IAIH :: Volume #4

#382: It is not the coincidence

Connects Los Angeles 101 high-speed and by 405 high-speed between more than ten kilometers Sunset Boulevard, is distributing the innumerable residential districts densely and numerously, in this period had the area to achieve several acres manor mansions, there are pushes by closely in the same place ordinary villa area, this afterward to be occupying massive Hollywood Star, but world-famous Beverly Hills village. + 连接洛杉矶101高速和405高速之间长达十多公里的日落大道两侧,密密麻麻地分布着无数住宅区,其间有面积达到数英亩的庄园式豪宅,也有紧密挤挨在一起的普通别墅区,这就是后来以居住着大量好莱坞明星而闻名世界的贝弗利山庄。+ Because approaches the end of the year, the Firefly business is complicated, for the time-saving, Eric then does not have chapter of Cliff Peak Manor, even if in the state of roads very good situation, drives also to take one hour from Burbank to Malibu. Therefore comes back after New York, the Eric majority of times live in the Beverly Hills village. 因为临近年尾,萤火虫的事务千头万绪,为了节省时间,艾瑞克便没有回尖角庄园,哪怕是路况很好的情况下,从伯班克马里布开车也需要一个多小时。因此从纽约回来之后,艾瑞克大部分时候都住在贝弗利山庄。 Although he has not realized some to have a concubine the great or dreadful goal of place in Los Angeles any place, has several footholds in Beverly Hills. 虽然他还没有实现某个在洛杉矶任何地方都有金屋藏娇地点的伟大或者猥琐目标,不过在贝弗利山还是有好几处落脚点的。 Opens the eye, in the bedroom the light fragrance makes the Eric depth inspire unrestrainedly, the window curtains draws is very solid, the ray in bedroom somewhat is as before gloomy, but the time arrived 7 : 30, after short haziness, Eric sits up to wear the clothes to wash quickly. 睁开眼睛,卧室内淡淡的馨香让艾瑞克情不自禁地深吸了一口气,窗帘拉的很严实,卧室内的光线依旧有些暗淡,不过时间已经到了七点半,短暂的迷蒙之后艾瑞克很快地坐起身穿衣洗漱起来。 Hears the sound, is making the breakfast Joanna. Pacout had just turned head, had actually held in the arms the waist by Eric, the girl raises the chin to show a smile slightly: Early, Eric.” 听到响动,正在做早餐的乔安娜.帕库刚刚扭过头,却已经被艾瑞克搂住腰肢,女郎微微扬起下巴露出一个微笑:“早啊,艾瑞克。” Eric is stroking gently the woman by the knitting woolen yarn skirt is binding tightly the waist, lowers the head kisses in the woman lip angle: Early, how not to wear apron, the clothes can smear.” 艾瑞克摩挲着女人被针织绒线裙紧裹着的腰肢,低头在女人唇角吻了吻:“早,怎么不穿围裙,衣服会弄脏的。” Careful point is all right,” woman was saying, in the strange hand that in Eric holds in the arms oneself waist move has patted gently under: Does not want, I make the breakfast, newspaper places on the living room tea table. You looked that a while newspaper can eat meal.” “小心一点就没事,”女人说着,在艾瑞克搂住自己腰肢正在活动的怪手上轻轻拍了下:“不要啊,我做早餐呢,报纸放在客厅茶几上。你去看一会儿报纸就可以吃饭了。” Eric is laughing and playing is being just about to continue. Actually hears in the living room rapid ting. Is his mobile phone in sound. 艾瑞克嬉笑着正要继续。却听到客厅里一阵急促的铃声。是他的移动电话在响。 Very early in the morning does not make the person stop.” “大清早都不让人消停。” Eric complained one in a low voice, went out of the kitchen connection telephone, is Elizabeth hits, informing him to go to the century city to watch the «Dances with Wolves» preview in the morning. 艾瑞克低声抱怨了一句,还是走出了厨房接通电话,是伊丽莎白打来的,通知他上午去世纪城看《与狼共舞》的样片。 Made the telephone call, Eric had not gone to the kitchen harassment again the woman who made the breakfast, disassembled that on tea table to curl newspaper to read, after Joanna completed the breakfast, Eric took 《Los Angeles Times》 to enter the dining room. 挂了电话,艾瑞克并没有再去厨房骚扰正在做早餐的女人,拆开茶几上的那卷报纸阅读了起来,乔安娜做好早餐之后,艾瑞克才拿着一份《洛杉矶时报》走进了餐厅。 Waited for the woman to divide the breakfast. Sits down in the opposite, Eric said: Joan, next month was Thanksgiving, moved Malibu and I crosses together?” 等女人分好了早餐。在对面坐下,艾瑞克才说道:“,下个月就是感恩节了,搬去马里布和我一起过好吗?” Joanna Pacula gains ground saying: In the new year I want to return to Poland.” 乔安娜.帕库拉抬头道:“新年我想回波兰。” Polish these years have been at political turmoil the condition, Joanna almost by the status of political refugee immigrated United States, after the Eastern European drastic change, last year start the political situation in Poland reluctantly have stabilized, but Eric did not feel relieved: Must no longer cross for two years, now that side is very chaotic.” 波兰这些年一直处于政治动荡的状态,乔安娜差不多就是以政治难民的身份移民到了美国,东欧剧变之后,去年开始波兰的政局勉强算是稳定了下来,不过艾瑞克还是不放心:“要不再过两年吧,现在那边还是挺混乱的。” Joanna shook the head: Cannot wait again, I the quick ten years had not seen the parents. One month ago receives the picture, they...... Was old.” 乔安娜摇了摇头:“不能再等了,我已经快十年没有见过父母。一个月前收到照片,他们……都老了。” Hears in the woman expression thick moved. Eric again has not then urged, ten years were too truly long regarding a female in one person alone faded and fallen foreign land. Eric thinks of itself suddenly, he does not even know are one one drifts the stranger in another region, does not know when one can go back to have a look. 听到女人语气中浓浓的伤感。艾瑞克便没有再劝,十年时间对于一个孤身飘零异乡的女子来说确实太漫长了。艾瑞克突然想到自己,他甚至不知道自己算不算一个漂泊他乡的异客,更不知道自己什么时候能回去看看。 I arrange several people to accompany you to go back,” Eric thinks to say. “那我安排几个人陪你回去,”艾瑞克想了想说道。 Joanna just about to shakes the head, Eric said: Do not reject, the rejection is also useless, such decided.” 乔安娜刚要摇头,艾瑞克就说道:“别拒绝,拒绝也没用的,就这么定了。” Your always this,” woman in a soft voice complained the sentence, the expression is light, slightly not be angry mood. “你总是这样,”女人轻声抱怨了句,语气淡淡的,丝毫没有生气地情绪。 Los Angeles at the end of October, early morning temperature fell about ten degrees, finished eating the breakfast, Joanna Eric outside obtains by illegal purchase to look at the man to put on, sympathizes helps him be the knot, like a gentle wife. 洛杉矶十月底,清晨的气温已经降到了十度左右,吃完早餐,乔安娜艾瑞克的外套取过来看着男人穿上,又体贴地帮他系着扣子,像一个温柔的妻子般。 Eric arrives in the courtyard to open the vehicle door, looks at the Joanna reluctant to part does not abandon appearance, goes forward to support at present this supple disposition such as the woman of water: „, Do not be I be like this inconsiderate, has not thought that «Twister» will want to be able next year shoots, or I will make your manager help you choose film, like this you will not be bored.” 艾瑞克走到院子里打开车门,看着乔安娜依依不舍地模样,上前拥住眼前这个柔柔的性格如水的女人:“别这样好吗,是我考虑不周,没想到《龙卷风》要明年才能拍摄,要不我让你的经纪人帮你选一部片子,这样你就不会太无聊了。” „, I do not like such peaceful life very much,” Joanna shook the head to argue hastily, in a low voice said: „Can you also come in the evening?” “不是啊,我很喜欢这样安静的生活,”乔安娜连忙摇了摇头辩解了一句,才低声道:“你晚上还会过来吗?” Naturally, before you return to Poland, I can come to accompany your,” Eric has not stopped slightly replies. “当然,在你回波兰之前,我都会过来陪你的,”艾瑞克丝毫没有停顿地回答道。 In the woman expression brings to jump for joy finally: I help you do in the evening delicious, these days I reported a cooking training class.” 女人语气里终于带着些雀跃:“那我晚上帮你做好吃的,这段时间我报了一个烹饪培训班呢。” Eric teased with a smile: Hopes you are not that I makes the test piece.” 艾瑞克笑着调侃道:“但愿你不是那我做试验品。” Joanna villa to Fox situated in century city Headquarters, only then less than five kilometers distance, century city here several high-rise construction is almost the Fox property, Eric drove to go to the place quickly, stopped the car(riage), Eric to agreeing a good office building walks. 乔安娜的别墅离福克斯位于世纪城的总部只有不到五公里的距离,世纪城这里的几栋高层建筑差不多都是福克斯的物业,艾瑞克开车很快就到了地方,停好车,艾瑞克向约定好的一栋办公楼走去。 Just arrived to entrance not far away, a slender form of wear khaki windproof coat ran over to him: Eric, you come today.” 刚刚走到离入口不远处,一个穿着卡其色风衣的窈窕身影就向他跑了过来:“艾瑞克,原来你今天真的过来啊。” Front girl Jennifer Connelly, Eric somewhat surprisedly grasps the girl who throws to ask: Jenny, how can you here?” 面前的女郎正是詹妮弗.康纳利,艾瑞克有些惊讶地抱住扑过来的女郎问道:“简妮,你怎么会在这里?” Connelly pulls the arm of Eric, said smilingly: „The «Hot Shots» dramatic team informs my some scene to need to dub, I came, just Director told me you also to come to here today.” 康纳利挽住艾瑞克的胳膊,笑盈盈地说道:“《反斗神鹰》的剧组通知我有些镜头需要配音,我就过来了,刚刚导演告诉我今天你也会来这里。” Eric feels somewhat strangely, although he knows that who «Hot Shots» Director is, but two people have not met, has not wanted to understand that Eric keenly realized behind a not far away business automobile, camera flashing light rapid has shone several. 艾瑞克感觉有些奇怪,他虽然知道《反斗神鹰》的导演是谁,但两个人根本就没有见过面,还没有想明白,艾瑞克就敏锐地察觉到不远处一辆商务车后面,相机闪光灯急促的亮了几下。 What Joanna lives is a close community, several exits, in addition Eric very much pays attention to this matter, therefore he can affirm that paparazzi not the community that lives from Joanna with, only then a possibility, not far away paparazzi definitely here waited for gains without pains. 乔安娜所居住的是一个封闭的小区,有好几个出口,再加上艾瑞克很注意这种事情,因此他可以肯定,狗仔不是从乔安娜所居住的小区跟过来的,那只有一种可能了,不远处的狗仔肯定是在这里守株待兔。 Fox Headquarters should have the star to appear and disappear frequently, therefore squats here also passably, but Eric thought the matter coincidence. 福克斯总部应该经常有明星出没,因此蹲守在这里也说得过去,不过艾瑞克还是觉得事情过于巧合了。 The Connelly half step is entering the office building, sized up to look out own the elegant face of girl that completely spiritless carefully, Eric has almost been clearing quickly off the long and short of the story of matter, this silly small vase obviously was used. 拉着康纳利快步走进办公楼,仔细打量了望着自己的女郎那张无知无觉的俏脸,艾瑞克很快就差不多理清了事情的来龙去脉,这傻愣愣的小花瓶显然是被利用了。 From the former and Connelly some telephones, Eric knows that «Hot Shots» decides the grade on November 16, to the present less than three weeks of time, the preview started to put in massively, how probably also does the meeting need to dub? 从之前与康纳利的一些电话里,艾瑞克已经知道《反斗神鹰》定档在11月16号,离现在不足三周时间,预告片都已经开始大规模投放了,怎么可能还会需要配音? «Hot Shots» has the Eric 30% investments in inside, Fox wish has made Eric enroll Producer, like this they can hit his given name propaganda, the successes of Eric consecutively many movies, obtains is not only the large amount profit, the reputation among audience, many movie fans hears now with his related movie, does not need too to propagandize, will have the strong interest to this movie, therefore this reputation function is the same like the Box Office rallying point of star, is can bring really the benefit.( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 反斗神鹰》有艾瑞克30%的投资在里面,福克斯一直想要让艾瑞克挂名制作人,这样他们就可以打着他的名号宣传,艾瑞克连续多部影片的成功,获得的不仅仅是巨额的利润,还有在观众当中的口碑,现在很多影迷一听到与他有关的电影,不用太多宣传,就会对这部电影产生浓厚的兴趣,因此这种口碑作用就像明星的票房号召力一样,是可以带来实实在在的利益的。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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