IAIH :: Volume #4

#379: Goal Disney

Metro Goldwyn Mayer this brand is in itself his value,” Chris said that immediately also shook the head: What truly also to be unworthy, which you had a liking, Columbia and Universal have definitely been hopeless, Warner also wants not to think, remaining, only then Disney, Paramount and Fox, Fox has also been hopeless, now only then Disney and Paramount, Disney is in the fast rise, then, did you have a liking for Paramount?” 米高梅这个品牌本身就是他的价值,”克里斯说道,随即也摇了摇头:“不过确实也不值什么了,那你看上了哪家,哥伦比亚环球肯定是没戏了,华纳也想都别想,剩下的只有迪斯尼派拉蒙福克斯了,唔,福克斯也没戏,现在只有迪斯尼派拉蒙,迪斯尼正处于快速上升期,那么,你看上了派拉蒙?” Eric asked back: Why isn't Disney?” 艾瑞克反问道:“为什么不是迪斯尼?” Chris revealed has been astonished look however: Disney is in the fast rise now, let alone, Disney's CEO, but Michael Eisner, after the beginning of the year that matter, although you in the surface reconciled, but if you must purchase Disney, Michael Eisner definitely knows that own fate is anything, he will do utmost to prevent your.” 克里斯露出了讶然的神色:“迪斯尼现在正处于快速上升期,更何况,迪斯尼的ceo可是迈克尔.艾斯纳,年初的那件事之后,你们虽然表面上和解了,但如果你要收购迪斯尼,迈克尔.艾斯纳肯定知道自己的下场是什么,他会竭尽全力阻止你的。” Remembers previous life to attach in Viacom Paramount is surpassed in the achievement by two lion gate Film Industry, the matter that even also the Viacom group implicated, Eric shakes the head: Purchases Paramount is very actually easy, I think that these shareholders were glad to sell to Paramount very much my. However Paramount is not good to choose, the development idea of this company does not conform to my plan, Disney is different, the operational strategy of Disney entire industry chain will be very suitable I to expand in the future oneself in the Hollywood domain.” 想起前世依附于维亚康姆派拉蒙被二线的狮门影业在业绩上赶超,甚至还成了维亚康姆集团拖累的事情,艾瑞克摇摇头:“收购派拉蒙倒是很容易,我想那些股东很乐意将派拉蒙卖给我的。但是派拉蒙却不是个好选择,这家公司的发展思路不符合我的计划,迪斯尼就不一样了,迪斯尼全产业链的经营策略很适合我将来扩张自己在好莱坞的版图。” If you insist, the money of possibly spending be more than Japan two big financial groups,” Chris ponders in the memory at the same time is not being too many about the Disney's information, said: Disney present market value probably in 4 billion USD about, if you want to buy Disney, can only use the method of hostile takeover, then premium at least 50%. 6 billion USD are very not difficult to take Disney.” “如果你坚持的话,可能花的钱要比日本两大财团还要多,”克里斯一边思考着记忆中并不是太多的关于迪斯尼的信息,说道:“迪斯尼现在的市值大概在40亿美元左右,如果你想要买下迪斯尼,就只能采用敌意收购的方法,那么溢价至少50%。没有60亿美元很难拿下迪斯尼。” Now does not get rid, several years later in the future do not want to buy Disney,” Eric said. “现在不出手,再过几年将来就更别想买下迪斯尼了,”艾瑞克说道。 Along with the rapid growth as well as Hollywood of rising United States economy around the world, Hollywood several big Film Studio market values every year growth over 30%, even if declining Metro Goldwyn Mayer. Several years later also has sold 50 hundred million USD high prices, but in memory, three years later Viacom purchased Paramount to spend 10 billion USD, but present Paramount, most also can only sell the Universal Pictures parent company that 6 billion USD price. Although that transaction has the factor of Barry Diller ambush in inside, but had reflected also seven big Film Studio market values expand rising suddenly that along with Hollywood brings. 随着美国经济的快速发展以及好莱坞在世界范围内的崛起,好莱坞几大电影公司的市值每年增长速度都超过30%,即使是破落的米高梅。十几年后也卖出了50多亿美元的高价,而记忆中,三年后维亚康姆收购派拉蒙就花了100亿美元,而现在的派拉蒙,最多也只能卖到环球影业母公司那种60亿美元的价格。虽然那笔交易其中有巴里.迪勒狙击的因素在里面,但同时也反映了七大电影公司市值随着好莱坞扩张而带来的暴涨。 Although manages patiently. By the Firefly development potential, most five years, can with seven big any side by side, but Eric also knows, whatever if the matter develops. Five years later, seven big Film Studio basically have completed with the conformity of media group. 虽然耐心经营下去。以萤火虫的发展潜力,最多五年时间,就可以与七大的任何一家比肩,但艾瑞克也知道,如果任由事情发展下去。五年之后,七大电影公司基本上都已经完成了与传媒集团的整合。 Naturally, in this process, Firefly definitely will receive the media group offering amnesty, but this is not Eric wants. 当然,这个过程中,萤火虫肯定会受到传媒集团的‘招安’,不过这并不是艾瑞克想要的。 What he wants to do is the master, but is not others' dependency, therefore since now has the opportunity, Eric naturally must take big Film Studio as the most important chip. In the future through various financing methods, develops the media group oneself, but did not offer amnesty. But previous life, relied on own strength to develop the media group only, had Disney one, Time Warner also can only be half. 他想要做的是主人,而不是别人的附庸,所以现在既然有机会,艾瑞克当然要拿下一家大电影公司作为最重要的筹码。将来通过各种融资方式,将自身发展成传媒集团,而不是被招安。而前世,唯一凭借着自身实力发展成了传媒集团的,就只有迪斯尼一家,时代华纳也只能算半个。 „To buy Disney, then must certainly prepare from now on,” Chris thinks. Said: We must first do, buys in the Disney's stock. First attains right to speak in Disney Board of Directors. Then, because we do not need to pay in full all funds one time. Therefore this 30 six hundred million USD cashes were also enough . Moreover, words that needs, can finance, by Firefly these two years achievement, I thinks that Wall Street any investment bank, is glad to participate in this investment, even Disney's many shareholders estimated what wants is the stockholder's rights, but is not the cash......” “想要买下迪斯尼,那么肯定要从现在开始就做准备了,”克里斯想了想。说道:“我们首先要做的,就是吸纳迪斯尼的股票。先在迪斯尼董事会拿到话语权。接下来,因为我们并不需要一次性付清所有款项。所以这三十六亿美元的现金也足够了,而且,需要的话,也可以进行融资,凭借萤火虫这两年多的业绩,我想华尔街的任何一家投行,都很乐意参与这笔投资的,甚至迪斯尼的很多股东估计更想要的是股权而不是现金……” Eric listens to the analysis of Chris, side with setting pen to paper at the same time lies writes anything on the tea table, waited for Chris saying that Eric has filled in a check to hand over, said: This is your drawing bonus.” 艾瑞克一边听着克里斯的分析,一边拿着笔趴在茶几上写着什么,等克里斯说完,艾瑞克已经填好了一张支票递了过去,说道:“这是你的分红。” Chris received to come to see one check, has pushed quickly, said: Were too many.” 克里斯将支票接过来看了一眼,很快又推了回来,说道:“太多了。” This is you earns, if no your help, in this oil shock I definitely cannot attain these many profits,” Eric put out a hand to block the Chris movement, said. “这是你应得的,如果没有你的帮忙,这次石油危机中我肯定拿不到这么多的利润,”艾瑞克伸手挡住了克里斯的动作,说道。 I cannot take these many, I know matter value many that one make,” Chris shook the head firmly, added one: Moreover Papa knew, will definitely not agree.” “我真的不能拿这么多,我知道自己做的事情价值多少,”克里斯坚决地摇了摇头,又加了一句:“而且爸爸知道了,也肯定不会同意的。” Mentioned Jeffrey, Eric thinks saying: Or this, I change into the stock of Firefly investment this sum of money, 3%, are the same in the Firefly Film Studio share with your father.” 提到杰弗里,艾瑞克想了想说道:“要不这样,我将这笔钱换成萤火虫投资的股份,3%吧,和你父亲在萤火虫电影公司的份额一样。” Chris has pondered, finally nods. 克里斯思考了下,最终点点头。 The Firefly present prime assets be only the Cisco 23% stocks, at the Cisco present market value, 3% do not calculate too, compared with that sum of money that Eric gives must little. 萤火虫现在的主要资产只有思科23%的股份,以思科现在的市值,3%并不算太多,比艾瑞克给的那笔钱要少很多。 However Eric actually knows that what colossus in the future Cisco will develop, therefore he did not think that little, let alone in the future also has been able to increase the Chris owning stocks share, giving are too many, what to do in the future will not get up. 不过艾瑞克却知道,将来思科会发展成什么样的庞然大物,所以他也不觉得给少了,更何况将来也可以增加克里斯的持股份额,一次给的太多,将来给不起了怎么办。 Although the Chris present disposition is reserved, but no one knows that will be what kind of along with passing of time in the future, previous life Michael Eisner turned into the obstinate Disney tyrant from one wise leader who Disney led into the peak, finally the will of the people completely lost, chased off the stage by Board of Directors distressedly. 虽然克里斯现在的性格内敛沉稳,但谁也不知道随着时间的流逝将来会怎样,前世迈克尔.艾斯纳就是从一个将迪斯尼带入巅峰的英明领导者变成了刚愎自用的迪斯尼暴君,最后人心尽失,狼狈地被董事会赶下台。 Since you just proposed some plans, then this matter is operated by you, from now on, slow buys in the Disney's stock,” Eric and Chris were chatting, actually remembered the bad egg that did not have at heart, «Cutthroat Island». “既然你刚刚已经提出了一些计划,那么这件事就由你来操作吧,从现在开始,缓慢的吸纳迪斯尼的股票,”艾瑞克克里斯聊着,心里却想起了那颗还没有动的臭蛋,《割喉岛》。 If can throws «Cutthroat Island» to Disney were good, this summer the files, Disney lost money over a hundred million USD, it is estimated that through the second half of the year management, is very difficult the aspect of reversing loses money. If can again throws «Cutthroat Island» to Disney, then this project can make Disney lose one again hundred million, a consecutively two years of loss, seriously weakens Michael Eisner sufficiently in the Disney's prestige, weakened the control strength of Michael Eisner to Board of Directors, then after the takeover plan starts, will be simpler. 如果能够将《割喉岛》扔给迪斯尼就好了,今年暑期档,迪斯尼已经亏损了上亿美元,估计通过下半年的经营,也很难扭转亏损的局面。如果能够再将《割喉岛》扔给迪斯尼,那么这个项目能再让迪斯尼再损失一个亿,连续两年的亏损,足以严重地削弱迈克尔.艾斯纳迪斯尼的威望,削弱了迈克尔.艾斯纳董事会的掌控力,那么收购计划启动后,就会简单很多。 However Michael Eisner is not a fool, this matter operates to be troublesome. 不过迈克尔.艾斯纳可不是傻子,这件事操作起来非常麻烦。 In the heart is thinking, Eric has remembered the Robert Shay form quickly, since the beginning of the year disturbance, Robert Shay and Michael Eisner have walked is very near, could do to make an issue in this regard. ( to be continued ) 心中思索着,艾瑞克很快想起了罗伯特.谢伊的身影,自从年初的风波之后,罗伯特.谢伊迈克尔.艾斯纳一直走的很近,或许可以在这点上做做文章。(未完待续)
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