accounts with you.” “小心眼的臭男人,上次当着她们俩的面打我的事情我还没跟你算账呢。” You could rest assured that I certainly also will be next time in front of their to tidy up your.” “你放心,下次我一定还会当着她们俩的面收拾你的。” I spelled with you.” “那我就跟你拼了。” They bicker following the stair arrive downward walked one, this staircase gate gently was closed, Eric makes an effort to pull open, they walked. 两人斗着嘴顺着台阶走到往下走了一层,这一层的楼梯门只是被轻轻合上,艾瑞克用力拉开,两人走了出来。 Elizabeth snatched an elevator immediately, bringing the point to prevail the small expression to go downward, Eric shrugs, after a while, rode the elevator to arrive at just floor again, walked toward the projection room. ( to be continued ) 伊丽莎白当即抢了一台电梯,带着点得逞地小表情向下而去,艾瑞克只是耸耸肩,过了一会儿,才乘着电梯再次来到刚刚的楼层,向放映室走去。(未完待续) ... ...
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