IAIH :: Volume #4

#380: In October

Eric and Chris have spent for several hours, has decided about buys in the detail planning of Disney stock from the secondary market, the memorandum that Chris will write by hand receives, sees the Eric plan to leave, suddenly has remembered another matter, stopped by calling out him: Eric, a matter I almost forgot to say.” 艾瑞克克里斯花了几个小时时间,商定了关于从二级市场吸纳迪斯尼股票的详细计划,克里斯将手写的备忘录收好,见艾瑞克打算离开,突然又想起了另外一件事,叫住了他:“艾瑞克,还有件事我差点忘了说了。” Waits for Eric to sit down once more, Chris said: August time, Cisco Board of Directors through the resolution, has relieved founder Mr. and Mrs. Grey at Cisco all duties, they left the company now.” 艾瑞克再次坐下,克里斯才说道:“八月份的时候,思科董事会通过决议,解除了创始人格雷夫妇在思科的所有职务,两人现在已经离开了公司。” Chris was saying, set out to discover a folder to give Eric from the filing cabinet, Eric opened to look, is one in mid August a Cisco Board of Directors resolution document, after looking, Eric gained ground to ask: Concrete what's the matter?” 克里斯说着,起身从文件柜里找出一个文件夹递给了艾瑞克,艾瑞克翻开看了看,是一份八月中旬思科董事会的一份决议文件,看完之后,艾瑞克抬起头问道:“具体是怎么回事?” Mr. and Mrs. Grey thought that the present Cisco management extremely in pursuing the benefit, does not conform to them to found the original intention of Cisco, for this reason has made several times, I participate in the Cisco year in June the conference time just also has bumped into one time, couple points at the company CEO Morgan Ritchie's nose to shout abuse, the conference has therefore postponed for three hours. In August, company management of being driven beyond the limits of forbearance threatens Board of Directors by the collective resignation, finally passed has dismissed Mr. and Mrs. Grey in the propositions of Cisco all duties.” “格雷夫妇觉得现在的思科管理层太过于追求利益,并不符合他们创建思科的初衷,为此已经闹过好几次了,我六月份去参加思科年中会议的时候刚好也碰到过一次,夫妇两个指着公司ceo摩根里奇的鼻子破口大骂,会议因此推迟了三个小时。八月份,忍无可忍的公司管理层以集体辞职威胁董事会,最终通过了解雇格雷夫妇在思科所有职务的提议。” Told the entire item matter simply, on the Chris face brings light contemptuous saying: Reason that actually they this, does not have the big relations with the operational strategy of company, couple to losing the Cisco domination has taken to heart.” 将整件事简单的讲述了一遍,克里斯脸上带着淡淡的轻蔑说道:“其实他们之所以这样,跟公司的经营策略没有多大关系,夫妇两个只是对失去了思科的控制权一直耿耿于怀而已。” This matter I knew, only if poses a threat to our interests, otherwise, we try not to meddle the management of Cisco.” “这件事我知道了,除非威胁到我们的利益,否则的话,我们尽量不要插手思科的管理。” The Chris nod said: I understand. However what I must say is the following matter, after Mr. and Mrs. Grey leaves Cisco, disclosed that must undersell in the hand the news of stock, I think that you are possibly interested, just we currently have enough fund.” 克里斯点头道:“我明白。不过我要说的是接下来的事情,格雷夫妇离开思科之后,透露出了要抛售手中股票的消息,我想你可能感兴趣,刚好我们现在也有足够的资金。” Eric recalled under the Cisco stockholder's rights branch. Shows the excited look, after the Cisco listing, creates common people Mr. and Mrs. Grey in the hand to have the Cisco 27.6% stocks, as before is the Cisco first major stockholder, but in the Chinese larch capital hand of initial investment Cisco has 23.5% stocks, second. Third is the Firefly investment company, owns stocks 23%, the remaining close 30% stocks disperse in the institutional investor as well as in the company management hand. 艾瑞克回忆了下思科的股权分部。露出兴奋的神色,思科上市之后,创世人格雷夫妇手中持有思科27.6%的股份,依旧是思科的第一大股东,而最初投资思科的红杉资本手中拥有23.5%的股份,排行第二。第三位才是萤火虫投资公司,持股23%,剩下的接近30%股份分散在机构投资者以及公司管理层手中。 Although is listed company, because went on the market the time market not to hold a favorable view on the Cisco prospects for development, the majority of stocks that therefore Cisco sells were subscribed by the investment institution. Flows in the stock of secondary market to be scarce, wants through in the plan that the circulation market buys to increase holds radically invalid, but has attained the stock the investment machine, because after Cisco goes on the market the good performance, is not willing to let go again easily, therefore, Mr. and Mrs. Grey sells the stockholder's rights in hand, definitely is only one time massively increases holds the opportunity of Cisco stock. 虽然是上市公司,但因为上市的时候市场对思科发展前景不看好,因此思科发售的大部分股票都只是被投资机构认购。流入二级市场的股份非常稀少,想要通过在流通市场吸纳增持的计划根本就行不通,而已经拿到股份的投资机者因为思科上市后的良好表现,也不肯再轻易脱手,所以,格雷夫妇出售手中的股权,肯定是唯一一次大规模增持思科股票的机会。 If can take Mr. and Mrs. Grey the full share in hand, the Firefly investment is almost equal to absolute holding Cisco. This is the Eric long-awaited matter. 如果能够拿下格雷夫妇手中的全部股份,萤火虫投资几乎就等于绝对控股思科。这是艾瑞克梦寐以求的事情。 Their initial price how many?” Eric directly asked this most essential issue, in the expression is bringing win. “他们开价多少?”艾瑞克直接问了这个最关键的问题,语气里带着一种志在必得。 Chris can also understand that Eric is thinking anything, as superintendent of Firefly investment. He compared with the Eric clearer Cisco condition, shook the head to say with a smile: Eric, possibly you wanted disappointedly, Mr. and Mrs. Grey do not undersell the full share in hand, they are only willing to get rid two-thirds stockholder's rights, probably was 18%. Initial price 250 million USD, has been higher than 30% compared with current price on market. The investor that therefore now is interested in majority was negotiating with Mr. and Mrs. Grey, I estimated that the final rate will not surpass 200 million.” 克里斯也能明白艾瑞克在想什么,作为萤火虫投资的管理者。他比艾瑞克更加清楚思科的状况,摇了摇头笑道:“艾瑞克,可能你要失望了,格雷夫妇并没有要抛售手中的全部股份,他们只愿意出手2的股权,大概是18%。开价2.5亿美金,比市场价高出了30%。所以现在大部分感兴趣的投资方都在与格雷夫妇谈判,我估计最后的成交价不会超过两亿。” Contacts with Mr. and Mrs. Grey as soon as possible. Must take this stock, we currently have enough fund in any case, expensive has not related,” Eric thinks, said: This, you passed on to Mr. and Mrs. Grey, if they are willing to sell in the hand the complete stockholder's rights, we buy by 30% premiums that they asked.” “尽快与格雷夫妇接触。一定要拿下这笔股份,反正我们现在有足够的资金,贵一点也没关系,”艾瑞克想了想,又说道:“这样,你转告格雷夫妇,如果他们愿意出售手中全部股权的话,我们就以他们开出的30%的溢价买下来。” I will convey, but the possibility is not big, if not this couple needs the fund to start an undertaking once more, it is estimated that this 18% stocks will not sell.” “我会转达的,不过可能性不大,如果不是这对夫妇需要资金再次创业的话,估计这18%的股份都不会卖。” Gives a try will not always have the loss,” the Eric nod said. “试试看总不会有损失的,”艾瑞克点头说道。 # # Eric arrived at New York these days again, the international oil price has achieved the unprecedented each barrel of 41 USD top digit, almost was also with several days, the Western country united Middle East several big petroleum exporting countries to start to release various effectively stabilized crude prices the measure, first was Saudi Arabia announced that to 100% to supply the market demand the domestic crude oil productivity improvement, North America and Europe various countries also starts to use the crude oil reserve stabilization of market in our country, in addition the union headed by US forces * completely deployed in Persian Gulf that the entire force has surpassed the 600,000 person, has formed the comprehensive suppression in the weaponry to Iraq, various advantage spatial news influences. Next, crude price started slow dropping. 艾瑞克再次来到纽约的这几天,国际原油价格达到了史无前例的每桶41美元的高位,差不多也是同几天,西方国家联合中东几大石油输出国开始出台各种有效地稳定原油价格的措施,首先是沙特阿拉伯宣布将国内原油产能提升到100以供应市场需求,北美欧洲各国也开始动用本国的原油储备稳定市场,再加上以美军为首的联合*在波斯湾全部部署完毕,全部兵力超过了60万人,在武器装备上更是对伊拉克形成了全面的压制,各种利空消息影响。下,原油价格开始了缓慢的回落。 Has not thought including Eric that tour of opportunity his another New York can be so the coincidence, just catches up with the crude price to achieve dropping after peak. Therefore, after returning to Los Angeles once more, all kinds of probes come in swarms once again, is prying the income of this oil shock without a single exception. 艾瑞克自己都没有想到,他的又一次纽约之行时机会是如此巧合,刚好赶上原油价格达到顶峰后的回落。因此,再次回到洛杉矶之后,各种各样的试探又一次蜂拥而来,毫无例外都是在刺探他这次石油危机的收益。 In the Eric this operation crude oil Pe­tro­leum process, reaches as high as the 500 million USD capital temporarily borrows from seven big Film Studio, but seven big finally have achieved nothing besides the loan as well as a dispensable interest. Therefore certain people want to know ‚’ the fund gained the thoughts of how much money to be intense, so long as if knew the result, in these person of hearts will lose is comforted. 艾瑞克这次操作原油期货的过程中,高达5亿美元的本金都是从七大电影公司临时拆借来的,而七大最后除了借款以及一笔可有可无的利息之外一无所获。因此某些人想要知道‘自己’的资金到底赚了多少钱的念头非常强烈,似乎只要知道了结果,这些人心中失落就会得到安抚。 Eric naturally impossible to disclose that specific information round trip stimulation these people, such inhumane matter he may unable to do, meets this probe, Eric in a few words will often go round the topic. Therefore some people have to change the trend of Eric company the vision, hopes to obtain some information. 艾瑞克当然不可能将具体信息透露出来去刺激那些人,这么不人道的事情他可做不出来,遇到这种试探,艾瑞克往往会三言两语地将话题绕开。于是一些人只好将目光转向艾瑞克旗下公司的动向,希望从中获得一些信息。 But the time passes by day-by-day, besides about the plan of Playa Vista shoots base some Firefly staff disclosed that be only the Firefly investment announced that purchased Cisco founder Mr. and Mrs. Grey by 210 million USD the hand 18% stocks, in addition, Eric as if not too big movement. When was negotiating with the Playa Vista community officials, Eric claimed that will invest 1 billion USD, but the discerning people could look, the Playa Vista shoots base was impossible to spend that much money, let alone the cycle of this project is several years, first batch of investment fund many 100 million. 但时间一天天过去,除了萤火虫一些员工透露出来的关于普雷亚维斯塔拍摄基地的计划外,就只有萤火虫投资宣布以2.1亿美元收购思科创始人格雷夫妇手中18%的股份,除此之外,艾瑞克似乎并没有太大动作。虽然在与普雷亚维斯塔社区官员交涉时,艾瑞克声称会投资10亿美元,但明眼人都看得出来,普雷亚维斯塔拍摄基地根本不可能花那么多钱,更何况这个项目的周期长达几年时间,首批投入的资金最多一亿 This uneventful piece of work made many people many but actually several points of relief, guess Eric likely has not gained with self-consolation to too much money. 这种风平浪静的小打小闹倒让不少人多了几分安心,自我安慰般地猜测艾瑞克很可能并没有赚到太多钱。 As October passing of slowly, Hollywood soon will again welcome the end of the year new year files, big Film Studio started the fiery propaganda of the end of the year principal movie, seven big Film Studio management bring the point to change | condition the small gratified pleasantly surprised discovery, this new year files Eric besides «Point Break» of supervised manufacture, the movie that any has not directed personally screens. 随着十月份的慢慢过去,好莱坞即将再一次迎来年底的新年档,大电影公司已经开始了年底主打影片的火热宣传,七大电影公司高管带着点变丨态地小欣慰惊喜的发现,这个新年档艾瑞克除了一部监制的《惊暴点》之外,并没有任何亲自执导的影片上映。 But Firefly also altogether has two movies to screen at the end of the year, besides «Point Break», another movie «Ghost Searching» of Robert Shay movie-making, this work brings the point to imitate the «Ghostbusters» frightened comedy style, is Eric had not heard a movie, it is estimated that was the different number that the butterfly effect brought, the investment of movie has also achieved 40 million, according to Robert Shay before and Eric agreement, Firefly has accounted for one-fourth of investment. 萤火虫年底也一共只有两部影片上映,除了《惊暴点》,还有罗伯特.谢伊制片的又一部电影《鬼探》,这部作品带着点模仿《捉鬼敢死队》的惊悚喜剧风格,是艾瑞克从来没有听说过的一部电影,估计是蝴蝶效应带来的异数,电影的投资也达到了4000万,按照罗伯特.谢伊之前与艾瑞克的协定,萤火虫占了投资的1。 But Firefly consecutively for two years of principal «Home Alone» series, has not actually manufactured the sequel this year. 萤火虫连续两年主打的《小鬼当家》系列,今年却没有制作续集。 Mainly is CAA Brokerage Firm that because Stewart is at proposed 15 million USD sky-high price salary, was almost last year two times, moreover Mr. and Mrs. Runkle these time as if straightening out, again wantonly has not interfered, negotiated the salary plenary powers has given CAA. 主要是因为斯图尔特所在的caa经纪公司提出了1500万美元的天价片酬,差不多是去年的两倍,而且朗克尔夫妇这一次似乎也‘开窍’了,没有再肆意干涉,将片酬谈判全权交给了caa If accepts the salary that CAA proposed, raising the price that in addition movie other acted the leading role , a manufacture sequel only salary cost will achieve forcefully 25 million, the sequel total cost will surpass 50 million, in addition the late marketing budget, the movie needed 140 million Box Office to recoup the cost, according to the Box Office downward trend of first two movie, this sequel manufactured the possibility that lost money to be very big, Eric excessively had not considered that temporarily has reduced the manufacture plan of sequel. 如果接受caa提出的片酬的话,再加上电影其他主演的提价,强行制作续集只片酬一项的成本就将达到2500万,续集总成本将超过5000万,加上后期的营销预算,电影需要1.4亿票房才能收回成本,按照前两部电影的票房下行趋势,这部续集制作出来亏损的可能性很大,艾瑞克没有过多考虑,就暂时砍掉了续集的制作计划。 Will suspend the news issues of «Home Alone» series in Firefly on the same day, Stewart manager immediately telephoned to make the concession, but was busy with the Pe­tro­leum transaction Eric simply not having at that time once more with the meaning that CAA wrangled, has rejected the opposite party directly. Firefly not like some Film Studio to some movie series serious dependence, therefore does not need to create to the movie Lord extremely gives, since certain people are not tactful the lion big start to talk, that must have the consciousness that the disintegration tooth have swallowed. 萤火虫将暂停《小鬼当家》系列的消息发布当天,斯图尔特经纪人当即就打电话过来做出了让步,但当时正忙于期货交易的艾瑞克根本没有再次跟caa扯皮的意思,直接拒绝了对方。萤火虫又不像一些电影公司那样对某个电影系列严重依赖,因此也不需要对电影主创太过迁就,某些人既然不识趣地狮子大开口,那就要有崩碎了牙自己咽下去的觉悟。 «Point Break» in mid October filmed, it is expected that will complete with one month manufactures later, but recently, Eric had not collected toward Kathryn Bigelow side, because affair between Cameron and Linda Hamilton was grasped by paparazzi, was supplementing in the picture newspaper. 惊暴点》在十月中旬封镜,预计将用一个月时间完成后期制作,但这些日子,艾瑞克并没有往凯瑟琳.毕格罗身边凑,因为卡梅隆琳达.汉密尔顿之间的婚外情被狗仔抓个正着,附带着照片上了报纸 Kathryn hurried to shoots scene of «Terminator 2: Judgement Day» on the same day that the news disclosed situated in New Mexico, after Cameron acknowledged personally | axle, the woman divorced with Cameron neatly, slightly not loathsome. But Cameron after all is not these unmarried Director, has produced the affair as married man and Heroine, spreads it likely to affect «Terminator 2: Judgement Day» Box Office, therefore, after two MPR grades «Terminator 2: Judgement Day» screens, again announced news that divorces. 凯瑟琳在消息披露的当天就赶去了《终结者2》位于新墨西哥州的拍摄现场,在卡梅隆亲口承认出丨轨之后,女人干脆利落地与卡梅隆离了婚,丝毫没有拖泥带水。但卡梅隆毕竟不是那些未婚导演,作为已婚男人与女主角产生了婚外情,传出其很可能影响《终结者2》的票房,因此,两人协定等《终结者2》上映之后,再公布离婚的消息。 Although this matter hid the truth from the media temporarily, but knew the circumstances of the matter | the person to be also many, Eric took the investors of two movies, naturally must know. As a very independent female, Kathryn Bigelow until 35 years old because adores the Cameron talent and opposite party married, has not thought that this marriage continues less than three years, the husband went off track, places on any woman to estimate that is very difficult to accept. 这件事虽然暂时瞒住了媒体,但知情丨人也不少,艾瑞克作为两部电影的投资者,当然不可能不知道。作为一个非常独立的女性,凯瑟琳.毕格罗直到35岁才因为倾慕卡梅隆的才华与对方结了婚,没想到这段婚姻持续不到三年,丈夫就出了轨,放在任何女人身上估计都很难接受。 Although these days Kathryn work time as before calm capable meticulous, as if has not come under the influence of marital break-up, when Eric appears, the vision of woman occasionally will become spooky, visits him with the look that in the world unfaithful men should fry in oil, this feeling will make the Eric back send coolly, he is not willing to be the bad concern that Cameron will fiddle with takes the rap, therefore simply temporarily has let loose the «Point Break» matter. ( to be continued ) 虽然这段时间凯瑟琳工作的时候依旧冷静干练一丝不苟,似乎并没有受到婚姻破裂的影响,但艾瑞克出现时,女人的目光偶尔会变得幽幽的,用一种天底下花心男人都应该被油炸的眼神看着他,这种感觉让艾瑞克脊背发凉,他可不愿意为卡梅隆捣鼓出的糟心事背黑锅,所以干脆就暂时放开了《惊暴点》的事情。(未完待续)
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