IAIH :: Volume #4

#381: Enters the play very much

Since in August, Robert Shay had had a premonition that the crisis, has not allowed him to participate from Eric any about Playa Vista shoots base business this point, Robert Shay has realized this. 自从八月之后,罗伯特.谢伊就已经预感到了危机,从艾瑞克没有让他参与任何关于普雷亚维斯塔拍摄基地事务这一点,罗伯特.谢伊就已经意识到这点。 This made he has remembered for six years ago the Barry Diller bitter experience, Barry Diller lead into the peak Paramount, because of the contradiction with Paramount major stockholder Martin Davis, was almost expelled Paramount Pictures finally, progressing day by day of achievement and Fox that but these years, Paramount slid, also had proven Martin Davis had made the how big mistake in the past. 这让他想起了六年前巴里.迪勒的遭遇,巴里.迪勒派拉蒙带入了巅峰,但因为与派拉蒙大股东马丁.戴维斯的矛盾,最终几乎是被赶出了派拉蒙影业,但这些年,派拉蒙一路下滑的业绩和福克斯的蒸蒸日上,也证明了马丁.戴维斯当年犯了多么大的错误。 Robert Shay some self-knowledge, he knew in own ability not to compare Barry Diller, but he also knows one had the superiority that Barry Diller did not have, that was in the hand 25% Firefly stocks, as well as the Firefly majority of staff were the subordinates of his new line time. 罗伯特.谢伊还是有些自知之明的,他知道自己能力上比不上巴里.迪勒,但他也知道自己拥有巴里.迪勒所没有的优势,那就是手中25%的萤火虫股份,以及萤火虫大部分员工都是他新线时期的下属。 Robert Shay continuously very self-confident believing, if Eric pursues him forcefully, the damage that Firefly receives to the losses that causes be much bigger than Paramount of departure of Barry Diller. Even if feels the crisis, but Robert Shay did not think going too far that too Eric dares to make. 罗伯特.谢伊一直很自信的认为,如果艾瑞克强行把他驱逐,那萤火虫受到的损伤要比巴里.迪勒的离开对派拉蒙造成的损失大得多。所以即使感觉到危机,但罗伯特.谢伊并不觉得艾瑞克敢做的太过火。 Actually he also understands that Eric hopes he lets loose the movie-making service only to participate in the release the tentative plan. But any Film Studio, the movie-making authority is the object who high-level competes, if makes him only make him be in charge of the movie to distribute, does not participate in the other services of company, then has difference with issue department Manager? 其实他心里也明白艾瑞克希望他放开制片业务只参与发行的设想。但任何一家电影公司,制片权力都是高层所争夺的对象,如果让他只让他主管电影发行,不参与公司的其他业务,那跟一个发行部经理有什么两样? Also was a day of work end, Robert Shay standing up has moved the body, looked at the watch, close five o'clock, told several to the assistant. Then his routine packs the thing, wears the coat to leave the office to get off work to go home. 又是一天的工作结束,罗伯特.谢伊站起身活动了一下身体,看了看手表,接近五点钟,向助理吩咐了几句。然后他习惯性收拾好东西,穿上外套离开办公室下班回家。 The Robert Shay office and Eric that neighboring, passes through the Eric office entrance time, Robert Shay looked at data plate on the door, having to guess discontentedly Eric this time early left the company. 罗伯特.谢伊的办公室与艾瑞克那间相邻,走过艾瑞克办公室门口的时候,罗伯特.谢伊看了眼房门上的铭牌,带着点不满地猜测着艾瑞克这次是不是又早早离开了公司。 Walks toward elevator along the long corridor. When corner that close elevator is, Robert Shay stopped the footsteps subconsciously, because he heard the Eric speaking voice. 沿着长长的走廊一路向电梯走去。接近电梯所在的拐角时,罗伯特.谢伊下意识停下了脚步,因为他听到了艾瑞克的说话声。 At the beginning was only some superficial chatting, Robert Shay did not have the interest quickly, but lifted the foot. Robert Shay has raised up the ear, listening to Eric saying: „...... These time cannot absolutely again an accident like «Ghost», you are responsible for this matter personally, looks for an agency to relate Bruce Evans, must take that script smoothly.” 开始的时候只是一些不痛不痒的闲聊,罗伯特.谢伊很快没了兴趣,正要走过去,不过抬脚。罗伯特.谢伊就竖起了耳朵,听艾瑞克说道:“……这一次绝对不能再像《人鬼情未了》那样出意外,你亲自负责这件事,找一家代理公司联系布鲁斯.埃文斯,一定要顺利地拿下那个剧本。” Relax. Eric, I understand how should do, this time absolute absolutely safe,” this is the Eric assistant Alan Fisman sound. “放心吧。艾瑞克,我明白该怎么做,这一次绝对万无一失,”这是艾瑞克的助理艾伦.菲斯曼的声音。 Eric said again: Is careful, price do not leave is too high, high will instead have caused the vigilance of opposite party.” 艾瑞克再次说道:“还是小心一点,价钱也不要出的太高,高了反而会引起对方的警惕。” Two people also talked several, Robert Shay heard a biting light sound, after slight sound of footsteps. The elevator mouth did not have the sound. After a while, Robert Shay walked, looks at a left elevator slowly downward. On the face shows expression looking pensive. Also firmly remember the Bruce Evans name, Robert Shay had decided immediately found the person to inquire this screenwriter information. 两个人又交谈了几句,罗伯特.谢伊听到了叮的一声轻响,轻微的脚步声过后。电梯口没了声息。过了一会儿,罗伯特.谢伊走了过去,看着左侧的一台电梯缓缓向下。脸上露出若有所思的表情。同时也牢牢记下了布鲁斯.埃文斯的名字,罗伯特.谢伊当即决定找人打听一下这个编剧的信息。 After the elevator starts downward, Eric and Alan smile, the wall of elevator corner can see the person's shadow, although is slurred, but Robert Shay just went out of the office. Eric and Alan have discovered him. Moreover, only disclosed that a Bruce Evans name was enough. Bruce Evans is not considered as that peon, this screenwriter had several movies to be manufactured. Naturally. The play must the complete set do, then must send for contacting Bruce Evans to make to take the «Cutthroat Island» script stance. 电梯开始向下之后,艾瑞克艾伦相视一笑,电梯拐角处的墙壁是可以看到人影的,虽然模糊不清,但罗伯特.谢伊刚刚走出办公室。艾瑞克艾伦就已经发现了他。而且,只透露一个布鲁斯.埃文斯的名字就已经足够了。布鲁斯.埃文斯并不算是无名小卒,这个编剧已经有几部电影被制作了出来。当然。戏还得全套做下去,接下来还得派人接触布鲁斯.埃文斯做出拿下《割喉岛剧本的姿态。 Makes him bring the point to read wants to leave, but can also save much for the company troublesome,” elevator soon slides to the top layer time, Eric said one suddenly. “让他带着点念想离开,还可以为公司省下不少麻烦,”电梯快要下滑到顶层的时候,艾瑞克突然说了一句。 Eric, why I felt that this script is good?” 艾瑞克,为什么我感觉这个剧本还算不错呢?” Good script not to make movie, even if makes the movie, may not obtain the approval of audience.” “好剧本不一定能拍出好电影,哪怕拍出好电影,也不一定会获得观众的认可。” Alan looking pensive nods, two people arrived at the parking lot together, Eric just opened the vehicle door, the mobile phone have made a sound. 艾伦若有所思地点点头,两个人一起来到停车场,艾瑞克刚刚打开车门,移动电话响了起来。 I went back first,” Alan greeted to say. “那我先回去了,”艾伦打了声招呼说道。 Eric nods, has connected the call, a female voice passed on: Eric, then my reputation thoroughly destroys.” 艾瑞克点点头,接通了电话,一个女声传了出来:“艾瑞克,这下我的名声彻底毁啦。” You could rest assured that I am will not be responsible for absolutely,” Eric haha has smiled several, then said: „The Fox little princess, I thought that on this name scale, you recently may suffice the scenery.” “你放心,我是绝对不会负责的,”艾瑞克哈哈笑了几声,接着道:“福克斯的小公主,我觉得这个称呼还是非常上档次的,你这些日子可真够风光。” Has saying that Elizabeth also really enters the play these days, one arbitrary rich and powerful family daughter of Oscar hope to the incisiveness that deducts extremely, the girl even runs up to Martin Scorsese is at the cocktail party that «Goodfellas» holds, personally public relations Martin Scorsese should not be «Goodfellas» reports the best picture, only reported that best Director has been OK, so long as Martin Scorsese accepted this condition, she can relate the Fox resources is Martin Scorsese makes the award item public relations. Compares in best Director, Elizabeth regards as important best picture award item, once the 《The Silence of the Lambs》 prize, she can attain the young metal statue as Producer. 不得不说,伊丽莎白这段时间还真入戏,将一个对奥斯卡极度渴望的蛮横豪门千金演绎的淋漓尽致,女郎甚至跑到马丁.斯科塞斯为《好家伙》举办的酒会上,亲自‘公关’马丁.斯科塞斯不要为《好家伙》申报最佳影片,只申报一个最佳导演就可以了,只要马丁.斯科塞斯答应了这个条件,她可以联系福克斯的资源为马丁.斯科塞斯做奖项公关。相比于最佳导演,伊丽莎白更看重最佳影片这个奖项,一旦《沉默的羔羊》获奖,她作为制作人可是能拿到小金人的。 But Hollywood almost everybody know that Martin Scorsese does not ask for the favor of Oscar appraisal committee, therefore his movie obtains the best Director probability to be much lower attains the best picture the possibility, Elizabeth this suggestion almost pokes on the painful foot of Martin, Martin Scorsese was mad at the scene almost erupts, story circulate, Elizabeth also obtained one ‚the Fox little princess nickname. 好莱坞几乎人人都知道,马丁.斯科塞斯非常不讨奥斯卡评委会的欢心,因此他的电影获得最佳导演的几率远远低于拿到最佳影片的可能性,伊丽莎白这个建议几乎是戳在马丁的痛脚上,马丁.斯科塞斯当场被气得差点爆发,事情传开,伊丽莎白也获得了一个‘福克斯小公主’的绰号。 „, Your this bastard, all blames you, any Fox little princess, everyone knows that this is the satire,” Elizabeth enhanced the sound to complain, then said: I in the afternoon with «Dances with Wolves» movie-making Fang Qian the contract, the price have not discussed that has spent 2 7.5 million, Orion Film Industry, 2 million USD sells outright their release contracts, you had not seen that these fellows looked my look almost this word wrote fool on the face. I have been busy at work, drops the 500,000 spending money, this is not good, you must compensate me.” “啊呸,你这个混蛋,全都怪你,什么福克斯的小公主,谁都知道这是讽刺,”伊丽莎白提高声音抱怨了一句,然后说道:“我下午跟《与狼共舞》的制片方签了合约了,价格没谈下来,花了2750万,还有猎户座影业,200万美元买断他们的发行合约,你没看到,那些家伙看我的眼神就差点把‘冤大头’这个词写在脸上了。我忙活了一场,就落下50万零花钱,这可不行,你得补偿我。” „Does my paying with the body line, just have free time tonight?” “我肉偿行吗,今天晚上刚好有空?” Go away!” “滚!” Eric has not cracked a joke again, said: Was good, which you, me in the past had a look at the preview now, this movie I have not looked.” 艾瑞克没再开玩笑,说道:“好了,你现在在哪,我过去看看样片,这部电影我还没看过呢。” I in my,” Elizabeth just spoke certainly these words, quick on in addition: Now late, tomorrow will again say that the primitive copy I deposit in the Fox safe-deposit vaults, that side the century city definitely got off work.” ( to be continued ) “我当然在自己家,”伊丽莎白刚说完这句话,很快就加了一句:“现在已经晚了,明天再说吧,原始拷贝我存放在福克斯的保险库里,世纪城那边肯定下班了。”(未完待续)
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