IAIH :: Volume #4

#378: Finally income

Money as many as certain extent, originally will make people numb,” in the Firefly investment company Chris office, Chris the last Pe­tro­leum finalizing list will reorganize, gains ground says with emotion to Eric. “金钱多到一定程度,原来真的会使人麻木的,”萤火虫投资公司克里斯的办公室里,克里斯将最后一份期货交割单整理好,抬头对艾瑞克感慨道。 July time, because must operate one suddenly reaches as high as seven hundred million USD great sums of money, Chris entire one month has not rested well, all day was worried gingerly this sum of money will owe, but the Kuwaiti war erupts after August, looks at the fund in Pe­tro­leum account to soar day-by-day, Chris instead did not have many feelings. 七月的时候,因为突然要操作一笔高达七亿美元的巨款,克里斯整整一个月都没有休息好,整日战战兢兢地担心这笔钱会亏掉,但从八月份科威特战争爆发之后,看着期货账户上的资金一天天飞涨,克里斯反而没有了多少感觉。 Eric sits on the sofa, in hand is taking statistical returns, looks that the above profitability data said: Some people said that the wealth arrived at the certain extent has become a figure, but I thought that said was too artificial. The large amount wealth also means that the huge authority and aloof social position, as well as you can enjoy the average person the social resource that is hard to hope to attain. Because the rich men can realize huge energy that wealth brings, therefore that many talented people will be poor its lifetime time, pursues more wealth endlessly.” 艾瑞克坐在沙发上,手里拿着一份统计报表,看着上面的盈利数据说道:“有人说财富到达了一定程度就成了一个数字而已,不过我觉得这么说就太矫情了。巨额的财富也就意味着巨大的权力和超然的社会地位,以及你可以享受到普通人难以企及的社会资源。有钱人正是因为能够体会到财富带来的巨大能量,所以那么多人才会穷其一生的时间,无休止地去追求更多的财富。” Chris shakes the head with a smile: Eric, if every so often does not look at your face, I would thinking one are understanding thoroughly the middle-aged person of humans affair to talk with one.” 克里斯笑着摇摇头:“艾瑞克,很多时候如果不看你那张脸的话,我总会觉得自己是在跟一个洞明世事的中年人在对话。” Eric traces the smooth cheeks, said with a smile: It seems like I should try pogonotrophy, this can make me look like mature, but they do not like me keeping the appearance of beard, I already because more than once forgot that shaved is complained.” 艾瑞克摸了摸自己光滑的脸颊,也跟着笑道:“看来我应该尝试着蓄须,这样可以让我看起来成熟一点,不过她们都不太喜欢我留胡子的模样,我已经不止一次因为忘记刮胡子被人抱怨了。” Wow, they!” Chris aggravated behind that word, although in English they and they is a word, but is very easy from the Eric expression the direction that listens to him to say a word: Does not know how really you deal with that many women, my Emily person does not handle.” 哇哦,她们!”克里斯加重了后面那个单词,虽然英语中的‘他们’和‘她们’是一个词,不过从艾瑞克的语气中很容易听出他言语的指向:“真不知道你是怎么应付那么多女人的,我连艾米丽一个人都搞不定。” This explained that Emily is very lucky. She has run into a good man,” Eric thinks highly in a tone with said that Chris and Jeffrey disposition very like, is similar to the sexual relations Jeffrey prudent, is in love with Emily Brighton rushes to the marriage to go. Emily Brighton can also realize this point obviously. Although being together number of times are not many, Eric actually also discovered that Emily treasures among them very much the sentiment. “这说明艾米丽很幸运。她遇到了个的好男人,”艾瑞克语带恭维地说道,克里斯杰弗里的性格很像,在男女关系上也如同杰弗里那样慎重,与艾米丽.布莱顿谈恋爱就是奔着结婚而去的。艾米丽.布莱顿明显也能意识到这一点。虽然相处次数不多,艾瑞克却也发现艾米丽很珍惜两人之间的感情。 However Eric also discovered that Chris and Emily are the people who that type stronger, if they must in the same place, probably the person probably give in to another person for a long time, like wife such that Jeffrey and he elapses. The tips that recalled from Jeffrey in the past can see, Jeffrey in wife's marriage , the status that has been in the vindicator. 不过艾瑞克也发现,克里斯艾米丽都是那种非常要强的人,如果两人要长久地在一起,就必须有一个人要迁就另一个人,就像杰弗里和他逝去的妻子那样。从杰弗里以往回忆的点点滴滴可以看出,杰弗里在与妻子的婚姻中,一直都处于维护者的地位。 Thanks, Eric, we chat the present matter. What this sum of money do you plan to make?” “谢谢,艾瑞克,我们还是谈谈眼前的事情吧。这笔钱你打算做什么?” Eric looked at figure on the statistical returns, 3.6 billion 75 million, this is after various commissions and handling charges, in subtracting the final profit of capital, as one of the congenial transaction, in the handling charge of Pe­tro­leum transaction contained various tax revenues, therefore this sum of money completely belongs to Eric, even does not need to pay the high quota the personal income tax. This also lets a Eric most excited point. Otherwise, although this sum of money to come is very easy, but deducts reaches as high as 35% personal income taxes possibly is as before wild with rage the person. 艾瑞克又看了一眼统计报表上的数字,36亿7500万,这是除去各种佣金和手续费之后,在减去本金的最后盈利,作为投机交易的一种,期货交易的手续费中已经包含了各种税收,因此这笔钱是完全属于艾瑞克的,甚至不用缴纳高额的个人所得税。这也是让艾瑞克最兴奋的一点。否则的话,虽然这笔钱来的很容易,但扣除高达35%的个人所得税依旧可能把人气疯掉。 Insufficient. A lot in plan could not implement, I think, since the crude price doubled, then after ten times of release levers, at least can also make a time of profit, has not thought that only then I imagined half.” “还是不够。计划中的很多事情都实行不了,我原本以为既然原油价格增加了一倍,那么十倍杠杆之后,至少也能赚一倍的利润呢,没想到只有我想象中的一半。” „If not we a lot of time enters the arena ahead of time, has the match to take over a business. When five times of capital, are the half of capital not necessarily gain obtain. Do not look that these two months of crude oil Pe­tro­leum prices rose one time, but in August , the person who enters the arena can gain to over one time of capital suffices to smile to awake. Pe­tro­leum is different from the stock after all, Pe­tro­leum is one type to betting the contract, in situation that in the crude price crazily rises, will be silly without many people to the short-term in does spatially.” “如果不是我们提前很多时间进场,有对手接盘的话。别说时本金的五倍了,就是本金的一半都不一定赚得到。别看这两个多月原油期货价格涨了一倍,但八月之后进场的人能够赚到本金的一倍以上就够笑醒了。期货跟股票毕竟是不同的,期货是一种对赌合约,在原油价格一路狂涨的情况下,没有多少人会傻到短期内来做空。” I am certainly clear, but sighs with emotion, it seems like only then the anticipation war ended, came one time to do to empty again.” “我当然明白,只是感慨一下,看来只有期待战争结束的时候,再来一次做空了。” Chris somewhat speechless is looking at Eric: You also are really greedy, a person life can catch this kind of opportunity, was by the lucky goddess has kissed the rank. Many people know the war ended, the crude price will definitely drop, but the war has not started now, who can forecast when the war will end? The beforehand Korean War and Vietnam War have hit for several years, most people guessed that this war estimated also will hit for several years.” 克里斯有些无语地望着艾瑞克:“你还真是贪心,一个人一生能够抓到这样一次机会,就已经属于被幸运女神亲吻过的级别了。很多人都知道战争结束的时候,原油价格肯定会下降,但现在战争还没有开始,谁能预测战争会什么时候结束呢?之前的朝鲜战争、越南战争都打了好几年,大部分人都猜测这场战争估计也会打几年时间。” Eric has smiled self-confidently, this expression was just caught by Chris, remembers Eric several months ago is bewitched generally thinks that Donghoi erupted into the war, Chris has thought immediately another possibility, could not bear collect some, asked curiously: Eric, what won't this time you have to have a premonition?” 艾瑞克自信地笑了下,这个表情刚好被克里斯抓到,想起艾瑞克几个月前着魔一般认为中东会爆发战争,克里斯顿时想到了另外一种可能,忍不住凑过来一些,好奇地问道:“艾瑞克,这次你不会又有什么预感吧?” Almost, but this is not the premonition, but is I acts according to the reality to speculate, I thought that this war again so will not be absolutely time consuming to dozens years ago that several wars, if you pay attention to the related news, you can discover that this war will be a high-tech war, dozens years ago that huge-crowd strategy will not play the too major any role.” “差不多,不过这不是预感,而是我根据现实推测出来的,我觉得这场战争绝对不会再向几十年前的那几场战争那样旷日持久,如果你注意一下相关新闻的话,你就能够发现,这次战争将是一场高科技战争,几十年前的那种人海战术不会起到太大任何作用。” I have certainly read a lot of materials, but had not actually discovered anything that you said high-tech war. consider as finished, did not discuss this issue, even if were similar to such that you said that but went to war this matter, definitely was not one day two days, when the time comes we should have enough time layout. Said that this sum of money, you just said that what meaning also insufficiently is?” “我当然看过很多资料,不过却没有发现你说的什么‘高科技战争’。算了,不谈这个问题,就算如同你说的那样,但打仗这种事情,肯定不是一天两天的,到时候我们应该有足够的时间布局。还是说说这笔钱吧,你刚刚说还不够是什么意思?” Last year, Sony purchased Columbia spent 5 billion, one month ago, Japan Matsushita Financial group purchases Universal Pictures parent company MCA to spend six 1 billion, now my in the hand has 30 hundred million USD, naturally was insufficient.” “去年,索尼收购哥伦比亚花了5000000000,一个多月前,日本的松下财团收购了环球影业的母公司mca就花了六十亿,现在我手里却只有三十多亿美元,当然不够。” Chris one hear understood the Eric ambition, asked: „Do you plan to purchase big Film Studio?” 克里斯一听就明白了艾瑞克的野心,问道:“你打算收购一家大电影公司?” Naturally, therefore I said that this sum of money also by far insufficient, now purchases any big Film Studio, it is estimated that will not be less than 5 billion.” “当然,所以我才说,这笔钱还远远不够,现在收购任何一家大电影公司,估计都不会少于50亿。” If you if wants Metro Goldwyn Mayer, it is estimated that Kirk Kerkorian 1.5 billion very much to be glad to sell to you,” Chris cracks a joke said. “如果你要想米高梅的话,估计科克.科克里安15亿就很乐意卖给你,”克里斯开玩笑地说道。 Remembers the Metro Goldwyn Mayer present situation, the Eric corners of the mouth reveals wipes the taunt the happy expression: I did not receive the trash, Metro Goldwyn Mayer am played to abandon by that gambling city big shot, the database was blown the larger part, the distribution circuit large scale atrophy, the company did not have valuable series movie copyright, was taken away to do the hotel business including the property by that big shot, I could not find out Metro Goldwyn Mayer also to have any value.” ( to be continued ) 想起米高梅的现状,艾瑞克嘴角露出一抹嘲讽的笑意:“我可不收垃圾,米高梅已经被那位赌城大亨玩废了,片库被人刮走了一大半,发行渠道大幅度萎缩,公司也没有值钱的系列电影版权,连物业都被那位大亨拿去做酒店生意了,我想不出米高梅还有什么价值。”(未完待续)
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